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A scarred planet

Chapter 12: A scarred planet

Last chapter: ‘Tia then rushes over to Moonshine whilst fending off many troops. Atom joins the fight, the troops stand no chance, and they soon are reduced to small amounts. They then stop fighting and surrender as the ponies surround them.
‘Tia walks up the remaining troops and stares at them, “You don’t deserve to live, not here.” She says to them before using her magic to rip their head off whilst she looks away, their bodies slump to the ground.

She looks up to look at the ship which then give off one last explosion that completely destroys the ship, it then falls to the ground in flames.

‘Tia, Luna and Atom then rush over towards the ship, “He can’t die. He can’t...” ‘Tia says to herself, “...or can he?”

‘Tia, Luna and Hades reach the scorched ship, the bridge is completely ruined, the hanger is only just intact, the whole of the rear of the ship blown apart, fires still roaring all over the ship. ‘Tia looks back at Atom, “What are you doing here? Moonshine needs help!” she shouts out. Atom stares at he before looking back at the battlefield, he sees Moonshine laid on the floor in the distance, and she lifts her head and begins to pull herself along towards them.

“Oh my god, I’ll go get her. Promise me this Celestia...” he replies before he sets off, “Promise that you’ll find him, alive.” He asks. ‘Tia knods as holds her hoof up to promise, “Pinkie Promise?” he asks.

“Pinkie Promise, What’s a Pinkie Promise?” she questions.

“Never mind, just please find him alive.” He replies before dashing off back over to Moonshine.

‘Tia and Luna then go to head inside but just before they step inside the blazing ship Treacle teleports in front of them, “There is no way I am letting you go inside, princesses...” she says as she stops them from going inside, “...not without me.” She adds as she stands to the side to let them by, they all then head inside as they search for Kieron.

<At Mech facility>

As the troops fight a couple of miniature guard mechs that Mathis created, one soldier manages to get past them and gets into the hanger where a drone mech has just been completed but isn’t being deployed as the ponies have won the battle. The soldier runs across the gangway and jumps onto the mech, the core doesn’t open, he then climbs up to the head and opens a small hatch, plugs in his PDA (Personal Data Assistant) into the wiring, the core then begins to open, he then climbs down and sits in the pilot’s chair, the core closes and he walks out towards the ship.

<At battlefield>

Rarity and Fluttershy stand as they look at the remains of the soldiers they killed, “Finally, I thought they would never stop dearie. Now I can take off this hideous armour.” She claims to Fluttershy who chuckles slightly. A random pony come up to them and comments.

“Do you always whine on about stuff like this? It’s really annoying.” He asks her, Rarity looks at him sternly.

“Don’t even get me started on that again, darling.” She replies as she pulls off her helmet and flicks her mane back; the pony stands mouth agape as he stares at her.

She then pulls off the rest of her armour and tosses it aside before brushing herself down, she then comments as she turns to face Moonshine, “Please do not make me ever wear that again...Moonshine?...MOONSHINE?!...MOONSHINE!!” she shouts as she sees Moonshine laid on the floor dragging herself slowly across the ground towards the ship with a knife stuck in her side. She rushes over to her with Fluttershy flying alongside her.

As they are running over to her Hades slides up beside Moonshine blocking their path, picks her up, the core opens and he climbs out, walk over to the hands and shouts out to her, “MOONSHINE, ARE YOU OK? PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!” he then kneels down and puts her head on his lap.

“Obviously not.” She quietly replies as she lifts her head and looks back at the knife in her side, “There kind of is a knife stick in me, and it isn’t pleasant.” She adds as Atom hugs her with relief.

“EXCUSE ME, BUT AREN’T YOU BEING A BIT RUDE?” Rarity shouts up to him after walking round the mech, “YOU SHOULD NEVER CUT OFF A LADY LIKE THAT!” she adds as Fluttershy hovers over and goes to pick her up, “No, Fluttershy, your hooves are filthy, please don’t touch me with them. He will have to come down here.” She claims as Fluttershy lands down next to her.

“Oh, I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you. I’ll wash my hooves when I can.” she replies as she sits down a little bit away from Rarity to make sure she doesn’t dirty her coat with the filth.

