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Chapter 4: A New Life

Chapter 4: A New Life

last chapter: He looks over to Luna then sharply at the bed then back at Luna, “It’s ok Luna. Have you met Moonshine? She’s my daughter. Yes you may ask how. Well she was created from my personality and DNA so she’s practically my daughter. I would warn you to stay away from her; she can be very ‘naughty’. She’s already ‘played’ with 14 soldiers, three scientists and almost me. Now, excuse me but I have some work to do.” He warns her, before she could reply the teleporter at the other side of the room powers up and he walks through.

Luna looks around at the various pieces of tech and despite his warning she approaches the bed, looks down at Moonshine. Her eyes open suddenly startling Luna, grabbing at her and saying, “Hay there sexy.”

At the small mech facility that was quickly deployed last night, sitting on the edge of the Everfree forest, it is a tall, blocky building that’s just smaller in overall size than the observatory; it has a large garage door on one side with a small airfield launch strip facing towards Ponyville.

Inside the main room of the facility there is a teleporter, similar to the one in the Overseer’s room, propped up against a blank wall, opposite is a large console with him pressing several buttons as coding, mech parts and statistics fly across the large screen. The floor is covered in multiple, small lights that project an image anywhere in the room; a hologram that he can interact with can be projected from them.

As he presses away at more buttons a male holographic figure lights up behind him, “Morning Mathis” he calls out to the figure.

“And the same to you, sir. I don’t know if you’re expecting anyone but we have got four ponies incoming at about 200 yards off the main door, shall I let them in?” he questions the Overseer.

“Yeah, let them in. They must be here to have a look round, since they won’t have seen one of these facilities before.” He replies as Mathis knods and vanishes. A hologram of a mech replacing it as he begins to fiddle with the image, he raises his head and calls out, “...And play track 4!” Immediately some heavy metal starts to play.

Out the front there are four ponies approaching the building, all stallions, as they get closer the path changes from the gravel type to the same flooring as that as inside the facility. They soon get to the door, all of them not sure what to do but just as one goes to walk forward and knock Mathis appears, “Why hello there. My name is Mathis; it’s not an acronym for anything. He isn’t expecting anyone......anypony but I have been told to let you in to see him anyway.” He explains before suddenly vanishing, startling three of the ponies.

The one that wasn’t scared rolls his eyes then proceeds inside as the doors swing open and music blasts out from inside, he continues in as the others follow.

As they soon reach the main room the leading pony opens the doors to see the Overseer bopping away and singing in an unknown language to them, it seem he was singing in rhythm to the music as it too was singing in the weird language. They then enter and he looks over to see them, turns off the music and walks over to them, “Ah, guten Morgen, meine Herren. Also, wie kannich Ihnen helfen?” He asks them as they all stand in confusion. He then realises he was talking in German and repeats himself in English, “Apologies. Good morning, gentlemen. So, how can I help you?”

The leading pony then grabs a scroll from his bag and gives it to the Overseer. He unravels it cautiously and begins to read it out aloud, “Dear Overseer, why doesn’t she call me Kieron?” he asks himself, “I am most interested in the technology you have brought to Equestria. I know, its great stuff...” he chatters to himself, “...and I wish that you would teach the four fine gentlecolts I have sent to you about how your technology works. Um...what?! No...I....fine” he rants on finally allowing it.
He puts the scroll down on the desk and scans the ponies with his eyes, “It would seem the Princess has sent me some recruits...do any of you have combat training?” he asks calmly. The leading pony slowly raises his hoof, soon after the others do too.

Before he could continue to ask questions a grey coloured creature drops down from a balcony above them, the creature is that of a werewolf with claws that can retract or extend for combat purposes. It raises up to stand next to Kieron coming to a height of eight feet, dwarfing him, “It looks like lunch came early, how kind of you Kieron.” It thanks in a deep, growling voice with an evil grin upon its face.

“Hey, no! They aren’t food. In fact they are my new recruits.” He responds

“I’m messing with you. Besides I probably won’t like the taste of them.” He exclaims jokingly.

“You little tease. You get me every time with your jokes. Anyway, Zeldax these are the new recruits ‘Tia has just sent down. Recruits this is Zeldax, my personal Anthro, friend and student. I’m teaching him everything I know which would mean he would become the first Anthro Talon. Now where should we start?” he introduces them to each other.

