• Published 4th Aug 2012
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Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

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This Little Human Went to Market

Honor Above All Else
Chapter 35
By Honored Service
Pre-read by The DarkAngel and Tbone5363

The sun was just cresting over the horizon as Saddle Company secured the position inside the Canterlot market. I had remained silent through most of night, choosing to preform my tasks with quiet diligence. The other ponies and Covert had tried to lift my spirits but nothing was working, I was too busy mourning over my lost friend. Short Blade was gone. Just like Fast Skies, he had died saving me. Was I that special? Was I that needed to this fight that another life had been sacrificed to protect me.


I jerked my head up at the voice. Covert had materialized next to me on the roof top of overlooking the market. “Yea Covert?” I asked, returning my focus to the cobblestone street and market stalls below.

“Please you need to focus, you can’t function like a robot.” Covert placed one of arms across my shoulders. “Your friends need the confident arrogant human back. We all do. When the airship arrives the guards will need to the see the unstoppable human.” Covert gestured to small pinprick off in the distance that was growing closer.

“I… I know Covert. It’s just… I can’t stand watching ponies, my friends, die to save me. It’s supposed to be the other way around.” I slowly rose to my feet and headed to the ladder leading down to the market square. “I can put on a happy face.” I made a smile appear on my face. “Show time.”

“Market square in sight Sergeant.” The small pegasus looked up from the map and telescope mounted in the front of Fast Skies’ bridge window.

“Excellent. Bring us in close and then hold position over the drop zone at twenty meters.” Sergeant Stand Bold turned the wheel of the airship and glided the massive gun platform towards the city of Canterlot. The tan pegasus ran a hoof through his red mane before bringing a microphone to his mouth. “Attention all guards! Attention all guard! Drop ETA five mikes. Say again prepare to hit the ground in five mikes. Thanks for flying Equestrian air. If you found anything wrong with the flight, please let us know by filling out a complaint slip and shoving it!”

“Sir was the really needed?” A young Royal Guard asked looking to the Sergeant from his post next to the bridge door. His armor was a size too big for him, showing that he was fresh from training and eager to fight and the fact that the golden armor hadn't been enchanted yet to mask the wearers mane and coat color gave it away.

“One, don’t sir me. I work for a living. Two, yes the guards love a good joke. And three… well yeah it helps me too.” Sergeant Bold turned to look at the young guard. “Ain’t you a little young and green to be here?” The guard looked as if he had just finished high school. His sea green mane was still cut like civilian’s, showing off his young face.

“Sir… I mean sergeant I'm not that young. And this is my first guard shift.” The pony spoke matter-of-factly, obviously having had to explain this before.

“Well you sure picked a hell of a time… what’s your name?” Stand Bold walked towards the young guard, inspecting him over carefully.

“Fresh Greens sergeant.” Stand Bold looked at the pony and then let out a chuckle.

“Yeah, haha you're green alright.” The sergeant placed a hoof on the kid’s shoulder and brought him before the wheel of the ship. “I like ya’ Green. You stick by me kid and we’ll get you out of here safe and sound.”

“Thank you sergeant. Is it true what the other guards say? That you fought with the human?” Fresh Greens looked up to the older pony.

“Yes.” Sergeant Bold looked out to the growing city of Canterlot. He reached out a flicked a couple of switches and adjusted the flight of the airship. “Back at the first battle of Ponyville. He was the one that single hoofedly took control of this very airship.”

“What was it like?”

“Scary. You ain’t ever seen something as scary as a human fighting. I thing I speak for every pony here when I say I'm glad I ain’t a shadow.”

“Sergeant,” the navigator poked her head up from the front of the bridge, “we have reached the square and are descending to twenty meters.”

Stand Bold gripped the microphone again, “Alright ladies, let’s get down there and secure the city of Canterlot! That human is down there having all the fun, let’s go help him!” Sergeant Stand Bold slammed a hoof on a series of buttons and throughout the ship, green lights lit up and the three bay doors opened up. “Navigator Maps.”

“Yes Sergeant?” The pegasus manning the navigation center looked up.

