• Published 8th May 2019
  • 601 Views, 13 Comments

Fear of A Child - Bluecatcinema

A waking nightmare is on the horizon...

  • ...

New Surroundings

Still enjoying her new outfit, Nyx was led to Canterlot Castle by Miracle and Hurricane. She had seen it before, from a distance, but nothing compared to seeing it up close.

"You really live here, Miracle?" Nyx gasped. "It's amazing."

"Maybe." Miracle shrugged. "But to me, it's just home."

"And for me, it's my best friend's home." Hurricane added, “Which happens to be a huge castle.”

Despite their words, Nyx couldn't help but be awestruck as they entered the castle, which somehow looked even more glorious on the inside.

"Wow..." Nyx gaped, as she looked around

"Fancy, isn't it?" Hurricane teased. "Try not to let your jaw scrape along the floor."

"Very funny, Hurri." Miracle chuckled.

"And what's this?" A female voice asked. "Are you girls giving tours now?"

The trio of fillies were approached by Vito and Pureblood's parents, Prince Blueblood and his wife Dusty.

"Just showing our new friend around, aunt Dusty." Hurricane declared.

"This is Nyx." Miracle introduced her.

"Hello." Nyx waved nervously.

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you, Nyx.” Dusty smiled warmly, “I’m Dusty, and this here is my husband, Blueblood.”

“It is always a pleasure to meet a new…” Blueblood smiled… which faded a little as he got a good look at the new filly. Like with his son, he couldn’t help but be a bit put off by the filly’s dark fur color, and those odd blue eyes, “...face.”

“Hey, you know where Vito and Pureblood are, Dusty?” Hurricane asked.

“Oh, Vito is holed up in his room reading up on those books Lars gave him, and Pure is busy making that orchid ravioli Sonny assigned him in the kitchen.” Blueblood declared.

“Right. Totally forgot they were apprentices. The writers really hadn’t touched on that in forever.” Hurricane mused.

“...Excuse you?” Nyx grimaced.

“Don’t mind her, she makes comments like that all the time.” Miracle shrugged, “Anyways… we’re going to be showing her around the castle.”

“Well, then you best get a move on. It’s starting to get late.” Dusty urged, “Especially you, Hurricane. You know how Uncle Caboose gets when you’re home late.”

“I know.” Hurricane rolled her eyes, “Late one time, and dad ends up wrecking the neighborhood with his homemade 'search buggy'. I’ll head back soon, right after I help Miracle show Nyx around.”

“Then don’t let us keep you.” Blueblood nodded, “It’s a big castle.”

“Thanks, Blueblood.” Miracle smiled, as she gestured to Nyx, as they left, “Come on, Nyx, we’ll start with the ballroom.”

“Oh, okay…” Nyx followed, a bit put off by the stare Blueblood was giving her as she did so.

“See ya, cuz, I hope you guys get a bigger role in the next story!” Hurricane waved as she trailed behind the two.

Soon, it was just the two.

“Heh, good ol’ Hurricane.” Dusty chuckled, “It is nice for the girls to make a new friend, wouldn’t you say, honey?”

Blueblood was silent for a moment, staring at where the girls went.

“Blue?” Dusty frowned.

“Huh, oh, sorry.” Blueblood snapped out of it, “It’s just… it’s that Nyx girl..”

“What about her?” Dusty raised a brow.

“Doesn’t she look… odd to you?” Blueblood declared, “I mean, the black coat is a bit off-putting as it is, but those eyes… who has cat eyes nowadays?”

“Blue!” Dusty grunted, slapping Blueblood upside the head.

“Ow! What?!” Blueblood cringed.

“That’s really offensive.” Dusty glared, “Haven’t you learn by now to not judge ponies by appearance?”

“Of course I have! I’m not saying she’s some demon or anything!” Blueblood defended himself, “I just think she looks…” He waved one hoof, “...’different’. Don’t tell me you don’t think the same.”

“Well… maybe a little, but that’s besides the point.” Dusty shook his head, “We best keep those kind of thoughts to ourselves. The last thing I want is one of our sons to judge someone by their appearance.”

“Again, I just think she is odd-looking.” Blueblood scowled, “...Not to mention she kinda reminds me of somepony… but I can’t put my hoof on it…”

And so Miracle and Hurricane showed Nyx around the castle, taking her all over to show them how royalty lived it up, showing her such things as the guard barracks, the conference room, and the stained glass windows chronicling major events in Equestrian history. Nyx found herself enthralled by it all.

'It's even more amazing than I imagined...' She thought.

After a look at the ballroom, they headed into the kitchen, where Pureblood was still hard at work.

"Hey, guys." Pureblood smiled.

"Still working on your assignment?" Hurricane asked.

"Oh, I already finished that." Pureblood declared. "This is a little creation of my own: spicy bean enchiladas. Wanna try?"

"Sure." Miracle nodded.

"I'll bite." Hurricane added.

"Okay." Nyx smiled.

The three all took a bite.

"Mmm." Miracle smiled. "This is great!"

"Yeah." Hurricane agreed. "Nice job balancing the spices with sour cream."

"That's what I was going for." Pureblood grinned.

"This is just as good as the restaurant food." Nyx declared. "You've really got a gift for this."

"Eh, I wouldn't go that far." Pureblood said humbly. "I'm still learning."

"Like I keep saying, you're going to be an amazing chef someday." Miracle declared.

"Best in Equestria." Hurricane agreed.

"You should open up your own restaurant." Nyx suggested. "I'd eat there."

"Thanks, guy." Pureblood grinned. "But I should be getting back to work. I've got a few appetisers I've been wanting to try."

"Then we'll leave you to it." Miracle nodded.

"Later." Hurricane waved.

"Bye." Nyx added.

"Later." Pureblood declared, returning to his work.

As they continued around the castle, they bumped into Vito.

"Oh, hey, Vito." Hurricane noted. "Thought you were studying?"

"Just taking a break." Vito shrugged. She glared at Nyx. "I take it you're still insisting Nyx should stay?"

"It's the right thing to do, V. "Miracle glared back at him.

"If you say so." Vito said bluntly.

Vito walked off down the corridor, barely giving Nyx a second glance.

"He really doesn’t like me, does he?" Nyx sighed.

"It's nothing personal, believe me." Miracle assured her.

"Yeah, that's just Vito being Vito." Hurricane shrugged. "Now, come on, we've got more to show you."

Soon, they were making their way through another hall, as Nyx took in the surroundings.

“This is truly an amazing home you have, Miracle.” Nyx declared, “Far better than anything I've ever known..."

“Well, we all can’t live in castles, but I’m sure your home is pretty alright, right?” Hurricane asked.

"I... uh..." Nyx muttered. "Well..."

“...You do have a home, do you?” Miracle frowned.

"Not in the traditional sense..." Nyx said nervously.

“Meaning what exactly?” Hurricane tilted her head quizzically.

“Look, it’s not important.” Nyx shook her head.

“If you say so...” Hurricane mumurred, before smiling, “But at least you have parents who loves you.”

Nyx was silent.

“...Why aren’t you agreeing with me?” Hurricane deadpanned.

“Do you not have any pony, Nyx?” Miracle asked, concerned.

“I actually do…” Nyx spoke up, though hesitant, “I have my Papa… but…”

“But what?” Hurricane pressed on, “Is he mean to you?” She grew angry, “‘Cause if he is, I have three uncles just down the street who can pay him a visit and-”

“No! No! He’s not like that at all!” Nyx snapped. For a brief moment, her pupils narrowed, “He's been taking care of me all my life! He taught me everything I know! And he would never hurt me! Never!!”

Hurricane and Miracle took a step back in shock, surprised by the quiet filly’s outburst.

Almost immediately, though, Nyx’s anger faded, replaced with guilt.

“Oh…” Nyx shook her head, “I… I’m sorry. I didn’t-”

"It's okay." Miracle assured her. "Hurricane didn't really mean that. Right, Hurricane?"

"Yeah, sure." Hurricane nodded, still unnerved by Nyx's outburst. "My bad."

"But, er... Where is your dad, anyway?" Miracle asked.

“...I… I don’t know.” Nyx admitted, “He told me that he had to go away for awhile. I haven’t heard from him since…”

"Oh." Miracle raised a hoof to her mouth.

"Sorry about that..." Hurricane said sadly.

"That's okay." Nyx sighed. "You didn't know. Let's keep going, okay?"

Miracle and Hurricane shared a concerned look as they continued their trek.

