• Published 8th May 2019
  • 601 Views, 13 Comments

Fear of A Child - Bluecatcinema

A waking nightmare is on the horizon...

  • ...

Nightmare Eternal

Back down on the ground floor of the warehouse, Survival was still tending to Nabudis.

Sterling was keeping an eye on the remaining unconscious thugs, a hoof on his sword's hilt in case any of them tried to make a move, but would periodically look back at the two with worry.

“How it’s looking, Fiev?” Sterling asked, breaking the silence, “Is he going to be okay?”

“Well, Som got lucky. Dysley missed all the organs when he shanked him.” Survival let out a sigh of relief, as he continued wrapping around the wound. “Nothing a patch job can’t manage, but unfortunately, I’m only a doctor in psychology and my survival training only helps so much. He’s going to need actual medical assistance when this is over.”

“Err… Survival...” Nabudis groaned, as he glanced at him, “I have to say something to you.”

“No, save your strength.” Survival urged, “Whatever it is you need to say, it’s not important right now.”

“But it is.” Nabudis persisted, “...I’m sorry.”

“Somnus, it’s fine-” Survival sighed.

“No, it’s not.” Somnus growled, sadness in his eyes, “I allowed all this to happen. If I hadn’t brought Nyx to Brightdale, everyone there would still be alive…” He looked at Survival. “Hamm would still be alive...”

Survival stared at Nabudis, showing a conflicted grimace.

“Yeah… he would.” Survival murmured, before focusing back on patching his wounds.

“Look, I know you don’t believe me, but I truly never meant for you or the others to get hurt.” Nabudis declared.

“No, I do believe you. At least I do now.” Survival said tersely, before glaring angrily at him. “...But why?! Why did it have to be me and Hamm?! There were so many other ponies in the hospital you could have picked. Why did you put us in the crosshairs like that?!”

“It was like I said before… you were the only ponies in Brightdale I could trust.” Nabudis admitted, “...Not only that, you were the only ones who actually like me.”

“What?” Survival’s glare softened.

“Come on, don’t act so surprised.” Nabudis sighed, “I was never a very well-liked pony. I always had the stigma of being the guy who liked Nightmare Moon and the occult, and even after all those years, it never went away, not really. The others always kept a wide berth, thinking that I was no good, no matter the seniority or experience. If I went to any of them, they’d probably would’ve gone to Dysley and made things worse… beside Sacred and his wife… you and Hamm were the closest things to friends I had."

"And what about the Forefathers?" Survival frowned, “You were one of the big fishes, weren’t you? Why didn’t you send any of your ‘comrades’ to get her?”

Sterling glanced back, having taken heed of the conversation. Nabudis looked at him.

“True… I did know some good ponies who probably would have helped me if I had asked.” Nabudis confessed, “However, I couldn’t ask them…”

“And why’s that?” Survival questioned.

“Because I had all but left the Forefathers at that point.” Nabudis revealed, “...Nyx was the only reason I ever stood by the Forefathers for long as I did. They had the resources to help me take care of her and protect her. I never forgave them for letting Sacred die, but I just didn’t have the courage to leave… at least, not until Nyx told me what Secret made her do to those ponies… when I found that out… my love for my daughter made up for that severe lack of courage. So without a word to anypony, me and Nyx left. And by now, if Secret hadn’t already told them, I assume they are beginning to catch on that I’m never coming back...”

“Then why did you go to the efforts of arranging a transport to a hospital that wasn’t built and hiring thugs to ambush us and not ‘hurt’ us? Why didn’t you just tell us the truth from the start?” Survival demanded. “Sure, we might've had our trepidations about kidnapping a pony, but you were our best friend. We would have gladly delivered her to you personally.”

“I was trying to keep the both of you blameless.” Nabudis admitted, “I did not want to drag you and Hamm in any more than I was going to. If you two had no idea of who you were transporting and were ‘victims’ of an ambush, then Dysley wouldn’t bat an eye your way… for all the good that did…” He sighed deeply, “...I’m sorry, Survival… for what I dragged you into, and for getting Hamm and the others killed… I don’t expect your forgiveness, but please know that I am truly, truly sorry…”

Survival glanced at Nabudis, looking at him intently in the eyes…

"Okay, listen up." He said bluntly. "I'm still angry about what you did. Still disgusted by what you proved yourself to be capable of...." He sighed deeply. "But I can tell you really care about that filly. Everything you've done recently was to help her, give her a better life. I don't agree with the steps you took to give her that life, but you meant to do well by her, risked everything to do so. And for that... I can forgive you."

"You can?" Nabudis gasped, surprised. "Even after-?"

"Yes." Survival nodded. "Because at the end of the day, you weren’t the one who killed Hamm and the others. In fact, you were as much of a victim of this whole mess as the rest of us."

“...Well, it does my heart good to hear you say that.” Nabudis gave a small smile, “Now, at least I can go out with a clearer conscience…”

“Come on, Doc, the living isn’t through with you yet.” Sterling rolled his eyes, “You’re going to live, and Dysley is going to get what’s coming to him.”

“I don’t care what happens to him.” Nabudis grunted, “My only concern right now is Nyx.”

"Don't worry." Sterling assured him. "I'm sure Nyx will be fine..."


Above on the walkways, Nyx, having undergone a transformation that turned her into her original Nightmare Moon form (sans armor), was standing in place, breathing angrily, eyeing the ponies looking at her.

Everypony there was terrified. But Constell was more scared for Nyx, and the thugs' crossbows were all visibly shaking. Dysley cast a side-glance to Silas, who was mute in shock.

"Silas... what did you do?" He trembled.

"Well then... this is unexpected..." Silas gulped. Then he adopted a smug smirk. "But not unwelcome. Instead of some little brat, we have a full-grown alicorn now!"

"Somehow, I don't think that's a good thing..." Dysley cringed, watching the alicorn for any movements.

"Oh, whatever..." Silas sneered as he approached the new Nightmare Moon. "Nightmare Moon! Now that you have attained your true form, use your alicorn powers and clear us a path out of here, so that we can finally go home!"

Nyx did not heed his words, instead glaring hatefully at him.

"Oh, still refusing to comply, huh?" Silas scoffed. "Maybe another dosage of electroshock will fix that." He pressed the remote.

The collar delivered a shock, but the new Nightmare Moon barely reacted... Save for lighting up her horn. A second later, the collar popped off her. Silas, Dysley, and the thugs all stared, wide-eyed.

"...Oh." Silas said flatly.

Suddenly, Nyx let out a bone-chilling roar, as her horn charged up with magic...

"Hit the deck!" One of the thugs yelped.

“RAAARGH!” Nyx screamed, unleashing a powerful bolt of magic right at the crowd.

Everypony scrambled for cover, but Dysley wasn't fast enough; the bolt grazed the left side of his face, before hitting the ceiling, making a hole.

"UGH!" Dysley screamed. He clutched his face, which was smoking, and fell to the walkway floor, screeching from the pain.

"Run for your lives!" Silas screamed as he darted to his hooves.

Silas and the thugs fled the scene in a panic. Dysley, however, was unable to move, clutching his burnt face, riling in pain. Nyx began staggering forward, her wings twitching oddly.

"...N-nyx?" Constell asked nervously.

Nyx looked at Constell, her eyes softening for a moment... before she let out a roar, which echoed throughout the warehouse.

"What was that?" Sterling frowned.

