• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 12,340 Views, 1,245 Comments

Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

  • ...

The Nightmare Lifts

Honor Above All Else

Chapter 42

By Honored Service

Preread by TheDarKAngel

I stumbled back into the Royal Guard camp in the dead of night. Princess Luna walked quietly next to me, her wing still draped across my back. The ponies on guard let us pass as we made our way towards the large tent where the Elements of Sanctuary were staying. The ponies were still awake when we entered the tent. I lifted the tent and was knocked to the ground by a blur of pink and yellow. Pinkie Pie and Quick Flurry tackled me to the ground and gave me a huge hug.

"Don't you ever go off into a dangerous battle alone! At least without food!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. She then proceeded to give me one of MREs that Twilight and Luna had teleported along with the crate of weapons.

Chill Macaroni. My second favorite. I took the brown plastic package and opened it. I sat down hard on a lump of bricks from one of the nearby stores and dug into the meal. My friends slowly gathered around me with their own meals. I opened the main course of beef sauce and noodles and ate it greedily. Battle Plan sat to my right and Princess Luna took a seat next to my left. They each held a plate of fruits, vegetables, and hay floating in a magical aurora. They stared at me as I devoured the meal. I looked up at them, their stares showing their disgust with my eating habits.

"What?" I choked out as I swallowed the bite in my mouth, "I thought we had pushed past this meat eater thing."

"We did," Luna said, while dabbing her mouth with a napkin held in her magical grasp, "but would it kill you to show some manners?"

I thought long and hard about that.

"Yup." I then threw the plastic spoon over my shoulder and stuck my whole mouth into the bag and began eating the food like that, making sure to include as many disgusting, gut wrenching noises as possible.

"You are the most... Ugh!" Luna sighed and stormed off from the group, her meal forgotten on the ground.

Suddenly I found myself feeling a little bad about that. But the hunger outweighed that, so I finished eating first. Once my meal and all of its sides were finished, I disposed of the trash by lighting it on fire with my magical flames. I then set off to find Luna and apologize for my less than perfect manners. I wandered from the front section of the camp towards the rear lines where Luna's tent and operation posts were placed. I figured starting at Luna's tent would be the best place to start my search.

"Hello? Luna? Ya in here?" I cracked the tent flap and peered into the darkness. A candle flickered in the corner of the tent.

A lone figure sat nearby at a desk where the candle was burning. "Luna?" I called out and stepped into the tent, sealing us off from the rest of the camp.

"Princess Luna is it okay if I talk to you?" I felt a little awkward as she just sat there, hunched over the desk.

"Yes, Honored?" She croaked out. Her voice was rough and she sounded a little hoarse. Haha

"Luna are you okay? I didn't mean to upset you this badly." Okay, I know my apologies are shit.

"It's not you, Johnson." I sighed out in relief. "Actually, yes it is you."


Luna turned to look at me. Her eyes were red and the fur around her eyes was moist with fresh tears. The candle continued to flicker its dim light around the tent. "How even in the middle of this... this... hell, how can you still act so silly?" Luna got up from her desk and walked up to me. She looked me in the eyes, seemingly begging me for an answer. "I'm falling apart here. Watching my guards die and fall trying to stop this Nightmare is killing me. How do you do it?"

Now it was my turn to be put on the spot. I looked in myself and thought about it. I cared deeply for every pony that died along side me, and I felt bad for every pony that I couldn't save. How did I cope with it? How did I continue to have fun and laugh in the middle of a war zone?

"I'm not entirely sure, Luna." She turned away and looked down at the ground, "but I can try and guess. I think it has something to do with being human. War was a daily thing. I told you and Celestia all about that. Celestia herself has seen in my mind. You know what I grew up with. You know what I've trained to be. I'm a warrior, it's my special talent."

"The fact that you care so much, Luna, shows that you're an amazing leader. Even after all the death you've seen, it still affects you this much. That's something I admire about you. You still show unimaginable amounts of compassion and love for your ponies. Me, well I'll never be one of Equestria's ponies. I'll forever be the human that fights like a demon." I looked at my hands. They were caked in dirt and grime and dried shadow blood. They were the hands of a warrior; a protector.

Luna looked up to me. She rose to her legs and gave me a sad smile. She slowly wrapped a wing around me and pulled me into a hug. I gradually accepted it and returned it.

"Thank you, Johnson." Luna pulled away, "I'm sorry for the burden you bear everyday to serve my sister and I."