Their tour soon brought them to the throne room. There, they ran into Luna, who occupied her throne, reading some scrolls, with Celestia's standing empty beside it, neither she nor her husband (and Miracle's father) Shine Paladin anywhere to be found.

"Oh, hello, children." Luna smiled as she saw them enter, furling up a scroll with her magic.

"Hi." Hurricane smiled.

“Have you heard back from mom and dad at all today?” Miracle asked.

“I have. They had to make a last-minute detour over to Abyssinia.” Luna explained, “A new trade agreement is required, as their crops have suffered through a terrible drought this year."

"Oh, that's awful." Miracle gasped. "I hope mom and dad can help them."

"As do I." Luna agreed.

"Me too." Hurricane nodded. "Those poor kitties..."

“So, what are you two up to? I heard from Blueblood that you’re showing a new friend around the castle.” Luna questioned, as she then noticed the black filly, who was standing behind them, “I assume this is she?”

“That’s right.” Miracle gestured Nyx forward, “Don’t be shy. Aunt Luna is really nice.”

“Um… hi.” Nyx said awkwardly, “My name is Nyxxxxx…”

As Nyx glanced at Princess Luna, she began to trail off as her awkwardness gave way to a wayward stare. A strange feeling came over her, a feeling that almost felt… familiar…

And she wasn’t the only one, it seemed.

Luna gazed at Nyx, seeing those turquoise eyes staring right back at her. The pupils within them looked so odd…

As she looked into Nyx's eyes, words flickered into her mind, like static...

"It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces."

"Did you not recall the legend?"

"Remember this day, little ponies..."

“Um, aunt Luna?” Miracle frowned, noting the stare-off the two were having, “Nyx?”

The two quickly came to attention.

“Uh, it is a pleasure to meet you… Nyx.” Luna declared, shaking off the odd feeling.

“The pleasure is mine, p-princess.” Nyx bowed meekly, confused by the weird sensation she had.

“So, are you new around these parts?” Luna asked.

"You could say that." Nyx said awkwardly.

"I see." Luna nodded. "And where do you come from, may I ask?"

"Well..." Nyx said nervously.

"Um... auntie Luna?" Miracle spoke up. "Would it be okay if Nyx slept over tonight?"

“Huh?” Nyx glanced at her.

“A sleepover?” Luna raised a brow, “Normally, I’d say you should ask your parents, but since they're not here, I suppose there's no harm there… as long as it is alright with Nyx’s parents."

“Um-” Nyx was about to speak up, when Hurricane stepped in.

“Oh, sure! Nyx’s ‘Papa’ said it was A-OK!” Hurricane lied, “He's a really nice guy! And not mean at all!"

“Hmm, I see.” Luna murmured before smiling, “Well, in that case, I see no reason why not.”

"Thanks, auntie Luna." Miracle smiled.

"Thank you very much." Nyx bowed once more.

"You're quite welcome, fillies." Luna declared.

“Well, we’re gonna continue showing Nyx around the castle. See you around, Aunt Luna.” Miracle waved.

“You take care.” Luna smiled after them, up till they were out of the throne room, as Luna’s smile faded, dwelling on what had occurred between her and that filly, “...What in Equestria was that all about? Why did she seem so… familiar?”

Luna was left alone to ponder those thoughts.

“Whew, I’m glad she bought it. I was running out of things to say.” Hurricane sighed in relief, as the three made their way down the hall.

“You really didn’t have to do this, you know.” Nyx declared, “I don’t want you two to get in trouble.”

“Hey, we’re glad to do it.” Miracle smirked, “I’m not about to let you spend another night on the street alone. Not if I can help it.”

“Yeah. Helping ponies is kinda a Cutie Mark Crusader’s thing. Y’know?” Hurricane chuckled.

“Cutie Mark… Crusader?” Nyx perked a brow, “What’s that?”

"We help ponies find their special talents." Miracle explained.

"Or help them understand those talents better." Hurricane added.

"Oh." Nyx nodded. "That sounds... Fulfilling."

"It is." Miracle nodded. "Now, how about we get back to the tour?"

“Well, I’d love to join you guys, but I gotta get home.” Hurricane stated, “Mom and dad will be wondering where I am.”

“That’s alright. Me and Nyx will be fine on our own.” Miracle smirked, “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Hurricane smiled as she turned in the opposite direction, as Nyx and Miracle continued onwards.

"Where to now?" Nyx asked.

"The study." Miracle answered. "Hope you like books."

They made their way over to the study. Luna's daughter Constell was there, reading.

“Oh, hey, Constell.” Miracle smilked, “Did you and Lux enjoyed that lunch date?”

“Very much so.” Constell nodded, “Lux has to attend to another court case, so I figure I hang around here till he finished up.” She then glanced at Nyx, smiling warmly, “And who is this now?”

“This is Nyx, my new friend.” Miracle smiled, “Nyx, this is my cousin, Constell. Luna’s her mom.”

“Um, it’s nice to meet you.” Nyx nodded.

“Nice to meet you too, Nyx.” Constell declared, “That’s a nice vest you have there. Canterlot Boutique?”

“Oh, yeah.” Nyx rubbed her head, “Miracle bought it for me.”

“Well, it really suits you.” Constell smirked.

"Thank you." Nyx blushed.

"So... What are you all doing?" Constell inquired.

"Just showing Nyx around before a sleepover." Miracle explained. "How about you?"

"Just a little reading." Constell held up a book. "I just checked out this book on stars and constellations."

“Wow! I love stars!” Nyx gasped, taking the book.

"You don't say?" Constell mused.

"Yeah." Nyx nodded. "I love the way they shine and twinkle."

"Me too." Constell grinned.

"Um, can I read that book when you're done with it?" Nyx asked.

"I'll do you one better." Constell smiled. "You can read it with me."

"Really?!" Nyx gaped.

"Sure." Constell nodded. "Always happy to help another stargazer."

Miracle smiled as Nyx joined Constell at the table, both eagerly reading the book.

'One more friend for Nyx.' She thought. 'This is going better than I hoped...'

Meanwhile, the search party were scouring the streets of Canterlot, still looking for Nyx. They had been searching for hours, and were growing exhausted. All except Nabudis, who seemed to have unlimited endurance.

"Keep searching!" He told the others, glancing down an alleyway. "Our target is near, I can feel it..."

“You said that off-screen about four times now!” Caboose groaned.

"And you've spouted incomprehensible nonsense eight times." Nabudis retorted. "Your point?"

"Right here." Caboose held up his crossbow.

"Imbecile." Nabudis scowled. "Keep searching!" He yelled at the others.

"We've been searching all day." Sterling scowled. "We're all searched out."

“Look, I don’t care!” Nabudis snarled, “We can’t let up now! Not for anything!”

“Fletcher, you gotta put a stop to this.” Sterling whispered harshly.

“Way ahead of you.” Fletcher nodded, “Doctor, it’s getting late and we’re all exhausted.” He pointed at the quickly-setting sun behind them, “We should consider turning in for the night, and continue the search in the morning.”

"Absolutely not!" Nabudis objected.

"Seriously?" Sterling scowled.

"Yes, seriously." Nabudis said stubbornly. "We shouldn’t rest until the patient has been found and secured! Even if it means searching into the night!”

"But I need my eight hours!" Caboose protested. "You think good looks like these just happen?"

“I know you’re concerned, doctor.” Fletcher frowned, “But if we were to find the child and we’re not at our best, containing her might pose to be a problem.”

“Yeah. We’d pretty much be doing the work for her!” Caboose agreed.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Nabudis snapped.

“Um-” Caboose opened his mouth, realizing what he said. Before he could try and make up a lie, Sterling stepped in.

“Look, we just don’t think it’s a good idea to pull an all-nighter.” Sterling began, “Canterlot may look all clean and safe, but at night, things get pretty dirty. Lots of ne’er do wells. You catch my drift?”

“Which is more the reason why we must find her!” Nabudis glared, “I don’t want to hear any of your slovenly excuses!”

"Say what?!" Sterling scowled.

"There is no sloth involved in exercising caution!" Fletcher pointed out.

"With all due respect, sir, they're right." Survival stepped in. "Even if we were to search all night, you gotta consider the fact that we’re looking for a black-coated filly. We would run the risk of coming across the patient and not know it, and potentially letting others that are looking for her get to her first. Would you be willing to live with yourself if that was to happen?”

Nabudis paused, contemplating that horrid thought.