"Nothing good, I'd wager..." Survival declared.

"Nyx..." Nabudis whispered, dread in his voice.

Nyx spread her wings, and took off quickly.

"Nyx! Don't!" Constell pleaded.

Meanwhile, Fletcher and Caboose were hurrying up the walkway, having just seen a random bolt of magic blast a hole in the ceiling.

"I'm sure the blast came from over there!" Fletcher surmised.

As they kept moving, they saw Silas running toward them.

"Fletch, look!" Caboose pointed, pulling up his crossbow. "It's Silas Whathisface!"

"Silas Necross!" Fletcher held up his bow. "Put your hooves up-"

Silas used his magic to push them aside, much to their shock.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" He screeched.

"What the- what was that all about?!" Fletcher frowned.

Suddenly, a whole gaggle of thugs ran between them, screaming and yelling.


"I knew bringing back Nightmare Moon was a bad idea!"

"We'd better be getting hazard pay for this!"

"...Did they say Nightmare Moon?" Caboose asked.

"But surely they must know that she is only a child-" Fletcher started.

There was another roar as a black blur sped forward, passing them and cutting off Silas the thugs as they immediately stopped in their tracks. Nyx flew above them menacingly, her mane draped over her face, her cold blue eyes staring upon them.

Caboose and Fletcher looked on in horror, as did the thugs and Silas.

"Um, Fletch?" Caboose cringed.

"Yes, Caboose?" Fletcher gulped.

"I think Nyx just hit a growth spurt." Caboose pointed out.

"...That she did, Caboose." Fletcher agreed.

"Um... you're not mad about the whole me shocking you thing, are you?" Silas chuckled nervously.

Nyx gritted her teeth as her horn charged up.

"Run away!" Silas screamed.

The thugs scattered, only for Nyx to fire a powerful beam that tore up the walkway, causing the whole thing to collapse.

"Jump!" Fletcher yelled. He and Caboose jumped off on the same side, as the thugs had the same idea.

Meanwhile, Silas was running away, the beam almost catching up to him... but the walkway collapsed below him.

"No, no, NOOO!" He screeched as he fell.

At the same time, Constell tried to help Dysley, whose face had been half-burnt by Nyx's attack.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

Dysley suddenly grabbed her by the throat.

"You interfering little wretch!" He spat. "This is all your fault! You ruined everything!"

"Let... go!" Constell struggled to pry him off. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the beam tearing up the walkway. "Look out!"

“Oh, sh-!” Seeing the beam for himself, Dysley threw Constell to the floor, and quickly hobbled over the side of the walkway to avoid the blast.

The beam finally ended at the wall, creating an explosion that ripped a big hole in the warehouse.

"Gah!" Constell yelped, blown back further by the force of the explosion.

The explosion didn't go unnoticed, as Black and Fury both reeled from the sound.

"What the hell?!" Black yelped.

"You don't think that's where-" Fury started to ask.

"Come on!" Black urged.

The two hurried onwards.

The walkway collapsed onto the ground floor, much to Sterling, Survival, and Nabudis' shock.

The thugs landed roughly, while Fletcher landed smoothly... then quickly caught Caboose.

"My hero!" Caboose smirked.

"Guys?! What's going on?!" Sterling asked as he rushed over.

Before the two could answer, Silas let out a huge groan

“Ughhh…” Silas got up, shaking off the pain from the rough landing, “Stupid brat…”

“Silas?!” Sterling gaped.

Silas paused, letting out a very peeved growl.

“Of buckin’ course you’re back here.” Silas snarled, glaring at him. “As if things couldn’t get any wor-”

A snarling sound cut him off, as Nyx slowly descended upon the group, looming over them like an angel of death. Everypony looked on in horror, especially Nabudis.

“Som… is that…” Survival gaped.

"Nyx... what has happened to you?" Nabudis gasped.

"Um, Fletcher?" Sterling cringed. "Ideas?"

"Well, I got one!" Silas pointed to the thugs. "Open fire!"

"Wait, you want us to shoot at the obviously pissed nightmare-inducing alicorn?!" Peat treambled.

"You got a better idea?!" Silas demanded. Peat and several of the other thugs looked like they were about to say something, but he cut them off. "Save it! Kill this witch!"

"No! Don't!" Nabudis yelled. He tried to get up, but was still too hurt to do so.

The thugs opened fire. Nyx twitched as some of the bolts cut her and stuck to her. Instead of blood, she was bleeding miasma... but the wounds quickly patched themselves up, pushing the bolts out. The bolts clattered noisily as they hit the floor.

"...And she regenerates." Silas cringed. "Buck my life!"

"Huh, could Nightmare Moon do that in the canon?" Caboose mused, pulling some notes from out of nowhere. "I swear, I feel like the writers are making this stuff up as they go."

Nyx snarled as her body began producing miasma again, but rather than leaking from her, it began to curl up around her wings. Most of the group were clueless as to what this meant, but Sterling quickly caught on.

"Oh, crap, everypony get back!" He yelled.

Caboose and Fletcher, trusting Sterling's instincts, started to run, as did most of the thugs. Before Silas and the others could react, Nyx flapped her wings, sending a fog of miasma down upon them....

"Oh, buck!" Silas gasped. He used his magic to conjure a bubble around his mouth. "Hah! No freaky hallucinations for me tonight!"

The other thugs started coughing heavily, their eyes reduced to pinpricks of panic.

"What's going on?" Peat groaned.

Before his eyes, a giant, more terrifying version of Silas stood before him.

"No..." Peat gaped.

"You've failed me for the last time, Peat." Silas growled, his voice deep with anger. "And now you're going to receive the ultimate punishment!"

The giant Silas raised a hoof, ready to crush Peat.

"NOOOOO!" Peat screamed.

At the same time, Roadblock saw his own nightmare version of Silas. This one was normal-sized, but excessively muscular, and was wielding a giant hammer.

"You just don't listen, do ya, ya big idiot?" Silas taunted, swinging the hammer. "Guess I'm just gonna have to beat some sense into you..."

"No, don't!" Roadblock yelped. "I'll do better boss, I swear!"

The rest of the thugs had similar hallucinations, and were also screaming in terror.

"Silas, please!"

"Don't kill me!"

Silas scowled angrily, not just because they had succumbed, but because their fears all revolved around him.

“Hey, not that I don’t appreciate all of you fearing me so much, but none of this is real, you dumbasses!” Silas yelled. "This is all just a bunch of nightmares! So snap out of it!"

"He's gonna kill us all!" Peat screeched.

"I knew this day was comin'!" Roadblock quivered.

"Oh, hell no! I ain't going out like a bitch!" One thug held up his crossbow. "Who's with me?"

The other thugs also drew their bows. Silas quickly realised they were all aimed at him.

"...Buck." He sighed.

Before Silas could even shout to stop, bolts are sent flying everywhere, not a care given where they stuck or who they hit.

The miasma soon cleared up… revealing in the middle a badly bleeding Silas, who had bolts stuck all over him. The other thugs were on the ground, having gotten a few scratches and a couple of bolts stuck in them from the crossfire, hurt, but not fatally so.

Silas was unable to speak, spitting out blood as his hooves gave out, sending him to the ground.

"Silas..." Sterling grimaced with sadness.

Nyx lets out another roar.

"You know what? Buck this, I'm outta here!" Roadblock yelled.

"Right behind you!" Peat panicked, still on edge from the miasma, as he got up after him, ignoring the bolt in his shoulder.

