• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 3,771 Views, 72 Comments

This strange world - SwarmLordAbdonis

A group of friends are transported to Equestria! Now trapped in their new bodies they must try and find a way back home without upsetting any of the locals. Neither possibility seems likely.

  • ...

Restoring energy... in the bedroom

Craig continued to search frantically through the hive for Mike, hoping to find him and tell him the grave news Thorax had just passed onto him. The look of panic on his face was obvious to whatever changeling he passed as they seemed confused, probably wondering why a griffon was running around in their hive, but their concern mattered little to the avian. At this point he had been looking up and down for the unreformed changeling for about twenty minutes now. It didn't exactly help that he knew nothing about the layout of the hive, and didn't decide to stop to ask for directions or whereabouts of said dark chitin covered creature, but when only just now learning that your own friend is slowly dying, common sense doesn't seem to kick in right away.

Mike! Mike!" The griffon all but squawked. "Where the hell is he for Christ sake? Mi-"

"Oh hi there Craig."

The addressed griffon turned to find Firefly trotting up towards him with a smile, as though oblivious to his freaked out state. Craig suddenly remembered that she had disappeared earlier, most likely to find Mike herself. He also wondered how the changeling had managed to find him so quickly, then again he did stick out being the only griffon. The yelling and searching hadn't exactly been subtle either. At the very least Craig was certain she would help look for his poor dying friend.

"Firefly, thank goodness! Please tell me you found Mike because I'm not doing all so good here!"

The yellow changeling smiled and nodded. "Yes, I was just with him not so long ago."

Craig gave a sigh of relief. "Oh good, good. Well could you take me to him please? There's something I need to tell him and its kind of urgent."

Fireflys smile turned to a concerned frown. "That might not be the best idea right now. He's resting I'm afraid."


"Resting." The changeling confirmed. "When we decided to head back to see yourself and Thorax not so long ago I sensed his energy reserves were low, worryingly so. Thus I helped restore it as best I could. I was just about to tell Thorax about this until I heard your distress. I am quite certain the wellbeing of Mike would be a priority to him at the moment given how today has gone so far."

"Oh I uh, I wouldn't worry about that right now." Craig tried to dismiss. Right now his buddy was his biggest concern. "Anyway lets back up a bit. You said you restored his energy, which I'm assuming is a temporary solution, am I right?"

FIrefly nodded, her smile returning. "Indeed."

"Okay that's comforting to know I guess. So in relation to that, and this might sound kind of dumb but is there any way I can replicate this energy boost myself in case Mike needs it again or is it strictly a changeling thing?"

"Oh no, any creature can do it!"

Craig felt a huge weight off of his chest.

"Oh great! That's good, very good to hear! I uh, don't suppose you can tell me how it works can you?"

The yellow changeling continued to smile happily. "Of course. Although, it's different for each and every changeling depending on their taste."

"Oh... okay." Craig responded, not entirely sure what she meant by that but decided to hold the questions until Firefly had finished explaining.

"Some creatures prefer the process to be slow, others fast. Although if it's a changeling with another changeling then the flow of love can be very fast due to the constant two way feeding. With a creature of a different species, a changeling would be able to gather enough love to last a week, providing they go all the way. I suppose positioning would help too. I should also add despite the energy boost a changelings body needs time to process and break down the amount of love transferred, which is why Mike is currently rest-"

Craigs curiosity got the best of him and interrupted the changeling. "Sorry, you said positioning? I don't follow."

"No? Well it's pretty simple really. Again it depends on what excites them the most. Mike had a few he shared that I was unaware of. It was quite... experimental... and weird I must admit but I can see why he decided on them..."

The griffons face fell. He silently hoped this wasn't going where he thought it was. "Um... what kind of positions, if you don't mind my prying?"

"Hmm... well there were a fair few... If I recall he named them the 69, the doggy position, the wheelbarrow..."

Oh good Christ no.

