• Published 8th May 2019
  • 601 Views, 13 Comments

Fear of A Child - Bluecatcinema

A waking nightmare is on the horizon...

  • ...

Nowhere To Run

Nabudis, or as many once called him, Doc, was making his way to Canterlot Castle, slowing down to a brisk walk when he was certain nopony were following him.

It was only mere minutes ago that everything had come out into the open, prompting his friend and his former comrade to turn on him, ultimately leading to him having to abandon them in their sticky predicament while he rushed off to find Nyx, who, if he wasn’t wrong when he read the thug’s shifting eyes, was at Canterlot Castle right now.

The doctor gave little thought as to why or how Nyx came to be at the castle, but mostly because his mind was still lingering back to the two ponies he abandoned…

’Faust, such a damn mess…’ Nabudis sighed internally, ’I guess it was too much to hope that I’d make a clean getaway… I just wish Survival didn’t have to find out…’

An image of Survival's face, displaying pain and betrayal, appeared before his mind's eye.

’I know discovering that I am… or rather was, a Forefather couldn’t have done your already stressed mental state any favors. Especially with the hell you’ve been through these past few days.’ Nabudis thought, his guilt growing, ’...But you’ll be okay. You’re tough. And you’re smart. That is why I hired you all those years ago… besides, the plan was always to leave you eventually.’ He shook his head sadly. 'But it wasn't meant to be like this. We weren't meant to part on such unpleasant terms...'

Then an image of Sterling’s face, displaying confusion and worry, ran across his mind.

’Sterling…’ Nabudis sighed. ’Even on the other side… you offered to help someone like me? It’s not like we were actually friends back then…’ He gave a small wistful smile, ’...It’s clear to see what Loveless and Jetstream saw in you… even Sacred knew…’ The smile quickly faded, ’...But you can’t help me, Sterling. No one can…’

Nabudis paused for a moment, the despair sinking in… before shaking his head.

’Ugh, get it together, Somnus.’ He told himself, ’This is no time for regrets. Nyx is so close. You must find her before Secretariat and the others do. Nothing must stop you from reuniting with her. Nothing.’

At the same time, a carriage sat outside a morgue. Inside were Triage and Master Mind.

After having extracted the odd blue mist from Weasel’s body, the group had split up; Armory and Incognito went to analyze the body of the pony who had previously died of ‘odd circumstances’, like with Weasel, the discovery of the blue mist opening up the possibility that what had happened to the dead scum could had happened to the other seven ponies who died in their sleep in the past.

While the two did that, Triage and Master Mind had decided to use another device Armory had brought as a companion piece to the Magische Probe: a scanning device that analyzes magic and magic-related essences and tells you their components, including the DNA of the one who produced the magic essence to begin with.

Armory claimed he was inspired by a plankton trying to recreate a burger that a very greedy crab sold at his restaurant. Master Mind recalled asking the Germane doctor what he was smoking (and if he could give him some).

Unfortunately, the device needed time to do it’s task, leaving the two stallions sitting in the carriage as they awaited the result. Evidently, the miasma was proving difficult for the device to decipher.

"So..." Triage attempted to pass the time with small talk. "You excited about the new Buckball season?"

"Can't say that I am." Master Mind shrugged. "I'm not really into sports..."

"Oh." Triage muttered.

"Have you... heard about the new production of Hoofilton coming to Manehatten?" Master Mind asked after a moment's silence.

"I'm not a fan of musicals, I'm afraid." Triage replied. "Have you heard about the Trottingham dog show?"

"I don't like dogs much." Master Mind declared. "Titan is a rare exception."

"Right..." Triage sighed.

They faded back into awkward silence.

"So... are you doing okay, doctor?" Master Mind asked suddenly.

“I assure you I’m fine.” Triage shook his head, “All this miasma did was give me a scare-”

“I’m not talking about that.” Master Mind frowned, “It’s just… you’ve been acting off all day. And honestly, I think Incognito might have been right.”

“Right? Right about what?” Triage scoffed.

“About what Fury said to you, about you becoming old.” Master Mind pressed onwards, “It really got to you, didn’t it?”

“Come now, Master, you know me.” Triage waved his hoof dismissively, trying to brush off the idea. "I served in wars, you know. I’d think I’ve much thicker skin."

“Not saying you don’t, far from it.” Master Mind shrugged, “But you have been at this for a long time. Longer than me. Longer than most of us.”

"So?" Triage scoffed. "That just means I've got experience. And yes, a few grey hairs. Some creaky joints, and-"

Master Mind glanced at him.

"Okay, fine." Triage sighed. "I am getting old. And maybe what Fury said did get to me. I mean, I have nothing against being old. I mean, we all gotta go sometimes… but when Fury brought it up… it just took me by surprise.”

"Triage..." Master Mind said sympathetically.

"I know Fury didn't mean anything by it. He’s brash, but he’s not malevolent.” Triage admitted, “...But it got me thinking… I’m not going to be able to do this job forever. Someday, I am going to have to step down, while some young new hotshot takes my place. And that day is coming closer and closer.”

“Well, you shouldn’t think about that.” Master Mind urged, “You still have a long while before they make you retire.”

“Don’t patronize me, Master.” Triage looked away, “Look at me. I’m pretty much at that point between being a grandpa and a ‘great’ grandpa!”

“Speaking of which, how is Anatomy?” Master Mind asked.

“She’s doing great. Just had her second foal last month.” Triage nodded… before scowling, “But don’t you see? They’re going to put me out to pasture soon, and then I’ll be spending the rest of my days doing old fogey crap like shuffleboard!”

"I doubt that will happen." Master Mind countered. "Not that soon, at least."

"Soon enough." Triage sighed. "It's only a matter of time before my surgical skills start to degrade, and that'll be it for me. Just another old fool, set for the retirement home."

"You're not an old fool." Master Mind retorted. "You're the best medic I've ever seen. Your skills are invaluable to this team, as are so many other talents."

"You're just saying that." Triage looked away.

"I mean it." Master Mind declared. "Micro told me how you were the smartest pony he has ever met. Even smarter than himself. And you know as well as I do that Micro does not say that about anyone. Your medical knowledge is greater than anypony else's. Even if you're not as young as you used to be, I doubt the RDL would want to get rid of an expert of your calibre. And I know none of the Taskforce would want to let you go. You're like family to us. And family doesn't let family go that easily."

Triage sat there in silence… before giving a small smile.

"Thank you, Master Mind." Triage smiled. "Hearing you say all that... it means a lot to me."

"You're welcome." Master Mind grinned. "Now, no more talk of getting old, okay? We've all got enough on our minds alread-"

Suddenly, the carriage was filled with a loud beeping noise, for the machine had finished the analysis. The results were written on a ream of paper emerging from the machine.

"Ah, finally." Triage smiled, tearing off the paper.

"Let's take a look." Master Mind leaned in. "Maybe we can finally find out what we're dealing with."

The two read the contents of the paper. Their faces initially showed simple curiosity... which then gave way to shock and surprise.

“What the…” Triage glanced over the readings again, “That can’t be right.”

“Did we enter something wrong on the machine?” Master Mind examined the scanner.

“No, no, Armory gave very explicit instructions.” Triage shook his head.

“But this simply can’t be.” Master Mind blustered, “This is-”

"We must inform Armory and Incognito!" Triage declared.

"Agreed." Master Mind nodded.

Just as they opened their carriage door, they found Armory and Incognito waiting outside.

“Oh, there you two are.” Triage declared, a bit shocked, “We were just about to come get you.”

“Well, we had to come see you right away.” Incognito frowned, “We got done looking at that treasurer’s body and-”

“Hold on, I think we know what you’re about to say, but you’re going to want to look at this.” Master Mind held out the readings.

“What the-” Armory took the readings, “...This is impossible… did I foul up somewhere in my instructions? I was certain I got the scanner right after the last time it blew up-”

“No, no, your instructions were clear… but what was that about the scanner blowing up?” Master Mind frowned.

“That is…’less’ important right now.” Triage grimaced, “We must inform the others about this at once...”

Over at Canterlot Castle, the charity event was in full swing. The party took place among the terrace and gardens, outdoorsy being the key theme for a charity dedicated to the Royal Animal Preservation Society. Everywhere you looked, everypony was enjoying refreshments, taking in the sights, and talking in merriment with their fellow ponies.

Nyx stood on a balcony, overlooking the terrace from her room, watching as the partygoers came in.

“Whoa, I’ve never seen so many ponies before.” Nyx mused, a bit daunted by the amount of ponies.

“Ah, Nyx, there you are.”

Nyx glanced away as Constell approached her. She was wearing a backless silvery gown, her mane done up in a bun.

“Whoa. Constell…” Nyx gaped, “You look great.”

“Thank you. That is real sweet of you.” Constell smiled, posing a bit, “When it comes to parties such as tonight, you really got to bring your A-game.”

“What is going on, anyways?” Nyx asked, glancing back down on the terrace, “Is it somepony’s birthday?”

“Oh, no, it’s just a little charity dinner.” Constell explained, “Ponies of wealth and status pay to come by and have a good time, and their money goes to a good cause. It’s kind of a two to three times a month kind of deal. Tonight is all about helping the Animal Preservation Society raise money to help save those poor blue macaws over in Brayzil.”

“Wait… I think I heard about those.” Nyx recalled… as her face saddened, “Papa used to talk about them a lot. He once said that they were were a waste of time. That it was all about a bunch of fat cats bragging about their wealth, and acting like, like... something about bucking, and Tartarus...”

“Hmm, your Papa didn’t have much love for high society life, did he?” Constell frowned.

“Not in particular.” Nyx shook her head, “He told me he only ever went to them because he was with somepony he cared about.”

“They must have been someone pretty special.” Constell mused.

“I wouldn’t know.” Nyx admitted, “Papa always used to get sad whenever he talks about this somepony. And now… I guess I’ll never know.”

“Hey, it’s going to be okay.” Constell placed a hoof on her shoulder, wearing a soft loving smile, “Tell you what, how about you come down and join the festivities?”

“But I haven’t any money.” Nyx frowned.

“You let the ‘fat cats’ worry about that.” Constell chuckled, “Besides, you could use a little fun. Miracle and the others are already down there. Forget about your worries and dance the night away. Does that sound good?”

“Well, I guess…” Nyx nodded weakly, as she gestured to her outfit, having donned her headband and vest again, “Do I look alright, though?”

"Of course you do." Constell assured. "Come on, let's go."

"Okay..." Nyx nodded.

The two headed down to the party.

'I think I know just how to help you loosen up, kid...' Constell mused, a plan forming.

