• Published 16th Mar 2019
  • 2,834 Views, 282 Comments

Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search - currentlemon

Jedi Padawan Lyra Heartstrings scours the war-torn galaxy in search of her long-lost home.

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Chapter 45

Author's Note:

Wow. The first update in a long time. I thank everyone for their patience with this story. We are about to reach the end, yet my eagerness to finish this fanfic left me burnt out for at least a month. At the very least, I am writing again.

This chapter isn't my best work but it is still pretty good. Had to rework the chapter though, which was frustrating at times. But I'm glad I finally managed to get this done.

Everyone got introduced to new Force techniques as well as a new character. Knogg Shad will appear again, both in this story and it's sequel. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one.

The snarling bugbear descended from the skies, as it directly charged at the young Padawan. And it looked angry. So angry that Lyra could feel its anger tear through the Force. Like a sharp sword piercing through one’s flesh and bone.

Lyra was nervous. The bugbear’s body size was akin to that of adult kath hounds back on Dantooine, but this beast looked way more intimidating. Kath hounds usually travel in packs, making them deadly and dangerous should anyone come across them. Yet this single bugbear managed to pull the intimidation factor all on its own.

An impressive feat, but now is not a good time to be giving out compliments. Especially to an animal that literally wants to kill her.

She looked down at her companion, who was still reeling from his injury. She winced as she saw Chessk’s would. A deep cut to the abdomen with blood spewing out from it. Her eyes were completely glued to the cut, but the bugbear’s loud roar snapped her out of her trance.

Immediately, she ignited her lightsaber upon instinct, hoping that it’s snap-hiss noise would terrify the beast. Reality, however, was not kind to her. The bugbear appeared to be unfazed by the glowing weapon. In truth, seeing it only provoked the bugbear as it charged directly at Lyra. The Padawan shrieked, but her panic was cut short when a blaster bolt hit the large bugbear directly right in the face.

“L-little one. You must focus!”

Lyra looked down to see her injured companion holding a blaster pistol with his left hand. His right hand still covered his bleeding abdomen and it appeared as if he were struggling to grip his weapon in the first place. “Lyra, go! Cut off the beast’s stinger!” Chessk shouted

“But Chessk, you’re wounded!”

“Don’t worry about me!” he shouted again as he struggled to pull out a med kit of some sort from his utility belt. “Cut off the beast’s stinger so that it won’t be a threat.”

“G-got it.”

Recomposing herself, Lyra steadied her hooves. Tightening the grip on her weapon, she leapt directly at the still dazed bugbear. In an instant, Lyra sliced off the creature’s stinger in half, rendering it useless. This caused the bugbear to roar in pain and immediately fly off in the distance.

“Chessk, are you alright?” Lyra asked as she galloped directly to her friend’s side. “You’re bleeding. Here let me use the Force to help you.”

“Wait, don’t! I’m still applying my antidote,” Chessk replied, who was applying a green med kit directly onto his still bleeding wound.

Lyra winced. She hadn’t seen that much blood in a while. Not since she had been injured by Khal back on Coruscant. Sure it wasn’t her blood this time, but the sight of such a grievous injury made her feel queasy.

“Yes. I can feel the antidote working,” said Chessk with a sigh of relief. He then reached into his utility belt to pull out two red med kits this time. “Now to mend the wound.”

“Chessk, did that bugbear really poison you?” asked Lyra.

“Indeed, it did. But if I had to be honest, little Jedi, you really don’t have to worry about me too much. I have the gear and the mentality to survive this war. That bugbear really did surprise me though. The beast came out of nowhere.”

“The fighting must’ve drawn their attention to us. Oh, if only I had seen that bugbear first. Maybe then you wouldn’t be so hurt or poisoned.”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself, little Jedi. What matters is that you are okay,” said Chessk just as he had finished applying his last med-kit onto his wound. “My wound isn’t that deep, and the bleeding has all but stopped. I’m pretty sure most of the beast’s toxin had been eradicated from my body. I should be okay now, but I’m uncertain if I’m fit for battle.”

“I’m sure the medics and the Jedi Healers here would be able to help you out,” replied Lyra. “Speaking of Jedi, there’s one over there right now. Hey! We need some help!”

