• Published 4th Aug 2012
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Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

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Storm Brewing Over the Hill

Honor Above All Else
Chapter 27
By Honored Service

“I do believe that was number six!” Luna declared happily as she trotted around the side of town hall to where I was fighting. She floated a hooked sword and a dagger behind her, smiling as she trotted around the corner.

I saw her and waved, yawning as I did so.

I was now sitting atop of a pile of dead shadow warriors stacked at least seven high, along with their griffon escorts. “That’s nice Princess.” I smirked as I slid down the pile of corpses and jumped off landing next to the shocked alicorn. Luna was trying to speak, but she was just staring at the messy pile of feathers and shadows.

“How is that…how could you…I can’t believe…this isn’t right!” Luna said all at once. “How are you doing this?” She asked me, being very serious.

I turned towards the road leading towards the field outside of Ponyville where the noise of a battle was beginning to be heard. “Luna, I lost something very close to me. Something that I will never be able to get back. So now that energy has to be put into something, something like cold blooded revenge.”

On that note, I jerked the large hook blade out of a griffon’s back and wiped the gore off on a shadow warrior’s side. I leaned it over my shoulder and began marching towards the battle the guards were fighting on the other side of Ponyville.

“Honored, you know what they say about revenge…” Luna began to say but I just gave a dry laugh.

“Yeah dig two graves. One for Nightmare, and one for whoever is leading the feather assholes.” I kicked a stone against the side of destroyed house and looked to Luna. “And I’ll do it too, even if I die trying.”

“What do you mean die trying?”

“Last time I had that run in with Day Terror, my mind… it was slipping. The Elements caused me to see things, and I know that Nightmare has been in my head. He knows my weaknesses, and he knows my strengths. The fact of the matter is I'm probably not going to come out of this okay. Something is bound to happen Princess. My only wish is that your sister and the Elements come out of this unscathed.”

“That’s very noble of you Honored.” Luna said. I could tell what I had just said was weighing heavily on her.

“Luna please, this is my choice. I'm a soldier. This is what I do. Hell, y’all are paying me to do this.” To emphasize my point, I jerked my pistol out of its holster and delivered a well-placed magical bolt through the head of a charging shadow human. I had my pistol back into its holster before the body had even hit the ground.

“Ta-da!” I smiled and laughed. “Just let me bear this burden without you worrying, okay?”

“Very well little human.” Luna gave me a half-hearted smile. “Come the guards must be requiring assistance if a shadow has reached this far.”

“Yeah.” I picked up my pace to light jog. My armor was dented, scratched, scorched, and now smeared with griffon blood and shadow gore. I looked like I had just run through hell, and then went back for fun. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy fighting.

“You know Luna, my father always said I was good at something…”

She cocked her head at me as we came upon the open field, although it was choked with thousands of shadows all surging towards the thin line of guard defenders.

“Who knew that something was shadow killing.” I dashed forwards, brandishing the hook blade and my pistol.

“AWWWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHHHH! GET SOME!” I charged head first into the fray, bringing the hook down through the head of a shadow and dragging it into my grasp. I held it in place with the hook and spun around, catching a blade in the shadow’s chest. I kicked the meat shield forward and unleashed a barrage of magical bolts from the pistol. The red shots ripped through the closing shadow humans. The blade swung around at neck level and sliced away a layer of shadows.

“Feel free to help!” I shouted above the growling and screaming of the shadows. I jumped up and dropped a boot heel into the face of clawing shadow. A sharp pain erupted in my thigh from a well-placed stab a nightmare shadow delivered. I reared around brining the pistol to bear and fired magic into its head. I holstered the pistol and reached out and locked arms with another shadow. I pulled it in front of my body as a volley of arrows, black as the night, impacted all over the area around me. I dropped the dying shadow and sprinted through the waves of shadows towards the origin of the arrows.

First thing I noticed was that these shadows had flesh and black sludge blood. They weren’t just shadows like the ones in Hum-gia. The second thing was that they were evolving. From the fire shadow humans, to the shadow warriors, they were getting tougher. And lastly, since when did these fuckers use long range arrows!

I ducked behind a boulder as another wave of arrows washed over my cover and the shadows nearby. At least they were hitting all the wrong targets. As the last arrow fell I leapt over the cover and impaled a shadow on the end of the hook before sling-shooting it off the end. I whipped around and sliced through another shadow attempting to stab its blade arm through my back. Another shadow warrior was making its way towards me through the horde of regular shadows towards me.

