• Published 16th Mar 2019
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Star Wars Jedi Lyra: The Search - currentlemon

Jedi Padawan Lyra Heartstrings scours the war-torn galaxy in search of her long-lost home.

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Chapter 7

“Padawan, wake up. Padawan, wake up this instant.”

Lyra yawned as she rolled about on her bunk bed. “Master, please. Can’t you see I’m trying to sleep? Just give me five more minutes, okay. I’m having the nicest dream right now.”

“Save your dreams for another time, Lyra. You must get up, now. We’ve arrived at Ord Mantell.”

“What? We’re here.” That got her attention. Immediately, Lyra shot straight up from her bed. “Have we landed yet?”

Master Darran shook his head. “No. The ship just got out of hyperspace. Mr. Louhun is communicating with the planet’s port officials as we speak. One he gets an approval, we’ll be landing shortly.”

“Is he at the cockpit?”

“Yes, he is. You can join him if you want, but make sure you come to me in the garage before we leave the ship. There’s some things I need to discuss with you before we head out.”

“Yes, Master,” said Lyra as she jumped out of the bunk bed. Leaving her master behind, she trotted out of the crew quarters and went down the main corridor toward the cockpit. Along the way, she spotted T3-G4, who was preoccupied with the repairs to the Omega.

“Morning, GeeFour.”

T3-G4 replied with a dismissive beep as it wheeled away into another room.

“What? Aren’t you going to at least talk to me?”

T3-G4 did not reply, leaving Lyra alone in the main corridor.

Lyra frowned. It appeared GeeFour wasn’t in the mood for talking. Not that she could blame it though. She doesn’t even understand droid binary. It was something she wanted to learn back at the academy, but she never had the time. Lightsaber drills and her studies of the Force remained her primary focus. Rarely did she ever study outside the Jedi arts, aside from a few things such as a handful of alien languages and some medical training.

Still, she felt bad that she couldn’t understand GeeFour. It’s almost as if the droid was alienating her. Hider did say GeeFour had a personality of his own. I would love to get to know him, even if he’s a bit violent sometimes.

Continuing down the main corridor, Lyra eventually made it to the cockpit. Once inside, she saw Ord Mantell in all its glory. From inside the cockpit, she could tell the planet had more variety in its landscape. Unlike Dantooine, this planet had large bodies of water. Landmasses were few and far between. Some of which even had blackened areas too. If she had to guess, those were probably volcanic areas.

As she approached the captain’s chair, she spotted Hider holding a comm-link on his right hand. “This is Hider Louhun, captain of the Omega speaking. I hereby request permission to land.”

“Permission granted. You are free land. Welcome to Ord Mantell, Mr. Louhun.” said a masculine voice from the other line.

“Thank you, sir.” Hider replied. After placing the comm-link down, he spun the captain’s chair around to greet his guest. “Ah, looks like someone’s finally awake. You slept well, Jedi?”

Lyra nodded. “Yeah, I did. Those bunkbeds you have were surprisingly comfortable.”

“They better. I paid good money for those quality beds.”

“But didn’t you say you’ve been traveling alone for a while? I mean, it’s pretty convenient that you already had guest beds on your ship.”

“Well, I figured that I’d get guests aboard eventually, so I played it safe. But enough about beds. What do you think of Ord Mantell?” Hider asked as he gripped the ship’s steering wheel.

“Well, it certainly looks pretty from up here. I never thought that a planet could have fifteen moons. That’s definitely a first.”

“Don’t be fooled. The planet only got two moons. The rest may look like them, but up close, they are actually orbiting satellites.”

“What kind of planet needs thirteen satellites?”

Hider shrugged. “Who knows. But enough about that. You best buckle up, Lyra, cause I’m going to land this ship now.”

Lyra nodded. She sat down in the co-captain’s chair and strapped a buckle around her waist. She watched as Hider piloted his ship closer to Ord Mantell.

