• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,325 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 14

It was a new day in Equestria. It had been two days since the victory over Tantabus with the Mane 7 needing a day to catch up on her sleep. Now, a fully rested Twilight packed to head to Canterlot. Sunset sat on their bed.

"So...you're going to be in Canterlot all day." mused Sunset uneasy.

"I want to catch up with Moon Dancer and Princess Luna." revealed Twilight.

"Two ponies we recently helped." replied Sunset.

"Exactly why I am doing this." said Twilight.

"And there's no other reason you're going?" asked Sunset skeptical.

Twilight gulped and tried to remain calm.

"Not at all." answered Twilight.

Sunset waited a minute and realized Twilight wouldn't budge.

"I worry about you." admitted Sunset.

"And I appreciate that." said Twilight.

"But, I need to know you're being fully honest." replied Sunset.

Twilight hated having to lie.

"We we fought Tantabus, I heard you say terrible deeds deserve to be punished." stated Sunset.

Twilight winced at this.

"Oh...did I?" asked Twilight uneasy.

Twilight hoped playing dumb would work, but Sunset saw right through it.

"I'm okay Sunset. In fact, this will make me feel better." said Twilight.

Sunset Shimmer let out an exasperated sigh.

"Okay." relented Sunset.

Not being fully honest with her marefriend stung Twilight.

"Just promise me one thing." requested Sunset.

"What?" asked Twilight.

"If you're not feeling well...tell me." answered Sunset.

"Okay." agreed Twilight.

Twilight finished packing and departed. She headed to the train station and caught the first train to Canerlot she could. Once in the capital, Twilight went to the home of Moon Dancer. However, Moon Dancer wasn't in. Twilight headed to the library and sure enough she found Moon Dancer. They studied together for a bit like when they where foals and then returned to the home of Moon Dancer.

"So Twilight...what brings you buy?" asked Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer used her magic to put the books she borrowed onto a table.

"Just wanted to see how things where going." answered Twilight.

The two sat down.

"So...anything interesting happen?" asked Twilight.

"Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkle Shine and I watched the performance of Haymilton the other night." answered Moon Dancer.

"I've been dying to see that!" cried Twilight excited.

"It was quiet the show...though I did notice some historical mistakes." said moon Dance.

"It's performance, not history." said Twilight.

"Indeed. And I did enjoy myself." agreed Moon Dancer.

"I'm so glad to hear it." sighed Twilight happily.

"It was just the distraction the ponies of Canterlot need." said Moon Dancer.

"Distraction from what?" asked Twilight.

"Starlight Glimmer." answered Moon Dancer nonchalant.

Twilight did her best to stay calm.

"Things may look routine, but it's a front. Canterlot is on pins and needles because of Starlight and her Equalists." explained Moon Dancer.

"I'm sure it's not just Canterlot." sighed Twilight.

"I talked with the actors after the show while they relaxed at Donut Joe's. All of Equestria is anxious and will likely be soon until Starlight is defeated." confirmed Moon Dancer.

Twilight let out a groan.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." said Moon Dancer guilty.

Twilight shook her head.

"It's better I know these types of things." replied Twilight.

"So...any luck?" asked Moon Dancer hopeful.

"Starlight and her followers are in Macintosh Hills and can be anywhere." answered Twilight flatly.

"Plus, I'm sure Starlight has traps set up." mused Moon Dancer.

"I wish I could fix this." groaned Twilight.

Twilight decided to put her plan into action.

"So...what have you been studying lately?" asked Twilight.

"I've been re - reading new magical theories. The ability to control lightning might be closer than we think." answered Moon Dancer beaming.

"Only incredible powerful unicorns can do that." cooed Twilight.

A scary though crossed the mind of Twilight.

"What kinds of powerful spells does Starlight have access to?" asked Twilight to herself.

Twilight shook her head.

"I've been studying time myself." said Twilight.

"I'm actually a sucker for time travel theory myself." admitted Moon Dancer.

"Did I mentioned I time traveled?" asked Twilight.

"No way!" cried Moon Dancer.

"I tried warning my past self about not worrying. But, failed too thus creating a paradox." explained Twilight.

Both girls laughed.

"It is tempting." confessed Twilight.

"What is?" asked Moon Dancer curious.

"Going back and fixing your past mistakes. Like...not telling your friend goodbye and turning her into a shut in." answered Twilight.

The princess looked down.

"Or allying with Sombra." thought Twilight.

I will admit it is tempting." admitted Moon Dancer.

