• Published 8th May 2019
  • 599 Views, 13 Comments

Fear of A Child - Bluecatcinema

A waking nightmare is on the horizon...

  • ...


The following morning, Blueblood was examined by the royal physician, a bearded Unicorn stallion with a cane. Dusty, Vito, and Pureblood were also there, watching nervously as the examination neared its end.

"Give it to me straight, doctor." Blueblood said, his bottom lip quivering. "I can take it."

“Well, you don’t have to. I checked your vitals and everything.” The doctor announced, “Physically, you’re absolutely fine.”

“Well, he wasn’t fine last night.” Dusty frowned, “He was screaming bloody murder.”

“Tell me again, what was it that brought this on?” The doctor questioned.

“Oh, it was horrible.” Blueblood shuddered, “I was dreaming that I’ve just won the Perfect Stallion Pageant for the umpteenth time. Everything was good… but then there was this blue smoke or something and I started to grow old. Like really old. Like if Starswirl and Mistmane had a baby and that baby was just as old as them!”

“Ugh, dad…” Vito grimaced at the thought.

“I was so ugly that everyone was repulsed by me and pushed me away. Even you, Dusty” Blueblood murmured, “And I thought for a moment I was going to die from this ugliness… like that barnacle.”

“Oh, Blue.” Dusty smiled soothingly, “That’s utter nonsense. I would love you no matter what you looked like."

"Really?" Blueblood asked. "Even if I lost every strand of hair on my head?"

"Yes." Dusty nodded.

"Even if I was all grey and had no teeth?" Blueblood asked.

"Of course." Dusty assured him.

"Even if I came down with the worst case of ponypox ever?" Blueblood asked.

"Yes." Dusty grinned.

"Even if I lost all my legs, became grossly overweight, and lost my face in a freak accident?" Blueblood asked.

"Uh..." Dusty said hesitantly.

“Naw, you’re right, not even I would say yes to that.” Blueblood grimaced.

"So basically, dad's okay?" Vito asked.

"More or less." Blueblood nodded.

"Are you sure?" Pureblood asked nervously. "Are you positive?"

"Relax, PB." Vito assured him. "The doc said dad's fine."

"Really?" Pureblood frowned.

"Really, son." Blueblood placed an assuring hoof on his son's shoulder.

Pureblood smiled, his fears assuaged.

"You two run along." Dusty declared. "We'll square things with the doctor."

"Okay..." Vito nodded.

"See you at lunch!" Pureblood added.

As the two left the room, Luna passed them by.

"Hello, aunt Luna." Pureblood smiled.

"Hello, boys." Luna nodded distractedly.

"What brings you here?" Vito asked.

"Oh, I was just planning on checking on your father." Luna answered, casting a strange glance at the room. "I heard something happened to him."

"It was just a bad dream." Pureblood told her.

"Perhaps." Luna glanced at the room again. "But even so, it wouldn't hurt to check on him."

"If you say so, aunt Luna." Vito mused, his suspicions raised again. "Come on, PB."

"Right behind you, bro." Pureblood nodded.

As the twins trotted down the corridors, Luna entered the doctor's office.

“Blueblood. Dusty.” Luna declared, seeing the two, “I came as soon as I heard. Are you alright?”

“I am now.” Blueblood nodded.

“Are you sure?” Luna frowned, “I was told that you and your son had some very bad nightmares.”

“It was pretty bad… but it’s all good now.” Blueblood shrugged, “Though I have to say, I think you might be slipping, auntie.”

“Blue.” Dusty hissed.

“For your information, I had no idea that there were any nightmares last night.” Luna grunted, “I saw nothing when I was doing my rounds, aside a few weird dreams here and there.”

“Well, to be fair, my nightmare didn’t really start out that way till the blue smoke came in…” Blueblood declared.

“...Blue smoke?” Luna murmured.

“Either that or some sort of mist.” Blueblood shook his head, “Either way, the moment that came in is when it all went awry. I was so terrified that I thought my heart was going to stop in shock.”

“Well, at least it’s done and over with.” Dusty sighed.

“..Um, actually…”

The three royals glanced at the doctor, who rubbed his shoulder awkwardly.

“This might not be the best time to mention this… but not long after Blueblood was admitted, we had a few other staff members come in. A few Royal Guards, a chef, and couple of maids.” He explained, “Some of them awakened in a cold sweat, citing a ‘horrible nightmare’, experiencing heart palpitations. The others reported having sudden panic attacks, even though there was no history.”

“All of this happened last night?” Luna gaped.

“That’s right.” The doctor nodded, “They’re all doing fine now, though.”

“Well, that’s… unusual." Blueblood noted.

"I would say 'deeply concerning'." Luna countered. "For there to be so many nightmares without me knowing about it? Something like this hasn’t happened since the Tantabus, and that thing has been gone for years..."

"What must have changed, then?" Blueblood pondered.

‘I can think of one…’ Luna mused to herself, as her mind turned to the odd filly that was now residing in the castle, before shaking her head, ‘What am I saying? That’s ridiculous. There’s no way a little filly could be capable of that… but that blue smoke… it can’t be what I think it is… right?’

"Luna?" Dusty frowned, unnerved by Luna's silence. "Luna?"

"Aunt Luna!" Blueblood yelled.

"Oh!" Luna snapped out of her reverie.

"Is something wrong?" Dusty asked. "You looked a little... Preoccupied."

"Sorry." Luna tried to brush it off. "I was just thinking about the day ahead. Anyway, I shall make sure the bad dreams stay out tonight."

"I certainly hope so." Blueblood sighed.

"As do I." Luna walked out of the room, continued her musing.

'What does this mean?' He thought. 'Certainly not the return of... no, it's not possible...'

“Is it just me or is something bothering Luna?” Dusty frowned.

“Yeah. I was just kidding about her slipping.” Blueblood declared.

"Whatever it is, let's hope she can shake it off soon." Dusty mused. "It wouldn't do for problems like that to linger..."

Elsewhere, Miracle wandered into Nyx's guest room to check on her, only to find her gone.