Meanwhile, at the gates to the castle, Nabudis arrived. His eyes shifted back and forth as he made his way to the entrance, slightly paranoid that other Forefather agents or the RDL agents Sterling made friends with had beat him there.

To his relief, he saw nopony he recognized, and considering that no guard had rushed in to arrest him yet, he was in the clear. For how long, however, he did not know.

“Okay, Nabudis, you can do this.” Nabudis straightened his jacket, taking a deep breath. He marched forward, saying to himself, “Get in. Get Nyx. Get out. Get in. Get Nyx, Get out. Simple. Just as long as there’s no-”

A spear was held out in front him, being wielded by one of the two guards watching the entrance.

“Interruption.” Nabudis grunted.

"Can we help you, sir?" One guard, a Unicorn, asked.

“Um, yes. Somnus Nabudis.” Nabudis replied, “I’m here for the party. I was invited by Prince Gothic.”

“Is that so?” The other guard, a Pegasus, frowned, “Well, no offense, but you don’t look like the kind of guy the Prince would invite.”

“And what kind of guy do you suppose he would invite?” Nabudis shot back, his patience already wearing thin. “Look, I’m a good friend of his. We spoke last night, and he personally invited me.”

“Sure he did.” The Unicorn sneered, “Forgive us if we don’t believe you. Last time we let in somepony who was supposedly in good with a Prince, we almost got robbed and then a giant metal spider came and wrecked the place!”

“I feel those two things have nothing in common.” Nabudis glared, definitely recalling Project: Titanfall.

“Oh, you have no idea.” The Pegasus grimaced.

“Well, I assure you, I’m not a thief.” Nabudis scoffed, “Now, if you could please let me in, I would be most gracious.”

“Yeah, I don’t think so.” The Unicorn refused, “You may be no ‘Western Shade’, but you definitely look shady. And we don’t like ‘shady’.”

“Okay, I am already having a bad day, and I am in no mood to argue with the hired help.” Nabudis seethed, “So, if you would kindly, step aside. Now.”

“Or what?" The Unicorn challenged.

"Yeah." The Pegasus added. "What are you gonna do, weirdo?"

“Weirdo, am I?” Nabudis snarled darkly, “Well, let me show you just how ‘weird’ things will get if you don’t-”

"What's going on out here?" Gothic suddenly walked by, having stopped by to greet more guests.

“Prince Gothic!” The Pegasus and Unicorn saluted, as the Unicorn continued, “It’s nothing, sir. Just a irate gate-crash-”

“Somnus?!” Gothic gaped, ignoring him, as he saw his best friend, “You’re- you’re here!”

“Surprise.” Nabudis smiled weakly, hiding his immense relief at his timely arrival.

“Well, what are you doing out here?! Come on in!” Gothic urged with a bright smile.

“Whoa, with all due respect, your highness, do you think that's a good idea?" The Pegasus asked.

"Yeah, this guy seems a little off, if you ask me..." The Unicorn added.

"Now, now, let's not judge by appearances." Gothic admonished them. "Somnus here is an old friend of mine. I appreciate your concerns, but there is no need for them. Now if you excuse us…” He gestured inwards, “After you, Somnus."

"Thank you, Gothic." Nabudis smiled, entering the building. It took great restraint to not shoot a smug look at those guards, who awkwardly returned to their posts. “I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t showed up.”

“I do apologize for that.” Gothic sighed, “Our last guest kinda left a lasting impression. And on top of that giant mech spider fiasco, the guards have been cracking down on anypony who might appear to be suspicious. If I had known you were actually coming, I would have made sure that they let you in without any trouble.”

“Relax, it’s not your fault.” Nabudis shook his head, “To be perfectly honest, my decision to come here was actually kind of a last-minute deal. I didn’t even have time to change into something more presentable.”

“Don’t you worry about clothes, Som. All that matters is that you’re here now.” Gothic smirked, “And we have so much to catch up on! What the old gang has been up to, how things have been changing here..."

As Gothic continued on with his talk, Nabudis nodded listlessly, a pang of guilt welling up inside once more.

‘Oh, Gothic… why must you trust me so blindly?’ Nabudis bemoaned, ’You’ll make finding Nyx easier… but you’ll make leaving you behind all the much harder…’

Inside, the party was in full swing, as guests chatted the night away.

"Magnificent soirée, wouldn't you agree?" Sassy Saddles smiled.

"Indubitably." Hoity Toity nodded.

Jet Set and Upper Crust were standing by the fondue fountain.

"I swear, there are more and more nouveau riche at these events with every passing year." Upper Crust glared at the other guests with distaste. "It wasn't so long ago that a legacy was a prerequisite for attending such a function, and now they're letting any uncouth pony with deep enough pockets to attend. Wouldn't you agree, Jet?"

Jet Set remained mute, gazing off into the distance. His eyes were glazed, subconsciously rubbing his abdomen, recalling the voltage he had received at the hooves of a certain mad stallion.

“Jet? Jet!” Upper Crust called for his attention.

“Huh, oh, yeah. I agree wholeheartedly with... Whatever you just said.” Jet Set quickly added, readjusting his glasses.

"Thank you for the support, dear." Upper Crust rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile, Dusty and Blueblood were standing by the buffet table. Blueblood hungrily reached for a chocolate-coated, cream-filled profiterole, only for Dusty to slap his hoof.

"Oww!" Blueblood yelped.

"No fatty foods." Dusty glared. "You're on a diet, remember?"

"One little treat won't hurt!" Blueblood pouted. "Please?"

"No, dear." Dusty shook her head. "You have to set a good example for the boys."

Speaking of which, Pureblood and Vito were standing by the punch bowl, also dressed up for the occasion; Pureblood had on a simple bow tie, while Vito was wearing a small blue suit.

“This is turning out to be a nice party.” Pureblood smiled, as he took a sip of punch, “And the refreshments are nice. The staff really hit it out of the park. What’d you say, V?”

“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Vito crossed his hooves with a pout.

“Oh, don’t tell me you’re still on about ‘Nyx being Nightmare Moon’, are you?” Pureblood frowned knowingly, “You swore to Miracle-”

“Yeah, I know.” Vito grunted, “But honestly, I still stand by my theory that she is Nightmare Moon in disguise.”

“What do you want, V?” Pureblood sighed, “You saw her cutie mark just like the rest of us. Aside from the crescent moon, it was completely different. That was supposed to prove that she isn’t Nightmare Moon, right?”

“Look, maybe I was wrong about the cutie mark.” Vito admitted, “But what about everything else? The cat eyes, the black coat, and the nightmares?! Come on, it’s so obvious!”

“Vito, we don’t know for sure if Nyx was even responsible for that.” Pureblood glared, “Maybe she does have some things in common with Nightmare Moon, but for all we know, it’s all a big coincidence.”

“Are you willing to stake everyone’s lives on that?” Vito challenged, “First, it was just me, dad, and few of the staff. What’s to say that these nightmares won’t come back and finish us all off tonight?!”

“And how are you sure that’s going to happen?” Pureblood shot back, “I mean, even if Nyx is hiding something, what does it matter? She has been nothing but nice to us the whole time she’s been with us. She really doesn’t seem to be the type to just up and go crazy on us all the sudden.”

"We've only know her a few days, so how do you know?" Vito pointed out.

"I like to think I'm a pretty good judge of character." Pureblood retorted.

"The jury's still out on that one too..." Vito muttered.

“Look, let’s forget this whole thing for now and enjoy the party.” Pureblood soothed, “How about we check out that buffet table? They’ve got those fancy cheese squares you like..."

“You know what, you’re right.” Vito let out a sigh, “But only cause there’s cheese squares. This discussion still isn’t over.”

“Heh, I’ll take it.” Pureblood shrugged, as he followed his brother to the buffet table.

Meanwhile, Miracle, Nyx, and Hurricane were hanging out. Miracle was the only one of the three to dress up, having done a simple white sundress.

"So this is a party." Nyx mused, taking in the sights and sounds of the event. "It's very... busy."

“Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Hurricane chuckled, “You should see the parties my dad’s family puts together.”

“Or the parties that this one mare in Ponyville plans.” Miracle added. “Makes this little gathering look like a talk around the water cooler."

“Really? This party is pretty crowded already.” Nyx mused. She shuffled a little, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

“Are you doing alright, Nyx?” Hurricane asked.

“O-oh, yeah.” Nyx shook her head, “I just need to get a drink. Mind if I-”

“Sure you can. We’ll be right here.” Miracle smiled.

“Just don’t be long.” Hurricane added, “The party's just getting started."

Nyx negotiated her way through the crowd. It wasn't easy, even for a filly. She narrowly avoided bumping into several ponies, spinning herself around to watch for any incoming obstacles. As she was taking in any problems from the left, she bumped into somepony behind her.

"Oops!" Nyx yelped. "Sorry about that!"

"That's okay, little filly." A familiar, kind voice replied.

Nyx turned, and saw Luna standing before her, wearing an elegant midnight blue gown.

"Oh... h-hello." Nyx said awkwardly, their last encounter still fresh in her mind.

“Yes, hello.” Luna nodded, “Enjoying the festivities?”

“Y-yes. Was just getting something to drink.” Nyx rubbed her shoulder anxiously, “A lot of ponies around here, huh?”

“Oh, yes.” Luna agreed, seeing the anxiety in the young filly’s eyes, “It is a bit overwhelming, wouldn’t you say?”

“W-well, kinda.” Nyx cringed.

“Believe me, I felt quite the same when I first got back many years ago.” Luna sighed.

“Got back? Got back from where?” Nyx tilted her head in confusion.

“It’s not important.” Luna shook her head, “I just know it’s not easy for ponies like us to be in big crowds such as these. Which is part of why I’m surprised to see you here.”

“To be honest, I wasn’t planning on attending.” Nyx admitted, “But Constell invited me… I hope that was okay.”

“Of course it’s fine.” Luna smiled, “You are our guest after all.”

“And I thank you.” Nyx nodded humbly, “You’ve all been very kind to me… especially Constell.”

“Indeed. It seems my daughter has taken quite a shine to you.” Luna mused.

"Yeah, she's great." Nyx smiled. "I don't why, exactly, but being around Constell is making me feel… not alone. I've spent so much time on my own, in what felt like everlasting night..."

“What was that?” Luna raised a brow.

“O-oh, um, it’s nothing.” Nyx shook her head, “I really should go get that drink and get back to Miracle and the others.” She gave a small bow, “It was nice talking to you, Princess.”

