• Published 8th May 2019
  • 601 Views, 13 Comments

Fear of A Child - Bluecatcinema

A waking nightmare is on the horizon...

  • ...

Nightmare Shackled

Gothic was sitting glumly on the stairs to the castle terrace, with Luna attempting to console him.

“I can’t believe this.” Gothic sighed, shaking his head, “I just can’t believe this. I thought I knew Somnus. Why would he do this?”

"Don't blame yourself, dear." Luna told him. "We were all fooled."

"But I knew him all these years, and never suspected a thing." Gothic pointed out. "I should have seen it sooner..."

“Hey, guys.” Luxury joined them.

“Hello, Luxury.” Luna looked at him, “Where’s Constell?”

“In her room.” Luxury explained, “Said she wanted to be alone for a while.”

"I don't blame her." Luna admitted. "Constell took quite a liking to the little filly..."

“I’d believe it.” Luxury frowned, “Hard to believe she was some mental patient though…”

"She didn't seem that way to me." Gothic frowned.

"Nor I." Luna admitted. "She did seem... Troubled, but not enough to require psychiatric treatment. I do have a measure of experience with the pony mind, after all..."

“So… did you know that Somnus had this thing about Nightmare Moon?” Luxury asked.

“Of course I did.” Gothic grimaced, “But it was never like this. He always had a fascination with her. But he wasn’t like a fanatic or anything.” He let out a sigh, “At least I thought he wasn’t. I didn’t think he would go this far, especially after this fascination got his family ran out of Canterlot…”

“What?” Luxury gaped, “Ran out?”

“Ugh, it’s a long story.” Gothic scowled, “Let’s just say Sacred’s parents were not good ponies and leave it at that.”

"I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for all this, dear." Luna assured him.

"I can only hope." Gothic sighed. "Otherwise, it means my best friend was a fanatical maniac, and I was too dumb to notice."

"Oh, Gothic..." Luna placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder.

While Luna attempted to sooth her love’s mind, her own mind was at unease, plagued by the questions as to what Nyx was.

’It just doesn’t make sense. Secret said that she did look like Nightmare Moon… but why? It’s not like I had any children when I was under her control and I don’t see how she could have been birthed by two normal ponies, just like that. And what of that ability? If she is the one who made Blueblood and the others have those awful nightmares, then how did she come to have such powers?’

Luna gave a grim look.

’I need to get to the bottom of this. First thing tomorrow, I’m going to have a chat with Nabudis and Nyx. I don’t care what Secret has to say, I need answers, not just for me…’ She glanced sadly at Gothic, ’But for Gothic…’

At the same time, Fletcher and Caboose were on the terrace, leaning against the balustrades. The two glumly stood there, a magic mirror in Fletcher’s hooves. Both were deep in contemplation over the events that had occurred.

“Soooo… what now?” Caboose asked.

“Well, I guess this is ‘case closed’.” Fletcher admitted, “We returned the patient to her rightful place, and we captured an Ouroboros. We call Elite, debrief him on what has happened, and we go home...”

“...But?” Caboose frowned knowingly.

“...Ugh, I don’t know.” Fletcher grimaced, “To be perfectly honest, I don’t even know if I can say ‘case closed’ and actually mean it.”

"Really?" Caboose asked, surprised. "Weren't you the one who said 'not all cases can end well'?"

"I did." Fletcher acknowledged. "But this is different… I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something wrong with this whole scenario. And that it has something to do with Secretariat.”

“You mean you admit Sterling was right?” Caboose frowned.

“I never said he was wrong.” Fletcher corrected, “...But the problem still stands. We can’t confront Dysley without evidence, lest we and the RDL suffers fierce retaliation… and even if we started looking into him, Nyx might be long gone by now and the truth will vanish into the darkness…”

“Yeah… really could use a plot twist right now.” Caboose mused. The two stood there for a moment, as Caboose glanced up, a bit annoyed, “...I said, really could use a plot twist right now!”

“Give it a rest, Caboose.” Fletcher sighed, “I highly doubt anything can happen now that will help us in the slightest.”

“Well, if it doesn’t, I’m coming up there.” Caboose glared upwards.

Meanwhile, being led around the outside of the castle, Survival was still being escorted by the guard off of the castle grounds.

"This was a pretty rotten night." He sighed. "Rotten week, more like it. I lost my friend. I lost the patient. My workplace gets massacred. The guy who taught me everything was a Forefather agent who probably sent me to my death..."

The guard kept walking beside Survival, paying his words no mind.

“Ugh, all those years studying psychology and being able to tell the crazies from the normies, and I couldn’t see Somnus for the stallion he truly was.” Survival lamented, “There must have been so many signs, but I didn’t pay attention… I let our friendship blind me to the truth…” Survival grunted in frustration… only to give a sad frown, “But how could I not? Somnus taught me everything he knew. Took me under his wing… and now, I probably never see him again...”

The guard rolled his eyes irritably.

“And what about Secretariat?” Survival rambled on, “I used to think he was just a stallion struggling to live up to his father’s legacy, but if Fletcher and the others are right, then he’s a Forefather agent too. I mean, how am I supposed to go back to work for someone who possibly did such horrible things? I’d be unable to look him in the eyes…”

The guard, unbeknownst to Survival, began to make a mocking blah-blah-blah motion with motion, getting bored with his ramblings.

“For all I know, he might even have me killed… I’d probably have to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulders.” Survival panicked, “And I’m already on edge worrying about those three guys who attacked… wait.”

Survival stopped mid-sentence, his eyes lit up in realization. The guard quickly stopped his mocking, noticing his escortee’s sudden halt.

“...Three guys.” Survival repeated.

"What is it?" The guard asked.

“It’s nothing... it's just... I didn't say anything to Dysley about there being three attackers that night, back when we were talking in the alleyway." Survival noted, “I didn’t catch it the first time because of what I learned about Som…”

"...And?" The guard asked after a moment's confusion, “I don’t understand.”

“How would Dysley have known that there were three ponies that night? I never told him that. I only ever said I was attacked.” Survival explained.

"Well, maybe he talked to the cops." The guard suggested, “Got all the info he needed from them.”

"Not likely." Survival shook his head. "They wouldn't just outright share details on an investigation, especially one that became an RDL matter. No amount of money or pull would have helped him..." He continued to ponder. "In fact... he said that he only found out about me being alive after learning about the overnight transport... I mean, ask anyone back at the hospital… well, before the massacre… they would have told you that we don't usually do overnight trips..."

"What are you getting at?" The guard asked.

“Dysley would have… no, should have known that something was up when he heard about the overnight transport. He would have looked into it and knew that it was illegally authorized by an ex-employee.” Survival pondered, “If that was the case, then why didn’t he have someone contact us? Or have the authorities intercept us? Unless…”

Survival’s eyes lit up in shock.

“Unless he was the one who hired those thugs!” Survival gaped.

“Excuse me?” The guard grimaced.

“Secretariat! He knew how many attackers there were! He knew that we were transporting the patient! And it’s all because he was the one who got Hamm and the others killed! Not Somnus!” Survival snarled.

“Whoa, that’s a very big accusation you’re throwing around, pal.” The guard frowned, “Why would Secretariat send ponies to kill you guys?”

“I don’t know...” Survival admitted, “But my guess is he probably knew Nabudis was trying to take her away. For all I know, we were collateral damage. After all, we weren’t supposed to know who Nyx was! But why try and have us killed? He’s hiding something, I just know it!”

“Look, Doctor Horror, you had a very bad week.” The guard spoke up, “I really don't think you should worry yourself over the little things-"

"Little? This is-" Survival paused. "Wait..." He glanced at the guard oddly. "...Could you say my name again?"

The Guard looked left and right. "Um, Dr. Horror?"

Survival's pupils shrank, as he flashed back to that night. The night everything went awry...

"That is need-to-know, Doctor... Horror." The hooded thug had said that same rainy night...

In that moment, Survival recognized the guard's voice as that of the head of the group that attacked him. The guard looked at him, tilting his head.

"Something the matter, doctor?" The guard asked.

"Um, no..." Survival tried to play it cool. "I just realized, there was something I needed to tell the Lieutenant."

"Really?" The guard adopted a strange look. "Like what?"

"It's kinda personal." Survival claimed. "You see, we had this argument over horror movies and I realize that I never told him what my favorite was. I need to tell him what it is."

"Surely it can wait-" The guard said darkly as he moved in closer.

"Oh no it can't." Survival said nervously. "I don't want to leave him hanging."

"But Mr. Dysley gave me explicit instructions to escort-" The guard began.

"Look, it will only be a few-" Survival started.

“I said no!" The guard yelled, grabbing Survival by the hoof.

Survival froze, then glared darkly at the guard.

"Let go of me."

"I don't think so." The guard growled. "I already let you slip away from us once. Not doing it again."

"So it is you!" Survival scowled, his suspicions proven correct. "You were one of the three that attacked the carriage! Killed Hamm and the others!"

"Yes, and the name's 'Briar' by the by." Briar declared. "Now, if it's all the same, I would like to keep things going along. Mr. Dysley is expecting me back in half an hour."