Eventually, the Omega descended into the planet’s atmosphere. A hint of glee could be seen on Hider’s face as his ship rattled in the atmospheric pressure. His elated attitude stirred Lyra a bit, but she had every confidence in Hider’s piloting abilities. After all, he’s piloted alone for so many years. This probably meant nothing to him.

As the ship dropped out of the atmosphere, Lyra got a better look at the planet’s landscape. Compared to what she saw in space, the landmass turned out to be a bunch of small islands. The planet itself was just one big pile of ocean water.

“Welcome to Ord Mantell, Jedi. Also known as the Heart of the Bright Jewel,” said Hider. “See that coastal city in front of us? It’s called, Worlport. The capital of this planet.”

Lyra stared at the moderately sized city in front of her. It was by no means a grand city. The place was barely bigger than the Jedi Enclave back on Dantooine.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover. The city itself may be small, but it’s still growing fast due to the recently increase in population,” Hider continued.

“Why’s the population increasing?” asked Lyra.

“Trade mostly. The planet’s becoming a hub for Bounty Hunters and Smugglers alike. I myself have been here a few times. But not for long. Aside from a couple of cantinas, this place doesn’t provide much entertainment. Plus, I’ve heard recent reports of a large spike of refugees. The capital’s overloaded with them apparently.”


“People fleeing their worlds due to the Mandalorians. Those guys have been conquering the outer-rim planets for years. Because of them, people flee to the mid and core worlds just to avoid the violence.”

Lyra flinched. “It…. It’s that bad out there?”

Hider nodded. “Yeah, it is. Funny thing though, I’ve also heard multiple reports that there’s some schism in the Jedi Order. Something about a lot of Knights and Padawans leaving to join the fight against the Mandalorians. You know anything about that?”

Lyra shook her head. “N-no, I don’t,” she lied.

“Ah, that’s a shame. I was hoping that you’d clarify those claims, but oh well. Say, why don’t you head on back to your master? Let him know that we’re landing soon.”

If what Hider said was true, then the war has caused much more turmoil than she believed. It would also justify the actions of the Jedi who abandoned the Order completely, favoring to fight against the Mandalorian crusaders.

Was their decision right all along? To defy the Council and head to war? Those Jedi…. my friends. I wonder how they’re doing? Are they out there right now, fighting to protect people?

Her thoughts dwelled on the matter for some time. So much so that she failed notice that she’d reached her destination, and that her master sitting next to Hider’s large speed bike.


Lyra flinched. “Ah! Master! I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

“No, you clearly weren’t,” he lectured. “If you did, then you’d realize that you left your lightsaber on your bunk bed.”

“What?” Lyra immediately looked down at her belt, only to realize that her lightsaber was missing from its holster.

Master Darran sighed as he pulled out her saber from his belt buckle. “Padawan, a lightsaber isn’t something that you’d toss aside in a bedroom. This weapon is your life. Please, do take care of it. The last thing that you want is to leave it behind on a space cruiser.”

“Y-yes, Master,” said Lyra as she took her weapon and placed it on her belt holster.

“So, did Mr. Louhun get clearance for his ship?”

Lyra nodded. “Yes, Master. He’s landing the Omega right now. We’ll be arriving at the planet’s capital, Worlport.”

“I see.” Master Darran leaned back on his chair and began to rub his chin.

“Is something troubling you, Master?” Lyra asked.

“I am currently thinking about our next move. Your kin are being held by the Exchange here, that much we know, but the problem is that we don’t know where. For all we know, they could be held at the other side of the planet.”

“You suggest that we do some scouting, Master?”

“A fine suggestion, Padawan, but where to find such information?”

“Oh, um, I’m not sure.” Lyra paused. “Maybe a library might help us?”

Master Darran chuckled. “Lyra, you have to think more broadly than that. Tell me, if someone arrives at a planet they’ve never been to before, what do you think is the fastest way of gathering information?”

“W-well, if books, brochures, and computers are out of the picture, then the next reliable resource would it be the planet’s locals?”

“Precisely. The locals are key to knowing where your kin are located. I’m sure that in time, we might be able to get some answers about the whereabouts of the Exchange.”

