• Published 16th Mar 2019
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Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search - currentlemon

Jedi Padawan Lyra Heartstrings scours the war-torn galaxy in search of her long-lost home.

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Chapter 35

When Lyra was told she was getting the chance to go to the Supreme Chancellor’s Senate office, she thought that his workplace would be lavish and well decorated. Reality, however, was a letdown. The Chancellor’s office was neat and tidy; but aside from the red painted walls, the entire room lacked décor. No fancy vases. No furniture to match the painting on the walls. Simply put, the Chancellor’s office was a complete bore.

Yet despite this disappointment, Lyra quickly brushed her thoughts aside. There were bigger things to worry about right now. And as she and everypony else got comfortable in their seats, all eyes turned to the well-dressed Chancellor Ulgo, sitting behind a lavish table. And he wasn’t alone either. Beside him was the Vice Chair Larson Husbro, as well as two guardsmen.

“Good morning to you all,” the Chancellor said with a smile on his face. “On behalf of the Galactic Republic and its people, I welcome you ponies to Coruscant.”

Platinum Impact, who was sitting on the closest chair just opposite of the Chancellor, bowed respectfully toward the man. “Thank you for your hospitality, Chancellor Ulgo,” she replied. “It is an honor to be one of the first few of my kind to step hoof on this planet. Although, my daughter is already ahead of us by a couple of years.”

“Yes, so I’ve heard,” Ulgo replied as he turned his attention toward the young Jedi. “You have my thanks, Padawan Heartstrings. Not only were you able to save your kin from enslavement, but you also saved my home and alerted the Republic on the Mandalorian threat.”

“Wow! Who would’ve thought the kid would get an actual compliment from the Supreme Chancellor himself!” Hider shouted from the back of the office room.

Despite the rude interruption, the Chancellor remained stoic and called to the former smuggler. “Sarcasm aside, I have also heard about your deeds as well, Captain Louhun. Though you may have abandoned your duties as a Republic officer, you and your crew’s actions on aiding these ponies and the Jedi are commendable.”

Hider chuckled. “While I appreciate the comment, Chancellor, we shouldn’t be wasting our time exchanging pleasantries,” he argued.

“I agree. Let’s cut to the chase,” said Master Darran. “The ponies here are in dire need of assistance, Chancellor Ulgo. The Mandalorians have discovered the whereabouts of their home planet and will likely launch an invasion.”

Captain Impact nodded her head. “As much as this pains me to admit, we as a species stand no chance against these barbarians,” she explained. “Despite our natural born magics, we lack the technological advancement your military has. Should our planet be invaded; any form of resistance will cripple and die.”

“Which is why you are petitioning for aid. To drive off the Mandalorian threat,” replied Chancellor Ulgo.

“That is correct.”

The Chancellor sighed as he clasped his hands together. “You are aware, Captain Impact, the gravity of your request, correct?”

“I am, yes. I know your Republic is in the middle of a war right now, but I won’t surrender my home. Especially, not to some blood-thirsty barbarians whose only thought are war and conflict.” The guardspony bowed her head once more. And to the shock of Lyra and her companions, so too did every pony else. “Please. Help us.”

“There is no need for you to bow, Captain. For you already have my support.”

Lyra blinked. Did she really hear that right? She looked at her mother, who apparently was just as confused as she was. “You’re willing to help us? Already?” the Padawan asked after an awkward silence.

The Chancellor nodded his head. “Yes, I am. You had already done me and Alderaan a great service by driving out the Mandalorian force. And for that, you have my support as well as the Senators of Alderaan.”

“Then what are we waiting for!” shouted an overly eager pony from behind Platinum and Lyra. When the two ponies looked to see who it was, it turned out to be the mare with the acrophobia, Tangerine. “Call your naval officers! Tell them we should leave now!”

The mare’s bravado didn’t last very long as she quickly realized her sudden outburst made her the center of attention. Upon realizing this, she sheepishly slumped into her chair and apologized. “S-sorry about that. I didn’t mean to be rude.”

“I’d settle down if I were you, little equine,” cautioned Chessk, who was standing next to Hider at the back of the room. “The Chancellor doesn’t have the ability to send out his soldiers like that. A process must be done first.”

“Process? What process?” asked another pony from the group.

“The approval of the Galactic Senate,” answered Master Darran. “ In order for you and your kin to receive Republic military support, you need the approval of the Galactic Senate. A majority approval to be precise.”