"Lemme guess, he sent you to kill me to shut me up." Survival frowned.

"He said to tie up loose ends." Briar clarified. "And after the trouble both you and that brat caused us, I am more than happy to oblige."

Survival struggled against Briar's grip. But the thug had a good grip on him.

"Well, you're out of your damn mind if you think it's going to be easy."

"Well, I'd prefer that it be easy." Briar smirked. "Otherwise, I'll make your death a slow and painful one."

The two locked gazes, as Survival knew that the next move he take could mean the difference between life or death…

At the same time, Fletcher and Caboose were still on the terrace, Caboose looking upwards, expecting some sort of otherworldly intervention…

“...Hmm, did the story cut away from us for a moment?” Caboose asked Fletcher, “I feel like a scene just happened right now.”

“Ugh, there’s no point in putting this off any further.” Fletcher shook his head, ignoring Caboose’s question. He held up the mirror and was about to activate it when...

"AHHHH!" A scream cut through the night air.

"What was that?" Caboose yelped.

"I don't know, but we need to find out!" Fletcher put aside his mirror.

Luna and the others also heard the scream.

"What now?" Luxury frowned.

Both groups rushed in the direction of the scream, and found Briar on the ground with a knife wound in his shoulder and a few other cuts. Survival was standing nearby, holding the knife he had picked up from the café, now a bit bloody. He had a bruised cheek, presumably from a glancing blow, and was breathing a bit rapidly.

"What is going on here?" Luna demanded.

"Help me!" Briar yelled, pointing at Survival. "The doctor just went psycho and pulled a knife! He’s trying to kill me!"

“Dr. Horror?” Fletcher looked at him in shock.

“Whoa, now, it was in self-defense!” Survival quickly defended, slightly panicked, holding up a hoof.

"Explain." Gothic requested.

“Don’t listen to him, he’s nuts!” Briar snarled.

“Shut up!” Survival snapped, as he turned to the group, “This pony here is not a real guard! He’s a fraud!”

"And you know this... how, exactly?" Fletcher inquired.

“His voice!” Survival responded instantly, “It was the same voice I heard when he and his friends attacked me and killed my friends that night!”

“Oh, come on, there’s probably thousands of ponies who could have a voice like mine!” Briar snapped, “He’s a Faust damn liar!”

"I thought he was a doctor..." Caboose frowned.

“But he does have a point.” Luxury grimaced, eyeing Survival warily, “Are you sure this is the guy?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Survival insisted, almost hysterical. "I'll never forget that voice for as long as I live, and that voice is his!" He turned to Fletcher. You have to believe me!"

“Hmm…” Fletcher frowned as he took a step forward. He glanced down at Briar, still clutching his bloody shoulder, as he then noticed something…

“Um, what are you looking at?” Briar asked.

“...Private, would you care to explain your armor?” Fletcher suddenly asked.

"...My armor?" Briar frowned.

"Yes." Fletcher nodded. "You see, I couldn’t help but notice the stars on your armor. It appears to be aqua-colored.”

“...And?” Briar scowled.

“Well, if you take a look at my armor.” Fletcher gestured to his armor, “You’ll notice that my stars are clearly a particular shade of cerulean.”

“...Again, and?!” Briar asked.

“As any Royal Guard should know, it is mandated that the Royal Guards’ armors are replaced each and every year, with the colors on the stars being changed ever so slightly. To prevent counterfeits or attempts at impersonation. It just so happens that ‘aqua’ was the color of last years’ armors.”

Briar turned to look at Caboose.

"Is he serious?"

"Oh, yes." Caboose nodded. "He's usually very particular about this stuff."

"For crying out loud, I'm bleeding out here!" Briar groaned. "What difference does it make?!"

"Hmph, only a pretender would say something like that." Fletcher scowled. "Especially considering that all old armors were supposed to be disposed of and smelted or to be kept in the guards’ possession at all times. The only way you should have this model is either a foolish guard lend you their old set, which I highly doubt, or you got this set off the black market! May I also add that impersonation of a Royal Guard is a imprisonable offense?”

"It-it's not what you think!" Briar tried to deny the facts. "I, er, damaged my armor, and I'm just wearing an old suit I kept for... Sentimental reasons!"

"...Okay, that is way too convenient and coincidental for my tastes." Caboose scoffed.

"And it is still not proper protocol for guards to wear old armor." Luna pointed out. "Especially when they have plenty of spare up-to-date armor in reserve."

"Nice try." Survival smirked.

“...You know what, screw this!" Briar pulled out a crossbow and aimed at them, “Everypony stick their hooves in the-” only for Caboose to shoot his hoof with his own crossbow. "BUCK!"

“Wow, what was your plan there, space cadet?” Caboose tutted, “You realize there was an alicorn here, right? You think a bolt to her head would have killed her?”

Briar glared hatefully at Caboose.

“...Well, it would’ve, but Alicorns are bolt-time fast, y’know?” Caboose grimaced.

“Could I ask one of you to fetch some guards, preferably one with medical training?” Fletcher asked Luna and the others, “This fool needs medical treatment and a pair of cuffs.”

“I’ll do it.” Luxury volunteered, “I’ll be back posthaste.”

Luxury ran off, leaving just the four and the wounded fraud.

“Now then…” Fletcher turned to Survival, “Mind telling me what is going on? Why did this scum go to the trouble of impersonating a guard to kill you?”

“It’s all Dysley!” Survival snarled, “He knew there were three attackers that night. He knew the transport was happening yet he didn’t call the authorities. And now, he was trying to have one of the attackers kill me off to keep me silent!”

“Whoa, whoa, slow down.” Gothic held up his hooves, “Did you say Dysley? You’re saying Secretariat ordered this scum to kill you? That Secret?”

“I’m not just saying that!” Survival hissed, “I am certain now that Secret arranged that attack to begin with!”

“You’re referring to the attack on the transport that Nabudis arranged to try and steal Nyx away?” Luna asked.

“That’s right.” Survival nodded.

“But why would Secretariat do that?!” Gothic sputtered, dumbfounded, “Why would he resort to murder, rather than calling the cops to reclaim Nyx?! Are you telling me he’s caught up in this Forefather nonsense too?!”

“That we can’t ascertain yet, but if this scum was able to get his hooves on old armor, then it’s possible that the other two attackers might be impersonating guards as well.” Fletcher scowled, as he pulled out the mirror he had on him, “We must contact the station and tell them to send Nabudis back immediately”

“Wait, you think Somnus is in danger?” Gothic gasped, immediately concerned.

“If Dysley sent this scum to kill me, I have no doubt he’s going to have him silenced too.” Survival grunted.

“I have a name, you know!” Briar snapped.

“But are you absolutely sure Dysley is responsible for this?” Luna said grimly.

“Considering the guard that Dysley asked to escort Survival just so happened to be a bad guy, I think we’ve reason to think he’s a bad guy too.” Caboose deadpanned.

“No… if that is the case, then Nyx…” Luna whispered.

“Don’t you worry, Princess. Once the guards come for our impostor, we will personally bring in Dysley, and Nyx as well!” Fletcher said firmly.

As if on cue, the two entrance guards from earlier came onto the scene.

“Wow, talk about good timing.” Caboose smirked.

“...Hold on.” Fletcher held up a hoof, “Didn’t I send you two to take Nabudis to the station?”

“Um, yeah you did.” The pegasus asked, a bit confused, “And then you send two other guards to take Nabudis off our hooves and to report right back to you… for some reason. They said you weren’t clear.”

“What?!” Fletcher gaped, offended, “First off, I pride myself on clear, concise instructions. Secondly, I never sent anypony!”

"Quick question." Survival chimed in. "Did their armor have something off with their star?"

"You know what, yeah, their star looked a bit off..." The unicorn nodded. He then noticed Briar. "In fact, it looks just like the one on this guy's armor... the guy who is lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood…” The unicorn’s blood went cold, “...Oh no. Those two guys we handed the criminal off to were fakes, weren’t they?!”

“Not just fakes, Forefather agents.” Fletcher grimaced.

“...BUCK!” The pegasus cursed.

“So that means…” Gothic murmured.

“Nabudis is going to be killed!” Survival gasped.

“Well, took ya long enough, writers!” Caboose crossed his hooves, vindicated, “Had me worried for a second!”

“Now is not the time, Caboose!” Fletcher sighed as he made to leave, “Come on, if we hurry, we might be able to catch up to them."

"I'm coming too!" Survival added.

"Who says three's a crowd?" Caboose grinned.

“Captain, we are so sor-” The unicorn guard made to apologize.

“Save the apologies and look after the agent!” Fletcher said tersely.

“What about us, Captain? What can we do?!” Gothic stepped forth.

“Wait here and take no further actions! We will report back as soon as we can!” Fletcher yelled as he ran off.

“What he said!” Caboose said in the affirmative, following the captain, alongside Survival.

The trio raced to the front of the castle ground, leaving Gothic and Luna behind.

"I'm still totally confused." Gothic admitted.

