• Published 16th Mar 2019
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Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search - currentlemon

Jedi Padawan Lyra Heartstrings scours the war-torn galaxy in search of her long-lost home.

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Chapter 21

From inside the Omega’s cockpit, Lyra Heartstrings stared at Coruscant from orbit, admiring the planet’s beauty. Beside her was Hider on the captain’s chair, who unlike her, did not take a moment to cherish the beautiful sight in front of him. Instead, he was fiddling around with the nav-computer.

Moments ago, they and their companions had left the Jedi Temple and Coruscant altogether. As of now, they were above the planet’s orbit with Hider preping the Omega for light speed. Lyra joined him in the cockpit as soon as she came on board, telling her friend that she wanted to watch him work.

But that was a lie. In truth, something was bugging her, and she wanted to talk about it. Ideally, she would’ve gone to her master first; but given that Hider stood from a neutral standpoint, she decided to go to him instead.

Though it didn’t help that Lyra hadn’t said a word since she boarded the ship.

“So, are you just going to sit there and do nothing, kid?” Hider asked. “Come on, spill it. You got something on your mind, don’t you?”

Lyra meekly shook her head. “No, I don’t,” she answered. It was a lie, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell Hider the truth.

However, her friend didn’t believe her. “Well, you’ve been all but quiet lately ever since we left Coruscant. And for some reason you decided to follow me here. While I appreciate the company, I doubt you’re here for sightseeing.”

Lyra frowned. “I’m that easy to read, aren’t I?”

“You are. So, tell me, Lyra. What’s on your mind?”

“What, besides going on another mission to save my fellow ponies?” Lyra said with a huff. “Or maybe it has something to do with my master and the Jedi Council allowing Sweetie to come with us!”

Hider suddenly stopped working. He spun his chair around and gaped at Lyra with a raised brow. “You’re still upset about that decision?” he asked, to which the Padawan nodded in reply. “Come on, kid, let it go. I don’t like the idea of bringing her along either, but if it’s the will of the Jedi Council, we have to obey.”

“But it’s too dangerous for her to come along!” Lyra complained. “Worst case scenario is that she’ll become a liability and slow us down!”

Hider frowned. “Wow, Lyra. Since when does a Jedi talk down their own friends? I’m sure Master Darran will be disappointed to see you acting the way you are right now.”

“I… I,” Lyra’s ears drooped. “I’m sorry. It’s just that, I’m a bit worried. It’s one thing to get anxious about the mission, but now I need to worry about my friend too!”

Hider sighed. “Lyra, do yourself a favor and lighten up. Seriously, having all that built up stressed ain’t a good thing. Do one of those meditation exercises you Jedi always do. Maybe that might help you out.”

“Yeah… well, the last time I did that, I couldn’t concentrate,” Lyra said as her cheeks puffed in embarrassment.

“Can’t hurt to try again. Remember, you’re only a Padawan. At the very least, you should be following your Order’s tenants instead of pouting over one failed attempt. And don’t worry about our little Private. I have plans for her.”

“Plans? What plans?”

“I’ll talk about it more later,” Hider answered as he resumed working. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you something, regarding the two ponies we rescued.”

“Yeah, what about them?”

“Why is the order sending them to Dantooine?” Hider asked. “I mean, I know the planet might be a better place for your friends to fit in, by why there?”

“Dantooine is a safe-haven for the Jedi,” Lyra explained. “There’s an academy there where we can train, and it’s been my home for a decade. In fact, Dantooine where I began my training as an Initiate.”

“Really? I always figured that far out planet was just meant for farms. I never knew there was a Jedi Academy there.”

“Its location is kept secret from the public. Not many know of its location, aside from a few Republic officials, Jedi, and the citizens living there. The only reason I’m telling you this now is because our destination is already set. No point in keeping it a secret any longer.”

“So, that was the planet you and your master were on before you guys met me in Taris,” said Hider as he steered his ship away from Coruscant. After pressing several more buttons, the Omega began to rumble. Soon, streaks of white light formed outside the window. And with a single jolt, it slipped into hyperspace.

“I’ll always love that little push,” Hider said, cracking a wide grin. “Going into hyperspace never gets old.”