Before Luna could react, Nyx swiftly walked off, heading to the punch bowl. The princess of the night stood there, nonplussed. She truly didn’t know what to make of the mysterious filly or why she invoked these very odd feelings within her.

’Just who is this filly?’ Luna mused, ’Why does she remind me so much of ‘her’? Is it just the way she looks… or is there something she’s hiding? If so… what?’

"Good evening, your highness!" Luna was brought out of her thoughts by one of the other guests, a Crystal Pony philanthropist by the name of Clear Karat. "Wonderful party you've put together."

"Thank you." Luna smiled. "We do try..."

"I was hoping to talk to you about holding a new charity gala." Clear declared. "Have you ever heard of the Winterchilla Preservation Group? It's a new charity, but one with a lot of work ahead of it..."

As Clear led her away, Luna couldn't help but throw one last look toward Nyx, still unable to decipher the mystery.

Meanwhile, Luxury was enjoying the party, making small talk with his fellow guests.

"Thank you for your kind contributions." He told one. "And yours too. Have a good evening."

At that point, Constell joined him.

"Hey, good lookin'." She grinned.

“Ah, Constell, my love.” Luxury crooned, “I was wondering where you got off to.”

“Oh, I was just tending to a guest.” Constell smirked, “How’s our little soirée here?”

“All is well so far.” Luxury declared, “The donations are coming in aplenty and everypony is having a good time. So I think we knocked it out of the ballpark.”

“That’s good.” Constell nodded, “It’s a shame your parents couldn’t make it though.”

“Yeah, I know.” Luxury sighed, “But dad had that business trip to Mount Aris, and mom doesn’t like socializing without him. So it’s just me representing the family tonight.”

“Well, that’s alright. You are more than enough for me.” Constell kissed him on the cheek.

“Thanks, Connie.” Luxury nuzzled her.

“...Although, since we’re on the subject, there is something I’ve been wanting to talk about.” Constell revealed.

“Really? What about?” Luxury raised a brow.

“Well, it’s about…” Constell said hesitantly, “Kids.”

“...Say what now?” Luxury’s eyes widened.

“You heard me. Kids.” Constell pressed forward, “You know, starting a family.”

“Whoa, whoa, where is all this coming from?” Luxury stammered, floored by the sudden bombshell, “...Holy crap, are you pregnant? For real this time?”

“No, that’s not it.” Constell shook her head, “It’s just something I’ve been thinking about lately.”

“Ah… so, are you saying you want to try for kids?” Luxury asked, rubbing his head.

“Not exactly.” Constell shrugged, “Actually, I was thinking maybe we could consider adopting.”

“Adopting?” Luxury raised a brow in confusion, “But why? We’re both physically healthy ponies.”

“That we are. And make no mistake, I would like to have a foal of our own someday.” Constell explained, “But I was just thinking of all the poor foals out there, without a home or somepony to love them. And I was thinking, maybe we could be the ones to give one a home with us.”

“Well, if you put it like that, it does sound like a good idea.” Luxury admitted, still unsure, “Adoption or not, this is quite a big step to take for the both of us.”

“Yeah, I know.” Constell nodded, “But I feel like we’re ready. Can you just see us being parents, loving our filly-er-foal with all the love we can muster, filling holes in all our hearts?”

“I do see that.” Luxury assured her, “But still, this is a big decision. I think it would be best that we talk about it later. Right now, we should just live in the moment and enjoy the party. Does that sound alright?”

“Well, I suppose.” Constell agreed, slightly disappointed.

“Good.” Luxury breathed a sigh of relief, “Now then, if I recall, there’s some hors d'oeuvres with our names on them over at the buffet table.”

“Oh, yeah, those are the best, aren’t they?”

Luxury lit up in elation as Secretariat approached them, wearing yet another spiffy suit.

“Secret! Good to see you!” Luxury smirked, giving him a small hug and pat on the back.

“Likewise, Lux.” Dysley smiled, as he glanced at Constell, “And Constell, you are looking rather lovely tonight.”

“Charming as ever, I see.” Constell chuckled.

“Guilty.” Dysley grinned.

“Enjoying the party?” Luxury asked.

"Indubitably." Dysley nodded. "With good ponies and good food, it makes for a brief escape from the stresses of life. Faust knows I need one after the day I had.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard all about the Brightdale Hospital.” Constell frowned, “I’m real sorry.”

“I thank you for the condolences.” Dysley sighed, “I already have a press conference waiting Friday, but the next several weeks are going to be nothing but damage control. Relatives of the deceased are already lining up to give us a piece of their mind.”

“Well, if you ever need any help, you can count on us.” Luxury gave a confident smirk, “I happen to know a very good lawyer who can possibly do things pro bono.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Dysley chuckled knowingly, “But that’s enough about my life. What about you two? It looked like you two were having a serious discussion about something...” He then quickly added, “Not that it’s any of my-”

“Oh, it’s fine, Secret.” Constell grinned, “Let’s just say there’s something new in the pipeline.”

“Something that hasn’t been confirmed.” Luxury added swiftly, earning a pout from Constell. "There’s still much to discuss there ‘later’."

“Fair enough. There’s a lot of other things to talk about.” Dysley smiled, “And I’ve got all night...”

At the same time, Nabudis and Gothic were walking through the party, also talking.

"Looks like a really big turnout this year." Gothic pointed out the number of guests. "Should raise quite the tidy sum."

“Hmm, right…” Nabudis nodded falsely, not paying as much attention, as he scanned the area for Nyx, “For the Foundation to Preserve Flyders, right?”

“Um, not exactly.” Gothic cringed, as he noted his odd glances shifting back and forth, “Is everything alright, Som?”

“Uh…” Nabudis froze for a moment, as he straightened up, rubbing the back of his head “Yeah, everything’s fine. Just… you know I was never fond of these gatherings, right?”

“Oh, yeah.” Gothic nodded, “It was like you said: 'a bunch of fat cats bragging about their wealth'.” He gave a soft chuckle, “Sacred practically had to drag you to the last party. What he had in ways with words, you had in sheer stubbornness.”

“No argument there.” Nabudis gave a wistful sigh. "But after we reunited recently, it reminded me of how much fun we had together, so I decided to drop by."

"Yeah, those were good times." Gothic sighed nostalgically. "Remember that camping trip we took to the Hollow Shades? Boy, what a rollercoaster that was..."

As they talked, Nabudis glanced around whenever he had the chance, looking for Nyx. However, Gothic reminiscing about the old times with him and Sacred induced much regret and sadness in him.

“Somnus… are you doing okay?” Gothic asked.

“I’m… I’m fine.” Nabudis declared, shaking his head, “...Just have a lot on my mind…”

“Yeah, I don’t blame you.” Gothic frowned sympathetically, “Having the place you work at be the center of a massacre would do that to you.”

“Oh… right.” Nabudis grimaced, “It’s… it’s really bad over there.”

“Yeah, and I know this may come off as bad to the other victims, but I’m glad you weren’t there when it happened.” Gothic admitted, “Although I do find it kind of odd that they mentioned there being no survivors… aren’t they aware that you’re still alive?”

“Oh, well, truth be told, I was taking some time off from the hospital.” Nabudis quickly lied, “In fact, I was going to be heading back when you found me at the tavern last night. And with how bad things are, I think it would be best that I keep a low profile.”

“Hmm, that’s a fair point.” Gothic nodded, “You also weren’t a ponies’ pony.”

“No kidding.” Nabudis let out a small chuckle. As he did, he scanned over the party again, still not seeing the young filly.

"But at least you had us." Gothic smiled. "The old Luna fan club. It all seems like so long ago."

"For me, it seems like yesterday." Nabudis shrugged.

As the two continued making their way through the party, they found Luna, who had just parted ways with Clear Karat.

"Hello, darling." Luna greeted her husband.

"Hi, sweetheart." Gothic kissed her. "You will not believe who decided to show up.” He gestured to Somnus.

“Good evening, your majesty.” Nabudis bowed his head.

“Somnus Nabudis.” Luna gave a small grin, “What a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“That makes the two of us.” Nabudic gave a small chuckle, “But since Gothic went to the trouble of sending me an invitation, I felt I just had to make an appearance.”

“Well, we are glad to have you.” Luna smiled, “It has been far too long.”

"Indeed it has, your highness." Nabudis bowed.

As they talked, Nabudis kept sneaking looks at the crowd, in hopes of finding Nyx.

“Do you recall the day when I brought Luna to one of our meetings?” Gothic mused nostalgically.

“Oh, yes. Everyone was absolutely floored.” Nabudis chuckled, “Hell, Sulphur Shade got so excited that he began foaming at the mouth…” He then put a hoof to his chin, “...Although I think he might have had a condition.”

“It was flattering to say the least.” Luna smiled, “You were all so respectful and friendly back then… especially you, Somnus.”

"Well, it wasn't every day I got to meet my idol." Nabudis declared. "Meeting you was definitely a highlight in my life. It was honestly a dream come true.”

“I think it was the same for all of us.” Gothic mused.

“No, I mean it.” Nabudis said firmly, “Seeing you in the flesh made me realize that my goals could be achieved. If it wasn’t for you and your return from imprisonment, I would not be where I am today…” He then murmured, “...You gave me Nyx.”

“What was that last part?” Luna tilted her head.

“Oh, nothing.” Nabudis shook his head, “So… nice party, huh?”

"Indeed." Luna nodded. "And an even nicer amount of Bits raised for a worthy cause."

"Nothing like having a good night out and helping those in need." Gothic agreed.

"So true." Nabudis nodded.. "And so much better than holding a party for self-interested snobs who want nothing more than to revel in how much money they have."

"Tell me about it." Gothic scowled. "The less time we have to spend with ponies like that, the better. I remember this one time..."

As the conversation continued, Nabudis kept looking around, hoping to spot Nyx. He had hoped to do so little enough to avoid notice, but Luna proved him wrong.

"Is there something wrong, Nabudis?" Luna asked. "You seem... distracted."

"Distracted? No, no." Nabudis shook his head. "I was just, er..." He racked his brain, trying to come up with another excuse.

“Well, look who it is.” A confident (with a hint of smug) voice declared.

Nabudis froze, recognizing the voice.

“Oh no…” Nabudis whispered.

Nabudis and the couple looked over to see none other than Secretariat Dysley coming towards them, accompanied by Constell and Luxury.

“Hey, mom. Hey, dad.” Constell smiled.

"Oh, hello, dear." Luna beamed.

“Luna, Gothic, you both remember Secretariat, right?” Luxury asked.

“Of course. Sacred’s boy.” Gothic held out his hoof, “It is good to see you again.”

“Likewise, sir.” Dysley shook his hoof.