“Won’t I draw their attention? I mean, the Exchange made a public announcement about the ponies days ago. Someone in town is bound to recognize me eventually.”

“Then it’d be best that you remain on guard,” cautioned Master Darran. As he stood up, a loud pumping sound echoed inside the entire ship. “Sounds like Hider deployed the landing pads. It appears that we’ve finally made landfall.”

Lyra smiled. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go to the boarding ramp already and meet up with Mr. Louhun. We’ll say our goodbyes once we leave the ship.”

Master Darran nodded in approval. The two Jedi proceeded to leave the bike garage and head toward the ship’s boarding ramp. As they arrived, they spotted T3-G4 standing idle at the exit.

“Hi, GeeFour,” said Lyra. She was ignored though as T3-G4 rolled past her and greeted Master Darran with an impassive chime.

The old master sighed. “GeeFour, I know my Padawan doesn’t understand you, but you can’t just outright ignore her. The least you can do is try to be friendly.”

T3-G4 beeped dismissively.

Lyra tilted her head. “Master, what did it say?”

“Aside from its unpleasant attitude? Well, it said that it’s finished repairing most of the ship, which is impressive given that we’ve been in hyperspace for only several hours. Though I’m unsure why you’re telling us this. Hider is the owner of the Omega, not us.”

T3 gave a series of aggravated beeps.

“I see. Well, that certainly is strange. Does Mr. Louhun know anything about that?”

“Master, what’s he talking about?” asked Lyra.

“Apparently, the ship is more damaged than what Mr. Louhun originally thought. Some of the plated walls are rusted and still damaged, the medical bay needs repairs to its kolto tank, and the left gun turret cannot operate properly.”

“Do you think it was caused by the droids back on Taris?”

“Unlikely. GeeFour said that these damages haven’t been done by a droid, and I’ve also seen several unkempt places around the ship as well. Mostly around the cargo areas. It seems that Mr. Louhun isn’t keeping his ship maintained as well as we thought.”

“But why? Hider loves his ship.”

“Who can say. It’s possible he left many parts of the ship unattended after he quit his smuggling career. Since his job isn’t to carry valuable goods, why bother keeping maintenance to things he has no need for? If the ship can fly and perform lightspeed travel, that should be fine by his standards. But enough gossip. Come, let’s go outside and wait for Hider.”

Lyra nodded. She and her master disembarked the Omega along with T3-G4. Once outside, she noticed that the port’s hanger wasn’t anything spectacular. Compared to Taris, it was much smaller in size, and the building looked incomplete. Iron beams and piles of metal planks could be seen scattered across the room, with droids and construction workers placing them on unfinished walls and towers.

“This place seems rather new. I’m surprised they let Hider land here given all the construction,” said Master Darran.

“Well, they said the buildings already stable. They’re just working on the finishing touches right now.” Both Lyra and Master Darran turned around to see Hider walking down the ship’s boarding ramp. “Why the look of surprise, Jedi. Can’t a guy say goodbye to his rescuers?”

“You came to see us just to say goodbye? That’s it?” Master Darran chuckled. “Surely you have something better than a simple farewell?”

“What? Taking you Jedi here wasn’t enough for you, old man? What else could you possibly want from me?”

“I don’t know. Perhaps some Tarisian ale would be a good start? I’ve heard that drink is quite the delicacy.”

“Master!” complained Lyra.

“Come now, Padawan. I was only joking. But in all seriousness, Hider, you have my thanks. Getting to know you has been a pleasure.”

“Likewise,” Hider replied before turning to face Lyra. “Thanks for saving me back on Taris, kid. You really are one heck of a Jedi. Perhaps after your successful mission, those Jedi on the Council will consider promoting you.”

Lyra stuttered. “B-being a Jedi Knight doesn’t work like that, Hider, but thanks for the compliment. You take care yourself. And your ship too. With GeeFour here, I’m sure you’ll get all the help you need.”

“Yeah, well, that is if it doesn’t threaten to kill me first.”

T3-G4 chimed innocently.

“Shut it, tin can. I know deep down you want burn me to a crisp.”