Lyra rolled her eyes. “I don’t see why you make a big deal out of it. It gets old pretty fast.”

“Trust me, kid. When you start piloting your own ship, you’ll never get tired of it,” Hider replied, gleefully. “Say, why don’t you go on back and fetch our companions for me? Now that we’ve entered light speed, I’d like to have a word with you all before we reach Alderaan.”

“Is this about Sweetie’s role in the mission?” Lyra asked as she jumped out of the co-captain’s chair.

“Something like that. Oh, and be quick about it, alright. I’d like to get this debriefing over and done with so we can all get some rest.”

“Sure, of course.”

As the cockpit door closed on her, Lyra trotted down the ship’s corridor in search for the rest of the crew. It wouldn’t take her long to find them though. She already knew where everyone was.

Shortly before they left the Jedi Temple, Chessk had asked Sweetie to join him at the garage for combat practice. It was an odd thing to do, but the Trandoshan wanted to fulfill the promise he made back at the Works District.

Lyra lowered her head and sighed. When Chessk first mentioned this, she was skeptical at first. Having Sweetie adapt to modern standards won’t be easy. It’ll take months, if not years for the mare to learn. Not to mention the inability to use galactic weaponry. And that goes double for blaster weapons considering there’s not a single model in the galaxy that can work with ponies.

Just what was Chessk going to do?


Lyra’s ears shot straight up. The sound of someone yelling nearby had snapped her out of her thoughts. Then, it happened again. More yelling could be heard from where she stood, and it was echoing across the entire corridor.

Curious, she scoured for the source of the noise, only to realize it came from the garage. When she peeked inside, she witnessed something rather unusual. Chessk was on the ground with a cushion on hand, seemingly groaning in pain. And right beside him was Sweetie Drops.

“That… that was a good kick, creamy pony,” said Chessk as he slowly got up from the floor. “Incredible. I haven’t been rag-dolled like that since I was out hunting wild beasts on Felucia.”

“Indeed. That was quite an impressive display of strength, Private,” inquired Master Darran, who Lyra spotted standing at the far end of the room. “I never realized your species has such physical prowess.”

“It isn’t all that special,” replied Sweetie Drops. “Physical prowess is something all Earth ponies have. I’m just stronger than most because I had military training.”

“What’s going on here?” Lyra asked as she stepped inside the garage.

“Ah, hello there, Padawan,” greeted her master. “What brings you here?”

“We just entered light speed and Hider wants to talk with everyone down at the lounge,” Lyra answered. “Didn’t tell me what it was about though. He just said it was important.”

“A talk, eh? Wouldn’t it be best if he waited until we reach our destination? Alderaan is only a few hours away.”

“Maybe, but he says it’s important and he wants to get it over and done with so that we can all get some rest.” Scouring the room, Lyra noticed that a certain droid was missing from the group. “Hey, where’s Geefour? I thought it was with you guys?”

“It just left a couple minutes ago. Said it was going to do some maintenance on the ship,” answered Chessk. “By the way, little Jedi, your kin’s fighting technique is quite impressive. The sheer amount of power in her attacks is something to behold.”

Lyra shot an eyebrow. Never would she have thought Chessk would complement Sweetie in such short notice.

“It’s not that big of a deal. There are plenty of Earth ponies who are just as strong—if not stronger—than me,” said Sweetie Drops.

“It’s not just your strength, creamy pony. It’s also that fighting technique you used,” said Chessk. “What did you call it again? Sa-saverte?”

“It’s called, Savate, big guy. A fighting technique that originated in Prance, and a commonly taught by the Royal Guard. Lots of ponies use it.”

“A pony fighting technique?” Lyra asked. Her curiosity is clearly now showing. “That’s amazing! Do you think I can learn it?”

Sweetie curled her lip. “Well… you could. But I doubt that you’d be able to use it at its full potential. Unicorns just aren’t strong enough to learn such a physically demanding fighting style.”

“I find that hard to believe,” said Master Darran. “Care to elaborate as to why my Padawan can’t learn this technique of yours?”

“I told you already! It’s because she is a… wait a minute. Did Lyra never tell you about the differences between the three pony tribes?”