“Oh…” Nabudis hissed in frustration, before letting out a begrudged sigh, “...Alright. I guess we can rest for tonight.”

“Wow. He’s good.” Caboose whispered to Sterling.

“Then it’s settled.” Fletcher declared, “I know a delightful hotel nearby. I will set you and Dr. Horror up with some hotel rooms. And if ‘Silver’ here don’t mind, he will be accompanying you two and make sure Horror’s attackers don’t come back and try to finish the job.”

“I don’t mind one bit.” Sterling smirked, “A cozy bed, room service, and free TV? How can I say no?”

“In that case, I’ll leave them in your charge.” Fletcher handed him a bag of bits, “The hotel in question is The Skytower Stable. If memory serves, it isn't too far from here. Three rights, two lefts, and straight forward. You can't miss it."

"Got it." Sterling nodded.

“As for you two, do rest up.” Fletcher turned to Nabudis and Survival, “We’ll reconvene outside the hotel first thing tomorrow. If any trouble arises, you tell Silver. You got that?”

"I suppose." Nabudis said impatiently.

"Yeah, sure." Survival shrugged, looking away as he did.

“We’d be at our homes.” Fletcher smiled, “Good night, and rest easy.”

“Ooh, almost forgot.” Caboose gave Sterling the bag with his nightshirt in it. "Don't forget this."

"Oh, right." Sterling said awkwardly. "Thanks..."

"If we're lucky, this'll work for you and Mikey." Caboose declared. "Hooves crossed, right?"

"Yeah, sure..." Sterling smiled weakly.

"Sweet dreams!" Caboose waved as he and Fletcher departed.

After the two rounded a corner and vanished from sight, Nabudis turned in a direction other than the one the hotel was in.

"And where are you going?" Sterling frowned. "The hotel's that way."

"I am aware of that." Nabudis said flatly.

"Hey, we just agreed-" Sterling started.

“That we can rest for tonight.” Nabudis retorted, “I didn’t say anything about stopping right now.”

“Sir…” Survival protested.

“Look, there's still some time left before darkness falls.” Nabudis retorted, “And I intend to make as much use of that time as possible looking for our filly. Only when it gets really dark will I turn in.”

“But…” Survival was about to retort.

“Just let him go, Dr. Horror.” Sterling scowled, having just about enough, “If he’s going to keep being a stubborn ass about this, there’s not much we can do.”

“Oh, real nice.” Nabudis rolled his eyes with disdain.

“But what if somepony tries to-” Survival sputtered.

“That is why I’m telling our good doctor here that he better be at the hotel by midnight.” Sterling glared at the doctor, “We already spent all day looking for one lost pony. And I won’t be happy if I have to look for you too.”

“Oh, I quiver with fear." Nabudis brushed off Sterling's implied threat as he walked away.

“Remember! Skytower Stable!” Sterling yelled after him.

Nabudis gave a gruff wave off as he went off.

“Buckin’ jackass.” Sterling growled. His anger dimmered as he then glanced at Survival, “I don’t suppose you want to join him?”

“...No. I think it’s best I give him some time to cool off.” Survival sighed, “It’s been a long day for all of us.”

“You said it.” Sterling agreed.

“But, if it’s alright with you, Silver, I did notice this nice late-night cafe back there during our search.” Survival explained, “I’m still a bit on edge from the attack and running for my life these past few days, and I could really do for a nice hot cup of tea.”

“Would you like me to join you?” Sterling offered, “You still looked worried about those attackers.”

“No, no, I’ll be fine.” Survival grimaced, “The cafe will be well-populated, and besides, I need some time myself to process things. Nothing tea can’t fix.”

"Trust me, it's rarely that easy." Sterling deadpanned sagely.

"Perhaps." Survival shrugged. "But it's a start."

“In that case, it’s the same deal for you.” Sterling declared, “Be at the hotel by midnight. And watch yourself.”

"Of course." Survival nodded. As he walked away, he added under his breath. "I would hate to invoke your wrath, and find out what you're really made of..."

Unaware of Survival's words, Sterling departed for The Skytower Stable.

“Well, I guess it’s just me.” He muttered irritably, “Faust, I hope Black and Fury are having a better time of it than I am…”

At the same time, Black and Fury were still driving to their next destination, both still a bit traumatized from the hospital’s massacre. The carriage was silent, except for the sounds of the steam engine.

Fury was resting in the corner, taking occasional glances at Black, who was focused on driving the carriage.

“...You doin’ alright, Black?” Fury asked, “You hadn’t said squawk since Ballista called us last.”

“I’m fine, Fury.” Black sighed, “...It’s just… I can’t get those ponies out of my head.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty fricked up, isn’t it?” Fury admitted.

"That's one way of putting it." Black nodded. "Another is that it's utterly sick and vile."

"I'm surprise at how shocked you are by all this." Fury declared. "You know, considering you ‘history’ with Reinadh and other stuff."

"Some things you don't get used to." Black sighed. "Especially senseless loss of life."

"Guess so." Fury shrugged.

“...I wanna know, Fury. How are you taking this so well?” Black asked, “An entire hospital has been massacred, and you don’t seem to be fazed by this one bit.”

“Well, to be honest, I have seen worse.” Fury said matter-of-factly.

“You’ve… you’ve seen worse?” Black gaped, “How- what could possibly be worse than what we saw back there?”

"Hope you never find out." Fury said darkly, “...I wish I never did…”

“...Dawn?” Black murmured, mentioning the name of Fury’s deceased sister.

Fury glanced away for a moment, his silence confirming his answer.

Before Black could inquire more, his mirror started buzzing.

“Hmm?” Black pulled out and activated the mirror, “Hello?”

Ballista's face appeared in the mirror.

“Hey, mates.” Ballista declared.

“Ballista.” Black noted, “What’s up? Did you find anything?”

“Not yet, but I figured I give you the heads up.” Ballista noted, “The press just showed up at the gates to the hospital.”

“The press?” Fury frowned, “How the hell did they find out about the hospital?”

“It’s the press. They have insiders and snoops for these kind of things.” Ballista grunted, “The chief is trying to keep things on the down low, but this massacre is going to be all over the news tonight.

“Well, that’s perfect.” Fury scowled. "The last thing we need is for this sort of thing to be out in the open."

"No kidding." Black agreed. "Nothing impedes an investigation more than public scrutiny. No doubt they’re going to find out about the missing patient too if this keeps up.”

“Well, I’ll do my part in trying the cops out of that business.” Ballista pledged, “...But I do highly suggest that you two and Fletcher’s group get the lead out in finding this patient and get to the bottom of this before any more ponies get killed.”

"Understood." Black nodded. "We'll keep you posted."

"Roger that." Ballista acknowledged, his face vanishing from the mirror.

"Right then." Fury sighed. "Off to the Isle of Wheat?"

"Got it in one." Black nodded.

"Maybe we can actually unravel this mess..." Fury mused as they continued onwards.

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot, inside a derelict convenience store, Briar and his followers, Roadblock and Peat, were resting on some boxes, taking a breather from their mission.

"Well, this is a lousy job." Peat sighed.

"Yeah." Roadblock agreed. "Who would've thought finding one little filly could be so tough?"

"Anypony with a stupid plan like yours." Briar glared.

"Hey, you could've said no!" Roadblock yelled.

"Like anything can get through that thick skull of yours." Briar sneered.

"Why, you-!" Roadblock snarled.

There was a knock on the back door. Instantly, the three pulled out their crossbows, as Briar quickly approached the door.

“Who’s there?!” Briar roared, “Identify yourself!”

“Eesh, take it easy!” The voice of Silas grunted, “It is I, Silas Necross! Dysley sent me to help you guys!”

The trio let out a sigh of relief as Briar opened the door, keeping his crossbow at the ready. But as soon as he did, it was immediately flung open by Silas’ magic as the Unicorn strutted in, shoving Briar aside.

“Ugh…” Briar growled, glaring as the Unicorn came in.

“Wow, what a dump.” Silas tut-tutted, glancing at shabby, poorly-kept room. “What? You guys couldn’t spring for a motel room?”

"I don't see you springing for board." Briar sneered.

"With good reason." Silas sneered.

“So, you’re the guy Father sent to help us?” Briar stepped forth, his glare not fading, “...Well, that’s great. We ask for help and all he sent us is the guy whose organization got arrested twice.”

"I trusted the wrong ponies." Silas replied, trying to reign in his temper.

"Ponies anypony else would know not to trust." Peat snorted.

"That's not the poi-" Silas growled.