"As am I, dear." Luna nodded.

At that point, Luxury returned, flanked by two guards.

"I'm back." He announced. "And I brought-" He stopped midsentence as he noiced the two other guards. "What did I miss?"

Luna and Gothic shared grim looks.

“...You’re going to want to sit down for this, Luxury.” Gothic frowned.

Meanwhile, the three stallions arrived at the front gate, where to their dismay, there was no longer anypony there.

"No, no, no!" Survival panicked. "They’re gone! Somnus could be in mortal peril, and we have no idea where they taken him!"

"This is bad. What are we gonna do?" Caboose asked Fletcher.

“I need to think for a moment.” Fletcher muttered, a bit flustered, “We need to mobilize the guards and sweep the city! They couldn’t have gotten far!”

“Sweep the city? Do we have time for that?” Survival gaped, “After everything Nabudis did, I don’t think they’re going to let him live past the night!”

“Hey, wasn’t Sterling waiting out here?” Caboose asked, glancing around, “I don’t see him.”

“Hmm?” Fletcher took note, and realized Caboose was right, as Sterling was nowhere to be seen around the area, “What the- where did he go?!”

“Maybe he went to take a leak?” Caboose suggested.

“Well, he picked a very bad time to do it!” Survival groaned.

"Let's try and stay calm." Fletcher urged.

"Calm?" Survival frowned. "The Forefathers are about to get their hooves on an innocent and do who-knows-what to her, and one of the stallions sent to stop them has gone walkabout! How can I stay calm?"

"...Yoga?" Caboose shrugged.

"I'm sure Sterling hasn't gone too far." Fletcher surmised. "He probably just needed a moment to process this dire situation."

"Too bad every moment counts right-" Survival began, before a loud noise interrupted.

Suddenly, a motorized carriage pulled up in front of them. Cabooses and Fletcher immediately recognized it, as they saw the RDL sigil on the side.

“What the-” Survival gaped.

The door opened, and Black (with his helmet and visor on) and Fury popped their heads out.

"Get in!" Black urged. "Quickly!"

"What's going on?" Fletcher inquired, “What are you-”

"We'll explain on the way." Fury chipped in. “Just hurry your asses in!"

“But what about Ster-” Caboose added.

“Now!” Black ordered.

“Alright, on it!” Fletcher nodded, a bit perplexed. He turned to Survival, “Survival, you should stay behind. I have a feeling things are about to get dangerous from here on out.”

“Nuh-huh, no way am I sitting this one out.” Survival said firmly.

“Survival.” Fletcher was about to protest.

“Dysley. The Forefathers. They killed my friends and colleagues. Pretty much destroyed a place I worked at for several years. And now, they have Somnus and that poor little filly.” Survival declared fiercely, “I don’t care what the protocol is. I am seeing this whole debacle to the end! So, Captain, please… just don’t.”

Fletcher was silent for a moment, unable to rebut. He let out a sigh.

“Hmph, I guess there’s no use arguing then.” Fletcher nodded, adopting a similar gaze as him, “After you.”

Survival smirked as he got in.

“Alright, let’s do this!” Caboose whooped as he and Fletcher got in after him. The moment the door shut behind them, the carriage immediately took off.

“Fletch. Caboose.” Black nodded, being the one driving the carriage, acknowledging them… and then staring at Survival, “...A civilian that I don’t know.”

“What’s with the third guy?” Fury frowned, “Didn’t realize we were ride-sharing.”

“Right. This is Dr. Survival Horror.” Fletcher announced, “He’s the one who called for us yesterday, and the one who survived the carriage attack.”

“And has very poor tastes in horror movies.” Caboose added. Survival shot an annoyed glance at him.

“Survival Horror, huh?” Black mused, instantly connecting the dots, “I’m sorry that we had to meet under these circumstances. I am RDL agent Dreadnaught.”

“Dreadnaught?” Caboose grimaced, “When did you became a airship-”

“Caboose. Remember what Elite, Ballista, and I discussed with you about you-know-what?” Fletcher whispered to him harshly.

“...Oh, right.” Caboose awkwardly winced, as he turned to Survival, “I, er, was thinking about somepony else. Somepony named... Dirigible.”

“Ignore him.” Fury cut him off, “Fury Xaldin. And pardon the rudeness, but again, what are you doing here? This is not something a civilian should be getting himself involved.”

“With all due respect, Mr. Xaldin, I was already involved when the Forefathers attacked my carriage.” Survival responded tersely, “And I intend to stay ‘involved’ until Nabudis and the patient are safe and sound. I hope that won’t be a problem.”

“Depends.” Black cast a sideways glance at him, then at Fletcher, “How privy is he to our current situation?”

“Oh, he’s pretty much up to date. This guy is scary smart” Caboose smirked, “He even found out who Sterling was without us telling him!”

“And how did that happen?” Fury asked Fletcher.

“It’s a long story, but we don’t have time for that.” Fletcher urged, “What is going on?”

Without a beat, Black passed him a mirror he had in one hoof while still driving. Ballista’s face was on the mirror.

“Ballista?” Fletcher and Caboose said in unison.

“Hey, mates. Good to hear from ya.” Ballista nodded.

“We were just arriving in Canterlot when Ballista gave us a call.” Black explained, “He caught us up on what happened with Nabudis.”

“So you know that he’s Doc?” Survival asked.

“That’s right.” Fury agreed… before grimacing, “Sorry about that, by the way.”

“But how do you know about it? We didn’t have time to tell you or the others.” Caboose frowned, “...Unless we somehow did it off-”

“Actually, Sterling went and called me just you guys went into Canterlot Castle to apprehend Nabudis.” Ballista explained.

“And where is Sterling?” Fletcher asked, “We didn’t see him when we got to the gates.”

"Right here." Fury pulled out his own mirror, which depicted a map of Equestria, a flashing dot indicating Sterling's position.

“Whoa… our mirrors have tracking devices?” Caboose gaped.

“Yes.” Ballista said simply, “Me and Sterling were having a discussion when Sterling spotted Dysley departing in the very same carriage as Nabudis. He then suddenly hung up and presumably took off after them to tail them.”

"So Dysley is with Nabudis?" Survival asked.

"Both him and the patient they call Nyx." Ballista replied. "And quick question, who are you?"

"Dr. Survival Horror, I was the guy-" Survival started.

"Hold on, why did Sterling take off like that?” Fletcher asked.

"No clue." Fury shrugged.

"Ballista hadn't gotten to that part yet." Black added.

“Right. The reason Sterling called me was because something was bothering him.” Ballista revealed, “He wanted me to have my buddies on the force look into what the deal was with that Spell Nexus, and the story about Nyx’s parents.”

"Why would he ask that?" Caboose frowned.

"I can only assume he had suspicions, and he might have been right." Ballista mused. "For starters, Dysley was telling the truth about Spell Nexus; he was incarcerated for way longer than Nabudis had described, which debunks Nabudis’ story about how he found the poor lass in the woods as a wee baby."

"So it was a lie." Survival bemoaned. "Maybe Somnus really did kill Nyx's parents..."

"Not likely." Ballista replied.

"And how would you know?" Survival frowned.

"Because they don't exist." Ballista answered.

“Wait, what?!” Survival gaped.

“What?!” Fletcher and Caboose yelped.

"Seriously?" Fury mused.

"That's... Unexpected." Black noted.

"I had my friends look into the files at the hospital." Ballista explained. "Even if the lass was to be kept on the down low, there should've been a record of her, be it admittance or medications or the like"

"But the hospital was ransacked." Fury pointed out. "I checked out the records room myself. Maybe they took the files to cover their tracks?"

"I thought of that." Ballista nodded. "But that was only the hospital. If Nyx really had parents who loved her, she would've had a birth certificate, dental records, the works. But my pals in the force couldn't find a thing. On her or her parents."

"But that makes no sense." Fletcher frowned. "A filly living under a hospital for years doesn't just come out of thin air."

"Yeah, about that... when the cops checked out the underground facility that Nyx was staying in, the place was ransacked, just like the rest." Ballista revealed. "They did find something though: a file on Nyx, with vital statistics and stuff. That's how I found out about her name."

"Yeah, you told me and Fury that earlier." Black noted.

"Yes, but I had them send it to me to look over... and get this: her vitals and what nots go back only three months." Ballista declared.

"Three months?!" Survival gasped. "But Somnus- Dysley- they both said she's been down there for almost her whole life!"

"Well, the file doesn't lie." Ballista insisted. "One thing to give Nabudis credit for, he is very thorough as a doctor. But it’s starting to look like our patient might not have been a patient to begin with."

"So essentially, both Dysley and Nabudis have been lying to us." Fletcher summarized.

"But then where did she come from?" Survival asked. "Why was she even down there to begin with?"

"We're still puzzling over that one." Ballista admitted.

"Didn't Sterling mention how something was going on between Nabudis and Dysley junior?" Caboose pointed. "Didn't think Sterling was into gossip..."