"Nyx?" She frowned. Confusion quickly turned to panic. "Nyx! Nyx!"


Miracle turned to see Nyx entered the room, joined by Constell.

"Nyx!" Miracle sighed with relief... Which gave way to anger. "Where were you? I was worried!"

"I, uh..." Nyx stuttered, hesitant to answer.

"She was with me." Constell stepped in. "She spent the night in my room. She couldn't sleep. And she wanted to talk more about stars and constellations."

"Oh." Miracle said sheepishly. "Okay then..."

"How about we head down to breakfast?" Constell offered.

"I am feeling pretty hungry." Nyx nodded.

"Sure, let's go." Miracle agreed, eager to put the awkwardness behind her.

As they headed downstairs, Nyx sidled over to Constell.

"Thanks for not telling Miracle about... Y'know." She whispered. "She already done so much for me… I don’t want to burden her with any more of my problems.”

“You’re welcome.” Constell nodded, “...But are you sure you’re going to be okay? You were crying well into the night.”

“I’ll be fine, really.” Nyx assured her, “I… I’ll just hang out with Miracle and the others.”

“If you say so…” Constell murmured, “Is there anypony else… besides your ‘papa’?”

Nyx remained silent, shaking her head.

“Oh…” Constell said simply.

“Look, let’s just forget about it.” Nyx put on a smile, “I can’t wait to see what they made for breakfast.”

Nyx went on ahead, as Constell held back a bit.

"Poor filly." Constell said sadly. "I wish there was something we could do for her..."

Meanwhile, in the city, Fletcher and Caboose had met up not far from the hotel. As Fletcher saw Caboose, he quickly noticed the bags under Caboose’s eyes.

"Are you okay, Caboose?" Fletcher asked. "You look a bit tired."

“Well, I feel ‘a lot’ tired.” Caboose grimaced, “Michael was crying all night. Kept me up.”

“Did the nightshirt not work?” Fletcher frowned.

“Didn’t get the chance to try it.” Caboose growled, “And honestly, I feel it was the writers’ way of dragging out this utterly pointless plot point because they didn’t know what to do with it after they changed up this story.”

“...Um, what?” Fletcher raised a brow.

“...I don’t know. I’m too tired to try and explain it.” Caboose brushed it off.

“Well, I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m going to need you to be up and at it.” Fletcher said firmly, “Did you hear the awful news last night?”

"You mean about the Manehattan Buckball team losing to Applewood?" Caboose asked.

"...I was referring to the massacre that occurred at Horror and Nabudis' hospital." Fletcher said awkwardly.

"...Oh... well, that too is also bad." Caboose grimaced.

“Yeah. As if three ponies being dead wasn’t bad enough…” Fletcher grunted, “I can only imagine how the doctors are taking it.”

"I'd prefer not to imagin.e" Caboose grimaced. "So... how are the others doing?"

"Well, I heard that Black and Fury have just boarded the ferry to the Isle of Wheat." Fletcher declared.

"Sounds like they're makin' pretty good time." Caboose smiled. "Same as usual. I wondering how that’s coming along?"


On a medium-sized ferry, bound for the Isle of Wheat, Black and Fury were in one of the cabins, snoozing on their beds. Black was still in his armor, while Fury was clucking softly in his sleep, like a chicken.

"Bok, bok, bok..." He mumbled.

Back in Canterlot...

"No doubt they're the picture of professionalism and alertness." Fletcher said faithfully. "And since we don't them to show us up, we should get back to our part of the mission."

"Wilco, skipper." Caboose nodded.

Caboose and Fletcher continued on to the hotel, with Sterling, Survival, and Somnus waiting outside. They were all silent, and Survival looked downright downtrodden.

“Silver, Horror, Nabudis.” Fletcher said solemnly, “...I take it you all heard about last night’s events.”

“I’m afraid so.” Sterling sighed, “It’s terrible, isn’t it?”

"Absolutely horrific." Fletcher sighed.

"Like an over-the-top slasher flick." Caboose frowned. "You okay, Survival?"

"Not even close." Survival bowed his head in grief.

“We are all reeling from this horrible atrocity…” Nabudis shook his head, as he stepped forward, “...But nevertheless, now that we’re all here, we should resume our search immediately.”

“Dude, really?” Caboose glared.

“Look, what happened last night was terrible. I’m not denying that.” Nabudis glared back, “But we still have to find the patient.”

“What’s the point, Som?” Survival grumbled, “There’s no hospital to bring her back to anymore.”

“That’s not true.” Nabudis corrected, “You forget, you and Hamm were transporting her to the hospital at the Isle of Wheat.”

“And look where that got us.” Survival growled, “It’s like everypony who evens breathe the same air as this patient has ended up dead. It was bad enough losing Hamm and those pullers… but now everypony is dead, and all you can think about is that damn patient?”

“I know you’re angry, Fievel-” Nabudis started.

“But nothing!” Survival snapped, “If I can be honest, sir, this patient is really starting to be more trouble than she’s worth. If you ask me, I say we should just forget about her!”

“Whoa now.” Caboose held up his hooves in shock.

“How can you say that?” Nabudis asked, visibly aghast.

“Because we’re the only two ponies in Brightdale that are still alive!” Survival scowled, his eyes misty, “How long do you think it’ll be before those guys who killed Hamm, or whoever massacred our hospital comes for us?!”

“Survival…” Sterling murmured, seeing the pain in the doctor’s eyes.

The older doctor stood there for a moment…

“Doctor Horror. Do know that what I’m about to do is because I care about you.” Nabudis declared firmly…

Before he slapped him.

“Whoa!” Fletcher, Caboose, and Sterling gasped, in shock and outrage.

“Ugh! What the hell?!” Survival clutched his cheek.

"What are you doing?" Fletcher gaped.

"Nice bedside manner, doc." Sterling chided him.

“I’m sorry but I had to eloquently tell my assisting physician to get a grip!” Nabudis seethed, as he glanced at Survival, “You’re angry. You’re grieving. Both feelings are natural in a situation like this. But do not think for a moment that you can just take it out on the patient.”

“But sir-” Survival protested.

