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A plague of madness: part 1

Chapter 13: A plague of madness

Last chapter: “I will, I don’t think fight you will do much anymore...I created you for one purpose and you truly have shown me what you can do. Your loyalty is unparalleled too, look at the state of you. I will leave this planet be...for now.” He replies before disappearing into the glow.

Kieron’s arm then releases Celestia’s leg and flops down, she turns to look at his once more unconscious body, she lifts him arm back onto the bed and places it by his side.

“Thank you, Kieron. If you can hear me, thank you.” She says quietly before giving him a kiss on the forehead and walks out the room.

<The next day>

Kieron remains laid in his bed, a nurse checking up on the patients. Outside the ponies and guards are moving rubble and pieces of fallen walls as they clear the streets, some mechs helping as they pull along large carts filled with huge amounts of rubble. The town of Ponyville being repaired, what’s left of it and the rest being of it being rebuilt. The nurse walks over to his bed to check on him, she stands and watching him as he lays there, still and dead like, she then walks off as she goes to check on other patients.

<Later that night>

The nurse from before walks over to the door as a knock can be heard coming from it, she opens the door and questions the pony stood on the other side, “What do you want?”

The pony stands shocked at the nurse’s comment, “Don’t you know who I am? I am the Great and Powerful Trixie, and you ask me, and I quote ‘what do you want?’ I’ll have you know that the princess wanted me to come and see the human for a special matter that only Trixie can do.” She replies as she walks in past the nurse who stands and watches as she walks by.

“Fine, but keep quiet, the other patients need to rest. Kieron is over in that bed...” she says as she points to his bed, “I’ll stand supervise...hospital rules.” She adds as Trixie looks back before sharply turning her head away from the nurse to face towards Kieron’s bed.

She walks up beside his bed where there are many hospital instruments keeping check of him vitals, his heart rate really slow and faint, everything else normal. Trixie takes position beside him and the nurse pulls up a seat and sits at the bottom of the bed.

“So why did the princess tell you to come here exactly” the nurse asks.

“Only the Great and Powerful Trixie can do complicated magic that involves the mind...” she replies as she looks back at the nurse, “You wouldn’t understand, you aren’t a unicorn. Unicorns have magic but Trixie is the only pony with great experience with mind magic.” She adds as she turns back to face Kieron.

The nurse then makes herself comfortable and shuts up. Trixie then lowers her head down to Kieron’s, puts a hoof against his face, her horn beginning to glow as she feeds her magic into his mind to find out if he is still alive in his mind and to find out his past.

As she feeds her magic deeper into his mind she starts to be drawn towards something in his mind, something dark and evil...she tries to divert from it but it draws her closer as if it had hold of her. Her body unconscious as she searches his mind, her body reacts to the unexpected attraction by making her scrunch her eyes up and groan slightly.

As she draws closer to the darkness she begins to go into some of Kieron’s memories, the first one is where Kieron is in the test tube he was created in, she is stood in the room looking at him as if she was there but yet no-one notices her as if she were a ghost. The Grand Master stood behind a few scientist who are making sure the process runs smoothly, “Make sure he is unharmed, I want my creation to be perfect.” The GM says to them. Kieron then suddenly puts a hand against the tube window causing her to jump a little.

The room goes dark as she is transferred to another memory, this time she is stood inside an office next to a man who looks as though he is the manager of a leading company, she stands and watches the man as he sorts out his papers and signs other papers. Suddenly Kieron bursts through the doors at the far end of the room with some soldiers in pursuit; he dives forwards, turns and shoots them causing Trixie to jump again. Kieron then stands up tall, walks over to the man who puts his hands up and mumbles that he surrenders. Kieron stands next to the man before whispering, “Your time for us has now expired.” Then twists the man’s neck, breaking it and killing him, he then unexpectedly turns to look over in Trixie’s direction as if he know she were there.