"That's right." Fletcher backed him up. "Sterling did mention how odd it was that Nabudis was working with us, rather than with Dysley, in order to find Nyx. At first, I assume it might have been some sort of gambit he was planning, but now… maybe Sterling was right about Nabudis being caught up in something very serious.”

“If that is the case, then perhaps the two had a falling out.” Black deduced. "Like with Gridlock and Harlhooves. Probably over Project: Bad Dreams and this ‘Nyx’. Nabudis could've moved Nyx to Brightdale from wherever she was being held back in 'Infinity', to keep her away from Dysley."

"But Dysley found out where she was." Fletcher pointed out.

"Yeah, hiding her in a hospital owned by the guy you're trying to keep her from was probably not the Doc's best idea." Caboose noted.

"And if what Nabudis told Dr. Horror here was to be believed, Nabudis got fired shortly after." Black declared. "But not because of his ‘weird behaviors’ or misuse of company time, but probably so Dysley could keep him away."

"A Reverse Uno." Caboose said stoically.

"...Yeah, that." Black said awkwardly.

"Would definitely explain those morons we found at Isle of Wheat." Fury mused.

"Isle of Wheat?" Survival frowned. "You two went to the hospital there?"

"That's right... except the hospital doesn't exist yet." Black revealed.

Fletcher, Caboose, and Survival were surprised.

"Doesn't exist?" Survival narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"He means the place was still under construction." Fury explained. "When we got there, we were jumped by these three guys."

"More Forefather agents?" Fletcher inquired.

"Nope." Black shook his head. "Just your garden variety thugs-for-hire." He turned to Survival. "But they were waiting for your carriage, with plans to kidnap Nyx."

"Wait, if they weren't Forefathers, then how did they know-?" Survival paused, and then realized. "Nabudis. He hired them, didn't he?"

"That seems to be the theory." Ballista nodded on the mirror. "If Sterling's right and the good Doc has gone rogue, I assume he had to resort to hiring some random ponies desperate for some extra cash to be willing to jump a carriage and kidnap a pony."

"So, essentially, me, Hamm, and the pullers were doomed from the start." Survival said glumly. "If Dysley's guys didn't get to us, then Nabudis' would have. We were dead ponies walking..."

“I wouldn’t be too sure.” Black chimed in, “While these guys were hired to kidnap Nyx, they were also given explicit instructions to not hurt you or your friends.”

"Huh?" Survival frowned.

"That's right. They'd had unloaded crossbows." Fury announced. "At worst, they'd probably have roughed you all up. Maybe even steal the carriage. But killing didn't seem to be part of the equation."

"At least, it wouldn't have been, if Dysley's men hadn't intercepted you." Black declared.

"So Som didn't send us out there to die..." Survival let out a small sigh of relief... before frowning. "But if all this is true, then why? Why is Nabudis trying to keep Nyx away from Dysley, falling out aside?"

"That's something else we haven't figured out yet." Ballista shrugged. "But it must have something to do with this ability to produce miasma... but what?”

Just then, Triage and the others entered the room Ballista was in, having just come back to HQ after the morgue.

“Hey, Ballista, we’re back.” Incognito announced.

“What did we miss?” Master Mind asked.

“Quite a lot.” Ballista grimaced back at them, “I’m on the mirror with Black and the guys right now and-”

“Wait, you are?!” Triage perked up.

Before Ballista could answer, Triage, moving quick for a pony his age, swooped in and took the mirror from him.

“Whoa, hey!” Ballista frowned.

“Apologies!” Triage said to him quickly as he turned to the group, who were surprised to see him, “Guys, I have very big news!”

“Triage, what’s going on? What big news?” Fletcher questioned.

“I went down with the others to the morgue where they had Weasel’s body-” Triage began explaining.

“And who the hell is Weasel?” Fury blanched.

“Foal-unfriendly gardener recently fired from school, died in a park, don’t interrupt.” Triage quickly interjected, “I went down there with the others, and we found out what killed him.”

“You did?” Fletcher gasped.

"Well, don't leave us in suspense." Caboose said giddily. "What was it?"

Triage pulled out a vial of the blue mist.

Fletcher tensed up, silently recognizing the substance.

“What the-” Survival got close to the mirror, “What is that?”

“...And who are you?” Triage frowned.

“Doctor Survival Horror.” Survival noted awkwardly, “I was the one escorting the patient.”

“Doctor, huh?” Triage’s frown deepened.

“Back to your question, Dr. Horror.” Master Mind interjected, noting Triage’s frown, “In Triage’s hoof appears to be some sort of magical miasma, undetectable by normal means.”

“Yes, I was exposed to it when I examined the body." Triage added, snapping back to focus. "I began suffering hallucinations, and was seeing my worst nightmare play out right in front of me.”

“Your worst nightmare? Like some sort of fear toxin?” Black asked.

“Sort of. Fears and nightmares aren’t exactly interchangeable.” Master Mind nodded, “But we quickly deduced that this miasma induces hallucinatory images and sounds based on a pony’s bad dream, and sends the inflicted into a panic-induced state.”

“...So, what you’re saying is, if I were to breath in that mi-asthma stuff, I would begin seeing something scary from my nightmares, like say… Chrysanthemum MacDonald?” Caboose asked.

"Okay, not sure why you would have nightmares of the guy who played Grouse Mckenzie from Grease, but yes, that’s the theory." Triage nodded.

"Wow... I really wasn't meaning anything by your old age, but most creatures would have gone with Shooter McGravy." Fury mused.

“Hold on, you said this stuff killed that Weasel scumbag.” Black frowned, “How come it didn’t kill you when you breathed it?”

"We're still trying to figure that out, but we can only assume that it's efficacy is wholly based on the volume, and whether or not the target is in the final stage of the sleep cycle." Master Mind answered.

"..." Caboose gaped.

"He means that it takes a lot of this stuff and you have to be fast asleep." Triage clarified.

"Asleep? Why is that?" Black asked.

"Again, this is only guesswork, but the brain is at its most vulnerable when you're asleep, and is at the stage where dreams usually occur." Triage announced. "This miasma in particular seems to be focused on inducing your worst nightmares, whether it was recent or long forgotten. When awake, the miasma would make you hallucinate, short and simple. Nothing a good slap to the face couldn't fix." He glanced irritably at Incognito.

"Like I said, it worked-" Incognito scowled.

"However, when you're asleep, the miasma makes your brain go haywire, causing your heart and body to believe that the nightmare you're seeing is real." Triage continued. "The ensuing stress causes your heart to beat incredibly fast, and your blood pressure to skyrocket as a result. Ultimately, this culminates in a brain aneurysm and a stroke, effectively ending your life, all within a single night's sleep."

"And that is why Weasel died." Fletcher mused.

"Not just him." Armory chipped in. "After we got that miasma out of Weasel, we checked out the body of that treasurer, you know, one of the seven victims who died in their sleep.”

“The ones that were in the news over the past few months.” Fury declared, sharing a glance with Black, who knew as well, “Their deaths are involved as well?”

“That’s right. Look what we found.” Armory pulled out another vial, with a smaller amount of miasma. "The stuff had faded, but we were able to siphon a tiny bit from her body."

"We weren't able to check out the other victims, probably wouldn't find anything anyways due to how much time passed, but I can bet you that this stuff is definitely what killed the others." Incognito added. "Pretty scary, isn't it? One whiff of this while you're asleep and you’re dead. Virtually untraceable by normal means. To the naked eye, it'd be like you died of fright."

"And this miasma... it came from the girl?" Fury inquired.

"It has to." Survival said, catching the others' attention. "Somnus and Dysley both told me that the miasma she produces induces nightmares… to be honest, I didn't think it was that bad... but after what I just heard..."

"So what? This child killed eight ponies by gassing them in their sleep?" Black asked.

"I have to agree, this is eff'd up." Fury nodded. "I mean, what is she exactly? Is she some sort of Nightcrawler? Because this is no ability I've ever heard of."

Triage shared a grim look with the others. Ballista immediately grew concerned.

"Actually, we might have an answer to that question." Triage frowned, "We ran the miasma through one of Armory's machine, to find out where it came from, and... well, you're not going to believe this..."

"At this point, Triage, we'd believe anything." Fletcher said bluntly.

"Well, think again..." Master Mind held up a sheet of paper containing the readings. "The miasma's magic signature is a near hundred percent match... for that of Princess Luna."

"What?!" The inhabitants of the carriage gasped. The carriage veered, due to Black's shock.

Outside, a Unicorn stallion who was innocently crossing the street saw the carriage suddenly heading for him.

"Whoa!" He yelped, leaping out of the way just in time. "Watch where you’re going, ya... wait, where are the pullers?"

"Princess Luna?!" Fletcher gaped.

"But I thought the mi-asthma came from Nyx!" Caboose protested.

"It does." Triage nodded.

"But how can the miasma coming from a little filly be a match for the flapping Princess of the Night?!" Fury demanded.

"It's not a complete match, but it's pretty close." Master Mind pointed out.

"That doesn't make sense though." Survival pointed out. "Magical signatures are part of a pony's DNA. To have a near-match is unheard of. Not even siblings and children would have that close of a match."

