• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 3,771 Views, 72 Comments

This strange world - SwarmLordAbdonis

A group of friends are transported to Equestria! Now trapped in their new bodies they must try and find a way back home without upsetting any of the locals. Neither possibility seems likely.

  • ...

Tastes like strawberry

Ash wasn't sure what to think given the circumstances he now found himself in. The orange dragon who had punched him in the face not so long ago had taken up the suggestion of the blue bug... horse... thing and had taken it upon herself to offer a compromise of sorts in which the orange dragon leapt at the opportunity before leading him from the hallways of the school to what he soon realized to be her dorm, where according to herself they would talk, resolve their issues and maybe get to know each other better. Now of course being taken into what was essentially a strangers bedroom, especially one that was a minor was not exactly a good thing. However Ash figured that considering that this whole world was based off of a childrens cartoon, according to Craig at least, he was more inclined to believe that no-one would get the wrong idea about what they would be doing behind closed doors. Still just to be on the safe side he made sure to tell Applejack that they would be talking in private and try to make up for the 'misunderstanding' from earlier, which she seemed happy enough about which eased the blue dragon. There was also the fact that two of his friends had been taken to visit a king or something along those lines, and the other two were gone meaning that he had nothing better to do, so fuck it!

Now he found himself in the smaller dragons bedroom. A simple chair sat in the corner of the room which he took to while... Smolder wasn't it, chose to sit on the edge of her bed, leaning back on it. Aside from the pink bedsheets, there wasn't all that much personality to the room which Ash found a little odd but brushed it off. Maybe dragons didn't like decorating or something silly like that. For a short while, neither of them uttered a word. It was hard to know where exactly to start. The older dragon mentally sighed.

'Come on man.' He scolded himself. 'Be the grown up and just say something. She's not going to bite! ... I think.'

Ash inhaled and spoke the first thing that came into his mind. "I don't suppose you have any ice for my eye do you?"

It was supposed to come off as a joke but all those words did was make the orange dragon feel guiltier, causing Ash to fall silent once more. Not the best start. Maybe it was better to just tackle the issue right away.

"Look, kid, we can go back and forth on what happened but it's not going to change the fact that it did happen. So if you're after an apology it's fine, I forgive you. I'm sure Ember will too if that's what you're concerned about."

Knowing human kids, many would feel guilty about doing something they weren't supposed to until they were forgiven for it, at least in Ash's experience. Especially since Smolders face went from guilty-looking to surprised, he was sure he had resolved the issue right away.

"Huh. Wasn't expecting that." She admitted before leaping off of the bed, using her wings to just hover there in the air for a bit before flying up to the cupboard opposite her bed and checked the small space between the top of it and the ceiling. "No offense. It's just when it comes to forgiveness, dragons don't usually apologize so quickly."

Ash huffed in amusement. "Believe me kid, I'm not like other dragons."

"Yeah well, neither am I. At least not anymore." She responded casually. She soon stopped checking the top of the cupboard before landing on the floor and checking under her bed. "I mean, how many dragons want to study about 'friendship'? Not really our thing. Sharing? Kindness?" She blew a raspberry with her tongue. "Thanks but no thanks."

Ash said nothing, allowing her to continue.

"That's what the old me would have said until I came here and made friends. Now? Now I've got creatures I actually care about. And you know what? I wouldn't trade them for all the gold in Equestria!"

Ash found himself slowly nodding in agreement. He wasn't going to admit it but yeah, most of the time he would be a pain in the ass to the others with his joking around and sometimes aggressive attitude, but they loved him like a brother for it. Thinking about it managed to make him smile for a second. "Yeah. I know what you mean."

"That being said, I am still learning. So... I guess it wouldn't hurt to actually apologize when I do something, you know, not so friendship-like. Come on, I know I put it here somewhere." Smolder soon retreated from her bed and now began checking the inside of her wardrobe. Ash couldn't help but wonder what she was looking for.

"Hmm. Well, that's sometimes how we learn things. Through regret and mistakes. Trust me, you're not the first and you won't be the last."

"Maybe not, but the least I should do is do something about it, right? Wouldn't be a good student of friendship if I just shrugged it off." She paused her searching, smiled for a moment and looked back at Ash. "Quick question. How do you feel about rubies? You're not a fussy eater are you?"

Ash raised an eyebrow at the strange question but managed to mask it and quickly respond. "No, not at all. Rubies are fine." He waved off, assuming it was the name of some kind of sweet.

"Well that's a relief." She sighed before pulling out a shiny red gem and walked on over to him. "Didn't really want to give away my sapphires. They're my favorite."