Her shouting quickly gained the attention of a hooded Jedi Knight passing by. The figure took its hood off, revealing itself to be a human male. He wasn’t alone either. Alongside the Jedi was a Republic soldier who appeared to be wearing a helmet that covered the wearer’s face.

The Jedi was the first to approach the duo. And upon seeing Chessk’s injury, he demanded that Lyra explain what had happened. She did so, though her explanation surprised both the human Jedi and the Republic soldier.

“You were poisoned?” the Jedi asked Chessk, to which the latter nodded in reply. “By the Force, it’s a miracle that you managed to survive! And with that wound too. Do you need any medical attention?”

“I’ve already applied an antidote kit and a med-kit to the wound. I should be okay, but I need a moment before I can do any fighting,” Chessk replied.

“How serious is the poison, anyway?” asked the Republic soldier. “Do you believe it to be deadly?”

“I don’t think so. Then again, I applied the antidote kit shortly after that creature attacked me. Perhaps the poison was dealt with because I acted so quickly, but I could be wrong. Were some of our men poisoned by those creatures?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” replied the Jedi, to the shock of both Chessk and Lyra. “Do not worry too much. The ones who were poisoned aren’t dead and are being tended to by our healers and combat medics. Though I loathe to admit it, I fear for their safety.”

“I can help out!” exclaimed Lyra. “Jedi healing arts is one of my specialties. Just tell me where the injured are being treated and I’ll get the injured back on their feet.”

“I can take you over to them right now, Padawan Heartstrings. But first, do you happen to have any more antidotes with you, Chessk?” asked the combat medic.

Chessk reached for his utility belt, detached one of its pouches, and threw it toward the combat medic. “That pouch contains a few antidotes kits I’ve saved up during my journeys around the galaxy,” the Trandoshan explained as the Republic soldier counted the pouch with his hands. “It’s not a lot, but it should be enough to treat our men. Just don’t use it all at once.”

“Thank you, sir. Hmm, judging by your wound, it looks like the Kolto did it’s thing. You should be able to continue fighting,” said the medic, much to Chessk’s relief. He then looked at Lyra. “Padawan Heartstrings, please come with me.”

“Okay. Chessk, you be careful out there, alright. Make sure you keep an eye on your wound,” said Lyra. Her companion nodded in reply as he and the Jedi Knight left Lyra behind to rejoin the fighting.

With them gone, the combat medic asked her to hurry as he ran in the opposite direction. Lyra quickly followed with Force Speed and caught up with the Republic soldier in a matter of seconds. Eventually, the two arrived at a small encampment. There weren’t a lot of people, but a few Jedi and Republic soldiers had surrounded the perimeter like a bunch of guards.

It was then that Lyra saw them. The injured and the dead. Seeing the latter made Lyra feel sick again. She had seen dead bodies before, but she never got used to the sight of them. What’s more is that there was a Jedi amongst the dead, which was a surprise. All of the Jedi that accompanied her were Knights at best. To see one perish so early in the fighting was demoralizing to say the least.

As Lyra and the combat medic approached the encampment, they were greeted by a female soldier. “Padawan Heartstrings, it is good to see you are alright,” said the soldier. “I assume you are here to tend to the wounded?”

Lyra nodded.

“Good. We need all the help we can get. Say, you wouldn’t happen to have any antidote kits, do you? Some of our men got poisoned by those bugbear things and are struggling to move.”

“They’re paralyzed?”

“Maybe. We’re still not sure what the poison actually did to them. That’s why we need some antidote kits.”

“Don’t worry. Her Trandoshan buddy gave me some kits we can use,” said the combat medic as he showed Chessk’s pouch in front of the soldier. The guy poisoned himself, but he managed to cure the affliction with one kit.”

“Did he have a lot?”

“There’s only a handful of antidote kits in here. We should have more than enough for the infected, but we’ll have to apply the doses sparingly.”

“Understood. Padawan Heartstrings, I suggest you go join your brethren and tend to the injured. Leave the soldiers who were poisoned to us. I’m sure the antidote kits your… companion gave us will be enough to treat our men.”

Lyra blinked. That soldier sounded a bit venomous when she mentioned Chessk. Perhaps she had a grudge against Trandoshans or something? She shrugged. Oh, well. It was none of her business anyway. If that woman had a problem with Chessk, then it is something that Lyra will have to deal with later. There are injured soldiers that need mending.