“Are you forgetting that I haven’t been home for at least a decade?” Lyra replied. “I may remember a few basics, but when it comes to the major differences between the pony species, I’m completely clueless.”

Sweetie facehoofed. “Oh, that’s right. I completely forgot about that.”

“Pony tribes? Are you saying that there are different types of pony species?” asked a confused Chessk.

“I can only assume so,” said Master Darran. “You must remember, Chessk, out of the two equines you rescued alongside Hider, one of them did have a pair of wings.”

“Stalwart is a pegasus pony. The wings make it obvious—but in case you haven’t realized it yet—yes, the pony can fly,” Sweetie explained.

Lyra rolled her eyes. “Sweetie, we’re not that oblivious. Of course, we know the guy can fly.”

Sweetie raised an eyebrow. “Then what is it that you guys want to know?”

“From what I understand—at least from my Padawan’s perspective—the three pony tribes have unique abilities,” answered Master Darran. “If I recall, Earth Ponies have superior strength, Pegasi can fly, and Unicorns can cast magic from the horns on their forehead.”

“Magic?” asked Chessk. “Are you referring to the Force?”

Darran shook his head. “No, not the Force. What I’m referring to is the golden glow that appears occasionally on Lyra’s forehead. That is what those two refer to as magic.”

Chessk scratched his forehead. “I’m… confused. If what the little Jedi uses isn’t the Force, then what is it?”

“I do not know. The Council and I have been looking into Lyra’s natural ability for years, but we’ve never found an answer.”

“It also doesn’t help that I don’t know any type of magic aside from telekinesis and shooting magic bolts,” Lyra replied. “And trust me, the bolts aren’t exactly worth doing at all. Last time I tried using the spell, someone compared the shots as being hit by a flyswatter.”

Sweetie frowned. “It’s that bad, huh?”

“Yup. With no reference on how to improve my magical abilities, I focus on what the Order taught me. Mainly learning the Jedi tenants, how to use a lightsaber, and get a grasp understanding of the Force.”

“Sweet Celestia, it’s worse than I thought,” Sweetie said, sighing in frustration. “Okay, sure, having all those Jedi powers are nice; but what’s the point in having them if you can’t use your magic effectively?”

“I do not understand, creamy pony. The little Jedi has been doing fine without magic so far. What makes you think she is better off learning her species natural ability?” asked Chessk.

“Magic is much more versatile than whatever power Lyra’s been taught!” Sweetie replied. “I mean no offense to the Jedi Order, but you’ll have to forgive me. This so-called Force isn’t exactly all that impressive.”

“Is that so?” asked Master Darran. “What makes you think the Force is weak, Private?”

Sweetie rolled her eyes. “Well, what else can you do besides lift objects in the air? Lyra can already do it with her magic, so what’s so special about using the Force for the same trick.”

“Um, I think you are really underestimating the Force, Sweetie,” said Lyra meekly. “I don’t blame you for saying those things, but the Force is way more powerful than what you think it is.”

“What makes you say that?” Sweetie asked as she stared at the Padawan, demanding some sort of answer. However, before Lyra could say anything, Master Darran interrupted their discussion by stepping in between the two mares.

“Save your discussion for later,” he said. “I’d rather that we wrap things up here and meet with Hider at the lounge.”

Lyra nodded in agreement. In her mind, she thanked her master for getting in the way. Having a lengthy discussion about the Force or magic is not something she’d like to talk about.

Chessk frowned. “What? We’re done here already?”

“I’m sorry, Chessk, but you’ll have to put the Private’s training aside for now. As much as I’d like to see more of this fighting technique, I personally would like to hear what Hider has in store for us.”

“He did say it was important,” Lyra said, which made Chessk groan in frustration.

“Fine, I’ll hear him out,” he said as he tossed the cushion aside. “Such a shame. And just when I was having a little fun too.”

Lyra blinked. “Wait, you call being rag-dolled by Sweetie fun?”

Chessk shook his head. “You misunderstand, little Jedi. I was enjoying myself because creamy pony showed plenty of potential,” he explained as he followed everyone out of the garage. “If she were to be trained, then perhaps she could adapt to our modern standards. I’d just need to find a weapon to compliment your style first.”