The thugs all ran out of the warehouse, not wanting to stick around, leaving the heroes and Nabudis and Survival.

Unbeknownst to the others, Dysley (who had jumped to the ground to avoid Nyx's blast) was lying nearby, struggling to get up due to spraining a back hoof on landing.

"Gahhh..." He groaned in agony.

"Sir?" One of the remaining agents discovered him. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" Dysley scowled. "Get me out of here!"

"Right away, sir." The agent helped Dysley up, and they escaped together.

At the same time, Sterling, Caboose and Fletcher stood before Nyx. They readied their weapons.

"Okay." Sterling said resolutely. "Let's do this."

“Wait!” Nabudis pleaded, trying to get up again, but the pain prevented him from doing so, “Don’t hurt her!”

“Som, stop, please!” Survival held him down.

“I’m sorry, doctor, but the more pressing concern is her hurting us.” Fletcher nocked an arrow on his bow.

“Yeah, self-defense!” Caboose held up his crossbow.

Caboose fired his crossbow, while Fletcher fired an arrow. The projectiles hit their marks (in the legs and shoulders), but were quickly forced out of her body, just like the others.

"Sorry, kid." Sterling raised his sword. "I'll try to make this gentle... As gentle as a razor-sharp blade can be..."

"RAARRGH!" Nyx fired another blast of magic.

Sterling narrowly dodged the blast.

“Sterling, jump off me!” Caboose presented his back.

Catching on, Sterling ran and jumped, leaping off of the unicorn’s back towards Nyx.

“Take this!” Sterling swung his sword.

Nyx raised a hoof to block it, and the blade slashed it. In addition, Sterling’s momentum sent her flying back a bit.

“Gahh!" Nyx snarled.

The wound quickly closed up, like it was never there in the first place.

Sterling landed in a roll, glancing up at Nyx, dismayed to see his attack was for naught.

"Oh, jeez..." Sterling groaned.

Nyx swooped downward, divebombing the ground. The second she struck it, she unleashed another shockwave.

"Whoa!" Caboose yelped, as he and the others barely managed to keep their footing.

"Any ideas?" Sterling asked.

"While she's on the ground, we should all attack at once!" Fletcher declared. "Now!"

"Works for me!" Caboose shrugged. "Charge!"

The three raced toward Nyx, intending to strike fast and hard, but Nyx was prepared; she fired a blast from her horn that Caboose barely managed to dodge, and repelled Fletcher with a cloud of miasma. Sterling got close enough to try and tackle her, but Nyx swiped him with her wing, sending him flying.

"Sterling!" Fletcher yelled.

"She winged him!" Caboose gasped.

While Caboose provided covering fire, Fletcher rushed over to Sterling.

"Are you okay?" Fletcher asked.

"I'll live." Sterling winced. "But we won't. Not if this fight goes on much longer."

“I agree. None of our attacks are working, and she shows no signs of tiring out.” Fletcher grunted, “Our next best option is to find a way to restrain her.”

"Ooh, I know!" Caboose spotted some chains lying about. He rushed over, grabbed them, and threw a bundle to Fletcher. "Convenient, right?"

“Well, I’ll take it.” Fletcher smirked.

"You two get ready." Sterling instructed. "I'll keep her busy."

Caboose and Fletcher nodded. Sterling ran back to face Nyx, who had once again taken to the air.

"Hey, over here!" He swung his sword threateningly. "You want some more?"

"Grr!" Nyx blasted away.

Sterling evaded the blasts, leading Nyx to the right spot.

"Now!" Fletcher yelled.

Caboose and Fletcher threw their chains at Nyx from two sides, lassoing her.

"Rrah!" Nyx snarled.

"Now, pull!" Caboose urged.

The two stallions used all their strength to try and bring Nyx down, bringing her back down to the ground, and for a moment, they seemed to be succeeding... until Nyx, in a burst of strength, soared skyward.

“Nyx!” Nabudis yelled.

The chains Caboose and Fletcher were holding tightened in response. Fletcher and Caboose looked at each other.

"...Buck." Fletcher said flatly.

"Ahhh!" The two yelled in shock as they were dragged upwards.

“Guys!” Sterling gasped.

"Ahhh!" Nyx snarled as she burst through the roof, bringing Fletcher and Caboose along for the ride.

Black and Fury watched from below.

"There's something you don't see everyday." Fury gaped.

"This is getting more insane by the minute!" Black said, shocked.

"I have to get after them!" Nabudis struggled to get up.

"Somnus, no!" Survival yelled.

“Look, Doc, you’re in no shape to go anywhere but a hospital.” Sterling frowned.

“I will only go once I know Nyx is safe!” Nabudis shot back, as he was back on his hooves. His stance was wobbly.

"Where would she even go, anyway?" Sterling asked.

"I'm not sure." Nabudis admitted. "But I have a feeling that since she has returned to her complete form, she might be drawn to the origins of her very being..."

"Princess Luna." Survival realised.

"We have no time to lose." Nabudis said sternly. "We have to go and try to stop Nyx before she does something she will regret."

"And I told you, you're not going anywhere." Survival insisted.

"You're too badly hurt to be moving around." Sterling agreed.

"I'll live." Nabudis persisted.

At that point, Black and Fury arrived on the scene.

"Okay, what's going on?!" Black demanded. "Because we just saw what looked like Nightmare Moon flying out of the warehouse, dragging Fletcher and Caboose with her!"

"We're waiting..." Fury frowned.

"There's no time to explain!" Sterling retorted. "We gotta get to Canterlot Castle, before Nyx does!"

"And I'm coming too." Nabudis insisted.

"...Seriously?" Fury sneered, “Aren’t you the one that started this mess?!”

“Nabudis, please…” Survival tried to reason with him.

“Listen, Doc, ignoring the trouble you and Secret has caused, you’re wounded.” Black frowned, “You need medical treatment.”

“No, you listen!” Nabudis hissed, “Nyx is the only good thing I have left in this damn world. Right now, she is scared and needs help! I could be the only one who can talk her down and stop her before she hurts anyone else! So please, let me make this right!”

Black glanced at Nabudis, and let out a frustrated sigh.

“Very well…” Black grunted.

“Are you serious, Dreadnaught?” Fury gaped.

“If he can help us stop Nyx, then it’s worth a shot.” Black declared, before staring at Nabudis, glaring, “But once this is over, we will have to take you in. You understand?”

“...Yes.” Nabudis let out a sigh, “But only after we save Nyx.”

“Okay then.” Black huffed, “Sterling, Doctor Horror, you two help him to the carriage. We haven’t a moment to lose.”

"On it." Sterling nodded.

"You're going to be okay, Somnus. Survival declared, as he and Sterling helped Nabudis up.

As they departed, Constell, recovered from the impact of the explosion, got up.

"Nyx?" She looked around. "Nyx?!"

She spotted the hole in the roof, and flew up and out of it. Continuing her search, she just about made out Nyx in the distance, flying in the direction of the castle.

"I'm coming, Nyx." She said determinedly, following her path.

Up ahead, Nyx was flying through the skies of Canterlot. Caboose and Fletcher were still hanging on for dear life, their weight dragging her down enough to allow them to run along the rooftop.

"This must be what that 'freerunning' is like!" Caboose smiled.

"Try to anchor her down!" Fletcher urged.

“Weightlifting’s good exercise too." Caboose nodded.