Zeldax observes the ponies as they stares at the holographic image of a mech that Kieron brought up, “How about we start with some armour for them.” He suggests as he picks up a holographic scanner and aims it at one pony, the scanner rapidly flashes whilst it scans, soon it finishes and an image of the pony appears on the screen, the ponies stand in amazement. The image begins to have pieces of armour being attached to it as Mathis calculates the best armour protection for the lightest weight and ease of compacting. The render is soon complete and a holographic image of just the armour appears next to one of the ponies who at first isn’t sure of it but then steps into it and stands just right so that the armour covers him.

“A perfect fit. Mathis, begin the production, four suits in the next half-hour.” Kieron orders Mathis.

“Sir, you want me to create four suits of the most advanced armour we have for creatures I’ve never created armour for in one half of an hour?” he asks as his holographic figure spawns in front of Kieron, “Done” he comments as he puts on a smug face, accepting the challenge.

“This way, whilst Mathis sorts out your armour, I believe I will show you some of our weapons, large and small.” He claims. As they all make their way to the weapons armoury one of the ponies looks down a corridor with a door at the end labelled ‘Mech hanger’.

“Hay, I heard last night from some of the guards about something called a ‘Mech’. Could we take a look?” he asks politely, pointing down the corridor. Kieron knods with a small smirk and leads them towards the hanger instead. When they are inside there is a large glass panel, a console and a door to the side. No-one could see through the glass as it was pitch-black on the other side. The ponies were right up against the window, eyes squinting; desperately trying to see something, Kieron then pulls a small lever that activates the start-up of a mech, whose head has multiple dot lights that are in a three high and two wide arrangements, lighting up.

Kieron then walks over to the door which opens; he walks through and makes his way over to the mech, the central, core part opens as he climbs into it. On the glass panel a screen appears showing his P.O.V and then one showing what the he sees through the head of the mech. The centre closes and he powers it up. As he moves it forwards the three by two dots of lights shift from the front to the side, looking at the ponies as if it was an eye watching them before shifting forward again.
The mech continues forward as the main hanger doors open and a blinding light shines in, soon the doors are fully open revealing Ponyville in the distance. The mech walks to the start of the airfield strip, inside he looks around checking everything is running and green to go, the HUD then pops up in front of him showing his parts condition, energy, ammo and a radar filled with green dots that are allies.

The mech has quad legs that are at right-angle to each other; the core comes to a point at the front and has a large rear section that comes up diagonally behind the arms which are thin with shoulder guards, noises begin to erupt from it as the boosters fire up, they suddenly light up with a burst of energy thrusting it up in the air coming to a hover by about two metres off the ground. Half of the wing-like core parts at the rear then extend diagonally and lots of triangle-shaped flaps slowly open exposing multiple boosters. Once fully extended the mech looks as though it’s readying for something, seconds later a large light and noise builds up as the boosters build up power and a burst of energy pushes back launching the mech forward from a stand-still to about 1250MPH in almost an instant, it soon reaches Ponyville in a couple of seconds. The boosters deactivate and the mech falls to the floor landing next to the library.

Inside the library, Twilight is rudely woken by the loud crash outside; she quickly opens her balcony doors, walks out and searches round. As she turns to her right she freezes in place with fear as the ‘eye’ dots on the mech stare straight at her.
They both stared at each other as many other ponies ran off for their lives or stood and stared as well. Despite being in a nine metre tall mech that is fully armed and loaded he tries to reassure her, “Please don’t be scared, any of you. I am here to demonstrate how these mechs of mine will be able to protect you and not pose a threat.” Twilight starts to relax a little after hearing what he said, she then walks to the edge of the balcony and peers over the edge, the drop could easily hurt her.

“Prove it.” She calls out before letting herself fall off the balcony. The mech jolts in shock as it drops one of its hand weapons and drops its hand below her just above the ground and catches her; it raises her up to the head.

“Why did you do that?” he asks in a panicked tone, looking at the pony that looks as though she knows what she’s doing.

“I tripped.” She sternly replies. The ‘eyes’ on the mech narrow from being three dots tall down to being one dot tall.