“I wear steel leggings when I’m out fighting in the front lines,” Sweetie explained. “Sure, they’re a bit heavy, but they do add a bit more ‘oomph’ to my kicks.”

“Leggings, eh? Well, considering your species’ primitive technology, that piece of metal isn’t as strong nor durable compared to what we use today. I can probably fashion you a similar weapon that’s more powerful than what you currently use.”

“What about blasters?” asked Lyra.

“There aren’t any blasters that can work with your species. No offense, but your hooves are just so big. I’d imagine it would be difficult for her to hold and fire one, not to mention the creamy one has no experience with such weaponry.”

Lyra frowned. “So, not only would she have to be trained, but Sweetie would also need a rifle that is built for ponies.”

“Correct. I can probably make one for her, but it would take some time.”

“I could care less about those weapons. Just focus on getting me ready for the front lines,” said Sweetie.

Chessk frowned. “You seem persistent in fighting on the front lines, creamy one. Why is that?”

“Getting close n’ personal is my kind of thing. Just think of me as a mare who’d like to charge in and kick a Griffon in the face if need be.”

“I don’t know what this Griffon is, but you won’t last long in the front lines if your only weapon is leggings. If you wish to charge into battle with your allies, it’d be best if you fight alongside a Jedi. At least with them by your side, they’ll deflect any blaster bolts coming your way.”

As the trio continued to discuss battle strategy, they eventually made it to the ship’s lounge. Hider and T3-G4 were already there, sitting nearby a rather large computer. “Hey, where the heck were you guys?” complained the captain. “I sent Lyra to fetch you all ages ago.

Lyra shrugged. “Sorry about that. I was watching Sweetie spar with Chessk and we kind of let time slip by.”

Hider blinked. “Wait, the little lady was sparring with the big guy? How does that work?” T3-G4 let out a few beeps in reply. “No way. How the heck is she even capable of rag-dolling him? She’s way too small!”

“You’d better believe it, human,” Chessk replied. “I admit, I was holding back a little, but the creamy pony’s strength is for real.”

Hider’s jaw dropped as he gaped at Sweetie for a second and then back at Chessk. “You do realize will change nothing, right? I’m not going to drag her along this mission just because she managed to impress you.”

“Hey!” shouted an offended Sweetie Drops. “I’m standing right here, you know!”

“Yes, I’m aware,” said Hider with a roll of his eyes. “Look, I know Master Darran and the Jedi High Council have agreed to let you come with us; but I’ll be frank, it’ll be too dangerous for you to come with us in the Mandalorian base. You are too much of a liability. At worst, you’ll only slow us down.”

“So, you’re suggesting that I stay here and do nothing?” asked an irritated Sweetie Drops. Hider nodded in reply, which only made the young mare even more angry. “But I can’t do that! My friends’ lives are on the line!”

“I know that, but my position still stands. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t contribute to the mission. In fact, while we are infiltrating the Mandalorian base, you’ll be providing us support.”

His statement confuses everyone onboard. Even Master Darran seemed a bit bewildered by Hider’s comment. “What do you have in mind?” asked the Jedi Master.

“Here’s my suggestion,” Hider replied as he pressed a button on the computer’s keyboard, revealing a holographic image above the machine. From everyone’s standpoint, it looked like a blueprint of sorts. “This thing has a comm-link software installed and a few headsets we can use. What our little Private here is going to do is commune with us while we scour the base.”

Lyra opened her mouth to reply, but Hider was quick to interrupt her. “I’m not finished, kid. Let me continue first and then we can discuss the plan,” he said. “The second thing I wanted to say is that this computer is capable of showing holographic images. As you can see, you are seeing the blueprint of my baby right now.”

“Impressive,” replied Master Darran. “But as impressive as that may be, how does this computer serve any purpose for Private Drops?”

“I was getting to that, old man. You see, Geefour is connected to this computer now. Whatever he downloads on his hard drive, we can see right here. Provided the ship is within distance, but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

“What exactly are you planning, human?” asked Chessk.

“Simple. Once we infiltrate the base, we get Geefour to download a map from a terminal, so it will show up in holographic form here on the ship. When that happens, the Private will use said map to guide us on where we need to go via comm-link.”