As they reached the edge of the next roof, they hooked their hooves onto the edge, and pulled. Nyx was halted for a moment, but started flapping her wings faster, and the two’s hooves were unable to keep hold and were dragged off the roofs.

“Grr, wonderful..." Fletcher groaned.

"Incoming!" Caboose yelped, as their path led him straight into the side of a building. "Ouch!" He groaned, as he struck the side.

"Caboose!" Fletcher gasped. "Are you okay?!"

Caboose was painfully dragged over the building.

"I'm fine..." He winced.

"Whatever you, don’t let go!" Fletcher urged.

"Will do." Caboose nodded. He then saw many more buildings ahead. "Oh, no..."

Caboose slammed into several more buildings in rapid succession.

"Oof! Ah! Ohh! Yeowch!" He cringed.

"Caboose!" Fletcher yelled. "Are you...?"

"I didn't let go..." Caboose said woozily.

As they continued onwards, they passed by Caboose's brother Vinny and his wife Berry, who were drinking on the roof of their house.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" Berry smiled.

"And beautiful company." Vinny grinned.

At that point, Nyx flew by, still carrying her unexpected passengers.

"Hi, Vinny!" Caboose waved. "Hi, Berry!"

Vinny and Berry stared in shock for a moment.

"And down the drain the drinks go." Vinny said matter-of-factly as he poured out his bottle down his rooftop.

"We really need to cut back on our drinking..." Berry sighed as she did the same.

At street, Black and co. were following right behind them.

"Don't lose sight of them!" Nabudis urged.

“Hey, just because we let you tag along doesn’t mean you get to backseat drive.” Black glared.

“Besides, how can we lose sight of motherflappin’ Nightmare Moon?!” Fury growled.

Sterling's mirror started to buzz. He answered it, revealing Ballista on the other side.

“Hey, where are you guys at?" He asked. “We’re at the warehouse complex, but we ain’t seeing ya.”

“Oh, shoot. We’re actually traveling through Canterlot right now. We’re kinda busy with something.”

"With what?" Ballista asked.

“Allow me.” Survival leaned in. “To cut a long story short, Nabudis is with us, safe if not wounded, Silas Necross of all ponies is pretty much a goner, the thugs are scattered, Nyx has turned into Nightmare Moon, and right now, we’re chasing them while Caboose and Fletcher are being dragged along above.”

“...Lauren Faust.” Ballista cringed, “...But wait, what about Secretariat?”

"Uh... No idea." Sterling admitted. "Most of the Forefathers' thugs ran out, but he wasn't with them. Didn’t really have time to think about him.”

“Well for now, you guys should take care of Nyx.” Ballista instructed, “Me and the boys will handle cleanup. Dysley and his pals couldn’t have gotten far.”

"Roger that." Black nodded.

Meanwhile, Luna and Gothic were anxiously waiting for news about Nabudis and Nyx in the throne room. Along with them was Luxury, who sat on the throne steps, still shell-shocked from what Luna and Gothic had told them when he brought back the guards.

“I… I don’t understand.” Luxury murmured, “Why… why would Secretariat be involved in any of this? I know him, he’s not a criminal!”

“I don’t know, Luxury.” Gothic sighed, “I’m still trying to comprehend how Nabudis got involved in this as well.”

“Well, whatever the reason, Nyx is at the center of it all.” Luna declared, “Hopefully, the captain and Caboose will be back shortly with good news.”

Suddenly, there was a blood curling snarl, echoing throughout the castle.

Luna, Gothic, and Luxury all jumped in shock.

“What was that?!” Luxury gaped.

“It sounds like it came from outside!” Gothic pointed to the balcony.

The trio ran to the balcony, and looked skywards… and Luna’s eyes widened in horror.

“No… it can’t be.” Luna whispered.

Flying high above the castle, was none other than Nyx, glaring down at the castle below.

“Luna… is that who I think it is?” Gothic shuddered.

"ARRRRGH!" Nyx let out another scream.

"You gotta admit, the kid's got some set of lungs on her." Caboose told Fletcher.

Nyx began flying downwards, toward the parapets. Luna ran off to meet her without another word. Gothic and Luxury followed, concern on their faces.

At the same time, the armored carriage arrived in the castle courtyard.

"Okay, how are we gonna do this?" Black asked.

“There’s no ‘we’. I’m going to go in there and help Nyx.” Nabudis got up, still shaky from his wound.

“Not gonna happen. With your injury, you’d be lucky to make it in the front door.” Black retorted.

“And I told you, I’m the only one who can help Nyx.” Nabudis shot back.

“That is why I’m coming with you.” Survival stepped forth, “To make sure you get where you’re going.”

“...Thank you, Fievel.” Nabudis gave a small smile.

“Are you sure you’ll be able to do it?” Black asked.

“You seem to forget that I practically raised Nyx. I just know that I can get through to her, and end this madness." Nabudis explained.

“And how do we know you’re not simply trying to take control of Nyx yourself?” Fury challenged, “I mean, I can’t think of any other reason why someone would go to all this trouble to bring back such an evil mare.”

“Fury…” Black chided.

"I never wanted Nyx to be a weapon." Nabudis retorted. "All I wanted was to give her a second chance at life. This whole mess only started because I wanted to take her away from all this."

“Yeah, because that worked out so well.” Fury huffed.

“Well, I trust him.” Survival glared. “Besides, we don't have time to argue. We have to go out there, now."

“Then you best get going.” Black ordered, “Me and the others will hang back here in case things go to crap.”

"Thank you." Nabudis nodded.

"Just don't make us regret this." Fury said bluntly.

"Good luck, guys." Sterling declared.

"Thanks." Survival nodded. "Let's hope we don't need it..."

Higher up in the castle, Nyx landed on the walkway leading to the tower (notably, the one where the Elements were once kept). The chains came down with her, as Fletcher and Caboose were left dangling over the sides of the walkway.

“Is the ride over? ‘Cause I want off.” Caboose whimpered.

“If only…” Fletcher groaned.

Luna, Gothic, and Luxury arrived at the door to the walkway, and looked on in shock as their fears were confirmed: Nightmare Moon was before them… and she was mad.

“Faust damn, this night just keeps getting more insane by the second.” Luxury gaped.

“I can’t believe it… after all this time, she’s actually back.” Luna murmured.

"Impossible..." Gothic gaped.

“Auntie, Gothic!”

The trio look behind to see Blueblood and Dusty running towards them. Joining them were their sons, Miracle, and a platoon of guards.

“Blueblood? Dusty? Kids?” Gothic asked.

“What’s going on here? We heard this Faust-awful noise echoing throughout the castle.” Dusty asked, concerned.

“Yeah, it woke us all up.” Miracle frowned. “Are we being attacked?”

"Is dad throwing another party?" Pureblood asked.

"Will the moat be okay this time?" Vito frowned.

"This isn't a good time, guys." Gothic frowned. "You should go back inside."

"Why?" Miracle asked.

"What's going on?" Dusty inquired.

“See for yourself.” Luna gestured out to the walkway.

Blueblood, Dusty, and everypony looked out onto the bridge, seeing Nyx standing there, glaring hatefully at the group.

Instantly, Blueblood hid behind the corner of the doorway.

“Ohmyfaust, that’s Nightmare Moon!” Blueblood gaped in horror.

“Wait, but isn’t Nightmare Moon supposed to be…” Dusty pointed to Luna, “You?”