Looking around the campgrounds, Lyra spotted two Jedi tending an injured soldier. They appeared to be doing nothing at first glance, but their use of Force gave the duo away. Force Healing is a technique focused on controlling oneself to mend the wounds of another. Lyra knew of the ability and is a practitioner herself. Master Bokal So offered to train her many times back on Coruscant or during the days he came to visit the Enclave on Dantooine.

She wasn’t a master by any means. Those who have practiced and mastered the art of Force Healing can mend even the most severe injuries like a damaged organ or broken bones.

Lyra could not do such a thing though. Sure she can mend a few bruises and minor flesh wounds, but everything else was beyond her. Unless she was accompanied by another Jedi, the mending of broken bones or damaged organs was impossible. Still, there was room for growth. Now that she is in an actual battlefield, she can apply her knowledge to good use.

She trotted over to the two Jedi Healers and asked them if there was anything she could do. They responded by telling her to mend three wounded soldiers behind them. Apparently, they were grazed by blaster bolts during the skirmish. Though their injuries weren’t life threatening, they are likely to be incapacitated for the entire fight.

With her role now set, Lyra trotted over to one of the injured soldiers she had to heal. It was a male Zarbrak; and from the look of things, he was shot several times. The burn marks left by blaster bolts were seeable on his right soldier, left elbow, and his abdomen.

This guy won’t be wielding any rifles anytime soon. At the very least, she can get him back on his feet.

Dropping into a meditation stance, Lyra began to concentrate. She quickly gave into the Force, allowing its energies to build up within her. Empowered by the Light, she centered all her power into her hooves, placed them gently on top of the injured soldier, and quickly let all of her power go. The raw Force energies showered the Zarbrak’s body. Within minutes, his burns were healed and the soldier sighed in relief.

It was possible that these burn marks weren’t the only injuries he suffered, Lyra’s healing abilities made it so that he’ll no longer be in pain. Any internal injuries he endured will have to be treated by a more experienced Healer or a Republic medic.

“Thank you,” the Republic soldier said quietly as his breathing steadied.

Lyra smiled back. Even if her assistance was miniscule, it always felt good using her abilities to help others. With this soldier’s injuries tended, she moved on to the other two. Their wounds were roughly the same as the first soldier, which were mostly burn marks.

Internal injuries aside, Lyra did her best to tend the remaining wounded and was able to pull through. With these soldiers healed, she examined the encampment again. Everything seemed to be under control. The Healers and combat medics present should be enough to maintain the livelihood of these men.

With the injured taken care of, perhaps she could rejoin the front lines? Maybe, but with her skills, wouldn’t it be best if she were to stay here? She couldn’t decide.

Her thoughts were interrupted, however, when Lyra overheard someone shouting in camp. “Master Kavar has arrived! I repeat, Master Kavar has arrived with reinforcements” yelled out a soldier from within the encampment.

Cheering erupted from within the camp as reinforcements led by Master Kavar came out of the woods. Immediately, the Jedi Master asked for a brief summary of their current situation, which was quickly answered by a Republic soldier. After hearing what he needed to hear, he ordered a few of his men to stay and help tend to the wounded while the reset joined their allies in the front lines.

Kavar also said allied reinforcements are on their way, much to the delight of everyone in the camp. After giving a brief speech, he ignited his lightsaber and ordered his remaining men to charge with him. Both Jedi and soldiers rallied to the Jedi Master as they charged headfirst into the battlefield.

Lyra observed the entire scene from afar. She had remained quiet despite wanting to run toward Master Kavar and ask him if she could join him. Yet she did nothing and allowed the Jedi Master and his squadron to leave her behind.

She sighed. Perhaps this was for the best. Fighting out there in the front lines wasn’t her strong suit. And truth be told, her Jedi training hadn’t prepared her for the battlefield. It was through sheer luck that she managed to survive the previous skirmish with the Mandalorians. Oh well. At the very least, she can help tend to the wounded and help them get back on their feet.

The mare stood up and looked around if anyone else needed assistance. Suddenly, she saw something from afar. A lone Jedi Knight sitting all by himself outside the camp. Curious, she trotted over to the Jedi and was about to ask him what he was doing. To her surprise, she found out that the Jedi wasn’t alone.