Atom peers over the edge to see Fluttershy sat looking up and Rarity impatiently waiting whilst tapping her hoof, “I’m so sorry, my lady. But Moonshine was in trouble and wanted to get to her as quick as possible, just ONE second please.” He says to her before disappearing over the edge, he uses his magic to slowly pull out the knife, Moonshine screams slightly.

“That HURTS! If you’re going to do it, do it quickly.” She replies before taking a deep breath, waiting for the pain. He the ‘grabs’ the knife with his magic and suddenly pulls the knife with one, big pull, Moonshine screams with pain and even jumps up writhing about fro the pain, she then clumsily falls off the edge of the hands and falls to the ground.

She lands in a large mud puddle which splashes loads of mud up over Rarity and Fluttershy, the mud lands on Fluttershy’s armour and just runs off it, the mud also covers Rarity, “mud, mud!, MUD, MUD! MUUUUD!! ARGGHHHHHH!!!” she shouts out in disgust.

Fluttershy then begins to help wipe off the mud as Rarity jumps about screaming, the arms of Hades then lower down to the floor with Atom stood on them. When they reach the ground Atom can see Moonshine laid on the floor with Rarity jumping about and Fluttershy desperately trying to help with the mud.

He jumps off the arms and watches them, he then uses his magic to slide all of the mud off, Rarity then stops jumping about as she looks at her coat to see every single drop of mud removed from her coat.

“Oh, why thank you, darling. I can’t believe that happened. Moonshine is such a clumsy....MOONSHINE!” she interrupts herself as she remembers that Moonshine is still wounded. She dashes over towards Moonshine but stops as she sees the mud puddle, she then quickly thinks and uses her magic to drag Moonshine out of the mud.

Atom uses his magic to wrap some bandages round Moonshine and over the wound, he then soaks them in antiseptic lotion, he the both of them then use their magic to lift her as they walk towards Kieron’s room in Canterlot.

<At the ship>

Treacle, Luna and Celestia walk slowly as they search every inch of the wreck, “KIERON! KIERON!!” Treacle shouts as she desperately tries to find him, “Wait, why are we looking here? This isn’t the engine room...” she says to herself before looking up at some signs, they are scorched and battered, she looks hard to see one pointing to towards a dark corridor with a light flickering at the end, it was marked ‘Engine room’, she then ran off. ‘Tia glimpses treacle running off and chases after her with Luna right behind her.

Treacle soon reaches the room, she opens the doors with her magic, and she rushes inside as the doors slam shut behind her. She looks about quickly, she runs about to look for him. ‘Tia then opens the door, she pushes them open enough for Luna to squeeze past and the she jumps into the room.

The three of them look around the room but something is wrong, there are no engines, “This isn’t right, where are the engines?” Treacle asks herself. The other two still searching the room unaware of the fact it is the wrong room, there was however some generators that power the emergency lighting, “Where is the engine room?!” Treacle shouts out, the others jump as she shouts. Suddenly she stops still as she passes a door to hear something from inside, it sounded like a voice, and she puts her ear against the door and listens.

“I am the clown with the tear away face, here in a flash and gone without a trace. I am the who when you call, who’s there. I am the wind blowing throw your hair. I am the shadow on the moon at night, filling your dreams to the brim with fright.” The voice sings. She takes her head away from the door then runs over to ‘Tia and tells her that she hears something coming from the room. They run over to the room, ‘Tia listens carefully as the singing continues, “Tender lumplings everywhere, life’s no fun without a good scare. That’s our job but we’re not mean...” she pulls her head back and looks at Treacle.

“Do you think it could be him, singing?” she asks her, Treacle shrugs her shoulders, ‘Tia then uses her magic to push the doors open, they slowly creak open slightly but then suddenly burst open. They step inside to hear the music still playing, Treacle immediately runs off in search of the source of the music. ‘Tia and Luna wait at the door. Moments later a scream can be heard from the far side of the room.

“He’s DEAD!” she shouts, she then begins to drags his body towards the others, his body limp and heavy, the armour in full lock-down, “Some help please...” she asks as Luna walks forwards to see her pulling him by the foot with her mouth, his armour still around him, and blood covering him.