“Once the guards and myself have disembarked, bring Skies back to firing altitude and wait for any signal from me or Lieutenant Service to bring the rain.”

“Roger Sergeant.”

Stand Bold turned around and began marching down the metal corridor. “Well are you coming Green?”

“You mean we aren't staying on the ship?” The fresh guard looked back to the safety of the bridge as the two headed towards the small armory.

“Where’s the fun in sitting up here?” Stand Bold said while slipping into his armor. The steel armor fitted snugly along the pegasus’ body. The steel was glistening it’s dull silver color as Bold clasped a sword onto his back between his wings. He gestured towards the door and Fresh Greens galloped behind the more experienced pony. “Now listen, the drop zone should already be cleared, but stay alert and focused. You will stick by me and follow my orders. And trust the human, but don’t ever get in his way during a fight.” Stand Bold picked up a large bag containing Honored’s extra supplies and weapons.

“Yes sergeant.”

“And get ready to welcome the biggest adrenaline rush you've ever had.”

“What does that meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn –“ Stand Bold delivered a swift kick the guards flank, and he tumbled out of the airship and down towards the ground below. As soon as Stand Bold dove out behind the falling pegasus he knew something was wrong.

The sounds of a battle erupted forth from the drop zone to the sergeant’s ears.

“Oh no."Bold mumbled through the handle of the duffle bag.

I watched as Fast Skies approached in the distance. It was closing in fast. Once hovering over the market the main fighting force of the Royal Guards would disembark and help secure the city surrounding the castle. Once the city was secured, then the main focus would be on the castle itself. “Battle Plan, is area bravo clear?” I walked towards the unicorn who was returning from his patrol.

“Yea. Nothing over to the east.”

“Quick? Section lima?”

“Lima?” The bright yellow pegasus cocked his head to the side.

“ You've gotta be kidding me. Fine. Section Llama?” I removed my golden helmet and rubbed a hand through my hair.

“Oh section llama is clear. The hell is a lima?”

“Forget it. Hammer how’s your side look?” I turned around towards the south section of the market but no blue earth pony was in sight. “Form up on me. Covert, takeover watch on the roofs.”

“Copy.” The shadow disappeared with a pop and reappeared on a roof across the market. Battle Plan and Quick Flurry got on my left and right forming a small triangle. I removed my Beretta from its hip holster and took point, sweeping through the abandoned market stalls. The light from the early morning sun shone through the destroyed windows and destroyed shops.


“Clear.” I swept left and right, keeping a steady flow of magic focused into the pistol. Between at the previous combat and the training lessons with Twilight and Battle Plan I was beginning to gain good control on my limited magic abilities. I switched the pistol to my right hand temporally while focusing the gauntlet on a broken window and the destroyed beams around it. The blood red aurora of my magic levitated a long thick shard of broken glass and wood into the air. A brief flash of red occurred and I floated my improvised weapon to my hand. Flipping the pistol back into my gauntleted hand and gripping the glass short blade in my right hand I cleared another portion of the street.

“Keep an eye peeled for any signs of a struggle.”

“You mean like that?” Quick Flurry pointed a hoof towards the body of a shadow lying dead in the street. Its head had been obviously crushed in by the blow of a hammer.

“Covert can see anything?” I hollered up to the shadow that was following along the roof tops beside us.

“Negative, but I may see more bodies.” He pointed off towards an alleyway at the end of the current street.

“Alright Saddle, move double time.” I sprinted forward, silently thankful that I had left most of my supplies with Sergeant Bold on-board Fast Skies.

I rounded the corner and rolled into the ally springing up with my pistol drawn and my red magic glowing at the end of the barrel with my right hand posed ready to strike with the glass blade. Dead shadows covered the ally and in the center was Hammer Strike. Only he was held in place with black pools of liquid surrounding each of his hooves. I ran forward and gripped a wrap of black shadow that covered his muzzle.

“Run.” Was all Hammer Strike said before the screech filled the air. Covert appeared at the edge of the roof above us.

“We got shadows rolling in fast. And a lot of them.”

“This was a trap. They jumped me and I fought them off, but they just over powered me.” Hammer Strike explained while I blasted off the shadow pools at the bottom of his hooves. “They brought me here as a trap for you. I'm sorry.”