“How is your mother? I hope she has been well.” Luna asked.

"In good health, I'm happy to say." Dysley answering in the positive.

“Who’s this, dad?” Constell stared at Nabudis, who was in turn stared at Dysley, who seemed unaware of his wandering eyes.

“Oh, right. Constell, Luxury, this here is Somnus Nabudis.” Gothic introduced, “He’s an old pal of mine from back before I met your mother.”

"Mine, too." Dysley smiled pleasantly. "Isn't that right, old friend?"

"Yes." Nabudis said through gritted teeth. "We go way back."

“So, Somnus. Mind telling me what brings you here?” Dysley began, finally facing him.

Nabudis stared at him silently. He felt tense, fearing that his secrets were moments from being divulged. His mind raced, wondering what to do if the worst had come to pass…

“You have been on that trip to for quite a while.” Dysley continued. Nabudic gave a look of confusion, “I’ve tried contacting you, but no answer. I was beginning to think you came back early… and that you’ve perished along with the others at the hospital.”

“Oh…” Somnus began, going along with this sudden lie, “Oh, right. I’m terribly sorry. I just came back to Canterlot yesterday, and when I heard the news about the massacre, I simply wanted to keep my head low…” He bowed his head, “I didn’t mean to worry you, Secret.”

“Well, all that matters is that you’re okay.” Dysley nodded, “We’ve lost a lot of good ponies this week.” There was a glint in his eyes, “It’d be a shame if we lost a doctor who was as smart and ‘admirable’ as yourself.”

“Indeed.” Nabudis replied, forcing a fake smile, “After all, it must be hard carrying the weight of your father’s legacy of kindness and charity on your young shoulders… right, Secret?”

“...Right.” Dysley grinned forcefully.

The two couples shared awkward glances, sensing something was a bit off.

“So, bottom line, we’re all here.” Gothic stepped in, deciding not to exacerbate whatever was off about tham. “How about we not talk about tragedies right now. We should take this time and-”

“Actually, sir, if it is all right, I have to discuss some very important matters about ‘you know what’ with Nabudis in private.” Dysley declared, giving a look to Nabudis, “We’ll be right back though.”

“Oh, okay, I guess.” Gothic frowned, a bit perturbed.

“Don’t take too long, Secret.” Luxury joked.

“We won’t… I promise you.” Dysley smirked, as he glanced at Nabudis and gestured him to another area on the terrace.

“Yeah… just a little chat.” Nabudis murmured, an edge to his voice.

The two left, leaving the two couples standing there.

“Hmm, I hope whatever Dysley has to talk about to Somnus about Brightdale isn’t too serious.” Luna frowned.

“I don’t know. I feel like there is something going on between those two.” Constell admitted, “Some sort of animosity…”

“I’m not sure about that.” Gothic shrugged, “Somnus has been a friend of Dysley and his family for years.”

“Yeah, and besides, Secret doesn’t have a hateful bone in his body.” Luxury smiled, “They’re probably going to talk about providing benefits for the families of those who died at Brightdale.”

“Hmm…” Constell glanced at where Nabudis and Dysley had gone.

Nabudis and Dysley made their way to a secluded corner of the terrace, away from the prying eyes of the other party-goers.

“...So, here we are.” Dysley grimaced, dropping his smile, “Face to face at last…” He then gave a small sneer, “You’re looking live-”

“Cut the bullcrap, Secret!” Nabudis snapped, “Where’s Nyx?! What have you done with her?!”

“Mind your temper, Somnus.” Dysley admonished him, barely fazed by his outburst, “We’re at a party you know. Wouldn’t want everypony to see you manic… oh wait, you do that just by breathing.”

“Dysley…” Nabudis hissed.

“Relax.” Dysley scoffed, “If I had found Nyx already, I would have been gone by now. I mean, Lux and his wife did a good job with the party, but I have much more important things to be doing, as you well know.”

“Unfortunately.” Nabudis grimaced, sensing truth in his words, “How did you even find out that she’s here?”

“Would you believe me if I told you I got lucky?” Dysley shrugged.

“Knowing my luck, I’d be shocked otherwise.” Nabudis growled.

“Indeed. Right now, it’s only a matter of time before Nyx shows herself.” Dysley declared, “And once she does, she’s good as mine.”

“If you think I’m going to let you take Nyx, then you got another thing coming.” Nabudis seethed, “I meant it when I said you weren’t going near her again!”

“Yes, I think I still recall the right hook to the face.” Dysley huffed, tapping his right cheek, “A bit of an overreaction, if you ask me.”

“No. An overreaction would have been breaking your face against the desk.” Nabudis hissed.

“Ugh, so uncivilized.” Dysley shook his head, “And you want me to let you take Nyx back?”

“Dysley, please.” Nabudis gritted his teeth, “She’s just a child…”

“A child that has a role to play and she is going to play it, whether you like it or not.” Dysley glared, “You already caused enough problems as it is.”

“I did what I had to to protect her from you.” Nabudis simmered.

“And look where that got you.” Dysley sneered, “That fatass buffoon is dead, and that weird assistant of yours got dragged into this mess you’ve made for yourself. He probably would’ve kicked the bucket too if I hadn’t set him straight.”

“You manipulated him, turned him against me.” Nabudis growled.

“Well, I only told him the truth… well, the convenient one at least.” Dysley shrugged, “I mean, I can’t imagine how you’d begin to explain to him about who… or rather what Nyx truly is.”

“That doesn’t matter.” Nabudis glared, “Look, I am not here to fight with you. All I want is Nyx. I don’t care what you do with the project, just let us be.”

“Really? And how do you think that’s gonna go over with Father, hmm?” Dysley crossed his hooves, “He’s already wondering why you haven’t been at Infinity for a while. Everypony is, for that matter. At this rate, everyone is going to think you pulled a ‘Sterling’ and abandoned the Forefathers…” He then gave a knowing sneer. “...Unless that is what's going on.”

“...What if it is.” Nabudis huffed. His eyes grew somber. “There is nothing left for me with the Forefathers. And after what you did, I had to get us out of there. For both of our sakes”.

“And you think we’re just gonna let you leave?” Dysley chuckled darkly, “You know how this song and dance works for all deserters, right? Sterling was one thing, but you tried to take property of the Forefathers with you. My property.” Nabudis clenched his hooves, “Once they figure out you jumped ship, you will be hunted for the rest of your miserable life. Both of you.”

Nabudis felt his breath hitch.

“Even if you were, by some miracle, to walk out of here with Nyx, you two will never know peace.” Dysley pressed on, his eyes cold as ice, getting closer to Nabudis’ face “That little girl will spend the rest of her life living in fear, because ‘Papa’ had to be selfish and steal her away from ponies who would make good use of her powers. Now tell me, do you really think that’s any way for a child to live?”

The doctor remained silent, his eyes glaring holes into Dysley.

“...But I like to think of myself as a merciful pony.” Dysley pulled back, shrugging, “You were my father’s closest friend, and you were honestly a major contributor to my plans and the Forefathers. That is why I’ll tell you this only once...”

He gestured to the ballroom, and to that extent, the gates to the castle.

“Walk away.” Dysley ordered, his face firm, “Walk away and forget about Nyx. Do that, and I’ll see to it that the Forefathers will leave you alone. I’ll tell them that you decided to go on an faraway expedition and will probably be gone for a long, LONG, time. And that you decided to let me take full control over Project: Bad Dreams.”

His face softened, as he placed a hoof on Nabudis’ shoulder.

“And I promise you, Nyx will be well looked after.” Dysley swore, giving what seemed to be a genuine smile, “She’s going to help the Forefathers seize their goals. She’d be hailed as a hero… so what do you say, Doc?”

Nabudis was still silent, as if deep in thought. Dysley began to feel a bit giddy, confident that he had gotten through to him…

But then he felt a strong grip on the hoof that was on the doctor’s shoulder.

“...Did you offer this same mercy to the hospital?” Nabudis began.

Dysley glanced up at him in shock. The young stallion attempted to come up with a response… but none came.

“I didn’t think so.” Nabudis hissed, as he threw Dysley’s hoof off of him, sending the stallion back a step, “So save your so-called ‘mercy’. Faust knows it’s worthless.”

“Grr, You’re making a big mistake.” Dysley snarled, “This is your last chance-”

“I’m not an idiot.” Nabudis snorted, “I know the first chance you get, you’ll have another Forefather agent, or somepony else on your payroll, come and take me out. Maybe stage it like an accident.”

“Wha-” Dysley tried to interject,

“Because I know you, Secret.” Nabudis pressed onwards, “I can see the contempt… the hatred, you hold for me. You wouldn’t be able to sleep at night, knowing that I was still alive. That I know all your secrets. All your transgressions.”

Dysley felt his jaws clench. He was clearly growing irate.

“Besides, even if you were genuine with your ‘mercy’, I still wouldn’t take it.” Nabudis declared, “Because I also know that you don’t give a damn for Nyx’s well-being. No one under your command does. To walk away would be to kill her myself… and I have already lost one pony I loved.”

“You son of a bitch…” Dysley seethed, “I can… and I will destroy you.”

“I know.” Nabudis nodded, “But I did not come all this way to be intimidated. In spite of everything, Secret, I do not want to fight you. For both your mother and your father’s sake. But if you do not stand aside, then I’ll have no choice...”

"So you're threatening me, is that it?" Dysley scowled, “You’re willing to throw everything away for this girl? I can only wonder how Gothic and Luna will feel, once I tell them who you really are.”

“Oh, and what about who you really are?” Nabudis shot back, “That young stallion Luxury. I wonder how he would feel, knowing that his best friend is a cold-blooded killer.”

“You leave Lux out of this!” Dysley roared.

“And just what are you going to do about it?” Nabudis taunted.

"Oh, I'll show you-" Dysley stepped forward, only to be stopped by the sound of his mirror buzzing. “I show-” The mirror buzzed once more, “I’ll sho-” The mirror continued buzzing.

“You should probably get that. It might be important.” Nabudis smirked.

“You shut the-” Dysley snarled, before being interrupted once more, “Oh, for crying out loud!”

Quickly, he ripped a pocket mirror out of his pocket, turned away from Nabudis, and tapped harder than necessary. The mirror activated.

“What?!” Dysley snapped.

The face on the other side was Silas Necross, who seemed just as irate.

“Finally. I have a bone to pick with you, Dysley!” Silas scowled, “I spent all day getting the stuff we needed to find that patient of yours, and just as we were about to head out, I hear that patient was already found!”