"That is true... but there is this to consider: who is the one pony we all know that was once one and the same as Princess Luna?" Triage asked.

Realization came over the group.

"Nightmare Moon." Fletcher and Black said in unison.

"Wait, are you saying that this filly we've been after this whole time..." Fury frowned.

"Oh my Faust... Nabudis wasn't grooming Nyx to be Nightmare Moon... she is Nightmare Moon!" Survival gasped.

"Holy crap on a crap sandwich with crap on top, with a side of crap!" Caboose yelped.

"But how?!" Black asked. "How is this possible?! Nightmare Moon was destroyed years ago! There's just no way!"

"Are you sure that machine got it right?" Fury asked.

"Oh, yes." Armory nodded. "It's right, alright. I double-checked everything. This is pretty much the only explanation we could all think of."

"This does certainly bring things into a new light." Survival said grimly. "What with Project: Bad Dreams and everything. Having Nightmare Moon on your side would undoubtedly be a boon for the Forefathers."

"I guess... but to think the Forefathers would stoop to use a child to do their dirty work for them-" Black frowned.

"No..." Fletcher said suddenly.

"Fletch?" Caboose asked.

"I don't think Nightmare Moon... er, Nyx is compliant in any of this." Fletcher declared.

"What do you mean?" Survival asked.

"Remember what Nabudis said?" Fletcher prompted. "About not upsetting her? Back in the hedge maze, when me and Nabudis were fighting, Nyx got really upset, like she was seeing nothing but red. And I saw the miasma, just like the ones Armory and Triage both have in their vials. It was so weird, part of it looked like it was steaming off her, the rest looked like it was flowing off her like a over-filled bathtub... I'm starting to think she can't control it."

"So, what?" Fury asked. "She just happened to be in all those victims' houses, minding her business, and then suddenly, something spook her or something and that stuff she made killed all of them?"

"Well, possibly... if someone was to put her in that scenario to begin with." Fletcher answered.

"Huh?" Fury gaped.

"...I think I see what Fletcher is getting at." Survival declared. "According to him, Nyx's ability to produce this miasma seems to be connected to her emotions. The stronger the emotion, the more miasma she produces. Being a child with the upbringing she has, she doesn't yet have the mental capacity to control these said emotions. It could very well be possible that Nyx was planted in the near vicinity of these victims, and maybe through external means, Nyx was forced to experience these strong emotions, forcing her to produce the miasma that kills the pony."

"Like tear gas!" Caboose pointed out.

"Like a weapon." Fury scowled.

"Hmm… mayhaps Nabudis was being truthful about protecting Nyx." Fletcher surmised.

"Seriously?" Fury snorted.

"Hear me out." Fletcher urged. "This whole thing with Nyx being used as a weapon is what kick-started this whole mess. Using a child as a living weapon against her will is obviously morally objectionable. From what Sterling has told us, that seems like something Nabudis would be against. This lead to him falling out with Dysley. And thus bring us to right here and now.”

“And now, Nyx is right back in Dysley’s hooves. Thanks to us.” Caboose groaned.

“And there’s no telling what Dysley is going to do now. If Nyx is responsible for those deaths and Dysley is the one using her, then there’s no telling what he might do with her.” Black growled.

“And what about Nabudis?” Survival asked, “...In spite of everything, I don’t want him to die. Especially not because he was trying to help that poor girl.”

"Let's just hope Sterling managed to keep on their trail." Black frowned.

“Do you think he knows what Nyx is?” Fury asked.

“He said he figured out what was really going on.” Ballista surmised, “I have to assume he has some sort of idea.”

“But still, to go off on his own?” Fletcher grunted, “Surely, he must know how foolhardy that is.”

“Sterling probably wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t think it was absolutely necessary.” Black said sagely.

“Besides, Sterling can handle himself.” Fury crossed his talons, “I mean, Dysley sounds like your typical trust fund kid. He’ll eat him for breakfast.”

“That may be, but I’m more concerned about all the hired guns under his command.” Fletcher glared.

“Fletcher is right. That is why I’m gonna have some RDL agents come in and help apprehend Dysley.” Ballista declared, “He’s going to have much to answer for. Luckily, the damn fool broke the law by kidnapping a prisoner, so we have a hoof in the door in case his team of lawyers try to kick stuff up.”

“Well, let’s focus on finding him first, then we’ll worry about the rest.” Fletcher frowned.

“Alright. We should be arriving at our destination soon.” Black frowned, “We’ll keep you posted.”

As Ballista switched off the mirror, he sighed heavily.

"What a mess this turned out to be." He rubbed his eyes with his hooves.

"Tell me about it." Armory agreed. "When's the last time we ever had a nice, normal mission?"

"I can't recall." Triage shrugged. "And considering I'm the oldest stallion here, that's really saying something..."

"Is anypony else weirded out by the idea that our guys will technically be helping Nightmare Moon?" Incognito asked. "I mean, are we okay with that?"

"What's there to be okay with?" Master Mind frowned. "She's a poor child being used for evil purposes."

"Yeah, a poor child named Nightmare Moon!" Incognito retorted. "You know, the same witch who tried to bring everlasting night to Equestria?"

"Cog, she's only a kid." Armory pointed out.

"A kid that can produce miasma that could kill ponies in their sleep." Incognito scowled. "I mean, am I the only one who's concerned about the danger she could pose anypony who makes her upset?"

"Of course not." Ballista shook his head. "But that isn't our biggest concern. I don't know how or why Nightmare Moon is alive in the form of a child, but everlasting night or not, she needs our help."

"That's what we do, remember?" Armory pointed out. "We help ponies in need."

"As a doctor, I can do no less." Triage agreed.

"Looks like majority rules here." Master Mind smiled. "What say you, Cog?"

“Fine, I guess.” Incognito conceded, “I just hope it doesn’t come to bite us in the ass…”

Meanwhile, a moderate distance away, there was a warehouse complex, used to keep shipments for those coming and going from Canterlot. As a requirement of its function, the complex was the size of a small town, with several individual warehouses spread out in a grid formation. As such, it was the ideal place for ponies to go about potential shady businesses.

Sterling, having not stopped moving since he saw the carriage take off, was sneaking between the alleyways between the warehouses, keeping an eye out for anypony that would be keeping an eye out for stragglers like himself.

Eventually, to his elation, he saw the carriage he had tailed, parked outside a rather dilapidated warehouse (obviously in need of renovation), with several ponies hanging around the place. The crossbows in their hooves made it clear to Sterling that they weren’t for show.

Sterling hid around the corner of a neighboring warehouse, and took out his mirror.

“I sure hope the others knew to track me.” He mused, as he observed the old warehouse once more, “It’d be a bad idea to try and go in alone. Maybe I should hold till they get here-”

At that moment, he heard yells and groans coming from inside the warehouse. And the unmistakable sound of somepony getting their butt beaten.

“Nabudis, buck!” Sterling cursed, “Can’t wait for the others, he might not hold out that long… damn it all, why did you have to get wrapped in this, Doc?"

Without any further hesitation, Sterling sprang into action. Sticking to the shadows, he snuck up on the first thugs, and struck him from behind.

"Ugh!" The thug grunted, dropping like a lead weight.

"What the-Gahh!" The second thug barely had time to react before Sterling leapt forward and kicked him.

Two more thugs emerged, each carrying a crossbow. Sterling jumped them before they knew what was happening, pummeling them soundly. Once he was sure they were out, he took one of their crossbows.

"And that's the easy part dealt with." Sterling said flippantly, cocking the crossbow. "Now for the rough stuff..."

As Sterling made his way in, something began to emerge from the shadow casted by the carriage.

Within seconds, none other than Constell emerged, using the shadow walking spell her father had taught her.

Not long after Dysley had taken Nyx, Constell had excused herself to her room, wanting to be alone, extremely saddened that Nyx had to be taken away, especially after seeing how distraught the poor filly was. She herself wanted to cry into her pillow…

However, on her way to her room, she was overcome by this sinking feeling in her gut. She wasn’t sure why, but for some reason, she felt an urge to see Nyx one last time. Hoping she wasn’t too late, she made her way to the castle gate, just in time to see Dysley pulling Nyx inside (and a little hard, she thought).

Still feeling that same feeling in her guts, and overcome with a few questions, she decided to tail them, using the shadow walker spell to literally keep to the shadows as she followed the carriage, paying no mind to the other stallion who was also following them, eventually ending up in the carriage’s shadow and waiting till the coast was clear.

Constell glanced around, a bit perplexed by her surroundings.

“Hmm.” Constell frowned, “The warehouse district? Why in Equestria would Secret bring Nyx here?” She then noted the carriage, “And why were they riding in a prison carriage?” Her thought immediately went to her father’s ‘friend’, “Did they… did they ride here with Nabudis?”

She then looked at the old warehouse, “I guess I’ll have to find out myself…”

But before she went any further, she immediately noted the unconscious thugs, and how all but one of them had crossbows.