“The patient is as much a victim as everypony else!” Nabudis snarled, “You think she wants ponies getting killed over her? You think she wants to be hunted like an animal, being stalked by those who would use her for their wicked ways. No. That is why we’re here. She is our patient. Our responsibility. Even if our hospital is no more, that does not free us of our charge. We still have a duty to her, and as of now, it’s on us to make sure she is returned to safety! And I will not tolerate you spitting in the face of that because of your grief. Do I make myself clear?!”

“...Yes, sir.” Survival nodded glumly.

“...Good.” Nabudis’ glare softened, as he placed a soothing hoof on his shoulder, “I’m sorry I had to do that. You didn’t deserve to have this happen to you. Neither did Hamm or the others. But we can’t lose sight of our task.”

"He has a point." Fletcher admitted grudgingly.

"And a nasty 'tude, too." Caboose added.

“So… if it’s all the same, I think we should discuss our next plan of-” Nabudis began.

“Actually, I’m really sorry to do this.” Sterling grimaced, “But I would like to take Fletcher and Caboose aside for a moment. I want to discuss something with them.”

“Again?!” Nabudis growled.

“I know, I know.” Sterling sighed, “But it’s very urgent. We won’t be long, I promise. We’ll be over in the nearby alleyway.” He glanced at Survival, who shared a glance with him, “Guys?”

“Very well.” Fletcher nodded, a bit concerned.

"Ooh, secrets!" Caboose grinned.

Fletcher and Caboose followed Sterling to a nearby alleyway.

“I swear…” Nabudis shook his head, “With all those private talks they’ve having, you’d think they don’t trust us.”

“Yeah…” Survival murmured, “Actually, sir, I just realized that I left something back in my room. If it’s alright, I-”

“Just go and get it.” Nabudis sighed, “Not like we’re going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Thanks. I won’t be long.” Survival walked back inside the hotel.

Soon, it was just Nabudis.

“...All by myself... sounds like Saturday night.” Nabudis quipped to himself.

Sterling lead Caboose and Fletcher deep into the alleyway, far out of earshot from any vying eyes.

“What’s going on?” Fletcher frowned, “Is there something wrong?”

“I wouldn’t say wrong… but something did kinda happen last night.” Sterling admitted.

“Well, don’t keep us in suspense.” Caboose frowned, “What’s going on, Ster-”

As he said his name, a nearby door, which happened to be the back exit of the hotel, opened up as Survival came out.

“Ster-ster-Starling! Clarice Starling!” Caboose caught himself, “Man, she was an awesome character!”

“Um, Survival.” Fletcher was a bit caught off-guard. "We... we were just... using codenames for-”

“Don’t bother, guys.” Sterling sighed, “He’s what I wanted to talk about. He knows everything.”

"What?!" Fletcher and Caboose gasped.

“That is right.” Survival nodded, “And by the way, Clarice was middling at best. Any self-respecting EBI agent would have seen through Hannibal's machinations."

"Well, you never met my uncle!" Caboose pouted.

“Uncle? Hannibal is a fictional character.” Survival frowned.

“A fictional character that the writers ripped out and made as one of my many uncles!” Caboose rebutted.

“Hey, let's back it up a moment!” Fletcher snarled, as he seethed at Sterling, “I can’t believe you told him! No one was supposed to know that you’re affiliated with us!”

“Look, it’s not his fault.” Survival stepped in, “I actually figured it all out on my own.”

"Well, aren't you clever?" Caboose grinned.

“I’m sorry, Fletch.” Sterling apologized, “But Survival immediately came to me after he heard the news last night, having pieced it all together and demanded to know who I was.”

“And you just told him?” Fletcher frowned.

“He made it ‘clear’ he wanted answers.” Sterling deadpanned, omitting his and Survival’s little fight, “And he wasn’t going to take a no.”

“Oh, Faust dammit.” Fletcher cursed.

“If you’re worried about national security or something, don’t be.” Survival assured, “I am not going to tell anyone.”

“Then why are you here right now?” Fletcher asked, suspicious.

“Because I want in.” Survival declared simply.

“Whoa, dude. I mean, we’re all hot, but I don’t think any of us-” Caboose began.

“In on the investigation, Faust!” Survival snapped at Caboose, “The Forefathers are the ones behind this, aren’t they? I want to help you guys find those monsters and bring them down for what they did to my friends!”

"Oh, really?" Fletcher frowned.

"Um..." Caboose put a hoof behind his head.

"That's not really ideal..." Sterling cringed.

“What? What’s the issue?” Survival scowled.

“Look, Survival. I understand you want justice for your friends, but we can’t simply take on civilians for missions like these. There’s protocols and procedures to follow.” Fletcher explained, “For starters, you’ll be a liability should we come across those who attacked you.”

“I can handle myself.” Survival glared, “Survivalist, remember? I know how to fight.”

“I believe him.” Sterling admitted.

"But won't it still be super-dangerous for him?" Caboose pointed out. "These guys are monsters. And not nice ones, like Cerberus."

"I'm feeling pretty monstrous myself right now." Survival boasted.

"No offense, but considering your current mental state, I have reservations regarding what would happen should you find one of these attackers." Fletcher declared. "You may not be able to control yourself, and things could get... messy."

"You might have a point there." Survival admitted.

“Glad you see it that way.” Fletcher sighed in relief.

“But maybe I could help you in finding out what’s really going on around here.” Survival insisted, “Sterling here already told me a bit about what’s going on and how the patient is a part of it.”

“Did he now?” Fletcher frowned at Sterling.

“That’s right.” Survival nodded, “Apparently, there’s some big plot that centers around a subject, and apparently, the CEO who owns my hospital is behind it. Or am I wrong?”

“Well, I’m afraid Sterling here neglected to mention that all that was all speculation.” Fletcher took a moment to shoot Sterling an annoyed glare. "We do not know for sure if your patient and the subject of Project: Bad Dreams are one and the same."

"Project: Bad Dreams? So this evil plan has a name?" Survival asked. "Not a very creative one it seems."

"Jeez, you're just a critic with everything, aren't you?" Caboose scowled.