Lyra tilted her head. “So, Sweetie’s more of a support role?”

“Basically, yes,” Hider replied. “It’s a hostile environment, so I don’t exactly have the time to check my datapad and see where we’ll be going. But with her on this ship, she can do what I can’t.”

Master Darran smirked. “Interesting. So, she’ll be playing the role of an operator then.”

Hider nodded in reply. “You got it, old man. Since our Private here isn’t coming with us, I might as well have her do something that will help us.”

Sweetie huffed. “I’d rather be fighting on the front lines,” she spat, which caused Lyra to groan at her immaturity. Hider did so too.

“Look, little pony, I know you prefer to fight the good fight, but this is something that’s not up for debate.”

“He’s right, Sweetie,” said Lyra. “I know it’s frustrating, but it’s just as Hider said. You can’t come with us.”

The Padawan watched as her friend curled her lip in frustration. At first, she thought Sweetie would burst out in anger, but after a moment of silence, the mare gave out a big sigh. “Fine, I’ll do it. I'll be your operator or whatever the heck that is,” said the Private as she finally relented. “Just promise me one thing, okay.”

“And what’ll that be?” asked Hider.

“Get everypony out of there,” she pleaded. “This whole trip has been nothing but a nightmare for us, and I want it to end.” She then turned and glared at Lyra. “And don’t you dare go and abandon your team again. If you really are a protector of the galaxy, then prove it to me. Save my friends.”

“I know, Sweetie,” Lyra replied. “Mark my words, by the end of the day, everypony will be here on this ship safe and sound.”

“I’d hate to break up your little moment, girls, but can you please save the chit chat for later? There’s still one last thing I need to talk about,” Hider said.

Lyra sighed. “Well, excuse us for ruining your moment,” she replied sarcastically.

“I’m not in the mood for jokes, Lyra. So, cut the crap and listen up. Regarding the base itself, I don’t think we can just go in and fly unnoticed. My guess is that those guys will probably shoot us down the moment we get close.”

Master Darran nodded in approval. “You raise a good point. A direct approach to the base would be suicide on our end.”

“If that’s the case, how are we supposed to get close?” asked Lyra.

“I already have a solution for that, kid,” Hider answered. “You see, back in the heyday of my smuggling career, I installed a signal jammer on my ship. Since there were times where I had to flee from the local authorities—or from people who I pissed off—I’d use it so that I can avoid detection.”

Sweetie sighed. “Wow, you really are forthcoming about your past life, aren’t you?”

Hider gave the mare a wide smirk. “I am. And just to be clear, Private, I’m not ashamed of it,” he said with enthusiasm. “Anyway, the jammer still works. I can activate it when we get close to the base. Though I’ll have to land my ship some distance away from our destination.”

“What of any escape plan?” asked Lyra. “How are we supposed to escape once we free everypony?”

“Glad you pointed that out. When we reach Alderaan, I’ll contact the local military and let them know what’s up. Once they realize that a Mandalorian base is on their planet, no doubt they will deploy troops.”

“Which in turn will provide a distraction, giving us time to flee,” said Chessk. He smiled. “A bold plan. I like that.”

“Won’t it take time for them to deploy their forces?” asked Sweetie.

“True, but with the galaxy at war, I’m certain the military will be ready for quick deployment. Especially if a Jedi Master convinces them.”

“So, you plan on using me as part of your plan, eh?” Master Darran asked with a sigh. “Not that I mind. The plan is perfectly fine by me. Just make sure that I do the talking when we speak to the leaders of Alderaan.”

“Sure, whatever,” Hider replied as he let out a loud yawn. “Dang… I’m really tired.”

Nobody said a word. “So, we’re all in agreement then? Good. We still got a few hours till we reach Alderaan, so I suggest we get some sleep.

“We all are, Hider. Since we still have a few more hours till we reach Alderaan, I suggest that everyone should get some rest. Tomorrow is gonna be a big day.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait everyone. But after a long month of doing nothing but writing, I can finally start posting new content again. Which is good cause we're not getting into another major point in the story.

Will Lyra be able to save the other ponies in time? Stay tuned and find out! :twilightsmile: