• Published 4th Aug 2012
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Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

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Through the Forest and the Flames

Honored Above All Else
Chapter 12
By Honored Service

“Just take a right on Trotting Road and then turn right at the fork in the path.” The purple stallion pointed a hoof down the road. He was shaking slightly as I may have seemed a little terrifying since I was covered in dried mud, blood, scars, and scratches. Also my nice duster was now shredded and torn in the back and the two swords protruding off my back certainly didn't scream friendly. And the huge knife on my leg. Plus the fact that I was tall, bipedal, ancient species that hasn't been seen in over two thousand years.

And having Nightmare constantly make my eyes glow red certainly wasn't helping me seem less horrifying.

“Hey thanks, buddy.” I smiled, but I guess I wasn't to convincing as the pony just jumped into the air and sped off into the opposite direction.

Friendly sort of character, wasn't he?

“No, you kept scaring him with the eye thing. But at least we got directions.” I sighed and adjusted the straps on my slightly worn old backpack. The Nightmare and I had been chasing Ahuizotl for the better part of three weeks now. We tracked him using Nightmare’s powers and by simply asking ponies or other sentient creatures along the way if they had seen a large blue cat thing running along.

The current map that I had, which I ‘borrowed’ from a pony wearing a Hawaiian style shirt and taking photos in a small village outside of the swamp, showed that we were moving AWAY from the Equestrian border in this land of Mythartica. I groaned as I added another dot to the map sowing our current path along the map. We had just left a small town called Seaddle. Nice place.

I say we forget about that ol’ mean pussy cat, head back home and go meet some alicorns or something. Maybe get within touching distance?

“One, shut up. Two, fuck that. And three, I'm not leaving a bad guy, roaming around the world, with my GOD DAMN RIFLE!” I screamed and kicked a rock out of my way. It flew through the air and hit a tree, ricocheting back and nailing me in the forehead.

“Oh for the love of shit.” I rubbed the growing knot on my head and glared at the offending rock.

It’s like everything you do is just one long, never ending joke.

“Just… just be quite.” I trudged along the dirt road searching for Ahuizotl, hoping that today might be the day I run into the damn cat.

The purple stallion had said he spotted him along this path not too long ago. This would be the closest we've been to getting him in the past three weeks. Which is strange considering that he has always been at least a couple days ahead of us. He must have gotten lazy and stopped somewhere.

“Remember, if we see him, I'm going to need all your help I can. He has that rifle now, and I don’t think you need any reminder on how powerful it can be.” I turned to the right in the fork in the road and frowned as I saw the path lead straight into a dark forest looking area. Low hanging branches. Lots of cover. Dim lighting.

Ambush central.

Now if this doesn't scream, ‘I’m in here, just waiting for you’.

“At least it isn’t a swamp.” I pulled out the golden sword, which I nick named Zappy, because of the sparks of lightning that flew out of it whenever it struck something. I gripped the sword in my right hand and also drew Spike with the left hand. I was going to be prepared to fight Ahuizotl this time. No more surprise attacks.

I stared at the entrance to the forest. Everything I knew about tactics and leadership told me that entering that place was a bad idea. But I either wanted my rifle back, or I needed to destroy it. Anything was better than letting Ahuizotl have my weapon.

So what’s the plan? Just stumble in there blind. No wait, let’s just skip through the forest whistling. It’s like he never will know we’re coming.

“Listen Nightmare, we don’t have a lot of options. It’s kind of a straight shot into the woods and from their just beating him.” I took a tentative step forward into the forest. A light breeze rolled by and shifted the branches ahead of me. I peered into the woods and at all of the trees. Behind every one of them could be Ahuizotl, waiting to put a bullet through my skull. That is if he even figured out how to get the rifle to work.

“Well let’s just push through. Hell, he might not even be in there and we can just head to the next town.”

Now you say things like that-


The tree branch inches from my head exploded into hundreds of wooden splinters that flew through the air and imbedded themselves across the right side of my body. I dropped to the ground, howling in pain as another ear shattering gunshot rang out through the forest.

I dropped my pistol to the ground and dug at the splinters that were fixed in the side of my face. I managed to get a few out and wiped the blood out of eye so I could see clearly. Well clearer. I picked up the pistol and slowly raised my head out of the dirt and low crawled forward to a tree trunk.

“Are you dead human?” That queer voice called out from the darkness. It was taunting me. Trying to get my pride to cause me to do something stupid. I wiped more blood off my face and gripped my weapons tighter.

So Ahuizotl did know how to use my rifle. At least he only had twenty bullets left. Something like that. I had been on my last mag when the rifle was taken from me. I angled the sword next to my head, and used the blade as a mirrior and peered around the tree.