“So, what is this ‘Project’ about?” Survival jasked, “Is it anything like the terrorist attacks that were carried about months ago?"

"...We do not know that either." Fletcher admitted.

"Seriously?" Survival glared at Sterling. "Not even the former terrorist here?"

"Look, I only knew the ponies involved." Sterling shrugged. "We kinda kept to our own matters."

"Well, is there anything you guys do know?" Survival asked.

"Sterling did say it has something to do with Nightmare Moon." Caboose stated.

"Nightmare Moon? As in the alter ego of Princess Luna?" Survival frowned. "Isn't she dead?"

"Well, when it comes to this series..." Caboose said lightly.

"And what does a dead mare have to do with any of this?" Survival asked.

"I'm still trying to figure it out... but I can bet it might have something to do with those mysterious deaths." Sterling shrugged.

"Sterling..." Fletcher frowned.

"Mysterious deaths?" Survival asked.

"Yes." Sterling nodded. "Weasel's death, you know, that guy from the park, had some similarities to that of a few ponies who died in their sleep-"

"Hold on, are you referring to those deaths that had been happening over the past several months?" Survival gaped.

"You're aware of them?" Fletcher asked.

"Oh, yeah." Survival nodded. "In fact, I knew a few of them. Like Cirrus, the first one. He was a mailroom assistant at one of our medical insurance companies. He and a few of my colleagues used to get drinks together... are you meaning to tell me that their deaths might have been a part of all this too?"

“We don’t know.” Fletcher repeated.

“Again? Well, this investigation is clearly going nowhere.” Survival huffed.

“Look, Survival, there are some questions that need answers.” Fletcher insisted, as he then glared at Sterling again, “But unfortunately, all the information we do have is just guesswork. The mysterious deaths. Project: Bad Dreams. Your patient. We do not know if they’re connected. For all we know, it’s just one big coincidence. We can’t just assume things without concrete evidence.”

"So what?" Survival challenged. "Our hospital got slaughtered just for the laughs?"

"I did not say that." Fletcher insisted.

"Then what?" Survival urged. "You keep saying it’s speculation, but you know what I think? Before that night the carriage was attacked, all my friends were still alive. And now, they’re not! All I have left now is Nabudis! The only thing that has changed is now this patient is out and there are ponies are after her who are from the same guys that attacked this city! You're seriously going to tell me that all of this is just one big fat coincidence?!"

The three glanced at him, noting the pained expression in Survival's eyes... then the doctor sighed.

“...I need answers. I can’t just stand here and dawdle while the guys who killed my best friend and all my colleagues and patients are out there, planning some awful. I owe it to them to see that they’re stopped.” Survival declared.

"I can understand that feeling." Sterling sighed.

“...I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me that Dysley being involved in this is just speculation too?” Survival deadpanned.

“Well, yes.” Fletcher began, noting Survival’s frown deepening, “But he is a pony of interest. We just don’t know if he’s involved yet.”

"Oh, he's definitely involved." Sterling said adamantly. "I can feel it. Why else would he take on his father’s project?”

“Father’s proj-” Survival murmured, before lighting up in shock, “Hold on… you mean the late Sacred Dysley was a Forefather member too?!”

“That is… correct.” Fletcher began, getting more frustrated at the constant leak of confidential information.

“Son of a-” Survival was bewildered, “You realize how crazy that sounds right? Sacred Dysley was one of the most beloved ponies around! He founded a number of charity organisations, donated to those in need, even sent medical supplies to sickly ponies in Kenyoke! He was a good stallion!”

“He still was.” Sterling admitted, “Trust me, I met him. Don’t know why he decided to shack up with the Forefathers, but he did. I can only assume he made some pretty bad choices, like I did.”

"Bad choices which hurt many ponies." Fletcher said darkly.

"And used a lot of tired old clichés." Caboose added.

“So, what does this mean for his son?” Survival asked, “He’s not quite up there with his father, but he’s still a pretty big deal.”

"At the moment, we can't do anything." Fletcher begrudgingly admitted. "Not without risking his scorn and influence. Which could be even worse if he is a part of this.”

“Then there’s nothing we have to go on.” Survival sighed in frustration, “Wonderful.”

“Not true.” Caboose spoke up, “What about Doc?”

“Doc?” Survival repeated.

“Yeah, Sterling mentioned that he was the other guy in charge of the project.” Caboose explained, “He was Dysley senior’s ‘mysterious’ partner. Maybe we should call the guys and have them look for him!”

“That would be a good idea… if anypony knew who he was.” Sterling grimaced, “Doc was one of the few ponies in the organization that kept his identity a secret. No one had any idea who he is, and not for lack of trying, mind you. I can’t even tell you his real name.”

“Then why was he brought up?” Survival snapped.

“Hey, I was just trying to come up with ideas.” Caboose pouted, “Though speaking of docs, maybe we oughta take a crack at Nabudis!”

“...What?” Survival began, his voice soft.

“Um, Caboose, I don’t think that’s a very good-” Sterling growled, moving his hoof across his neck erratically.

“No, really.” Caboose continued, oblivious to Sterling's signal. "If this patient really is the subject of Bad Dreams... then Nabudis might know something. After all, he’s the guy who set that whole escort up, right?"

"Are you suggesting that Nabudis would have a part in all this?" Survival said defensively.

"Survival didn't know we suspected Nabudis, Caboose." Sterling said bluntly.

"...Oops." Caboose cringed.

“Well, now that everything is out in the open..” Fletcher sighed, “I’m sorry, Survival, but from the start, Nabudis has been acting suspiciously. He’s the only one who seems to know anything about this patient, and refuses to tell anypony. And some of the behaviors he displayed yesterday seems to border on obsessive. You must understand how this must look to us.”

“No! I refuse to believe it!” Survival snarled, “Nabudis is more than just my boss. He's my mentor, my friend!"

"I know where you're coming from." Sterling stepped in. "Nopony likes the idea of the guy who taught them so much, gave them a job, could be a bad guy. But it happens sometimes. Believe me."