There, laying down on its back was an injured bugbear cub. The same one who popped out of the bushes earlier before the fighting had all started.

The Jedi, who appeared to be tending the cub’s injuries, noticed the young Padawan. He stood up and put down the hood from his robes, revealing himself to be a male Rodian with blue skin, “Hello there, Padawan Heartstrings,” greeted the Rodian. “I assume you are here to assist me with this child.”

“Oh… um, my apologies, Master Jedi. I only came here because I was curious,” Lyra replied sheepishly.

The Rodian sighed. “Yes, I suppose it can’t be helped. Sitting out here alone would definitely draw the attention of anyone passing through. I am Knogg Shad by the way. A Jedi Guardian of the Order.”

“Hello, Master Shad. I’m Padawan Heartstrings, though you probably know that already.”

“I already know who you are, Padawan. Your equine appearance gave it all away,” the Jedi replied, jokingly. “In all seriousness though, I for one am glad you decided to defend this little one here. The thing may grow up to be a dangerous beast, but that does not mean we should leave it here to die.”

“What do you propose we do?”

“Heal it, of course. You have trained under Master Bokal So, correct?” Lyra nodded in reply. “Good. Then help me heal this cub back to full health.”

Lyra smiled. “That’s what I’ve always wanted to do, Master Shad,” she replied as she trotted over to the injured cub. Staring at the creature, she noticed that it seemed worse off than before. The cub appeared to be short of breath, its face looked somewhat pale, and she noticed that one of its front legs was completely distorted. “Oh Force, this is worse than I thought. What happened to this poor creature?”

“A lot, apparently. The cub’s front leg is broken, and it appears to have a shortness of breath. Using the Force, I can tell that the latter’s injury is due to a punctured lung.”

“A punctured lung? How? I don’t see any blaster burns on its chest at all”

“If you closely examine its chest, Padawan, you’ll notice that the injury was caused by a blunt instrument. This object in turn broke the cub’s ribs and punctured the lung. Now, I am not aware of what the Mandalorians did to this creature, nor do I care. What’s important is that we treat its wounds now.”

The Rodian sighed. “Before you came, I made a small incision through its chest to let all the blood out. Though we no longer have to worry about the cub choking on its own blood, the organ and the bones must still be healed.”

“But Master Shad, I’m not that great of a healer yet. Flesh wounds I can handle. Burns from a blaster bolt, I can heal fine. But broken bones and a punctured lung? That might be a bit too much for me.”

“Believe in yourself, Padawan Heartstrings. And most importantly, trust in the Force. It will guide you.”

Lyra nodded in reply as she watched Knogg Shad gently place his hand on top of the injured cub’s chest. “Padawan, place your hoof over my hand so that we can begin the proceedings. Do it gently now. We don’t want to hurt the poor creature even more.”

“Yes, Master,” Lyra replied as she quickly did what she was instructed to do.

“Good. Now, reach out. Call upon the Light and bask in its energy.”

Taking a deep breath, Lyra exhaled and opened herself to the Force. The immense power flowed through her like a stream of water. Over time, her body accumulated so much power until the Force itself cried and begged her to be released.

“Excellent, Padawan. I can feel the Force flowing within you. Now, let it all go.”

“Are you sure, Master Shad?”

“Yes. With all that energy you accumulated, we can use it to amplify the healing effects tenfold. Now, do as I say. Release all that power. Let it flow into the cub.”

Lyra nodded as she did what she was told. In an instant, she can feel all the power that she accumulated in her body pour out. She didn’t know why, but something felt strange when she let go of all that energy. It was as if the Force itself was pleased with her decision.

“Very good, Padawan. I can feel the Force flowing into the child. Now, I can begin the operation.”

Lyra watched quietly as a large amount of Force energies flowed through Master Shad. She felt all the power radiating within him, until it all disappeared in a matter of seconds. The power that the Jedi Knight had held in his hand poured out onto the injured cub.

Lyra wished there was a Force ability that granted x-ray vision. If there was, she’d have a better clue on the cub’s condition. But Master Shad’s healing abilities appeared to have worked in some way. The cub’s breathing pattern began to steady, and its face regained a bit of color.

