• Published 16th Mar 2019
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Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search - currentlemon

Jedi Padawan Lyra Heartstrings scours the war-torn galaxy in search of her long-lost home.

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Chapter 36

Since her arrival to Republic space, there had been quite a few times where Lyra had been wowed at the sight of modern technology and architecture. Today was another one of those days, for she had the privilege of seeing the Grand Convocation Chambers1. It was the very place where Senators from all over the galaxy would come and discuss politics. And by the Force, it was a sight to behold.

For starters, the entire chamber was massive. It easily eclipsed the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine by far. Even more impressive was the design. Whoever built this place made sure that there were seating platforms for all Senators for the Galactic Republic. And try as she might, Lyra could not count them all. There were dozens, perhaps even hundreds of seating platforms all around her. Just how many people were here?

Lyra quickly brushed her question aside. She wasn’t here to count platforms of all things. She was there to get support. To help her kin.

The meeting with the Galactic Senate had just begun. In the center of the Grand Convocation Chamber was Supreme Chancellor Ulgo standing on top of an elevated seating platform. He was conducting his opening speech before the Senate. A rather mundane speech if Lyra had to be honest. All he did was talk about the threat of the Mandalorians and how the Republic needed unity in times of war.

She sighed. Was there really any point to this opening speech? Listening to the Chancellor go on and on about unity made her twitch. He could’ve just saved everyone’s time by introducing the ponies instead, so why their time with a pointless speech?

“Perhaps I’ll never understand politics,” muttered the young Padawan as she patiently waited for the Chancellor to finish talking. Seeing that she has some free time, she looked at her companions and the ponies who chose to stay with her today.

The Senate Chambers housed metal seating platforms that could fit a total of six occupants, plus a droid. Lyra and her companions had taken one while the ponies, excluding her mother who was sitting right next to her, took the other. Shortly before the meeting started, a mechanical function caused the group to be separated; however, it didn’t last long as upon entering the Grand Convocation Chambers, both parties’ platforms reappeared right next to each other. Though a narrow gap prevented the group from boarding the others’ seating platform, they could still see one other at the very least.

Staring at her kin with a bemused smile, Lyra chuckled for a split moment, only to quickly look away when her mother caught her in the act. “Is something funny, dear?” Platinum asked, to which the Padawan shook her head in response.

“No, mom. It’s nothing.”

That was a lie. In truth, Lyra could not help but laugh. Before the meeting was held, the ponies were taken to a fitting room where they could try on modern clothing that was tailored specifically to them. At first, everypony was elated to hear this; but after seeing the clothes themselves, their excitement waned. The clothes that were offered looked strange to them. Or in Cotton Swirl’s case, outright ugly.

Lyra chuckled again as she recalled the moment Cotton blurted out her true feelings. Although it was outright rude of her to feel, it was still funny to witness. And it made her appreciative of her Jedi attire as she was allowed to wear it instead. Even Hider and Chessk shared a laugh together upon witnessing the mare’s hysterical outburst. They were, however, quickly put in order by both her mother and Master Darran.

As both of her parental figures offered their sincerest apologies, the ponies who planned on staying for the meeting got dressed. Despite their distaste for outfits themselves, the ponies had to admit, the tailors did a great job. Nopony had reported any fitting issues. The tailors made sure that their work was done correctly even though none of them had ever seen a pony before.

If she had to be honest, Lyra was amazed that these tailors were able to make such clothing in so little time. When she first started as a Jedi Initiate, she had to wait several days before receiving a tunic that’d fit her. Granted these tailors were given measurements in advance, but wouldn’t it have been more helpful if these guys designed a replica or something similar to her tunic instead?

But a privilege like that was for the rich and powerful. At least, that’s what her master had explained. It is not the Jedi way to seek such pleasures in life after all.

“Sweet Celestia, these things are ugly. Is this really what’s trending in the galaxy?” asked Sweetie who had taken a seat behind Lyra’s. When offered her own garb by the tailors, the Private didn’t react as badly compared to some of her kin; however, her opinion on the outfit was pretty much the same as everypony else.