"Not this time." Survival said stubbornly. "Not with Nabudis."

“And now you see why we are hesitant on taking you aboard.” Fletcher deadpanned.

“Look, I know Nabudis. He’s many things, but a terrorist?” Survival grunted, “There’s no way. No way he would hire ponies to-”

“Look, we’re not saying he did anything… yet.” Fletcher cut him off, “But as it stands, unless Nabudis decides to come clean with us, we can’t rule out the possibility that he has some ulterior motive…”

“Yeah, and if he’s anything like yesterday, it’s going to be next to impossible to get anything outta him.” Sterling grimaced.

"Not entirely." Fletcher declared, "We may be able to steer a conversation towards the kind of information we need."

"But how?" Caboose asked. "None of us have a conversation driver's license... do we?"

“...I’ll do it.” Survival stepped forth, “I’ll get Nabudis to talk.”

“Survival, you don’t have to-” Sterling spoke up.

“Look, you said so yourself. Nabudis isn’t going to talk to any of you guys, especially not Caboose.” Survival explained.

“Hey, he’s the jerk.” Caboose crossed his hooves childishly.

“But Nabudis trusts me.” Survival continued, “If I can get him to open up about the patient, then we might be able to find out what’s actually going on.”

“Are you sure you’re gonna be able to do it?” Sterling frowned, “I mean, he didn’t exactly trust you enough to tell you about the patient to begin with.”

“That is a fair point, but he’s my friend.” Survival declared, “If I can talk some sense into him, convince him with a very good argument, he will talk.” He glanced at Fletcher, “I know I can do it.”

“It’s not a matter of can or can’t.” Fletcher frowned, “You say Nabudis is your friend… but what do you suppose will happen if he says something that implicates him in this whole mess? How do we know you won’t lie to cover his flanks?”

“I won’t lie.” Survival insisted, “And I won’t have to, because he’s not involved.”

“And what if he is?” Fletcher shot back, “Can we trust you to do the right thing, even if it means taking down your friend?”

“Fletch, take it easy.” Sterling urged, “The kid's already had it rough.”

“It’s fine, Sterling.” Survival said firmly, as he glared at Fletcher, “You can trust me. I want to find the one responsible and make sure they get what’s coming to them, even if it means…” Survival paused, unable to say it, “But I still say Nabudis is innocent, and if this is the only way to clear him, so be it.”

"Then we're agreed." Fletcher nodded. "Now let's get back to Nabudis, before he starts asking questions of his own."

"We haven't even got to the question-and-answer round yet..." Caboose smirked.

The group returned to Nabudis, with Survival coming back through the hotel.

“Finally.” Nabudis huffed, as he saw the others, “You three were talking a good while. I don’t suppose you’ll be telling me.”

“It was nothing. Silver here was just catching up on everything that has happened last night.” Fletcher explained.

“And that was urgent because…?” Nabudis challenged.

"Because he saw this crazy scene outside where these two cats were fighting over a burrito!" Caboose lied.

“Of course…” Nabudis grunted, as he then noticed Survival coming out, “Ah, Fievel. You found what you left behind?”

“Oh yeah. Got it right here.” Survival nodded, holding up the knife he pilfered from the cafe last night, sharing a knowing glance with Sterling.

“Hey, that kinda look like the knives they have back at that late night cafe.” Caboose noted.

“Um, no it isn’t.” Survival quickly rebutted.

“You’re sure?” Caboose frowned, “Because I think I remember that kind of cutlery being set on their tables. I hear they get stolen a lot.”

"No, it's different." Survival insisted.

"I'm certain it's the same one." Caboose peered at it.

"I'm telling you, it's just a very similar make." Survival declared. "With miniscule, yet obvious differences."

"Are you sure?" Caboose narrowed his eyes.

"Knock it off, Caboose." Sterling growled irritably.

“Yes. We already wasted enough time talking. So can we just get a move on?” Nabudis said sternly.

“Yes, sir…” Survival nodded awkwardly.

“Geesh, I was just making an observation.” Caboose frowned, “It’s not like I accuse him of trying to shank Silver over here over some misunderstanding.”

“Yeah…” Sterling’s eyes shifted back and forth. Fletcher was quick to notice.

“...Sterling, what happened last night between you and Survival?” Fletcher whispered.

“Oh, nothing.” Sterling grimaced, “Things might have gotten a little heated, but it’s nothing to worry about now.”

“...If you say so.” Fletcher frowned.

“Okay, now that we are finally ready to go, we should discuss a new plan in finding our patient.” Nabudis declared, “Captain Ulysses’ plan, while not bad, bore no fruit. That is why we should try and pick up the patient’s trail.”

“Well, what do you suggest?” Fletcher asked.

"She would have tried to find shelter to spend the night." Nabudis mused. "An abandoned building, an out-of-the-way overpass... even a house whose occupants are currently elsewhere. And chances are, she might still be there."

"Hmm, somepony's got his thinking cap on today." Caboose declared.

“Well, somepony has to.” Nabudis declared, prompting a frown from Caboose, “We must fan out and find any suitable locations. Survival, you're with me."

"Of course." Survival nodded curtly.

"We'll meet back here at noon." Nabudis stated.

"Says the pony with a plan..." Sterling muttered under his breath.

“Do be careful.” Fletcher frowned, “If anything goes awry, you are to come find us at once. You understand?”

“Yes, yes, we’ll let you know.” Nabudis brush him off, “Let’s get going, Survival.”

“Right away.” Survival nodded, as he gave a small glance to Fletcher, “See you at noon.”

The two doctors headed off, leaving the three Alpha Force Squad members.

“I really hope this works.” Fletcher grimaced.

“You and me both, Fletch.” Sterling sighed. "The sooner we get moving, the sooner we get this done."

The trio began their own journey.

"How well did you sleep in that nightshirt, by the way?" Caboose asked Sterling.

"I... didn't." Sterling answered.

"Aww, why not?" Caboose pointed.

"I was a little busy consoling Survival and Nabudis." Sterling lied (making sure to hide a yawn).