"Whatever excuse you have doesn't stop you being a two-time loser." Roadblock smirked.

"Now you're just-" Silas snarled.

“Look, can we focus on the task at hoof for a moment?” Silas hissed, “Has there been any progress in finding this filly since you last talked with ‘Moneybags’?”

“No, and trust me, we’ve been looking.” Briar grimaced.

“Of course…” Silas sighed, “Well, he’s counting on me to help you guys find her. My reputation in the organization is already in the mud. The last thing I need is you guys dragging me down further.”

“Hey, we’ve been busting our asses all day looking for this little brat.” Roadblock snarled, “The problem is, our jobs haven’t really been the easiest lately.”

“Yeah.” Peat agreed, “It’s been hard getting around cities unnoticed. Ever since Titanfall, the cops and the guards've been keeping an eye out for anypony that looks even the slightest bit suspicious. Add that on top of the RDL and that taskforce of theirs getting up in our business, and it becomes impossible to get anything done anymore.”

“Yeah. All because that damn Solomon had a hard-on for ‘vengeance’ or whatever.” Briar growled, “Because of him, things have been going wrong left and right.”

“Well, on that we can all agree.” Silas huffed, “Buck that lightning freak.”

“Fat lot of good that does us.” Briar grumbled, “Dysley has been riding our flanks in finding this girl, but with having to keep a low profile and the RDL probably looking, there’s no way we’re going to be able to pull it off.”

“Hmm, that is certainly a problem.” Silas mused… before grinning wickedly, “A problem in which I have a solution.”

“Oh, this oughta be good.” Peat rolled his eyes.

“It will be.” Silas smirked, “It’s obvious that you all stick out too much. A bunch of hooded thugs with indiscernible colors and species. You all just scream ‘arrest me!’”

“Hey, I think we look pretty badass.” Roadblock pouted.

“The point is, what you three need is to ‘blend in’.” Silas said smoothly.

“And how, pray tell, do we do that?” Briar challenged.

“Well, I may be a wanted felon, but I still have connections here in Canterlot.” Silas grinned, as he pulled out a mirror, “And they all still owe me favors. Come tomorrow, that little twit you’re looking for will be back in her place and I’ll be soaring to the top!”

“Don’t you mean we?” Roadblock deadpanned.

“I know what I said.” Silas sneered.

Later on, Caboose had arrived back at his house.

“Hey, I’m home!” Caboose smiled.

"Hi, honey!" Daring called, she and Hurricane eating dinner in the kitchen. "Come join us!"

"You got it!" Caboose smiled. Grabbing some food, he joined them at the table.

“So, you were gone all day. I’m guessing something serious came up at work?” Daring asked.

“Oh, you have no idea.” Caboose bemoaned, leaning back, “The day started with a murder inquiry, then it turned into a buddy comedy gone wrong, than a game of hide-and-go-seek, a few philosophical discussions, a fashion debate, a counting contest, and a new friend who's totally hating on classic horror movies.”

“...Well, I made a new friend today. But your day sounds a lot more interesting.” Hurricane deadpanned.

"I guess it was." Caboose shrugged. "What's your new friend like?"

"Oh, she's nice." Hurricane declarwed. "Weird, but nice."

"The best friends usually are." Caboose nodded. "In other news, I thought of a way to deal with Mikey's nightmares; I got him a new nightshirt."

"A new nightshirt?" Daring frowned, a bit perplexed by the idea. "I'm not sure how that will help Mikey..."

"Come on, mom, it's obvious!" Hurricane chuckled. "Wearing a nightshirt from grampa helped dad with nightmares when he was a kid, so it'll definitely work for Mikey!"

"I guess that makes sense..." Daring sighed.

“Speaking of which, where is Michael?” Caboose glanced at the empty high-chair where Michael usually was.

“The poor thing couldn’t stay awake through dinner.” Daring frowned, “He did put up a bit of a fuss, but he’s asleep… for how long, I don’t know.”

“Aww, but I got the nightshirt.” Caboose frowned, holding up the said shirt.

“I’m sorry, honey.” Daring soothed, “But if Michael ends up not sleeping well tonight, we can try it tomorrow, okay?”

“Oh, alright.” Caboose grimaced.

After dinner, the three started cleaning up after dinner. As they did, Hurricane sidled over to her father.

“What is it, sweetie?” Caboose asked.

“You see, Nyx told me today that her ‘papa’ or whoever has gone away, and by the sounds of it, she hasn’t seen him for a while.” Hurricane frowned, “It’s probably nothing, but I was thinking maybe you can ask one of your RDL friends and maybe look-”

“I’m sorry, honey, but I’m kinda already busy looking for someone else. And I know a certain doctor would be ticked if I am not focused tomorrow.” Caboose rubbed his head, “Is it a matter of life or death?”

“No… I guess it’s not.” Hurricane admitted.

“Then I’m sure it can wait.” Caboose smirked, “Once I find this pony that is in no way related to your pony, I promise, I will come looking for your pony who is in no way related to my pony! Deal?”

“Thanks, dad.” Hurricane hugged him.

“Anytime, sweetie.” Caboose smiled.

Elsewhere, Fletcher was having dinner with Dove.

"So, how was your day, dear?" Dove asked.

"Troubling." Fletcher admitted. "We spent all day searching for a suspect, but said suspect stayed ahead of us throughout."

"That does sound troubling." Dove mused.

"It's not just that." Fletcher admitted. "The suspect, incredible as it seems, is just a filly. A foal, like one we would have."

Fletcher quickly explained what her knew to Dove

"How awful." Dove sighed. "For a foal to be in that position..." She stroked her pregnant stomach. "What happened to her parents?"

"I don't know." Fletcher admitted.

"I shudder to think of our foal ending up in a situation like that." Dove declared.

"As long as it has us, it won't." Fletcher pledged. "I will do everything I can to protect our foal. To ensure it never has to go through what that poor filly is going through."

"I know you will." Dove snuggled against her husband. "I can't imagine you ever letting us down."

"Not as long I can help it, darling." Fletcher grinned.

The two nuzzled together tightly, feeling not only the warmth of their own love, but love for the new life growing within Dove, a new life they were determined to guide and raise properly.

Back at Canterlot Castle, it was starting to get late. Miracle and Nyx were walking down the corridors, having just had supper.

"Mmm." Nyx licked her lips. "That was so good!"

"Yeah, it was." Miracle agreed. "But we should probably get ready for bed now. I'll take you to the guest room."

"...Thank you, Miracle." Nyx declared.

"For showing you to the guest room?" Miracle frowned.

"For everything." Nyx clarified. "For helping, taking me into your home... And being my friend."

"You're welcome." Miracle hugged her. "Now, about your room..."

The two fillies continued down the corridors.

In the streets of Canterlot, night has finally fallen, as the lamps lit the streets. Walking along, Nabudis was continuing his search for the lost patient, but was unfortunately faring no better than he was earlier that day.

“Son of a whorse!” Nabudis grunted, kicking a stray can, greatly discouraged, “I don’t get it! We should have found her by now!”

Nabudis let out a restrained growl… as he let out a sigh.

“...Dammit, this is all a big damn mess.” Nabudis lowered his head, “Because of me, not only the patient is out there alone, but Hamm and the others are dead… and Survival has ran afoul of those bastards…” He shook his head, “...Where are you, Nyx? Please be okay… if something happened…”

He tried to not think about it, focusing on his fruitless search… but as he did so, he noticed that he was just outside the Blue Blazes tavern. He had heard that it was a very nice down-to-earth bar, and that many of his colleagues frequent there often..

“...Ugh, no, I shouldn’t.” Nabudis told himself, “She’s still out there…”

He glanced out into the streets, seeing how dark it has gotten. He recalled Survival’s argument about how hard it would be to find a black-coated filly in the dark.

Glancing back at the tavern, Nabudis shrugged.

“Heh, buck it. Maybe a drink will make me feel better.” He sighed.

Nabudis entered the tavern. It was having fairly good business at the moment, with multiple customers. Nabudis walked up to the bar, taking a seat. Soon, the owner approached him.

"Hi there." The owner smiled. "I'm Blue Blazes, and I'll be your bartender this evening. What can I get-?"

“Just a cider, thank you.” Nabudis said bluntly.

“Okay, then.” Blue’s smile faded a bit, before recovering, “Coming right up.”

Nabudis waited patiently. As he looked around, he noticed a picture of Blue with what was presumably his wife and son above the bar. Seeing this happy family together brought up a bit of sadness within him.