“You better believe it, Private,” answered Hider Louhun. The man had taken a seat next to Sweetie, and alongside with him was T3-G4. “Red, yellow, and black are the latest colors that are trending right now. No due in part thanks to the war going on.”

“It makes sense. In times of conflict or war, everyone would like to show just how patriotic they are. Though I find these… trends to be unnecessary for the most part,” replied Chessk who had taken the seat left of Sweetie Drops. “If people truly wish to support the Republic, then they should show their support by joining the military or volunteer at local shelters in case refugees start piling up.”

Hider blinked. “Wow. You never cease to amaze me do you, big guy? First you go on about following your religious deeds and then you go on about volunteering at local shelters.”

“I’m stating a fact, human. This war with the Mandalorians is bound to cause a refugee crisis. As a matter of fact, it’s already happened. Do you not recall the large number of refugees on Ord Mantell?”

“Yeah, don’t remind me. For years, the Mandalorians have been invading world after world in the outer rim. And the Republic didn’t do a damn thing about it.”

“Why not?” asked Sweetie Drops.

“Those worlds aren’t part of the Galactic Republic. Some are even independent and had flat out refused support or caused serious trouble for our government in the past. Because of that, neither the Chancellor nor the Naval Admirals could lift a finger help.”

“And before you ask, no, the Jedi couldn’t provide help much either,” said Lyra. “Our numbers are still low since the Great Sith War many decades ago. Even if we managed to gather as much Jedi as we can, it wouldn’t be enough to mount a decent defense. So, the Jedi High Council ordered all Jedi to standby and wait.”

“That still didn’t stop a few Jedi to join the fight, kid,” Hider muttered.

“Did you say something, Hider?”

“Never mind. Forget I said anything.”

“So, all the Republic and Jedi could do was sit back and watch as their enemies gained power,” said Platinum. She then rolled her eyes. “If that isn’t a recipe for disaster, then I don’t know what is.”

“Which is all the more reason you guys need to convince the Senate to aid you,” Hider replied before looking back at the Chancellor with a frown. “That is if our high and mighty Supreme Chancellor ever gets to finish his speech.”

To everyone’s disappointment, the Chancellor was still speaking on top of his high platform. Seeing this made Lyra groan. The man had been talking for way too long now. Just when will he stop?

“And now, I’d like to introduce our guest to the Senate,” said the Chancellor. “Not only has she seen the Mandalorian threat up close but had also fought against our enemies and won.”

Lyra’s ears wobbled. It seemed the Chancellor was now ready to properly introduce her to the galaxy. Acting with haste, she looked at her Jedi tunic to see if anything was wrong with it. But as she did this, the platform where she stood on began to move. It was slow, but Lyra, Sweetie, Drops, Hider, and her Master found themselves at the center of chambers.

“Senators, today I present to you all a new alien species,” the Chancellor continued while pointing toward Lyra. “This brightly colored young woman you see here arrived on Coruscant a decade ago on a battered Republic ship. Since that time, the Jedi took her under their wing and trained her. Now, she stands before you as Jedi Padawan. And not only that, she was the one who fought against our enemy both here and on Alderaan.”

Immediately, the Senate Chambers broke into mindless chatter with Lyra at the center of attention. Seeing this made the young Padawan feel uneasy. The thought about standing before hundreds of people was nerve racking enough, but actually experiencing it was another story altogether, especially when there is a literal spotlight shining down on her.

“Calm yourself, Padawan. Do not overthink on the crowd itself,” cautioned Master Darran, who had taken the remaining seat on the platform.

“But master, I’ve never done something like this before,” replied Lyra. “Standing before the Jedi High Council is one thing but speaking to dozens if not hundreds of people is something else entirely!”

“You need to stay calm, my student. If doubt clouds your mind, then remember to trust your instincts. And most importantly, trust in the Force. It will guide you.”

“Y-yes, master.”

“Order! Order! We shall have order this instant!” shouted the Vice Chair Larson, who was sitting right next to the Supreme Chancellor.