“Oh well… at least there’ll be tonight.” Caboose smirked, “I just know you and Mikey will be sleeping sweet dreams.”

“Yeah… can’t wait.” Sterling frowned...

Meanwhile, Miracle, Nyx, Pureblood and Constell were eating breakfast. Nyx was greatly enjoying the pancakes.

"Mmm, this is great!" Nyx smiled.

"Isn't it, though." Miracle grinned. "Mom makes them herself."

"Really?" Nyx asked.

"Yep." Pureblood nodded. "And they're always great."

"Thats kinda cool." Nyx admitted. "Celestia is a princess, and a chef."

"And so much more." Miracle smirked. "So, Constell, what will you be up to today?"

Constell didn't reply. She was unfocused, her mind still on Nyx's plight.

"Constell!" Miracle yelled.

"Huh?" Constell looked up.

"Any plans today?" Miracle inquired.

"Oh, you know..." Constell shrugged. "The usual. A little reading, a walk around the grounds... that kind of thing."

The doors to the dining room opened, as Hurricane came in.

"Morning, guys." Hurricane smiled.

"Morning, Hurri." Miracle smiled back. "How are things?"

“Ugh, terrible. Mikey still can’t sleep right.” Hurricane grimaced, “Kept mom and dad up all night. I could barely get some shut eye myself.”

“Oof. Mikey must be having some pretty bad nightmares for it to go on this long.” Pureblood frowned.

Nyx’s smile faded, a flash of guilt on her face. Without a word, she continued eating.

“Well, dad is hoping to try that nightshirt idea tonight, so wings crossed.” Hurricane shrugged. She glanced at Nyx, “Hey, Nyxie! How it’s hanging?”

“Oh.” Nyx glanced up, putting on a small smile, “It’s going… well.”

"Great to hear." Hurricane smiled.

"You know us." Constell declared. "We're nothing if not gracious hosts."

"Sure you are." Hurricane chuckled. "Why else would you put up with me for so long?"

"Very funny, Hurri." Miracle rolled her eyes.

At that moment, Vito entered the room.

"Hey, V." Pureblood smiled. "Not like you to be late for breakfast."

"I've been busy." Vito declared. He lowered his voice as he drew closer to Pureblood, Miracle and Hurricane. "I need to talk to you guys... in private."

"Again?" Hurricane rolled her eyes.

"Just for a second." Vito urged.

"Okay, fine." Miracle sighed.

"We, uh... need to talk for a moment." Pureblood told Nyx. "Be right back, okay?"

"Okay." Nyx nodded, a bit perplussed.

The others followed Vito into the corridors.

"Okay, what is it?" Miracle asked.

"I've just been to the library, and I've seen something that makes me think we need to have a discussion about Nyx." Vito declared.

"Not this again." Hurricane groaned.

"Seriously, V?" Pureblood sighed.

"I don't want to hear your paranoia again, Vito." Miracle growled.

"Hear me out." Vito insisted. "Nyx might not be who she appears to be..." He held up a book he'd checked out of the library, opening it to a page with the unmistakable image of Nightmare Moon. "I think we just brought in Nightmare Moon."

"...This is a joke, right?" Miracle shook her head.

"Not a very funny one, either." Hurricane added. "And I know funny."

“I get you don’t like her, V, but this is taking things too far.” Pureblood frowned.

“I’m being serious, guys!” Vito insisted, “Look at this picture! And think of Nyx...”

“Hmm…” Hurricane studied the image, “I don’t know. Nyx has a nice butt, but I don't think it compares to Nightmare Moon's moons.”

"...What?!" Vito gaped.

“Yeah, I have to agree, what?!” Pureblood sputtered.

"Nothing." Hurricane said quickly, “Definitely not bi-curious like my dad!”

“You know what, not dealing with that today.” Vito growled, “But you guys see what I’m seeing? Look at the coat, the eyes, and even the mane, minus the weird thing our aunts do with their hair. They all match with Nyx.”

"That doesn't prove anything." Miracle scoffed.

“Yeah. If Nyx is Nightmare Moon, then where’s her wings?” Hurricane spread her wings to emphasize, “And a bigger question: why is she a child, rather than a grown-up?”

“She’s probably using a spell to make herself look way younger than she actually is. And did away with the wings to blend in.” Vito surmised, “All so she could pretend to be a poor, scared little filly so that careless ponies like you guys would take her in. She could be waiting for the opportune moment to strike and take over Equestria like she almost did all those years ago!”

“Almost?” Hurricane snorted, “All she did was made a spiel about making the night last forever, and shot Celestia with one beam of magic, before Celestia booted her nice big butt to the moon. Me and dad seen the episode.”

“Okay, now you’re really taking this too far.” Miracle snarled, “Nyx is not Nightmare Moon!”

“Oh, and how do you explain the nightmare me and dad had last night?” Vito challenged, “One moment, I was flying on a roc, having the best dream of my life, the next, I get eaten by a dragon!”

“Is that what this is about?” Pureblood frowned, “V, it was just a bad dream.”

“No, it wasn’t!” Vito snapped. Fear was clear in his voice. Miracle’s glare softened, seeing the clearly freaked out look on his face, “This wasn’t like any bad dream I had. I was actually truly scared. I thought I was going to die. And so did dad.”

“Well, that’s awful and all, but it was just you and Blueblood.” Miracle shook her head, “That can hardly be put on-”

“But it wasn’t just us.” Vito continued, “I asked around the castle a bit, and I heard that several ponies in the castle had to come into the infirmary. All of them having to do with some ‘nightmare’ they had. Something that just so happened after Nyx spent the night.”

“Really?!” Pureblood gaped. The fear for his father suddenly returned, “Oh… Maybe Vito is onto something, guys.”

“Pure!” Miracle gaped.

“I’m sorry, but it doesn’t sound normal for that many ponies to be having bad nightmares.” Pureblood lowered his head.

“But that doesn’t mean Nyx is Nightmare Moon!” Miracle insisted.

“Yeah. I mean, does Nightmare Moon even have the power to cause nightmares?” Hurricane asked, “She never did something like that in the series!”

"Of course she does." Vito snorted. "It's right there in her name!"