I waved her off and walked back towards the tent entrance. "It's nothing Luna. I have nothing better to do. It was either help y'all or become the new lord of chaos." I chuckled deeply and exited the tent as Luna held up a hoof to stop me from leaving, but I blew it off as my mind playing tricks on me.

The moon was high in the sky and beginning its decent back towards the horizon as I began to walk the line of Royal Guards. The ponies kept their watch on the shadow lines across no-pony-land. Their moral was lifted as I walked among their ranks, telling jokes or answering questions.

I felt that spending time with the ponies was a good way for them to build trust with me. I needed them to have faith in their leaders, and thus having faith in themselves.

"Ah, lieutenant Honored Service." Shining Armor walked up to me as he passed along another group of guards on the front ramparts.

"Good evening, or is it morning?"

"It's the morning!" Pinkie Pie said from nowhere.

I gave a confused look around trying to find the pink pony but to no avail. I looked back to Shinning Armor, "So, um, good morning, sir. What's up?"

"Coming over to make sure that the terrifying human wasn't bothering my steadfast troops." A few of the nearby guards began to snicker at the light hearted jokes shared between us. It was good to see that the officers could joke too.

"Nah, nothing bad going on here. Just checking up on the guards and patrolling the lines." I said with a dismissive wave of my hand. "The defensive lines are placed perfectly. Almost as if a foal with a few weeks of military training did it."

Shinning Armor scoffed at me and then smiled. "Well it was someone with military training. We couldn't just run around the battlefield hacking and slashing like a mad human."

I laughed and began walking away towards my tent. Or the tent I shared with the rest of the Elements of Sanctuary. "Sure call me mad! But I get work done."

I passed a few roaming guards and nodded to them as I went back to the tent. I wasn't sleepy at all. In fact my body was coursing with energy. Tomorrow morning we would attack. The new found Elements of Sanctuary leading the spear tip to assault the castle. We would move quickly and with surprise. I would hold nothing back. And this time, this time Nightmare would fall.

The tent flap opened in front of me as Sergeant Stand Bold tried to sneak out.

"Ahem." I coughed as he looked behind him back into the tent.

"Ahhhh! I mean hey, Honored. What's, um, happening?" His tan coat was steadily changing to a red color matching his mane.

"Where you going?" I asked with my hands on my hips, feeling like a mother catching a naughty child.

"Oh, me. Well I was just on my way to...to"

"To?" I smiled devilishly at the pegasus. I had him now. But before I could squeeze him for answers, the answer made itself clear.

"Bold? Bold?" The hushed whisper came from around the side of the tent. It was a feminine voice. I quickly winked at Stand Bold and then dived into the shadows of the night. Before Stand Bold could call off the meet up, Rainbow Dash carefully walked around the tent. Upon seeing the other pegasus, she leapt into the air and jumped at the sergeant. He returned the hug, but kept on eye open at the spot I had vanished from. Too bad for him, that I was now in front of them crouching behind a pole that had collapsed from a building.

Aw, how cute, I thought. The couple left with Rainbow Dash flying ahead of Stand Bold, wiggling her rump at him. He chased after her, leaving me alone, hiding in the dark.

I was about to leave, but then the tent opened again. I quickly ducked back down, as Battle Plan slipped out from the tent. He stood there outside of the tent looking around.

What in the world, I thought to myself. My legs were beginning to cramp up from my crouching position, while I waited.

"Battle Plan?"

No fucking way. Another female voice called out from the shadows near me. I ducked lower and hugged the dark shadows around me as Twilight stepped through the darkness, illuminating the darkness with a faint pink purple glow from her horn.

"Twilight, you're early." Battle Plan said happily as he bounded up to the unicorn.

"Well I'm new to this and didn't want to be late, so I figured I would come early to make sure you weren't waiting too long and I hope that it's okay. And now I'm rambling." Twilight turned beat red. Damn she's an egghead.

You've got be kidding me. I gagged as the two walked off, their sides touching from their close walk. "Ugh, gag me with a spoon." I stood up and began walking forward, but then the flap opened again, causing me to dive into the darkness and landing right into something sticky.

I silently cursed the world as I lied in a pile of old shadow gunk and goo. "Fuuuuuuuuck." I whispered out, peering at the tent.
I watched Covert slip out and stand still, his red eyes scanning the area.

'Oh not you too', I begged silently. If he was finding romance I would kill myself right here in this goo puddle.

"Honored?" Covert called out, "You're not that stealthy, and that’s my shtick. Come on out." I sat up and walked over to him.