“Correct, Master Jedi,” replied Chancellor Ulgo. “Our government is split into three separate branches. There is the Chancellorship, the Galactic Senate, and the Judicial department. It is the Senate that you must pay close attention to, as their votes decide whether or not we should send our Navy to aid you.”

“If that is the case, then how many Senators do we need to sway?” asked Stalwart Shield, who was sitting on a chair right next to his captain. “I’d imagine we have a couple of sympathizers, but part of me believes that isn’t enough.”

“There isn’t,” replied the Chancellor, bluntly. “For me to send out the Navy by legal means would require the support of at least sixty senators. If a vote were held now, you’d be well short of the required number.”

“How many Senators are willing to side with us?” asked Platinum.

“According to my advisors, there are about forty-five of them. You would need at least fifteen more to get the Naval support that you need.”

Lyra winced. It seemed the upcoming Senate meeting was going to be much more stressful than she thought. “How many Senators are on the fence?” she asked.

The Chancellor smiled. “You’ll be happy to know that there are many Senators who are willing to side with you, Padawan Heartstrings. But it is like you said. They are on the fence. In the upcoming meeting, you must use that time to persuade fence sitters to help you.”

“Err, fence sitters?” asked Stalwart Shield. “Forgive me for asking, but I don’t really understand what you all are talking about. What does it mean when someone is one the fence?”

“It means that they’re unsure on what to do, Sergeant,” replied Master Darran. “These Senators can sympathize with your kind, but they do not want to act irrationally. You need to provide a plea that would sway them to join your side.”

“Which, I admit, will be easier said than done, “said Chancellor Ulgo. “These past few days have been unsettling in the eyes of our citizens, including the Senators. It was bad enough that rioting had escalated on Taris, but news about the Mandalorians here on Coruscant and Alderaan really dampened everyone’s mood.”

Lyra blinked in confusion. Did the Chancellor just say there was rioting on Taris? That was certainly something she did not expect to hear. A few days ago she had just visited that planet. What happened to it after she left?

“Will… will this be a problem?” asked a now anxious Tangerine. Lyra stared at the once enthusiastic earth pony, whose short burst of confidence from before has all but dwindled away, replaced with meekness and doubt. She wasn’t alone on this either. Almost everypony else in the room shared the same feelings as her.

All except for her mother, Platinum.

“I’m not too worried about it,” the guardspony said, who was beaming with confidence. Aside from a few individuals, her attitude surprised everyone in the room. “I still got a trump card, and I plan on using it on those snotty Senators.”

The Chancellor, who remained steadfast despite Platinum’s determination, stared at the mare with a raised brow. “I don’t mean to pry, but may I ask what this plan of yours is, Captain Impact?” he finally asked.

Lyra’s eyes widened. That certainly took her by surprise, though her mother’s level headed attitude was enough of a surprise already. Still, a part of her was worried. She knew what her mother was talking about, of course. But should they really reveal their ace in the hole now? The Chancellor was on their side, so what was the point?

Before she could make any objections, her mother quickly turned to Master Darran. “Do you have a copy of that map I gave you?” she asked the Jedi Master.

Darran nodded. “I do, yes. But are you certain you want to reveal this information now?”

“I don’t want to drag this out any longer. Just show him what needs to be shown.”

The Jedi Master nodded his head solemnly as he reached inside his Jedi robes. Using his right hand, he pulled out a datapad and immediately handed it over to a nearby aid, who would examine the item first before handing it over to the Chancellor.

Without saying a word, Chancellor Ulgo began to read. His facial expression remained neutral at first; but the longer his eyes remained glued to the screen, his mood soured. “Your home planet is a lot closer than I would’ve thought,” he said. “I would’ve guessed it’d be located someplace in the outer-rim, but for it to border between the Inner and Mid-rim worlds? That’s… very troublesome indeed.”

Slumping into his chair, the Chancellor sighed. “I am assuming that this is the trump card that you were referring to?” he asked Platinum, to which the mare replied with a nod. “I see. Then I have no doubt in my mind. This information that you gave me will definitely turn many Senators to your side.”

“Are you sure?” asked Lyra.

“I’m sure. The Republic has a lot of industry and farm planets located in the inner and mid-rim worlds. And that includes key manufacturing planets for our Navy. Letting the Mandalorians conquer a world so close to these key planets would be very detrimental to us.”