“Not exactly, it’s a long story.” Luna shook her head, “But I know who this one is… Nyx.”

"Nyx?!" Miracle spluttered. "As in our friend?! Are you sure, aunt Luna?"

"Undoubtedly." Luna nodded grimly. "I had held a deep suspicion about her from the start, but I can see it in her eyes now, even at this distance..."

“Well, look who’s 2 for 0!” Vito smirked, vindicated, “And you all said I was wrong!”

"Again, not the time, V!" Pureblood cuffed him.

"So what are we going to do?" Dusty asked.

"I will go." Luna declared. "I shall confront Nyx."

"Alone?!" Gothic frowned. "No!"

"I have to." Luna declared. "Somehow, Nyx has been made into another Nightmare Moon. That makes this my problem."

“But how are you going to do it? Last I checked, we needed the Elements to defeat her, and we don’t have that anymore.” Blueblood fretted.

“I do not know.” Luna grimaced. “But if this is Nyx, there might be a chance I can reach her.”

“Please be careful...” Gothic pleaded.

Luna stepped out onto the walkway.

"Nyx!" She called out.

Nyx let out a snarl, glaring angrily at her.

Down below, Fletcher and Caboose were still hanging on for dear life.

"What are we gonna do now?" Caboose asked Fletcher as they kept dangling.

"I have an idea." Fletcher declared. "Get ready, on my mark..."

“I do not know what is going on here, or why you look the way you do now.” Luna declared, marching forth. “But a part of me wants to believe that you are not yourself right now. And I’d much rather not have to contend with Nightmare Moon for a third time. So, I shall ask this: Stand. Down.”

Nyx narrowed her eyes, not appreciating the order. Her horn immediately charged up.

“Oh no.” Luna’s eyes widened.

“Luna, watch out!” Gothic screamed.

The horn was moments from firing a tremendous blast of energy that would had spelt bad news for Luna…

Had not at the last second, Nyx suddenly felt herself pulled to the left, her horn’s blast narrowly missing her and hitting the side of the tower.

“Lauren!” Blueblood jumped.

“How did Nyx miss? She had a clear-” Gothic began, before noticing the chains wrapped around her, “Wait… why does she have chains attached to her?”

"Wait..." Dusty moved in as close as she dared, and glanced over the edge. She quickly spotted Nyx's unexpected passengers. They were climbing up their chains, using the parapets as a hold to steady themselves. Caboose was tugging on his chains, which caused Nyx’s aim to go astray. "Caboose?!”

“Hey, Dusty!” Caboose waved with a free hoof.

“Caboose? What the hell are you doing out there?!” Blueblood gaped.

“Oh, y’know, was taking an evening flight with the captain. Last time I’ll take Nyx United Airlines though.” Caboose answered.

“The captain?” Luna turned and saw Fletcher on the other side, “Captain! What is the meaning of this?!”

“I’m afraid I cannot answer that at this moment and time.” Fletcher grunted. “Besides, you should be focused on-GUARDING!”

Nyx pulled hard against Caboose, re-centering her aim on Luna, as she fired more blasts at Luna. Fletcher, seeing this, quickly tugged his end, causing Nyx’s aim to veer off to the other side. But not before one blast came right at Luna.

Luckily, Fletcher’s warning gave Luna time to conjure up a shield to block it.

But despite this, the severity of Nyx’s blast was enough to make her shield quiver.

“Oh dear.” Luna whispered. “Even with my shield, I could still feel the strength of that attack. Nyx has grown rather powerful.”

Angered further by her lack of success, Nyx’s body began producing miasma once more, raveling around her wings like before.

"Oh, no..." Vito gasped, recognizing it. “It’s the same blue smoke from my nightmare!”

"This can't be happening..." Blueblood cringed, reaching the same conclusion, “I don’t wanna grow old again!”

"Rrargh!" Nyx launched the miasma at them with a mighty wing flap.

"I think not!" Luna stepped in. A burst of light erupted from her horn, evaporating the miasma. "No nightmares tonight!"

“Oh.” Fletcher and Caboose said in unison.

“Well, that’s one less thing to worry about.” Fletcher added.

"Grr!" Nyx snarled.

"Nyx, I know you're in there." Luna declared, trying to get through to her. "I don't know how this has happened to you, but it doesn't have to be this way. Believe me, I know."

"Shut up!" Nyx fired a blast at her.

Luna blocked the attack.

"Anger isn't the way, Nyx." She insisted. "Let me help you..."

"I don't need your help!" Nyx blasted again.

Luna barely dodged the next attack.

"Hatred will only destroy you." Luna insisted.

"No, it'll destroy you!" Nyx screeched, firing another blast.

Luna could the heat from the beam as she only just managed to avoid it.

"I'm sorry, Nyx." She set her face in determination. "But you made me do this..."

Luna fired a blast of her own at Nyx. The blast sheared through her shoulder, causing her to rile back, roaring in pain.

“Nyx!” Miracle cried.

The nightmare-powered alicorn quickly caught herself... and glared back, as the miasma made quick work to heal her wounded shoulder.

“...And she regenerates. Lovely.” Luna deadpanned.

"Nyargh!" Nyx fired a retaliatory blast.

Luna dodged the blast and returned fire. Nyx evaded it, and fired another attack that caught Luna in the side.

"Arrhh!" Luna yelped.

"No!" Gothic gasped.

"It'll take more than that to stop the Princess of the Night!" Luna fired back.

"Rrah!" Nyx took the blast dead center, but the damage healed again. "And it'll take more than you have to stop me..."

At the same time, Fletcher and Caboose were trying their best to pull back Nyx's attacks with the chains without Nyx noticing. As frenzied as her attacks were, that was the easy part; the hard part was holding on.

"Don't let go!" Fletcher urged, as the chains swung back and forth.

"This is not the kind of hanging around I prefer!" Caboose cringed.

Following another volley of attacks, Nyx was left panting, growing rather irritated at the stalemate... until she heard voices behind her.

“Um, shouldn’t we do something, captain?" Caboose suggested. "Y’know, besides playing tug-of-war with the very angry filly in the middle?”

“I don’t know what we can do, Caboose." Fletcher admitted. "None of our previous attacks had any effect on her. And not even the Princess’s magic is working.”

"How convenient." Caboose frowned.

"For Nyx, yes." Fletcher nodded.

"Speaking of, do you think Nyx can hear us right now?" Caboose asked.

Nyx glanced back, and eyed the chains weighing her down, and the two ponies who were at the end of the chains.

Instantly, Fletcher and Caboose were shrouded in dark blue magic.

"Uh-oh." Fletcher cringed.

"...I think that’s a yes." Caboose gaped.

Nyx threw the two of them at Luna. Taken by surprise, Luna was unable to defend herself, and the two crashed into her, knocking them back into the hallway.

"Ahhh!" Luna grunted as they hit the floor.

“That’s it. 0 stars. Would not ride again.” Caboose groaned.

"Sorry, your majesty..." Fletcher apologized.

"Are you okay, dear?" Gothic asked.

"I'm fine." Luna assured him, throwing up a barrier around the hallway's exit so Nyx couldn't attack. "Fine enough to get back out there..."

"Are you sure about that?" Dusty frowned. "It didn't look like you were making much headway back there."

"Which is exactly why doing nothing isn't an option." Luna pointed out. "I must keep fighting."

"Y-you're not going to... Kill her, are you?" Miracle trembled, tears in her eyes.

