• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 3,766 Views, 72 Comments

This strange world - SwarmLordAbdonis

A group of friends are transported to Equestria! Now trapped in their new bodies they must try and find a way back home without upsetting any of the locals. Neither possibility seems likely.

  • ...

Stage one, and... already going badly

By the time Thorax returned a mere hour later he had already managed to prepare a small section of the hive for the two visitors, as well as gather a trusted group of volunteers to help out with introducing Mike to the more enjoyable traits of embracing the new ways. Though the chosen group consisted of about four changelings, each one would have an important role to play, including the king himself. Hopefully by tomorrow he and his fellow subjects would succeed and add one more member to their happy little family. Upon returning to the room where he had left Mike and his griffon friend, he found the two of them talking. Well, more like Craig was yelling at the changeling who just sat there with an amused grin on his face. Clearly he had missed something in the time he was gone or perhaps this was the norm of their friendship. Such a bond could take all sorts of different forms, the changeling king had to remind himself. Especially considering that he too was still somewhat new to friendship and its ways. Regardless he elegantly trotted up to them and broke the one sided 'conversation' with a few calm and gentle words.

"We're ready to begin. That is if you're also ready?" He smiled as his two guests looked up to him. The griffon glared back to Mike, mouthed something and then turned back to Thorax with a polite grin.

"That we are, Thorax." Craig nodded.

Mike shrugged. "Yep. Can't wait."

"Excellent! If you would follow me please."

The two smaller beings followed Thorax out from the main room and traversed upwards through the hive. There were so many twists and turns that they passed through it would be impossible for either of the two friends to find their way out if they had a year to do so. Eventually all three of them reached the very top of the hive which seemed to serve as a large roofless area placed at the very top of the hive that allowed any creature to look out into the land for miles and miles. Certainly a massive change from the long dark tunnels they had spent the last hour in. Craig knew from memory that this place had mostly been 'created' by the explosion of Chrysalis's throne back, given the broken jagged edges that remained where the hive walls had broken. Despite this flaw the changelings were able to make up for it by covering most of the walls and floor with colourful bushes, vines and anything else they could find that made the hive seem more warm and inviting. There were plenty changelings around minding their own business too. Not one of them looking even slightly similar to Mike and his unreformed state. Funnily enough none of them seemed to react to his 'unique' appearance. Perhaps Thorax had already informed them and asked them not to stare?

Neither the griffon or unreformed changeling said a word on it as Thorax soon led them up to a group of five changelings who stood patiently in line waiting for them. One of these five being Firefly who waved upon seeing them which received a half assed wave back from Mike. Other than her there was also lined up an orange changeling, a blue one, a violet and a light green changeling too that looked just as eager as Firefly did, Each of them smiling away at their new guests. Thorax introduced them from left to right.

"May I present your guides and councillors for the evening, Stick, Gloss, Sandstone and Leaf, as well as Firefly who you are already well acquainted with. Each of them have gladly volunteered to help you gather a greater understanding of the new ways changelings can live by instead of stealing love from every-creature..."

"You know, if they had a red and purple extra, and stood in the right order they'd make an awesome walking rainbow." Mike whispered to Craig who slapped the changeling on the shoulder. Thankfully Thorax hadn't noticed as he continued to speak.

"...While Sandstone and Leaf will show and give you a little more insight on how our new way of life has affected them personally and how it's improved their lives. So um... do you have any questions before we get started?"

Craig shook his head, hoping that Mike would do the same or just not talk at all.

"Who the hell names their kid Stick and Leaf?"

No such luck.

"MIKE!" The griffon hissed. "He's joking guys! Just an example on bonding between friendship and... whatnot..." He smiled sheepishly as his own words slowly failed him, hoping that none of them were offended by Mikes sharp yet very blunt tongue.

"Ooh, sounds great!"

"We have much to teach each other it seems!"

"This is going to be a fun experience!"

Each and every changeling seemed to buy into Craigs words, accepting and seeing them as an opportunity to learn. They then quickly moved onto a small debate on who should go first, in which Gloss, the blue one seemed to come out on top on. She soon led the griffon and unreformed changeling over to a specific area of the floor.

"Mike. Seriously, you really need to watch what you say here." Craig whispered to Mike who chuckled, clearly amused by the situation.

"I'm sorry man. I just wasn't expecting to hear such ridiculous names. I mean, we're meeting a brand new species, a once in a lifetime opportunity and rather than have a strange yet awesome sounding name, they're called stick. Kind of kills the fucking mood doesn't it?"

"Well yes, okay that's a fair point but jesus bud, have some cultural sensitivity! What if they made fun of our names, how would you feel about that?"

"I mean, at least I wasn't named after part of a tree so I think I automatically have the upper hand in that fight."

Craig found it hard to argue at that point, causing Mike to grin in satisfaction.