“Wow, not a single minute into your introduction and already things are flaring up,” joked Hider. “Hope you got what it takes to talk to these nutcases, kid. Because you are going to need all the luck you can get.”

“Gee, thanks for the words of encouragement, Hider. Glad to know you care so much about me,” said Lyra sarcastically as the noise erupting across the Senate Chambers was starting to die down.

“If you are all done talking amongst yourselves, I’d like the Senate to turn their attention to this young woman,” shouted the Chancellor before turning to Lyra herself. “Padawan Lyra Heartstrings, can you please give the Senate a brief summary on how you came to Republic space and how you became a part of the Jedi Order?”

Lyra nodded. Despite her feelings, she stood stall on the elevated platform and began to tell the Senate her story. She was careful not to tell them everything though. Particularly her home planet, as her master and her mother warned that revealing its whereabouts too early might be a mistake. For now, the only thing the Senate needed to know was who she was, how she came to Republic space, and how she became a Jedi in training.

As expected, her explanation caused a stir.

“That thing is a Jedi?”

“Why didn’t the Jedi tell us about this new species?”

“How in the world did a primitive species get their hands… er, hooves on Republic spacecraft? Let alone get it to work?”

“Forget that! Her testimony means that the Republic discovered her world centuries ago, but never marked it on any map! This could be a groundbreaking!”

“Order! Order in the court!” screamed Vice Chair Larson.

Lyra sighed. These Senators are supposed to be adults, right? So why are they rambling on like a bunch of kids? Is this what politics is supposed to be, a shouting contest?

Seeing this, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the Vice Chair. Getting these adults in order must be a painful, unappreciative job. Did he seriously have to deal with this every single day? Just what kind of life decisions did that guy make that led him to this career? Perhaps the Force has a sense of humor in some way?

Looking at the Supreme Chancellor, Lyra noticed that his expression had remained stoic. It seemed like he was in an uncomfortable condition too, though he masked his true feelings well. Impressive one might think, but she can’t help but wonder how he managed to pull that off.

Suddenly, a loud beep could be heard from where Lyra stood. She looked around to see where the noise came from, only to find a green light had emerged from a small datapad which was attached in front of Lyra’s seat.

“Be silent!” shouted the Vice Chair again. “Senator Dane from Dantooine, speak up! You have the floor!”

Lyra’s ears perked up as an old man’s face appeared on the datapad. “Fellow Senators, I am Senator Dane Matcol from Dantooine. Many of you might not know me. In fact, I can say for certain that quite a few of you may think less of me because I’m from some backwater planet in the Outer Rim. But I can share with you all that I have seen this pony’s growth firsthand since the day she first came to my home.”

Noise erupted in the Senate Chambers again, but it was quickly fiddled out by the Vice Chair, allowing Senator Dane to continue speaking.

“I admit, there have only been a few times where I met Padawan Heartstrings Though I am unsure if she recalls our meetings. The last time I met her face to face, she was but a mere fledgling child. But regardless, I have seen her growth. It may not look like it, but she worked her damn hardest to become what she is now. And I for one have no doubt she’ll become a great Jedi Knight one day.”

“Wow. Nice to know someone’s got your back,” chuckled Hider from his seat.

“I suppose,” replied Lyra with a shrug. “But I don’t remember meeting this person.”

“Senator Dane was one of several people outside the Order who knew of your existence,” explained Master Darran. “He came to see you a few times during your training as an Initiate, though I doubt you remember. You were quite young at the time.”

“Do you think he’ll side with us, Master?”

“I do, yes. He’s always been appreciative of the Jedi’s presence on Dantooine. He’ll likely side with you no matter what evidence you present to the Senate.”

“Good to know.”

Suddenly, the platform’s datapad began flashing green once again. Another Senator was requesting to speak. But who? “Senator Grimm from Corellia, you have the floor!” shouted the Vice Chair again.

“Ah, kriff,” muttered Hider as a middle-aged man appeared on the datapad.