“ Don't be, I'm not going to let anything happen to you buddy.” I whipped around and moved forward, scooping Hammer’s weapon off the cobblestone street. I tossed him his massive hammer and motioned for us to move forward. “Let’s go, we need to get back to the market and hold it.”

The shadows rounded the street just as we exited the alleyway. “MOVE!”

I fired the pistol, the magic bolts of red energy shooting forward and cutting easily through the first rank of shadow humans. A long burst of automatic fire rained down from the rooftops where Covert ran parallel to us. The soft twang of Battle Plan’s bow signaled the death for any shadow that was unlucky enough to be the way of his arrows. The smash of a hammer sounded out from behind me as we pushed our way through the streets of Canterlot back to the market place.

“Honored; large group, twenty strong. 12 o’clock!” Covert yelled down to us before he leapt across a building and jumped off the roof onto the shoulders of a Shadow Warrior. The beast screamed into the air as Covert jammed the barrel of his M249 into the base of its neck and fired a long burst of fire through it. It crashed to the ground, Covert vanishing as it impacted into the cobblestone.

“Quick, Battle, Hammer; fall in line behind me and whatever you do, don’t stop moving and stay on my ass!” I began running forward straight at the crowd of shadows attempting block off our path. I pulled my arm back and threw the glass blade at the group. The first shadow reached out and caught the blade in his grasp. I jumped forward and delivered a kick the sword, sending the glass blade through its chest. I stood atop of the dead shadow and fired my pistol into the surrounding shadows, before leaping forwards and continuing my push through the group.

The sound of blades slicing through flesh and the crash of a hammer filled my ears as we pushed towards the market. A shadow jumped from the side of a house and knocked me to the ground. I rolled with the creature till coming to rest on top of the shadow. It screamed at me, lunging forward trying to sink its sharp teeth into my neck. I jerked backwards, but in doing so I became unbalanced and the shadow pushed me backwards so that it landed on top of me. I pushed up; trying to keep it from ramming me with its sword hand but it had the upper hand. Literally.

“Honored!” Battle Plan loosed an arrow while Covert fired his SAW and Quick Flurry leapt at the shadow with his short sword. The result was a shadow getting an arrow through the neck, a chest full of bullets and a sword lopping off its head. Blood gushed out and all over me as I pushed the corpse to the side and jumped to my feet. “Good team work y'all!” I yelled, pumping a fist into the air. I holstered Spike and drew both swords off my back.

“Final run. I’ll race you there.” I nodded to Quick Flurry and we made the last dash towards the market place, shadows crawling forth from every alleyway and jumping out of every destroyed home and shop. My blades were soon covered in the black gooey blood of the Shadows. Covert slid under my blades as I looped the head off of a following shadow. Covert jumped and spun around emptying the last of his magazine into the two other chasing shadows. They jerked in odd directions as the 5.56 rounds shredded their bodies into confetti.

“There it is Honored!” Quick Flurry yelled to me, while dashing forward.

“QUICK!” I screamed out, trying to reach the excited pegasus. In his haste to reach the market he was failing to see the Shadow Warrior lumbering towards him. Quick Flurry turned around just as the tentacles exploded form the creatures back and plunged straight at him.

“Not this time.” I gritted my teeth and focused my magic in front of me. I leapt forward and jumped through the short space, white and blood red flashing around me. I exited my short range jump directly in front of Quick Flurry. I sliced both blades to the side and cut four of the five tentacles off before they could reach the pegasus guard.


I grunted and looked down. The fifth blade had been stopped; by my mid-section. The long black blade had cut into me right below my chest armor. I looked back up to the Shadow Warrior that was slowly picking me off the ground on its blade. I was skewered to it like a human-kabob.

“HAHAHA.” It let out a deep rumble laugh as the shadow warrior lifted me up to its face. I grunted in pain as the blade slowly turned around inside of my gut.

