• Published 4th Aug 2012
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Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

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Battle of Ponyville II

Honor Above All Else
Chapter 26
By Honored Service

“Pull!” I shouted as Pinkie Pie released another apple from the catapult. I raised my hand and fired a bolt of magic through my gauntlet and at the flying fruit.


Pinkie leapt across the ground and caught the falling apple sauce in her open mouth. “Yummy! It has an extra zing to it. Like a spicy apple sauce.” She licked her lips and smiled. “You think that’s enough practice for today?”

“One more Pinkie. I want to try one last thing.” I flipped open my holster and held my hand above my waist like a gunslinger in an old west shoot out. “Pull!”

There was a twang as the apple soared through the air and across the field behind the library. I reached down and hooked an armored finger through the trigger guard of the pistol, flipping it out and spinning it around my finger before catching it in my open palm and aiming quickly and precisely at the falling apple.


The end of the barrel on the pistol glowed a brilliant red before a bolt of zigzagging magic impacted the apple. The apple split in two as a miniature explosion ripped it apart in midair. I smirked and flipped the pistol around back into my holster.

“Oh I’m back in business.” I smiled and walked back towards the library, leaving Pinkie Pie staring slack jawed at the raining chunks of the fruit scattered all over the field.

“Twilight it worked,” I called out as I opened the door to the library, “and you were right, it is at least ten times more powerful. Twilight?” I stopped in the middle of the library. Something was wrong. It was quiet. Far too quiet. “Twilight?”

“Sorry I'm in the kitchen Honored.” I heard Twilight speaking from the kitchen. But her voice was wrong. It wasn't happy or joyful as it normally was. It sounded… forced.

“Okay here I come.” I slowly pulled out my pistol and gripped it tightly in my gauntlet. My other hand reached over my head and very slowly drew Zappy, the magically enchanted gold lightning sword, as to not cause any noise. I approached the kitchen carefully before leaping into the room, pistol extended in front of me and the sword pulled back.

Twilight was backed into a corner with three Shadow Humans surrounding her. “Duck.” I said.



The two bolts of magic caused the creatures to fall apart into slimy black liquid while the third turned towards me, raising its arm as it did so. I pulled my arm back and hurled the sword at the creature right as something black flew from its own hand. The sword caught the shadow square in its chest and pinned it across the room to the wall, where it thrashed about, pinned above the floor.

“AH!” I gasped as something cold pierced my right shoulder. I looked down to see a black knife sticking into my shoulder, in-between the chest rig armor and the golden shoulder armor. “Son of a bitch.” The knife was slowly releasing wisps of black smoke, which whisked into the air. The pinned shadow laughed at my pain.

“Oh shut the hell up.” I reached up and jerked the knife out of my own arm before twirling it in my hand, holding it by the blade. I smirked as the shadow’s laughter died down, and I threw the knife at its head.


The shadow’s head slumped forward, a six inch knife protruding from its forehead. Black drops of shadow dripped to the ground where it began to pool with the other two dead shadows.

“Are you alright Twilight?” I helped the scared unicorn to her hooves before checking out the rest of the library.

“Yes… I think so.” Twilight hung her head and gave a sigh of relief. “Thanks Honored. I'm glad you got here when you did.”

I looked at the dead shadows on the kitchen floor, “But why where they here?” I asked to nopony in particularly while stroking my chin.

“If it helps Honored, the kept asking, ‘where is he?’ I think they were talking about you.” Twilight suggested.

“No that can’t be right. Day Terror things I'm dead. She has no reason to –“

I was cut off as the front door to the library was thrown open by a flash of rainbow.

“Twilight! Honored! Are either of you here!?” Rainbow Dash called out from the front room of the library. We both walked out from the kitchen, I stopped to yank the sword out of the wall from the dead shadow.

“Yes Rainbow, we’re both here. What’s the matter?” Twilight asked. Rainbow dash kept looking over her shoulder out the door of library. She simply raised a hoof and pointed it out the door. I shrugged and walked over and poked my head out.

“I don’t see shit.”

Two light blue hooves gripped my head and turned it towards Canterlot. The large black road was the same as always.


There wasn't a large black road from Canterlot to Ponyville.