“So, what if she was?!” Dysley yelled, “I’m in the middle of-”

“Hey! Hey!” Silas snapped back, “Do you have any idea what I went through today just to get the gear your troops needed to be able to explore Canterlot undetected?! A lot! A real lot! You think you can just buy this stuff on the black market?! No, no. The reality, the real reality of getting these armors was staggering. You know? I had to call in a whole bunch of favors. Favors I’ve collected over the years I headed ‘The Order of Darkness’. Favors that I could have used to finally take over Equestria. Favors that I will never get back, because I wasted them so I could find this damn brat, only to find out she’s already been found! WHY WAS I NOT MADE AWARE OF THIS THE MOMENT SHE WAS FOUND?!”

“Oh my bucking Faust, shut up!” Dysley snarled, “I already have enough problems, and your ‘wasted favors’ isn’t one of them! Call this mirror again and you’ll be the next pony I get rid of, got it?!”

"Wait-!" Silas barely had time to blurt out before Dysley hung up on him.

Dysley let out a silent curse.

“Now, as for you, Som-” Dysley turned back… only to find Nabudis was gone, “Oh, motherf-”

Meanwhile, Fletcher and the others arrived at the castle grounds, in pursuit of Nabudis.

"Okay, we’re here. We've got to find Nabudis." Survival declared. "And fast."

"So we don't have time to try the hors' d'oeuvres?" Caboose sighed. "Story of my life..."

“Sorry, Caboose, but time is of the essence.” Fletcher frowned. He turned to Sterling, “Sterling, you really should hang back. You might’ve been a Crystal Guard, but it’s still possible that some of the guests might have heard about your treachery way back when. We can’t risk you being recognized.”

“Right.” Sterling nodded, “Besides, it’d probably be a good idea for one of us to watch the front in case Doc manages to slip past you guys.”

“Well, considering this castle is on the edge of a mountain, the only way out is back into the city or jumping off.” Fletcher mused.

“Any advice if we have to fight him?” Caboose asked.

“I’m afraid not.” Sterling admitted, “I’ve never sparred with him before, let alone seen him fight. But considering he was able to survive as an Ouroboros all these years, he’s not somepony to take lightly.”

"We'll stay alert." Fletcher nodded.

"I'll try to bring you back a snack too." Caboose added.

"Maybe you should stay behind, too." Fletcher told Survival.

"Not a chance." Survival shook his head. "You’re going to need all the help you can get to find him"

“I honestly don’t think that’s-” Fletcher shook his head.

“Look, I’m sorry about lying to you earlier, but right now, we don’t have time to argue.” Survival pleaded, “Come on.”

“...Ugh, you’re right.” Fletcher grimaced, “But if you see the doctor, do not engage. You get me or Caboose at once. Understand?”

“Got it.” Survival nodded.

“Alright then. Let’s do this.” Fletcher declared.

Fletcher ran in, followed by Caboose and Survival, determined to find their target.

As soon as they were out of Sterling’s sight, Sterling pulled out his mirror, tapping it.

Ballista’s face appeared.

"Well, this is unexpected." Sterling frowned. "What's up?"

“Sorry to bother you, but I need a quick favor.” Sterling said hastily, “I need you to contact your cop buddies and have them look into something.”

“Really? What for?” Ballista asked, “Is it about the patient?”

“Sorta. There’s been some development in the case.” Sterling explained, “But I need your friends in the force to look into something about some cult leader named ‘Spell Nexus’ and a filly named Nyx.”

“Nyx?” Ballista lit up, recalling the name.

“You know the name?” Sterling gaped.

“Yeah, it was in one of the files we found while the cops investigated the hospital.” Ballista mused, “...You give me an hour and I’ll let you know what I find.”

“Well, we’re kinda on the clock here. It’s hard to explain-” Sterling started to explain.

“Then a half hour then.” Ballista nodded firmly, “I’ll be right back.”

“Please hurry.” Sterling urged.

"Will do." Ballista nodded before hanging up.

"This is getting more complicated by the minute." Sterling frowned. "You'd better be staying out of trouble, Nabudis..."

In the greens of the castle gardens, Nabudis was searching the crowd, not for Gothic and Luna, but for Nyx.

Slipping away while Dysley was yelling at what he believed was that Silas idiot he'd heard so much about, Nabudis knew that time was running out. If Dysley found him again, he was sure that he would not let him walk away again.

’Come on… come on, where are you, little filly?’ Nabudis thought, his eyes darting back and forth, left and right as he made his way through the crowd, bumping into several of them.

"How rude!" Hoity Toity yelped.

"Watch it!" Upper Crust snarled.

Nabudis paid them no mind, utterly focused on his goal.

In the same crowd, Nyx was trying to make her way back to where Miracle and Hurricane was after getting her drink. Unfortunately, due to the shifting crowds, she found herself lost, and felt herself becoming overwhelmed once more.

"Excuse me." She said meekly, trying to urge the pony blocking her path to move.

The pony have no indication of having heard her.

"Please, just move..." Nyx's breathing grew more ragged, as she felt another panic attack coming. "Please..."

Nabudis continued his searching, bumping yet into another guest, a middle-aged Unicorn stallion.

"Watch where you're going!" The stallion scowled.

As the stallion walked away in a huff, Nabudis grimaced.

“Ugh, nice to know things hadn’t changed-” Nabudis began… but trailed off, as in the gap he left behind, he saw Nyx, cowering amidst the crowd.

“Oh my-” Nabudis gasped, as he then called, “Nyx!”

Amidst her panic attack, Nyx heard her name called. It sounded familiar.

“Nyx, it’s me!”

Nyx glanced up from the floor… and suddenly, all her fears melted away.

“Papa?” Nyx whispered, as a great big smile grew on her face, “Papa!”

Father and daughter raced toward each other, embracing happily.

At the same time, Fletcher, Caboose, and Survival were also making their way through the party.

"Pardon me." Fletcher said curtly.

"We have an urgent issue to attend to." Survival added.

"Anypony seen a sneaky doctor?" Caboose asked, seeming materialising between two guests. "'Bout this big?" He appeared between two others. "Seems like a good guy, but isn't?" He emerged from behind a statue.

The guests didn't answer, mostly due to being disturbed by Caboose's antics.

With Nyx in his hooves, Nabudis quickly walked out of the crowd, finding a spot just outside the hedge gardens.

“Oh, Papa…” Nyx began to weep, burying her face in his shoulder, “I thought you were dead. The news… they said everypony at Brightdale died. I was so scared-”

“I know, baby. I know.” Nabudis soothed, rubbing her back, “I’m so sorry it took me so long to find you.” He pulled her away a bit, “Are you okay? You’re not hurt?”

“No, not at all.” Nyx shook her head, “I met these wonderful ponies. They helped me when I was alone. I could take you to meet-”

“I’m afraid we don’t have time for that.” Nabudis grimaced, “We need to leave. Now.”

“What? Why?” Nyx gaped.

“It’s tough to explain, sweetheart.” Nabudis sighed, “But Dysley is here, looking for you.”

“Dysley?! No…” Nyx gripped Nabudis’s coat, fear in her voice.

“But don’t you worry. I gave him the slip.” Nabudis smirked, “All we gotta do now is get out of the castle and out of Canterlot, and we’ll be home free. Ready?”

"Um..." Nyx said hesitantly. "Maybe we could try asking for help. There are some ponies here who could-"

"No time for that." Nabudis grabbed her hoof. "Time to leave."

"Excuse me?"

Nabudis and Nyx turned around to see Constell approaching them.

"Constell?” Nabudis and Nyx said in unison.

“What is going on here?” Constell frowned, as she turned to Nabudis, “And what are you doing with Nyx? Weren’t you talking with Dysley?”

“Oh, um, yeah.” Nabudis rubbed his head, “We actually finished up our discussion. Dysley told me to carry on keeping my head low till the whole thing with Brightdale blew over. I was making my head to the drinks table before coming back to your parents when I found Nyx here.”

“And who is she to you?” Constell glared suspiciously, Nabudis feeling a bit uneasy.

“Constell, it’s alright.” Nyx stepped forth, “This is my Papa.”

“Papa?” Constell gaped, “But I thought you said he died in the massacre.”

“Well, I thought he did.” Nyx murmured, “But-”

“It was a misunderstanding.” Nabudis finished, “As you recall from our conversation earlier, I was just laying low. That’s all.”

“Really?” Constell’s glare hardened, “Then care to explain to me how my cousins found Nyx wandering the streets yesterday in tattered clothes? If you are her ‘Papa’, where have you been, if not dead?!”

“Um, yes, that.” Nabudis grimaced, “That is… well, it’s kind of complicated, and it’s a long story.”

“I got all night.” Constell crossed her hooves, “Do you?”

“Constell, it’s fine.” Nyx insisted, “Papa didn’t mean to be gone as long as he did.”

“Yet he was.” Constell frowned, “And he was about to take you away, probably without telling anyone.”

"I was just going to bring her home." Nabudis tried to defend himself. "After being apart for so long, can you really blame me for trying to rush her back to where she belongs?"

"Yes, I can." Constell said fiercely. "Mostly because it doesn't quite fit."

At the same time, Survival looked over the banister of the terrace and saw Nabudis, and what he believed was Nyx.

'There they are...' He found himself hesitating, due to his connection with Nabudis. '...No. I have to do the right thing.'

"Guys, come quickly!" Survival called out to Fletcher and Caboose.

"What's up?" Fletcher asked.

"Did you see a shooting star?" Caboose asked. "I call dibs on the wish!"

"Nabudis is down there, with who I assume to be the patient." Survival pointed. "They're with Princess Constell."

"Finally." Fletcher smiled victoriously. "Time to end this..."

Meanwhil, Nabudis was struggling to keep his cool.

’Keep it together, Som.’ Nabudis panicked, ’This is Gothic’s daughter here. Just recollect your thoughts and provide a rational and calm explanation, and reassure her that you’re not a monster that everypony has had you pegged your entire life. Simple. Just as long as there’s no-’


Nabudis turned in the direction of the yell, and froze in horror as he saw Fletcher, hooves on the banisters, glaring fiercely at him, flanked by Caboose and Survival.

"You get away from that poor filly this instant!" Fletcher demanded, prompting everyone to look at Nabudis and Nyx.

’Oh, buck me!’ Nabudis cursed to himself loudly.

"What the-?" Gothic frowned.

"What is going on here?" Luna asked.

"What's all the yelling about?" Miracle asked.

"Looks like the party's moving elsewhere." Hurricane presumed.

"Is that Nyx?" Vito frowned.

"Who's that with her?" Pureblood asked.