“Fair enough, citizens of Ponyville, if you wish to see a true demonstration of this mech’s power to protect you then please meet me at the park green in 20 minutes. Don’t worry about getting hurt by the fight that I will have with another mech as I will deploy a shield that will protect you.” He reassures and informs everypony.

The mech picks up the weapon after putting her back on the balcony and then makes its way back to the facility, “Mathis, create a randomised Havoc mech, level four. I want a couple of recon drones created for surveillance like cameras on a TV show and I want a new configuration for Ambush. I want a Gatling gun on each arm, on the right-rear I’ll have the 061ANSC sniper cannon and on the left-rear, the Musselshell missile launcher.” He orders as he reaches the hanger, once entered he can see the recruits still staring at the screen showing what he sees.

He walks through the door after docking and the weapons change over. He then walks down the corridor back towards the main room but along the way he stumbles up against a wall, clutching at his stomach, groaning. Zeldax immediately knew what was happening and raced to the main room. When he got there he dove into the teleporter entering Kieron’s room only to see Moonshine laid on top of the sleeping, sweaty Princess. He walks over to a desk, grabs a small medicine box then grabs her by the mane and shoves her through the teleporter, landing on the floor. He walks through, orders the ponies that brought Kieron to the main room to restrain her whilst he administers the medicine, while he injects it Kieron roars out in pain as his lower jaw splits into four segments and the roar turns onto a more savage, animalistic type of roar. After a few seconds his jaw returns to normal and he wobbles as he regains his balance on his feet, Moonshine and Zeldax aren’t phased by what happened but the four ponies are all stood in fear and confusion about the recent ‘episode’, they could tell that it didn't seem natural even though they know nothing about humans.

He finally finds his footing, “I’ll tell you later...” He claims to them, “But for now I want to know why she’s here Zeldax.” Zeldax approaches him, bends down to his height and whispers into his ear what he saw. His face drops as he hears about it, soon changing to disappointment as he shakes his head at her. She gives of a huge grin but he doesn’t fall for it, the other ponies not sure about what is going on. Zeldax comes out with a blunt explanation by pointing at the teleporter; one pony walks over to it cautiously, peers his head through and then jumps back in shock.

“The princess is in his room. He’s ponyknapped her.” He shouts out angrily. Kieron shakes his head in disagreement, then pointing at Moonshine.

“It would seem the princess ignored my advice...” he replies as the pony becomes confused, “I told her to stay away from Moonshine, now she has been ra...molested by Moonshine.” He looks over to her, “Now if you don’t want the same treatment and you don’t keep an eye on her, she’ll have you too.” He advises as the ponies holding her briefly let go in shock, soon grabbing hold again to stop her from doing anything they will regret.

The big screen flashes to inform Kieron that the mechs are completed; he then sets off for the hanger. Zeldax orders them to put her in a cell then make their way to the park green before making his way to the simulation room for a hunt.

Not long after Ambush and the drone Havoc mech exit the hanger and head for the park green. When they reach there, there is a large, transparent shield deployed and two large TV screens and a lot more ponies than what he expected, even the mane 6 were there bar one, Fluttershy. The mechs took position and got ready but waited for everypony to get comfy and ready.

Once everypony was settled the TV screens lit up as the camera drone took position over the two mechs but just before anything could happen there was a sudden squeal from a pony in the front row who was bouncing with joy and excitement, “I want to commentate!” the pony shouted out. The mech Kieron was piloting looked over to the pony, it was Pinkie Pie, and he thought and stared for a bit but then the mech knodded to allow her to do it. The camera drone then went down to her, she got on and a microphone popped up which she grabbed hold of.

When she and the camera drone were in position a klaxon blared and the mechs began to battle against each other. Almost instantly the battle ‘arena’ was lit up like a firework display thanks to the booster, missiles and stray bullets that were flying off in all directions, the shield rippling as projectiles hit it. After a few minutes Kieron’s mech, Ambush, fell to the ground with sparks flying off it, it looks as though he’s been beaten. The drone mech lands in front of him and points a gun at the core ready to fire and confirm the kill. Ambush’s head slowly looks up at the mech, then suddenly the core ‘wings’ extend and open whilst a bulkhead plating covers the ‘eyes’, the other mech raises the gun and just as it slowly backs away a dim glow emits around Ambush whilst some blue particles can be seen floating round it. A female computer voice can be heard saying, “Assault Armour activated” just then the particles rush to the core as the glow suddenly brightens, disappears then a large, bright, blue explosion emits from the mech blinding everypony temporarily and engulfing the drone mech.

