• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,751 Views, 1,004 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Shotgun, Family, and Negotiation

STORM Agent Lightning Dust, like many field agents, was prepared for any sort of resistance to the arrest she was assigned to execute. You never knew how things were going to go. Sometimes, the detainee surrendered without a fight. Sometimes there was violence. Sometimes they just ran.

And sometimes, they were being protected by a surly senior citizen with a shotgun, accompanied by a burly looking fellow who stood there, with his rather impressive arms folded, the biceps visibly bulging, and a young twelve or thirteen-year-old girl with a slingshot.

“I thought I told you all to git!” said Granny Smith, gesturing with the weapon. She didn't have it pointed at Dust or her team, but it was in a position where it could easily be brought to bear.

“Ma'am, if you could please put down the weapon, I'll be happy to explain what's going on.”

“Oh, I know what's goin' on!” Granny snapped. “I know all about yer sneaky little guv'mint organization and how you been worryin' my granddaughter and her friends. Y'all can just toddle off back where ya came from, lessin' you want two barrels of rock salt in yer bee-hind, missy!”

“You tell her, Granny!” Apple Bloom cheered, pulling back the slingshot. “Ain't nobody takin' Applejack anywhere!”

“Nope,” added Big Mac. The biceps bulged a little more.

Dust sighed. She really didn't want to have to put in her report that she had to restrain a senior citizen. “Ma'am, I understand you're upset, but you really don't have any choice in the matter. If you continue to prevent me from executing this warrant, I'll be forced to arrest you and the rest of your family for obstruction of justice and I really don't want to do that.”

“And I don't wanna see any black suited goons on my property fixin' to make off with my granddaughter, yet here we are.” Granny Smith begain raising the shotgun. Agent Dust, along with the three other agents that had come with her, began reaching for their own weapons.

“What in tarnation's goin' on out here?!”

Every blinked as Applejack appeared from around the corner of the house, carrying six bushel baskets of apples, stacked in two towers of three. She blinked as she saw the stand off. Dust stared even harder as the farm girl put the baskets down and walked over, not a sign of exertion on her face. Not even a light sweat.

The one with enhanced strength. Oh, damn, I hope we brought enough tranquilizers.

The agents didn't relax as Applejack walked over to the front porch. She adjusted her hat, glanced at Agent Dust, then turned to face her family.

“Granny, put that thing down. Ain't gonna help none, and you know it! Same for you, Apple Bloom!”

“They're here to take you away!” Apple Bloom wailed. “That ain't right!”

“And I ain't lettin' some fancy pants guv'mint spook come here on our land and start causin' trouble!” Granny said, gesturing again with the shotgun.

“Eeeyup,” said Big Mac, unfolding his arms and clenching his fists. The STORM agents produced their own weapons. Applejack quickly put her own hands out.

“Whoa, hang on! Nobody do nothin' they're gonna regret!” She looked at Dust. “Can ya give me a second to calm 'em down?”

“I AM calm!” Granny snapped. Applejack shot her a look.


Granny Smith frowned, but lowered the shotgun. Applejack moved her glare over to Apple Bloom, who blushed and put her slingshot away before moving slightly behind her grandmother. Applejack let out an irritated sigh and glanced up at Big Mac.

“Y'all gonna behave while I get this sorted out?” she asked. Big Mac looked at his sister, then at the agents, and back again.


Applejack nodded and turned to Dust. “Y'all mind puttin' yer gun away? It's makin' everybody nervous.”

Dust gestured at Granny with her head. “Not while she's holding that.”

“Yer men can keep theirs out,” Applejack said. “I just want you to put yours away.”

Dust quirked an eyebrow, then tilted her head back slightly. “Keep your weapons handy, but don't do anything unless they do first. Understand?”

There were noises of assent. Dust returned her gun to her holster. Applejack folded her arms.

“Y'all with STORM?”

“That's right.”