Secretariat approached the bannisters upon hearing the yelling, and saw Nabudis and Nyx as well.

“...Well, this just got interesting.” Dysley grinned darkly.

Caboose pulled out a carrot, and began munching it, making sure to make loud smacking sounds with his mouth.

"Eh… what's up, Doc?" Caboose asked.

“Somnus, please, give yourself up!” Survival urged, “Before things get any worse!”

Constell glanced at Nabudis, aghast.

“What did you do?” Constell gaped.

Nabudis was in a tight spot. Everypony was looking at him. His next move could decide everything.

“Hang on to me, Nyx…” Nabudis urged to the young filly. Nyx quickly grabbed his hoof.

“What are you-” Constell began.

But before she could finish, Nabudis suddenly checked her, knocking her to the ground.

“Forgive me!” Nabudis yelled as he and Nyx ran past.

"Som!" Gothic yelped, horrified.

"Somnus!" Survival gasped.

Thinking quickly, Somnus led Nyx into the hedge maze.

"You're not getting away that easily!" Fletcher yelled.

"We didn't come all this way - and passed up those hors d'oeuvres - for nothing!" Caboose snarled.

Luna, Gothic and Luxury rushed over to Constell.

"Are you okay, darling?" Luna asked.

"Are you hurt?" Gothic inquired.

"Why did that Nabudis do that?" Luxury growled. "Why, I oughta..."

"Nyx!" Constell yelped. "He took Nyx!"

“Don’t you worry, we’re on it.” Fletcher rushed by, as he shouted out, “GUARDS! FALL IN!”

The guards all rushed in, and stood at attention… including Caboose.

“Caboose.” Fletcher frowned.

“Right, sorry, habit.” Caboose cringed, breaking stance.

“Don’t have much time to explain, but that stallion is suspected of being involved in a Forefathers plot, just assaulted a Princess, and now has taken a girl with him!” Fletcher explained, “Find the stallion and the girl and secure them both! And whatever you do, don’t agitate the child! Got it?!”

“Yes, sir!” The guards yelled in affirmation.

“Then let’s go!” Fletcher ordered.

The guards immediately charged into the hedge maze, with Fletcher and Caboose behind them. Survival made to follow.

“You wait out here, Survival.” Fletcher stopped him.

“But I can help!” Survival urged.

“No, at this point, it’s too dangerous.” Fletcher frowned, “Leave this to us.”

“But…” Survival was about to protest, but Fletcher gave him a glare, “...Okay.”

“Good.” Fletcher nodded, as he turned to Caboose, “Come on, Caboose. We must hurry.”

Caboose gave a look of ‘sorry’ as the two dashed in to join their comrades.

The rest of the party looked on, confused and surprised.

"What was that?" Hoity Toity asked.

"Some kind of foalnapping, I think." Clear surmised.

"I knew it." Upper Crust snorted. "The crowd at these functions just get lower every year."

Meanwhile, Survival stood awkwardly in place, struggling to process what just happened.

“Hey!” Gothic marched over to Survival, “What the hell is going on around here?!”

“To be perfectly honest, your highness.” Survival admitted, looking into the hedge maze, “I have no idea anymore…”

Looking from the terrace, Dysley pulled up his mirror and held it up to his ear.

“Silas, this is Dysley.” Dysley said firmly, “What kind were those armors you procured?”

Dysley listened for a moment, and an amused grin appeared on his face.

“Is that right?” Dysley chuckled darkly, “Well, looks like your ‘wasted favors’ won’t be in vain. Here’s what you and the others are gonna do…”

Nabudis and Nyx made their way deep into the hedge mazes. He cursed how his situation had worsened in the past five minutes, but he had to keep moving. All he needed to do was find another exit, and slip out of the castle, hopefully without altercations.

“Papa!” Nyx was struggling to keep pace with him, “Papa! Please, stop!”

“Not now, Nyx. I need to focus!” Nabudis grimaced as he turned another corner.

“Papa, please!” Nyx pleaded, sniffling, “I’m scared!”

As if in response, her body began secreting miasma once more. Nabudis took a glance back, and took notice quickly.

“Oh, no.” Nabudis stopped, kneeling down and wrapping his hooves on her shoulder, “There, there, darling… please calm down…”

“What is going on?” Nyx whimpered, “Why are those guards after you?”

“It’s a bit hard to explain.” Nabudis admitted, “But to put simply, they think that I’m a bad pony. They’re going to take you and me apart again, and chances are, they’ll return you to Dysley.”

“But you’re not a bad pony!” Nyx insisted, “Maybe if we explain-”

“I’m afraid we’re well past that point, Nyx.” Nabudis sighed, “They’re convinced that I’m no good, and after what I did to Constell, I doubt anything I’ll say will keep them from slapping cuffs on me.”

“No…” Nyx shook her head, tears falling, as she wailed, “I don’t wanna go back to Dysley. He’s a monster… he made me hurt them… he called me…”

“Hey, hey, look at me.” Nabudis ordered firmly, but with a soothing tone. “Everything will be alright, I promise. Dysley is not going to get his hooves on you again. But we have to keep moving. Do you think you can keep going for me?”

“I… I think so…” Nyx sniffled, wiping a tear.

“That’s my girl.” Nabudis smiled warmly, kissing her on the head. The two got up to their hooves, the doctor taking her hoof again, “Now let’s see if we can find that exit…”

They moved deeper into the maze, hoping to lose themselves within.

“Come on, where is that-” Nabudis grunted, as they turned a corner…

Only to come face to face with a few guards.

“Crap.” Nabudis cursed.

"That's far enough." The head guard, an Earth Pony, snarled. "You don't get to assault a Princess and just walk away."

“Look, it was an accident.” Nabudis grunted, stepping forth, while silently urging Nyx to stay behind him, “I wasn’t trying to hurt her.”

“Yeah, and I’m sure you’re trying to protect that little girl you got with you.” The heard guard snapped back sarcastically.

“Actually, yes.” Nabudis glared, “But I can tell that nothing I’ll say will make you believe me… so why don’t you step aside? I don’t have time to deal with you.”

"Oh, don't worry." The head guard smirked as he approached. "You'll have plenty of time in prison.” He then reached out to him, “So why don’t you come quiet-”

Without a word, Nabudis grabbed the reaching hoof… and twisted, dislocating it.

“Gah!” The head guard screeched.

Nabudis quickly followed up with a hoof to his face, knocking him out.

“What the-!” A guard gasped.

“Last chance!” Nabudis warned, “Step aside!”

“Come on, guys, he can’t take all of us!” Another guard snarled.

“Ugh, malditos idiotas...” Nabudis hissed.

The guards charged at Nabudis. When the first guard reached him, Nabudis grabbed his shoulders, and swung around him to kick the next guard in the face. When he planted his rear hooves on the ground, he threw the first guard into the third. A fourth swung his hooves at him; Nabudis dodged once, twice, three times, then retaliated with a strike that sent his opponent flying.

"Child's play." He smirked.

Another guard roared as he charged him with a spear.

“PAPA!” Nyx screeched.

But just as he was within inches of piercing his target, the guard suddenly stopped in place, the poor stallion’s stomach slamming into the blunt of the handle. It was as if he charged the spear into a wall, but no, the spear was still pointing towards Nabudis, but seem unable to approach him any further.

“Ohh…” The guard groaned, “What gives?!”

“I told you to step aside.” Nabudis growled as he slammed a hoof into the spear, breaking it in half, slamming the other hoof against the stallion’s face, and gripping the now dazed stallion by the shoulders, flung into the hedges.

Nyx gaped. She'd never seen her father fight somepony before, and was admittingly a bit unnerved, seeing him take down a squadron with nothing but his bare hooves, and cold, clinical fury in his eyes.

That fury quickly faded as Nabudis turned back to Nyx, concern in his eyes.

“Come on, we must continue. The others will probably have heard the commotion.” Nabudis urged.

“O-okay.” Nyx joined him, “...What was that? Why did that guard just stop mid-charge? You’re not a Unicorn…”

“Um, that is a story.” Nabudis grimaced, “I’ll tell you all about it when we get out of here.”

“I guess… but do you know how to get out of here?” Nyx asked, “I could maybe use my wings and-”

“Oh, no, no, no.” Nabudis admonished, “The others must not know about the wings… besides, it will only attract the others to our position.”

“But…” Nyx was about to protest.

“Look, I’m sure we’re almost out of here.” Nabudis declared reassuringly (though it was mostly to reassure himself), “We just have to keep moving.”

Father and daughter continued moving deeper into the maze, narrowly avoiding being detected by another group of guards as they followed the twists and turns.

Unfortunately, they soon came to a dead end.

"Ugh, wonderful." Nabudis groaned. "We must go back-"

"Nowhere to run."

Nabudis turned, and saw Fletcher and Caboose behind them.

“Oh no…” Nyx whimpered as she cowered behind Nabudis.

"How 'bout we call it a night?" Caboose suggested. "Pretty sure it's past the kid's bedtime.."

"Give yourself up, Nabudis." Fletcher urged. "It doesn't have to end this way."

"It's not ending at all." Nabudis retorted. "Not here, not now."

“Come on, man, let’s not make things ugly in front of the kid.” Caboose frowned.

"Of course not." Nabudis nodded, glancing back at Nyx, "I care for Nyx more than anything. You'd understand that, being a father, don’t you?"

"Well, yeah..." Caboose admitted.

“I mean, if it was your son… Michael, was it?” Nabudis explained, “If he was in danger from very bad ponies, wouldn’t you do anything to protect him?”

“Like you have to ask.” Caboose glared fiercely.

“Then please help me protect Nyx.” Nabudis urged, “From one father who loves his child to another. Let us go and you’ll never hear from us again, I swear.”

“Ehhh…” Caboose grimaced, conflicted. He did love his baby boy.

“Don’t let him get to you, Caboose.” Fletcher snapped, “He’s a doctor, well-versed in psychology. He is trying to appeal to your love for your family to manipulate you, like he did for everypony else.”

“Grr, right, right!” Caboose shook his head, “No dice, pal! I may be dumb, but I’m no one’s fool!”

“Dammit…” Nabudis cursed, as he turned to Fletcher, “Don’t do this, Captain. I understand this looks bad, but I’m not the monster here! Dysley is! You have to believe me!”

“At this point, doctor, I don’t know what to believe! All I’m hearing is ‘he says, he says’” Fletcher growled, “But what I do know is that you are currently kidnapping a filly, and you’re a member of the Forefathers, a terrorist faction. I don’t know about you, but that can’t look any worse than it already does.”

“Dammit, if you’re not going to get to let us go, then I’ll have to go through you!” Nabudis snarled.

