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Ragnarok: part 1

Chapter 9: Ragnarok part 1

Last chapter: The Malevolence and two other ships turn from the now gone planet and a surge of energy goes from the front to the back of each of them, in the bridge of the HLV Malevolence the GM is sat in his large wingback chair in the middle of the room.
“Now, take us to our new planet.” He calls out to the drivers.
“Yes, sir” they all reply. As the energy gets to the back and launches the ship into light travel towards Equestria, then the other two follow.

<3 months later>

Treacle Tart is in her house baking some delicious lemon flans. She peeks out the kitchen towards the front door as a knock is heard coming from it, through the window on the door she sees an outline of a pony. She walks over to the door, wipes her hooves on her apron and opens it, “Oh, hello Twilight. What can I help you for?” she asks her.

“Not much, oh that smells nice...” she comments as a waft of the baked flans passes her nose, “Sorry, have you seen Moonshine anywhere lately? I haven’t seen her for a few days now.” Treacle just shook her head.

“You should know by now Twi, I don’t like my sister for what she does. I could care less where she is.” She replies, “Was there anything else?”

“Umm....yes, can I buy one of those flans, please?” she asks as she uses her magic to open her satchel.

“You can have one, yes but you don’t need to pay for one, you’re my friend.” Treacle refuses the bits.

Twilight forces her to take them as she doesn’t take no for an answer, “Take my bits, I don’t want to running low on bits. I don’t mind paying.” Treacle sighs as she gives up trying to refuse, takes the bits, places them on a table, walks into the kitchen and starts to prepare the flan for her.

“Come on in. I’ll just be a few seconds with your flan.” She shouts through to Twilight who enters the house, closes the door and takes a seat at treacle’s very fine looking dining table. As Treacle almost finishes preparing the flan the house shakes slightly as a loud, low bass sound emits from outside...no, from underground.

“What was that?” Twilight asks as she rushes over to a shelf to grab a vase that was about to fall.

“I have no idea. Do you think it could be them?” She asks out to her, “Damn it.”

“No, that came from below us...” she replies as she puts the vase straight on the shelf, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry Twilight...” she says to her in frustration, “I’ve dropped your flan, thanks to that rumble, I’ll get you a new one.”

“Oh, no, that’s terrible. Here I’ll help clean up.” She offers as she walks in, puts on an apron that was hung up and begins to help clean up.

<Next to mech facility>

Moonshine is walking down a lonely path that has been recently built, she soon comes to a patch of land where the grass has been cut away and metallic door is in the ground. She steps up to it at a small platform raises up out the ground, she steps on it and it begins to scan her, “Identification granted. Welcome Moonshine.” A computer voice says to her, the metallic doors open and she proceeds down into the darkness below.

As she reaches the bottom of the staircase she comes to a well lit, very large room, “KIERON, WHERE ARE YOU?!” she shouts out. A metallic clang comes from the far end of the room as he pops his head out and aims a rifle at her.

“Oh, it IS you. I’m over here.” He replies as her waves his rifle above his head, “Did you get some?” he asks her as she runs over to him.

“Yes, I also checked on the shield generators, Dr Atom has done a good job on them, they’re running smoothly.
Here’s the parts.” She says as she drops a bag down on the floor. He pushes himself halfway out of a large piece of machinery to grab at the bag, opens it and pulls out the various parts that were needed to help complete the machine, he then shoves them into the gap he is sat in and pulls himself back in.

“Why don’t you go and make yourself useful and do some welding, the L.R.M.S needs the tracking system to be put into it.” He calls out from into the gap. She looks to her left to see a door at the end of the room; she walks over to it and opens it to reveal a long corridor. She trots down it to come to another door, a retina scanner in on the wall, she places her head in front of it and it scans her eye.

“Access granted.” A computer voice says to her, the door unlocks and she opens it to reveal a huge missile battery in the centre of the large room, she walks over to a workbench, grabs a welding mask, welding kit and a safety suit. She puts on the suit and mask, she then walks over to the side of the missile battery and says, “So THIS is the L.R.M.S. Mathis what does it mean again?”

“L.R.M.S stands for Luna.Rift.Missile System, Kieron decided to call it that in commemoration to Princess Luna. He also created that other weapon you saw he is working on, the C.O.C” he comments as Moonshine sniggers to herself.

“K” she quickly says as he finishes talking.