That was the only thought that rushed through Craigs mind as he took in the horrifying revelation. Surely there had to be a reasonable explanation to this. There was no way, no fucking way that Mike was this stupid, even for him! The look on the red griffons face dropped with each named position as Firefly continuously named them one after the other.

"... the Twister and the Russian Heimlich. Oh, that reminds me, there was something I was hoping to ask. Many times your friend used phrases such as 'fuck yes' or 'holy fuck'. Forgive my curiosity but, what is this 'fuck' he refers to? Because I seem to remember him using that word back at the school of Friendship as well as multiple times here. Is it a word meant for excitement or frustration or either? I don't want to make him feel unsatisfied since-"

"Firefly just! ... Just please, stop talking!" Craig snapped before Firefly could get in one more word. "Can you take me to him? There's something I need to tell hi- well a few things now but the sooner I can see him, the better."

Firefly tilted her head. "Are you sure that is a good idea? As I said he needs rest."

"Oh he's definitely going to need to God Damn rest once I'm done with him... Trust me it's kind of urgent Firefly, please."

The yellow changeling gave a moment of thought before reluctantly nodding.

"He's currently in my room. Come, I'll show you."

Craig followed the changeling, unsure what he ought to feel. Anger, confusion? After all it wasn't everyday that one of your friends quite literally fucked a character from a television show. A childrens television show, he had to remind himself! Considering they were changelings, he supposed it made sense but... bloody hell it was a lot to wrap his mind around. After a couple of minutes, the two arrived at a triangular stone slab, which turned out to actually be a door as the changeling pushed it to the side with ease revealing a small space featuring plenty of strange natural details that Craig would have immediately geeked out on. However the griffon was more focused on the one black changeling lying on his back on top of a normal pony made bed. Interesting detail as it was the only thing that stood out but right now Craig had bigger fish to fry.

"Alright, thanks for the help Firefly. I can take it from here."

"Um... okay? I suppose I'll just wait outside then..."

"Oh and quick question. Is this room sound proof, even if I yell really really loudly? Just wondering."

"Yes, most of what you say will barely be heard outside of this room."

"Ah, excellent. Thanks Firefly, you've been a big help. Now if you excuse me, I need to have a chat with my friend here."

Craig then slid the slab over the entrance and Firefly stood guard. Everything seemed silent for a brief few seconds until Firefly picked up a barely audible noise.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Firefly blinked. "I guess it's just used for frustration then." Her ears drooped. "And here I thought I did a good job too..."


"Uh, guys? Helloooo?"

Ash continued to check the corridors having no idea where his yak and pony companions had just suddenly disappeared to. At first he was certain the pair were just playing some sort of practical joke, but after the last half hour of searching it seemed more and more unlikely that that was the case. Maybe they had been dragged off by another teacher, or had decided to explore the nearby town? If that happened to be true then there was going to be some roasted backsides when they returned.

Still, Ash couldn't help but shake the nagging feeling that there was a chance that something more... sinister happened. He couldn't explain it, it was just a feeling. Regardless, he was committed to continue searching until this Ember character showed up.

"Ugh, Why couldn't Craig have stayed here instead of going with Mike?" He hissed to himself in frustration. "At least that oversized chicken would have stayed with me."

The blue dragon could picture it now. 'Ash, make sure you do this', 'Ash, careful around that' or even 'Ash, stop burning the school curtains'. Annoying as hell but at least it would have actually been helpful!

Ash paused for a moment to think if there was anywhere he hadn't checked yet. He'd checked the library and their temporary rooms and most of the school floors. There was an open outdoor area but it would have been easy to spot a giant yak and unicorn together, assuming they still were together.

Out of ideas, he simply shrugged and decided to head back to the room. They'd have to return there at some point, right?

Confident with that thought in mind, he made his way through the hallway he had just searched, turned the corner and froze.

The dragon just twenty feet away did the same thing, as did the half-dozen friends beside her.

