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Till death do us part

Chapter 11: Till death do us part

Last chapter: He then heads out of the castle towards Ponyville, ‘Tia doesn’t even try to stop him. Atom is still in Hades as he walks up next to Kieron. He then lowers a hoof; Kieron gets in and orders for him to take him to the mech facility. They then rush off to the facility. The ship slowly advances on Canterlot as ‘Tia heads back inside and Mathis prepares the shields.

Hades and Kieron both arrive at the mech facility where Mathis’ holographic figure is stood in the hanger watching a mechs being created, “Mathis, get more mechs created, quicker than that. The UEFDC have turned on us” Kieron orders. Mathis looks at him as he is lowered down to the ground and steps off the hand.

“Yes sir. How is it they have not shown up on my radar?” he asks himself as he begins to produce mechs faster, “Weird, Mechs in full production, sir. How many will we need?” he asks.

Kieron looks back at him as he walks over to a console, “I don’t know, but we need a lot, the UEFDC ship ‘Spear of Freedom’ has been fully repaired. We need a lot of forces to take it on.” He replies as he begins to put mech part together on the screen as they join together by cranes behind him.

<At Canterlot>

Celestia runs into Luna’s room where the mane 6 and Luna are sat in relief that the fighting is finally over, “It’s not over, the UEFDC have turned on us, they want Equestria.” She calls out to them. They all jump up in surprise apart from Luna who falls back as she is sick of it.

“Sis, I’m sick of just sitting here doing nothing...” she replies, ‘Tia walks over to her and sits next to her, she looks at ‘Tia,” We need to help and fight, if we are to protect Equestria as the princesses.” She adds as she sits up.

As ‘Tia stares at her trying to think of what they could possibly do, two ponies burst into the room in full power armour, “Princesses, we have your solution...” one of them says to them, the voice sounds familiar, one of them then walks out and pulls in a large crate as the other walks up to them, “Pardon me for being rude but get dressed, now” it orders before turning flank and helping the other pull the crate over to them.

When they get the crate to them, one of them opens it to reveal multiple suits of power armour, “What is this? Is this armour?” ‘Tia asks them as she lifts one up with her magic.

“Yes, you want a way to help; we have your way to help. We fight, stop letting Kieron do it alone and help him.” It replies, the helmet then folds back to reveal a pink mare’s face, it was Moonshine. The other’s helmet then does the same, it was Treacle.

“We will fight, to protect the planet we love. If we are to save this planet, we need the ponies to help fight, not just Kieron.”Treacle adds.

Luna immediately then uses her magic to pull a suit out and begins to put it on, “But if the ponies are to help fight, have is it there is only eight suits here?” ‘Tia questions, Moonshine walks outside onto the balcony and looks back at her, she raises a hoof to point down to the streets below, ‘Tia walks over to her and looks down, she sees the two remaining recruits handing out power armour to some royal guards, the Anthros also handing armour to some ponies that walk up to them, volunteering to fight.

“That is how, princess. The ponies of the world wish to fight, and we will. With you at the lead, the both of you.” She replies looking back Luna who has all of her armour of apart from the helmet which is floating in front of her as she returns glance and knods before putting the helmet on, the eyes glowing dark purple like her hair.

‘Tia looks at Moonshine who walks back inside to help suit up the others, even Fluttershy begins to suit up wishing to fight, “I’ll teach those big meanies.” She says to herself.

“I don’t know Moonshine, it won’t go with my mane, or my tail, or my coat.” Rarity says as she levitates a piece of armour in front of herself.

“It won’t matter, Rarity. Your mane, tail and coat will be hidden inside of it; nopony will know it’s you.” She replies as she grabs the floating piece and pushes it onto her whilst grabbing another piece and puts it on her.

Soon Rarity, Applejack and Twilight are in full armour whilst Pinkie Pie is rolling on the floor struggling to get a leg piece on, Rainbow Dash just putting on the wing plating and Fluttershy taking her time as it is cold against her coat.

‘Tia walks up to the crate which holds one, last suit of armour that is bigger than the others, she then lifts the helmet up to her face to stare into the eyes, it even has horn plating for her to protect her horn, “Let’s do it.” She says as she then uses her magic to lift the entire suit and put them together on her body quickly, pieces snap together as they connect in place. The suit is soon put all together with her helmet slowly sliding over her head, the eyes glowing bright white like her coat.

Twilight’s eyes glowing purple, Applejack’s orange, Rainbow’s blue, Rarity’s white, Pinkie’s bright pink, Fluttershy’s bright yellow, Moonshine’s eyes glowing light pink, Treacle’s dark orange, Luna’s deep purple and Celestia’s bright white. The ten of them look menacing as they walk out of Luna’s room and down the corridor towards the main stairs in the main room.