I jumped back and ran up the stairs to Twilight’s room. I quickly searched around and found a portable telescope under her bed, along with a pink journal that said Diary. I took a mental note of that and shoved it back under the bed.

I leapt down the stairs two at a time before setting the telescope up at the doorway. After a quick adjusting, I aimed it at the black road.

“Double fuck.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked impatiently, bouncing up and down.

I merely stepped aside so she could peer into the telescope. She did and was silent for a few moments, before stepping back and looking at me.

In the distance, coming down from the city of Canterlot, was an army. Well that would be an understatement. At least an army of tens of thousands of shadow humans were marching their way down from the mountain city towards the lightly guarded city of Ponyville.

“Twilight, take a letter.”

“Honored, Celestia is gone.”

“No.” I stared at her. “She can still see what’s happening. Her mind has become a prison, and I want to send her something.”

A piece of parchment and a quill levitated in front of the unicorn as she prepared to write. I told her what to send and not to long later, Spike had the message sent off in a burst of flames.

“Do you think that was a good idea?” Rainbow asked from the back of the library.

I shouldered my rifle and loaded a new round into the chamber. A dark red magic glowed along the length of the barrel, starting at the hand grip where my gauntlet gripped the weapon.




“What?” Day Terror stopped her motivating speech as a piece of rolled up parchment popped into existence next to her head. “What is this? Did your precious student forget you were gone?”

Day Terror smirked as she unrolled the paper before letting it drop to the ground and stomp on it with a fiery hoof.


Was printed in bold letters with a single hand print in black ink below it. Only one creature could make that mark.

“So he is feeling up to the fight.”

“Well King Bloodfeathers, would you care for a little revenge?”

From across the room and large griffon with dark red feather surrounding his eyes strode forward. He was flanked by at least a company of fellow elite griffon warriors. His beak slowly cracked into a smile as her drew his sword.

“Day Terror, it has nearly been a year since that abomination defiled our Capital city. Killed our King. And released prisoner scum into our streets, causing anarchy and chaos for months.” He kneeled down before the evil alicorn. “You have the land of Griffmeny’s support.” He raised his sword above his head, presenting it to Day Terror.

“Like I said human. The past always controls us.” Day Terror took the sword from the griffon king in a magical aurora and smiled. Things were going just as planned.

I marched out towards the center of Ponyville where an emergency meeting was being held. I pushed past the guards, who moved to the side when they saw the towering human in full battle armor marching towards the stage. I was wearing everything I had, including the slightly scorched helmet.

“Okay listen up!” The murmuring stopped and gathered citizens of Ponyville ceased their talking as I cleared my throat. “A large force of enemy hostiles is imbound on the town.”

A look of fear spread across every face in the square. Ponies began to whisper again. I coughed and everything went deathly silent once more.

“We are going to evacuate the city. If everypony will calmy and efficiently return to their homes and get one bag or suitcase per pony to make it easier on everyone. No please get to it…or you may die. All guards please stay put unless you have already been designated to help with the evacuation.”

There was a lot of talking and muttering going on now. “Maybe I should have left out the dying part.”

“No really?” a Night guard said as he walked up next to me. “Lieutenant Service, Sergeant Night Fright.”

I turned to the pony addressing me. “Hmmm nice name. Kind of dark for a pony.”

“I get that a lot.” He responded while pulling out a list of names. “This is a structured list of all the guards currently stationed here in Ponyville after the evac of Canterlot.” I quickly scanned the sheet and smiled.

“Good. Now Sergeant I need to put three fourths of these guards on the train with the civilians to Appleloosa.” I said while folding the list back up. “Leave the best guards with the most training in combat here with me.”

“You want me to what?” The Night guard just stared at me in shock.

“You heard me right Sergeant. I want Appleloosa heavily guarded with so many civilians there. This town will be empty and I only need the minimum defensive line here.” I smiled and began walking towards the library to say good bye to my friends. “And besides, guess who’s going to be doing all the heavy lifting.”

“Bloodfeathers and his elite flyers will swoop in low over the city, dropping the magic bombs and shadow warriors into the center of the town. Knowing the human, he will meet the invasion force here,” Day Terror pointed to a large field meeting the road from Canterlot to Ponville, “and while he’s busy getting beaten by the onslaught of shadows, the shadow warriors will rip the town apart.”