The room goes dark as she is moved to yet another memory, this time through Kieron’s eyes rather than her being stood in it, looking through his eyes she sees that he is sat in some sort of vehicle as there is electronic equipment all over with a large glass panel in front with holographic dials on it, outside in front of him is a large force of Havoc mechs, there must be at least 200 minimum, explosions erupting around them as water splashes up from the explosions.

The mech Kieron is in as his hands grab hold of some joysticks, when it stops turning she can see a city in the distance with small flashes emitting from it as missiles and artillery shells fly towards them, suddenly he looks up as the mech’s arm raises and all the mechs behind him start to fly overhead as they begin their invasion of the city.

The scenery then fades as she exits the memory as Kieron closes his eyes. She is then transported to a dark room with fires around her, buildings on fire and in ruins, similar to that of Luna’s premonition. As she looks about to see the fires roaring and some ponies in the fires being burnt to crisp, she then looks forward to see the red eyes from Luna’s premonition, she looks harder to see a figure form around the eyes, it is thin and tall, she immediately thinks it is Kieron but it can’t be, it’s too thin and not as tall.

As she watches, the smoke around it flows away to reveal that it isn’t Kieron’s but is a cane instead, she looks at the head of it just above the glowing eyes to see a hand holding it, she follows the hand up, then the arm to see a dark figure holding it, see stares back at the eyes of the cane only for it to launch at her causing her to be knocked out of Kieron’s mind. Back in the hospital she quickly walks backwards whilst sweating slightly, she moves backwards too quickly for her legs to keep up and ends up tripping over them.

She stay laid on the floor, covering her face with her hooves as the nurse jumps up out of her chairs and rushes over to Trixie, she reassures her that she is alright and for her to lift her hooves off her face. Trixie doesn’t move but instead mutters, “Can’t you hear it? The voices...the voices that constantly talk?”

The nurse lies down in front of her as she still tries to reassure Trixie, ignoring the last comment she made, Trixie then slowly stands up with her head held low, the nurse stands up quickly to see how she is. Trixie then slowly lifts her head to face the nurse, her eyes closed. She then suddenly opens them revealing a piercing stare, her eyes large and pupils like pinpricks, a smirk then develops on her face which soon turns into a rather creepy, large grin.

The nurse backs up slightly as this creeps her out a lot, this wasn’t normal, not even for Trixie. The nurse backs up even more but not being able to break the stare from Trixie’s piercing eyes, “You look juicy, join us, join the madness, it won’t hurt.” She comments before walking towards the nurse slowly. The nurse slowly backing away to get some distance between the two of them, she soon bumps into the wall and slides down it as Trixie walks up to her.

“Please, don’t hurt me, whoever you are” the nurse calls out. Trixie lowers her head down to the nurse and plants her lips against the nurse’s, she then pushes herself against the nurse causing them both to fall onto the floor as Trixie kisses away at the nurse, she then soon takes it further and reaches down with a hoof and begins to rub between the nurse’s haunches. The nurse trying her best to struggle and get free but Trixie keeps her pinned; soon the pleasure fills the nurse causing her to stop struggling as she moans a little whilst still kissing Trixie.

The nurse’s mind soon in a scramble by the pleasure, Trixie seizes the moment, takes her lips off the nurse’s, puts both hooves against the nurse’s face and places her horn against the nurse’s forehead, “You will be one of us.” She whispers before feeding her magic into the nurse’s mind, the madness in Trixie’s mind then begins to transmit into the pinned mare’s mind, she soon stops moving and not an ounce of noise came from her as the madness began to take hold of the mare.

Trixie gets up off the mare and watches as she squirms about a little as the madness take effect and begins to control her, “That’s you sorted, now, Trixie thinks we should awaken the source of this madness, OH KIERON!” she shouts out as she turns to walk towards Kieron’s bed, a couple of patients waking up suddenly from her shouting. She looks at one of the awake ponies with her creepy stare; the pony grabs the covers and puts it over his eyes so that she can’t look into his eyes.