Tree, tree, another tree, and oh my god another tree. Where the hell was the fire coming from!

“If I was a blue cat, where would I be to get the drop on some guy?” I thought aloud while drawing my sword back and clicking the safety of the pistol.

Oh man that’s a tuff one. Cats totally don’t climb trees and shit.

“Ah, okay lucky guess.” I angled the sword again and this time looked up into the dimly lit tree tops. And sure enough, perched high up on some branches was Ahuizotl, cradling my fucking rifle in his paws. And aiming it right at me.


The ground around me exploded, as dirt and grass flew across my field of vision as I ducked back around the tree. I could feel every bullet as it struck the tree, which brought back memories of the first time I fired that weapon into a tree with magical rounds. I dove away from the tree into a low muddy ditch along the road just as bullets blew through the side of the tree, knocking a hole through the five foot wide trunk.

Somehow I feel that that rifle was the only thing that made you so great.

“Shut the hell up!” I screamed as another volley of fire ripped into the ground around me. What the fuck, I know he must have used all the ammo. He couldn’t have more. There were no more shells. No more gunpowder. And he certainly didn’t know how to make bullets.

I jumped out of the ditch and fired the pistol ahead of me at the spot Ahuizotl was still sitting. The 9mm magical bullets broke apart in mid-flight, sending quadruple the amount of bullets at their target. Ahuizotl jumped from branch to branch as my rounds ravished the threes above me.

“GET SOME!” I screamed above the combined retorts of the rifle and pistol. Leaves and Branches rained down from above, while dirt and grass flew up from the ground. I was running and firing my weapon at Ahuizotl as he leapt down from the trees coming straight at me firing the rifle.

I could see the hate and evil in his eyes as we closed in on each other. I knew at this distance we could easily blow each other apart with one magical round so each shot would have to count.



I pulled the trigger at the blue creature’s head the same time he leveled the rifle at my head and squeezed the trigger.



Time seemed to stop as I stared at my empty handgun and back up into the confused face of Ahuizotl. But I reacted first. With all of my might, I pulled my arm back and threw the pistol at his face as hard as I could. I smiled as the Berretta made a solid ‘thunk’ against his forehead.

“Boo Yay!” I yelled while reaching over my head and drawing my other sword. I touched the blades together so the magical lightning from the gold one sparked and arched across to the diamond one. “It’s over fur ball.” I brandished the weapons to my side and charged at the retreating blue cat, dragging the weapons along the ground as I chased him.

Ahuizotl jumped into the air trying to reach a branch to begin climbing the trees. “Oh hell no!” I chucked a sword forward at the low hanging tree limb and laughed with glee as it sliced the branch in half and dropped the fleeing cat back onto the dirt path. I jumped over him and grabbed the sword and kicked off the tree coming to a kneeling position in front of Ahuizotl. “This ends here. And I will be leaving with my rifle.” I stood up and slowly walked up to him, twirling my swords around in my palms as he backed up into the base of tree.

“Human, I was only trying to-“ Ahuizotl began to say before I placed both swords across his neck in a X shape.

“Save it for someone who cares Ahuizotl, because I sure as hell don’t.”

Let’s end this damn goose chase human. Finish him.

I was about to slide the blades across his throat when I noticed something hanging off of Ahuizotl’s neck. It was a dark green satchel. And his tail was slowly digging around inside of it. Before I could stop him, I was knocked backwards by his hind legs. I looked up from the ground as his tail pulled out a small rectangular black shape.

“No.” Was all I could say as I stared at him. Using his tail he maneuvered the shape into the bottom of my damn rifle.

Did he figure it out?

Yes.” My mind was racing as I tried to think of a way to beat him. He now had ammo for a rifle, while I had two swords, a knife, and half a clip of ammo for my pistol…which was laying in the dirt somewhere behind me when I had thrown it into his face. FUCK!

“Well human, once again it seems that you have underestimated me and now you will be on the receiving end of this beautiful masterpiece of power. I simply can’t thank you enough for delivering it to me. It will come in handy while I take over Equestria.”

I slowly began to inch backwards, “How did you make more bullets?” I asked, trying to stall the villain before he could end my life. It was long shot, but if I could reach the pistol, I might be able to turn this around.

Ahuizotl rose onto his back legs and walked towards me while stroking my rifle! ‘I'm going to obliterate this asshole.’ Was all I could think as I continued to back up and he continued to walk towards me.

“I'm so glad that you asked. It was actually a stroke of genius on my part. And bullets? So that’s what they are called. Sounds much more professional than magic wonder rocks, that was the original name for them. But I guess bullets doesn’t sound so… childish.”

Okay maybe letting him kill me would be better off than listening to him talk.