“...Probably would be best to go around.” Constell grimaced, “Maybe there’s a backdoor or a window…”


In the midst of the rather spacious warehouse, Nabudis was strapped to a chair, now sporting a few bruises and a bloody snout, as another hoof, courtesy of Peat, slammed into the side of his face.

“Urgh!” Nabudis grunted, recoiling from the hit.

Almost immediately, he was met with a hoof to the gut. This time from Roadblock.

“Oof!” Nabudis cringed.

"You know, it's the perks that make this job worthwhile." Roadblock smirked.

"Oh, yeah." Peat chuckled darkly, as he punched Nabudis once more, “Why beat my witch of a wife when I can beat up this prick, without getting charged with domestic abuse?!”

Roadblock paused, and looked at Peat with a frown.

“What? I thought it, I didn’t do it.” Peat growled, as he then glared at Nabudis, “Now, then, time for another round-”

"Hold up."

The two paused as Dysley entered the room. A sullen Silas walked alongside him, and tagging along on the other side was Nyx. The filly's outfit had been torn off, and she now wore a collar around her neck. She was whimpering.

"Secret, please." Nabudis pleaded with him, grunting in pain. "Don't make Nyx watch this."

"I'm afraid I have to." Dysley retorted. "She needs to learn what happens when ponies think they can defy me.” He glared hatefully at the little filly, who shrank in fear, “Besides, this little brat caused me so much trouble these past few days. That calls for some disciplinary measures…”

Dysley revealed a remote, and pushed its single button. Nyx's collar suddenly surged with electricity.

"ARRRRGH!" The filly howled in pain as she was electrocuted, flailing around in pain, miasma flowing from her again.

"No..." Nabudis looked on in horror, barely able to watch, as he yelled at Dysley. "Please... please, stop!"

"Why not?" Dysley pushed the button, stopping the pain. "Don't want to break my new toy..."

Nyx grew still, but was now sobbing uncontrollably.

“Nyx…” Nabudis himself on the brink of tears.

“Oh, Somnus… it didn't have to end like this, you know." Dysley tutted, as the doctor glared at him, "If you had only played ball, and let Project: Bad Dreams progress the way it was supposed to, nopony would've been hurt. But no, due to your stubbornness, so many ponies lost their lives, starting with Hamm, and ending with poor, poor Survival."

"Survival?" Nabudis sprang up in horror. "No, you're not going to-"

"I can't be having loose ends, Nabudis." Dysley pointed out. "It's your fault really. You dragged him and Hamm into your idiotic scheme to spirit Nyx away to that nowhere island that the board was stupid enough to build a hospital on." He chuckled darkly. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't have found out? Nothing goes on in that damn hospital that I don't know about."

"Clearly something did." Nabudis scowled defiantly. "Otherwise you would've stopped them right at the gate."

Nabusis glared at Peat, who slugged him.

“Hmph, you got lucky.” He scoffed. "But not lucky enough. You really should've been careful who you hired to stage a kidnapping... or rather, whoever that hire hires to help him. Maybe then I wouldn't have gotten a tip about the move."

Nabudis glared at him.

"We can chalk it up to that being one screwup in a line of many." Dysley shrugged. "Your latest one being you refusing my 'mercy' back at the party."

"You're just mad that I didn't buy your bull." Nabudis spat out a bit of blood. "A stallion who had an entire hospital killed is clearly not capable of anything resembling mercy."

Dysley let out a small chuckle... before slugging Nabudis in the abdomen. Nyx winced, and looked away, teary-eyed.

"Well, maybe you're half right." Dysley sneered. "At the very least, my 'mercy' would have gone straight for the head rather than dragging this mess out. But you had your shot."

"Speaking of dragging this mess out-" Silas spoke up, earning a grunt of frustration from Dysley. "Could we hurry this along? Those RDL assholes are gonna catch on that the detainment carriage didn't make it to the station. I wanna get outta here while the getting's good."

"We'll leave when I'm good and ready." Dysley spat, glaring coldly at Doc. "This has been a long time coming, and I want to savor the moment."

"And I think that's peachy, but I rather not take chances." Silas deadpanned, "I barely got out of Canterlot during the whole Titanfall crapshow. And if I'm being honest, we're already wasted time bringing him here rather than just shooting him and leaving him in a ditch."

"Y'know, speaking of shooting and ditching, shouldn't Briar have been back by now?" Roadblock asked. "It shouldn't be taking this long to kill one guy."

"I'm sure the dumbass' taking his time." Dysely scowled. "Why else would I have found Nyx before all of you?"

Peats and Roadblock stifled a grimace, not liking being insulted.

"Oh, screw you!" Silas spat.

"Hmph, how gracious of you." Nabudis said sarcastically. "Sacred would be so proud of how well you treat your employees."

Roadblock put a hoof to his mouth in terrified anticipation, as Dysley, with an eye twitch, pressed his remote, shocking Nyx again, this time much harder.

"Arrrgh!" Nyx shrieked.

Nabudis's smirk faded immediately, replaced with fear and concern.

"Don't say my father's name." Dysley said coldly. "You're not allowed to say his name..." He observed the pained expression on Nabudis' face as he looked at Nyx. "Pitiful. You act like you're all tough yet all I need to do is this-"

He triggered another shock.

"Arrrrrgh!" Nyx screamed again.

"...And it all goes away." Dysley finished. "All over this... thing."

"Damn you, Secret. " Nabudis struggled against his bonds. "Whatever grudges you are holding against me, take them out on me! Leave Nyx out of this! Please... she's only a chil-"

Dysley slugged him, causing the thugs to wince, while Silas rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Would you stop it with this whole 'child' bullcrap?!" Dysley scoffed. "This brat is not a child! Hell, it's a stretch to even call her a pony! This foul thing is-"

"Nightmare Moon."

Everypony turned around in surprise, and found Sterling walking in, crossbow in hoof.

"Sterling?" Nabudis gaped.

"Sterling?" Dysley grimaced.

"Oh buck me..." Silas groaned, stepping back into the shadows.

“We got him, boss!” Roadblock roared.

The two thugs charged at Sterling.

"Yawn." Sterling sneered. He intercepted Roadblock with a clothesline maneuver, then leapt up and double-kicked Peat in the face. He had taken them both down in the space of a few seconds.

“Ugh…” The two stallions groaned on the floor, unable to move.

"Sterling." Dysley said nonchalantly, though his eyes showed shock. "What are you doing here? ...How did you get in here?"

"I let myself in." Sterling smirked. "Said hi to some old friends. One of them even lent me his crossbow." He readied the weapon, “Honestly, after the carriage attack, I thought you learned your lessons about hiring low-ranked agents, but I guess that was expecting a little too much…”

Unbeknownst to any of them, one of the warehouse’s windows opened, as Constell began to quietly climb in through it. Soon as she was inside, she quickly made her way to some nearby crates, in case more of those thugs were around the place. She peeked from behind the crates, and was immediately confused and perturbed.

’What the… what is Nabudis doing here, tied up? And has someone been beating him?’ She then saw Dysley next to him, immediately disturbed by the anger in his eyes, ’And what’s Dysley doing here? Did he do this to him? That… that can’t be right. And who is it he’s talking-’ She turned to look at Sterling, only to stop midway, as her eyes caught Nyx.

The sight of the crying filly on the floor had Constell nearly yelling in shock.

’Nyx!’ Constell gasped, ’Oh my Faust, what happened to you?! Did… Did Dysley do this? But why-’ She then noticed the wings on Nyx’s back, ’...Are those wings? But she has a horn too… she’s an alicorn?’ Constell was now at a loss, ’What the hell is going on here?!’

“Walk away, Sterling.” Dysley ordered, “This has nothing to do with you, and quite frankly, you don’t understand what is going on.”

“Oh, but I do.” Sterling said smugly, “It wasn’t easy, but I finally figured it out.”

’Figured what out? Constell grimaced.

“Nyx is not some patient, nor is she some ordinary kid…” Sterling began, “She is none other than Nightmare Moon, in the flesh.”

Constell’s eyes widened, glancing back at Nyx, who seem to shiver at the sound of the name.

’Nightmare Moon? As in that Nightmare Moon?’ Constell gaped, ’...No, no, that can’t be.’

"I had my suspicions for a while now." Sterling admitted. "Ever since I first heard about the 'subject' way back when. But seeing this filly, wings and all... that's when it all came together… you brought back Nightmare Moon."

“Wow, you must be so clever.” Dysely said sarcastically.

“Can it, Dysley.” Sterling said fiercely, “How is this even possible though. How did ‘Nyx’ come to be?”

“What makes you think I’m going to tell you any-” Dysley snarled.

“I wasn’t asking you!” Sterling snapped, as he then turned to Nabudis, “Doc, explain. How did you do it? How did you bring Nightmare Moon back?” He then pondered, “...Was it those armor pieces? Like the one from Yokestadt?”

"...That's right." Nabudis nodded. "Excellent deduction. Didn’t think you remember..."

"...So what?" Sterling asked. "Did the stuff those armor pieces gave off just suddenly just suddenly come together to make a bouncy baby filly?"