“Yer here for me?”

“Also right.”

Applejack nodded. “Y'all got a warrant?”

“I do.”

“May I see it, please?”

Dust reached into her jacket again and produced the warrant. Applejack looked it over, and handed it back. “Guess ya saw what I can do.”

“I did.”

“Guess ya also know that means cuffs ain't gonna be much use.”

“We came prepared for that.”

Applejack nodded again. “If'n I come quietly, y'all agree to leave my family alone? No charges. No accessories after the fact. No obstruction or anything like that?”

Dust considered for a moment then: “I think that would be an acceptable situation.”

“Gimme yer hand, then.”

Dust blinked. “Why?”

“We're gonna shake on it, and let me tell you somethin' else about me. I can spot a lie a mile away, so if yer tryin' anything funny, I'll know and all bets are off. Do we have an understandin'?”

Dust glanced behind her to her team, indicating they should be ready for anything. She extended her hand.

“Applejack, you git your behind back up here on this porch now!” Granny Smith ordered. Applejack turned to face her.

“Ain't yer call, Granny. And if this keeps y'all out of trouble, it's worth it.”

“The hell it is!” Granny snarled. “Ain't nobody takin' anymore of this family anywhere without my say so!”

Granny raised the shotgun, but before anyone could do anything, Applejack's hand shot up and crushed the double barrels.

“Quit bein' a dadblamed stubborn fool!” she snapped. “Ain't no sense in bringin' down more trouble than we already got! They got a warrant, I gotta go with 'em!”

“It ain't fair! You didn't do anything!” whined Apple Bloom.

Applejack looked back at Dust. “Can I get a minute?”

“You have two. Then we have to go. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” Applejack turned to face her family and held out her arms to her little sister. Apple Bloom collapsed into the offered hug.

“No,” Applejack began. “It ain't fair, and it ain't right. But I can handle myself. Y'all don't need to put yourselves in danger on my account.”

“I ain't ever gonna see you again!” Apple Bloom's voice was muffled. “First Mom and Dad, and now you!”

Applejack gently stroked her sister's hair. “Maybe, maybe not. I dunno what's gonna happen, sugarcube. But right now, my only priority is makin' sure you're safe, and the best way to do it is to go with these people without makin' a fuss.” She looked at her brother and grandmother. “Any of us.”

Granny Smith sniffled and Big Mac put an arm around her shoulders. Applejack gave them a sad smile and pulled back from Apple Bloom. “In the meantime, until this all gets straightened out, I need ya to do somethin' for me, okay?”

Agent Dust cleared her throat. “Miss Applejack? We need to go now.”

“Just a couple more seconds, please!” Applejack called over her shoulder. She reached up, removed her hat and plunked it onto Apple Bloom's head. “Keep an eye on this for me, will ya? Don't wanna lose it while I'm gone.”

Apple Bloom let out a choked sob and nodded. Tears filled her eyes, and Applejack's began to do the same in sympathy. She hugged her sister again and stepped back.

“I'll be fine,” she told Granny. “I promise.”

“You – “ Granny sniffled. “You better get back here in one piece, missy! Harvest time's around the corner!”

“Yes'm. As soon as I can.” She looked over at Big Mac. “Y'all can handle my chores for a bit?”


Applejack smiled. “I love ya, ya big galoot.”

Big Mac returned the smile. “Love you too, sis.”

Applejack let out a deep sigh and turned around to face Dust. “All right, let's go.”

Dust took one of the girl's arms and another agent stepped up to take the other. They began walking back toward the SUV parked in the driveway. Applejack looked behind her to see her family huddled on the porch, watching her go. She gave them a smile and climbed into the back of the SUV. A few moments later, the vehicle rumbled off out of the cul-de-sac.

The rest of the Apples stayed there until the tail lights vanished.

Author's Note:

I may be a cliffhanging bastard... but I'm not THAT much of a bastard.

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