“‘sup." I said trying not to let on to my eves dropping and spying. I looked towards the direction the recent couple had left in.

"Yeah they totally are rutting right now." Covert said while looking around.

"Whoa, what the hell man." I said looking at the mysterious shadow. "What makes you say that?"

"Oh you know," Covert explained as if it was the simplest thing in the world, "Bold and Ms. Dash have been talking to each other for weeks now. And well Plan and Ms. Sparkle are both..."

"Nerds? Socially awkward? Eggheads?" I added.

"Yes. All they do is read about romance, and once they finally get a chance..."

"Mother of God." I whispered. "Like rabbits."


"Ewww Covert. Stop making me think about that."

"Sorry human. I didn't know others happiness was your weakness."

"Oh, bite me." I grumbled as I left the area and walked into the tent. I didn't even hear what happened next.

"Sup shadow." Gilda said in her rough voice as she landed next to him. Covert nodded lightly to the griffon as she walked up.

"Good morning to you too." Covert smiled, his red mouth showing his sharp black fangs.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Gilda crouched down on here front legs and Covert climbed onto her back. He stroked the feathers on her head as she jumped into the sky, cork screwing as she flew off into the night.

I sat on my bed, my small armory laid out in front of me. All the tools of my profession. I picked up each weapon and broke it down; making sure every piece was clean and ready to function. The M16A2 was still working. But the weapon itself was showing signs of its abuse. The outside was scratched and covered in dents. The blue cat’s paw was still engraved on its side from the brief ownership with Ahuizotl. I still had half a satchel of 5.56 rounds, all magically produced, which was about three hundred rounds.

My Berretta was just as scratched as the M16 showing its usage. 'Spike' was still scratched onto its slide, giving me a little smile. It had no ammunition left for it, but thanks to my magic gauntlet, I could send concentrated bursts of my magic through it. Deadly accurate magic bursts. I still had four hand grenades left; those would come in handy for breaching the inner rooms of the castle.

Both Glocks still had their silencers attached and I had well over 150 .45ACP rounds for them. They would acts as good close quarters weapons when I needed to clear a larger room. For smaller rooms, I would use my shotgun. I picked up the scatter gun and made sure the semi-auto action was functioning.

The M101A was notorious for jamming after continuous use. It was working fine. I pulled out the four boxes of shells left for it. Around fifty 00 steel combat loaded shells were left. The one weapon I was worried about was my XM2010 EMR.

That sniper weapon would be useless inside the castle walls. I could use it to try and pick shadows off from across the barren landscape, but I would have to leave it behind. It would just be dead weight to carry with me.

My last four weapons were the melee weapons. I had the diamond sword given to me by the Red Paw pack. Everything still sparkled on the weapon like it was brand new. It wasn't even scratched. The gold enchanted sword I had battled Ahuizotl over was still resting in its sheath. I drew it, the blade still arching electric static.

The newest addition to my armament, the Element of Protection. The five foot blade was still glowing its faint red light. It weight was still a mystery to me. So big and yet it felt like nothing. I loved it. I would have to figure out how to use all the Elements at once to destroy Nightmare.

I felt my hip. I drew the knife that had entered the world with me. Bad Bertha. She was still coated with the magical metal that made it cut through anything. The mini spike hidden inside the handle was still sharp, and ready to punch through anything. My armament was ready and so was I. I lied down in my bed, figuring I would try and catch some sleep.

"So this is it." Day Terror was looking out from the spire where she prepared herself for the fight about to happen. The human was ready. Both sets of Elements were present. This was looking bad for the Nightmare.

"I can kill him. I nearly have, but somepony always saves the worthless human at the last second. If I get him alone for long enough. Yes. He still can't kill me because of the precious pony princess. He'll have to just fight to stay alive, not kill. Oh human. It will be a fight for the world to see, but too bad I’ll be the only one to see him fall." Day Terror laughed and began preparing her slightly damaged armor for battle. She also pulled a sword from the shadows and zapped it with a long burst of magical energy. The sliver blade became jet black and wisps of shadow trailed off of the blade and snaked up into the air, Day Terror laughed again as she sheathed the blade on her back. "Oh, human. This has been most fun."

The sun slowly began to edge its way into the sky. Dark oranges and reds painted the sky. I stood atop the very same rampart that Shinning Armor had the previous day. I held my rifle in my hands while all three swords were strapped across my back. The shotgun was hung at my side, the Glocks tucked in their holsters under my armpits and the Berretta was snugly put into my thigh holster. I left the sniper rifle on its bi-pod at my feet. I was ready.