Both creatures decided to end the conversation as they found themselves being led to what was basically a cylindrical smooth rock, clearly carved ten feet in diameter resting on one of its flat surfaces at one end of the floor. The rock was also a mere two foot tall, enough for any-ling who stood on it to be noticed by every-ling else. Mike and Craig watched as Gloss stepped up onto it, faced the group and spoke a a slightly raspy voice with enough volume to catch the attention of every changeling around them.

"Mares and gentle-lings, if I may have your attention please!"

Clearly this changeling was some sort of bigshot because pretty much every changeling flocked towards him and surrounded the stone cylinder he stood on as soon as he finished speaking that one sentence. It was amazing how excited they looked, clearly aware of whatever was about to happen as though they were children waiting for their favourite t.v. show to start. Mike and Craig on the other hand, who basically stood at the very front of the crowd merely glanced at each other unsure exactly what to expect and watched as Gloss was soon quickly joined by three other changelings that stood on either side of him.

"As per request of our beloved king, we are here today to act out the story of our freedom from the tyranny of the former queen Chrysalis, and our first step towards a brighter future!"

Every changeling except Mike cheered and stomped their hooves in a way that suggested they were 'clapping hands'.

"We would also like to introduce our special guests, Mike and Craig from the school of friendship who came to see and understand our ways!"

All eyes fell upon the two who looked back to see several dozen changelings staring right at them.

Craig waved awkwardly with a smile just as awkward unsure what to say. Mike merely responded by going 'Hi there' before turning back to face the stage and trying not to let the fact that hundreds of otherworldly creatures were staring at him and his friend. After a fair few 'hi's' back, Gloss began

"Long ago when changelings were seen as dark and deceptive creatures by all other species..." Mike looked rather offended as Gloss pointed to him upon saying this. "... They were forced to steal and devour love from everyling they crossed."

The three other changelings transformed. Two of them into random ponies while the third turned himself into an unreformed changeling, all black, fang-y and covered in holes. The changeling chased the two ponies around the stage as they cried for help, pleading to the audience.

"Back then our queen at the time, Chrysalis..." Gloss turned himself into said queen and hissed at the audience menacingly receiving a few fearful gasps. A couple were brave enough to go so far as to boo the fake queen. Gloss/Chrysalis continued in what Craig immediately realised as the former monarchs voice"... Cared naught for those pathetic little ponies nor her worthless minions! All that mattered to her was having as much power as she could get her greedy hooves on and toppling ponykind forever!"

More boos joined the audience. 'Chrysalis' did not take to this well.

"How dare you boo me!" She snarled with glaring eyes peering over the edge of the stage in fake fury. "Do you not know who I am?! I am the soon to be ruler of Equestria! And you will give me the respect I so rightfully deserve or I will suck all of you dry!"

These fake threats were met with even more boos as the crowd began to get more into the spirit of the play. The ponies on stage suddenly turned into Equestrian royal guards and apprehended the queen and boos quickly turned into cheers.

As the play went on Gloss, now back as his original self narrated the surprisingly long history between ponies and changelings and how each battle and encounter only drove changelings to be further hated and ill-thought of. Even Craig found himself surprised as the blue changeling went on to talk about famous battles the changelings had fought in such as the fall of Timbucktu and the siege of Trot before coming to the inevitable Canterlot invasion and even mentioned how the changelings were first created. Who'd have thought a tree could give birth? From there the play went exactly as expected as parts of the mlp t.v. show were filled in as Gloss described the season 6 finale. Despite knowing the details and the outcome, Craig still put in some effort to look shocked or impressed. Eventually the play ended with a fake Thorax standing triumphant over a new fake Chrysalis, a fake Starlight and reformed changeling probably in its original forms standing by the sides. As the actors got up and bowed, the changelings stomped their hooves.

"Thank you thank you!" Gloss exclaimed happily as he and his fellow actors transformed back into their normal selves. "When we were asked put on this play we were unsure that we could pull it off in such a short amount of time! However it was worth every second of planning to see your satisfied faces! But alas I must confess, the true reason we put on this play was for the very changeling before you!"

Mike, who throughout the entire play was somewhat entertained but was still wishing he could be back as the school of friendship with the rest of his pals, blinked in surprise as Gloss pointed to him a second time and all eyes fell upon him once more, much to his discomfort.

"By putting on this play we hoped to have shown the long twisted road we changelings had to endure in order to come so far! How much we suffered in order to be treated as equals from others! But most importantly, we hope we've shown the bright glamorous future that awaits our kind as we emerge from the cold dark past of our history!"

With the play over after going on for ten minutes, an impressive amount of time given Gloss's team only had an hour to do it in, many changelings dispersed and went back to whatever they were doing before the show began. Gloss felt a sense of pride as did Thorax. It was a good first step towards convincing Mike that reformation was nothing to be sceptical of. The thought was so exciting to the kind that he was already imagining what colours Mike may take upon metamorphosis.

"Um, I have several questions..." The unreformed changeling blurted out catching the attention of the king, Gloss and the few changelings that hadn't left yet.