The surrounding griffons and shadow warriors agreed to the brilliant plan their leader had put together. “My griffons stand ready to launch the first wave on your command.”

“Well let’s not keep them waiting. Launch stage one.” Day Terror spoke calmly before leaping backwards from the room, out of a large open window and taking off into the late afternoon sky.

“Sergeant, how is the evacuation coming along?” I asked while walking up to the packed down train.

“It is nearly finished, but we are having some trouble with the last seven ponies.” He rubbed a hoof awkwardly across his neck.

“Uggggh take me to them.” I followed behind the Night guard as we moved down the platform. A lot of ponies whispered thanks and good luck to me and the few guards that were remaining in the town to try and buy some time for the evacuation. I simply nodded in response to the ponies or shook hooves when it was required. I was preparing myself mentally for the fight that was about to take place.

“And I say that I have been in more battles than most of the stallions staying put to fight!” Oh great. Luna was fighting the guards. I sighed as I came upon the disturbance that was keeping the train from departing.

The main six along with Princess Luna were refusing to board the train. “Please ladies.” I said walking up to the group. “We need to get moving and I need y’all to be safe. Besides a lot of the ponies look up to you six and they need to see you cooperating. It will help put their minds to ease.”

“It just doesn’t seem fair Honored.” Applejack said. “Leaving our home. We can fight. The invasion in Canterlot with the changelings proves that.”

“No offense Applejack, but the invasion you're thinking of was a joke.” I sighed again and got down on a knee so I was at eye level with the ponies.

“Listen, I know you want to stay and help but…” I swallowed, “I already lost somepony important to me. And I'm not about to let it happen again.” A brief image of Sky flashed before my eyes. “If I lose one of you, the Elements are going to be useless and then how will we get Celestia back?”

“Alright.” Twilight said quietly. “We’ll go. But we’re coming back at the first chance.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I smiled as the others reluctantly gathered their bags and cases and boarded the train. “Luna, you may stay. I'm going to need your help in the defending of the center of town.”

“You wish for me to stay?” The Princess said, cocking her head at me.

“Yes.” I gave her a halfhearted smile. “Having an alicorn on my side would be nice.”

“Fair enough human. Then let the final preparation begin.”

“Sergeant, ready the guards to make fortified postionts in the field in the front of the town.” I pointed to massive field where the shadows would march towards the town.

“But sir, we would be outnumbered fifteen to one.”

“I like those odds.” I cracked a smile. “I’ll be joining the guards shortly, but I have a feeling in my gut that Day Terror has a surprise for us here in the town.

“Okay Honored, ill ready the guards at once.” The night guard saluted before racing off into the sky to collect the remaining guards to fight.

“Luna do you even have weapon?” I asked as we walked back to the center of town.

“Um not really.” She said sheepishly. I was about to respond when a whistling noise came from above my head. I watched as something brown and red hurtled towards the ground in front of me. Large brown wings extended and the creature came to a stop in front of me and the Princess.

The fight for Ponyville was beginning.

“So this is the pathetic human that killed my father.” The griffon spat out at me before drawing a long hooked sword and a short dagger. I will enjoy killing you.” He rose to his hind legs and twirled the blades around his body in an impressive display of swordsmanship.

I smiled and raised my gauntlet up, aiming it at the griffon, “Let’s see about getting you some weapons your highness.”

I let the magic inside of me run into my open palm and manifest into a glowing blood red ball of energy. I dashed forward, using my right arm bracer to deflect a side strike and bring myself in close to the griffon. I lashed out with a punch using the ball of magic as the striking force.

The magic impacted square in his chest, sending the griffon across the town square and through a glass window into a shop. His two blades dropped the ground with a clatter. “Ask and you shall receive.”

I scooped the weapons up and lightly tossed them across the street to Luna. She caught the weapons in her magical glow, giving me not amused look. “What have you done?”

I just shrugged. “What do you mean? I got you some toys to use.” I looked back at the shop where the griffon had flown into.

“I mean that was griffon that attacked you.” Luna pointed one of her blades at the shattered window. “We are allies with the griffons, why would they attack us?” The realization slowly dawned upon the royal alicorn.