"That still doesn't prove anything!" Miracle retorted.

"The timing seems a little too coincidental, though..." Pureblood declared.

"So?" Hurricane shrugged. "What are you, a watch?"

“You know what, there’s only one way to prove it: if she did make herself younger, her cutie mark should remain the same. And if I am a betting pony, that cutie mark is Nightmare Moon’s, splotch, moon, and all. If it is, then I’m right and we gotta get rid of her…” Vito announced.

“And if it’s not, you will drop the whole thing.” Miracle said firmly, “And you will never bring it up again. Got it?”

“Deal.” Vito said firmly, “But I know I’m right. You’ll see.”

"Well, if we're gonna take a peek at her Cutie Mark, we'll need to get back to Nyx." Hurricane pointed out.

"She should still be at the breakfast table." Pureblood declared.

"Then let's go." Vito urged. "No time like the present."

The group made their way back to the kitchen. Along the way, they encountered Nyx

"There you guys are." Nyx declared. "I was just looking for you."

"Well, here we are." Miracle said awkwardly. "All done with our private talk."

"Private, but totally pointless." Hurricane added. "So don't worry whatever it was we talked about."

"Who wants to live in the past anyway?" Pureblood shrugged.

"Ookay..." Nyx frowned. "So, what shall we do today?"

At that moment, Vito realized something.

“Wait… Nyx, what are you wearing?” Vito frowned.

“Oh, this?” Nyx referred to her new outfit, which was a light purple dress with some small sparkles, “Constell lent it to me. My vest got a little dirty last night, so she let me wear this while she has someone wash it… is something wrong?”

"No, no!" Miracle shook her head.

"Everything's fine." Hurricane added.

"Nothing wrong." Pureblood insisted.

"Nothing at all... yet." Vito muttered.

"...Whatever you say." Nyx said awkwardly. "So, shall we go out and play?"

"Gladly." Miracle smiled.

"Lead the way." Hurricane urged.

The group walked in the direction of the gardens.

“...None of you would have happened to catch a glance of her mark yesterday, did you?” Vito whispered to the others, making sure Nyx couldn’t hear them.

“Dad always said it’s impolite to stare at another mare’s flanks.” Pureblood grimaced.

“Unless you follow it up with wolf whistles and boat noises and pant with your tongue sticking out.” Hurricane added, “...But I didn’t see it either.”

“Really?” Vito grunted.

“Hey, unlike you, we weren’t focused on her appearance.” Miracle glared.

“Well, this is just going to make it harder to prove she’s Nightmare Moon.” Vito frowned.

“We could just forget about it.” Miracle suggested.

“Not a chance...” Vito furrowed his brow, “We’re gonna see that cutie mark!”

“What?” Nyx glanced back at Vito.

“Nothing.” Vito quickly declared.

Meanwhile, Luna was in the study, contemplating the nightmares that had occurred last night.

'How is it any of this could happen?' She fretted. 'It seems so impossible, and yet-'

Her thoughts were interrupted by the knock of the door, as Gothic came in.

“Hey there, love.” Gothic smiled, “I was told I might find you here. Is everything alright?”

“Well, they’ve been better.” Luna admitted, “I’m sure you’ve heard about Blueblood this morning?”

“Oh yeah. Something about nightmares?” Gothic asked.

“Indeed. And not just him. Quite a few ponies had came in to the infirmary talking about bad dreams and sudden panic attacks.” Luna explained, “All of this happened last night, right under my nose.”

“Really? But you’ve never miss a bad dream before.” Gothic frowned.

“Exactly.” Luna grunted, annoyed, “Everything was completely normal during my dream duties. I could accept missing one or two bad dreams on a particularly busy night but about a dozen or so? Without me knowing about it? It’s unheard of.”

“You think there’s something going on?” Gothic said, concerned.

“...I don’t know.” Luna shook her head, “Maybe I am just being paranoid… but it is my responsibility to make sure everypony can sleep peacefully. By not stopping those nightmares last night, my nephew and his son, along with the others suffered a very horrid nightmare. That’s all on me.”

“Luna…” Gothic whispered.

"It's my job, Gothic." Luna declared. "And I failed."

"You can't think like that." Gothic urged. "We all slip up sometimes. And you still have a really great track record. Try focusing on that. Because that's what I do. I focus on the amazing mare my wife is."

"Thank you, Gothic." Luna smiled. "I needed that."

"Being a good husband is my job, remember?" Gothic chuckled.

“But that’s enough from me… how was your night last night?” Luna asked. “Enjoyed your drink at the Blue Blazes?”

“Actually, you’re not going to believe it, but I ran into Somnus.” Gothic revealed.

“Somnus, Somnus…” Luna pondered, “Which one was he again? I know he was a part of your fan club.”

“Well… he’s the one who was with Sacred Dysley...” Gothic said simply.

“Oh!” Luna lit up… before frowning sadly, “Oh… that’s right. Faust, how long has it been since-”

“Twenty years.” Gothic murmured, “It was like seeing a ghost, to be honest.”

“How is he?” Luna asked.

“Honestly, not too good.” Gothic admitted, “Things were fine at first. He still has quite the dry humor and quite a wit too… but when Dysley came up… Somnus was never the feeling type, but I could see plain as day that he still misses him, after all these years.”

“I could imagine. If I had lost you, I would be unconsolable.” Luna sighed, “Is he still at that mental hospital?”

“He is… though I think that might be changing, what with…” Gothic shrugged awkwardly.

“Oh, right, that massacre.” Luna gasped, “Faust, that’s awful… it’s a miracle that he was not there when it happened.”

“You said it.” Gothic nodded, “Unfortunately, the moment that came on the radio, he was gone. I did invite him to the charity dinner tonight, but I don’t know for sure if he will come or not.”

“Well, it seems he might have some problems of his own to contend with. I can hardly blame him” Luna mused.

“Yeah… and I was really hoping we could catch up. Maybe cheer him up a bit.” Gothic bowed his head, as he turned to Luna, “He always did say you were a source of great inspiration to him, way back when.”