“That’s my family right there.”

Nabudis glanced at Blue, who was coming with his drink.

"That's my family." Blue noted Nabudis' line of sight. "Don't know what I'd do without them. They're what keeps me going. The best part of my life, really. Tempest, my boy. Nothing makes me prouder than to see him growing up, slowly but surely becoming a strong young stallion."

Nabudis felt sadder with every word.

"And then there's my darling Mist." Blue grinned. "I've loved her since we we were teenagers. That mare is something special-"

“Sir.” Nabudis began, “I know you’re trying to be friendly and all, but I really don’t want to hear about somepony else’s family. Especially not tonight. So if I can...”

“Oh, right. Suit yourself.” Blue nodded awkwardly, used to such bluntness, “I’ll be over here then…” He sidled away slowly.

Nabudis let out a melancholic sigh. He sat there at the bar for a while, nursing his drink. He tried to take his mind off of things, but considering the severity of his situation, he was failing miserably…

“Well, well, look who it is…” A voice called behind him.

“Whoever you think I am, you are mistaken.” Nabudis said briskly, not bothering to look behind him.

“Oh, but I know who you are.” The voice taunted, “Who you really are…”

Nabudis’s breath hitched, as his hooves clenched.

’...So, the time has finally come.’ Nabudis grimaced, seemingly resigned to what would happen next, ’...Dammit, I was hoping I’d have more time...’

Nabudis turned around, his face set in cold dread, ready to face whoever was confronting him…

Only to be faced with a brutish-looking teal Unicorn stallion with a bit of a paunch.

Immediately, Nabudis’s face turn to confusion.

“...Well? Anything you gotta say?” The Unicorn stallion challenged.

“Um, yeah.” Nabudis admitted, “...Who are you?”

“You really don’t remember me?” The Unicorn scowled, “Dullard Point, Canterlot Primary, sixth grade?”

“...Wait. Dull Point?” Nabudis lit up in realization (and relief), “That’s right. You were the jock on that buckball team.”

“Star player actually.” Dull corrected, before sneering, “And you’re Somnus Nabudis. The weird freak who was in love with Nightmare Moon.”

Immediately, the memories came flooding back, fraught with bullying and violence, as Nabudis’ relief turn to disdain.

“I wasn’t in love with Nightmare Moon.” Nabudis growled.

“Well, you sure talked about her non-stop way back when. Same difference, right?” Dull glared.

“Typical, all these years, and that’s the first thing you remember about me?” Nabudis snarled.

“Of course it is. Who could forget the ‘weirdo’ who always had his snout buried in one of those creepy books.” Dull spat.

“One, the ‘Eldritch Almanac’ is a good read for anypony interested in the dark and mysterious, and is hardly ‘creepy’.” Nabudis said coolly, “Two, at least it was a book rather than all the smut magazines you’re so familiar with.”

“Oh-ho, big talk coming from someone who would go on and on about how ‘misunderstood’ Nightmare Moon is, and how she’s so ‘lonely’.” Dull mocked.

The other patrons and even Blue were starting to take note of the argument, which made Nabudis feel uncomfortable.

“It wasn’t like that.” Nabudis grimaced, trying to save face, “It was merely a phase. Everypony has them.”

“Well, my ‘phase’ didn’t get my entire family ran out of Canterlot, now did it?” Dull sneered.

Nabudis paused, the bar going silent for a moment.

“...Wow, you’re really going there, huh?” Nabudis grunted.

“Well, I call it like I see it. That’s how I do.” Dull smirked in superiority.

“Really?” Nabudis adopted a sly smirk, “Funny. So do I. And might I ask: did your dreams of going professional ever pan out?”

"I-what?" Dull gaped, caught off guard. "Well, I think I made some progress in the Buckball league..."

“Clearly not, if that beer gut is anything to go by.” Nabudis cut him off, “Perhaps you simply aren't a team player? Perhaps you don't take direction well? Or perhaps, you just have... Disagreements with female co-workers? Disagreements where you don't know how to take 'no' for an answer, if you catch my drift?”

The entire bar went ‘ooh’.

“What?! No!” Dull snarled, “No! It wasn’t that at all!”

“Really?” Nabudis raised a brow, “Do you like little colts instead?”

Instantly, Dull grabbed him by the collar.

“You god-damn freak!” Dull held up a hoof, ready to clobber him.

“Wow, this does take me back.” Nabudis said nonchalantly.

“Whoa! If you’re gonna fight, take it outside!” Blue yelled.

“There’s no need! I will end this fight in one second flat!” Dull roared.

“Please do. Your breath stinks.” Nabudis snorted.

“Why you-” Dull reared his hoof… only to be caught by somepony.

“Okay, I think you should head home, Mr. Point.” A new voice announced.

“Oh, and who’s gonna make m-?" Dull began to scoff, but stopped when he saw who he was talking to: Prince Gothic, Princess Luna’s husband.

"It’s Gothic!" One patron whispered.

"Prince Gothic!" Another gasped.

"Gothic?" Nabudis frowned, also surprised to see him.

“Umm…” Dull Point trailed off.

"You were saying?" Gothic said firmly.

"I was saying... I'm going to go home." Dull cringed, letting go of Nabudis. "Good evening, your majesty."

Dull quickly made himself scarce.

“...As you were, everypony.” Gothic announced.

Just like that, the bar went back to normal, albeit giving the stunned doctor a few odd glances.

“Looks like I picked a good time to get a drink, huh?” Gothic smiled.

“Gothic.” Nabudis gasped, giving a genuine chuckle, “As I live and breathe…” He quickly added, “Or should I say, Prince Gothic.”

“Somnus, please, there’s no need for titles. Especially for one of my oldest friends.” Gothic smiled.

“Well, you seem to enjoy it.” Nabudis noted, “Lucky you, marrying into royalty.”

"We can't all inherit billion Bit companies." Gothic declared heartily, as he gestured to the bar, “Here, let’s take a seat,”

The two sat back at the bar, as Blue quickly made his way over to them.

“Thanks for defusing that, Gothic.” Blue nodded, “Bar brawls are not as fun as they look on TV.”

“Glad I could be of help.” Gothic smiled, “The usual for me, Blue.”

“Coming right up.” Blue smirked, as he prepared another glass. As he did so, he glanced at both him and Nabudis, “So, you two know each other?

“Oh, yes.” Gothic smiled, “We were both part of the Luna fan club.”

“Ah, yes, the old gang.” Nabudis mused, a wistful smile, “I still look back fondly on those days where we and the others stay up all night discussing our mutual admiration for Princess Luna and the blue night sky…"

“That’s not all.” Gothic chuckled, “This guy here was the one who taught me and the others how to merge with our shadows.”

“For real?” Blue turned to Nabudis.

“Well, yeah. But it’s really wasn’t that hard once you got into it.” Nabudis shrugged, “Gothic here was one of the fastest learners in the group.”

“Not faster than you.” Gothic laughed, “You were the best shadow-walker out of all of us. You should see half the things he could do with his own shadow.”

“Oh, please, it’s nothing special.” Nabudis said humbly.

"Don't sell yourself short." Gothic declared. "We voted you club treasurer for a reason, you know."

"Ah, good times." Nabudis smiled proudly.

"Not to pry, but what's with the Nightmare Moon bit?" Blue asked.

"Let's not get into that." Nabudis brushed him off.

"Yeah." Gothic agreed. "It was kind of a hot button topic in our group."

"Fortunately, it didn't come up that often." Nabudis smiled. "We had far more pleasant conversations than unpleasant ones."

“...So, what happened? It sounded like you guys fell out of touch.” Blue frowned.

Nabudis’ smile faded immediately, as he silently glanced down at his drink…

“Um, I’m sorry, Blue.” Gothic murmured, “But you could give us a moment?”

“Oh, okay.” Blue said awkwardly, going to another customer, but not before mouthing ‘sorry’.

The two former fan club members sat there for a moment, as Gothic looked sadly at Nabudis.

“How long has it been?” Gothic asked, “Since Sacred died?”

“About twenty years.” Nabudis murmured.

“Yeah… when that airship crash happened.” Gothic grimaced, recalling the day the news reported it, “One day he was here… the next he was just… gone.”

Nabudis did not respond.

“The last time I ever saw you was at his funeral.” Gothic recalled, “...I couldn’t imagine what it had been like, to lose someone real close to you…”

“...He was my whole world.” Nabudis admitted, despondent, “Back in sixth grade, he was the only pony who actually liked me. Stood up for me when I was bullied. Shared his lunches. And not once did he mocked me for Nightmare Moon or any of my ‘interests’... he was the only pony who understood me.”

