• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 3,771 Views, 72 Comments

This strange world - SwarmLordAbdonis

A group of friends are transported to Equestria! Now trapped in their new bodies they must try and find a way back home without upsetting any of the locals. Neither possibility seems likely.

  • ...

Who's the moose?

By the time Firefly had returned, Craig seemed to be gaining the upper hand in yet another game of noughts and crosses against the now clearly irritated changeling. The smug look on the griffons face was wide enough to see from all the way down the enormous tunnel she had come from. Mikes frown even more so. As she flew closer she noticed that even the two guards had taken some slight interest as they viewed the ongoing match. Rather than interrupt the two she decided it would be best to let them finish, lest she wanted to seem rude. Although perhaps it would be best to say something considering Mikes face. The sudden sound of irritated breathing and angry expression did seem worrying, despite anger being the only emotion she had witnessed the original changeling to show during her entire time in his presence.

"So are you going to move or should I come back tomorrow?" Craig asked keeping his amused grin.

Mike passed him a glare but said nothing in return. After a few moments of careful thinking, he made his move and stamped out the ongoing game in frustration, causing the griffon to laugh. It was clearly obvious that Craig was going to win this match and they both knew it.

"You my friend, are not one for strategy." He mocked.

"Oh you want to talk about strategy?" Mike snarled. "How about I show you the strategy of placing my left hind leg right up your-"

Before the changeling could finish he caught the yellow horse bug in his peripherals and turned to see her with a timid smile on her face. Upon realising who it was his mood stayed the same, but sighed as he turned back to his friend and uttered a few simple yet grumpy words.

"Sunshine's back."

Craig looked over to see Firefly smiling politely at the two. His grin vanished and took on a more serious expression, curious to hear what she had to say. While the griffon was hoping to be let in, Mike was praying that they'd be denied entry and thus leave. The yellow being wasted no time once she noticed that she was the centre of attention and informed them of what news she had.

"After explaining your situation, king Thorax has decided to graciously welcome your friend Craig into the hive since you're so willing to stick by his side." She smiled, sensing the joyful expression radiating off of the griffon. However the changeling was giving off an ice cold feeling, suggesting that his mood has soured even further. Unsure why he felt this way, she attempted to cheer her 'hivemate' up with a few kind words and a genuine proposal she had hoped to offer at a later time.

"May I also add, your loyalty towards your friend is very commendable. Perhaps you could teach some of us at the hive a few helpful pointers during your stay here if you'd be willing? It would mean a lot to those of us still curious and interested in learning about friendship. Especially since you've obviously spent some time outside the hive unlike many of us." She asked gently in a way that reminded Craig of Fluttershy. Nervous and overly polite. Considering the large glimmering eyes she was giving, her entire being looked somewhat adorable to him.

Mike on the other hoof didn't bat an eye. "I'll pass. Let's just get this over with so we can get back with Jack and the others."

Firefly cringed a little at the harsh response and appeared crestfallen, but quickly composed herself. "I see. My apologies. In that case if you both would please follow me?"

Leaving the guards and the entrance behind, the three travelled down the tunnel where all sorts of colourful vines bushes and even mushrooms grew covering half of the tunnels natural formation. As Firefly led the way, Craig gave Mike a small shove with his claw. The changeling turned to notice the angry look he was giving him and raised an eyebrow.

"What's up with you?" He shrugged.

"Seriously?" The griffon deadpanned. "You're being a complete jerk to her man."


"SO, maybe ease up on her a bit? Maybe be a little nicer?"

"Oh I'm sorry, is the fact that she's ruining everything for us not bad enough for you?"

Now it was Craigs turn to look confused. "Ruining everything? What are you going on about?"

"Think about it man! She broke into my room and tried to convince me to come with her to this place, only to convince you instead and force me along anyway which gets in the way of our whole looking for a way to return home plan, which is everyone else's top priority in case you forgot!" Mike snapped. "And now she's trying to get us to stay longer just because I stuck by your side. Of course I'm going to say no to any side quests. You may be having a good time enjoying and fantasising over what's supposed to be a t.v. show, but it doesn't mean I have to!"

Craig softened his expression. There was more to it than what Mike had suggested. Being a brony he was able to pick up on a couple of important things on the changeling species. Perhaps it would be best to share them now.

"Mike. Remember what I said about the changelings being evil once and becoming what they are now?" Mike nodded. "Well despite their new friendly attitudes, a lot of them still have a tough time fitting in with the other species in Equestria. Not everycreature is willing to forgive them so easily for their past. Why not teach them a lesson in friendship and help them out? It would mean a lot to them."

"Lets see... um... maybe because there's an entire school based on friendship next door to their country?" Mike replied mockingly. His attitude not improving in the least. "They want to learn friendship so bad? Go enrol there and learn from the experts. Besides, I'm a terrible teacher."

"According to who?"

"Jack. And Ash, when I tried to teach them how to chug a bottle of beer at arms length perfectly without choking."

"When was that?"

"The night when we got zapped here." The changeling spoke bitterly. "Point is, it's not happening."

Craig narrowed his eyes. "Wow Mike. I know you can be an asshole at times, but wow."

"Oh don't be overdramatic! This is a kids show so everything will probably turn out fine for them in the end. And anyway since you're whining about it so much, why don't you teach them?"

"Well they'll probably be more tempted to listen to one of their own for a start." Craig suggested hotly. "Plus if an unreformed changeling is capable of learning about friendship then it would give them a bit of a morale boost."
Mike rolled his eyes. "Okay fine. I guess you have a point. I'll make a point to mention something about friendship for them."