“Thank you, Vice Chair,” replied the Senator. “Gentleman and ladies, on behalf of the people of Corellia, I bid you and our guests hello. With the Mandalorian threat becoming ever so imminent, it’s times like these we must come together.”

Hider groaned. “Come on. Get on with it, old geezer. Hearing the Chancellor’s speech was enough. We don’t need another one.”

“Why do you sound so upset, human? Do you know that Senator?” asked Chessk.

“Somewhat. We never really talked, but I’ve seen the guy a couple of times when I was still a recruit in the Navy. Plus, my family has ties to him too.” The former smuggler sighed. “I get the feeling he’ll likely bring us into the spotlight. So get ready, big guy. Senator Grimm isn’t someone who jokes around.”

“Do you think he’ll side with the little Jedi?”

“I can’t say. The guys a patriot, no doubt, but he’s shown hesitance in supporting planets outside of the Corellian sector.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” said Lyra as Senator Grimm finished his opening speech.

“As you may know, my fellow Senators, this arrival of a new species has puzzled the lot of you. Worse yet, the Jedi High Council knew of these ponies for a decade and had even inducted one into their ranks,” said the Senator. “While I pity their enslavement at the hands of the Exchange and our enemies, I’d like to hear more about them and why they’re here.”

All eyes fell on Lyra again as the Senate awaited her response. Seeing this, the young Padawan looked to her master for guidance, only to see a simple nod of his head. “We… uh, like to request aid from the Republic Navy,” Lyra answered. “For we have evidence to assume that the Mandalorians are going to invade our home.”

Her answer caused another stir amongst the Senate, as expected, though a part of her wondered if confessing to her and her kin’s intentions was the best idea. However, seeing an affirming nod from her mother alleviated some of her doubt.

“You demand that the Senate send aid to your planet?” asked Senator Grimm. “A planet that, mind you, has been undiscovered by any of our navigators?”

“Y-yes, Senator,” replied Lyra. In response, the Senator’s face contorted into a frown.

“That’s… a hefty demand you are making, Padawan Heartstrings. Might I ask that you tell the Senate of your tale so that we can better understand why you’re making such a request?”

Lyra nodded. She went on to explain her tale of how she knew of her kin’s arrival in Republic space and her journey to find them. Though her explanation forced her crewmates into the spotlight, much to Hider’s displeasure.

The Senate’s reaction to her crewmates was mixed for the most part. Most did not like the fact that a Jedi had to ally with a former Smuggler, no lest a deserter of the Republic Navy. Others felt pity for Chessk after hearing that he was lied to and forced into doing dirty work for the Exchange, though most of the angry rabble came from the Wookie and Trandoshan Senators. However, when she got to the point where she fought the Mandalorians, the room felt tense.

“The Mandalorians were on Coruscant?” shouted one Senator.

“How on earth did this go unnoticed by the Navy?”

“We’ve been breached! The Chancellor has failed us!”

“Order! Order in the court! Padawan Heartstrings has not finished speaking yet!” shouted Vice Chair Larson. Unfortunately, his pleas were all but ignored. The Galactic Senate was too much in an uproar.

“Wow. Are these guys always this rambunctious?” asked Sweetie Drops. “I swear, the politics back in Equestria wasn’t as crazy as what I’m seeing now.”

“Believe me, kid. The Senate is always like this. No matter who’s in change,” explained Hider. “Factor in the possibility of a galactic scale war and you have a recipe for disaster. Plus, it wouldn’t be fair to judge a government like this with a small monarchy like yours. But if it helps, try to think of these Senators as kings or queens on a planetary scale.”

“Wow. That actually makes sense if you put it like that,” replied Lyra as the platform’s datapad blinked again. Suddenly, the screen revealed a new female senator on the screen. The Padawan gasped. This woman was beautiful. Her slender figure and firm posture were nothing she’d ever seen before.

“Senator Organa, you have the floor!” shouted the Vice Chair.

“Thank you, Vice Chair,” replied the woman. “Senators, I am Felica Bal Organa representing Alderaan, and I urge you all to calm down this instant! Now isn’t the time to be pointing fingers at each other!”