“That should do it,” said Knogg Shad. “It’s lungs and ribcage are healed. Though I still think we should take a closer look at its body with the proper medical equipment just to be sure of its safety. But it’s safe to say that this cub’s life is no longer in danger.

“Wow, that’s amazing, Master Shad,” replied. “To think you did this in a matter of minutes. I bet the doctors all over the galaxy would be jealous if they saw you operate today.”

“You have this capability as well, Padawan Heartstrings. When you grow and have better trust in the Force, you’ll be able to perform feats that no ordinary person… err, equine can do. But that is another lesson for another day. There is still a broken leg we need to fix.”

“You want me to do the same thing as before?”

Shad nodded as he placed his hand on top of the cub’s broken front leg. Lyra immediately followed suit and began to call upon the Force once more. When she gathered enough Light energy into her body, she poured it all out and allowed the Jedi Knight to do his job. Within minutes, she could see the bugbears leg slowly being put back in place.

“Good. The bones have been reattached. Now to make sure they stay that way.”

Lyra was amazed by Master Shad. In a matter of minutes, this Jedi was able to single handedly save the life of a broken cub. If it weren’t for him, this bugbear would have died alone out in these mountains.

Realizing this made Lyra very excited for her future as a Jedi. If things go right and she successfully completes her tutelage under her Master, then the possibilities are endless. With her power, she could save hundreds if not thousands of lives just like what Master Shad did with this cub.

Her emotional trip didn’t go unnoticed, however. Master Shad quickly caught wind of Lyra’s surge of emotions through the Force and proceeded to scold her for it. “Settle down, Padawan Heartstrings. Celebrating over an achievement like this is fine, but do not get caught up in your emotions.”

“Oh… um, sorry about that, Master Shad,” Lyra replied sheepishly. Her face flustered red in embarrassment. It was at that same moment the bugbear cub woke up with a cry. It sat straight up and ruffled its insectoid wings. But the moment it tried to float away, it fell on its back, hissing and crying in pain.

“Easy now, little one. You are too injured to be flying right now,” cautioned Knogg Shad. “We’ll get those wings and all your other injuries healed up for you in no time. Just be patient.”

Lyra watched as Master Shad forcibly laid the bugbear back down. At first, she thought that the cub would resist the Rodian Jedi; but surprisingly, the cub didn’t fight back and instead followed the Jedi’s instructions.

“You seem surprised, Padawan,” said Knogg Shad, who quickly noticed Lyra’s apparent shock. “I don’t blame you. The Beast Trick ability is something that many Jedi have difficulty grasping. Then again, most Jedi tend to deal with people rather than animals.”

“Beast Trick? So you’re tricking this bugbear into trusting you? Like the Jedi Mind Trick?” asked Lyra.

“In a way, yes. Though I’m using the technique to gain the beast’s trust rather than bend it to my will,” replied the Jedi Knight as he laid the cub on its back. The bugbear snarled back and tried to resist, but Shad remained calm. “Easy, little one. Your burns still need to be healed. Just relax. I’ll have you healed in no time.”

The bugbear growled as it tried to squirm away from the Jedi Knight. But try as it might, the cub couldn’t break away. Thankfully, it stopped resisting just when Knogg Shad began to heal the rest of its wounds. “The burns I can heal, but I am not so certain about the wings,” the Jedi said. “I do not know of your species’ capabilities, little one, but I suggest that you refrain from flying for some time. Any attempt to fly will further damage your wings.”

The cub did not reply. Instead, it sat back and allowed the Jedi Knight to finish healing it’s wound. Pretty soon, all the burns on its hide were gone and the cub was able to stand on all four legs by itself.

“There, that should do it. The cub should be able to move about again. However, any overt physical activity is out of the picture.”

“Do you think we can reunite it with its herd? I’m sure it’s family is worried about the poor thing,” said Lyra.

“That would be a difficult task, Padawan. The cub’s herd could be anywhere. Not to mention we wouldn’t know what its parent’s look like. No offense to the poor creature, but all those bugbears that we saw flying about earlier look all the same.”

“I don’t think the bugbear really cares at all, Master Shad.”

Suddenly, Lyra and Knight Shad heard a loud roar that came out of nowhere. It was so loud that it alerted the entire encampment, causing both able Jedi and Republic soldiers to ready their weapons in defense.