“Laugh it up freak.” I spat out through my gritted teeth. I fumbled with the grenade in my pouch pocket on my thigh. I pulled the grenade out and readied it for a throw. Suddenly an arrow sprouted o n the side of the Shadow Warrior’s neck. It open its mouth to let out a roar and I took my chance.

“Open wide fucker, and say ahhhh.” I hurled the grenade into the creature’s mouth and then pushed myself off the blade and tumbled towards the ground. I was caught quickly in a sage glow and Battle Plan levitated me to the ground. He grunted as I landed next to him and rolled over.


The Shadow Warrior’s head erupted into chunks of flesh and brain. Black blood rained down over the street and market. I struggled to my feet and pulled out one of my silenced pistols. Holding my gauntlet over my fresh wound, I finished helping Saddle company and Covert mop up the rest of the shadows.




The silenced pistol spit out its hot lead into the brains of shadows as they tried to kill me. The Glock made quick work of the remaining stragglers and the sounds of a sword, bow, hammer, and SAW told me that my friends were still kicking ass.
I passed by the headless Shadow Warrior and paused. I looked left and then right. No pony in sight. I looked back to the body. “I guess you lost your head.” I chuckled to myself and doubled over as a fresh wave of pain ripped through my body. Blood had completely soaked through my armored mid-section and was coating the ground around me.

“Damn that’s a lot of blood.” A soft thumping filled my ears as Fast Skies began to hover over the market. “About time Stand Bold.” I turned towards the market just as another sound filled my ears. The sound of footsteps. “I told you don’t sneak up on me like that Covert.” I was met by more pain as something hot ran through my side. I turned to face a Shadow Champion standing in front of a group of fifty shadows. It was looking at me with its blood red eyes, its sword arm embedded into my side.

“Oh. You're not Covert.” Blood filled my mouth as I slipped forward landing on the ground. I could feel the gauntlet begin to power up and I felt something like boiling water begin to form in the pit of my stomach. I grunted and stood up as my whole body began to glow dark red.

“Honored!” I heard Covert calling to me but paid him no attention. My focus was on the shadows standing before me. A smile slowly began to run over my face as the pain began to fade as I let the magic from the stupid fucking Element that apparently was inside of me take ahold.

Stupid fucking rock Element saving the day.

From out of nowhere music began to blare around me as I jumped forward, grabbing the Shadow Champion by one of its horns, and flinging him around into a wall, snapping its horn off and then driving the improvised stake through the back of its head and out its eye socket. The smile on my face spread to a whole new limit as the Shadow Champion’s corpse collapsed to the cobblestone street. I turned to face the crowd of shadows that now took a step back.

Above the human the bay doors on Fast Skies opened up, the Royal Guards pegasi leaping out and gliding down to the market while the unicorn and earth pony Royal Guards repelled quickly down to the ground. The guards swiftly moved into the market to find it covered with the bodies of shadows and Shadow Warriors. The sound of combat drew most guards to a long street leading away from the market. They heard the sound of music, deep music that made the guards cringe as they got closer. The sounds of shadows screaming echoed through the streets as the guards cautiously made their way to the noise.

Sergeant Stand Bold and Fresh Greens landed behind a small group of guards that had tracked down the source of the noise.

The human fighting it out with over fifty shadows. And he was winning.

“Well Green, you wanted to see the human.”

I grabbed a shadow by its head and smashed it into a wall, sending it crashing through the wall and throwing it through the building. I turned around, magic pouring form my gauntlet, I focused on levitating three shadows into the air before whipping them around and slamming them together of the street with a sickening crunch.

“MUHAHAHA!” I exploded into laughter as I jumped into the air and drew both Glocks from their holsters on the back of my belt on my lower back. I slid across the ground, the only sound being heard was the clinking of the brass casing hitting the ground as the .45 slugs knocked shadow after shadow to the ground, brain matter and blood sticking all over the side of shops and windows. I flipped over onto my side and hit the magazine release buttons, sending both empty clips into the face of a shadow. It stumbled from the brief obstruction, but then was kicked backwards from a roundhouse kick delivered swiftly by me. I loaded two fresh clips into the pistols and fired them into the shadow. I spun around and charged back into the middle of the fray, time seemingly slowing down as I watched each bullet pass through the shadows. They grunted and dropped, easily being removed from the world of the living. I came to as stop on the other side of the shadow group, both pistols smoking from the end of their silencers. I dropped them back into their holsters before turning around to face the last Shadow Champion.