Lyra sighed. “Would you two quit bickering? For crying out loud, you guys just met a couple hours ago! Can’t you at least try to get along with each other?”

“Well, forgive me for being a bit overcautious. Our first meeting wasn’t exactly the most pleasant one you know. And it doesn’t help that tin can over here is a sociopath.”

T3-G4 beeped aggressively at Hider.

“Don’t play innocent droid. You said it yourself, remember? You wanted to set that store owner on fire!”

“You know, instead of assuming GeeFour is a bad droid, can’t you at least figure out why he’s acting like that?” Lyra argued. “You said that T3 utility droids develop a personality of their own overtime, right? Then perhaps the reason why GeeFour acts this way he does is because he doesn’t want a memory wipe.”

“So, you’re saying the little guy wants to keep its personality?”

Lyra nodded. “I think so. A memory wipe would take away GeeFour’s personality entirely. I think he doesn’t want that, so he threatens anyone who tries to take it away from him, even his owners.”

A pause. For a moment, neither Hider nor T3-G4 replied to Lyra’s words. Master Darran said nothing either, but he did have a prideful smile on his face. Eventually, T3-G4 broke the silence as it began to move circles around Lyra, chiming repeatedly.

“No, GeeFour, you can’t go with them,” said Hider with a sigh. “Alright, you made your point. I’ll give the little tin can a chance.”

“Do you still plan on doing a memory wipe?” Lyra asked.

“If it doesn’t threaten set me on fire, I’ll leave it alone. And I suppose having a utility droid around will help with my ship’s maintenance cost.”

T3-G4 hooted at Hider repeatedly.

“Yes, I know my ship needs work, alright. Being a reporter for a news network doesn’t exactly cover all maintenance costs.”

“Well, that explains why you left parts of your ship abandoned and rusted,” said Master Darran.

Hider sighed. “Whatever. Come on, GeeFour. Head back inside and work on the ship with me. It still needs some tweaks before we leave for Coruscant. And good luck on your mission, Lyra. Do me a solid favor and bash more of those Exchange thugs for me, alright.”

Lyra nodded. She gave one final goodbye as the Omega’s boarding ramp closed.

“We need to get moving, Padawan,” said Master Darran. “Come, let’s go to the city. I’m sure someone here knows something about your missing kin.”

Lyra nodded. The two Jedi left the hanger bay and made their way toward Worlport. But as they reached the main lobby of the spaceport, three Republic officers—one female and two men following behind her—came to greet them.

“Halt,” said the female officer as she and the other Republic officials bowed before Master Darran. “Greetings Master Jedi. I am Lieutenant Dodonna of the Republic Navy. May I, and my soldiers, be the first to welcome you and your Padawan to Ord Mantell.”

“I’m Jedi Battlemaster Gizar Darran. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant,” greeted Master Darran. “Dodonna, eh? By chance, do you happen to be related to Admiral Dodonna?”

“Yes, she is my mother. She and my other higher ups sent me here to keep the peace.” Lieutenant Dodonna then eyeballed Lyra. “I assume this animal is your Padawan, Master Darran?”

Lyra’s cheeks puffed. She may have gotten used to people’s misconceptions, but that doesn’t mean it still annoyed her.

“Padawan, calm yourself. She meant no offense,” lectured Master Darran. “Yes, this here is my Padawan, Lyra Heartstrings. She’s a newly discovered alien species that’s been with the Jedi Order for quite some time. And before you ask, yes, she can speak and understand basic.”

“And other alien languages if I might add,” scoffed Lyra, though her response earned a dissatisfied frown from her master.

“Do forgive me, Padawan Heartstrings. I wasn’t aware of your status,” replied Lieutenant Dodonna. But even with the apology, the two officers behind her couldn’t but gossip about Lyra.

“Wow, who would’ve thought that thing is a Jedi.”

“I know right. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone mistaken her for a pet. But what kind of alien is she? And how come the Jedi Order never said anything about this?”

“Who knows. With the Jedi being so secretive, it’s no wonder so many people are frustrated with them.”