“Oh dear. I think we’re in quite the bit of trouble here, Padawan,” said Master Shad, who seemed strangely calm despite the noise.

“What is it, Master?” Lyra asked. The Jedi Knight answered by pointing his finger to the skies. The mare followed and was shocked to see two adult bugbears descended into their position. And they looked angry.

The two bugbears snarled at Lyra and the Rodian. Their snarls and gnashing teeth made the former act on her instincts and activate her lightsaber. No way was she going to let these things get the better of her this time. She’ll strike first and cut off their stingers just like before.

A few able Republic soldiers rushed to her side, ready to help her out at any moment’s notice. The bugbears roared and were about to make their move, but they suddenly stopped dead in their tracks.

“Lay down your weapons, soldiers,” ordered Knogg Shad. “Padawan, you do the same. There is no need to fight.”

“What? Why is that master?”

“Observe, Padawan. The answer is right there in front of you.”

Lyra looked at the bugbears again and, to her shock, saw that the cub was crawling over to the two adult bears. The bugbear to the mare’s right looked shocked as it approached the little one. In return, the cub gleefully jumped into the adult’s belly and roared happily as the bigger bugbear cradled the child on its arms

“What the heck is going on?” asked a Republic soldier.

“I think the answer is self-explanatory, soldier. But if you can’t see it for yourself, then I’ll explain it. The bugbears that you see here are the cub’s family,” replied Master Shad.

“Are you serious?” shouted Lyra.

“I think it’s fairly obvious by now, Padawan. Just look at them. A moment ago, those things were getting ready to attack us, but now? Now they are celebrating the reunion of their cub.”

Lyra stared at the now happy bugbear family. Whatever hostile emotions they had was all washed away the moment they laid eyes on their cub. The bugbear in the middle, one that she assumed was the mother, embraced its child as the two roared gleefully together. The other two adults soon joined them.

“So, uh, I guess we don’t have to worry about these things anymore?” asked a Republic soldier. Jedi Knight Shad smiled back, but his face suddenly distorted into a frown. Then out of nowhere, he ignited his lightsaber.

“Soldiers, ready your weapons,” he ordered. “We are not alone.”


Without giving an explanation, the Knogg Shad leaped forward with a Force enhanced jump. He flew right past the bugbears, catching them off-guard; however, he paid no attention to them as he landed right behind the mother bugbear. Then it happened. A stray blue blaster bolt appeared out of nowhere, which was deflected immediately by the Jedi Knight.

The soldiers present could not see it, but Lyra did. Upon seeing the blaster bolt, she reignited her lightsaber and began barking orders. “The Mandalorians are here!” she barked. “Everyone, take up a defensive position.”

“What? But I don’t see anyone!” shouted a confused Republic soldier.

Suddenly, a blaster bolt soared through the air with lightning speed. The bolt’s target was Knight Shad, but he effortlessly deflected the bolt with little difficulty, protecting the bugbear’s cub and its family. “They are using the trees as cover!” Shad warned as he deflected another blaster bolt, followed by another, and then another. Eventually, the Jedi Knight was hammered by dozens upon dozens of blaster bolts. The sight of so many paralyzed Lyra with fear.

“Master, let me help you!” Lyra shouted, afraid that the Jedi Knight might not be able to handle it all. But the Rodian shook his head.

“Do not come any closer, Padawan! You are not trained to defend against this many blasters!” he rebuked. “Help me and you are sure to perish.”

Lyra frowned. A part of her wanted to ignore the Jedi’s orders, but he was right. She’d be dead the moment she would try to help him. The only thing she could do was watch.

Looking behind her, she could see all the able Jedi Knights running toward Master Shad. Some literally Force Jumped into the line of fire and joined the Rodian in deflecting blaster bolts. Surprisingly, this went on for quite a while until the bolts just stopped coming.

Lyra sighed in relief. Finally, it had all stopped. The spectacle she had witnessed lasted for only about a minute or two, but the stress she accumulated made the fight feel much longer. “Are you alright, Master Shad?” she asked.

“I am fine, Padawan Heartstrings,” replied the Jedi Knight who was somewhat out of breath. He then turned to a nearby Republic soldier. “Did you happen to see any Mandalorians during the battle?”