“Oh my...wait, he might not be dead, how can you assume that?” she asks as she walks over to him and begins to pull on the other foot. They soon manage to pull him over to the door where ‘Tia is stood looking menacing in her armour.

<At Canterlot>

Dr Atom and Rarity manage to finally get Moonshine to Kieron’s room, “Can I ask why we have brought her here and not to the hospital?” Rarity asks Atom who looks at her before placing Moonshine of the bed and begins to pull of the armour.

“Because the hospital is almost full and I can do it here and now...” he replies as he looks round in Kieron’s medical equipment for something to pull out the remaining shards of knife that had got snapped off and are stuck inside her, “Nothing here, Rarity, could you please go to the hospital and get a pair of surgical scissors and some more antiseptic.” He asks, she knods and runs off out the room towards the hospital.

She soon reaches the street that leads to it but there are a couple of guards stood and a sign saying ‘Diversion’ as the street behind them is blocked with rubble, “Blast it. I guess I’ll have to go the long way.” She says to herself before dashing off to the castle. She soon comes to the main door, opens it and runs inside, runs into the middle of the room before sliding to a stop almost falling over, she stops and looks at the corpse of the Grand Master slumped against the wall, the two pieces of the cane near him sparking with the eyes glowing faintly.

She slowly walk past him as she walks down the corridor next to him towards the hospital, when she gets half way down the corridor a quiet click can be heard and all of a sudden the lights burst, she stops in the darkness, her heart starting to race, she looks back to see a light red glow, she walks back slowly towards the door at the end of the corridor, adrenaline pumping round her body as she takes deep breaths, fear kicking in. A gasp emits from the main room, she then turns and sprints for the hospital not wanting to know what just happened.

She reaches the door, opens it, rushes in and slams it shut behind her as she rests against it, “Can I help you?” Nurse Redheart asks her as she suddenly turns after being frightened by Rarity.

“Yes...yes you can, darling....I just wanted a pair of...sur...Surgical scissors and some antiseptic.” She asks as she catches her breath.

“Indeed, I have a spare right here...” Redheart replies as she picks up the items and hoofs them to her, “What exactly do you need these for?” she asks but doesn’t get a reply as Rarity dashes off through the door she entered in.

She closes the door and stood once again in the darkness, “Must I really go past his god awful body again?” she asks herself. She then walks forward one step at a time towards the main room which for some reason the glow has stopped. She picks up the pace as she remembers that Moonshine is in need of medical attention. She soon comes to the main room but all of the lights are out.

She peeks round the corner to where he was slumped, he was gone. She gulps as she gets the feeling this isn’t going to be good, she walks into the big, dark room. A figure stands at the top of the stairs, half-slumped as it keep itself up right with a stick of some sort, the top of it glowing through the fingers of the figure.

“Do you know what it is like to die, pony?” it asks her, “It isn’t pleasant, would you like to know how it feels, pony?” it asks again.

“I wouldn’t mind if stopped calling me ‘pony’, I have a name, Rarity.” She replies, annoyed at its rude comments.

The figure then slowly walks down the stairs as some of the lights begin to come back on, the light soon illuminates the figure, she looks carefully to see that it has a gash in its neck with blood dripping from it, “So, ‘Rarity’ do you or do you not want to know how it feels to die?” it questions her, soon reaching the bottom of the stairs in full light so she can see it clearly.

“Wait, you’re the Grand Master, didn’t you die?” she asks him.

“I didn’t ask you that. I asked if you wish to die?” he impatiently asks her again.

“I’m sorry but I’m on a tight schedule, you see a friend of mine is in need of help.” She answers whilst holding up the items she just retrieved. The GM then lifts his cane and swipes it to the side causing the items to fly across the room; Rarity uses her magic to ‘catch’ them and places them on the floor, out the way.

“You won’t be saving your friend, it will be you that will need saving.” He comments before lifting his cane to point it at her, the eyes glow on the cane as a surge of energy blast from them towards her; she dives out of the way and then uses her magic to push him back, he puts his can up in time stopping the full effect of the push, causing him to slide backwards slightly, she does it again causing his to slide back into the wall.