"We don't have to resort to violence, Nabudis." Fletcher insisted. "Just let Nyx go and give yourself up! We can help you, the right way."

“And let you return Nyx to Secretariat? Not a chance in hell!” Nabudis roared, “You don’t understand what he’ll do to her!”

“Maybe we would if you just told us!” Caboose yelled, “We’re the RDL. The good guys! If you just let us, we can make things better!”

"No, you can't." Nabudis said coldly, “Neither you, nor anyone else can help us."

"I disagree." Fletcher rebutted. "While I don't understand your reasons for lying, or why you're with the Forefathers, or how Nyx fits into any of this… but Sterling believes that you’re in trouble, and if he taught me anything, it’s that even a pony in your position can be helped."

“Help? Like how you helped Sacred? By dropping a Faust damn ceiling on him?!” Nabudis snapped. The hate and anger was loud and clear in his voice.

"Whoa!" Caboose yelped. "Drama bomb!"

"We didn't have anything to do with that!" Fletcher pointed out.

"But your comrades did!" Nabudis spat. "They hunted him down, and killed him!"

Nyx seeing the pain in her father's eyes.

“...Papa?” Nyx whispered.

Nabudis glanced back again… and let out a deep sigh, as he gave a somber glance to the two.

“Whatever help you intend to provide, you can save it.” Nabudis said firmly, “I just can’t take any chances. I will protect Nyx, no matter what. So if you’re not going to step aside…” He took a battle stance, “Then put ‘em up.”

"...Then you leave us no choice." Fletcher begrudgingly raised his hooves.

"Better tell the kid to cover her eyes..." Caboose declared.

"Wait behind me, Nyx." Nabudis urged.

"Be careful." Nyx trembled.

"Don't worry, we'll make this quick." Caboose promised, as he neared Nabudis.

"Quicker than you think..." Nabudis said darkly.

Before Caboose could blink, Nabudis rushed forward and put him in a hooflock.

"Yeow!" Caboose yelped.

"Caboo-Urrk!" Fletcher tried to help, but was kicked away by Nabudis.

“Don’t think I haven’t heard all about you, Napoleon.” Nabudis hissed, “You’re rather infamous around the Infinity. About how you killed that monster Killsquad in one shot. How you blew a hole in the Crystal Castle. And just how… ‘unnatural’ you are. And after spending these past two days with you, I believe them whole-heartedly.”

“Well, if you let me go, I can give you a private show.” Caboose hissed in pain.

“Not a chance. That’s the pitfall everyone else fell for. Leaving you for later.” Nabudis twisted the hoof harder, “No. You must be dealt with first!”

"Good luck with that!" Caboose threw his head back, striking Nabudis in the face.

"Guh!" Nabudis grunted, releasing Caboose.

"And now it's my turn!" Caboose grinned, lighting up his horn for a magic attack.

"Guess again!" Nabudis grabbed Caboose by the horn before he could fire.

"Hey!" Caboose yelped.

Nabudis pointed Caboose's horn skyward, sending the bolt of magic straight up. But he also ended up burning his hoof on Caboose's horn.

"Hrrr!" He winced in pain.

“Hey!” Caboose growled, trying to shake his hoof off as the horn continued firing, “Let go! Let go!”

“As you wish!” Nabudis let go, just as Caboose flung his head back.

“Whoa!” Caboose flailed his hooves.

This sent the poor Unicorn off-balance, as Nabudis then followed up with a good buck to the chest.

“GAH!” Caboose was sent flying into a hedge, “Ohh…”

"Grr, you're going to pay for that..." Fletcher growled, having recovered just in time.

"Bring it on." Nabudis snarled.

Fletcher swung a punch at Nabudis, who dodged, and retaliated with one of his own. Fletcher barely managed to evade it, and struck back. Nabudis blocked it... But using his burnt hoof, sending a fresh surge of pain through him.

"Nnn!" He let out a grunt of pain.

"Gotcha." Fletcher smirked.

Taking advantage of his opponent's broken focus, Fletcher swung another punch. Nabudis tried to dodge, but failed, and suffered a glancing blow that caused him to stumble.

"Gah!" He grunted, shaken.

Fletcher capitalized further on his advantage by kicking Nabudis in the side.

"Uurk!" Nabudis groaned, barely able to keep his footing.

Nyx watched on in horror, terrified by what she was seeing.

Fletcher headbutted Nabudis, then drove a knee into his chin.

"Guhhh!" Nabudis snarled. He retaliated with a punch, one which could miss to their close proximity.

"Grr!" Fletcher grunted, barely feeling the blow. " A decent attempt, but you've already lost this one..."

Fletcher delivered a one-two punch combo that staggered Nabudis further, then a backswing that sent him sprawling. He then swung one of his back hooves at Nabudis, aiming to knock him out… only for it to stop in mid-air.

“What in the world?!” Fletcher gaped, as he felt his back hoof being gripped by some invisible force.

“I said… I will protect Nyx.” Nabudis hissed. But he was stumbling a bit, the fight with the trained stallion taking more out of him than he thought. It looked like he was about to collapse.

“Papa?” Nyx whimpered, seeing the state her father was in. She turned to the caught stallion, as he struggled to pull his ‘caught’ hoof free of whatever was holding it.

Nyx did not consider herself to be an angry pony. If anything, she was the kind of pony to take flight rather than fight.

But seeing her father getting the snot beat out of him by this stallion… it caused feelings… very bad feelings to boil up within her. Feelings that felt familiar… and scary.

All of this was made apparent as her pupils began to narrow, and miasma began to emanate from her again.

Fletcher was quick to catch on as he stopped struggling, seeing the filly, who was previously cowering, was now staring at him, hatred in her tear-filled eyes.

“What the…” Fletcher gaped. Nabudis’ warning about not upsetting the patient echoed in his mind… and it looks like he was about to see why.

“LEAVE! MY! PAPA! ALONE!” Nyx roared through her gritted teeth, stomping towards them. Her bound wings were bulging against her vest, feathers falling from it, the miasma flowing from her like fog from a fog machine.

Nabudis heard the rage in his daughter’s voice as he quickly turned back, and saw her approaching them.

“Nyx, don’t!” Nabudis panicked, terror in his eyes.

The moment Nabudis looked away, whatever held Fletcher’s hoof let go, as the hoof finally collided with the doctor’s face, sending him to the ground.

In a flash, Nyx’s anger changed back to fear.

“Papa!” Nyx gasped.

“Ugh…” Nabudis winced, as he struggled to get back up… only for a hoof to push him back down and pin him.

“Stay down. Final warning.” Fletcher ordered firmly.

“No!” Nyx wailed, realizing what she has done, “Let him go!”

Before Nyx could do anything, two Royal Guards grabbed her and lifted her off the ground.

"No! Noo!" She screeched, trying vainly to escape.

“Whoa, take it easy!” One of the guards (a Unicorn) soothed, surprised by the ferocity of her struggle.

“You’re safe now!” The other guard kept a firm grip on him.

“Ooh…” Caboose groaned, regaining consciousness. He emerged from the hedge, “Eesh, how does Homer do that in that meme? Those hedges are thick.” He noticed the guards holding Nyx. "And where'd you guys come from?"

"We spotted that signal beam you sent." The Unicorn declared. "Good thinking, by the way."

"Uh... Thanks!" Caboose went along with it. "I do try!"

“No! Please!” Nabudis struggled under Fletcher’s hoof, “Let her go! You’re making a horrible mistake!” He tried reaching out to Nyx, “Nyx! Nyx!”

“Papa!” Nyx screamed.

“That’s enough! None of us are happy about this.” Fletcher pressed down harder, the child’s screaming causing him great discomfort, “So please, keep quiet, so this can end sooner.” He turned to Caboose, “Caboose. Cuffs. Now.”

“Um… right away, Fletch.” Caboose frowned, noting Fletcher’s tone.

Shortly afterward, Nabudis was lead out in cuffs, with Nyx being escorted by the two guards.

Some of the guests had taken notice, and a small crowd was forming.

Gothic, Luna, Constell, and Luxury were right there with them, with Survival nearby.

“Somnus…” Survival murmured.

“Ulysses. Napoleon. Care to explain what in Faust’s name is going on around here?!” Luna demanded.

“Nabudis, what is happening?” Gothic stepped forth, “Why are they cuffing you? What is with the girl?”

“Gothic…” Nabudis grimaced, “Look, I can explain…”

"Actually, I can explain."

Secretariat approached them, a smudge smirk on his face.

“Secret?” Luxury gaped.

“You stay the buck out of this!” Nabudis roared at him.

“Quiet!” Constell snapped at him, her mood towards him not getting any more sour, as she turned to Dysley, “What do you know about all this, Secretariat?"

“I was hoping that none of this would be brought to light, but considering the circumstances, I’m afraid I have no choice.” Dysley sighed, as he gestured to Nyx, who looked away in fear, “That child right there is Nyx. She was brought to Brightdale by her parents. She had certain… ‘abilities’ that made her a danger to ponies around her. We were trying to help her get better…” He then turned to Nabudis, That is, until Dr. Nabudis developed an unhealthy obsession with her."

"Obsession?" Luna frowned.

"Yes." Dysley nodded. "As I'm sure you've noticed, the filly bears a passing resemblance to Nightmare Moon."

"Oh, no..." Gothic whispered, aware of his old friend's admiration of Nightmare Moon.

“Huh.” Blueblood, who was watching the scene with his wife and the other guests, mused, “I thought she looked familiar.

"Despite my best efforts, Nabudis refused to let go of Nyx." Dysley said darkly. "He orchestrated this whole mess, having planned to kidnap Nyx, n the process getting one ‘Hamm Berger’ and the two pullers killed, and dragging this poor stallion...” He pointed to Survival, who winced in response. “In this whole affair.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense!” Gothic protested. “I know Nabudis. He’s not some crazed freak! Why would he do all this?!”

“I am not sure… but I reckon it has to do with the Forefathers.” Dysley pointed out.

The entire crowd gasped.

“You’re kidding.” Luna gasped, “Those terrorists?”

“I didn’t want to believe it myself.” Dysley shook his head sadly, “But from what I could gather, Nabudis has been a part of their inner circles for decades. Even before I was born. He probably intended for poor Nyx to be the basis of another one of their twisted Doomsday weapons. Like that giant mech spider from earlier."

“No… this can’t be.” Luna frowned.

“Somnus… tell me this isn’t so.” Gothic asked, pleading in his voice, “Tell me you didn’t…”

Nabudis looked as if he was about to do so… but he remained silent, unable to look him in the eyes.