“Enough!” berated the Lieutenant. “You two are being very disrespectful right now. Zip it or I’ll have you both on cleaning duty for the next week!”

“Y-yes, Lieutenant,” said both officers at once.

The Lieutenant sighed. “Forgive them, Master Jedi. It would seem their curiosity made them forget about their own dignity.”

Master Darran chuckled. “It’s alright, Lieutenant. Gossip is a common thing when it comes to my Padawan and I. Believe me, we’re used to it.”

Unfortunately,” replied Lyra with another scoff.

“If you say so, Master Jedi,” replied the Lieutenant. “So, if I may ask, what brings you both here to Ord Mantell? Forgive me if I assume, but it’s unlikely that two Jedi would come here voluntarily. This planet isn’t exactly a tourist spot, especially now with the rise of refugees.”

Lyra gulped. So, what Hider said was true.

“Well, to be honest with you, Lieutenant, my Padawan and I aren’t here for sightseeing,” said Master Darran. “The Council has sent us here on a mission. A rescue mission to be precise.”

“Care to explain?” asked Lieutenant Dodonna.

Master Darran nodded as he proceeded to tell the lieutenant everything about their current mission. He didn’t tell her everything though. Mentioning Lyra’s past is something he wanted to avoid.

“I see. So, the Exchange is responsible for holding a new alien species captive on their private base somewhere on this planet. And this new species, whom are called ponies, is the same as your Padawan here.”

“Correct,” replied Master Darran. “We have proof that the Exchange had captured them while they were traversing the galaxy. They’ve brought them here and are planning on selling them as slaves or pets.”

The Lieutenant nodded. “Sergeant,” she said, addressing the officer to her right. “Do we have any information on the whereabouts of the Exchange stronghold?”

The Sergeant shook his head. “No, ma’am. Although we are aware of their presence, we have no intel on where their headquarters is.”

“Wait, you said that you guys are aware they’re here, right? Do you happen to have any prisoners here that we can interrogate?” asked Lyra.

“No, we do not. The Exchange does not have a presence here at Worlport. Though we’re aware that a few of their members visit the city, they’re mostly low-ranking members that haven’t broken any law.

“Seriously? So, you just let them go?”

“The Republic can’t just arrest anyone Miss. Heartstrings. We would need a warrant to do so. Otherwise, we’d be breaking our own laws,” replied Lieutenant Dodonna.

Lyra’s ears drooped. “O-oh, I see.”

“Cheer up, Lyra. There are other ways we can obtain the info we need,” said Master Darran as kneeled and patted Lyra on the head. “We just have to search at the right place. And I believe I know exactly where we need to go.”

“Y-you do, Master?”

He nodded. As he stood back up, Master Darran gave the Lieutenant Dodonna and her officers one final bow. “I appreciate your help, Lieutenant, but my Padawan and I can take things from here. Should we need help, we’ll make contact immediately.”

“Very well, Master Jedi. I pray that your rescue mission is a success,” replied the Lieutenant. She and her subordinates made their way for the exit, but she stopped abruptly. “Before we leave, there is one thing that’s bothering me. That ship you came in. Our records indicate that it’s a smuggler ship named, the Omega. How did a pair of Jedi come across a ship like that, let alone board it?”

“Ah, I was wondering how you were alerted by our presence. Did the ship’s captain manage to contact you?”

“I heard from our port workers. That ship’s captain notified them of you two and requested that Republic officials come and greet you. We had doubts, but we’re glad he was telling the truth.”

“You’re correct that the Omega is a smuggler’s ship, Lieutenant, but the owner is no threat. A former Smuggler, yes, but he gave that career up a long time ago.”

“Can you tell me the captain’s name? How did you meet him? And why did he let you board his ship.”

“His name is Hider Louhun,” answered Lyra. “He and a T3 utility droid are the only ones on board. We saved his butt from a group of thugs back on Taris and he took us here as a repayment for saving him.”