“No, Moonshine. It isn’t called a C.O.C.K that isn’t the name, it’s called C.O.C or Celestia.Overlord.Cannon, and you really are immature some times.” He adds as she grabs a joystick that controls a crane on the roof, the crane moves over to the corner of the room where a large piece of equipment in kept, it was the tracking system that Kieron was talking about, it then moves over the L.R.M.S slowly and places against it. She puts the joystick down on a desk and climbs up to the tracking system, lowers the mask and begins to weld it to the missile battery.
<In Luna’s room>

She wakes up in her bed suddenly as she hears a rapid, mechanical noise come from outside her room; the noise gets louder as it gets closer to her room. She lifts herself out of her bed and cautiously creeps over to her balcony where the doors are open, she peeks out and looks about to see nothing odd, the rapid noise gets really loud, she pops her head over the edge to look down only to see a Havoc mech walking past below her room.

It was on bulky, quad legs which would explain the rapid noises, its core was large, bulky and had a spherical ball on the back behind the head, the head was done shaped with two large, ‘eye’ dots one above the other, it didn’t have any arms like a normal mech but instead had weapons for its arms, they were like large boxes attached to the sides of the core with two large, long barrels extending from each box, at the end of each of the barrels was a muzzle baffle. The back of the mech has two thin, long missile launchers.

“Commencing Havoc mech test.” Mathis calls out from a television in her room that Kieron ordered to have in both of the Princesses rooms to allow for instant communication. A drone havoc mech approaches Canterlot from the mech facility, instantly the mech’s torso turns to face the mech whilst continuing walking, it takes aim and shoots the quad barrels, they instantly hit against the mech causing it to topple, it gets back up at some more shots come from above her, she jumps with surprise as the rounds hit the mech ripping off one of the arms.

She looks up above room to see another identical mech stood on a platform at the highest point of Canterlot, the mech then fires again in quick alternate fire just as the one below fires, both the mech’s rounds hit the drone mech knocking it back and onto the floor. All of a sudden some screaming is heard from the main gates to Canterlot, she over to see two more identical mech stood guarding the gates as the missile launchers launch 16 missiles in quick succession, the missiles screaming as they fly high into the sky then travel forwards towards the downed mech before diving down to it and impacting against it destroying it as it explodes in a large blast.

The mechs guarding the gate then fold up their missile launchers and begin to continue with surveying the area for hostiles, the mech below continues to walk past as the torso faces the front, and the mech above continues to scan the distant areas at it was the look out like a sniper.

“Mathis, when did these mechs get here?” she asks him as she walks over to the television rubbing her ear. The TV suddenly turns on as he appears on it.

“They were set up late last night. The Overseer ordered for them to be put in place to help protect Canterlot along with the shields, do you wish to have a specification of them?” he asks.

“Umm...yes, we would like to hear.” She replies as data about the mechs appear on the screen.

“Arbiter class sniper mech. This mech is slow, bulky with high armour. It is placed on quad legs to be able to carry the weight and to create large amounts of stability; they have a built in flare system and a cloaking device to allow for surprise attacks. Their main weapons are the cannons on sides of the core; it is a dual auto-railgcannon design that can fire a high rate of fire of hyper velocity rounds into an opponent. The rounds are of a new design; they have Tungsten casings, and have N.S.D cores, Neutron.Star.Density cores. They greatly improve the impact force against an enemy ripping through almost anything, if they don’t then they will cause it to be temporarily unstable and most possibly fall over, if it’s a mech that is. Then there are the missile launchers, Wheeling03 class, they launch missiles vertically to come up and fly down on top of the enemy like an orbital barrage, they’re vertical missile launchers. ” He explains the full specification to her as she takes it all in.

“I see, does sis know about them?” she asks as Celestia barges in through her bedroom doors.

“Yes your sister does know. I talked to Kieron about them to give him confirmation to put them in place.” She replies as she walks up to Luna, “Hello Mathis. How are we today?” she asks.

“I am fine, your majesty. I have just tested the mech’s capabilities; they are running to full capacity.” He responds.
“Good, by any chance do you know where Kieron is exactly, I haven’t seen him for about two weeks now.” She questions.

“Yes, I do know but I’m afraid I am not allowed to tell you right now.” He replies in a stern voice.

“Mathis...I am in charge of this land. Even Kieron can’t keep secrets from me, so tell me where he is.” She replies sharply.
“As you wish, he is currently working on a large weapons system that is situated underground over by Ponyville. He has created and built them for defence against orbital units rather than risking the lives of ponies to go up in Havoc mechs.” He explains as she stand narrow eyed as she stamps a hoof against the floor.

“What are these weapons and why didn’t he get permission off me first.” She questions.