I jerked Bad Bertha from her sheath and flipped the knife into the air and caught it on its tip. I pulled my arm back, flinging the Bowie knife forward at the champion. The blade stuck right into its chest. I ran forward as the creature attempted to remove the knife. With my gauntlet pulled back into a fist, I punched forwards, hitting the end of the knife so it was driven by the punch all the way up to the handle. I then gripped the end of the knife and twisted out the spike hidden in the handle and drove it through the top of the Shadow Champion’s skull; right in between the horns. It staggered before collapsing forward, falling into the combined blood of all the shadows in the street.

I panted and jerked the knife and spike out of its body, sheathing them. I looked up from the carnage to the ponies. All the reserve guards and Saddle Company stood gawking from on top of the roof tops and ends of the street, staring in awe at the destruction I just caused. “YOU'RE NEXT DAY TERROR!” I yelled into the sky before the blood red magic resided from my body and I buckled into a pool of blood oozing from my stomach.

“Not again.” I heard Covert say before I slipped into my old friend unconsciousness.

“Any luck Twilight?” Spike asked as he brought Twilight another cup of tea. Twilight had surrounded herself in any book she could find in the library that even remotely mentioned the Elements of Sanctuary or humans in general. Even books on magically enchanted weapons were scattered all around the floor of the library.

“No Spike. Or at least not much.” Twilight tossed another book over her back and onto a growing pile of books that were turning out to be duds. If only she could get to the Star Swirl the Bearded wing of the Castle library. She could easily find a book on ancient humans and the Elements of Sanctuary in there. Or even…

“Luna?” Twilight looked over to the alicorn who was also sorting through a pile of books. She held an ice pack to her head and winced at the slight noise of Twilight speaking.

“Please not so loud Twilight. What is it?” Luna cringed at her own voice.

“Do you or Princess Celestia have a private library?”

“But of course. We are old enough to have precious books saved throughout the ages that would not last in a public library or even a sealed off wing. Why do you… oh.” Luna came to the conclusion herself and brought a hoof to her head, she winced at the slight contact with her still aching skull. “And in the future dear Twilight,” Luna looked at Twilight with a concerned pleading face, “please don't let me drink.”

Carefully Luna began to concentrate on a transportation spell. It was an easy spell, but then again the hangover that was wracking the princesses’ brain wasn't making it any easier. Before long Luna had the spell functioning and pulled through a shimmering portal a large black chest. It was covered in dust and cobwebs. Twilight and Luna both inched towards the old chest and blew off the gathered dust. The lock on the front of the chest resembled the same magical lock found on the Element of Harmony hall door. A horn was the key.

Luna slowly placed her horn in the lock and it snapped open with a puff of dust. “This Twilight is my most prized novel collection.” Twilight reached in and pulled out a black book.

“Lulu’s diary?” Twilight cocked her head and looked to Luna who blushed and snatched the book away and sat on top of it.

Twilight reached in again and brought out another book, “The Dusk Saga by Stephanie Mare ?”

Luna immediately sent a burst of flame onto the book and it crumpled into ashes. “Hmm. That should be all of them.

“Fifty Shades of Indigo?”

“UGH!” Luna grunted and grabbed the book from Twilight’s magical grasp and hurled it across Ponyville where it crashed through the tent of a sleeping unicorn.

“Oh my heavens! Who threw this book at… me… o h goodness, an original Fifty Shades of Indigo… signed! My my my. Now I can finish this book since my last copy was ruined by Sweetie Belle.” Rarity snuggled up in her lavish bed and began to read.

“Okay there you are Twilight; these books are dated back to the ancient humans and even before them.” Luna was satisfied that now the collection was sorted into the correct order. Together the princess of the night and the bookish unicorn poured over every book in Luna’s collection. Luna would teleport another chest of ancient books once one had been depleted. Soon the library floor was completely coated in books older than Luna herself.