I pulled my arm back and threw the hook blade sideways like a boomerang. It soared straight and true, contacting the beast in the dead center of its massive muscular chest. I kept running towards it as it struggled to remove the blade. I jumped up and grabbed the handle and pulled the beast over me as another volley of arrows pierced its back and all the shadows around me.

I hungered down, gritting my teeth against the weight of the monster and listening to the steady thumps of the arrows covering the area around me. Once the sound stopped, I pushed the dead shadow warrior off of me and dashed forward.

Having lost the hook blade, I charged a fist full of magic and began to punch my way through the waves of shadows. I was getting close to the origins of the black arrows.

Another bladed arm glanced off the side of my gauntlet and the shadow collapsed as the sword pushed through its chest. I drew the diamond sword back and flipped into around in my hand before thrusting it backwards behind myself into the stomach of another shadow. I released another fist full of magic energy into a shadow that was making its way at me.

“And another one down,”

“Another one down,”

“Another one bites the dust!” I sang out happily as I grabbed a shadow’s face and dropped him to the ground before firing a magical bolt into his face using the gauntlet still holding his head. I yanked Zappy from its sheath on my back and crossed the blades into an X before sliding them apart as two shadows lunged at me from both sides. The blades slid through the shadows with ease.

“I must say it is impressive watching this.” The voice above me called out. I took a brief pause in the fighting to watch as Luna sat on a dark cloud hovering twenty feet above the ground.

“Are you serious?” I said while gripping my sword and stabbing it forward into a shadow’s head. “I'm down here busting my ass,” I kicked a shadow in its leg and plunged both blades into its kneeling form, “and you're just chilling up there?”

I watched as a bolt of lightning came out of the cloud and struck a shadow before leaping to another. The bolt then jumped through about ten other shadows before stopping. Each impact ended in the same way. There was a ZAP, and the things head exploding into bits of shadow.

“I’ve been helping!” Luna sneered at me. I rolled my eyes and jabbed the blades into two more approaching shadows.

“Fine, whatever! Just help me take out the archers once we get there!” I jumped over a shadow that was running hunched over. As I cleared over him, I twisted and planted my boots in its back and drove it to the ground, its own sword arm impaling it through the stomach. I soon found myself staring down over a small hill at a group of a hundred griffons, each armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows. A very angry and beat up griffon with a head of red feathers covered in shards of glass was standing in front of them, directing fire.

“I found who the other grave is for.” I smiled and sheathed both swords, while bringing my rifle up to my shoulder. “Start the clock Princess; let’s see how many I can get in a minute.”

“Do you reckon the guards are handling themselves fine? Ah mean did you see that many shadows coming towards the town?” Applejack stared at the window at the dark desert night as the train raced through the barren landscape.

“Of course, Applejack!” Pinkie Pie bounced over to the worrying pony. “Honored and Princess Luna are both there watching over the town, I'm sure everything is going super great!”

“SWEET ANCESTORS WHAT IS THAT THING?!” A griffon screamed as a magical bullet tore through his chest. An armored covered creature stood behind the dying archer. It was panting and covered in blood from griffons and shadows alike. Small patches of golden armor shined in the light of the moon that seemed to be shining brightly over the battlefield.


A blade blossomed out of the griffon’s chest. He fell forward in front of the messenger griffon. The human slowly drew the blade from the corpse, before sheathing it and laughing menacingly as the archer column began to disperse in every direction or stand and fight. A group of thirty strong stayed put and faced the human down, being led by one King Bloodfeathers.

“Pinkie’s right, darling.” Rarity cooed as she finished the stitching on a long red garment that had been occupying her time for the past hour of the train ride. “Our dear human is an expert at his craft. His new cutie mark is certainly an indication of that. I'm sure even as we speak Princess Luna is helping him wrap everything up.”

“We smite thee down with glee!” The dark colored alicorn rained another pair of lightning bolts on a group of shadows that were trying to come to the aid of the griffons. The intense heat and raw magic of the energy coursed through each creature before their heads exploded from the sheer volume of the power.

“HAHA take that foul demon! We shall send thee back to farthest reaches of Tartarus!”