“That’s…. very kind of him.” Lieutenant Dodonna rubbed her chin. “Hider, huh? I get the feeling I’ve heard that name before, but where?” She shrugged. “I suppose I’ll look into it at another time. Best of luck on your mission, Jedi. If you need any assistance, let us know. The Republic will be more than happy to help you.”

“Farewell, lieutenant. And may the Force be with you,” said Master Darran as he and Lyra said their goodbyes. Once the officers left the building, he turned and looked at his Padawan. “Ready to go, Lyra?”

She nodded. “Master, if I may, you said back on the ship we’re going to commune with the locals here to get our information. Do you happen to have any ideas where we should go?”

“Of course,” replied Master Darran as the two made their way out of the port. “All we have to do now is find it. Though I admit, our destination may have an age restriction for minors. They might bar you if try to enter.”

“Why’s that?”

“You’ll see when we get there.”

As the two Jedi left the space port, Lyra took a good look around the city. Worlport looked very new for the most part. Aside from a few buildings that were currently in construction, its streets were clean and tidy. There was one thing that stood out of place though. On the streets, Lyra could see a few people walking around in ragged clothing. They seemed rather unkempt compared to the other locals, and they carried around their personal belongings with them.

Those people don’t seem to be locals. Are they the refugees Hider and the Lieutenant talked about?

Completely engrossed in her thoughts, Lyra failed to notice her master was speaking to someone. By the time she finally realized this, their conversation was already finished.

“Master, who was that?” she asked.

“Just one of the locals. I was asking him directions for our next stop,” replied the battle master.

“And where would that be?”

“You’ll see when we get there.”

Turning to his left, Master Darran proceeded to walk down the city’s concrete walkway. Lyra followed in silence, believing that her master knew what he was doing. They walked for several minutes until the old master stopped at an odd building. It had colorful electrical wires on its roof, shaped into what appeared to be beverage glasses.

It was then that Lyra realized where her master had taken her.

“Seriously, Master? A cantina?” she asked, bewilderedly. “How are we supposed to find any intel here? Cantinas are only for drunkards who socialize and drink all day.”

Master Darran shook his head. “You underestimate these places, Padawan. Though there is truth in what you say, cantinas are great hub of information. Think of it as a center point, where all the planet’s latest news and gossip pass through.

“But I’m only seventeen. I’m not old enough to enter cantinas.”

“That is true. Depending on the planet’s law, cantinas usually don’t allow minors inside.” Master Darran shrugged. “An unfortunate reality, but we’ll have to check and see. Ord Mantell’s drinking laws might differ than Dantooine’s, so there is a chance you might get in.”

Lyra sighed. With no choice, she followed her master to the cantina’s entrance. Once they’ve arrived, a tall muscular human stood in their way.

“Hold it right there, wise guy. This cantina ain’t open yet,” said the human in a threatening tone. If Lyra had to guess, this human was the cantina’s bouncer. “The boss is still fixing the place up, so beat it. And take your pet with you. We can’t have some dirty animal wreak the place we just cleaned.”

Lyra groaned.

“Padawan, calm yourself,” scolded Master Darran. “Forgive us, sir, but could you please kindly let us in. There are some things I’d like to discuss with the owner of this place.

“Did you not hear me, old man?” berated the bouncer. “The cantina’s closed. I’m not allowing anyone inside.”

Master Darran sighed. To sway the bouncer to his side, he lifted his Jedi robe and revealed his lightsaber. “I am Jedi Master Gizar Darran. Forgive me for prodding, but I need enter this cantina now. It is urgent Jedi business.”

The bouncer’s eyes went wide. “O-of course. Sorry about that Master Jedi. I’ll let you in.” He then stared at Lyra. “What about this thing? Is she supposed to be your guide animal or something?”

“That thing is my Padawan, sir. Best if you stop calling her an animal now, or else you be seeing stars.”

The bouncer’s jaw dropped. “Seriously? How is this thing a Padawan? I…. wait a moment. Is she at the legal age?”

“Sir, I am not aware of the planet’s drinking age.”

“It’s eighteen, Jedi.”