“You and him were like the sun and moon.” Gothic gave a sad smile.

“Yeah…” Nabudis whispered, before clenching his hooves, “But those days are gone… and so is he.” He got out of his seat, “...I enjoyed this chat, Gothic, but I have to go.”

“Som, please…” Gothic urged, “Ever since Sacred died, you fell off the face of Equestria. All I’ve heard of you was that you visiting Secretariat and his mother time to time, but I could never find you myself.”

“Well, I’ve been busy.” Nabudis brushed him off, “Things have been hectic at the hospital.”

“Yet you couldn’t spare even a day or so to come visit?” Gothic frowned, “Nabudis. You know that if you ever wanted to talk, me or even Luna are more than willing to listen.”

“Look, I appreciate the offer, but I’m fine.” Nabudis said more tersely than intended, “I’ve done my grieving and I have moved on.”

“Even so, I don’t want you to just disappear on me again.” Gothic insisted, “We could still hang out, catch up, relive old times…”

“It’s… it’s not that simple.” Nabudis said reluctantly.

“Sure it is.” Gothic declared, “In fact, tomorrow night, my daughter and her husband is hosting that charity dinner. I know she would love to finally meet you. Would you at least consider it?”

“...Perhaps.” Nabudis relented, “But I’m really busy with a… shall we say, project, at the moment. But maybe I might be able to stop by if I have the time.”

"That's all I ask." Gothic sighed, before frowning, “Though I have to ask, what are you doing here in-”

Suddenly, the chime of a news station blared out of the nearby radio, signifying the beginning of the evening report.

“Good evening, fillies and gentlecolts, this is the Nine O'clock news.. For our top story tonight, tragedy has struck Brightdale Mental Hospital, as a horrendous massacre was discovered.” The announcer declared, “The authorities were given an anonymous tip and were prompted to investigate the remote hospital, where staff and patients alike were discovered brutally maimed, with no known survivors. Police are still investigating, but it is believed that this massacre was an act of domestic terrorism…”

The entire bar went silent at the horrendous news, many having expressions of pure mortification on their faces.

“My Faust, what is this world coming to…” Gothic shook his head… before realizing something, “Wait, isn’t Brightdale where you work-” He turned to face Nabudis, only to find he had run off. "Guess you need to attend to that." He mused.

Meanwhile, at a tea shop, Survival was sitting at a table, sipping some lemon tea, and chewing on a biscuit. He was thinking about everything that had happened lately. Chief among those thought were the deaths of Hamm and the others.

'Hamm... guys...' He mourned them. 'As awful as it is to consider, your feaths seem to have the been the beginning of something terrible... but what, exactly?'

His mind had so many questions…

Who were those ponies who attacked them?

Why did they want the patient?

Who was the patient and why she was worth killing three ponies over?

Why is Nabudis obsessed with finding her?

Where has Nabudis been the past few weeks?

All of these questions were already being mulled over, but another pressing question entered his mind: where has he seen ‘Silver Lining’ before?

He didn’t think much of it when he first met the enigmatic stallion, but as they spent the day together, looking him over and over, and seeing how odd he was acting, he felt like he has seen him before...

’But where?’ Survival growled in his head, ’I swear to Faust, this is gonna kill me. I never met him before… but I saw his face somewhere…’

The shop's radio blared the opening chimes of the news report, breaking Survival's concentration.

'Seriously?!' Survival scowled. 'Who buckin’ keeps a radio in a tea shop?! It makes no sense!'

“Good evening, fillies and gentlecolts, this is the Nine O'clock news. For our top story tonight, tragedy has struck Brightdale Mental Hospital, as a horrendous massacre was discovered…”

Immediately, Survival’s anger turned to shock and horror as everypony turned to face the radio.

“What?!” Survival stood up, glancing at the radio, his heart nearly stopping, “No… No…”

“The authorities were given an anonymous tip and were prompted to investigate the remote hospital, where staff and patients alike were discovered brutally maimed, with no known survivors. Police are still investigating, but it is believed that this massacre was an act of domestic terrorism…” The announcer continued.

"They're all dead..." Survival started hyperventilating with horror. "All of them... But how... why would somepony do this?"

"The perpetrators responsible for this vile act remain unknown. But many ponies are speculating that the criminal group known as the Forefathers may have been involved.”

“...The Forefathers?” Survival gasped.

“‘The Forefathers’ has been named responsible for several atrocities over the past several months, such as the attack on Canterlot and the bio-attack on the Changeling territory.” The announcer explained, “No one is for certain where this group has originated, but it seems their activities dated at least back before the attack on the Crystal Empire that was perpetuated by one ‘Synchro Alchemy’...”

“The Crystal Empire…” Survival mused… before something clicked, and a scowl grew on his face. “Oh, son of a-”

Survival rushed out of the shop, leaving his payment on the table. Shortly after, one of the workers started cleaning up tables. When he reached Survival's, he stopped.

"Hey, there's a knife missing." He frowned. "That is so coming out of my paycheck..."

At the Skytower Stable, Sterling was laying on the bed in his room. He has checked in a while ago, being sure to get two more rooms for the two doctors. Since then, he was just waiting around. He wasn’t particularly hungry, and there wasn’t anything good on TV. He had since shed his hat and jacket, which hung on a nearby chair.

As he laid in that soft bed, a part of him had considered taking a brief nap, having been exhausted from the day-long search… but as appealing as that sounds… Sterling dreaded the thought.

Sterling knew that the moment he went to sleep, his dead brother would be there to greet him. And kill him. And the whole scene would repeat over and over until he woke up, more tired than he was the night before.

The stallion looked on the nightstand, where the bag with the nightshirt stood. Silently, he reached in and pulled it out. It was a nice soft silk nightshirt, being a bright silver with gold trimmings. How Caboose managed to guess his favorite color scheme, he didn’t know.

“Hmm, the freest, most wonderful feeling in the world…” Sterling mused, running his hoof along the silk, “Maybe I should…”

He shook his head.

“Nah, I know he meant well, but I hardly doubt that a fancy nightshirt will make the guilt of getting your only living brother killed go away.” Sterling grimaced as he toss it back in the bag, “Besides, I’d probably look stupid in it.”

Suddenly, as if in response, he let out a small yawn.

“Dammit…” Sterling grunted, “Hmm, maybe I should try the old radio…”

Sterling approached the bedside radio, adjusting the dial until it crackled into life.

"Recapping our top story: tragedy has struck Brightdale Mental Hospital, as a horrendous massacre was discovered…”

“Wait. What?!” Sterling lit up in shock, “Brightdale?!”

“The authorities were given an anonymous tip and were prompted to investigate the remote hospital, where staff and patients alike were discovered brutally maimed, with no known survivors. Police are still investigating, but it is believed that this massacre was an act of domestic terrorism…”

“Oh, no…” Sterling knew immediately who would be responsible, “...How could Dysley… How could Father…” He brought his hoof to his head, “Faust dammit…”

A sense of dread immediately struck him.

“Survival. Nabudis. They’re still out there.” Sterling fretted, “Buck! I shouldn’t had let them go off on their own! I… I have to find them!”

Sterling switched off the radio, and rushed towards the door, worried about the danger that his two charges could be in. He opened the door quickly…

Only to be punched in the face.

“Urgh!” Sterling stumbled back, clutching the side of his cheek, “What the…?!”

Standing in the doorway was Survival, who was seething with rage.

“Survival?” Sterling gaped, before scowling, “Okay, you got five seconds to tell me what’s going on!”

“Shut up!” Survival roared.

Sterling flinched a bit.

“I now know who you are.” Survival said coldly.

“Really? If it’s ‘getting a little pissed off’, you would be right.” Sterling growled.

“It took me a while, but I finally remembered how I know you.” Survival admitted.

“...Is that right?” Sterling frowned, concerned as to where he’s going with this.

“Yeah. Me and a couple other doctors were asked to come to the Crystal Empire about a year ago.” Survival explained, “They wanted us to help do a few psych checks on several ponies. Apparently, some madpony was using a horn or something filled with dark magic to mess with ponies’ heads, making them angry, greedy, lazy, and just about everything in between… it was a real crapshow…”

“...Aw, frick…” Sterling suddenly knew what he was talking about.