“Lapsing back into the royal we huh?” The heavily armored human said while jerking a sword from the chest cavity of another griffon. He spun around on his heel and drove an elbow into the beak of griffon who attempting to bring the bow across the human’s neck like a garrote.

“It is intimidating, is it not?”

“Not really, but this is.” The human spun around in a three-sixty slowly dropping to his knees while spraying magic bullets from his rifle. The bullets tore and shredded their way through several griffons that were attempting to try and enclose the human. He jumped up and let the rifle drop to his side before gripping a pistol in one gauntleted hand, and a long wicked dagger in the other. He jumped forward, plunging the dagger into the chest of a royal looking griffon, while pressing the end of the pistol into the poor creature’s neck and releasing shot after shot of magic into the soft unprotected flesh. Blood and feathers flew off in every direction.

“That’s intimidating.” The last two griffons took off to the skies in a desperate attempt to try and escape the onslaught at the hands of this warrior beast.

“You’re right, girls. Honored is a very professional and well equipped fighter. And the other royal guards are there with him. I'm sure we’ll be able to return home in no time.” Twilight declared happily while flipping through another page of the journal she was working on. Lyra was helping her with the new book, Understanding a Human: The Proud Warrior Race. It was bound to get into the Canterlot Science Journal monthly.



The two arrows flew straight and true at the pair of fleeing griffons. One arrow nailed a griffon in the back of its head,
sending it to the ground like a bag of bricks. The other soon found an arrow protruding out of his wing. He slowly circled and crashed at the edge of the killing field. The whole assault on Ponyville had been going well. The simple pony guards were having the hardest time holding back small waves of the weird shadow things, and the griffons had been using arrows to keep the guards under cover.

But everything had changed when that…that thing showed up. It was a death bringing. Slowly, through the ranks of griffons the stories of some kind of super warrior was spreading.

The griffon crawled his way towards the edge of the dark forest boarding the field. If only he could make into the depths of that forest, he might just be safe from that human.

There was a loud roar and a large timber wolf jumped from the forest in front of the griffon. The griffon closed his eyes and prayed silently to his ancestors to make death swifter at the jaws of this beast than whatever it would have been at the hands of that other creature.


Tink tink tink

The griffon opened his eyes to see the timber wolf lying in a pool of sap. Its head mostly missing; blown apart by the weapon that human wielded. A shadow slowly passed over the griffon’s face. He began to shake as something crouched down next to his prone form.

“So griffon, what is Day Terror up to?” It talked. Sweet ancestors this thing could talk. The griffon was trembling now in fear.

“Please…just kill me.”

“No. Not yet.”

I walked back over to the Princess as she fired another bolt of lightning at some shadows attempting to storm over the barricade the guards had erected.

“Well I found out some plans, Luna.” I smiled and sheathed my bloody knife.

“And how did you do that?” she asked, gliding her cloud to the ground and disembarking from it. A few guards were growing bolder and recovering from their hiding places and joining us on the battlefield. Apparently our push from the side was cutting down the shadows’ numbers and making the guards regain some faith.

“I pulled some … feathers.” I smirked and looked back towards the forest. “Ha-ha.” That griffon wished the timber wolf had gotten him.

“Well, let’s finish assisting the guards and then we shall discuss these plans.”

“Sounds great!” I unsheathed both swords from my back and ran ahead to join a group of Night Guards who were pushing a wave of shadows back from the town.

I reached the group to hear Sergeant Night Fright issue the order to charge. The few Night Guards climbed over the barricade and advanced towards the swarm of shadows. There was a clash as blades meet shadows and shadows meet flesh. I jumped on to the back of a pony and dashed across the roughly constructed barricade. I leapt into the air and sailed over the battle before landing in the center of the group of advancing shadows.

The hacking and slashing began. I chopped both blades left and then right, dividing two shadows into thirds. They collapsed and were replaced by two more shadows. The blades whisked through the air, slashing their way through shadowy flesh. The moans of the dying shadows filled the area around me as I cut my way towards the guard ponies.

But as I got closer I started to fear for the ponies’ life. Red blood was staining the ground and the sound of clashing blades began to drop off. I quickened my pace, and drove both blades through the chest of a shadow before slinging it off. I drove a kick into the gut of another before making a quick horizontal cut and removing the creature’s head.

“HANG IN THERE GUARDS!” I screamed over the roar of a shadow warrior. I turned around to see the beast plowing its way directly at me.