Ash's mind flashed back to yesterday morning. Didn't Craig say something about how dragons can eat gems? Huh. Well this was certainly going to be a new experience.

"You're giving me a gemstone as a form of saying sorry?" Ash wasn't exactly all that sure of how valuable gemstones were to dragons. Was this ruby supposed to be a rare delicacy or something more equivalent to a midday snack?

"Yeah yeah I know." She rolled her eyes. "A dragon giving something to another dragon without asking for something in return, it's a lot to take in. You want it or not?"

Ash shrugged and carefully took the palm sized jewel sitting in Smolders outstretched hand and looked it over. As far as he could tell there was nothing wrong with it. The gem was quite beautiful and shiny... and red. Without thinking, he took a bite out of curiosity. It was so weird how easy it was for his teeth to cut through the ruby and even weirder how sweet it was.

'Huh. Tastes like strawberry.'

Satisfied, he wolfed down the rest of the half-eaten ruby. He then gave a small chuckle.

"Something funny?" The younger dragon asked.

"Oh, nothing important. Just thinking if I had eaten that gem back where I came from, people would think I was a lunatic." He could imagine his human self trying a swallow a ruby whole while his friends looked at him in horror and confusion. An odd thought to enter his head but one that got a laugh out of him. Having assumed they were now done, Ash slapped his knees and rose out of the chair. "Well this was fun kid. Seriously, I appreciate the... gem food, and again I forgive you. I'll be sure to tell Ember about this. Take care."

He managed a single step forward before a confused Smolder spoke up. "Wait, you're done already?"

Ash froze, caught off guard by the response. "Yyyyes...?"

The orange dragon chuckled. "Seriously? One gem stone and you forgive me that quickly? No offense but you're as forgiving as Spike."

Was that supposed to be an insult? He felt like it was, despite having no clue who this Spike fellow was. He mentally took back his previous comment about forgiving her, this kid's an ass.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to demand more." He folded his arms and spoke sarcastically. "Am I meant to ask for more gems? Maybe gold from your hoard stash or... or..." Fuck, what else do dragons do? "... Or... other dragon things?"

'God, please don't push on what I mean by other dragon things or I'm fucked.'

"Well I don't really have much of a hoard. That's the sort of thing older dragons do." He scratched her chin in thought before clicking her claws as something came to mind. "You can have lunch with me and my friends in Ponyville!"

Ash wasn't as enthusiastic. "Oh... Awesome. Sounds delightful, a random unknown adult being taken out to lunch by a group of minors. That's certainly not going to raise questions."

"Why would it?" She asked innocently.

"... It doesn't matter."

"Alright then, let's get going. I'm sure you'll get on swell with them."

"Now, now hang on a minute!" Ash stalled. "Who's to say I don't already have lunch plans with my own friends? I'm sure they're wondering where I've disappeared off to!"

At least they better fucking be wondering that...

"And do you?"




Oddly enough, she didn't buy his unsure response."Uhuh. Is there a reason you don't want to meet my friends?"

There was indeed. Considering that these kids will most likely try to get to know him by asking questions about his dragon heritage, of which he had none and knew absolute zilch about, he could imagine this meet and greet going about as well as eating a spicy curry while your toilet was broken. And considering that there was an actual dragon joining them he couldn't exactly BS his was through their questions. He was in a bit of a sticky situation and he knew it.


*KNOCK KNOCK* "Smolder! You in there?" Came an aggressive sounding, female voice on the other side of the door. "Don't make me burn the door down!"

"Uh... who is that?" Ash couldn't help but ask.

"Duh, that's dragonlord Ember." Smolder responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, getting ready to greet the new guest.

"Wait. She's here already?" It had only been an hour since Twilight had told him that she'd be visiting. How the fuck fast were dragons in this world?

"Must have had some business to wrap up in the dragonlands before she could make it over here." Smolder noted rather casually before opening the door to reveal the oh so ferocious dragon lord herself! She was... actually not too far off of what Ash looked like funnily enough. Only a lighter shade of blue, curved horns rather than straight ones, a narrower snout, thinner frame and orange eyes.

Now when Ash had first heard of this dragonlord, he had expected her to be a hundred feet tall and as dangerous and as powerful as possible. Now, he felt both disappointed and at the same time relieved that the dragonlord was instead this short tempered, fiery and yeah he'll admit it, somewhat cute-looking bipedal lizard lady. A short tempered, fiery, somewhat cute-looking bipedal lizard lady, basically the queen of her entire species, that was here for them. That's not building up any stressful pressure whatsoever.

'Okay, you got this man.' He thought giving himself a little pep talk. 'She's a queen so be respectful. As. Fuck. Can't go wrong with that.' Ash inhaled and stepped forth to introduce himself.