Shinning Armor walked up behind me. "I am ready, human."

"Oh no, you're not." I said without looking at him. "You're not coming on this assault Armor." I bent down and picked up the XM2010. I held the weapon to him, "stay here and watch my back. Pull the bolt back to load a round, aim the lines up and squeeze the trigger. Repeat." I gestured to the parts of the weapon as he took it in his magical aurora.

"I'm coming, human."

"No." I looked at him, fire in my eyes, "you have a wife to go home too. You did enough yesterday. Today, this is my fight. Snipe the shadows from safety; I need a good cover man." I pulled the charging handle on my rifle and locked the first round of many into the chamber. Shinning Armor nodded once, he was upset, but the fresh scar across his face reminded me of my decision.

Slowly the other Elements of Sanctuary gathered behind me in a wedge. Covert to my right and Sergeant Stand Bold to my left. Behind them Quick Flurry took position and so did Battle Plan. Hammer Strike brought up the rear. We stood posed, ready to attack. The first line of Royal Guards were readying themselves to run with us at the enemy. I was going to try and reach the gate before too many of them fell to the shadows.

"Okay, listen up." Battle Plan began to explain his plan to the other Elements and Sergeants of the Royal Guard. "We mass form here and then move-"

I smiled and sucked in a deep lungful of air, "LEEEEERRRROOOYYYY JEEEEENNNNKKKINSSSS!" I screamed, and jumped down the rampart and sprinted towards the castle wall, over 100 meters away.

"Oh my Celestia."

"He just ran in there."

Not even halfway to the castle, the first shadows began to leap over the wall. Shadow Champions and regular shadows ran towards me. I brought my weapon to bear as I ducked around an arrow. I fired a double tap, two quick rounds fired in rapid succession, into a Shadow Champion. It spun around on its feet before I reached out and caught it in my left hand. I flipped it around, hugging its back to my chest as another arrow pierced its chest. I backed up and planted a kick to its back, sending the creature forward knocking into another charging Champion. I jumped over the two creatures, unloading a trio of bullets into both of them, sending spurts of black blood onto the dew covered ground.

Landing into a roll, I leapt up into a kick, smacking a shadow to the ground, and firing a round through its head. A shadow approaching from my left was about to get a rifle butt to the face, but a glowing yellow arrow lodged itself in its throat. It stumbled for a moment before it collapsed in the dirt. I looked to Battle Plan and gave a thumbs up. He nodded and locked another magical arrow into place, continuing on his archery spree.

I brought my focus onto the Shadow Warrior lumbering onto the battlefield. I sprinted through the waves of shadows still coming at me. Most of them toppled over each other as the magical 5.56 rounds punched through their bodies with ease.

Blood gushed out before me as I dodged left and right, shadow blades whisking through the air inches from my body. I spun right and slammed my rifle butt into a shadow's gut. It bent over and I flipped the weapon into the air, catching it under the shadow's hunched over body and slammed the barrel upward, finishing it off with a quick one shot to its head.

I rolled to the left as one of the Shadow Warrior's back tentacle blades slammed into the ground. Dirt flew into the sky, showering bits of debris all over my back as I looked up to the warrior. It looked back at me as it raised another blade to hammer into me. I quickly ducked under the incoming blade whistling through the air. I ran under the creature, firing a burst of rounds from the weapon unroll it ran dry, and then hurled the empty metal magazine at its backside. I loaded a fresh clip into the underside of the M16 and pushed the bolt catch, letting the bolt go forward and bring the round into the chamber. I turned to face off against the Shadow Warrior as it stared back at me.

"Well, let's dance." I smirked at the massive shadow and slung the rifle on my back. Pulling the Element of Protection from the sheath on my back, I ran forward slashing the weapon against the incoming blades that flew through the air from the Shadow Warrior. My blade clashed against its black shadow ones, deflecting them left and right. I pushed through its defense and jumped at the creature's legs. I hacked one leg off easily, black blood spilled across the ground as the shadow stumbled backwards, temporarily knocked off balance from losing one of its legs. I ducked back around the shadow as it flailed its arm blades and tentacles around madly trying to slice my head off. Spinning around I lifted my arm up, and sent a strike glancing off my blade. I was ready to make another attack, but a flash off pink flew past my head.
The pink crossbow bolt impacted the side of the Shadow Warrior's head. It stopped and lifted one of its arms to the small thorn in its head. It gently picked the bolt from its head, giving it an angry stare. I kept my sword praised above my head, ready to strike or deflect an attack. The little bolt slowly began to glow. I smiled, "Boom."