“There it is.” I smiled. “Yeah this probably has something to do with the violence I committed while you know… in prison under the griffon’s control. And killing their king.”

Luna just stared at me. “You are the most… I just… UGH!” Luna began storming back towards the center of town.

“Hey look I’m sor –“ A massive purple explosion rocked me off my feet and onto the ground. The building next to me shuddered under the blast, before slowly beginning to lean over towards Luna, who was currently laying on the ground, knocked over by the blast.

“LUNA!” I screamed, jumping to my feet and dashing towards the fallen alicorn. I grabbed her around her neck and dragged her from the falling building. I looked up as the building collapsed around us. I slammed my hand onto the ground and a blood red burst of magic blossomed forth from the ground and propelled the falling debris away from me and the pony I was hunched over. I coughed as the dust settled around the collapsed building.

I looked around and saw roughly a hundred dark brown shapes flying over the town of Ponyville. Griffons. Then more explosions began to shake the town. Bursts of red, orange, and purple began lighting up the late afternoon sky, as the magical bombs took down the town of Ponyville. I dragged Luna, who was doing a good job of staying unconscious, under support beams from the collapsed building next to us. Once I was sure she would be relatively safe, I dashed across the street towards a tall three story building that acted as Ponville’s only motel.

I burst through the front door and raced up the stairs towards the roof. I reached the roof just as more bombs began to rain over the city. “Oh I don’t think so.”

I pulled my rifle up from my side and aimed through the cracked scope. I trained the sights on one incoming flying shape and led the target a few inches. I let magic flow through my gauntlet and into the rifle. “Well here goes nothing.” I took a breath and squeezed the trigger at the griffon.

The whole world seemed to go white for a moment as a monstrous ‘boom’ drowned everything out. It was one heck of a shot because following the retort of the rifle, the bomb the griffon was carrying detonated.

Which caused the bomb being carried by the griffon following behind to detonate… and repeat, soon the entire sky above Ponyville was lighting up as if it was the Fourth of July. Wonderful bursts of color lit up the darkening sky.

“And that would be a killing spree.” I smirked as I watched the colors roll across the sky. Unfortunately I didn't happen to see the other wave of griffons approaching the town from behind me. And they were carrying something a lot worse than magic bombs.

“Release the warriors!” I turned around at the sudden outburst, and watched as more griffons flying in a V formation dropped long oval shaped objects towards the ground. I raised the rifle and fired more magically enhanced bullets at the griffons. Most of the rounds found their targets and brought half of the griffons to the ground with a flash and boom, but the cargo had already been dropped.

“Well this is new.”

I jogged back down the stairs, rifle trained and at the ready as I moved through the motel and towards the destroyed building where Luna was. I rounded the corner outside the motel and headed straight for the alicorn when something stepped in my way. Well more as something came out of nowhere and punched me across the street.

I flew across the cobblestone road and smashed into the side of a building. I groaned while I picked myself up and stared at the shadow that had gotten the drop on me.

“Damn.” I gulped and shouldered the rifle and noted the scope was completely pulverized now.

I found myself facing down the mother of all shadow humans, if you could call it a shadow human. It stood on four legs while another two massive arms protruded from its muscular torso. I’m talking a twelve pack if that was even possible. It had two red eyes that followed every move I made. A long black tongue flicked out of his mouth as it gave a low growl at me.

“You don’t look so tough.” I smiled at the creature. My smile slowly turned to a frown as five long black tentacles emerged form its back and extended over its head.

“Oh wow so much more scary.”

Then the end of each tentacle turned into a four foot long shadow blade.

“Well fuck me then.”

Luna’s unconscious form was thankfully still out cold as I had my ass roasted and then served to me. The monster, a shadow warrior, was kicking my ass across Ponyville, sometimes literally. I tried to dodge my way around the blades, and deflect them with my swords, rifle and armor, but I was losing energy fast.

I would get the occasional shot off and hit the beast, but this seemed to only make it angrier and faster in its attacks. “Shit!” I swore as a blade cut along my side, ripping through the soft material on the side of my ribs. I tucked and rolled backwards, avoiding a lethal stab from the five blades that ripped the ground to shreds.

