• Member Since 7th Oct, 2016
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Fellow Changeling lover and writer. Well, OLD style changelings anyway


A small group of friends wake up after a house party to find out that they have somehow landed up in a world unknown to them. Working together they use their limited knowledge, their wits and their surprising amount of luck to figure out a solution that could get them home, all while they try to survive the new rules, laws and physics of this land, as well as each other.

It also doesn't help that they're no longer human either. Just one more thing for them to complain about. Will this small team be able to pull through and complete their overall objective without being slowed down by the heroes and rulers of this strange world, or will they be trapped here forever?

24/12/2020: No way! This story got featured?! Holy cow, thanks a bunch everyone!

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 72 )

(Reads description)
HA! If you want surprising amounts of luck, watch Reservoir Chronicle Tsubasa. You'll see what I mean in the... second or third world, I believe?

This is really great! And it feels really believable in terms of "if people were suddenly in Equastria", especially with the whole knowing about the show, basically a 4th wall break (kinda). I'd love to see more of this.

Hum, could be interesting.

Mmm, I'll keep an eye on this one, looks interesting so far. You might want to add the " human" tag to even uf they've been changed.

Good start, interesting dialogue, solid premise, I'm intrigued.

This story is shaping out to be way better then what I expected from the first chapter that I read so far. I still have difficulty telling their apart from their personalties but I guess I will see it better in later chapters. I at the moment it feels like that the other are one airs length away from ruining Craig fantasy of meeting the Mane 6, I wonder how it will turn out wrong.

I will be looking forward to see the next chapter.

Also just to let you know, I have a lot of cover art for HiE stories and if you are interested I am open for commissions if you ever want to have your own, you can PM if you wish to talk about it more at length. Here is the link to me DA gallery if you want to take a look. Hope to hear fromyou soon.

I feel Mike's is a little too disconnected to the history of the old changelings to really make a accurate understanding of their situation, but did made a good point about victims becoming abuses.

I wonder why they chickened out of saying who they actually are or at least ask for help that they aren't in their proper bodies at least, given the theme of the show and having all attention on them to what seemed like precog party to them. I guess they could have been overwhelmed by the attention of all the ponies and would probably ask for help once they can get to talk to twilight give on one.

True but his arguments and feelings are more based and argued for his own sake rather than the whole changeling race. And the reason behind them not admitting who they really are is because they're worried that the ponies would not believe them and think that they were crazy. I mentioned it a few chapters back, though maybe I didn't explain it well enough. But still thanks for the pointers and I hope this reply clears things up a bit :)

needs more jack yak jokes

Little did they actually know that in eight hours time, things would start going from bad to worse.

Well that's not ominous at all.

and then everything changed when the fire nation attacked

"Which of course means... best friends in dragon culture!" He calmly cleared up.

So dragons are Aussies, according to Ash?

At the very least, he can always claim to have come from an isolated colony, and that to HIM it's what it means.

Hum, interesting not much happening but it really sounds like the team is really unfocused at what they were doing, I take i that they will be their for a while from the looks of it. I though the interaction with Twilight was interesting and I wonder what they will being doing in the school while they try to find a way back home. I would guess some of them could become janitors or other school functions to pay their stay there or at least when they start to overstay their welcome in the school. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Nice chapter, I bet things can only go downhill from here...

Also, FIRST!

I'm glad to see updates once more! Good chapter!

Hum, I had my misgiving of having all the characters being of different races, but seeing how the changelings have taken interest in one them it can suggest that the rest of them with also get more unwanted attention for their new respected race they belong to. I take it Yona with have a crush on him and that would get Prince Rutiferd interested to, I wonder if Sandbar will be jalousie? Looks like they might be traveling around to the other nation maybe.

Why I have a feeling Mike will become buddies with Chrysalis?
He is the only changeling that can connect, talk, communicate, reason with her, because the rest of changelings are bunch of sissies

This this was interesting, I think he would be better to drop his original plan and just take the offer of what basically amount to in become teachers and sense they is more or less a public school they won't need any prerequisite or take any tests or any certificates to prove they are competences at teaching anything; this is going to be hilarious.

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

Nice to see an update, I wonder why it's so urgent to see Thorax?

my dream come true would be. That thorax would try and pressure him to reform. He would respond by telling him were to stuff it.

Comment posted by Stareater deleted Oct 9th, 2019

Can't wait to see you make a new chapter love the storyline it's heading

Nice to see an update on this story again, I was just wondering about it. Things look interesting, I wonder if AJ will smell the lies about their origins?

The most beautiful thing in the world would be it Mike is unwilling to reform or budge a millimeter and causes all sorts of problems.

First, I hope he won't change into these "reformed" changelings
Changing their appearance in the show was a stupid move that defeated the purpose of a lesson "they aren't colorful but are good" when they were painted as if someone vomited rainbow on them and made look more like ponies

If he will change appearance it should be without changing colors and even maybe into a royal changeling, something like Thorax and Chrysalis

Second, the first actually gave me an idea
What if everyone from the group will transform into an alicorn version of their species?
Then they will be rulers and nations will have better relations than before because of their immortal friendship

Nice chapter update, now I wonder what he will think of the Changeling hive by his human standards probably very primitive. I take it that he has no clue how bad it was for the changeling when they had to feed off love and how they were always in the brink of starvation all the time, which is why he seems not to empathize with them. I wonder how he will take it if he actually starts to starve for love for a prolonged period of time and the horrifying experience of feeding off a pony? I feel chapter might need some switching between different party members just to change things up a little

Thanks for the update!

Nice to see an update again so soon. Boy I can't wait to see how they will screw up this test.

Okay, Craig has become so fucking annoying and he knows Mike has good points.
In the place of Mike, I would have hit him upside the head to stop being a suck-up kissing their asses and stop talking and interrupting

Hello to whoever else is reading this right now.

Well relations are really going into a crap basket with the near total absence of diplomacy and moderation ruins any hope of getting good relation for a species. The dude could have just stalled for time, and just ask to get around to doing it on his own time to think about it, probably when he discovers what is actually being hunger for something that he can't satiate with just eating food will be enough of a scare to give in. I wonder what the others are up to now.

Bruh. You're talking logic. And Craig (and many others who repeat his points) don't like that.

Well my fine fellow former bipedals

Please don't go into "Discord is a god and knows" everything route.

But Mike is right,their pressure on how he and they look is the problem, the look is also the part of how ponies react to them.

Changelings have to imitate how ponies look with body parts and colors.

Mike doesn't act super friendly but he isn't a total " being evil dickheads " how you put it.
He doesn't go around stealing love or hissing at others,etc
And he is completely fine how he is now.

> However saying we're from another universe will most likely be a stretch too far.

Why? She's BEEN to a different universe. She'd even know what humans are. Unless you're concerned that EQG isn't canon…

Dude. You're making this much harder than it needs to be.

> "You guys are aware that waterfall is just one word, right?"

The two words were "Mike" and "Waterfalls", duh!

At least they got over the dumb "Let's do this without telling the world experts in it anything" plan.

Looking forward to next chaoter

So he's still dead set on not mentioning anything to anypony who could help. gah.

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