“Ten new targets detected, recruits go check them out.” Mathis says to the recruits outside who rush into the castle after suiting up a guard. They burst in through the main doors to see nopony, Mathis places a waypoint on their HUD, they then follow it upstairs, and when they reach the top they’re cut off by the ten targets walking down the corridor.

“Mathis, they aren’t human, they’re ponies. Are you sure you have this right?” one of the recruits asks as the ten ponies stop.

“Yes...wait, the IFF is kicking in; no they’re friendly, in fact. It’s the princesses and the others.” He replies, the recruits look at each other before looking back at them to see a taller ponies walk up behind the rest; they instantly know and bow to them.

“No need to bow now, little ones. We have a fight on our hands. No go and build our forces.” She orders to them, they put a hoof to their heads to salute before dashing off back outside. They then slowly follow them outside.

<At the mech facility>

Kieron finishes creating his mech; it drops down from being supported in the air by cranes. It has the same core, arms and head but has bulky reverse joint legs instead of the quad legs Ambush had before, its arm weapons are a large laser rifle in the right arm and a large shotgun in the left arm, the back weapon slots both taken up by a huge grenade launcher called Oigami. The mech then steps forward slightly, the core opens and a ladder lowers down, Kieron climbs up and into the mech, the ladder, the core closes and Ambush walks to the hanger doors as another mech walks up behind Ambush as they both exit.

Hades is stood outside waiting for Kieron, when he gets outside, they both head for Canterlot, as they approach the castle they can see the mech atop of the castle slowly making its way down to head for the main gate as the other make heads there too, with the UEFDC ship getting closer.

Kieron zooms in to look at Canterlot only to see loads of small figures rushing about and a large group of them in military formation. Could the UEFDC already be inside the castle walls? ‘No, they could be, those figures aren’t even moving’ he thought to himself.

<At Canterlot>

‘Tia takes position in front of the assembled forces of ponies, “Today we are going to stop those traitors. Today we are going to stop those who think they can take our planet, take it without asking. We will stop those who think they can come here and take what they want, well we won’t let them, and we will stop them at all costs. This is our planet, not theirs!” She shouts to the ponies stood in front of her as they stamp and roar, the mane 6 stand next ‘Tia and Luna, the recruits are among the forces with Moonshine and Treacle.

Luna looks over the troops to see two mechs stood in Ponyville whilst two more make their way towards them, “He’s coming, Kieron is coming.” She says to ‘Tia who looks over towards Ponyville to see him.

“We will not let him fight alone this time.” She replies. She then raises a hoof, “To the main gates!” she orders, the troops then make their way to the main gates instep with each other, “I hope this will help.” She says to herself.

The princesses and the mane 6 then follow them. As they get close to the gates a large flash comes from the ship, they looks over to see the remains of the flash, then an even larger flash erupts from the C.O.C as something hits it, they look over to it to see part of it fall off. Another flash comes from the ship as it fires at the C.O.C, the rounds pounding the gun as it begins to turn to face the ship. It charges to amplify a shot, the ship then fires again causing the C.O.C to collapse, the charged shot just getting fired in time, hitting the shields of the ship creating a hole in them briefly.

The L.R.M.S then begins to fire at the ship along with the EP cannon. The two guard mechs then turn and begin to walk towards the ship as they open fire on it, the rounds easily penetrating the shields and bombarding the armour, some hanger doors open on the side of the ship and some UEFDC mechs jump out along with multiple jets plying out. They start to make their way towards the two mechs.

The mechs launch huge amounts of missiles at the jets, hitting some causing them to explode in mid-air or fall down and hit some mechs; some missiles miss and pound the ground below hitting mechs. Some more aircraft exit the ship but these are different, they were dropships, they quickly make their way over towards the mech facility.

The dropships soon reach the facility, they land just outside as troops rush out and begin to storm inside, Mathis activates the security system and turrets deploy inside the facility and begin to shoot at the troops, the noise of the gunshots can be heard from the gates Canterlot.

The ship then begins to fire on the L.R.M.S as it fires back, the main gun of the ship fires and hits the supports for the missile launcher, it tilts to the side a little but still continues to fire, Kieron sees this and turns to rush over to it. Atom stops and turns to watch Kieron rushing off.

Kieron reaches the missile system, drops the arm weapons and begins to push at the large structure but it is to no use as the ship fires again, Ambush quickly grabs his weapons and jumps out of the way. The rounds hit the base of the missile launcher and it collapses downwards into the empty space below, Ambush then kneels on one knee, places his weapons on the ground, puts his hands against the floor and the grenade cannon unfolds, he then takes aim of the ship.

The cannon soon unfolds, he waits for the EP cannon to fire again. The ship then targets Canterlot, it fires, just then the EP cannon and Ambush fire, the shots pass through the gap in the shields made by the main ship gun firing and blow a huge hole in the bottom of the ship causing the main gun to fall off. The ship’s rounds travel towards Canterlot but just in time the shields power up and cover the city only for the rounds to hit off it and create a large hole in the shields as an electrical effect shimmers around the gap.