“Wait.” Twilight pulled the book out of the bottom of their fourth chest. “I think this might have something.” She was holding a tan book covered in a strange material. It felt papery, but different. It had the feeling of some kind of dried skin. Twilight shuddered at the very thought of what it was made of.

Luna walked around Twilight and sat behind her reading over her shoulder. “The Other Elements by Commander ShieldStrong Well if this doesn't help us then nothing will.” Luna nodded and Twilight opened the book to the first page.

“Luna, I can’t read ancient human very well, perhaps you could.” Twilight levitated the book to Luna who took it and began to pace back and forth with it, flipping through the pages every so often. “Anything?”

“Everything.” Luna looked up and smiled. “This book describes where the Elements are. Well where they should be. Who knows if they still are there, but at least we have an idea.”

“And where would that be?” Luna pulled a map of Equestria and brought it over to Twilight. She unrolled it and placed a hoof on the map.


“That’s where ShieldStrong wrote it was.”

“Mythartica. Oh Honored’s going to love this.” Twilight sighed and Luna continued to read on about the Elements of Sanctuary.

“Okay everything I said earlier about the Element of Protection was correct, but it also has good descriptions of each Element. Each one is crafted to work with the bearer. But unlike the Elements of Harmony where they need a spark of a sixth Element, the Elements of Sanctuary are already bonded… but need blood to be activated.” The color in Luna’s face drained out as she continued to read. “Blood activates the Elements from their sleep. This is done to show the dire need of the Elements and a devotion to them, bonding the weapon with the bearer till death.”

“The ancient humans were pretty violent.” Twilight commented as she began to map out the quickest course to Mythartica. Avoiding Griffon territory would be a must for the upcoming journey. With the griffons siding with Day Terror hostile patrols would almost be certain in that area of Equestria.

“Well humans aren't always the bearers of Sanctuary, but yes, that is a little gruesome. Where friendship binds you and your friends to the Elements of Harmony; violence and sacrifice binds the Elements of Sanctuary together.”

“The strongest blades are forged under the hottest fires.”

Both Luna and Twilight looked up to see Saddle Company plus Covert, Sergeant Stand Bold, and Fresh Greens walk into the library. Honored Service was limping along beside Hammer Strike for support. Bloody bandages covered his midsection where he still kept an arm clasped to his body. He looked up to the two ponies and coughed, a small trickle of blood dripping down his chin.

“Honored!?” Luna got up and made her way quickly through the piles of books to the human’s side. “What happened? And where is Short Blade. I have news for him regarding a new mission.”

Hammer Strike glanced at Luna and hung his head, “Short didn't make it. And Honored nearly got himself killed saving Quick Flurry.” Honored looked up and cracked a very weak smile before grunting and falling to the floor. “Yeah and he needs some medical attention now. Time may be a factor.”

I cracked my eyes open to see a light pink mane obscuring my vision. I slowly sat up and looked around. Fluttershy was wrapping more bandages around my midsection. At least the pain was now just a dull throbbing and not a constant stream of agony. I sighed and Fluttershy looked up.

“Oh good you're up. I’ll let the others know.” She quickly trotted out of the room. I looked around the room. I was slightly surprised that I wasn't in a tent. Solid oak walls surrounded me and books were everywhere. Twilight must have moved shop back into the library. That’s a good sign; maybe the ponies have begun to fix Ponyville up after all the shadows rain train on it.

“And once again we find you lying in bed recovering from a wound that you obtained protecting one of my subjects.” Luna said while walking into the room.

“Someone has to do it princess. And I am pretty good at it.” I sat up more in bed, resting my head against the wall behind me. “I only regret I couldn't save Short Blade. He… he died saving us.”

“It’s okay Honored. Your friends explained to me what happened, and that you single handedly took on over fifty shadows after sustaining that wound.” She nodded towards my patched up midsection. “It would seem that maybe you've accepted the Element of Protection. Hmm?”

“Just call it me being a badass.” I shrugged and rubbed the back of my neck. “But I did have some extra magic.” Luna gave me a stare. “Fine. The Element of Protection was there. Are you happy?”