"I... I'm not sure." Luna admitted.

"Seriously?!" Vito snarled. "She's trying to kill us!"

"We don't know what's really happening here." Pureblood pointed out. "Nyx could be confused, she could be under somepony else's control-"

"Or she could just be a monster!" Vito spat.

"Take that back!" Miracle yelled.

"Everypony calm down!" Dusty urged. "We'll figure something out."

"Your highness?" One of the guards spoke up. "We have... Company."

As they shifted their glance toward the stairs, they saw Nabudis limping towards them, Survival helping him along. The guards quickly aimed their spears at him.

"Halt!" One guard ordered.

"Whoa now!" Survival held up a hoof. "Easy!"

“Hey, lower your weapons!” Gothic ordered as he marched over to them, “Nabudis, thank Faust, you’re o-” He stopped, seeing the bandages around Nabudis’s abdomen, “Oh Faust, Somnus, you’re hurt.”

"It's not as bad as it looks." Nabudis assured him.

"Why is he back here?" Blueblood frowned. "After what happened at the party?"

"You did that to Nyx, didn't you?!" Miracle yelled. "You monster!"

"I know this looks bad." Survival declared. "But Nabudis is here to help."

"Then he can start by telling us how it is that Nightmare Moon is outside, trying to attack us!" Luna demanded.

The forcefield shook repeatedly, as Nyx tried to blast her way in.

“Look, I don’t know if now is the time-” Nabudis protested.

“Just try and keep it short.” Survival advised.

“Very well.” Nabudis grimaced, “Simply, when Nightmare Moon was defeated back during the lunar eclipse, her body was gone but not her armor, which was blown to pieces and scattered to the winds. Over the course of several years, I’ve been working with Sacred Dysley on a project to collect these armor pieces, which contained little remnants of Nightmare Moon’s essence, the blue miasma, which eventually formed the Nyx you know.”

The crowd went silent, except for Nyx’s growls as she continued firing at the shield.

“What?!” Gothic gasped, “Why would Sacred be helping you bring back Nightmare Moon unless…” Realization hit him. Luna too, “No… Sacred… he was a Forefather agent too?!”

"That's right." Nabudis nodded sadly.

“What about Secret?!” Luxury stepped in angrily, “Am I expected to believe that Secret is a part of all this too?!”

“Yes. A good portion of this mess can be attributed to him, actually.” Nabudis retorted.

“Liar!” Luxury snarled, “I’ve known Secret my whole life! He is not a criminal!”

“Well, I’m afraid you don’t know him as well as you think.” Nabudis frowned. “I should know, I’ve committed many crimes alongside him.”

"That's really not helping your case, Somnus." Survival pointed out.

"How are we supposed to believe anything you say?" Luna scowled. "After everything you've done?"

"Mom, dad!" Constell suddenly joined them.

"Constell?" Luna frowned.

“Wait, why are you now just getting-” Gothic began, before noticing how scuffed up she was, “...Where have you been?”

“That bruising...” Luxury saw the mark on her neck, before angrily glaring at Nabudis, moments from attacking him, “What the buck did you do to her?!”

“Hey, take it easy!” Survival got between them. “Nabudis did nothing!”

“Oh, like I’m gonna believe his crony!” Luxury roared.

“You can believe him, Lux. He’s telling the truth. They both are.” Constell stepped in.

“What?” Luxury gasped.

“Constell, what happened?” Luna asked.

“I wanted to see Nyx one last time before Dysley took her.” Constell confessed, “But when I went out front, I saw Secret take Nyx into the same detainment carriage as Nabudis, and I got this awful feeling. So I followed them to the warehouse district…” She felt tears striking her eyes, as she turned to Luxury, “I’m sorry, Lux, but Dysley was having ponies beat Nabudis up… and he put this shock collar on Nyx, and was torturing her with it…”

“He did what?!” Gothic growled in outrage.

“That fiend.” Luna whispered, just as disgusted.

“No... no, that can’t be right.” Luxury gaped, hooves shaking, “Secret, he...”

“I’m afraid it is. And that’s not all.” Constell sniffed, “Dysley was the one responsible for the massacre at Brightdale. And for those mysterious sleeping deaths in the news. It was all part of this asinine scheme to make ponies afraid to sleep and destroy society so the Forefathers could take over. All of it involved him hurting Nyx so she can make that miasma!”

“Oh my Faust!” Blueblood gaped.

"That is just file!" Dusty grimaced.

The Pegasus and Unicorn guards looked like they were going to be sick. The kids were frozen in horror. Luxury was silent, slumping to the ground, stupefied.

“But why is Nyx the way she is now?” Luna asked.

“That’s something I want to know.” Nabudis asked as he turned to Constell, “What happened when you took Nyx and fled upstairs at the warehouse?

“We got cornered.” Constell lowered her head, “Secret for some reason was trying to ‘spare’ me, but ordering me to leave Nyx, but when I wouldn’t, that Silas guy took the remote from him and subjected her to a prolonged electrocution.” Tears drop down her face, “She was trying so hard to hold in the miasma that was meant to be unleashed on me, no matter how much it hurt. But somehow, it turned her into another Nightmare Moon… I came flying back here as fast as I could..."

“Oh, Nyx...” Miracle was teary-eyed as well.

“I see. I think I understand what happened.” Nabudis mused. “Her body secretes miasma whenever she experiences strong emotions, like ones caused by pain. But the poor filly managed to hold it in… unfortunately, by doing so, she essentially drowned herself in her own miasma. And since she’s already made out of miasma, her body absorbed all that miasma she held in and it must have accelerated her growth, allowing her to regain her original form. However, by breathing, or absorbing I guess, that miasma, she is now trapped in her own nightmare-induced hallucinations, and has gone mad.”

"That would explain why she's only been screaming and roaring the whole time." Fletcher noted.

"Is there anything we can do?" Caboose asked. “‘Cause we can’t seem to hurt her, and she looks very determined to kill us all.”

“Well, that’s why I’m here.” Nabudis answered. “I’ll go out there and try and calm her down.”

"No." Luna refused. "You've caused enough problems by bringing Nightmare Moon back in the first place."

"Her name is Nyx." Nabudis insisted, glaring at her. "And I will help her."

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Gothic asked.

"I am Nyx's father." Nabudis declared. "And as her father, I know I can get through to her. But in case words aren't enough, I have a last resort: I will use my Daeva to bind her."

"You mean your Shadow Sentience spell?" Gothic frowned.

"Exactly." Nabudis nodded. "Since this all happened because of her absorbing so much miasma, in theory, if I can get her to expend enough miasma and energy, she might just return to normal."

"I still don't see why we should allow you this chance..." Luna said hesitantly.

"I understand your reluctance." Nabudis sighed. "But do know I intend to turn myself in for whatever crimes I’ve committed. But only if you let me help Nyx. Please, I’m asking as your friend... let me help my daughter.”

“Luna..” Gothic turned to her.

“Mom, please... he can help Nyx.” Constell frowned.

Luna thought it over.

"...Very well." She gave in. "You get one chance."

"Thank you." Nabudis nodded gratefully.

Luna lowered her shield just enough for Nabudis to exit. He marched out onto the walkway, just as Nyx was about to launch another attack. When she realised who was approaching, she froze in her tracks.

"Pa...pa?" She said weakly.

"Yes, Nyx." Nabudis smiled calmly. "Don't be afraid."