“It would also allow them to ransack and cut off the Republic from vital supplies. Supplies that may determine the outcome of the war itself,” replied Master Darran before addressing the ponies. “Senators can be very paranoid. Anything that threatens their home, their wealth, or their position of power, they’ll do anything to preserve it. Regardless of peace or wartime. Present this information to them, and it’s pretty certain that they’ll side with you.”

“But at what cost?” asked Chessk from the back of the room.

“I beg your pardon, Trandoshan?” asked the Chancellor. His condescending tone caused Chessk to scowl at the man.

“I have a name Supreme Chancellor Ulgo. Address me by that, and perhaps I shall answer your question.”

“Whoa, take it easy, big guy. The Chancellor meant no offense,” said Hider as he tried to settle the hunter down. It was a good thing he did too. Chessk’s comments were so callous that the guards who protected the Chancellor seemed all but ready to strike at the Trandoshan for his disrespect. However, the Chancellor was quick to stop them.

“My apologies, young hunter. I did not mean to offend you,” Ulgo replied. “It’s your skepticism about our Senators is what worries me. Pray tell, why is that?”

“I am not skeptical on if the Senators will join our side, Chancellor. What worries me are their desires,” Chessk explained. “Master Darran said it himself. There are Senators who are paranoid about their positions of power. Not all, but enough to warrant concern.”

“So? What’s your point?” asked Hider. From his left, T3-G4 gave off a mix of whirls and beeps at the former smuggler, whose eyes widened once the droid was done speaking “Oh… so that’s why. I guess the big guy has legit reasons to be concerned.”

“A point about what?” Lyra asked.

“Think, kid. If these Senators care much so about their power and wealth, what’s going to happen if they allow the Navy to rescue a once undiscovered planet? A planet that, mind you, that has been left untouched for possibly centuries.”

“I don’t follow.”

Hider sighed. “Would the word, extortion, set any alarms off in your head, kid?”

Lyra still did not get it. She understood the possibility that some Senators were bad people, but she didn’t know why Chessk was so concerned. Perhaps it was because of his time spent as an Exchange agent? It would answer her question somewhat as he did spend a year under the boot of his greedy cousin.

But that’s when it became clear to her.

The reason why her companion was concerned is because he was looking out for her. Equestria, and quite possibly the entire planet, was left untouched by any galactic figurehead for centuries. Sure, the Republic may have come to her planet at some point, but ponies were completely isolated from the rest of the galaxy.

Realizing this, Lyra flinched. Having her home planet be exposed can be both a good and bad thing. Well, mostly bad the more she thought about it. For every good thing the Republic and the Jedi might bring, something equally bad is brought as well. And it wasn’t just the Mandalorians she was thinking about.

“Is something wrong, Padawan Heartstrings?” asked Chancellor Ulgo, to which Lyra answered with a shake of her head. She went on to explain her concerns about the Senate and how exposing her home to a big galaxy may have unintended consequences. “I see. That is concerning to say the least.”

“Should we be worried?” asked Lyra. “The Republic is at war right now and the last thing I want to do is expose my home to a conflict that they don’t understand.”

“Let’s not forget about the shady organizations too. Lest I remind you about your kind’s poor experience with Czerka and the Exchange,” said Chessk. “Do I even have to mention the infamous Hutt Cartels?”

“Hutt Cartels1?” asked Sweetie Drops.

“Don’t ask, creamy one.”

“Settle down, please. The meeting with the Galactic Senate hasn’t started yet and we are already talking about an uncertain future,” cautioned the Chancellor. “Let’s focus on one goal at a time, alright?”

Lyra frowned. Although the Chancellor meant well, his words didn’t sway the drastic change in mood for the ponies. She could see it in their eyes. The optimism they had at the start of the meeting were nearly flushed, replaced with feelings of doubt. If it weren’t for her mother being so bold, their mood would’ve completely tanked causing mass anxiety.

Speaking of her mother, Lyra had noticed that she hadn’t said anything for quite some time. Despite Chessk’s warning about exposing Equestria to the rest of the galaxy, she had remained strangely stoic once more.

So why is it that she remained so calm? Was it all an act to keep everypony calm and collected? Lyra never got her answer, however, as her mother finally spoke up. “Settle down, everypony. We shouldn’t be thinking about the future just yet,” she instructed.

“How can we not, Platinum?” replied Cotton Swirl. “Equestria’s future is seriously on the line here!”

“It’s bad, I know. Believe me, I’m just as afraid of the future as all of you are. But we need to focus on one thing at a time. And we’ll start with the upcoming Senate meeting.”