“Oh fuck me.” I brought the swords up to try and block the punch, but it was too late. The world flashed white as I was knocked backwards off my feet and sent flying into a group of shadows. My hands lost their grip on the swords and they were sent hurtling into the fray. I groped around on my belt till I brought my pistol up out of its holster.

I crawled back from the monster and fired the pistol at approaching shadows as I crawled along the blood soaked earth. The ground was slick with the black sludge and mixed red blood. Another shadow leapt at me, only to drop to the earth with a well-placed hole in its chest. Slowly more and more shadows began launching themselves at me. With the sheer amount of enemies pilling up around me, moving was becoming incredibly more difficult.

More and more shadows encircled me. I jerked my knife out and hurled it at a shadow about to plunge its blade arm through me. It impacted it directly in its throat. It collapsed next to me gurgling and choking on its own gore. I jerked the string still around the handle, and pulled the knife through the air back into my open hand. The pistol continued to fire its magical blots from the left hand while the right hand slashed away with the sharp knife at the legs of the surrounding shadows.

Everything began to slow down as my fighting got more desperate while the shadows continued to pour around me. I could see the looming figure of the shadow warrior growing closer.

“Lieutenant!” I felt something grab the back of my armored chest piece and begin to pull be towards the barricade, away from the onslaught of the shadows. A flash of lightning illuminated my savior; Sergeant Night Fright was dragging me towards safety. Luna floated nearby, blasting the charging shadows with lethal bolts of lightning.

“GO! Leave me!” I screamed as the shadow warrior hurled a chunk of earth at the floating princess, who had to abandon her cloud to avoid the projectile. Night Fright just grunted and continued to pull me while I fired my pistol at the shadow warrior, who was steadily getting closer and closer, the magic bolts from the pistol doing very little to slow him down. “Night Fright let go! That’s a fucking order!”

“Sorry Lieutenant, that’s one I have to brea-“ Sergeant Night Fright was suddenly jerked into the air as a two long blades stabbed through his chest. I tried to scream out, but I was finding it very hard to breathe all of sudden. I looked down to see three shadow blades attached to tentacles, punctured through my chest, pulling me into the air. I twisted around to see the
Night Guard sergeant dangling limply from the blades, his glazed eyes, fixed on a point of in the distance.

I roared in pain, and in anger at the creature. I felt something burning inside my chest. It felt as if someone had lit a fire in my belly and it was spreading all over my body. I aimed the pistol straight into the creature’s face, aiming right at the bright red eyes.

“Fuck you.”

I squeezed the trigger. Then the entire battlefield froze in time as that one shot drained nearly all the magic from my body and emptied it all in one direction.

The six mares all talked quietly amongst themselves as the evacuation train pulled up to the station in Appleloosa. As the ponies from Ponyville gathered on the loading area, collecting their things, a bright flash in the distance caught all their attention.

“That came from Ponyville.” Applejack said, but Twilight and Rarity were both staring at shock as their horns lit up briefly before dimming down again.

“Girls, forget what Honored said,” Twilight spun around to face her friends, “get back on the train, we’re heading back. NOW!”

Sitting on top a throne surrounded by flickering flames, an alicorn with a fiery mane and tail lazily commanded a group of messengers to take orders to commands scattered around Equestria. Day Terror was about to issue another scroll when a flash interrupted her thoughts. The room turned white as the flash reached its peak before dying back down.

“No. It can’t be.”

A dark coated Princess stared in awe as nearly half a battlefield disappeared in a white flash of pure energy. The sheer volume of magic that was being released from one source caused the princess’s horn to glow on its own, absorbing some of the magic. Luna found herself temporarily blinded. But she could only think one thing.


I coughed and cracked open my eyes. Something red was dripping from the edge of my helmet and dropping in front of my line of sight. I tried to call out, but only a cough and a raspy breathe came out of my mouth. I looked down to see three black blades jutting from my stomach and chest. I managed to push myself up and look at the area around me.
Starting from the point I was sitting at, the ground and surrounding area in front of me was gone. All the way to the edge of the Everfree forest, the ground was cracked and burnt brown. The grass of the field was gone, and so was every griffon, shadow, and shadow warrior that had been occupying the space before. I looked around and saw my pistol.

It was lying in a pool of red and black blood, the blood turning to steam around the weapon. The barrel was visibly red hot and small pops of magic sparked from its surface. I reached a hand out to the grip, expecting it to be hot, but I was able to lay a finger on it. Then a whole hand. Lastly I picked up the weapon and looked down at it.