“You… you are alive?” Nyx whispered, traces of her child-like voice leaking through.

“That’s right.” Nabudis nodded… then his wound flared up, as he gripped it, “Gah!”

“You’re hurt.” Nyx gaped, noticing his wound. “Is it-?!" She started to panic.

"It's just a flesh wound." Nabudis assured her, marching forth despite the pain. "But I’m okay. I’m here now. And I'll never leave you again, Nyx. I promise."

"I... I want to believe that..." Nyx said nervously."But the last time you said that, the carriage they put me in got attacked. They, they hurt that big pony and the others... and I couldn’t find you, no matter where I looked.”

“I know.” Nabudis closed his eyes in sadness. “It was a stupid plan. And ponies needlessly lost their lives... but I’ve found you. No more ponies will die now.”

“But they already have!” Nyx yelled, “...That pony in the park... he was hurting me... I made him go to sleep… I exposed him to my miasma... I killed him...”

“Pony in the park?” Luna frowned.

“She must be referring to Weasel.” Fletcher answered, “He was a convicted child abuser who was found dead in the park yesterday.”

“Oh Faust...” Constell whispered.

“Hey, listen to me. That pony was a bad pony.” Nabudis growled, continuing his approach, “What you did, you did in self-defense. You shouldn’t feel bad for ridding the world of such scum!”

“Like I shouldn’t feel bad for those seven ponies Dysley had me kill?” Nyx asked.

“Whoa, whoa, that is different.” Nabudis backpedalled, at the same time slowly moving forward. “Those ponies were innocent. They didn’t deserve to die.”

“...So, what you’re saying...” Nyx’s eyes began to well up. “...Is that I’m a monster who murdered innocent ponies.”

“No! Not at all!” Nabudis panicked, “You were forced into killing those seven ponies. You had no choice in the matter.”

“But I wasn’t forced when I killed that pony in the park.” Nyx shot back.

“That one was an accident though.” Nabudis explained. “Like with the others, you had no control.”

"So you're saying I'm out of control?!" Nyx gasped. "That my powers are too dangerous? That I'm too dangerous?!"

"No, not at all!" Somnus backpedaled once more. "That's not what I'm trying to say!"

"Then what are you trying to say?" Nyx demanded.

"It wasn't really you." Nabudis told her, stepping in closer. "Silas hurt you, forced you to become this-"

"Silas." Nyx's eyes widened in horror. "He's dead."

"What?" Nabudis frowned.

"I made his henchponies see their worst nightmares... And they involved him." Nyx revealed. "It made them turn on him, shoot him with their crossbows." Her breathing turned shallow. "He's dead because of me. I killed him!"

"You couldn't have known what would have happened." Nabudis pointed out, almost close enough to place a comforting hoof on his surrogate daughter. "It's not your-"

"I'm a monster!" Nyx bawled. Her wings sprang open on impulse, sending Nabudis stumbling backwards.

"Nyx, please, try and calm down." Nabudis caught himself, “I know you're not what you think you are.” He glanced down at his shadow, who began venturing out towards Nyx, “I did not go to all this effort to bring you back if I thought you were.” He eyed his shadow as it was about to grab her shadow.

“Others may believe you are a monster, but that’s why I did all of this: to get them to understand." Somnus said solemnly. They fear you, judge you without actually knowing who you are, judge you by another's deeds...

Gothic and Survival shared a look, aware that Nabudis was speaking not just of Nyx, but of himself.

"All I wanted was to show the world that even you could be good, if they just allowed you the chance!” Nabudis said powerfully.

“Som...” Gothic whispered.

Nyx glanced at Nabudis... before adopting a vicious glare.

“...If that's the case, then why is your shadow trying to restrain me, like you would a monster?!” Nyx snarled.

Nyx blasted the spot where the shadow was, causing the shadow to fly back under Nabudis.

"N-now, Nyx, this isn't what it looks like-" Nabudis started.

“Well, ‘papa’, you almost had me there for a moment...” Nyx glared at him, anger mixed with despair, “I am a monster... a monster who kills ponies, even when she doesn’t want to. A monster who shouldn’t even be alive...”

“Nyx, please, don’t talk like that!” Nabudis pleaded.

“And you...” Nyx hissed, “You brought me back. You made me into this. Is this what you wanted? To be a monster who kills everypony around her?!”

"No, never!" Nabudis shook his head.

"It's because of you that I ended up killing all those ponies!" Nyx roared. "I have this awful power because you created me! Well, now, you can find out what it feels like!"

“Nyx! No!” Nabudis yelled.

A massive beam of magic surged out of Nyx's horn.

Nabudis’s shadow quickly shot forth and spread its’ hooves. As soon as it reached where the shadow stood, the beam exploded as if it hit a wall.

“Ahh!" Nabudis yelped, as while the beam didn’t hit him, he was thrown back by the sheer force of it. He was nearly sent over the edge of the bridge, but was caught by Gothic's magic.

"I got you!" Gothic declared, bringing Nabudis back through Luna's barrier.

"RAARRGH!" Nyx screeched, becoming manic again once more. But this time, her screams were more sorrowful and sad.

Gothic set Nabudis down against the wall, not far from the doorway.

"Are you okay?!" Gothic fretted.

“I’m fine, thank you.” Nabudis declared as he tried to get up… only to gasp in pain.

“Oh no... Som, your wound.” Survival gaped.

Nabudis glanced down, and saw that he was bleeding once more, the wound having reopened when he was blown back.

"Summon the royal medic!" Gothis instructed one of the guards. "Somnus, don't worry. You're going to be okay."

“There’s no time for that!” Nabudis growled, as he struggled to get up, “I need to get back out there!”

“Oh, no way in hell am I letting you go out there!” Gothic snarled, “Ignoring the fact you’re bleeding, she nearly killed you!”

"And I distinctly recall telling you you only had one chance." Luna reminded him.

“No!” Nabudis growled, struggling to get back up. “Please, you have to let me back out there!” Tears were welling up. Whether it was the stress of the situation or the excruciating pain he was feeling, it was unclear, “Look, I know you hate her, but she’s not a monster, she’s not! I raised her from a little foal! She was all I had after Sacred died! Please!”

“...I’m sorry.” Luna sighed, acknowledging the deep pleading in his eyes, “Even if I were to give you another chance, you are far too hurt. You may be willing to die, but there are other ponies who aren’t willing to let you.” She shared a glance with Gothic, “We will find a way to help Nyx… somehow.”

“Any ideas, Fletcher?” Survival asked Fletcher.

“I… I don’t know.” Fletcher admitted, as he pulled his mirror, “Maybe if I get the others, we might be able to think up something. But if not even Luna can stop her…”

"Oh, man, this doesn't look good." Caboose frowned, facing the bridge.

“I agree, Caboose.” Fletcher acknowledged.

“...What could she be thinking?"

“...Huh?” Fletcher lit up in confusion, as he turned to Caboose. “Who?”

"Constell." Caboose answered.

Indeed, Constell had ventured out of the barrier towards the still rampaging Nyx.

“What?!” Luna gaped, quickly approaching the shield. “Constell, no!”

"Get back here!" Gothic called.

“Constell?!” Luxury lit up, having been snapped out of his stupor, as he joined the others. “Constell! What the buck are you doing?!”

"I'm going to try and save Nyx." Constell said resolutely. "Don't try to stop me."

“Connie!” Miracle gasped.

“Oh, geez!” Pureblood covered his mouth.