The light soon dies down, everypony desperately searching the battle area for them, the glow disappears and reveals Ambush stood over the other mech which is laid on the ground covered in flames, sparks everywhere, the head and an arm missing. Everypony cheers as Ambush puts his guns against his shoulder, grabs the drone and makes his way back to the facility.

“Thank you for watching this fine mech battle. As you return to your daily activities you will notice multiple, miniature versions of these mechs around Ponyville. Do not fear, they are there to protect you.” A computer voice calls out to all of the ponies.

<At Canterlot castle>

Celestia is sat in her bed reading a newspaper, just sat, quietly. A quiet knock comes from her door, “Come in.” She answers, a royal guard enters with a worried look.

“Princess, it would seem our new inhabitant, erm....what’s his name?” the guard asks

“Kieron” she replies to him.

“Yes ma’am. It would seem he has put on a show without permission. Not only that but has shown great violence and destruction in the presence of many ponies, and on top of all that he has illegally set up his own ‘security’ system in the village of Ponyville. I can’t say what the true purpose of this is but...” he is interrupted.

“I’m sure he’s doing it for the safety of all the ponies besides he’s not...” she herself is interrupted as Luna burst into the room still covered in sweat and out of breath.

“Tia, did you see it? The brilliant battle?” she asked her rather excitedly.

“What battle? No...No I haven’t. Lu....Luna? Are you alright? You’re covered in sweat.” She asks curiously.

Luna stood in shock forgetting about the previous event in Kieron’s room, she then looks down thinking ‘Tia will be disappointed in her and begins to tell her what happened. Once she finished the guard was stood shocked whilst ‘Tia was in deep thought, “I must meet this Moonshine at some point, only to have a little talk of course.” She claims, Luna doubting it as she remembers the great sensations that filled her earlier.

<Back at the mech facility>

The hanger doors slide open and Ambush walks in dragging a pile of scrap metal behind him, “Here you go Mathis. Some major repairs needed on this one. I bet you didn’t see that coming.” He smugly claims to Mathis who responds by grabbing the mech with a crane and dropping it into a repair bay.

Ambush docks, the core opens and Kieron climbs out onto a gangway, walking through a door to see Zeldax stood, anxious with a distressed look on his face, “Are you alright Zeldax?” he asks. He shakes his head and starts to panic as Moonshine dashes past as he sees her in the corner of his eye chasing the recruits.

Kieron puts his hand on his shoulder, “Hey, chill, its ok. The show went well. No-one was hurt.” He reassures him.
“It’s not about that, sir. It’s just......Moonshine got free!” he shouts out quickly.

“Oh god! Mathis, where is she and where is she headed?” he questions

“She is currently in your room. She went through the teleporter. It looks as though she is heading for the castle, sir. Looking at the video logs of earlier, I would say she is going to find the Princess again” Mathis replies.

Kieron puts a hand to his face, shaking his head. His power armour unfolds around him and he runs to the teleporter with Zeldax right behind him.

<At Canterlot castle main doors>

Two royal guards are stood either side of the doors. Moonshine approaches the door, the guards extend their wings blocking her path, “Who goes there?” one of them asks.

“I have disturbing news about the Overseer that the Princess must know about.” She replies in a serious tone.
The guards fold their wings allowing her to pass, she enters and immediately looks round thinking of where to start searching for Luna or at least she thought that was her name. Just as she was about to start looking around a voice from the first floor called out, “You there, yes you. You must be the Princess’ new informant. This way.” She flies up to the floor he was on and follows him, now and then staring at his flank. It didn’t take long for them to arrive at Celestia’s room.
She slowly opens the door expecting to see the deep purple mare but instead is greeted with a warm welcome by a calm, soft voice coming from the bed, ”Hello there. May I help you?”

She fully entered the room, closing the door. She then replies in an almost excited tone, “Are you the Princess? Sorry, my name is Moonshine. I can’t quite remember you name from earlier but was it Luna?”