Then back at the destroyed landscape and pulverized enemies, all of the ashes slowly being blown into the night sky.
I let the pistol slip into my holster as I gripped the sling of my rifle and pulled the other weapon close to my body. In one direction all of the enemies were destroyed, but too bad the magic hadn’t fixed the other directions. I could hear the screaming and groaning of the fast approaching shadows.

I put a fresh new magazine of magic bullets into the rifle and chambered a round. I slowly turned myself around and lined up a shot with the first charging shadow. I was immobilized, weak, bleeding to death, and I must be hallucinating, because I just saw Fast Sky zip overhead and towards Canterlot.

The shadow got closer so I squeezed the trigger.

From across the battlefield, Luna was leading a combined group of Night Guards and Royal Guards towards the point if the massive explosion. She knew the Honored had to be alive. There was no way he would die before Day Terror was stopped.

Another shadow jumped at the princess’s neck.

“Stay back shadow creature!” she shouted, while floating the blade of the hooked sword in the thing’s path. It was swiftly impaled on the end of the blade. Luna felt something crunch under her armored hoof. She moved it aside and looked at the small brass casing.

“This way guards! Follow the trail if little brass cans!” The rescue party continued to drive deeper into the shadow army, desperate to try and save the battle hardened human.

Luna’s ear swiveled at the loud noise that sounded off from the distance. It sounded as if a small cannon was firing. It was followed by another. And another.

“Guards, he’s still alive! I hear his weapon!” The group charged towards the steadily growing noise, new vigor in their pace.

A badly wounded griffon landed hard on the balcony of the castle in Canterlot. She stumbled forward, her badly wounded claw slipping on the white marble, marking the area with blood. She gasped at the pain and limped towards the throne room.

The doors were opened by two massive shadow warriors who eyed the wounded griffon with hunger as she hobbled her way into the throne room.

“Day Terror,” The griffon coughed out. “The attack is failing. The human…” she coughed again, “the human and the other alicorn were able to stop the main advance. The assault force is down to nearly a fourth of its original size.”

“This is terrible news, but somehow I expected it.” Day Terror removed herself from the throne and marched towards a window. “I do hate having to show my hand so early in the game, but better to go big early, than go home.” Her horn lit up briefly before a shadow slowly moved to block the window.

“What is your name griffon?”


“Ah yes, the griffon that was forced into the military to pay back your debt for escaping prison. As I recall, the human helped you escape.” Day Terror was smiling her evil smile, fangs protruding over her lips.

“Yes that is true. I don’t wish to fight against him but I have to.” Gilda turned her head. She wondered if the human had recognized her, and that’s why she was still breathing. That bullet that tore into her forelimb could have easily passed through her head, but he hadn’t done that.

“Now Gilda, feast your eyes on my ace in the hole. I named her, Fast Skies.” Day Terror leaned her head back and laughed manically into the air as her secret weapon rolled by the window. Gilda stared in shock and in awe at the best rolling by.

Fast Skies was a giant war ship. A zeppelin that used to be for luxury was now transformed into a harbinger of death. The royal purple color was now a hideous black and green. The windows were covered in steel, while bomb bay doors covered the bottom of the hull. Cannon barrels stuck out of the air ship in random directions.

“Good luck trying to stop this human.”

The ship slowly began its decent towards the still ongoing battle in Ponyville.

The rifle clicked empty again as I dug through the assorted pouches and slings across my body, searching for another mag.

Finding one, I slammed it into the rifle, but not before a shadow was able to deliver a kick to one of the blades still protruding from my chest. I coughed and stabbed the rifle into the things gut before blowing its guts out behind it.

This was it. And I had always imagined my death being a little more… smothered to death in a massive orgy. But I guess having my life ended with the K/D of 9000+ to 1 was pretty good.

The shadow that would no doubt end my life, jumped at me, before falling flat on its face, a shiny sword made of diamonds sticking out of its back.

I looked up to see Luna flanked by a handful of guards standing in front of me. Zappy and two other swords were floating in her magical grasp.

“Honored, we are here to save you!”

“Fucking,” I coughed up blood as the world slowly faded to black, “terrific.”

Author's Note:

Thanks to TheDarkAngel for his proof reading and future proof reading.