"Fuck me man!" Mike hissed out, cringing from the amount of volume coming out from his friends screeching maw. How could such a small beak emit so much noise. "You want to scream a little louder, I don't think they heard you the next country over!"

Craig breathed through his nostrils before speaking. "Welp, congratulations Mike." He sourly spoke. "You should be proud of yourself."


"You're officially the first human EVER to fuck a sentient member of another species. Well done you!"

"Oh. ... I mean, that's actually a fucking amazing claim right there." He smiled. "I mean, how many people have ever wanted to screw a twilek from starwars or any alien from any sci-fi movie? Now I can say I'm one step closer than they'll ever be!"

"Jesus Christ Mike, you're actually making this weirder than it already needs to be!" Craig breathed slowly in and out, gathered his thoughts and spoke. "Okay look, let's just move away from this and calm down. I really shouldn't be as pissed as I am about this I guess. I mean, you were technically starving to death and this was... I'm assuming was the only way to prevent that from happening."

"Yeah, Firefly subtly filled me in on the details of that. You know, before I started filling her if you get my meaning."

"For Gods sake Mike, I don't want to know!" Craig visibly cringed in disgust.




"How was it?"

Mike sighed. "Odd. Very odd. Have you ever felt so full yet so hungry at the same time? It was like that. The more effort I put into it the more energized I became. Hell, if we wanted to we might have been at it for days. It was weird that"

"And you didn't question the whole... interspecies relationship thing at all?" Craig asked in disbelief. "Granted you're pretty much the same species as her right now but we still think human. Didn't you feel uncomfortable?"

"Of course I did. I was about ready to leave the room when I realized what she was up to. At least until she kissed me on the lips."

"Why, what happened then?" Craig pressed.

"It's kind of hard to explain but it felt... addicting, I suppose is the best way to describe it. It was as though that one kiss locked my mind down into wanting it more than anything else. Like every bad feeling had been sucked out of me and replaced with every positive emotion I know. The things we did next well... let's just say our exoskeletons are surprisingly flexible and leave it at that." Mike took a second before turning on Craig. "This is your fault by the way."

"My fault?!" Craig spat out. "How the hell is this my fault?"

"Don't you remember what I said back in the school? About her kidnapping and fucking me? I never wanted to come here in the first place and you ignored me and dragged me along which means I was, in a way kidnapped. And now... I've been fucked! The prophecy has come true!" Mike threw his arms open dramatically. Not even forty eight hours we've been on this planet and I've already shagged one of the natives."

"Okay, we can blame each other later. Right now the bigger question is what do we do next?"

"I don't know, change the bed sheets probably. Seems like the polite thing to do."

"Oh for... okay you know what, just stay here for a moment. I'm going to talk to Firefly, see if there's some questions she can answer for me."

"Why, what are you planning?"

"We're getting back to the school, at which point I plan to wash my eyes out with bleach. I think I've learned more than I wanted to here."

Author's Note:

God it has been FAR too long since I updated this story! Sorry lads. Life in the Royal Navy has made me forget how to have fun writing stories, among other things. I need to set up some spare time to get more of these chapters out more frequently. That being said I hope this chapter turned out okay and I'll get the next one out when I can. Take care!

Comments ( 7 )

Of course I did. I was about ready to leave the room when I realized what she was up to. At least until she kissed me on the lips."

"Why, what happened then?" Craig pressed.

"It's kind of hard to explain but it felt... addicting, I suppose is the best way to describe it. It was as though that one kiss locked my mind down into wanting it more than anything else. Like every bad feeling had been sucked out of me and replaced with every positive emotion I know. The things we did next well... let's just say our exoskeletons are surprisingly flexible and leave it at that."

So, basically Mike was drugged or mind-controlled and made to have sex against his will. He explicitly states we was uncomfortable and against having sex with her. That's basically the definition of non-consentual sex. Also known as rape. I feel like that shouldn't be treated so lightly or as if that kind of violation against Mike doesn't have any kind of negative mental effect. Knowing people who have had similar things happen to it can ruin them. It's traumatic and makes it hard to trust anyone in a similar way again.

In any case, I'd recommend adding a non-consentual trigger warning to at least this chapter. It can be really bad for people who have been traumatized to come across the same thing being treated so lightly.

I have a brother who served in the US Navy. I'd expect it to be hard to update.

The title led me to thinking it was Mike making a comment about his first taste of love.

Mitril #6 · May 3rd, 2022 · · 1 ·

Yeah this should be pointed out also in this story and not brushed off because it's easier to write

Weird that the story doesn't even have "sex" tag but it has sex actions and sex stuff

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