“I may be a lady but I know how to hold my own.” She comments as she then uses her magic to disconnect one of the chains of the large chandelier above, it then swings down towards the GM who looks up to see it fall towards him, he lifts his cane just as it slams into the wall, the dust settles and she sees that the chandelier was bent to that of a sphere round the GM, he pushes it back with his cane causing it to fly back towards her, she uses her magic to push it to the side, it slides past her side as she stands, heart pounding.

They both stand in stalemate as they stare at each other, Fluttershy suddenly bursts in through the main doors, “Sorry I’m late Rarity, and Atom just noticed a power source activate and told me to get here as fast as possible” she says as she lands next to Rarity with a bag, she drops the bag and a piece of armour falls out, “Put it on, now. I’ll hold him off” she adds as she steps in front of her.

The GM then swings his cane as he pulls the chandelier past Rarity and towards Fluttershy who flies up and over to the GM, he then lifts it up quickly pulling a piece of flooring up hitting her causing her to fly into the ceiling. The piece of floor falls down and she quickly flies down towards him and dives into the ground as he steps to the side.

She then jumps up and kicks him causing him to fly back into the wall behind him. Rarity soon gets into her armour and puts her helmet on, the GM looks down at her and swipes has cane to the side, Rarity then flies to the side into a wall. Fluttershy flies up into him as she punches him deeper into the wall, the dust rushes out as it fills the room.

<Outside of Canterlot hospital>

‘Tia, Luna and Treacle reach the hospital; Treacle opens the door as they rush Kieron inside and place him on a bed, “Oh my gosh, princesses. What are you...Is that...Kieron?” Redheart asks Celestia who turns to look at her.

“Yes it is, do you have a problem with that?” she questions.

“Well, no but we are a bit full at the moment. But never mind, what seem to be the problem?” she asks, Celestia’s helmet folds up behinds her head, and she looks at Redheart.

“What do you think...” she replies as she points at Kieron’s body, “I’m sorry, I’m just a little stressed at the moment, could you help us get his...” she stops as a loud thud is heard coming from the castle next to them.

“What was that?” Luna asks. ‘Tia walks over to the door and opens it only for dust to flow past her hooves, the corridor dark and a figure stood at the end that looks over to her.

“PRINCESS, STAY BACK!” it calls out as the eyes on the helmet light up to a bright white colour. Celestia pops her head back round to look at Luna and the others.

“Something’s wrong, Rarity is in her armour and dust is laying the floor. You lot help him, try to get him armour off, I’ll check this out.” She claims as she runs off down the dark corridor towards Rarity, who flies back as a magical force pushes her back, a large table then flies past as Rarity takes cover behind it and an energy beam fires at it with Fluttershy being launched back past Rarity.

‘Tia jumps out from the corridor and looks up to see the GM stood at the top of the stair with his cane in hand pointed at Rarity, he stops firing as he sees Celestia, he then comments, “Ah, Princess, you have...wait, that is you right?” he looks at the pony in armour.

“Rarity, you and Fluttershy get out of here now, I’ll hold him off.” She says and Rarity knods then drops the table and then runs off out of the castle with the items in her magical grasp and Fluttershy closely following.

“Ah, that voice, that sweet voice. Never would I have thought such a sweet voice would be in armour like that. Wait, why ARE you in armour, Kieron never made more than four suits.” He asks as he raises his hand to his chin.

“You still aren’t dead, you cut your own throat, and how are you still alive?” she asks.

“Silly little Celestia, I didn’t kill myself, I pretended to kill myself. You foolishly dropped the parts of the cane down by my body, so it then fixed itself and now, here I stand.” He replies.

“You can’t stop all of us by yourself.” She comments.

“I know, so I intend to at least kill you.” He replies as he raises his cane lifting her up into the air, she uses her magic which amplified by the armour to push him back temporarily stopping his heart. He stops using the cane and grabs at his chest, “What was that? Such power...you would be such a great ally...shame I have to kill you.” He adds before jumping forwards over the stairs and lands in front of her and turns to swipe her with his cane but she stops him still with her magic.