Will you please kill him already. I'm getting tired of this villain thing.

“You? Please, you did it all the time.”

But at least I sounded cool. He just sounds like… what was that thing you said a while ago…he sounds like a…

“A giant waste of space taking up precious air that could go a more suitable purpose.” I sighed and continued to scoot backwards on the ground, feeling around with my hands for my pistol. It had to be close by. I could see the scuff marks and bullet holes in the ground from our first contact.

“And then I got the unicorn, under claw-point of course, to just whisk up some magical propellant to send the little chunk of metal through the barrel. Simple as that. I mean I did have to get a blacksmith to create more of the bullet holder things.”

“Magazines?” I couldn’t believe this guy. Evil, dumb, and he was a total jack off.

“Hmmm once again sounds a lot better than magic wonder rock container holder. Thanks for the names human, and now you die.” He shifted the gun easily in his paw and aimed the end of the rifle right at my head.

Human do something. The Nightmare pleaded inside my mind.

“Wait have you even test fired your new bullets? I mean how silly would you look if you pulled the trigger and nothing happened? Are you sure you want to risk it?” I asked as my hand slid over a smooth piece of metal. Hello Spike.

“You’re right.” Ahuizotl turned to the right and pointed the M16A2 at a tree across the path.


The rifle kicked back in his paw, the muzzle flashing brilliant neon blue. The tree literally exploded across its diameter . Granted it was only about three feet thick, but it toppled over through the forest. Like it had been chopped down with an axe.

“So haha I guess it works.” I gulped as I fumbled with the pistol behind my back. I dropped the empty clip out and slid in my final clip with only seven rounds left. “Well then have at me.” I placed my thumb on the slide catch and released the slide on the Berretta.


“What was that?” Ahuizotl said looking down at the rifle in his hands.

Before he could react, I took my opening. I pushed off the ground with my hands and swung out my right leg; catching the rifle in dead center and kicking it lose from his paws. It sailed up into the air out of the blue villain’s reach. I dropped down and aimed the pistol at Ahuizotl’s chest, and squeezed the trigger once.


“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Ahuizotl clutched the his chest and stumbled backwards till he his back slammed against a tree and he slid down to the ground till he came to rest in a sitting position. I jumped forward and caught the rifle as it flew and spun around so I was facing the dying mythical creature.

“It’s not fair. I… I was going to win.” He coughed up a glob of blood and pulled his paw away to revile four small holes in a near perfect square in the center of his chest. I shrugged and holstered the pistol. I gripped my rifle and examined it closely. It seemed the same, except for something scratched into the side of the rifle right above the magazine port. Mother fucker.

Ahuizotl had carved a cat’s paw into my beautiful rifle.

Oh wow, doesn't that look classy. It just screams I'm lethal.

“Shut the hell up Nightmare, at least I got my baby back.” I looked at the dark green satchel Ahuizotl still had on. I leaned over to grab it when I noticed something move out of the corner of my eye. I jumped backwards as his paw sliced up at my throat. The sharp claws caught the collar of my armored chest piece and collar of duster adding three new slices into it.

I pointed the rifle at Ahuizotl and sighed. Maybe being the good guy was getting tiresome because it always seemed like I would take one step towards home and then get knocked back by some villain. I looked at Ahuizotl’s elongated face on last time before squeezing the trigger.

The forest lit up neon blue for a brief moment. I opened my eyes to see a headless cat body slump to the ground, blood pouring from what use to be Ahuizotl’s neck.

Well don’t you have something to say?

“Like what? I got the bad guy, got my rifle, and,” I grabbed the satchel and wiped off some gore and fur, and tossed it around my neck and shoulder, “got some ammo for said rifle. I think I'm all set to head home. Finally.” I smiled for the first time in a few weeks. Home. Canterlot, first, get the rest of my belongings and sort everything out with the guards and Princesses. Then see Fast Skies. That should be nice. And then maybe if I had enough time that day, go to Ponyville and see about that plot of land from Pine Needle.

You usally always end something like this with a pun or a witty-ish one liner.

“Maybe I'm just not up to it okay Nightmare.” I looked back at the headless Ahuizotl. “If cats do have nine lives, I guess he just used them all up.”

Keep working on it.

“That headshot was purr-fect?”

Getting closer.

“He was kitten when he said he was going to win.” I shrugged and turned away from the body and began marching down the path out of the dim forest.

It just doesn’t… feel right.

“I'm feline fine with it.” I smiled for the second time that day.

That’s more like the human I know.

“Thanks Nightmare.” I slung the rifle across my back and thought about home, and the Nightmare in my head that was becoming more and more of a friend to me.

So lets end it with lots of puns. Just for you. You know who you are.