The little bolt erupted into an intense flash and explosion. The Shadow Warrior's head vanished in the pink explosion. Its body toppled forward into a pool of gore and blood.

"Nice one, Bold!" I shouted out, jumping over the fallen body. I swung the blade to the side, decapitating a shadow quickly. Dodging to the right, I brought the sword up and blocked another hit from a Shadow Champion. It growled at me before pulling back and launching another strike at me. I tilted the sword, knocking the blade down, while then suddenly jerking the blade up into the shadow's stomach, chest, and chin. With a jerking motion, the sword popped loose from the body with a sickening squelch.

I stood panting in the middle of the battlefield, halfway to the castle. I sheathed the sword and withdrew both Glocks from their holsters. I held them to my side as I heard the steady pounding of hooves trotting up behind me.
Quick Flurry, Hammer Strike, and Covert ran up beside me. I nodded politely as the formed a square pattern around me, giving us 360 degree security. "Well this is going well. Where are the other guards?" I asked as I aimed my pistols at the approaching wave of shadows.

"They are steadily making their way to our position. Stand Bold and Battle Plan are acting as the leaders right now." Covert informed me, while racking the charging handle on his M249 SAW.

"Hold. Hold." I commanded as the shadows got closer and closer. This rushing wave was made up of entirely regular shadows. Where were the Warriors or Champions? Or these new Shadow Leapers I was told about.


Pssh! Pssh! Pssh! Pssh! Pssh! Pssh!

The Glocks spit out their deadly rounds with pinpoint accuracy at this close range. They coughed their muffled barks as shadows toppled left and right, other shadows stumbling and tripping over the falling corpses of others. The constant sound of Hammer Strike's mighty hammer filled the back ground as it smashed into flesh and bone. I could make out the quick rapid slicing sounds of Quick Flurry's knife as he wove his wave trough multiple shadows at once, dicing them up like a professional chef.

And then came the long rip of the SAW. The sound of hundreds of 5.56 rounds being spit out from the weapon in seconds filled me with pride. Covert was going to town on shadows. I dared a glance and watched as an entire line of Shadows began to fall under the withering fire from the automatic weapon.

Any shadow that was stupid enough to step into our kill zone was dropped. Whether it was by bullets, dagger, or hammer, they stood no chance. Our little formation began pushing its way through the thick shadow lines, towards the blown open castle wall. The end of the battle was growing near.

Princess Luna stood with an entire platoon of Night Guards, over thirty strong, and the Elements of Harmony. The group was about to begin their trek through the battlefield towards the castle. Forward observers had spotted Honored's group reach past the middle of the war zone and the rest of the guards had followed bravely behind the human warrior. The Elements of Harmony would link up with the Elements of Sanctuary at the front of the castle. It would be the end of it.

"Princess," Twilight looked up to Luna with big fearful eyes, "I'm scared. What if something goes wrong?"

"Twilight you must have faith in this. I know this whole war has been beyond anything you could have prepared for," Luna knelt down to Twilight's level, "but you and your friends need to be strong. Not only for yourselves, but for everypony ahead of us doing the actual fighting. One human especially." Luna thought about was about to happen. What the human was going to do. It was going to kill him. She gulped, it might destroy him.

"Well then, little ponies," Luna swallowed and brought the 240 next to her, "let's go show Day Terror the magic of friendship."

"Um Princess," Applejack said with a disgusted look on her face, her nose scrunched up, "maybe y'all should leave the terrible one-liners to Honor."

A series of laughs echoed out from the other girls. "As you wish." Luna bowed her head in mock shame as the group set out across the body covered landscape.

Fluttershy let out a choked cough as they passed by the first pony guard body. He was a unicorn spear pony, who had three massive cuts through his neck. Tears rolled off of Fluttershy's cheeks as they walked by. Beyond that, more and more Royal Guard corpses dotted the battlefield. There were still more shadow corpses filling the death toll, their numbers already in the hundreds, but the ponies killed were the most in over 1,000 years.

"Girls it's alright. Just keep moving. It's alright." Luna was struggling to hold onto her composure too. But she had to remain strong for the ponies around her. "The human and the others are nearing the wall. We'll meet them there."

"Princess Luna," Rarity asked, "how is Canterlot ever going to be fixed?" The once regal city was burnt down, destroyed, and scarred from the shadow's rein over the city.

"With hard work. It will be better." Luna promised.