Mathis chuckles slightly before he answers, “I believe he did ‘Tia. Do you not remember? About five weeks ago he came to a dinner party held here at Canterlot and after everypony left and the party was finished he stayed and got you drunk so that you would say yes...” he claims as she stands wide mouthed looking the screen, stunned by what Mathis said, Luna laughed her heart out as she fell on the floor giggling away to herself.

“Oh wow, ‘Tia drunk? Ha ha ha ha ha, I wish I was there to see that.” She comments as she gasps for air in between laughing.

“Oh but you were Luna, it just so happens that you were drunk too. Moonshine was there at the party.” He replies. Celestia still rather angry at Kieron begins to laugh lightly to herself as she watches Luna lay on the floor wide eyed in shock that she was drunk AND with Moonshine.

“Who knows what happened...” he comments, “Now, the weapons. There is two weapons being constructed, the C.O.C and the L.R.M.S, they are very large and very powerful...” he adds as a design image appears on the TV, “The C.O.C or Celestia.Overlord.Cannon is a large quad barrelled, hyper-velocity, rapid-firing cannon that uses rounds that have Neutron.Star.Density casing and has Supernova.Expansion.Detonation cores...” he says as he is interrupted.

“He used my name, for a weapon?” ‘Tia asks furiously.

“Not just yours but Luna’s too. He used them in commemoration and honour of you both.” He replies as she calms down after hearing this and looks softly at the screen thinking that that was lovely of Kieron to do such a thing, “The other weapon the L.R.M.S or Luna.Rift.Missile.System is a large missile battery that houses multiple Rift Missiles which upon impact cause a small rip in space that sucks in anything even ripping them apart off things if it doesn’t get sucked it, the rip only lasts for about 25 seconds before closing. Personally it isn’t the best weapon, especially if friendlies are nearby.” He explains to the both of them.

“Wow, he did that all in less than one month?” Luna asks.

“Yes, but with the help of a little filly known as Moonshine. She finally put herself to good use and is helping him build them, in fact they are still building as we speak and they are almost......” he is cut off as the TV goes fussy. Moments later Kieron appears on the screen.

“Mathis, I thought I told you to not tell anypony.......never mind. Princesses, the weapons are complete, sorry that I had to get you drunk to get permission to build them but it is for the safety of Equestria.” He explains as he salutes to them, “I will and am putting everything into making sure that this planet does not fall into the hands of the SKULL empire or worse...” he stops as ‘Tia a tear in her eye, proud to know that a creature from another planet that arrived not a year and a half ago wants to help protect them from his own kind.

“Are you crying sis?” Luna asks her as she looks at ‘Tia who looks at her with a smile upon her face.

“Yes, I’m just so happy to know that he wants to protect us from his own kind. I’m honoured by him, he must really love Equestria.” She replies in a broken voice and with happiness.

“Well, I certainly love you two.” Kieron comments to himself. ‘Tia sharply turns to the TV.

“What did you say?” she quickly asks him.

“Nothing, I just said that I DO love this planet.” He replies as he looks away and pretends to tell Moonshine off about something, “If you wish to come inspect the weapons you may but for now I will try to enhance them.” He adds as the screen goes black.

<Over by the mech facility>

“Right that’s the princesses sorted. MOONSHINE, WANT A HOT CHOCOLATE?!” he shouts to her.

A quite voice can be heard from down the corridor, “Yes please.” She replies. As he goes to turns and make a hot chocolate a voice from behind his replies, “Can I have one too, please?” He quickly picks up his rifle, swiftly turns and aims it right in between the eyes of a pony.

“How did you get in!” he shouts only to be shocked at who it was, “Rainbow Dash?” he asks as the pony walks out of a shadow in front of him...it wasn’t Rainbow Dash but was instead Fluttershy.

“Hello Kieron...I’m sorry I came in without asking, I shouldn’t have intruded. I’ll leave now.” She says softly as she turns to leave.

“NO! It’s ok. I was just startled by you. How did you get?” He asks.

“I followed Moonshine because I wanted to see you. Me and the girls haven’t seen you for some time and I thought that Moonshine was coming to see you so I followed her.” She replies.

“Oh ok. I see. Would you err...like a hot chocolate?” he asks her, she knods as they both walk over to the hot chocolate machine, he begins to pour one as all of a sudden Moonshine bursts through the door at the far end of the room startling Fluttershy, she dives behind Kieron who shoots a rifle shot at Moonshine, it just misses her and hits off the wall behind her.