“She’s crazy!” Vito yelled, terrified for her, “Isn’t anypony gonna stop her?!”

“There’s nothing we can do.” Dusty grimaced.

“No…” Nabudis grimaced, closing his eyes in guilt, “It should be me, not her...”

Constell slowly approached Nyx, who was standing in place, her head bowed in grief, wings twitching.

“Nyx? Nyx, can you hear me?” Constell declared, “It’s me, Constell.”

Nyx’s ears perked as she slowly glanced up.

"C-Constell?" Nyx gasped, “You’re-you’re here?”

“Yeah. I came here as fast as I could.” Constell admitted, “...I know you must be feeling pretty scared right now. And I don’t blame you. You’ve been through a lot…”

“N-no.” Nyx stepped back, “I’m a monster... stay away...”

"But I am." Nyx insisted, eyes fraught with guilt. "I was made out of all the darkness Sombra instilled in your mother all those years ago, the miasma from the armor pieces. My very existence had brought nothing but pain upon ponies who didn’t deserve it. How can you not believe I'm not a monster?!"

“I won’t lie, learning that a filly like you is Nightmare Moon was a bit of a shock.” Constell confessed, “I heard all about the dark side that took over my mother. How it led her to try and take over Equestria, make it night all the time. But from what I've seen, you're nothing like that."

"How can you be so sure?" Nyx sniffed. "You barely even know me..."

"I know everything I need to know." Constell smiled. "I know this isn’t the real you. I know you are not a monster, despite some ponies' best efforts. I know, deep down, that you are a sweet, kind, caring filly."

"I'm not a filly." Nyx shook her head. "Not really..."

Constell got up close and hold Nyx's face gently, looking her in the eyes.

"Yes, you are." She retorted. "You are one of the nicest fillies I've ever met. You have ponies who care about you. I care about you. Come back to us, Nyx. Come back to us..."

As a tear slid down her cheek, Nyx's slit eyes began to revert back to normal.

"Constell..." She whispered, her voice returning to that of her filly self.

Suddenly, the miasma began to evaporate, swirling up into the air. Nyx's body was bathed in light, and shrank down to her original form (or rather, the form she had previously).

The reborn filly broke down Nyx, crying into Constell's hooves.

"I'm so sorry..." She wept.

"It's okay." Constell consoled her. "Everything's going to be okay..."

The others looked on in amazement.

"She did it." Luna smiled.

"That's my girl." Gothic grinned.

“Oh, thank Faust.” Luxury sighed in relief.

"Nyx is back!" Miracle cheered. "She's really back!"

"Yippee..." Vito said sarcastically.

Nabudis watched on in silence, a small smile on his face.

“Well, I’ll be damned.” Nabudis smirked, “She actually did it... welcome back, Nyx... I'm so glad to see you back to your old self again.” He then glanced at the guards, who were too occupied with being relieved that the scary nightmare mare was gone, and then Fletcher and Caboose, remembering the promise he had made earlier... and his smile immediately faded. “...Even if it means it will be for the last time...”

"So that's it?" Caboose frowned. "Is that how this case ends?”

“What’s wrong with it, Caboose? I figured you’d be happier with this ending in comparison to earlier.” Fletcher frowned.

“Well, I am…” Caboose admitted, “...I dunno, it just seems kinda anti-climactic.”

“After everything that just happened tonight, I’ll gladly take anti-climactic over a giant mech spider or an obsidian missile.” Fletcher rolled his eyes, as he glanced at his mirror, “Which reminds me…”

Minutes later...

Ballista was overseeing Silas' thugs being loaded into carriages.

"You've got nothing on this, copper!" Roadblock said defiantly.

"Ah, shut up!" Peat snarled, nursing the wound in his shoulder. "I am in no mood for this!"

"Keep it up, boys!" Ballista ordered the RDL. He then heard his mirror buzzing. “Ballista here.” He pulled up his mirror.

“Hey, Ballista, it’s us.” Black declared, he, Fury, and Sterling were huddled together, still in the carriage outside the castle.

“Guys. I hope you’re all calling to tell me some good news.” Ballista frowned.

“Yep. We just got the word from Fletch. The situation has been sorted.” Sterling announced, “Nyx is a filly again. And Nabudis is safe, and will be turning himself in.”

“Which means Project: Bad Dreams is dead... for good this time.” Black nodded.

“Fantastic.” Ballista smiled, relieved, “Had me worried for a second...”

“How about your end, Ballista?” Fury asked, “Any trouble?”

“Not really. They might have got a head start, but we were able to round up most of the remaining agents in the district.” Ballista declared, “Some of them were pretty roughed up. Looks like they got caught in a gunfight.”

“Yeah, Sterling told us that some of them got hit with that miasma.” Black declared.

“And in the process, the idiots went and shot at each other.” Fury added.

“Well, we had meds look at some of them.” Ballista explained, “Some were still a little antsy, but it looks like the effects have all but worn off.”

“...That reminds me.” Sterling leaned in, “What about Silas? He got shot up real good by those thugs when they got hit by the miasma.”

“Yeah, no kidding.” Ballista sighed, “We found the poor sap barely alive in the warehouse. It looks like he’s not going to make it through the night.”

“Ugh…” Sterling shook his head glumly. “Silas was a buckin’ tool, but what an awful way to go.”

“Well, they at least got him dosed up on pain meds in another carriage, so hopefully his last moments will be pain-free.” Ballista grimaced.

In a nearby army-based medical carriage, Silas’ near-lifeless body was laid on a stretcher. All the bolts have been extracted, and all of his wounds were patched, but it did little to change the fact that the unicorn was on the verge of death.

“No... no...” Silas groaned, barely conscious. “This... this can’t be how it ends... I don’t want to die... I don’t want to be forgotten. Not now... why... why...”

Unbeknownst to anyone, a thin stream of miasma, the very same that was expelled from Nyx moments earlier, descended upon the carriage.

As Silas laid there dying, the miasma slipped through the crack between the doors, and began circling around him. Silas began to take notice, but was unable to do anything.

'No, no, no!' He panicked internally. 'Leave me alone!'

Suddenly, the miasma descended upon him, the mist going through his mouth and nostrils.

“Hurrk!” Silas choked, his body twitching as his eyes widened in shock… Before suddenly turning completely white.

At the same time, Ballista was continuing his talk with the others.

"No sign of Dysley?" Black asked.

"None so far." Ballista shrugged. "But we'll keep an eye on the surrounding area, and hopefully-"


The sound of an explosion on Ballista's side was heard.

"What the flap was that?!" Fury frowned.

"I'll get back to you." Ballista replied.

Switching off the mirror, Ballista went to investigate, running in the direction of the explosion.

Soon as he arrived, he saw a medical carriage, or what was left of it, blown wide open. The RDL agents were inspecting the wreckage.

“Hey!” Ballista turned to a nearby Unicorn agent, “What happened here?!”

“I don’t know.” The agent admitted. "We were putting the criminals away when the med carriage suddenly went ‘kablooey’.”

“Wait… isn’t this the carriage Silas’ body was placed in?” Ballista frowned, as he noticed Silas was nowhere to be seen, “Where is he?!”

“That I don’t know either.” The agent grimaced. “But he couldn’t have gotten up and walked away, not with his injuries. Nor have the energy to blow up the carriage…”

“...Well, whatever happened, I think it’s safe to say that we might still have a problem…” Ballista said grimly.