Lyra frowned. “Great. I’m a year below the legal age. Master, what do we do?”

“Wait, you talk?” said the already bewildered bouncer. Though his response earned a venomous glare from Lyra. “Eh, sorry about that. Look, I know you’re Jedi and all, but I can’t disobey our planet’s rules. Sorry, Master Jedi, but your Padawan has to stay out here.”

“Understood,” said Master Darren. “Padawan, I might be inside for quite some time. Do you mind if stay out here and keep yourself occupied?”

Lyra nodded. “I can meditate or do some saber katas.”

“Saber katas might garner some unnecessary attention. Why don’t you go ahead and meditate for now? Since our travels have made you skip your meditation practices, perhaps it’d be best for you to relax and clear your mind.”

Lyra nodded. As the bouncer escorted her master inside, she sat in a meditation stance near the cantina entrance. Closing her eyes, she began to concentrate, allowing the soothing light of the Force to flow through her body.

Unlike the enclave on Dantooine, Worlport had a much larger population. As such, the minds of the local populace overflowed the currents of the Force, causing it to flow at a rapid pace. Their hardships, their struggles, their desperation, all tethered together as one. It’s as if she stared at life itself.

Lyra flinched. The immense power coursing through her was frightening at first. Never had she experienced something of this magnitude back at the academy. It almost made her panic, but Lyra knew that wouldn’t do her any good.

To calm herself, Lyra lowered her head and muttered the fourth line from the Jedi code.

“There is no chaos, there is harmony.”

“There it is you guys. You see it? I was telling y’all the truth, but no…. none of you believed me!”

Lyra ears flopped as she heard an unfamiliar voice not too far away from her.

“Okay, we get it. You were right for once. Just go and get that little pony, alright. The boss will be happy to know more of those things are out there.”


Lyra quickly opened her eyes and was greeted by a blaster rifle pointing right at her face. She looked up to see three armed thugs surrounding her meditation spot. One human, one Twi’lek, and one Duro.

“Hey there, little pony,” said the human as he wiggled his weapon in front of Lyra. “What brings you all the way out here?”

A chill ran through Lyra’s spine. These thugs were aware of what she was.

<Seriously? Why bother talking to this thing?> said the Duro thug in Durese. <Come on. Let’s just snag this thing and get back to base already.>

“Jeez, can’t I have a little fun?” joked the human. “Everyone else had their share of entertainment when we held those other ponies.”

Lyra gritted her teeth. The Exchange.

“Hey, what are you three think you’re doing?” At once, Lyra and the three Exchange thugs turned and saw the cantina bouncer looking straight at them.

“Let me deal with this,” said the Twi’lek in basic as he pointed his battle rifle at the bouncer. “Nice show of muscles ya got there. Guess all that body building really paid off, huh? Be a real shame if all of it were for naught.”

The bouncer froze. Panicked, he quickly raised both of his arms and surrendered to the Twi’lek.

“There ya go. Guess ya still got a brain in that big muscular body of yours. Now do us a favor and stay down. This is Exchange business. You better not interfere.”

The bouncer bit his lip as he knelt down. He quickly looked toward Lyra, hoping that she’d come up with something to deal with the thugs. Little did he know, she was one step ahead of them.

Across the street was a pile of rubble of concrete stone. Left to waste possibly due to the construction going around the city. As the Exchange thugs focused on Lyra and the bouncer, neither of them noticed three large stones levitating in the air.

Today, her command of the Force would aid her through this.

“Get up, pony. Now! Or else blood is going to be spilled on this street,” said the human. “Wouldn’t want to have blood on those clean hooves of yours, don’t you?”

Lyra smirked. “His blood isn’t the one you should be worried about.”

In an instant, the levitating stones all smashed into each of the thug’s head. The strong impact caused all three of them to yelp in pain, losing both their balance and their weapon.

Seeing an opportunity, Lyra immediately snatched her lightsaber from her belt and ignited it. She leapt at the human thug first, performing a shiim[1] sweep at his legs. The thug screeched as the blade pierced through his skin. A non-lethal blow, but at least this thug won’t be standing anytime soon.

