• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,763 Views, 1,005 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Chase, Recklessness, and Overconfidence

“She's going to turn!” cried Agent Lightning Dust.

“I see her!” said Agent Rain. He slammed on the brakes and spun the wheel, causing the sedan to drift dangerously into oncoming traffic. Dust felt herself leaning in the opposite direction, certain that the car was about to flip over from the sheer force of the turn.

A rainbow streak flashed out of the corner of her eyes as the car straightened out and headed down the road, horns angrily sounding behind them. Dust turned her head and scowled at the smirking face that was keeping pace with them.

“'Sup!” Rainbow Dash chirped. “You know I could easily ditch you guys and be in Manehattan before you even get out of town, right?”

Dust replied by firing a tranquilizer gun at the girl. Rainbow's eyes widened and she began putting distance between herself and the car. Darts flew after her, most bouncing off the road and the buildings on the curb. Metallic pings dopplered away behind the sedan.

Except one.

Rainbow felt a stinging pain in her right leg. She looked down to see a dart sticking out of her inner calf, right above the top of her shoe. She glanced over at the STORM vehicle. Dust grinned and saluted her with the gun.

Shit shit shit shit SHIT! Rainbow thought, her eyes rapidly scanning the road ahead. She didn't know much about tranquilizer darts, but if the movies were anything to go by, it was going to hit her soon and she needed to be somewhere safe before it kicked in.

She took a hard left and wooshed down an alley, then another and another before coming to a stop at a side street. She quickly looked from side to side, then dashed out, not seeing any of the STORM agents. She began running, but staggered as her leg started to go numb. She reached down, yanked out the dart and tossed it aside. She gripped her geode and started running again, but only managed to go a couple of blocks before she tripped over her own feet.

She got back up, ignoring the stares she was getting from the pedestrians. She limped her way along for a few moments, when the agents' car came around the corner. Rainbow cursed under her breath, then got an idea. It was a stupid idea and probably really dangerous, but considering her eyelids were starting to droop and her brain was feeling fuzzy, there didn't seem to be much of a choice.

Rainbow concentrated, ignoring the drowsiness overtaking her, and ponied up. She flexed her wings and shot into the air. She heard a screech and looked down, seeing the car come to a stop. Dust and Rain piled out of the car and were looking up. Rainbow gave them the finger and flew off over the rooftops.

Dust pulled out her phone and called Tempest. “Ma'am, she's... flown off. Yes, ma'am, wings. She's heading east from Berrow Avenue.”

Rainbow shook her head and lightly slapped her face. “Come on, stay awake. You still need to find somewhere to hide.”

The tranquilizer was hitting her hard now. Everything felt heavy. Her head kept sagging as sleep tried to over take her. Her wings were flapping slower and slower. She held them steady, gliding on the air currents as much as she could.

“Somewhere... anywhere...” she murmured. She made a turn, then yelped as the side of a building loomed up in front of her. The surprise jolted her awake enough to regain a little speed and fly up to the top of the building.

And suddenly, her wings gave out. She crashed to the roof and rolled across the hard surface, her wings, ears, and ponytail vanishing. She came to a stop, resting on her back. She pushed herself into a sitting position, despite her body's protests. She got to her knees, then tried to get to her feet. She managed to do so and started running, staggering almost instantly.

She fought to keep herself upright and managed to make her way to the edge of the building. She could see CHS in the distance and she nodded.

Gotta... make it... get help... yeah...

She reached up and tried to grab her geode. It was tough. Her fingers didn't seem to want to stay attached to her hand. Her tongue felt thick and heavy in her mouth. She slapped her hand against her chest a couple of times. Where was that damn rock? She needed to... to...

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell forward off the top of the building. It wasn't tall. Only three stories, and fortunately for the unconscious athlete, there was a large awning over the door of the cafe on the ground floor.

She hit the awning, which bounced her a couple of times, before she tore through it and crashed onto a table, rolling off onto the patio. The diners crowded around her. One server knelt down and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the teenager's chest rising and falling.

The server got up and was about to call for her manager, when Tempest arrived with two other agents. The two other suits pushed the crowd back as the Tempest put a couple of fingers to Rainbow's throat and nodded when she felt a pulse. She got up and turned back to her agents.

“She's alive. Get her into the car. We'll check for damage when she's processed.”

Tempest looked around at the startled crowd. She held up her ID.

“We're with the government. This person is under arrest. We apologize for interrupting your meal.”

It took a few minutes of speaking with the manager, but soon Tempest was able to get back to her own car. Lightning Dust and Spring Rain had arrived in the meantime. Rainbow had been put in the back of their car. Tempest pulled out her phone and called Agent Sands.

“Where do we stand?” she demanded.

“From what I can tell, we have five of the seven POIs in custody,” said Dust.

“Right,” Tempest said. “Agent Sands, you're on Fluttershy. Agent Dust, take the POI to the rendezvous point. Don't forget to confiscate that necklace. Then keep looking for Sunset Shimmer. She has to be somewhere in town.”

“Are you sure?” Dust asked. “If I were her, I'd probably be heading out of town by now.”

“Oh, she's still here,” Tempest smirked. “She has her friends to worry about.”

“Roger that,” came Agent Sands' voice. “And you, ma'am?”

Tempest straightened her jacket. “I'll be meeting up with Commander Flint. We still have the cryptid to deal with.”

Dust nodded, then piled back into her car with Agent Rain. Tempest ended the call with Sands and got back into her own vehicle. As she pulled into traffic she allowed herself a smile.

This day was turning out to be better than she had hoped.

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