"Nyx is a mental patient?" Constell gaped. "That can't be right..."

Miracle and the others were watching events unfold from the terrace.

"This is crazy." Hurricane frowned. "And I know crazy..."

“Well, Well, I sure hope somepony picked up that mirror.” Vito crossed his hooves.

“Huh?” Hurricane turned to him.

“Because I freaking CALLED IT!” Vito declared fiercely, vindicated.

Pureblood slapped him upside the head.

“Ow!” Vito winced.

“Not the time, V.” Pureblood glared.

"Poor Nyx..." Miracle sighed.

"Guards!" Fletcher called over the two entrance guards. "Escort Mr. Nabudis to the detainment carriage."

"Yes sir!" The guards saluted.

"Knew there was something off about this guy." The Pegasus sneered.

"Oh, yeah." The Unicorn nodded. "Big time."

“Congrats, you’re distrustful and judgy pricks.” Nabudis muttered, “Good for you.”

“Why you-” The Pegasus was about to raise a hoof.

“Easy, man.” The Unicorn glared, “You don’t want a repeat of last time, do you?”

“Hey, that griffon was giving me the stink-eye.” The Pegasus grimaced, “...But you’re right. This asshole is going to get it when he’s in prison anyways…”

As they led Nabudis away, Nyx began panicking once more.

“Papa!” Nyx cried, “Don’t go! Papa!”

Luna and Constell couldn't help but be affected at the sight of her crying. Constell in particular looked especially pained by the harrowing sight.

“...So, what now?” Gothic frowned, “What’s to become of Nyx?”

“I’ll personally see to it that the filly is escorted to a new hospital.” Dysley announced, “It’s clear that Nabudis groomed her to a point that she sees him as her only parental figure. It’s going to take a lot of therapy to undo all that damage.”

“Wait.” Constell stepped forth, “Can’t she stay here with us?”

“Hmm?” Dysley frowned. Nyx’s face notably lit up a bit.

“Look, I understand that Nyx might need help, but she’s been doing so well here with us.” Constell explained, “Let her stay with us. We can take care of her.”

“Wait… Connie, is Nyx the one you were-” Luxury realized.

“I appreciate your offer, Constell.” Dysley nodded, “But that would be ill-advised. Nyx’s ‘ability’ is very volatile. Any emotional duress, especially now that Nabudis is in custody, could set them off, and it would spell bad news for everyone in the castle.”

“What ability?” Constell challenged, “She’s been with us for a day now and I’ve seen nothing to indicate that she’s a danger to anypony!”

“To you, maybe.” Dysley shrugged, “But I’m sure if we were to ask other ponies in the castle…”

Immediately, Luna caught on to what he meant.

“Constell… I think we should let them take Nyx.” Luna suddenly clared.

“But, mom!” Constell protested.

“It would be best that Nyx stays somewhere that is better equipped to her needs.” Luna declared, “At the very least until they are able to get this ‘ability’ of hers under control. You do want what is best for Nyx, don’t you?”

“Yes, but-...” Constell was about to retort… only to give a resigned sigh, “...I guess.”

“Then it’s settled.” Dysley nodded, “We’d best be on our way then.” He turned to the Royal Guards, “If you please…”

The Guards silently handed Nyx over to Dysley, who grabbed Nyx’s hoof with a firm grip. Nyx was moments away from struggling once more…

“Now, Nyx, I know you had a rough night…” Dysley began… as he adopted a very cold glance, lowering his voice, “But do not make this any harder than it needs to be… alright?”

Nyx merely nodded in terror, too afraid to defy.

With that, Dysley led Nyx away towards the entrance. As they neared Gothic, Luna, Luxury, and Constell, Nyx locked eyes with Constell.

Constell could see the overwhelming fear and sadness in the filly's eyes. Without words, she could tell Nyx was begging her to not be taken away. The young mare herself struggled mentally to not do just that.

The moment passed. Luxury glanced ruefully at his wife, who looked as if she was on the verge of crying.

“Constell… are you alright?” Luxury asked tentatively.

“No… no, I’m not.” Constell struggled not to sob, a tear falling from her eye.

Luxury silently wrapped her in a hug, as the young mare began to cry quietly.

“Nabudis…” Gothic whispered, just as shocked by this whole turn of events, “...Why?”

“Gothic.” Luna placed a hoof on his shoulder, “I’m sorry…”

Not too far away, Survival, Fletcher, and Caboose looked on in sadness at the tragic scene.

"Was this a happy ending?" Caboose asked plaintively. "Because it doesn't seem like a happy ending..."

"No… no, it's not." Survival sighed.

“Survival… we’re sorry.” Fletcher shook his head, “If there was anything we could have done-”

“No. You guys did your job, and you did it well.” Survival shook his head, “I just wish things could have ended differently.”

“Well, not all cases can end well. That is the unfortunate reality of this line of work..." Fletcher sighed. "But at least for now, this nightmare is over..."

Suddenly, a Royal Guard walked over.

"Pardon me, sirs." The Guard declared. "But I've been asked by Mr. Dysley to take Mr. Horror over to the station to give a statement."

“Oh, right.” Survival said begrudgingly, as he turned to face Fletcher and Caboose, “I guess this is where we part ways…” He gave a small smile, “Thanks… for everything.”

"Just doing our duty." Fletcher smiled.

"Let me know the next time you're free for a good scary movie night." Caboose nodded.

"Will do." Survival agreed, before following the guard.

“...You think Survival is going to be alright?” Caboose asked Fletcher.

“I certainly hope so.” Fletcher sighed, “But who can say?”

"Ladies and gentlestallions, I'm afraid the party is over." Luna announced ruefully. "Please depart in an orderly fashion."

The guests reluctantly followed suit.

"Wonderful." Upper Crust scowled. "Another party being ruined by criminals..."

Outside, Nabudis was still being escorted by the two guards.

Suddenly, two other Royal Guards (both Earth Pony) emerged in front of them.

“Um, excuse us. We’re in the middle of transporting this scumbag.” The Pegasus scowled.

“Sorry about that.” One of the Earth Pony Royal Guards apologized, “But we were sent by the Captain.”

“What? Why?” The Unicorn frowned.

“Search me.” The other Earth Pony guard shrugged, “All I know is that he wanted you guys to report back to him for something while we take the criminal here off your hooves.”

“Really? That sounds… odd.” The Unicorn grimaced, “The Captain’s usually very explicit with his instructions.”

“Well, we don’t know. But you oughta get over there. You don’t want him angry at you, don’t you?” The Earth Pony guard warned.

“Ugh, he’s right. Last thing I need is another court martial.” The Pegasus scowled, as he shoved Nabudis over to them, “Just make sure he gets to jail in one piece.”

“Oh, don’t you worry.” The other Earth Pony smirked, sharing a glance with Nabudis, “We’ll make sure he’s ‘well’ taken care of.”

Nabudis felt his breath hitch… only to give a sigh in resignation.

As the two new guards led him away, the two old guards made their way back to the terrace.

“Hey, funny question… did something look off about them?” The Unicorn frowned. “Could just be me, but I swear the stars on their armor look like a different color.”

“It’s probably nothing.” The Pegasus grunted, “Not like some schmucks can get their hooves on our armors, just like that.”

“I guess…” The Unicorn shrugged.

Meanwhile, outside Canterlot Castle, from across the streets, Sterling was watching the entrance. But at the same time, he was engrossed in a conversation with Ballista.

“Are you sure about this?” Sterling gasped.

“Sure am. Couldn’t find a single thing on the lass.” Ballista nodded, “It’s as if she never existed.”

“But that makes no sense. How could a little filly like her go twelve or so years without so much as a birth-” Sterling then noticed movement at the gates, “Hold up, I see somepony.”

Much to Sterling’s dismay, it turned out to be Nabudis, as he was flanked by the two Earth Pony guards, as they lead him to a carriage that was pulled up front.

“Well?” Ballista asked.

“It’s ‘Doc’.” Sterling sighed, “Or rather, Nabudis… looks like Fletch and Caboose got him.”

“I’m really sorry, Sterling.” Ballista frowned sympathetically, “Can’t imagine it being easy to see an old ally being taken in like this.”

“Yeah.” Sterling admitted, “I just wish I can understand his deal with this ‘Nyx’. Or what happened between him and Secretariat. There’s so many questions and so little-”

As he said this, the Earth Pony guards suddenly shoved Nabudis into the carriage, and rather violently.

“Answers- what the buck?” Sterling lit up in shock as the guards got in.

“Sterling?” Ballista asked, “What is it?”

“The two guards escorting Nabudis. They just shoved him into the carriage… I’m a bit rusty, but that’s against Guard regulations, right?” Sterling asked.

“Yeah. But why would the guards do-” Ballista pondered.

Suddenly, Dysley emerged from the gates, and in tow was a black filly. Sterling knew immediately it was Nyx. The two were approaching the same carriage.

“Wait a minute.” Sterling frowned, “I got visual on Secretariat and I think Nyx… they’re going into the carriage as the guards and Nabudis. It looks like they’re all going together.”

“Okay, that is not regulation for sure.” Ballista scowled.

Just as Dysley was about to get into the carriage, Nyx suddenly began digging in her hooves.

“No! I don’t wanna go! I don’t wanna hurt ponies!” Nyx struggled, a bit of miasma began to flow out of hehr.

“Enough!” Dysley turned on her, causing the filly to flinch in terror, “This bullcrap dragged on long enough! So get your damn flank in the carriage or so help me Faust!”

Nyx was petrified, as the miasma began flowing more from her body, as Dysley tugged her into the carriage.

Sterling watched this little interaction, but was immediately drawn to the miasma flowing off her.

The dark blue mist instantly triggered memories of when he was back in Yokestadt with the senior Dysley, to when they went into the caves and found a room was filled to the brim with a blue mist just like the one Nyx was giving off…and how all of it was because of a fragment of Nightmare Moon’s-

Suddenly, it all clicked.

“Son of a bitch…” Sterling gaped.

“Sterling?” Ballista asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Sir, I think I just figured out what the hell is going on.” Sterling announced, as he saw the carriage was starting to leave, “I need you to tell Fletch and Caboose what you just told me.”

“Wait, hold on, what are you doing?” Ballista frowne.

“I don’t have time to explain!” Sterling started into a run, following the carriage, “Just tell Fletcher and Caboose about Nyx!”

Before Ballista could inquire further, Sterling hung up as he ran after the carriage and the occupants within.

’I now know what is going on here.’ Sterling declared to himself, his eyes fierce, ’And I’m going to put a stop to it, here and now.’