Ash looked upon each member of the dragons party and it almost mirrored his group to a tee if it wasn't for the sixth member, some sort of pink griffon, he assumed. One of each species that his friends had been turned into. Weird as it was, his senses snapped back into place and headed back the way he came, really not wanting to deal with this right now.

"Wait!" One of them called out, likely eager to make amends. Ash however didn't care, teenagers or not. He could still feel his eye throbbing away. Right now missing friends aside, all the moody dragon wanted to do was some time to himself, and avoid any other dragon that crossed his path. Unfortunatley he didn't make it far as a gust of wind whooshed from behind him and before he could blink, the orange nuisance herself was flying right in his face, her arms stretched out like she was making a barrier to prevent him from proceeding. Ash was about ready to tell her to get out of his way until he noticed the look on her face. She looked sincerely sorry as she mentally pleaded for him to listen.

"Just hear me out, please!"

Ash would have preferred not to. His mind told him just to keep on walking and carry on. However another part of him knew that this would possibly cause more problems down the line. Maybe even for his own friends if he was unlucky enough. So without seeing much other option, Ash folded his arms and stared right at the still flying dragon with an unamused expression.

"I'm listening." Was all he said before giving the dragon the floor.

"Look, I... I messed up, alright?" She admitted rubbing her arm. "When I heard you talking about our culture, using words I've never heard from any other dragon, I should have asked for more information instead of just butting heads, and... I could have handled things better after you saying you know better than me. But we're dragons! Fighting's in our nature, you know that! Although, I guess not every dragon feels that way... But that's how it's always been done! We have an argument, we fight. We don't want to share, we fight. It's pretty self-explanatory."

"Well I guess not every dragon feels that way, you know?" Ash glared.

"Yeah, should have learned that from Spike..." Smolder half muttered to herself before focusing back to the blue dragon before her. "What I'm trying to say is... I maybe could have handled things differently, and... I'm sorry."

Ash raised an eyebrow and turned back to her group of friends that waited patiently. They all smiled nervously or looked away, save for the pink feathery one who waved happily at him despite his clearly sour mood. Ash turned back to the orange dragon.

"Uh huh. So tell me, are these your words, or theirs?" He pointed to the group behind them. It was clear to him that they had convinced her to make an effort to apologize.

Smolder looked away sheepishly. "Uhhh..." That answered Ash's question right away.

"Yeah, thought as much." He moved past smolder and continued to walk. "You can worry about apologies when Ember shows her face!" He bit back harshly without bothering to look back, though he could feel the worry of the dragon at the mention of Embers name.

"Um, excuse me? Mr... um...?"

Ash reluctantly turned to notice the changeling of the group had decided to step forth despite appearing quite nervous confronting the young adult. Ash sighed.

"The name's Ash kid."

"Ash. I know that what Smolder did was wrong, and she's really really sorry for it. I know you're angry at her but, we are at the School of Friendship, so..."

Ash stared the cyan bug pony down. "So you're saying I should accept her apology because I'm in a friendship school? Not a very convincing argument young one."

Ocellus shook her head at once, worried she had angered him even further. "No, no! That's not what I meant! What I mean is maybe you could let Smolder SHOW you how sorry she is through what we've learned here. And maybe you would understand through her actions that she regrets her... um... actions?... If that's alright with you, of course..." She trailed off.

Ash paused for a moment. He really wanted to just walk off and pretend this conversation never happened. However there was an opportunity that came to light, being that if he and this orange pain in the ass made amends, then perhaps this Ember girl would spare him the bollocking he could already hear ripping apart his eardrums. Plus what else did he have to do? His friends had fucked off leaving him on his own so might as well pass the time somehow.

The dragon grumbled. "Fine."

The next thing he knew he was allowing the now happy group to lead him away to God only knows where. This was going to be... interesting...

Author's Note:

Next chapter, Ash hangs with the student six. Surely that's going to go well...