Master Darran nodded in approval. “I agree. As daunting as these tasks are, we should start with the meeting ahead of us and get some of you ponies home.”

The Jedi Master would quickly explain their intended plan on allowing several ponies return home on the ship they’ve arrived in, and the handful of Jedi who are willing to go with them. As expected, Chancellor Ulgo approved of his plan; but surprisingly, he went bit further by the ponies and a handful of his personal guards. With the war against the Mandalorians drawing ever so close, the Senate allowed the assembly of a new military branch. It was small, but its main purpose was to protect the Supreme Chancellor. And being the man in charge himself, Ulgo issued a quick executive order. Assign his new guards to the ponies and protect them against any danger.

“Wow. That is very kind of you, Chancellor Ulgo,” said Lyra.

“I’d rather not risk any more of your lives, young Padawan. If sending a few of my personal guards helps at the slightest, then I am more than happy to contribute,” the Chancellor replied as he scribbled on a piece of paper.

“You have our thanks, Chancellor; but if I may ask, where is the Celestial Sun?” asked Platinum.

“Docked at a nearby military port. It’s not far, but walking won’t do you any good. You’d have to take a shuttle to get there.”

“A shuttle, eh?” said a smiling Cotton Swirl. “Does that mean we’ll get another tour of the planet?”

“Please, no!” shrieked Tangerine. “One flight was bad enough! I don’t want to take another one!”

The Chancellor sighed. “I must apologize to the both of you. The military port is within walking distance; however, it’ll only draw the lot of you out in public and I don’t want to cause a stir. Air shuttle will be the only method of transport,” Ulgo explained. “And before you ask; no, you are not taking a tour of the city. You’ll be going straight toward the base. No distractions.”

“Oh, sweet Celestia.”

“Suck it up, Tangerine. You’ll be fine,” said Platinum, bluntly. “As for the rest of you, have you made your decisions yet? If you all want to go home, that’s fine by me. But if Lyra and I are going to testify before the Senate, then we need at least a few ponies to stay with us.”

Lyra curled her lip. Before they had left Dantooine, her mother made an announcement. She promised that if ponies wanted to go home upon their arrival on Coruscant, then they were free to do so. With their brief meeting with the Supreme Chancellor nearly over, ponies can leave if they wish. However, what she needed were volunteers. Ponies that would help them with their second goal, convince the Republic to leave them alone.

Both mother and daughter knew that the two of them alone may not be enough to sway the Senate. Sure, knowledge of their home world would get enough votes they need for military assistance, but after Chessk’s warning, they might a few more to testify on behalf of Equestria and their entire planet.

“Captain, permission to speak,” said Sweetie Drops.

“Permission granted. What is it, Private?”

“I thought about what you said back on the ship and I’ve decided that it’d be best if I stay by your side. I may not have been with you all during your capture by the Mandalorians, but I can still provide a decent testimony. My experience with the Exchange and the Jedi should be all that I need to help in our cause.”

“I can stay as well,” said Stalwart Shield. “I may not be great with words, but I’ll do everything in my power to protect our home.”

Sweetie and Stalwart weren’t alone. There were a few other ponies who volunteered to stay behind. Guard ponies mostly though given how Platinum addressed them. However, it didn’t change the fact that a small majority of the ponies wanted to go home.

“Cotton, what about you?” asked Platinum. “Are you planning on going with everypony else, or are you staying.

The mare smiled. “Oh, you don’t have to worry about me, Platinum. Because I am not going anywhere. I’m staying here, where you like it or not.”

That certainly was surprising. At least to most ponies’ anyway. Lyra already had a feeling that Cotton Swirl would choose to stay, for she was far too enamoured by the Republic’s futuristic society.

“Are you sure about this, Cotton?” asked Stalwart Shield, who appeared to have shown concern for the mare due to her sudden announcement.

“Oh, don’t you get all overprotective on me, Stalwart. I’m staying. There is still a lot of stuff I want to see and research while we’re here. Even if it’s only for a short time. Besides, somepony has to rub it in the face of that idiot coworker of mine. Oh, I cannot wait until I tell him about all the neat little gadgets I saw. The look on his face will be priceless.

Platinum scowled. “That idiot coworker is my husband, Cotton.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right. You have my sincerest condolences.”

“Now, ladies, let’s not get into any fights. Remember, you’re all on the same side,” said Chancellor Ulgo in an attempt to disquiet the now tense moment between Platinum and Cotton.