The bed sheets fly up across the room revealing a very tall alicorn stood next to the bed, “No, that would be my sister. My name is Princess Celestia. Don’t worry; I have planned to meet you, so please come in. I have also heard about you previous engagement with her.” She explains

Moonshine’s heart skipped a beat as she blushed with embarrassment to an unbelievable colour. She soon gets over it as she eyes up the large mare, her eyes then lured to the long, hard, slender horn atop of Celestia’s head, “Oh my gosh. It’s so big...I mean, you’re so big.” She corrects herself. ‘Tia already clicked on that the little filly is attracted to her.
‘Tia begins to pace back and forth telling Moonshine who she is and what her role is plus the history of Equestria but she wasn’t listening, she was too busy staring at the huge Princess that was pacing in front of her, she was trying to keep her excitement and feelings in as she bounced lightly about on the spot in an attempt to keep herself from lunging at the Princess.

It didn’t take long for Moonshine’s excitement to get out of hand; she launched herself directly for Celestia who turned to her to see a pink filly flying towards her. ‘Tia’s room doors fly open and Zeldax enters running for Moonshine, grabbing at her tail and pulling her back just as her lips touch ‘Tia’s. HE slams her down to the floor with a hand round her neck keeping her pinned down. The Overseer then enters with his armour on.

“Thank god. We made it just in time.” He claims out of breath, walks over to Moonshine, “When are you going to stop with this? Raping everybody you see.” He asks impatiently, he then looks over to ‘Tia who is surprised by what is happening, licking her lips at the soft kiss she received.

“Kieron, release her at once! She hasn’t done any wrong, we were simply talking about who I am and what I do here in Equestria.” She orders to him.

He didn’t believe her as he looks at Moonshine who wasn’t struggling but was threatening Zeldax with comments of getting him next, “Is that so? If you may, could you cast a truth spell on her, if it is possible, please?” He asks politely and she does so as even she wasn’t sure of Moonshine’s true intentions. Her horn glows brightly as magic starts to make an aura around the pinned filly and penetrate her mind, soon the aura and glow stop as the spell begins to take effect.
“She was talking about herself, how she is ruler of Equestria, pretty, and what she, horn, does for the ponies of Equestria. She is pretty, no...Sexy, she is so sexy, that horn, I felt wet watching her pace, staring at her horn, I want her inside me....I want to buck her.” Moonshine truthfully spills out in a slightly distorted voice.

“Just talking, eh?” he asks ‘Tia who blushes unnaturally bright after hearing the truth herself.
“I didn’t know she wanted to do that. My. Is she always like that?” she asks curiously.

“No, well yes. She is always in a horny mood, wanting to screw people or ponies in this case but I’ve never seen her this bad. It would seem you are large attractive to her, you and Luna both. I’m sorry to say but Moonshine has already got to your sister.” He explains.

‘Tia knods her head in confirmation as she already knew about this. Just then Luna walks in from the balcony, “And it was the greatest sensation one can feel. Let ’Tia find out what it is like for herself.” She comments whilst walking over to the pinned pony, giving her a small kiss, Zeldax shoving her away so she doesn’t set Moonshine off again.
“Fine, anything you say Luna.” He says, bowing to her, “Release her Zeldax. Now, things might get a bit messy, so...RUN!” he shouts out as the two of them sprint out of the room.

Moonshine slowly stands up with her head low. ‘Tia steps forward to comforts her but she raises her head, “Eany, meany, miny, mo.” She sings as she looks between the two princesses who look at each other then back at where she was stood.
“Where did she go?” Luna asks ‘Tia with concern. She goes to answer but a strange but pleasurable feeling works its way through her, Luna looks at ‘Tia to see her head low, biting her lip, a small, hearty moan slips out. She looks to the rear of her sister to see a pink filly giving long licks at her back-end.

<At Canterlot entrance>

Kieron and Zeldax stop running to catch their breath, “God only....knows what’s going on....in her room....” he wonders, just then a loud moan can be heard from the open window to Celestia’s room, “I would love to be a fly on her wall right now but at the same time, I don’t want to know.” He comments. The two of them then continue back to Ponyville discussing what to do for the foreseeable future.