The UEFDC mechs and jets continue towards Canterlot, more dropships exit the ship’s hanger and make their way over towards where the ponies are massing. The guard mechs then fall back as they get too close to the UEFDC mech; they are meant for long range combat and so make their way back towards the castle. They soon reach it and stand on top of it then turn and begin to fire of the advancing mechs to provide cover fire.

The dropships soon reach the front line of the mechs and drop off multiple troops who rush out and immediately begin to fire on the ponies but do no damage, the ponies wait for Celestia’s command. She waits as the troops stop firing noticing it does nothing, they then charge at the ponies, “NOW!” she shouts, all the ponies then rush towards the troops. They soon come together in a clash as some troops are thrown up in the air, slammed against each other or are imploded by the magic of many ponies.

The humans throw themselves at the ponies as they fight in melee combat, the mane 6 then charge into the battle, Twilight and Rarity using their magic to rip armour off some troops and then shoot at them. Rainbow and Fluttershy grab a few troops, fly up and then drop them to their death. The UEFDC mechs then begin to open fire as they come into firing range, the guard mechs continue to fire on them, destroying a couple as they dodge the incoming rounds.
Luna and Celestia then use their magic to lift a couple of mechs, they manage to do it with much more ease, “These suits, they amplify our magic, Luna.” ‘Tia says to her as they both look at each other then back at the mechs, they then uses this extra power and lift a few more mechs before pulling them apart piece by piece, Luna getting excited by the destruction steps forward a little, lifts another mech and slams it down into the ground.

‘Tia drops the now disassembled mechs and looks over at Luna who’s eyes are glowing brighter than normal and light is escaping the crevices of the armour, a light chuckle can be heard coming from inside the armour, “Luna, calm down. LUNA!” she shouts breaking Luna’s concentration causing her to drop the mechs and looks up at ‘Tia sharply.

“What is it sis?” she replies as if nothing was wrong. She just shakes her head and them leads Luna into the battle to help the others.

Kieron meets up with Atom who is fighting several mechs with some other drone Havoc mechs, “There’s only one way we can stop this before they overwhelm us, Atom.” Kieron says to him as they fend off the incoming mechs.
“What’s that?” he asks.

“I must overload the engines causing it to self-destruct. It will then destroy itself and the remaining troops will be easy pickings.” He replies.

“But Kieron, I’ve looked at the schematics of that ship, the engines are at the centre- back, they’re nowhere near the hangers, you won’t have time to get out.” He replies. Kieron then without warning rushes off towards the ship; a couple of drone mechs follow him.

They soon reach the ship, the ship’s missile systems kick in and begin to fire on Kieron and the other mechs, one mech is easily destroyed, Kieron and the other dodge the missiles before jumping up and forcing their way into the hanger. Once inside Kieron opens the core, jumps out, the core closes and Ambush automatically fights the troops inside, he heads straight to the engine room without even being detected.

He runs down several corridors before coming to the doors with the engines behind them, the gunshots in the hanger can just about be heard, he open the doors, no-one is inside, he walks up to a console and begins to override the server, an error occurs stopping from going any further, he then walks over to the manual overload station, punches his arm into it and allows for Mathis to overload it manually. He pulls him arm out as a whir can be heard as the engines begin to overload. He walks up to the wall next to the door and sits against the wall, waiting for his death.

“Princess Celestia, you aren’t going to like this but Kieron is about to die. The ship, he has entered it and overloaded the engines but he won’t get out in time...” he informs her as she stops fighting and looks over to the ship.

Inside the ship the whirring suddenly stops, Kieron looks up and comments, “I love you, Equestria. I love you, Celestia” before the engines suddenly explode in large flames, engulfing him instantly, and the ship then begins to erupt in flames as loads of small explosion come from the bowls of the ship.

“KIERON!!” a voice on the other side of the battle field can be heard, ‘Tia looks over to see Moonshine stood staring at the ship, just then a UEFDC soldier jumps up onto her back from behind, pulls at her armour and stabs a knife into her causing her to shout out in pain and fall to the ground.

‘Tia then rushes over to Moonshine whilst fending off many troops. Atom joins the fight, the troops stand no chance, and they soon are reduced to small amounts. They then stop fighting and surrender as the ponies surround them.
‘Tia walks up the remaining troops and stares at them, “You don’t deserve to live, not here.” She says to them before using her magic to rip their head off whilst she looks away, their bodies slump to the ground.

She looks up to look at the ship which then give off one last explosion that completely destroys the ship, it then falls to the ground in flames.

‘Tia, Luna and Atom then rush over towards the ship, “He can’t die. He can’t...” ‘Tia says to herself, “...or can he?”