“Come on, give me and opening!” I shouted. The building behind the shadow warrior was half blown open, but it also gave me an idea. I ran towards the monster as another swing from its blades passed over my head. I slid on my back under the shadow warrior and fired half a clip of magically enhanced bullets into its chest and legs. I came up from the slide and ran towards the open door of the building. The monster fell to its knees as shadow poured from its wounds. I groaned and growled, while recovering from the massive damage.

I sprinted through the remains of the home and dashed through the living room and up the stairs to the blown out second floor. I looked through the giant opening in the side of the building and looked at the still kneeled over monster. I smirked and said a few confidence boosting words. I aimed my gauntlet at the crashed railing on the stairs. A section of the wood and metal ripped free from the wall and floated in front of me. I began imagining the weapon I would need for this.

The metal groaned and the wood splinted as the tool came together. The metal slowly formed a long sharp hook, resembling a perfect fish hook, except four feet long and sharp all the way to the wooden handle constructed out of the wood from the wall. I gripped the weapon in my gauntlet, hoping the magic would create a better hold, and my rifle in my right hand. I stepped back to the side of the destroyed second story and took a deep breath.

“Talos guide me.” I sprinted forward towards the blown out wall and leapt across the street towards the standing shadow warrior.

The hook was outstretched and razor sharp as it latched onto the creature’s back and cut deep into the flesh of the shadow warrior. It let lose a howl that must have been heard all the way in Canterlot. I stood along the back of the monster, gripping the bladed hook with all my strength and magic. I aimed the rifle into the creature’s back, hopefully along where its spine should be.

“Get some!” I unloaded the rest of the clip of regular magic rounds into the shadow warrior’s back before the rifle clicked empty and ran dry. I let the weapon fall to my side on its sling before drawing the diamond sword and at the same time letting go of the hook and drawing Zappy with my newly freed hand.

I plunged both weapons into its back and slid down, swinging myself free from the beast as it groaned and collapsed to the ground in a giant pool of black sludge. I stood painting in front of the dead beast, both swords dripping sludge onto the ground. I walked towards the building where I had stashed Luna, the creatures head, mere feet from the waking alicorn.

“Welcome back Princess.” I laughed as her eyes went huge at the sight of the dead shadow. I was about to help her up when it gave a final groan and growl. I jumped forward, gripping the hook in its back and jerking it up, ripping out its internal organs, all of which looked solid but black, before slowly evaporating into the evening air.

I propped the hook blade on my shoulder and walked back over the Princess. “Well you missed one hell of a show Luna. You really did.” I said smugly.


I turned around to other side of the town square. A pair of shadow warriors entered the town from behind town hall. I sighed. These both had large shields made of walls from a house covering one side of their bodies, while the bladed tentacles whipped around their heads.

I cracked my neck and let the bladed end of the hook drop to the ground. I held Zappy in my right hand. “Feel free to join in Princess.” I dashed forward, lightning arching from Zappy along the pavement, while vicious sparks kicked up from the cobblestone as the bladed hook dragged along the ground.

I ran straight at the charging demons. An overturned market stall provided me a ramp to run up and jump at the two beasts. I whipped around in midair, spinning around in a full circle as the blades sliced their way through shadow flesh.

I dropped down to a kneeling position as two loud thumps sounded from behind me. I turned my head and watched in joy as the heads of these shadow warriors rolled across the street and stopped next to a shocked Luna. The bodies thumped to the ground as black shadow sludge flowed onto the ground.

“Honored that was…” She started to say.

“Yeah I'm good at my job.” I pointed a blade at another shadow warrior that was leaping over the roof tops towards our current position. “You think you can handle that one?” I turned around to face the four monstrosities and a handful of griffons that landed across the road from me. “I’ll get these ones.”

“Seems hardly fair.” Luna began to say.

There were several loud barks from my rifle as the griffons all toppled over and the body of a shadow warrior collapsed across another shadow warrior’s legs causing it to trip and impale itself on a lamp post. I cocked and eyebrow and ran towards the reaming two shadow warriors.

“Better catch up Luna, I've already got another killing spree!”

“That sounds unhealthy in the head!” Luna yelled at me, but I was too busy laughing my head off as the bladed hook bit into the back of another monster.

I was good at protecting the little ponies.

Very good.