“Very. Because now it’s time to get the others. Day Terror fears the Elements of Harmony, but imagine what would happen with the Elements of Sanctuary kicking down her door. We are going to find the actual weapons that are Sanctuary.” Luna declared, throwing a map out before me plotting the course through the land called Mythartica located below Hum-gia.



“No really. We are going on a side quest while Day Terror gets a break?”

“No. We are still leaving a force of guards at the city of Canterlot. Day Terror will be forced to either fight her way through the guards, or just sit tight and…”

“Build up her fortifications?” I finished, crossing my arms over my chest. “Now you see what I mean. So let’s say we find these Elements of Sanctuary. Then what?”

“Easy.” Luna turned around and walked towards the door. She stopped and turned around and gave me a wink, “Do whatever you want to the Nightmare.” Luna exited the room leaving me thinking. Anything. Leash removed. Save Princess
Celestia and then just have a field day with Nightmare.

And I think I knew just what I would do to that back stabbing asshole.

I sat on the back of the chariot, my legs hanging off the side as we crossed over the lush forest bellow. I concentrated my magic onto a song from home and it quietly began to play around me. Apparently this was how ponies did the whole musical numbers and shit. Magic.

I listened to the song as it was played by my memory out loud thinking about everything that had happened. It was all still happening so fast. It only took a few days for the wound to heal, something that should have been impossible, but combined with the Element’s magic and Fluttershy’s care I was right as rain within that short time period. Three separate chariots were pulling our mix matched group towards Hum-gia. Fresh Greens was pulling the chariot that held Quick Flurry, myself and my bag of weapons.

Sergeant Stand Bold pulled another chariot carrying Hammer Strike and Battle Plan. Those two were in charge of the map. Well more specifically, Battle Plan was. He also had the old tome that depicted the ancient temple death trap place where the Elements should be.

The final chariot was being pulled by Gilda. She wanted to come saying she knew where the worst griffon patrols were and how to get around them. So we allowed her to come. She was hooked up to the largest chariot pulling Covert and all the extra supplies we needed, which wasn't much. This was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab. Get in, find these stupid weapons, and get out.

But then again, nothing ever went according to plan.

I looked back down towards the earth, the landscape rushing by. So peaceful. This whole world was nothing but peaceful. And then I came. Maybe if I had never been brought to Equestria, then nothing would have happen. The second Changeling attack would have never occurred. Then Nightmare would have never done what he did, and everything would still be calm.

It would have been better if I had died before getting here. I shook my head rapidly. That wasn't me. What in the world made me think that. A deep evil laughter filled my head, causing me to clap my hand over my ears. "You can't win human. Just accept defeat and turn yourself over to me." The dark voice echoed through my skull, pain reverberating through my whole body. i jerked up and looked out across the land saw everything engulfed in green fire, the landscape disappearing under the inferno.

“You okay buddy?” Quick Flurry settled down next to me. “That music was pretty sad. You feeling down?” Everything vanished as my focus turned to the pegasus beside me.

“Just a little. I think i'm going crazy.” I asked him, pointing to his flank.

“Well I might be. My talent was creating the perfect snow flurries. But you know,” He flapped his one wing while the other little stub wiggled on his side, “ I've had my talent stripped from me. So I might just be going crazy trying to find something else to do.”

“I know. And I'm sorry. I think i'm going crazy too. I'm tired of killing. I just want to live peacefully.” I sighed and looked at the M16A2 resting beside me on the bag of other death bringing weapons. I could just push them off the chariot into the deep woods below and never have to deal with them again.

“It’s alright Honored. You're still upset about Short. Just try not to think about it. He died doing what he loved. Saving his friends.”

“I guess.” I shrugged my shoulders and went back to watching the trees fly by underneath us.

“We should be reaching the first camp site soon.” Gilda called out from in front of us. I stood up and made my way to the front of the chariot. We were approaching a large cave on the side of a tall mountain. On one side, the lush woods covered the entire area, and on the other side, the vast vastness of desert began. I recognized that cave immediately.


A giant red and gold dragon’s head appeared form the mouth of the cave. “Ah human, I see you have returned to visit an old dragon.”