Platinum sighed in relief. “Finally, someone with some common sense for once. I take it this human is someone very important.”

“Felicia Bal Organa. One of the most influential political figures both here in the Senate and her home planet. No in part due to being born into one of the Great Houses of Alderaan2,” explained Master Darran.

“You don’t suppose she’s a potential ally, would you?”

“There isn’t any doubt in my mind that she’ll sympathize with you; however, it’s not a guarantee. You’ll still need to provide a good reason why the Republic needs to send aid to a planet that’s fairly desolated. No offense.”

“Some taken.”

“Senators,” continued Felicia Bal Organa. “I know that the appearance of the Mandalorians in the Core Worlds is very alarming, but that isn’t our main discussion here. May I remind you that a new species has revealed itself to us. And said new species already has a Jedi amongst its rank and is partly responsible for driving back the Mandalorians.”

Lyra’s ears drooped. “Partly responsible? I’m not sure if I agree with her there.”

“Oh? Is that humility I hear, Padawan?” asked Master Darran as a smile formed on the old Jedi’s lips.

“What? I’m just stating the obvious.”

“Even so, my student, humility is a core tenant of Jedi philosophy. I am proud that you remember such a lesson.”

“You can thank pony culture for that,” exclaimed Platinum Impact. “Ponies in general are kind, compassionate, and very humble. Though I’d be lying to myself if I said each and every one of us are saints.”

“Get a few bad apples and it’ll spoil the whole batch,” replied Hider. “Yeah, I kinda get what you’re getting at, Captain mom. Heck, the big guy himself understands what you are saying better than the rest of us.”

Chessk eyed Hider with a raised brow. “Human, did you just give the little Jedi’s mother a nickname?”

“Yeah, so? I give everyone nicknames.”

“I really question your sense of humor at times. Makes me wonder how a person like you was able to build a successful smuggling career.”

“Hey! I take offense to that!”

Lyra sighed. “Guys, please. This isn’t the time for jokes. Please, stay quiet. I think Senator Organa is about to ask me something,” she warned.

“Padawan Heartstrings,” addressed Senator Organa, returning the spotlight on Lyra again. “I want to express my deepest gratitude from driving the Mandalorians away from Alderaan. Though you only played a small part and your desire to attack our enemy was to save your kin, you did the Alderanians a great favor. Which is why I will support any measure that will help your endeavors.”

“Wow. It looks like the old man called it,” commented Hider just as the Senate was starting to get rowdy again.

Platinum nodded agreement. “Indeed. But why is she putting the spotlight on herself? It seems rather unnecessary don’t you think?”

“Let’s not make any assumptions. We’ll hear what she has to say first.”

“Before any of my fellow Senators criticize me for my rash decision making, please be aware that I do understand the potential risks of sending our Navy to who knows where,” continued the female Senator. “But I for one cannot let a transgression like this go unnoticed. A new species has witnessed and experienced the worst our galaxy has to offer. So I propose that we do in fact help these equines in their time of need.”

The Senator frowned. “However, I am no fool. I know that my words alone will not sway the lot of you. Which is why I propose we listen to Padawan Lyra’s own kin. Let us hear about their experience.”

“Oh, boy. Here it comes,” said Hider as the Senate talked amongst themselves again. “Who do you think they’ll talk to first? The kid’s mom or Private Candy over here?”

Sweetie frowned. “Really? You’re giving me a nickname now?”

“Hey, what’s wrong with that? I mean, one of you is going to testify in front of the entire Senate, so what’s the harm in lightening the mood?”

T3-G4 responded to him with a rambunctious beep. Though neither Lyra nor Sweetie could understand it, they could immediately tell it was an insult from the look of Hider’s angry face. “Enough. Both of you,” rebuked Master Darran. “The Chancellor is about to speak.”

Taking the floor once again, the Vice Chair began to address the Senate once more. “It seems that some of us have taken some interest in Senator Organa’s proposal,” Larson exclaimed. “Because of this, the Supreme Chancellor has suggested that Captain Platinum Impact should be the one who will speak.”