"That... I am not entirely certain of." Nabudis admitted. "It just happened, not long after Sacred died." Dysley growled at the mention of his father's death. "I was in the lab by myself, when I heard the wailing of a baby... that baby being Nyx. I'm not sure to this day how it happened, but it did."

"So, she was created, not born." Sterling frowned. "Was this what you had in mind for Project: Bad Dreams? To bring back Nightmare Moon?"

"...Yes, that was the plan initially." Nabudis nodded. "Me and Sacred never figured out how we were going to do it... but when Nyx came into being... I just went with it."

"I don't believe this." Constell whispered to herself. "This poor little filly staying with us was Nightmare Moon, the one who took over mom all those years ago?" She tnen looked at Nyx.

"And you've been raising her all these years, in Infinity." Sterling noted. "How come nopony ever talked about her? I mean, Nightmare Moon is kind of a big deal."

“That’s because I’ve tried my hardest to keep her existence a secret.” Nabudis sighed, “You’ve seen the ponies the Forefathers employed. I couldn’t risk her being discovered by other ponies who’d want to use her powers. I couldn’t trust anyone, not even you or Loveless. I had to do what I must to protect her…”

“Hey, I understand.” Sterling nodded, before glancing at Dysley coldly, “...But I’m assuming Dysley here had other plans?”

'What?' Constell frowned, confused. ’...Wait, is Dysley a-’

"How did this all start, Dysley?" Sterling asked. "And when did you figure out Nyx could use this miasma?"

"I don't have to tell you anything." Dysley scowled. "This isn't a Q and A session."

"I think you owe me that much." Sterling retorted. "Especially after what your dear ol' dad and I went through. Besides..." He held up his crossbow, “I’m not asking.”

“...Very well.” Dysley scowled, disliking another mention of his father, “...It was shortly after I joined. Me and a few scientists were assisting Nabudis here with Nyx’s examinations, when one of the idiots spooked her by waving around the wrong medical tool. He got a face full of the stuff and started going crazy, talking about baths."

“Bats? Well, that’s a common fear-” Sterling shrugged.

“Not bats. Baths.” Dysley rolled his eyes, “Said something about showers being as refreshing, and using one-third the water… honestly, it was really stupid… but it did give me an idea...”

"So you figured you could make use of that stuff." Sterling surmised. "So is that when murders started happening?"

"Murders?" Constell whispered.

Dysley scoffed once more.

"Seven ponies. From the mailroom assistant, to a treasurer, all corporate." Sterling summarised. "And as I recall, all came from companies that are partnered with Brightdale Pharmaceuticals. So, how'd you do it? Did you just pick a guy and decided that he or she must die or something?"

"I needed test subjects." Dysley shrugged. "After what happened to the scientist, I had to see what this miasma of hers could do."

"What? Were they having a shortage of lab rats? Or cats? Or literally anything that isn't a living pony?!" Sterling demanded.

"Of course not." Dysley smirked. "I ran several tests on the miasma using those lesser creatures. How do you think I found out that the miasma can kill something if they're asleep? But I needed something bigger. I had to test the limits. So I just picked some random nopony in the company and see what happens."

"That random nopony that probably had loved ones." Sterling pointed out.

"Don't we all?" Sterling shrugged. "It was a necessary sacrifice in the name of progress."

’Sacrifice?! Constell repeated in disbelief.

"And I'm assuming the other six were 'necessary sacrifices'?" Sterling growled.

"Well, I had to work out the kinks." Dysley declared. "With each kill, I learned a little more about how to properly use Nyx as a weapon. How to refine her, to... Encourage her."

"Encourage?" Sterling snarled.

"You know, provide incentive." Dysley smirked. "Chemicals, iron prods... I found that she responded well to electroshock."

"What?" Constell gasped in horror at how casual he was acting.

"So, essentially, you forced her into killing seven innocent ponies." Sterling growled. "He glanced at Nyx, who was huddling, whimpering. "She's a kid, for Faust's sake!"

"Oh, bullcrap!" Dysley spat. "This girl is an abomination!"

Constell gasped once more, as Nabudis seethed at his words.

"She was made in a lab!" Dysley pointed. "Out of some dead broad's mist! She's no more a pony than I'm the bucking prince of Saddle Arabia! This little brat here is a bioweapon, nothing more!"

"Really?" Sterling retorted, barely able to restrain his contempt. "Nabudis doesn't think so. I'm guessing he found out about your little experiments, didn't he?"

"...You'd be right." Nabudis fumed. "I found out after the fourth victim. The cause of death roused my suspicions. And then I found some wounds on Nyx one day, and saw how freaked out the poor filly was. When I asked what happened, she told me how Dysley had been hurting her, forcing her to do these horrible things. I was disgusted. Disgusted that somepony I trusted could use her in such a horrid way."

"Well at least she was being used!" Dysley protested. “All you did with her was play house, feeding, teaching, and taking care of her like a baby doll! You were squandering her potential! I tried my damnedest to explain to you that she could be useful in helping us take over Equestria. But you. Wouldn't. Listen!"

"So is that how this whole feud of yours started?" Sterling asked.

"Damn right." Dudley nodded. "After that fight, Nabudis wouldn't let me near Nyx again. Every step of the way, he kept getting in my way. He even tried to hide her away from me!"

"Under Brightdale Hospital, right?" Sterling noted.

"Yeah. This fool thought I wouldn't find her there, but he was wrong." Dysley declared. "For a while there, I tried reasoning with Nabudis, trying to get back in his good graces. And it was working."

"I was an idiot." Nabudis sighed, his voice thick with guilt. "Dysley swore to me that the experiments were over, that he had dropped using Nyx's miasma. I let my guard down, and because of it, he used his lackies to take Nyx out while I wasn't around so he could conduct more 'experiments'. Three more ponies died. That was when I knew I had to get Nyx out."

"Which led to the carriage attack..." Sterling noted.He glared at Dysley. "But then, why the hospital?"

Constell continued watching, wide-eyed.

"No... Secret, you didn't..." She whispered.

"Well, that fatass security guard was always such a gossip." Dysley said dismissively. "Word started going around about Nyx, about how there was a filly under the hospital, and about 'how Nabudis punched the CEO in the face and got fired over her'. I couldn't have word getting out about my weapon, so I had to clean house."

"All those innocent ponies... I can't imagine Father would've sanctioned this." Sterling shook his head.

"It was all for the greater good." Dysley insisted. "What's a few bodies and a hospital when Father's going to change this world for the better?"

"Greater good, my ass!" Nabudis snarled. "This isn't about Father! Or the Forefathers, for that matter! This is all about you, being consumed by your petty hatred and megalomania!"

"Oh, and you're so innocent?!" Dysley closed in on Nabudis. "Who was the one who brought Nyx to Brightdale Hospital? Who was the one who stopped at nothing to get all those armor pieces, be it robbery, arson, or murder? Who was the one who got my father killed so you can play daddy with this living dolly?!"

"ENOUGH!" Sterling roared.

Dysley and Nabudis glanced at Sterling in surprise.

"So many ponies are now dead, because of all this fighting... It's bad enough that a child is being fought over like stray dogs over raw meat, but why did you have to drag those workers into it? The hospital? Survival and Hamm?" Sterling growled.

"A means to an end." Dysley scoffed.

Nabudis glanced away in shame.

"Just how many more ponies are going to lose their lives before one of you kill the other?" Sterling demanded.

"Well, if you give me five minutes, I'll gladly-" Dysley started airily.

"Can it, Dysley!" Sterling yelled. He then glanced at Nabudis. "...You should have come to us, Doc. I know now that you're not a monster. I'm sorry I ever doubted that... but whatever your good intentions were, ponies got hurt because of your actions. Ponies like Survival. If you had just let us help you, this could have been avoided..."

Nabudis remains silent, quietly acknowledging Sterling's words.

"Whatever Project: Bad Dreams is, or was meant to be... I'm putting an end to it." Sterling said firmly. "Nyx is not going to be your weapon, Dysley..." He sadly looked at Nabudis. "And I'm sorry, Doc, but I can't leave her with you either." He glances down at Nyx, as she weakly glanced up at Sterling. "But we will make sure Nyx finds ponies who can take care of her. On that, I swear."

"Oh, is that right?!" Dudley smirked. "You're talking pretty tough for somepony who came alone!"

"But I'm not alone." Sterling held up his mirror. "This mirror is being tracked as we speak. My friends are on their way right now." Dysley's smirk faded into a small panic. "And I already took care of a lot of your flunkies. So, why don't you put the remote down and your hoofs in the-"

Suddenly, a cane was slammed into the back of Sterling's head.

"GAH!" Sterling grunted.

Constell recoiled in shock as Sterling fell to the ground.

"Sterling!" Nabudis yelped.

Sterling was on the ground, dazed, as Silas held his cane high, wielding it like a bat, glaring hatefully at him. Behind him were a few more thugs.

"That was for my order!" Silas snarled. He swung his cane down again.

"Guhh!" Sterling groaned.

"And that was for ruining my plans!" Silas swung once more. "And that... was pure catharsis!"