“When I was down there, I’ve heard how all of that was because a guy from this awful organization wanted to make a supersoldier or something. I didn’t pay much attention to that, but I do recall two names… ‘the Forefathers’... and ‘Sterling Cross’.” Survival declared, as he glared hatefully at him, “And one of them is right in front of me.”

“Survival, listen to me…” Sterling held up a hoof soothingly, “I...I can explain.”

“Those ponies who attacked me and my colleagues… they were Forefather agents, weren’t they?” Survival seethed, “...And you are one of them.”

“I’m not though.” Sterling felt the dread return, “I’m really not-”

"Liar!" Survival snarled. "Your thugs killed my best friend… and now, they killed every single one of my colleagues and patients! I’m gonna kill you!”

“Survival, please, be rational.” Sterling pleaded, “You’re not thinking straight… besides, look at us, I would pulverize you.”

“Why you think I brought this?!” Survival hissed, holding up a knife (that he'd ‘borrowed’ from the cafe).

“Okay, that might even things a little.” Sterling cringed.

“Raargh!” Survival roared, as he swung at Sterling, intent on carving him like a mushroom steak. Sterling, surprised by the sudden lunge, just barely managed to dodge the swing.

"Okay, you're pushing it." Sterling frowned.

"Yes... Right into your heart like that chair did to Miss Lewpon in Final Destination!" Survival thrust the knife forward.

The time, Sterling caught Survival's hoof mid-strike, and then began to struggle over the knife.

“...Final Destination? Really?!” Sterling grimaced, “I figured you go... with a more obvious example... like Michael Briers pinning that Bob guy to the wall... with a kitchen knife!”

“You leave that mask-wearing glorified mime out of this!” Survival snarled, as he shoved Sterling back against the wall.

“Ugh!” Sterling slammed against it, before stepping forward, “I’m not the one who killed your friends, Fievel!”

"Close enough!" Survival snarled, charging again with the knife. "Soon, your Forefather pals will know how I feel!"

"They're not... My... Pals!" Sterling roared.

Sterling quickly caught Survival’s knife hoof, and twisted it back.

“Ack!” Survival cried, dropping the knife.

But that did little to stop the furious doctor, as Survival instantly slugged Sterling in the face.

“Agh!” Sterling grunted.

Survival clamped his hooves around Sterling’s neck, and clenched tightly, attempting to choke him to death.

"Die, you monster!" Survival spat.

"Get... Off!" Sterling wrenched Survival's hooves off his neck, then flung him across the room.

"Ugh!" Survival grunted as he hit the floor. "I'm not done yet..."

No sooner had he said that boast, then Survival was back up and charging Sterling. He threw multiple punches at him. Sterling dodged some, parried others, then finally caught one with his own hoof.

"Let go of me!" Survival struggled to break free, but was unable to escape Sterling's grip.

"Not gonna happen." Sterling retorted. With one swift movement, he twisted Survival's leg, putting him into a hoof lock.

"Yahhh!" Survival yelled in pain.

Following up, he slammed Survival to the floor, bringing it behind his back. The doctor struggled, crying in pain and fury as Sterling stood atop him.

Sterling wiped his snout, bleeding a bit from Survival’s last punch. He let out a huff as he frowned at Survival.

“...Okay.” Sterling began, “Here’s how it’s going to go: I’m going to let go of your hoof. When I do, we’re both going to get up and talk this through, like normal, civilized adults… alright?”

Survival growled a bit… but soon stopped struggling, realizing the futility of it.

“...Okay, okay, just let me go.” Survival said softly.

Sterling let go of his hoof, as he backed away. Soon as he was off, Survival got back up, scurrying to the nearby wall, rubbing his sore hoof.

“Not going to lie, you put up quite a fight.” Sterling admitted, “Guess that survival training really did do wonders.”

“Your words means nothing to me.” Survival grumbled, “Especially coming from a terrorist.”

“Look, let’s start from the beginning.” Sterling sighed, “You were right. I am Sterling Cross. I’m sorry for the deception, but I am not a Forefather agent, not anymore. I really am with the RDL. Both Caboose and Fletcher would vouch for me.”

“Is that so?” Survival said skeptically, “Then why the fake name?”

“That is because, technically, I am still a felon, what with that stuff in the Crystal Empire.” Sterling cringed, “Which is why I was wearing the hat and jacket.”

“Well, it was a horrible disguise.” Survival scowled.

“To be fair, we didn’t think someone would recognize me based on hearing about me a year ago.” Sterling glared.

“I have a photographic memory. Sue me.” Survival scowled, “...Besides, that still doesn’t explain what the hell is going on here.”

“What do you mean?” Sterling frowned.

“Didn’t you just hear the news?!” Survival snapped, his eyes growing misty, “The Forefathers murdered everyone at the hospital! Why did they do that?! What the hell is so important about this patient that I’ve lost just about everypony I know?!”

“Do you really want to know?” Sterling frowned.

“I think I’m owed an explanation.” Survival stated firmly, his anger simmering.

“Very well…” Sterling sighed, “When you told Fletcher and Caboose about your attackers, we were already concerned that the Forefathers were involved. However, when we discovered Weasel’s body at the park, we… or rather I, believe that the situation is a lot worse.”

"Meaning?" Survival urged.

“We’d believe there is a nefarious plot upon us, a Project.” Sterling explained, “And I have reason to believe that the patient you and Nabudis are looking for could be at the center of it.”

“What?! Center of it how?!” Survival sputtered.

“I don’t know.” Sterling admitted, “But I can only assume they massacred the hospital for the same reason they tried to kill you: to keep everyone who could know the patient quiet… for good.”

“But that makes no sense. I didn’t even know this patient until after the attack!” Survival protested, “I had no idea she even existed at the hospital! I don’t think anypony there did.”

“I don’t think it would have mattered.” Sterling said glumly, “But if I had to take a guess, it might have something to do with the owner of the hospital…”

“What are you talking about?” Survival questioned.

“I’m talking about Dysley, Survival.” Sterling explained, “He’s a pony of interest in this case.”

“Dysley? As in Secretariat Dysley? As in the CEO of Brightdale? Our Brightdale?!” Survival gaped in disbelief.

“That’s right. And just like I used to be, he is a member of the Forefathers. And the one heading the project that I believed your patient is a part of.” Sterling revealed.

Survival sat there for a bit… before scowling.

“No.. no, no, no. That is… that is…” Survival got up, his mind going haywire, “It’s complete bullcrap! No way!”

“It’s the truth, Survival.” Sterling declared, as Survival stormed past him, “I met him personally several times. He may feign innocence, but I know he’s responsible somehow.”

“Really?! Assuming I believe all this crazy bullcrap… how do I know you’re not just lying to save your ass?!” Survival accused, “You lied to us before, and you sure as hell lied to everypony at the Crystal Empire!”

“...You make a fair point.” Sterling conceded, “...I can’t simply ask you to trust me… which is why I will ask you this: read me.”

“Excuse me?” Survival asked.

“You said that you can tell a lot about a pony by looking in their eyes.” Sterling declared, “I stopped you before because I fear you would figure out who I was, but considering you figured out anyways, I’m all yours. Do your psycho-babble like you did for Caboose and Fletcher, and see for yourself if I’m lying or not.”

“...Fine, but no funny business.” Survival grunted.

Survival looked Sterling in the eyes. The two stood there for a moment, nothing but silence…

“Well?” Sterling broke the silence, “What do you see? Because this is getting kinda weird.”

“...I see… by your guarded stance, that you are quite familiar with keeping secrets and partaking in duplicitous activities, which you mask with confidence and a hint of arrogance. Temperamental, cynical, and surly.” Survival frowned in disapproval.

“And…?” Sterling gestured.

“...But under all that…” Survival’s frown faded, “You are the kind of stallion that fight to protect everypony around him, even if it means hurting them. You endured a rather bad childhood, and a tumultuous life, but rather than embittering you, it made you thrive harder to be better than those who tormented you…”

“Huh, never heard my life described that way before…” Sterling mused, “...But does that mean I’m alright?”

“...Buck, I guess it does.” Survival said begrudgingly, as he sat on the bed, “...I still find all this Forefather business hard to swallow… but you’re really are on the level…”

"Good." Sterling smiled. "Now that we got that established, I’m gonna have to ask that you don’t tell Nabudis about any of this?”

“Why?! He’s the only other survivor besides me!” Survival protested.

“That may be so.” Sterling admitted, not willing to let on his suspicions of Nabudis just yet, “But no one is to know who I truly am. The less ponies know about my identity and purposes, the better.”