“Right on cue,” said Platinum. “Move aside, dear. I got some politicians to speak to.”

Lyra nodded as all eyes shifted to the military mare who took her place. She too couldn’t keep herself from staring. It was worrying to see her mother address a massively large crowd of people. But it didn’t seem like the mare was intimidated at all. If she was, Platinum hid it behind a well-done poker face.

T3-G4 let out a loud beep. “Indeed, droid. That pony has nerves of steel,” muttered Chessk who had taken notice of Platinum’s calm composure. “I pray that her confidence holds well. It’d be a shame if she were to break in the middle of her testimony.”

Sweetie frowned in irritation. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” she shouted back. Before she could say anything else however, Master Darran swifty swatted her on the back of the head. The act only irritated the Private even more, but she immediately held her breath when the Jedi Master shook his head.

She obliged and sat back down as the Supreme Chancellor continued to speak.

“Captain Impact,” said Larson out loud. “You and your crew came to this galaxy a few days ago but were captured shortly after your arrival. I know this may prove to be difficult given your traumatizing experience, but can you tell the Senate why you came to our galaxy in the first place.”

Platinum complied with the Vice Chair and proceeded to tell the Senate her story. It proved to be a successful speech as her tale of the search for her missing daughter earned sympathetic murmurs from quite a few Senators. However, it was her horrible treatment at the hands of both the Exchange and the Mandalorians that really got them hooked. It would seem that her story would sway a few more Senators to her side.

The only question that remains is, will it be enough though?

“Senator Grimm, you have the floor!” shouted Larson again.

“Thank you, Vice Chair,” replied the Corellian Senator as his face appeared on the datapad once more again. “Captain Impact, your story is quite the tale. And a noble one too I might add. You have my deepest sympathies. Finding your missing daughter must’ve been a herculean task.”

“I appreciate it, Senator,” said Platinum.

“Regardless of my feelings, however, I am still reluctant to send a bulk of our troops to defend your home. Do not take it the wrong way. I for one do not like the feeling of leaving a defenseless species alone at the hands of our enemies. But you’re gonna need more than just stories to sway the rest of us.”

“I’m aware of that, yes. Which is why I have something to share with the Senate.”

“Here it comes,” Lyra whispered as her mother pulled out a datapad from out of her clothes. She handed it to the Vice Chair, who in turn inserted the item onto what seemed to be an empty hard disk slot.

“Senators, what I’m about to show you is the location of my home planet,” continued Platinum. Her words immediately earned gasps from everyone present.

“Captain, what…are you sure you want to show us this?” asked Senator Grimm

“I am, yes.”

The Senator didn’t respond and neither did anyone else as the entire chamber fell silent. At first, Lyra did not know why this happened, but a sudden beep on the platform’s data pad quickly gave her the answer. On the screen were the navigational coordinates to her home world, all for every Senator in the chambers to see.

“I-inconceivable!” shouted a man’s voice from within the chambers. Lyra didn’t know who that man was or what planet this Senator represented; but judging from the sound of that man’s voice, he wasn’t very happy. “Their planet borders the mid and inner rim worlds!”

“It’s a lot closer than I’d thought,” said another Senator. Given the tone of the voice, it was a female one this time. “Despite its location near the unknown regions, their planet is surprisingly close to our civilized worlds. I can only dread what would happen if we left it defenseless.”

“If we leave this planet alone, it will only endanger the Republic’s income!” yelled out another Senator. “The Mandalorians would use it as a base of operations! We can’t afford that!”

The senate chambers erupted into mindless bickering as every Senator in the chamber argued for the best course of action. Sitting quietly in her chair, Lyra couldn’t help but stare at the spectacle she witnessed, which only made her wince. Revealing the location of their home planet was part of their plan, but was it really worth the risk?

Eventually, the bickering came to an abrupt halt. Vice Chair Larson shouted at the top of his lungs, demanding order.

“Dang. That’s some nice lungs he got there,” said Hider sarcastically as he chuckled at the Vice Chair. “If this were a theater, one could assume he was an opera singer.”