Silas stepped back as the thugs pinned Sterling down, taking his crossbow as Sterling struggled.

"Silas!" Dysley gaped, as he then glared. "Took you long enough!"

"Buck off!" Silas spat. "I had to get reinforcements! Good thing you and the Doc here kept this asshole entertained enough to give me a chance to take him down!"

"Silas? You're here?" Sterling heaved, shaking off the pain.

"We meet again, Sterling." Silas smirked. "And this time, it's going to be the last." He turns to Dysley. "You heard this bucker, his RDL buddies are on their way now! So, if you're done, can we kill both these assholes now and get the hell out of here? I call killing Sterling!"

"...No." Dysley said flatly.

"No?!" Silas blanched.

The thugs shared his sentiment; they all wore panicked expressions.

"I still have some more things I'd like to say to Nabudis before I end his miserable life." Dysley declared. "And I won't let the RDL or anypony get in the way of that!"

"...Are you bucking me right now?" Silas scowled. "The RDL are going to be here soon! We need to go!"

"I'll decide when we go!" Dysley screeched, visibly stressed. He glanced down at Nyx then at Sterling. "...Bring Sterling back up."

"Huh, why-" Silas frowned.

"Just do it!" Dysley yelled.

The thugs, a bit confused, brought Sterling to his hooves. The stallion tried to shake off his daze. Dysley turned to face him, an evil grin on his face.

"You know, Sterling, you never asked what my idea of Project: Bad Dreams was about." Dysley pointed out.

"Well, if it's anything like what Solomon or Gridlock had in mind, I think I can take a guess." Sterling grunted through the pain.

"Yeah... only difference is, I'm going to succeed." Dysley gloated.

"Not likely." Sterling sneered.

"Hmph, we'll see." Dysley pouted. "I'd go into details about my big plan, but I really don't have time... however, I'll gladly give you a sneak peek."

Dysley held up the remote and pressed it again.

"AHHHH!" Nyx began howling in pain, as miasma began flowing off her.

"Nyx!" Constell yelled, her cry muffled by Nyx's own.

"Dysley, no!" Nabudis begged, knowing full well what was about to happen.

"Yahh!" Nyx cried as the miasma flowed out of her and towards Sterling.

The thugs quickly let go of Sterling and backed away, as did Silas. Sterling didn't have time to take advantage of his newfound freedom as the miasma enveloped him, flowing into his mouth and nostrils.

"Oh, buck-" He started coughing profusely. "Dysley- hurrgh!" He coughed again. "You- hurrk!"

Sterling fell to his knees, his eyes turning into pinpricks, as he succumbed to a panicked state. The world around him seemed to distort, as the miasma faded. Sterling was facing the ground as Dysley approached him, and kneeled down.

"Normally, I prefer to use the miasma to kill a pony outright." Dysley admitted. As Sterling struggled against the infection, Dysley's body seemed to flicker, and his voice seemed... off. "But right now, I need a distraction. After all, how will the RDL have time for me..."

Sterling glanced up... and saw Crystal Cross, his deceased brother, hole in chest and all, wearing an evil grin. The warehouse began flickering, changing into the same church from his earlier nightmare.

"...When they're busy fighting you?!" Dysley/Crystal finished.

"NOO!!" Sterling, panicked, scrambled away from Dysley. But as he did so, he saw the other thugs and Silas also taking the form of Crystal, all with evil smiles. "Ahhh!!"

Utterly terrified, Sterling ran out of the room.

"Nooo..." Constell cringed, mortified. She looked at Nyx, who was on the ground, writhing in pain. 'Nyx... What can I do?'

Dysley smirked in satisfaction as he glanced back at Nabudis, who glared hatefully at him.

"Now that Sterling is going to keep his new friends busy, you and I can have some fun together." He cackled softly.

Meanwhile, Black and the others arrived in the warehouse district, having followed the tracker.

"So, which one of these conveniently empty warehouses is Sterling in?" Caboose asked.

"Hard to say." Black admitted. "The signal isn't that precise. Might be a bad signal, or something."

"Great." Fury scowled. "And there's a lot of warehouses to check..."

"How are we going to find them?" Fletcher asked.

"Maybe we should look at the warehouses furthest from the entrances?" Survival suggested. "Dysley would probably chose the one less likely to be spotted."

"Good thinking." Black mused.

"There's still a lot back there." Fury pointed out. "And we don't exactly have all night."

"Then we need to split up. Fletcher declared. "Dreadnaught, Fury, you take the left side, and the three of us will take the right."

"Works for me." Fury nodded.

"How about we meet back here in about an hour?" Black offered.

"Cool." Caboose smiled.

“Oh, and before I forget.” Black reached into the carriage, and tossed Fletcher a bow and a quiver full of arrows, “Your bow, Fletch.”

“Ah, thank you.” Fletcher caught it, “With all that happened, I hadn’t a chance to grab my weapon.”

“And Caboose.” Black reached in and pulled out Sterling’s sword, passing it to him, “Make sure Sterling gets this and…” He frowned, “That’s weird, I could've sworn Armory put in a crossbow for you-”

“Oh, you mean this?” Caboose held up the crossbow he used earlier.

“What the- how did you-” Black grimaced.

“I dunno, plot element?” Caboose shrugged… before frowning, “...Wow, it’s been forever since I said that.”

“Okay…” Black shook his head, as he faced Survival, “What about you? You need a weapon?”

“I got a knife.” Survival held up his still bloody knife, “And I do know how to use it.”

“Just don’t go doing something stupid.” Fury glared, not out of annoyance, but concern, “You let Caboose and Fletch do the heavy-lifting, got it?”

“Um, got it.” Survival nodded awkwardly.

“Good. See you in an hour, and be careful.” Black declared.

The group split up, as they explored the district. The warehouses contained many things, from lumber to carriage parts to foodstuffs. And even some odd things...

"A whole warehouse full of rubber chickens." Survival shook his head. "How can Equestria need so many of those?"

"You'd be surprised." Caboose smirked.

Meanwhile, Sterling was stumbling around, still under the effects of the miasma.

"Get it together." He muttered. "Gotta get it together..."

Suddenly, Crystal appeared in front of him.

"You killed me, Sterling!" Crystal screeched. "Your own brother, dead because of you!"

"No!" Sterling ran from the hallucination, but was quickly faced with another.

"I always knew you were a monster!" Crystal pointed an accusing hoof.

"Get away from me!" Sterling tried to evade the apparitions, but was faced with more of them.

"You can't run from the truth!" Crystal roared. "Or from me!"

Sterling kept running, desperate to get away.

Moments later, Fletcher and the others were still searching. As they checked another warehouse, Fledged glanced at his mirror.

"Wait, I got something." He declared.

"What is it?" Survival asked.

“It’s Sterling…” Fletcher frowned, “But according to this beacon… it’s coming to us.”

"Well, that makes our job a lot easier." Caboose smiled.

Suddenly, Sterling emerged from around the corner.

"Sterling!" Caboose beamed.

"Finally!" Survival sighed with relief.

"Sterling, thank Faust!" Fletcher smiled... before growling. "What the hell were you thinking, running off on your own like that?! You should've waited for us!"

Sterling winced as he glanced at them, and saw three versions of Crystals staring at him, with twisted grins on their faces. To them, Sterling was looking at them, horror in his eyes, panting like crazy.

"...Sterling?" Fletcher took notice of Sterling's state.

"Um, guys?" Survival said meekly. "Something isn't right."

"I'm sure it's nothing!" Caboose stepped forward. "Hey, Sterling!"

Sterling stepped back in terror. In his eyes, the Crystal in Caboose’s place said, in a manic voice:

“Hello, murderer…”

"How's it goin'?!" Caboose asked

All Sterling heard was "Enjoying your last moments alive?!"

"Sterling? Sterling, what's wrong?" Fletcher asked.

“Sterling, Sterling… what is wrong with you?” Crystal (in Fletcher’s place) sneered in a sing-song voice.

Sterling let out a high-pitch whimper as he stepped back.

"Easy there, pal." Caboose urged. "I don't know exactly what's happening to ya, but I'm sure there's a way out of it. Just like I found a way out of practicing the oboe. Ya just gotta find a good hiding place, and know how to fake being good at some dumb instrument nopony cares about. Usually by bribing somepony to play it behind the curtain while you're pretending to play it.."

The Crystal in Caboose’s place paused for a moment, not even he could make sense of what he said.

“...Gimme that flank!” Crystal roared.

“...No…” Sterling clenched his hooves, “You would like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Um, Sterling?” Survival frowned, not liking the maniacal glint in his eyes.

“Well, guess what? You’re not going to kill me… because I’m gonna kill you first!” Sterling roared.

Sterling let out a roar of fury as he charged at Caboose.

"Oh no." Caboose cringed. Sterling slammed into him, throwing him against a wall. "This is just not my night..." He groaned.

"Caboose!" Fletcher gasped.

"Sterling, what are you doing?!" Survival gaped.

“You’ve haunted my dreams long enough!” Sterling hissed. “I’m gonna put you in the ground and make sure you stay there!”