“Yeah...but…” Survival let out a defeated sigh, “...Alright, I won’t tell anyone.”

“Thank you.” Sterling nodded, “...Are you going to be okay?”

"I... I don’t know," Survival admitted, his voice cracking. He looked to be on the brink of tears, "I've lost so many ponies in the span of a few days. I just... I don't know how long I can keep it together..."

Immediately, the door to the hotel room opened again as Nabudis rushed in.

“Survival!” Nabudis called, “Oh thank Faust! When I heard the news, I was worried that-”

Almost immediately, he felt himself being hugged hard by the younger doctor, who began silently crying…

“Sir… they’re gone… they’re all gone…” Survival whispered woefully.

“Oh, Fievel…” Nabudis sighed, wrapping his hooves around him, “I’m so sorry…”

Survival silently wept into Nabudis' shoulder. Nabudis did what he could to comfort him, but he knew this was something Survival would not easily recover from.

'I'm sorry you had to endure such pain, my friend.' Nabudis mused. 'Truly sorry...'

Back at the castle, everypony was fast asleep, and nopony in the vicinity was stirring… well, with the exception of one filly.

Nyx tossed and turned in her bed. Despite her surroundings being far more comfortable than what she was used to, she was unable to sleep. Every time she nodded off, she experienced terrible nightmares. Nightmares involving inky shadows, and cold winds, and terrible horrors… and five words…

’The night shall last… FOREVER!’

Nyx jolted awake, panting a little. She glanced around and was relieved to still be in the comfort of the guest room.

’...Maybe I should take a walk.’ She thought to herself. 'It's better than the nightmares...'

Sneaking out of the room, Nyx explored the darkened corridors of the castle.

'This place is so big.' She mused. 'I can't believe Miracle and the twins actually live here. How do they not get lost?'

As she explored the castle, Nyx turned a corner, and saw a group of guards listening to a radio.

"Tragedy has struck Brightdale Mental Hospital, as a horrendous massacre was discovered…”

“Brightdale?!” Nyx froze, recognizing the name, “...But that’s where Papa…”

“...The authorities were given an anonymous tip and were prompted to investigate the remote hospital, where staff and patients alike were discovered brutally maimed, with no known survivors…”

The words ‘no known survivors’ echoed in Nyx’s mind, as she felt her heart has been turned to ice…

“No… no…” Nyx whispered.

Nyx began shaking in horror and despair.

"No..." She wept in ragged, sharp sobs. "No, no, no, no..." Her pupils narrowed as she began to break down emotionally, the miasma shedding from her body.

“Hey, did you hear something?” One of the guards spoke up. Nyx froze.

“Yeah, I think it came from over there.” Another guard pointed in Nyx’s direction.

Distraught, Nyx ran off in the opposite direction, not caring where she went. A trial of blue mist was flying off her body, unbeknownst to her.

'No...' She thought, horrified. 'He can't be gone... He can't...'

Somehow, she made it out into the gardens. As she stumbled through the hedges, tears streaming through her eyes, she soon found herself in an isolated area of the garden, surrounded by hedges, and a gazebo nearby.

Her legs wouldn’t run anymore, as she fell to the ground. Unable to keep it all in, Nyx began weeping.

"PAPAAAA!!!" She wailed, hammering her hooves on the ground as she buried her face in the grass. "PAPA!"

The filly laid there, crying for her father, agonized and terrified that she was never going to see him again.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called. "Who's there?"

Nyx threw her head up, her face covered in tears and blades of grass. She saw Constell approaching.

"Nyx?" Constell whispered. "What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be in bed?"

"I..." Nyx bit back a sob, “I…”

“What’s wrong?” Constell asked, “Why are you crying?”

Nyx looked away, unable to face her.

“Come on, you can tell me…” Constell soothed, “We’re friends, remember?”

Nyx sniffled, trying to calm down, but failing.

“I… I just heard that..." Nyx sniffled. "My papa is dead."

"Oh..." Constell gasped softly. "Oh, Faust… I'm sorry, Nyx."

"He was... The only family I've ever had." Nyx hiccoughed. "And now I'll never see him again..." Fresh tears streamed down her face.

"There, there." Constell placed her hooves on Nyx's shoulder. "Let it all out."

Nyx buried her face in Constell's chest, shaking from her heartbreak. Constell moved one of her hooves, placing it on top of Nyx's head, and gently stroked her mane.

Meanwhile, Vito was fast asleep. He was dreaming of riding a Roc through clear blue skies.

"Woo-hoo!" He cheered within his dream. "Go, go, go!"

Suddenly, black clouds emerged from out of nowhere, darkening the skies. Bolts of lightning crackled, lighting up the area.

"Crazy weather we're having." Vito noted.

A powerful gust of wind buffeted the Roc. It screeched in surprise, and Vito had to hold on tight to avoid being thrown off.

"Whoa!" Vito yelped. "Maybe we should find a place to land..."

As Vito looked around for solid ground, the howling wind seemed to deepen, until it sounded more like a roar. Then came another flash of lightning, which produced a shadow against the clouds; one of an even larger winged creature than the Roc.

"What was...?" Vito looked up, a shiver of dread crawling up his spine.

A titanic dragon seemed to melt out of the clouds. Its scales were a poisonous green, blue mist steaming off of it. It was covered with multiple long, sharp spines, and it had towering fangs leering in its mouth. Cold red eyes locked onto Vito's position, and it roared monstrously.

"Noo!" Vito screamed.

The dragon descended with speed belying its massive size. In an instant, it slammed into the Roc, knocking Vito off its back.

"Ahhh!" Vito yelled as he dropped out of the sky.

The dragon shoved the Roc aside, and dived after Vito. It passed him and positioned itself directly below him. It's razor-fanged maw opened wide...

"No, please, noooo!" Vito screeched as he fell into the dragon's mouth, which snapped shut around him.

The next thing he knew, Vito was falling out of bed. He crashed onto the floor, dripping with cold sweat. His heart was thumping like crazy..

"It was just a dream..." He gasped. "Just a dream..."

Just then, Dusty entered the room, her face alight with worry.

"Is everything okay, Vito?" She asked. "I heard you screaming."

"I was just having a nightmare." Vito declared. "I was flying on a Roc, then this huge dragon showed up, and it... And it..."

"It's okay." Dusty held him comfortingly. "No dragons here. Everything's okay..."

“But it felt so real… I thought my heart was going to explode.” Vito whimpered.

“But it’s not.” Dusty assured, “It’s just a bad drea-”

"AHHHH!" A new (and somehow more shrill) scream, that of Blueblood, was heard.

"Dad!" Vito yelped.

He and Dusty rushed over to Blueblood and Dusty's bedroom. Blueblood was sat up in bed, quaking with terror… and still screaming.

“AH! AH! AH!” Blueblood panicked.

“Blue! Calm down!” Dusty ordered, “What has you so scared?!”

“N-Nightmare!” Blueblod panicked, “Horrible! Horrible! Nightmare!”

“You too?” Vito murmured, “Were you eaten by a giant evil dragon?!”


“What could be worse than a dragon?” Vito gaped.

“Old! I was old!” Blueblood cried.

“...Excuse me?” Dusty frowned.

“Super old!” Blueblood yelled, “I looked like the Crypt-keeper!”

“...Mom?” Vito was confused.

“Blueblood, please calm down!” Dusty pleaded, “If you keep screaming like this, you’re going to-”

“Oieee!” Blueblood froze, and felt backwards, having fainted from shock.

“...Faint.” Dusty cringed.

“Dad!” Vito gasped, “Mom, is he okay?!”

“I think so. He just passed out… but I should get him to the doctor.” Dusty murmured, as she then lifted the unconscious Blueblood onto her back, “Will you be alright getting back to bed, sweetheart?”

“Um, yeah, I think so.” Vito weakly nodded.

“Very well. Sleep well, Vito.” Dusty declared as she carried Blueblood off, “Oof, I’m gonna have to have the chefs put you on a diet…”

With his mother gone, Vito began walking back to his room, shaken by what has happened.

’What is going on here? Both me and dad end up having a very horrid nightmare, one afther the other?’ Vito fretted, ’This is weird… too weird…’

Suddenly, a scowl grew on Vito’s face.

’Then again… it’s not the only weird thing I’ve seen today…’ Vito growled.

His thoughts turned to Nyx. He had been suspicious of her from the start, and considering how things are lining up... that suspicion was starting to grow...