She gets to his bed, climbs onto it and stands over him, “Hay, what are you doing, you shouldn’t be on there.” Another patient calls out. The nurse then walks up beside the pony and stares at her with the same look that Trixie has. She then climbs onto the bed and begins to kiss at the patient. Trixie the closes her eyes, lowers her head just enough for her horn to be pointing straight at Kieron, she then feeds her magic into his mind once more to awaken him.

She soon completes this task as the heart rate monitor begins to beep as his heart rate starts to increase, his breathing beginning to intensify, Trixie lifts her head slightly to look at him, and his eyes suddenly open to return the same, creepy glare to Trixie. They both stare at each other, Kieron then comments, “Thank you for releasing me, now we can spread the madness together.” He then grabs at the sides of her face and pulls her down as he lock their lips together, Trixie doesn’t even resist and kisses back at him.

The nurse gets off the patient as the madness spreads to him, he soon converts as his pupils shrink to pinpricks, they both talk at the same time as if the madness were talking through them, “Now, if we are to get more to convert we will need us to be acting normal, yes, normal, you will still be under my influence but you are to act normal...right...now” the nurse and patient then close their eyes, reopen them only for them to have returned to normal, they look at each other then over to Kieron and Trixie, not even disturbed by it, they then continue with their normal lives.

Kieron pushes Trixie away slightly so he can talk, “The madness in me can’t go away like the other, it is permanent, and the same for you as have looked directly deep into my mind at it. We shall go to the mech facility and hide there, come Trixie.” He explains as he gets up and walks out the door with Trixie following closely behind him.

<IRIS High-command>

The Grand Master is walking along a long walkway that is suspended above the ground a few kilometres, large buildings at both ends of the walkway, the buildings and walkways seem to form a large circle as they can be seen curling round in the distance, in the centre of the circle is a huge structure with a white glow coming from below it as if it were holy in some way. The GM walks into the next building only to be greeted by a few officers that stands with their arms folded, they mumble to each other about his failure on Equestria. He then heads through a door which opens up to show the empty space between the building and the centre structure, he steps out only to float on mid-air rather than fall to his death. He stands with both feet on the air as he is suddenly shot forwards by a gravity-like force towards the centre structure.

He soon arrives at it and stops just off a platform which he steps onto and walks in through the mains doors of the building as if he had just walked there normally, when he enters the building he is greeted by a large, empty room that has a single corridor-like walkway to the centre where a large chair is placed with a man sat on it, along the walkway is loads of small soldier boxes with black guards stood in them, the GM begins to walk down the long walkway. He gets sinister looks by some of the guards as he passes them.

He soon reaches the centre of the room, lowers onto one knee with his cane in the ground to his side, he stands up and looks to the man sat in the chair, “Why have you failed us Grand Master 02?” the man asks, the GM looks down but then back up.

“I have not failed you yet, Grand Inquisitor. I may have failed with attacking them by force but I have one, last way that might work...” he replies, “My creation, the Overseer, during his early life he touched my cane, he tried to see if he could handle it, the cane rejected him but during the process it planted a part of its power inside of him mind, deep inside. It laid there dormant for all of his life; it is only till now has it been activated, by a pony. Now the madness and power surges through his entire body and all those he spreads it to as well...” he explains as he lifts the cane up to his front, “So you see, Grand Inquisitor, I have not yet failed.” He adds, the Grand Inquisitor then gets up, his body frail and weak, he is about 200 odd years old, he jumps forwards at the GM instantly appearing in front of the GM and kicks him in the head causing him to fly to the side and land on the floor.

“You mean you have wasted our forces when you could have done this?” he asks the GM in a weak voice.

“No, Grand Inquisitor, as I said, it was only till now could I do this as the pony has unlocked the madness in his mind, he is now mine, as I control the cane and the cane controls him.” He replies as he gets his footing, he turns to face the Grand Inquisitor with an evil grin on his face, “Now we CAN take that planet...but in time.”