Now it was Gloss's turn to look surprised. While he had expected Mike to ask a few he had expected them to sound bristling with curiosity. The tone and look he used seemed more along the lines of being unsatisfied. Craig however, rather than say anything decided to stay quiet. There was something about Mikes look that seemed off to him. Nevertheless Gloss kept his gentle smile and replied to the changeling.

"Of course. What would you like answering?"

"Well as you know I was busy dealing with the town of Apploosia searching for love filled ponies to kidnap during Chrysalis's downfall..." This claim was an obvious lie that he and Craig had fabricated to use as a suitable cover story in case anyling asked. "...And I get the whole new leadership thing and rightfully so, the ex queen was a real bitch. But the thing is this. You've been going on about how due to our original forms we've been despised throughout the generations and that I should change because of it. You do know that I'm friends with a dragon, a yak, a griffon and even one of these oh so fearful ponies you've shown in this play of yours, right?"

"Oh... Well um, we weren't actually aware of that..." Gloss admitted nervously.

"There's also the whole magic throne too which you mentioned was destroyed and then given away to the ponies. I mean considering its power to cancel non changeling magic wouldn't it have been smarter to keep it in case a group of vengeful beings decide to attack?"

"Thank you! That's exactly what I've been saying!" Came a voice somewhere from the back of the crowd to which Thorax responded to.

"Pharynx please, not now!"

Gloss had no clue how to answer. That was a question best left to his leader since he was the one who made the decision.

"And to top it all off, the thing that gets me the most more than anything else! You said that the ponies seemed to make friends with you only after you turned into... whatever you're supposed to be now, so that means you had to literally change who you are in order to get on their good side and keep them from despising you?"

Craig blinked as he realised what Mike had said, and more importantly what was going on in the changelings mind. His heart almost dropped as he put together the pieces.

Fuck! How had he forgotten? How could he be so stupid?! Maybe it was just being in Equestria had made him focus less on more important issues or the fact Mike had only mentioned it once in little detail so many years ago, but he should have picked up on it sooner!

The griffon slowly looked over from Gloss to his friend to find him looking rather angry. Angrier than usual and even saw his eye twitch. No-one had noticed other than him and Firefly standing on his other side who was a mixture of confusion and worry. Then to make matters worse, Gloss spoke and responded with the worst answer he could have given.

"Technically yes... but-"

That was all Gloss could say as Mike turned and trotted away not even allowing the reformed changeling to finish. Craig could tell that Mike was doing his best not to snap at Gloss but he couldn't be near him, or any other changeling for that matter.

"Was... was it something I said?" Gloss asked innocently just as confused as his fellow actors.

"It's not your fault." Craig assured him, a little dejected and mad at himself. "It's just, well, it's personal... Just give him a bit of time to come around."

"Reformed or not, I don't like leaving one of my subjects feeling so... bitter and depressed!" Thorax grimaced, tasting the emotions coming from the retreating form of Mike. "Surely there is something we can do for him!"

"No, not right now!" Craig snapped accidentally, more concerned with his friend than anything else. He took a deep breath and sighed. "He just needs a moment to be alone. Trust me, he'll be okay after a few minutes."

Neither of the two had noticed the absence of a certain yellow changeling.

"I'm sorry buddy..." Craig rubbed his face with a claw, unsure what to do next. "I hope the guys back at the school are doing better than we are."


Jack and Jason waited outside the headmares office patiently, keeping an eye on Ash. The dragon was in a rather foul mood, probably due to the black eye he was now sporting on the left side of his face. Applejack, who had left the trio for a few minutes had returned with a bag of ice for the large blue reptile.

"Here you go sugarcube. This'll knock that swelling down faster than a bug bear in a snowstorm."

Ash assumed that was fast.

"Thanks." He muttered, accepting the bag from the mare and placed it over his bad eye and ignoring the slight sting of contact. The four went silent for a moment, unsure what to say. Eventually Jason broke the silence.

"So..." He began awkwardly. "How are we going to explain you getting into a fist fight with a student? Any ideas, anyone?"

Author's Note:

Hi guys, sorry this chapter took so long. Unfortunately the next chapter will take even longer unless I get a moment to breath next week. Long story short I'm soon to be joining the Royal Navy and starting basic training on the 26th of this month so, yeah. Doesn't give me much time to do anything let alone write.

Sucks I'm sure but I have to live my life how I want to so I hope you understand.

However that doesn't mean this story is going to be cancelled, far from it. But it'll be Christmas by the time a new chapter comes out if I can't get one more done before the 26th, but considering how slow my ass is with uploading chapters anyway, that shouldn't be too much of an issue right?

So to depart, the story is going to take more of a turn towards the more serious elements that I have planned for the plot. I won't give much away but beware... there's a reason why these five have been taken from their home and put into Equestria...

So if I don't see you guys soon, I'll be seeing you on Christmas. Have a good day and a happy halloween.