“No, sir. The bastards are using the trees for cover,” the soldier replied.

“Oh, come on! We literally have a dome of light hovering in the sky! How can you not see them?” Lyra said. Her frustration getting the better of her.

“Be aware of your anger, Padawan. It will get you nowhere,” replied Knogg Shad bluntly. The raspy tone in his voice sapped away all the anger out of Lyra as she quickly bowed her head in apology. “Was anyone hurt during the skirmish?”

The soldier flinched. “Uh, about that, sir. You may need to look at the cub you just healed.”


Both Lyra and Knight Shad looked back at the bugbear they healed. The former gasped as she saw one of the adult bugbears was on the ground unmoving. The cub that the duo had healed earlier, and the remaining adult bugbear were bawling their eyes out as they lay next to a fresh corpse. “What? But… how? How did that bugbear die?” asked a now frantic Padawan.

“Ma’am, I regret to inform you that the larger bears have died in the crossfire,” said the Republic soldier, solemnly. “What we assume to be the mother of the group hit the cub in its belly while it acted as a shield. Needless to say, it’s hide couldn’t withstand that many blaster bolts at once.

“And you did nothing to help them?” shouted Lyra. Her anger was getting the better of her again.

“Ma’am, what could we do? We’re trained soldiers, not Jedi. None of us were willing to throw our lives away over some animals!”

“What? Why you!”

“Padawan, your anger! Get it under control!” shouted Knogg Shad as he tended to the grieving bugbear cub.

Realizing her mistake, Lyra quickly smacked herself hard in the face. Though her cheek hurt like crazy after the hit, she apologized to the Republic soldier for her outburst. Thankfully, all was forgiven, and the soldier left her be.

With the soldier gone, she turned over to the grieving bugbear cub. “Come, little one. You mustn’t stay here,” said Knogg Shad as he tried his best to comfort the creature. But his words meant little to the cub. It simply would not leave its dead mother.

“This place is about to become a battlefield, child. Force forbid that I leave you here and allow you to suffer the same fate as your family. We must leave, now!”

“Sir, we got hostiles approaching us!” warned a soldier.

That got Lyra’s attention. “What? How many of them can you see?” she asked.

“Not much, I’m afraid. If I had some night vision goggles with me, I could see a lot better. But all I see is, huh?” The soldier blinked as a brow raised on his forehead. “There’s only one person approaching us.”

“Huh, just one?”

“See for yourself, Master Jedi,” replied the soldier as he pointed in the direction opposite of Lyra’s.

Wanting answers for herself, Lyra turned around and saw that the soldier was indeed telling the truth. A lone Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, whose face she could not see due to it being covered by a helmet, had come out of the mountain forest, and was approaching the allied forces. Strangely enough, the man wasn’t armed with a blaster rifle. Instead, he armed himself with a strangely familiar double-bladed vibrosword.

“Wait a second. That sword,” Lyra muttered.

Suddenly, the remaining adult bugbear let out a deafening roar as it flew straight toward the lone Mandalorian soldier. Panicked, Lyra tried to call out to the creature to get him to stop, but her words proved meaningless as the bugbear raised its claws. The creature, however, never got its chance to attack as the creature was showered by blaster fire the moment it got too close to the Mandalorian.

“No!” Lyra shrieked as the bugbear perished in the crossfire. Its corpse fell to the ground where the lone Mandalorian soldier finished it by stabbing it though it’s chest.

Lyra wanted to scream. She didn’t care if it meant that her emotions went haywire, she just wanted to let all her frustrations out. An innocent cub had witnessed the death of its parents, and there was nothing she could do to help the poor thing. But she couldn’t do it. She cannot do it. Acting on raw emotions was not the Jedi way. And so she remained still, frustrated with her incompetence and inability to do anything.

Looking back, she can see the bugbear cub crying its eyes out over the loss of its remaining parent. The only thing that held it back was Master Shad and the Republic soldier from before.

“Hmm, it would seem that the beast had a connection to the larger one. Interesting,” said the lone Mandalorian soldier in an all too familiar voice. Sheathing his weapon, the soldier grasped his helmet and lifted it off his head. Lyra gasped as Khal Dryll revealed himself to the allied forces. “It’s been quite a while, Padawan Heartstrings. I hope you are ready for our duel.”