As Lyra destroyed the human’s weapon, she turned her attention to the remaining two Exchange thugs, who’re still recovering from the blow. Outstretching her free hoof, she called upon the Force to lift the Twi’lek thug into their air. With just one flick, she sent the thug flying across the street, head first into a concrete wall. He collapsed onto the ground, motionless.

Despite the head trauma, the Duro was able to recover from the blow. But instead of fighting back, he fell on his knees. <No one told me that these ponies can become Jedi!> he panicked. Fear had completely taken over him. <Please, spar me. I-I promise, I’ll leave this town and never come bother you again. Just don’t kill me!>

“Relax, bub. She’s a Jedi. Killing isn’t their style,” said the bouncer as he smacked the Duro on the head, knocking him unconscious. “You really do know your moves, kid. Guess you really are Jedi material after all.”


Lyra turned her head to see her master exiting the cantina. Along with who she assumed to be the cantina’s owner, a male Bith.

“Goodness, what happened here?” asked the Bith[2] in basic. “Who are these people? And why are they armed to the teeth with blasters?”

“They’re a bunch of grunts who’re part of the Exchange,” answered Lyra as she deactivated her lightsaber. “Master, they knew what I was. The guy I cut down admitted it himself. The ponies are here! They’re being held captive by these guys right now!”

“Calm yourself, Padawan. Don’t let your emotions overwhelm you,” advised Master Darran. “Talk about a coincidence. To think that we’d run into Exchange members so quickly. Truly the Force is aiding us this day.”

“Did you get any useful information from the cantina owner?”

Master Darran nodded. “There’s a large Exchange stronghold outside of town. It’s not too far. We can get there by speed bike in about half an hour.”

“I don’t know why a couple of Jedi are seeking out the Exchange, but it's none of my business.” said the Bith. “Don’t worry about these guys. We’ll notify the Republic as soon as possible. Just be careful. Worlport aside, the Exchange has a powerful presence on Ord Mantell. Wouldn’t want some Jedi getting hurt over something they were ill prepared for.”

Showing thanks, the Jedi bowed respectfully at the cantina owner and his bouncer as they dragged the three thugs away. With them gone, Master Darran folded his arms and sighed. “We must think carefully our next move,” he said. “The Exchange stronghold is within our grasp, but we can’t be too risky. If our rescue mission is to succeed, then we need to make a plan first.”

“Can’t the Republic help us?” asked Lyra.

Master Darran shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. I spoke with the Bith about this. The Republic neither has the manpower or the equipment to fight back the Exchange. If they try, they’ll risk losing this city.”

“How can the Republic be so out gunned by a couple of thugs?”

“It’s not just the Exchange, Lyra. Ord Mantell is home to many independent smugglers and mercenaries, and they are armed to the teeth. Because of that, the Republic deemed it too risky to send out soldiers, or else they risk losing the city.”

“Then what do we do? Those ponies need to be rescued!”

“Be aware of your anger, Padawan,” scolded Master Darran. “I know saving your kin is important, be you can’t let your emotions get the better of you.”

Lyra bit her lip. “S-sorry, master.”

“Be patient. We’ll rescue your kin, I promise. But for now, we must plan. Come, let us go back to the space port. There is one person who might help us out.”

“Wait a minute. Are you talking about him? What makes you think he’ll help? He doesn’t want to deal with the Exchange anymore.”

“I am aware of that, Padawan, but we need someone who’s dealt with the Exchange before. Besides, I’m sure Hider would agree to some of compromise.”

Author's Note:
  1. Shiim: One of the two fundamental marks of contact. It is a lightsaber blow delivered with the edge of the blade, inflicting non-lethal wounds on the enemy.
    Source: Jedi Path page 76.
  2. Bith

Okay, a bit of an announcement here. Right now, I am currently behind on my writing schedule. As such, this chapter will be the last new chapter for the month of May. No other chapter will be released until early June. I need the time to catch up on my work.

That's all for now. As always, let me know in the comments below if you see any errors. See you guys later.