“Hay, you could have killed me!” She shouts out to him.

“Is that an option?” he asks.

“No it bloody isn’t. How could you want such a thing? I can’t believe you just said.....” she stops as they all feel a large, sudden shockwave hit them, “Kieron, did you feel that......Do you think?” she asks in a panicked voice.
“Yes...they’re finally here. That can only be the Malevolence. But by itself, great.” He replies, “Let’s go up top, we need to see if is alone.” They all then rush up the stair, he opens the door and they exit the underground room, they look up into the sky to see nothing thanks to it being day.

As they continue to watch two flashes of light appear in the sky, “Oh god three ships!” Kieron shouts out as the shockwaves hit them, Fluttershy stumbles as Kieron immediately heads for the mech facility with Moonshine following, Fluttershy head for Ponyville to warn the others.

“KIERON SLOW DOWN!!” Moonshine shouts at him. He suddenly stops and turns to see her following him.
“Moonshine, go with Fluttershy and warn the others then head to Canterlot” he orders.

“NO! We can tell them when we get to the facility; I’m going to help you. I can pilot Havoc mechs too remember.” She replies as she refuses. He lets her as they both continue their way to the facility.

<In orbit>

The Malevolence is in orbit with two other SKULL ships, the HLV Deathwish, a destroyer class ship and the HLV Rathgahr Fury, a MAC (Mech Assault Carrier) class ship.

They take position in orbit of Equestria. On the bridge of the Malevolence the Grand Master is sat in his chair looking out the window at the planet, “That truly is a fine planet. I want an invasion force ready in the next two hours...” he orders as an officer walks over to a desk and activates the alarms.

“Everyone prepare for invasion, repeat, prepare for invasion, you have two hours.” He calls out as many engineers, soldiers and officers rush about.

“I wonder if the Overseer has thought about what he has done, defying me, the Grand Master, no-one defies me.” He comments, “Mathis, tell me, are they defenceless?” he asks.

“Yes sir. The Overseer has set up Kojima shielding to protect that castle...Canterlot, I believe. But no other defences are seen.” He replies.

<At mech facility>

Kieron and Moonshine rush into the main room, “Mathis, activate the shielding around Canterlot, set off the alarms and get everypony to Canterlot. Oh and activate the big guns.” He order as Mathis appears on the screen and knods. Closes his eyes as alarms can be heard starting up in the distance.

“Ponyville alerted, sir. The big guns are powering up now.” Mathis replies.

Kieron then head for the mech hanger with Moonshine close behind. Zeldax rushes past them as he runs out of the facility with the recruits following in power armour, “We’ll escort the ponies to Canterlot, Kieron.” He shouts back to Kieron who puts his thumb up to acknowledge him.

<At Canterlot>

Celestia and Luna are both stood on Luna’s balcony and staring into the sky after feeling the shockwaves, they both can hear the alarms blaring as guards in Canterlot begin to make their way to the gate of Canterlot ready to start helping ponies in. In the distance over by the mech facility two very large metallic doors open to the sides as a siren blares and a large weapon rises up from underground. Moments later two more doors open as another siren blares and a second large weapon rises from the dark underground room.

They stare as the weapons finally reach the surface, one was a huge, quad barrelled cannon, the other was a large missile battery, “So they’re what he’s been working on.” Luna pipes up. The TV in her room lights up as Mathis appears.

“Emergency Protocol 1 & 2 engaged...” he says as the roof of the mech facility opens up and a smaller version of the C.O.C rises from inside. He really was preparing for war. The hanger door to the mech facility open as two mechs walk out, it was Ambush and another mech, soon another mech walks out, they all walk out towards Ponyville.

“Emergency Protocol 2, this is where the mech facility goes into production overload and begins to produce Havoc mechs at a rate of 50 mech in two hours. Emergency Protocol 1 is a large weapon on the top of the mech facility but has higher velocity rounds that travel at near-light speeds.” Mathis explains.

Another mech walks out from the facility and heads for Ponyville. When they reach Ponyville they ready themselves for war as a few scout planes from the Malevolence fly down and begins to survey the area.

<On the bridge>

“Ah, it would seem that he has more defences than I first thought, there he is.” The GM says as the screen in front of him shows ambush and the other three mechs stood in Ponyville with many ponies rushing towards the castle.
“Now this will be fun. I will take this planet and he can’t stop me. My soldier, loyal to me and SKULL has finally defied me. Time to kill what I created.” He adds as he stares at the mech which is staring at the camera of the scout plane as if staring at the GM.