• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,750 Views, 1,004 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Visits, Phone Calls, and Contact

The moon rose over Canterlot City. Across the suburbs and downtown, lights began disappearing in windows as the inhabitants settled down for the evening. But, even with the day winding down, there were still some who were still quite active.

Fluttershy was finishing up her Algebra II homework when she heard the tapping on her bedroom window. She looked up at the sound and went to see what was causing it. Outside the window was a large bear with a concerned look on its face. Fluttershy blinked and opened the window.

“Harry? You know you're not supposed to come this far into town. Did something happen?”

Harry let out some low grunts and growls. They were tinged with a note of melancholy. Fluttershy's geode glowed as it translated for her.

“Frank's missing? For how long?” she asked.

More grunts. “A week? That's not like him at all.”

Harry growled his agreement, then let out a miserable whimper. Fluttershy smiled gently, and stroked the bear's muzzle. “I know. I'd miss him too if I were in your position.”

She pulled back her hand and began biting her thumb in thought. “You checked all his usual feeding and napping grounds?”

Harry nodded. Fluttershy returned it. “Okay, is there anywhere else he might have gone? Up river, maybe? He could be trying a new fishing spot.”

Harry's large head moved ponderously back and forth and he let out more growls. Fluttershy's frown deepened.

“You thought of that already. No luck, huh? Hmmm. Maybe he went to an old den from before you two met. Are there any of those around here?”

Harry's face assumed an expression of concentration then seemed to brighten. He chuffed and grunted excitedly. Fluttershy's frown turned into a smile.

“Over on the east side of town? Near Sweet Apple Acres?”

Harry's grown was quizzical.

“The apple farm,” Fluttershy clarified. Another growl, this one in the affirmative.

“All right,” said Fluttershy. She leaned out the window and gave the bear a reassuring squeeze. “I'll look into it. Don't worry. I'm sure we'll find him.”

Harry let out a low rumble and began making his way back to the woods. After he left, Fluttershy frowned in thought. An idea had occurred to her. One she didn't like in the slightest.

Rarity removed her new paperweight from the sewing machine pedal on top of her desk, causing it to stop. She pulled the magenta fabric from it and looked her handiwork over.

“Hmmm. Yes, this will do. But it needs something else. Something to make it pop.”

She put her current project down and slid into her wheelchair. Using the braces was nice, but it had been a long day, and the interview with Agent Shadow had be particularly draining. She wheeled around her bed and grabbed her laptop from where it rested. A few seconds on Oodle and she had what she was looking for. Her eyes danced over the images the search had come up with.

“No. No. Too flashy. Too big. Ugh... darling, really. Who put you in that thing? And more importantly, were they color blind? It does nothing for your skin tone. Hmmm... there has to be something! Without it this project is doomed!”

Rarity threw her head back and pressed the back of her hand to her forehead, letting out a dramatic wail. “DOOMED, I TE-EH-EH-ELL YOU!”

From the floor behind her, Opalescence looked up from the toy she was idly batting around and let out a disinterested chuff. Rarity looked over her shoulder and frowned at her.

“You, young lady, are being decidedly unhelpful,” she huffed. She looked back at the images on her screen, loaded the next page, and blinked. A grin spread across her face. “Oh, yesssss. Yes! This is PERFECT! I'll have to visit the mall tomorrow to get it, but... WAIT! THRIFT STOOOOORE! They're bound to have something vintage enough for it to work! Oh, Rarity, you are a genius!”

She put the computer down and wheeled back to her desk. Her phone rang as she got there.

“Hello? Fluttershy, darling! How good to hear from you. What? Who visited... oh. Um, yes. Of course I remember. He was... very nice. What? Darling, I need you to slow down. You're acting like Pinkie Pie when we made the mistake of letting her buy those cotton candy coated marshmallows.”

Rarity listened for a moment, and her eyes widened. “My goodness! Have you called Sunset? She should know about this. She didn't?”

Rarity glanced at the clock and winced slightly as she realized how late it was. “Even if she was working tonight, she should be home by now. I'll try calling her myself. If that doesn't work, we may have to wait until tomorrow. Yes. I know, but there's very little we can do about it now. All right. Try not to let it worry you too much and I will see you in the morning. Yes, I'll text if I get ahold of her. Good night, darling.”

Rarity ended the call and tapped Sunset's number. The phone rang several times before going to voice mail. Rarity frowned as the message played and the beep came.

“Sunset, darling, could you please call either myself or Fluttershy as soon as you get this? We think we might have an idea about where the thing in the woods came from. Please call us back.”

She paused for a moment. “I know things have been stressful for you of late, Sunset. Please remember that we're all here for you. You don't have to try to solve this all on your own. Call me as soon as you can, okay? Good night, darling.”

She ended the call and sighed. She looked at the clock again, and got ready for bed. Once she was situated and the lights were off, she picked up her phone again.

A sleepy voice answered. “Rarity? What in tarnation are you doin' up so late?”

“I'm so sorry to bother you, Applejack,” Rarity said. “But I'm feeling a bit lonely right now. Could we talk for a few minutes?”

There was silence then. “Sure thing, sugarcube.”

Rarity snuggled into the bedclothes and began to speak.

Tempest Shadow was having a late dinner at a small cafe near her hotel. She was feeling frustrated. The interviews at Canterlot High had confirmed her suspicions that Sunset Shimmer and her friends were at the center of everything going on in this town. She was sure of it. But being sure didn't translate into proof. And proof was what the Director wanted more than anything.

The interview with Dean Cadance had proven to be just as frustrating as dealing with Principal Celestia. The same story, the same excuses, the same everything. Sure, it proved that Cadance was most likely colluding with everyone else in keeping the truth from her, but that only made Tempest angrier.

What were they hiding? That was the maddening thing. Something was being hidden, but Tempest had no clue what it could be. What could possibly be so weird that it would require a conspiracy of silence between the student bodies of two school, their chief administrators and possibly even a local summer camp?

And then there was Sunset Shimmer. The girl was the biggest question mark of all. No records, no parents, and her friends seemed inordinately protective of her. Why? If she truly had been the kind of terror that would cause someone to assault her years later, why on earth were her friends so loyal?

Even Dropsy wasn't that trusting, Tempest thought as she sipped her coffee. She paused. She had been thinking a lot about Glitter Drops today. Most of the afternoon, in fact. Memories had been surfacing throughout her interview with Dean Cadance and afterward.

Tempest looked straight ahead, not really seeing what was in front of her. In fact, it started right as I –

The thought was cut off as she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. She put the cup down and pulled it out. It wasn't a number she recognized. She rolled her eyes and answered it, expecting it to be a robocall or something equally inane.


“Yes, hello.” The voice was feminine, low, and extremely formal. “Is this Agent Shadow?”

“It is,” Tempest responded. “Who am I speaking with?”

“My name is Abacus Cinch,” the voice answered. “I understand you are interested in speaking with me.”

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