She tilts her head slightly as he struggles to get out of her grasp, the helmet folds up, her eyes narrowed, “Try me...” she comments before punching him in the face knocking him back, he lands on his feet, stands up and takes off his cloak.

“Now, you are trying my patience.” He replies and dashes forwards to stab the cane into her, she steps to the side, her helmet unfolding round her head as she kicks at his back pushing down into the ground, he stabs the cane into her chest causing her to be lifted off the ground and he slams her into the ground beside him.

They both get up as Celestia then steadies herself, she harnesses all of her magic as the eyes and horn glow bright, and he looks about as the castle starts to shake violently, an aura beginning to form around the princess. He looks at her and tries to stop her by swiping his cane at her but to no use as it deflects of her, “Leave our planet; you don’t deserve to be here.” She comments in a demonic voice, the glowing getting brighter.

He panics as a magical force begins to engulf him; it feels as though something was inside him, eating away at him as well as ripping his inside apart, his skin felt hot like that of being burnt by the sun. He stares into her eyes to see the anger in her even through the armour. He then stabs the cane into the ground as the magical force rips him apart just as he implodes to a point.

The aura and glowing stop as she notices his disappearance, “Finally, he left us.” She says to herself.

“Holy shit.” A voice calls out from the corridor as all the lights start to come back on. ‘Tia looks over to see a pony peeking round, it was Treacle.

“Why aren’t you helping Luna and the nurse?” ‘Tia asks her.

“His suit won’t budge, it’s in full lockdown but I know for certain that he isn’t dead, he’s just in a coma.” She replies and the two of them then slowly walk back down to the hospital whilst ‘Tia explains what just happened.

<Three days later>

Kieron lies in the hospital bed, his armour now folded up revealing him with several wound as other ponies from the fights are being released from the hospital and others with more serious wounds are being treated. Nurse Redheart stops still with a trolley as she looks over to him, she then continues with her tasks.

Moonshine and Twilight walk in as nurse Redheart stops them, “I’m sorry but we’re way too busy right now, you will have to come back later. She then gets them to leave before getting on with helping other ponies.

<Later that day, 11:30PM>

Kieron still lay in his bed, other ponies all fast asleep. Suddenly a faint glow comes from the far corner of the room as a figure is teleported there, the GM walks out of the glow and walks over to the bed that Kieron is laid in, and he pulls up a chair and sits next to him.

“It is such a shame, really. I created you to help take Earth so that we could control it, yet here we are on another planet, you almost dead and I...well, I dead once, I won’t again. I’m sorry but I will put you out of your misery now.” He claims as he stands and places the cane’s head against Kieron’s chest.

The eyes begin to glow as Kieron’s unconscious body reacts by making him gasp as his life is being literally sucked out of him.

Celestia bursts into the room without her armour as she could sense his arrival; she rushes over to the concentrating figure stood over Kieron and stabs him with her horn before pushing him back with her magic.

“What is this? You think you can kill me? You can’t kill a god, Celestia.” He claims as he stands tall at the other side of the room, ‘Tia stands in front of Kieron’s bed protecting him.

“I won’t let you kill him, or anypony else for that matter.” She replies. He chuckles as he looks down at his cane.

“Strange, How I came to getting this marvellous cane, it has made me unable to be killed, unnatural power and above all a living god...” he comments as he looks up at her.

“WHY YOU LITTL...” she stops as she feels something grab her back leg. She looks back to see Kieron’s hand holding her.

“Leave us...Leave this planet...please?” he asks faintly to the GM, his body not even moving as if her were still unconscious. The GM then sighs and places his cane against the ground and a glow appears behind him.

“I will, I don’t think fight you will do much anymore...I created you for one purpose and you truly have shown me what you can do. Your loyalty is unparalleled too, look at the state of you. I will leave this planet be...for now.” He replies before disappearing into the glow.

Kieron’s arm then releases Celestia’s leg and flops down, she turns to look at his once more unconscious body, she lifts him arm back onto the bed and places it by his side.

“Thank you, Kieron. If you can hear me, thank you.” She says quietly before giving him a kiss on the forehead and walks out the room.