Lyra facehoofed. Though was glad the Chancellor stepped in, it was irritating to hear Cotton insult her family like that. Just what did her father do to make Cotton dislike him so much? Though any curiosity on that matter vanished when she heard Hider chuckling at the back of the room.

“You find this amusing, human?” asked Chessk.

“Yes. Yes, I do,” Hider admitted. From his left, T3-G4 replied with a couple of bleeps. Though it seemed to be directed at Chessk this time. “See, I’m not alone on this. The tin can thinks it’s funny too.”

“And how is that supposed to make things better?”

“Enough! All of you!” ordered Master Darran. His commanding voice was enough to earn everyone’s attention in the room and, much to Lyra’s delight, prevented a possible fight between Platinum and Cotton. “Chancellor Ulgo, you said that a team of tailors have made some clothes for the ponies, correct?”

“Uh… yes, I have,” replied the Chancellor. “Since you are attending an important meeting with the Senate, I figured that I’d get some formal clothing tailored for you all.”

“You did?” asked everypony at once.

“Indeed. All Senatorial meetings require formal wear. Because of that, I requested the Jedi to take measurements during your stay on Dantooine. Granted, my tailors were a little upset about the sudden request I made, but they managed. Taking a look at Padawan Heartstring’s Jedi tunic designs really speed up the design process.”

“Wow, that’s very nice of you, Chancellor,” said Lyra.

“Huh. So that’s why the Jedi took our measurements while we were at that farm planet,” said Cotton Swirl. “How kind of them to lend us some clothes. Might even be a decent souvenir for the trip home.”

“But what about the ponies who are leaving?” asked Cotton Swirl. “Are we getting any clothes too?”

“Of course, that’s what you’d be concerned about the most, Tangerine,” joked one stallion from the group.

“Hey, you can’t fault a mare for liking their clothes, okay. Especially when they’re from Canterlot, the grandest city of all of Equestria!”

“Grandest city of Equestria, eh? Perhaps I can pay the city a visit one day, Miss. Tangerine,” joked the Chancellor. “But to answer your question, we didn’t know how many of you were planning on staying, so my tailors made enough clothes for all of you. “If you want to check them out before you leave, Larson here will guide you all to my personal fitting rooms.”

The Vice Chair bowed. “I’ll be happy to guide you ponies,” he said. With permission from the Chancellor, Larson made his way toward the exit. “Follow me, please.”

The ponies did what they were told and followed the man out of the Chancellor’s office. Lyra did so too, but she did not leave right away. She just had to make sure that her mother nor anypony else had any lingering questions for the Chancellor. By the time everypony had left, she and her crew were the last to leave.

But upon leaving office, however, she had noticed that her master did not follow them out. Seeing this, she immediately turned back. To her surprise, a pair of guards blocked her from entering. “Hey, what are you doing?” asked the young Padawan. “Let me in!”

The guards shook their heads. One of them explained that, before the meeting occurred, Master Darran requested that he speak to the Chancellor in private. This confused Lyra, but she understood why he made that decision.

The mysterious Force Sensitives wandering around the Senate building. She had informed her master about it before the meeting, which he immediately took the time to warn the High Council. No doubt, the guards stationed will be on alert from now until the Senate briefing will be over. Still, Lyra could not help but feel uneasy about these rogue Jedi. She could only hope that the Council’s aid would reveal the truth.

Before she could rejoin the others, the Force pierced into her skull as the supernatural power began to radiate around her. The sensation wasn’t painful, but it was enough to get her attention. Immediately, she scoured the hallway for any sign that might have caused that disturbance.

That’s when she spotted it. A hooded figure standing several feet away was looking directly at her. Immediately, she bolted away from the Chancellor’s office, hoping that she could catch whoever this person was. And she wasn’t alone either. The two guards had also seen the strange person and decided to follow Lyra.

But as soon as they turned the corner, the hooded person was gone. This sparked confusion and outrage from the two guards, who immediately bickered amongst themselves. However, Lyra just stood there and did nothing. That person she saw, she was certain it was a Jedi. Or at the very least a Force Sensitive. Granted, there was a possibility that this person was using a Stealth Field Generator, but she shook her head. Even if that person was using technology to hide themselves, she could at least sense them through the Force.

Was it possible that the person she saw was a rogue Jedi? She didn’t know for sure, but one thing’s for certain. She cannot let her guard down.

Author's Note:
  1. Hutt Cartels