Craig gave a mental sigh of relief, thankful that his friend was willing to listen to reason for a change. "Thank you!"

"Oh, wait! Actually I don't think I can. Now that I think about it, there's something that's preventing me from doing so."

"What's that?"

"Its just, oh what was it again...? Ah, right. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!"

"Okay, you know what-!"

"We're here!" Firefly's voice announced, catching the two arguing creatures behind her to fall silent. They noticed that they were now standing before a large dark blue hole, most likely some sort of doorway Craig figured that would lead them to another part of the hive. Eerily, the hole seemed to slightly shrink and expand repeatedly at a slow pace as though it was somehow breathing slowly, but otherwise seemed harmless.

"Wait, already?" The griffon asked. "That was barely two minutes!"

Firefly nodded. "Well, since your friend has yet to reform-"

"IF I choose to reform, thank you." Mike stated clearly, having no actual intention to do so.

"- Thorax believed it would be wise for you both to meet him away from the other changelings and talk to him in private in hopes of making you feel more comfortable."

"Aw, and here I thought we were going to the throne room." Craig pouted.

"Oh, we can go there later if you would like."


"Um, quick question." Mike spoke up. "That hole in the wall, um... is it meant to be moving like that?"

The yellow changeling looked to the hole which continued to expand and shrink, then back to Mike and nodded. "It is, yes. Why do you ask?"

"Other than the fact it's creepy and disturbing? No reason. Just another thing to add on the list of reasons why I hate this place."

Craig quickly stepped in, concerned that Firefly might try to press the matter. "He's kidding!" He hastily explained with a fake smile on his face before turning to the unreformed changeling and speaking in a slightly harsher tone. "Right buddy?"

Mike rolled his pupil-less eyes. "As long as its safe, fine. Whatever."

Thankfully the hole was close enough to the ground that both Craig and Mike were able to step their way into the next room without needing to use their wings. Though at one point the griffon almost tripped on the very edge of the hole as it shrunk in diameter. At this rate learning to fly was looking more mandatory Craig thought as he watched Firefly buzz her wings and pass through the hole without any issue before landing gracefully. The part of the hive they now found themselves in was small and semi circular in shape, big enough for perhaps thirty other changelings though there was only Mike, Craig, Firefly and someone new who seemed to have been waiting for their arrival.

He carried many similarities to other changelings but had equally as many differences. He was more than a head taller than a regular bug horse and had mostly yellow chitin covering his head and limbs while the rest was green or dark purple, and upon seeing all three newcomers beamed brighter than the sun itself. Craig tried his hardest not to burst out in just as large a smile, knowing he was about to interact with yet another popular character from the mlp universe. As for Mike...

"Who's the moose?"

Thankfully he had whispered this to the griffon, though it didn't make Craig any less shocked.

"We're in the KINGdom of the changelings, Mike." He whispered back. "Who do you think we'd come across in the KINGdom, hm?!"

The changeling took a few moments to stare at the much larger being standing not too far away.

"The court jester?"

"Oh Jesus Christ..."


Jack flicked through yet another library book hoping to find even the slightest hint of anything suggesting magical portals, other dimensions and more other worldly theories. Unfortunately just like the other twenty, there was nothing. In his frustration he slammed the book back onto the shelf he head picked it up from. However thanks to his increased strength he ended up breaking said shelf in two with a loud snap catching him off guard. It took him a few seconds to realise what he had just done before sighing.

"Great. That's the third one today."

"So, I'm guessing that you're having no luck either?"

Jack looked behind him and found Jason staring at him with an amused grin, most likely just witnessing the accidental destruction he had just caused.

"Could be better." The yak agreed.

"You know, you could probably do that back home too. You know, slamming a book through a shelf five inches thick. Kind of scary to see you do that here without even trying or paying attention though."

"Yeah maybe. For now maybe it would be best to watch myself. I don't exactly want to break the entire library, which I probably will if I keep this up!"

"Well it has been a couple of hours. Maybe we should have a rest. Neither myself or Ash have come up with anything yet."

"Speaking of Ash, where is he?"

"Sweeping a pile of his namesake under the rug right now."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Why...?" He asked cautiously, yet in an annoyed tone.

"Well, you know what happens when a dragon sneezes?"

"Ah." The yak nodded in understanding, calming down at once. "So it was an accident then."

"Eh... technically, yes."



Jack sighed. "Tell me what happened, Jason."


"Ah, good morning, Jack and Jason is it?" A third voice gently interrupted. The yak and unicorn turned to find a new pony smiling at them. An orange mare, an earth pony to be more precise, with a blonde mane and tail, freckles and a brown Stetson hat resting on the top of her head.

"Oh, hello there." Jack greeted, turning his attention away from Jason for the time being. "Sorry, we aren't in your way are we? One of the joys of being a giant walking carpet I'm afraid." He joked in good humour.

"Nah, y'all are fine where yer standing." She responded with a noticeable southern accent, at least from what the two friends could tell. "Twilight told me plenty bout your lil group. That yer lookin teh earn an honest living?"

The conversation with Craig from earlier replayed itself in Jacks head. "Uh, yes. That is the case miss..."

"Applejack. Pleasure to meet y'all. Or rather just the two of you ah suppose." She chuckled. "Ah don't suppose yer other friends are around are they? I got a bit of a proposition for y'all."

Jack and Jason looked at each other curiously.

"Best get Ash." The yak muttered to his pony pal. He had a feeling that what this cowpony had to say was going to be... interesting.

Author's Note:

Bit of a shorter chapter this time round so expect a longer one for next time ;)