"Oh fuck yes!" I screamed in bliss. I spun around, the shotgun barking as I turned, shadows ripped in half from the deadly shells. "Muhhahaha!" I cackled madly as more and more shadows dropped to the ground, most of them missing limbs or chunks of their heads. I flipped the shotgun over and pulled out a handful of the plastic shells. I loaded them into the under slung ammo tube. "Keep it up Elements, almost to the wall."

"Thank goodness." Quick Flurry jumped into the air and swung his dagger once, the head of a shadow falling to the ground.

"Come on, you guys need to learn how to enjoy this." I flipped the shotgun over and slammed a shell into the open chamber. Letting the bolt go forward, I leveled the loaded shotgun at the approaching shadows. I dropped the weapon to my side and drew my Berretta and knife. The pistol began to shimmer with my magic and the knife glinted in the late morning sun. The shadow dove at me, but the magical bolt from the pistol slammed into the shadow's head. It collapsed in a heap in front of me. "Gotta stay on your toes...er hooves." Then the ground rumbled.

"Shit." I said as three Shadow Warriors emerged from begin the castle wall. "That's not fair." I said. "Now I have to try." I sighed and sheathed the knife and put away the pistol.

"Cover me."

"With what?" Quick Flurry yelled after me as I sprinted directly towards the lumbering giants.

My smile grew wide as I pulled out two of the M26 hand grenades. I loved my job.

I slipped left past a falling blade and then tucked into a roll towards my right avoiding another slash from the Shadow Warrior. I came up to my combat boots and sprinted up towards the third Shadow Warrior. I jumped as it swung down at me, grabbing onto its arm and hanging on as it threw its arm into the air. I let go at the height of its throw and flew straight up into the air. At the height of my short flight, I flicked the safety off the grenade and pulled the pin. I dropped down right at the Shadow Warrior's head. I let go of the one still safe grenade in my left hand, and fired a short pulse of magic into its head. I quickly grabbed the grenade back before I lost sight of it in my free fall. I held my right hand out, the one holding the armed grenade, aiming at the open wound in the shadow's head. I smiled as I planted my feet on the Shadow Warrior's shoulders, and flicked the spoon off the armed grenade, then I thrusted my arm down into the shadow's head. I felt the warm gooey insides squish against my arm as I plunged the grenade into its head. I jerked my arm out and leapt from the third Shadow Warrior to the second one, while drawing my knife and stabbing it into its back for a good grip.


I turned to watch the headless Shadow Warrior tip forward and crash into the ground. With the grenade in my left hand, I flicked off the safety and pulled the pin with my teeth. I flipped off the spoon and pushed the grenade into the open wound on the shadow's back that had been gouged into it from the knife slicing into it. I dropped to the ground and dove behind a pile of dead shadows as the second explosion shook the earth.


This shadow stumbled around briefly as it had a nice hole blown clear through its chest. It fell to its front legs and then rolled onto its side, gasping for air. I ran from my cover and jumped onto its chest, and then planted my diamond sword through its skull.

I panted heavily as the last Shadow Warrior stared me down. I jerked the sword from the body, black blood dripping from the sword onto the earth. I raised the sword, ready to launch my next attack.

But I didn't have too.

Hammer Strike ran up from the side and delivered a knee shattering blow to the Shadow Warrior, sending it kneeling to the ground. Covert appeared in front of the Warrior and unleashed a torrent of bullets from his SAW. The creature stumbled backwards from the wave of lead nailing its center mass. Combined with its broken leg, the beast fell backwards, where a blur of yellow fur zigzagged its way across its chest and head. Quick Flurry sliced up and down, left and right all the way across the Shadow Warrior's body. It bled out slowly from the bullet wounds and the long slices through its body. Hammer Strike circled around and lifted his hammer above the fallen demon's head. He brought the hammer down with a might crash, the head popping like a watermelon, except sending chunks of black flesh and blood all over the area. Teamwork at its finest.

"Good work, Elements." I said, slipping the diamond sword into its sheath along my back. "Now let's get into that castle."
We faced the large hole in the castle wall where the beautiful gates had once stood. I unslung my rifle and gripped my Berretta in my left hand. Right on cue, I heard the hoof falls falling on the ground behind me. My group of fighters turned to find Quick Flurry and Battle Plan arrive with a large force of Royal Guards, Night Guards, Princess Luna, and the Elements of Harmony. We were all together. This was it. The end of it all.

Knock knock Day Terror.

Friendship is coming in.