• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,763 Views, 1,005 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Cover, Unravelling, and Blindsiding

Luna's suspicions were roused when Tempest came back to the conference room. The agent had stalked out of the room when they decided to break for lunch, clearly irritated with how the interviews had gone so far. Now, she looked like she was back in control. There was a glint in her eyes that the vice principal did not like.

“Welcome back,” Luna said as the agents resumed her seat. “Who would you like to speak to next?”

“You,” Tempest answered.

Luna blinked. “Me?”

“And your sister, but since you're here, let's talk,” said Tempest. “I'd like you to tell me about Sunset Shimmer. You mentioned she was a problem student in the past. As the head of discipline, you'd know what that entailed.”

“I don't see what relevance – “

Tempest leaned forward. “It's relevant because her name keeps popping up all over this investigation. It's relevant because until approximately three years ago there's no record of her in the Canterlot school system. It's relevant, Vice Principal, because I say it's relevant.”

Now it was Luna's turn to frown. “You seem to have a very high opinion of yourself, Agent Shadow.”

The corners of Tempest's mouth turned up. She leaned back. “You're right, I do. But if you don't want to discuss Miss Shimmer, we could always talk about you.”

Again, Luna blinked, and again she asked. “Me?”

“You'd know all about how to spot a problem student. After all, don't you have a juvenile record?”

Luna's eyes widened. “How did you know about that?”

“STORM has plenty of contacts throughout law enforcement,” Tempest said. “As well as access to their case files. Naturally, that record is sealed but the police reports aren't. One detective in CCPD seemed to think you might have been responsible for some early internet... shenanigans, shall we say? Particularly as pertains to the Manehattan blackout about fifteen years ago. He couldn't prove it, of course, but he suspected you were operating under the alias of NightmareMoon.”

Tempest watched the administrator. Luna's poker face was good, but she saw several muscle cues that indicated she had hit pay dirt. Tension in the shoulders and jaw, a slight deepening of the frown. The vice principal took a breath and let it out through her nose.

“I don't see what this has to do with your investigation,” said Luna.

Gotcha. Tempest thought. “Just something interesting that happened about a week ago. NightmareMoon emerged online and seemed to be asking about STORM and what we do. Naturally, we take and interest in anyone who has an interest in us.”

“I can't possibly imagine why.” The sarcasm coming from Luna was so thick you could spread it on toast.

Tempest was silent for a moment then made a show of arranging the files and notes neatly in front of her. “So, about Sunset Shimmer?”

“Sunset Shimmer was home schooled up until the death of her parents. After that, she was enrolled here in the eighth grade. She did not take to the change very well and soon became very aggressive toward the other students.”

“If that's the case, why hasn't she been expelled?” Tempest asked.

Luna paused for a moment, then sighed. “To be brutally honest with you, it was a matter of evidence. Sunset was very meticulous in her bullying. While some students did complain, any investigation of the matter failed to turn up anything that merited stronger punishment than an official reprimand.”

Tempest's frown returned. “How exactly did she do that?”

“I think you may be misunderstanding what I mean by bullying. Sunset never got physical with anyone. She tended to work in much subtler ways. Usually with a network of lies, social isolation, peer pressure, and blackmail.”


“The usual things you'd expect,” Luna explained. “She'd find out about some infraction of the rules other students had committed and hold that over them to get them to do what she wanted. Again, she was extremely subtle about all of this. We only know as much as we do because she made a full confession when she decided to turn over a new leaf.”

“You mentioned that,” Tempest said. “How did that happen? It sounds like she essentially ruled the school.”

“In a way, she did. But then came last year's Fall Formal. A group of students got to talking among themselves and discovered Sunset's web of deceit and stood up to her. They managed to unite the student body and have them vote someone else Princess of the Fall Formal. Sunset did not take her loss well.”

“I fail to see how this caused her to decide to change her ways.”

“It didn't. The gas leak did.” Luna leaned forward, resting her forearms on the table. “Sunset left the gym that night extremely angry. However, as soon as she got out of the building, something happened that ignited the leak. She was caught in the blast. None of us are sure how she survived. All I know is that when everyone at the dance that night emerged through the hole where the front of the building used to be, she was at the bottom of the crater the explosion made.”

“So it took a near-death experience to make her change?” Tempest's voice was skeptical.

Luna shrugged. “Apparently. Ever since then, Sunset made amends to the people she wronged and has been a model student.”

“Who were they?” Tempest asked.

“I beg your pardon?”

“The students who stood up to Miss Shimmer. I'd like to talk to them as well.”

“You already will be. They're Sunset's best friends these days.”

Tempest pursed her lips. “The Rainbooms?”

Luna nodded. “The Rainbooms. They reached out to her afterward and now they're fairly close.”

Tempest stared at Luna. “You expect me to believe that?”

“It makes no difference to me whether you believe me or not, Agent Shadow,” said Luna. “It's the truth.”

“I see. Well, thank you for your candor, Vice-Principal.” Tempest stood up. “And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to have a word with your sister.”

“I'll join you,” Luna stood as well.

“That won't be necessary. It won't take long.”

The agent left the conference room, leaving Luna to stare after her. Tempest made her way down the hall and knocked on the principal's open door. Celestia looked up from her laptop and smiled.

“Agent Shadow, please come in.”

Tempest entered the office and took a seat. Celestia finished typing something, then set the computer aside. “How are the interviews going?”

“They've been... informative,” Tempest replied. She pulled out her phone and brought up her notes. “While we broke for lunch, however, something came up that I think you might be able to help me with. I'd like to ask about one of your students.”

Celestia smiled. She had expected the STORM agent would have questions about Sunset Shimmer eventually. “I'm happy to assist you in any way that I can.”

“Good,” said Tempest. She crossed her legs and returned Celestia's smile. “What can you tell me about the disappearance of Firecracker Burst?”

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