“I do my best.” Luna said humbly, “But Somnus did well all by himself. He made such great leaps and bounds in pursuit of bettering ponies' mental health.”

“But your example is what helped him get to where he is now.” Gothic declared, “I just hope he will be alright.”

"As do I." Luna nodded. "And I hope I can prevent repeated nightmares tonight."

"I'm sure you will". Gothic smiled. "But for now, how about we take our minds off things? Say, with tea on the terrace?"

"Sounds wonderful." Luna smiled.

The two departed from the room, eager to spend some peaceful moments together.

Just outside the castle, the CMCR and Nyx were heading out to play. Nyx had lightened up since breakfast, and was now ready to have some fun.

"Come on, guys!" She called as she raced ahead.

"Right behind you!" Miracle called.

"Okay, time to put our plan into action." Vito declared.

"So how are we going to see her Cutie Mark?" Pureblood asked. "Any ideas?"

“Couldn’t we just ask her?” Miracle frowned, “I mean, she knows we’re Cutie Mark Crusaders. Maybe she wouldn’t mind showing us.”

“No way.” Vito grimaced, “If Nyx is Nightmare Moon, we’d be letting her know that we know, and I doubt we would stand a chance if she decides to show her true colors to silence us.”

“Well, how else are we going to prove you wrong?” Miracle glared. Vito glared back silently in response.

"Hang on to your manes, folks." Hurricane announced. "Because I have a brilliant plan!"

Hurricane flapped her wings, creating a small breeze that ruffled Nyx's dress.

"Whoa!" Nyx, reacting with unexpected speed, put a hoof on her dress, keeping it down.

"That was your brilliant plan?" Vito hissed.

"I didn't see you coming up with anything!" Hurricane shot back.

"Perhaps I may suggest an idea?" Pureblood offered.

"If you must." Vito nodded begrudgingly.

"Hey, Nyx." Pureblood called. "Do you want to play Buckball with us?"

"Buckball?" Nyx frowned. "What's that?"

"What's Buckball?" Hurricane chuckled. "Where have you been?"

"...Nowhere special." Nyx said awkwardly.

"Buckball's a really fun game." Miracle told Nyx. "You're gonna love it, trust me."

"I do." Nyx smiled. "But I wouldn't mind knowing more about it..."

"Ask, and she shall receive." Miracle nodded. "Here's the basics..."

As Miracle started explaining how the game worked, the group made their way to the garden.

"What's the point of this again?" Vito whispered to Pureblood.

"Buckball is a very active game." Pureblood pointed out. "With all the movement required, it's more than likely we can catch a glimpse of her Cutie Mark."

"I guess that makes sense..." Vito admitted.

"And we get to have fun too!" Hurricane cheered. "What a day this'll be..."

A few minutes later, the kids had put together the necessary game equipment, and Nyx had been fully briefed on the rules.

"Can I be on your team, Miracle?" Nyx asked.

"Sure." Miracle nodded.

"I think I'll play with you guys today." Hurricane wrapped her hooves around Vito and Pureblood's shoulders.

"Won't the teams be uneven?" Pureblood asked.

"Since I'm an Alicorn, I'll play both the Unicorn and Pegasus positions on our team." Miracle announced. "That should keep things fair."

"Keep telling yourself that." Vito smirked.

The two games got into their positions, and the game began. Despite her crash course in the rules, Nyx still found herself at a disadvantage.

"Whoa!" She missed the ball, landing on her face.

The ball landed in her team's basket.

"That's one for us!" Vito smirked.

"Good try, Nyx!" Pureblood said sportingly.

"You'll get us next time!" Hurricane added.

"Try and remember which side you're on here, guys." Vito rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, Miracle." Nyx apologized. "Guess I'm not a very good teammate..."

"It's okay." Miracle assured her. "I don't expect you to be great at a game you haven't played before."

"But-" Nyx started.

"Let's just play to have fun, okay?" Miracle urged.

"Okay." Nyx nodded.

The game resumed. Despite Miracle's words, Nyx was determined to try and succeed. Her chance came when the ball was sent flying her way.

"I got it!" Nyx charged forward.

The world seemed to go into slow motion as Nyx leapt sideways into the air. She struck out with her hind leg, striking the ball. The others watched, awestruck, as her dress fluttered, revealing her Cutie Mark.

The flank had no splotch on it, and while there was a crescent moon included, it was within a blue shield. Nothing like Nightmare Moon.

The others were so intent on finally seeing the truth that they barely noticed the ball land in the boys' basket.

"Yeah!" Nyx cheered upon landing. "I did it!"

In the middle of her jubilation, she noticed that the others were staring at her.

"...What?" Nyx asked.

"Oh, nothing." Pureblood declared.

"It's just... Nice move." Hurricane smiled.

"Really nice." Miracle added.

"Thanks." Nyx said proudly. "I'm kinda thirsty. Mind if we pause the game so I can get a drink?"

"Not at all." Pureblood nodded.

After Nyx departed from the area, Miracle rounded on Vito.

“Well, well, well.” Miracle smirked, “Now do you admit you were wrong about Nyx? That she's not Nightmare Moon?"

"The facts do seem to speak for themselves." Pureblood noted.

"Okay, fine." Vito sighed. "She's not Nightmare Moon. But she's still weird."

"And that's a bad thing?" Hurricane shrugged.

"Just as long as he doesn't accuse our friend of things she hasn't done, I can tolerate 'weird'." Miracle scowled.

Inside, Nyx reached the kitchen, and poured herself some water, After quenching her thirst, she took a look around, making sure she was alone... then stepped into the pantry and took a moment to let her wings breathe for a bit.

"Ohh, that's better." Nyx sighed, as she flared her wings. 'Hmm, I'm starting to think the others might know about my wings.' She thought. 'Nahh. How could they?'

Nyx returned soon after, and the game continued. But as it did, the others failed to notice the frustrated scowl on Vito’s face.

’This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.’ Vito thought stubbornly, ’I don’t know what, but there’s something rotten about Nyx, and one way or another, I’m going to find out what that is… for everypony’s sake, I have to.’