“This entire Senate is a complete theater if you ask me,” followed up Sweetie Drops.

“Eh, point taken.”

“Captain Impact!” shouted the Vice Chair. “You have the floor once more!”

Platinum nodded. “Thank you, Vice Chair,” she said before addressing the Senate once more. “Senators, I know that the information I presented is very startling for many of you. From what I have heard, several of your key manufacturing and agricultural worlds are located near my home planet.”

“Are you threatening us, Captain Impact!” Senator Grimm shouted.

“I assure you, no. May I remind you, my goal is to convince you all to vote in favor of sending military help to my home. And judging by your reactions, I can safely assume that I have successfully convinced enough Senators here to vote in my favor. However, I am not so blind as you might think. Revealing the location of my home may attract unwanted attention from outsiders. And I’m not just referring to the Republic nor the Mandalorians.”

“What are you saying, Captain?” asked Senator Organa.

“Simple. After the Mandalorians have been driven out, I want the Republic to stay away from my home. No business dealings, no criminal organizations, no nothing. I want our planet to continue to live in peace, isolated from the rest of the galaxy.”

The entire Senate Chambers fell silent as many Senators did not know how to respond to Platinum’s hefty demand. Some debated amongst themselves in whispers, but there weren’t any clues on what the Senate might do. This would continue on until the datapad on Lyra’s platform started beeping again.

“Chancellor Ulgo, you have the floor,” said the Vice Chair.

“Thank you, Larson,” replied Chancellor Ulgo. “Senators! I’m aware that Captain Impact’s demands are quite hefty. Sending the Navy is one thing, but to ask the Republic to allow their planet to remain neutral in these times is rather astonishing to be blunt. Regardless, I can understand her demands. This planet the Mandalorians are invading, it’s primitive and isolated from the rest of the galaxy. However, like all planets in the galaxy, it’s filled with life. I don’t know about the lot of you, but I for one refuse to let the Mandalorians conquer another innocent planet!”

The Chancellor proceeded to slam his fists onto the metal surface of the platform. “Hear me Senators of the Galactic Republic! We must act now while we still can! Do not let another planet fall victim to the Mandalorians!”

To the surprise of Lyra and her companions, the Chancellor was greeted with cheers. It appeared that his speech drew inspiration from several Senators and were willing to side with him and the ponies. However, the cheers paled in comparison to the bickering that occurred before. It seemed as if some Senators weren’t too keen to support the ponies just yet.

“Senator Grimm, you have the floor once more!” shouted Larson.

“Yes, thanks again, Vice Chair,” replied the Corellian Senator. “Chancellor Ulgo. Believe me when I say that I want to help these equines out. What worries me though is Captain Impact’s demand. Even if we manage to drive the Mandalorians away, is it really wise to leave a primitive planet like that alone?”

“I understand the risks, Senator. But do understand the situation for these equines. They are a primitive species that has little understanding of anything that’s outside their world,” replied the Chancellor. “Perhaps it’s for the best that we leave them alone, but that in of itself is up for debate.”

“Should we call a recess, Chancellor Ulgo? Give a chance for everyone to clear their minds?” asked the Vice Chair, to which the Chancellor nodded in agreement.

“Yes, I believe one might be necessary.”

“What? Why?” shouted Lyra. “Why take a break when they can vote now!”

“Settle down, my Padawan,” said Master Darran as he pulled his student back.

“Understood. By the power granted in me by the Supreme Chancellor, a twenty-minute recess will take place,” ordered the Vice Chair. “Session will resume later to discuss what to do with the equine home planet. Until then, everyone is dismissed.”

Author's Note:
  1. Grand Convocation Chamber
  2. Great Houses of Alderaan

Ah, politics. I knew I'd have to write a chapter like this one. It is Star Wars after all. Boy, this was tough to write. But by God, was it fun. My fingers were completely glued to the keyboard when typing this one out. I hope you all had as much fun as I did writing this chapter out. Anyway, that's another chapter out of the bag. The next one will be pretty big as it will introduce a new character.

Hope you all look forward to it.