"Oh yeah." agreed Twilight.

"But, changing anything in the past could alternate the future so I wouldn't risk it." said Moon Dancer.

Twilight thought this over.

"I could undo my horrible actions...but it would mean losing Sunset." thought Twilight, uneasy.

"Are you okay?" asked Moon Dancer worried.

"Fine." answered Twilight lying.

Twilight stayed with Moon dancer for a bit longer. They talked about magic and where able to catch up more. As the late afternoon arrived, Twilight had to say goodbye and leave. Twilight headed to the palace and entered. Luckily, she had waited long enough for Princess Luna to already be awake. She would have hated to bug the Princess of the Night even more so after the Tantbus incident. Luna was hungry so she and Twilight sat down for dinner then entered her royal chamber.

"Now that we are along...let us get down to business." began Luna.

Luna sat on her bed while Twilight sat in a chair brought in for her.

"Now, why have you come?" asked Luna.

"First, I wanted to see how you where doing." answered Twilight honestly.

"I have slept much better since Tantabus was defeated." answered Luna.

"That is good to hear." replied Twilight relieved.

"My sister was happy to hear that as well." noted Luna.

"You did tell Princess Celestia." said Twilight surprised.

"I thought it only right." shrugged Luna.

"She couldn't have been too happy to hear that." mused Twilight concerned.

"My sister was worried, but pleased that you and your friends aided me." said Luna.

"Princess...you realize that what you where doing qualifies as self - harm." said Twilight.

"My sister made sure I knew that." revealed Luna flatly.

Both ponies chuckled a bit.

"Enough about me, let's get to your time travel plans." said Luna.

Twilight was stunned to hear this.

"How?!" asked Twilight stunned.

Luna giggled a bit.

"You cannot have already forgotten I can enter the dreams of other ponies." answered Luna.

Twilight felt rather silly having done just that.

"Now, from what I gathered, you are considering using time travel to undo your falling under the command of Sombra." said Luna.

Twilight nodded her head affirming.

"Twilight, you realize this would be the easy way out." said Luna.

Twilight sighed.

"I know that." confirmed Twilight flatly.

"Why do you want to do this?" asked Luna curious.

"None of the terrible things that have happened will happen." answered Twilight.

"The ponies of Equestria have forgiven you." noted Luna.

"I cannot forgive myself." said Twilight sadly.

"I was in the same situation until you and your friends helped me." said Luna.

"That's why I wanted to talk to you." revealed Twilight.

"By altering the past, you would create a new timeline thus erasing the one we are currently in." stated Luna.

"I have thought a lot about that." replied Twilight.

"That would also mean you and Sunset Shimmer wouldn't be together." said Luna.

"So I've realized." sighed Twilight sadly.

"And at the end of the day...do you still want to go through with this?" asked Luna.

"I'm still considering it." answered Twilight honestly.

"I cannot tell you what to do. That is a decision you must make yourself." said Luna.

"I figured you'd say that." sighed Twilight sadly.

"I know this requires a lot of time, but just try not to get down on yourself." said Luna.

"Thanks." replied Twilight grateful.

Twilight hopped off the bed.

"I best get going." noted Twilight.

Luna now got up.

"I need to raise the moon myself shortly." said Luna.

"I appreciate our talk." said Twilight.

"I hope I can be of some help." replied Luna.

"Princess..." began Twilight.

"What is it?" asked Luna.

Twilight nervously gulped.

"Please don't tell any pony about this." requested Twilight.

Luna nodded her head.

"As you wish." said Luna.

Twilight departed form the palace. She headed back to the train station and returned to Ponyville. By the time she got back, the sun was gone and Luna's moon shone brightly in the night sky. Twilight arrived and crept through the town. Upon returning home, she crept through the palace so as not disturb Sunset and Spike. Checking in, Twilight found Spike tuckered out lying on his bed.. But, Sunset was waiting for her on their bed.

"How was your day?" asked Sunset.

Twilight walked over.

"Fine." answered Twilight lying.

Twilight hopped onto the bed.

"Please tell me what you did in Canterlot." requested Sunset.

Twilight winced.

"It's my own business." said Twilight.

"And I won't force you to talk, but I am worried about you." replied Sunset.

"I spent time talking with Moon Dancer." said Twilight.

"What about?" asked Sunset curious.

"How things have been since we made up?" asked Twilight.

Sunset scanned Twilight looking for deceit.

"And how is she?" asked Sunset, unsure.

"Much better. In fact, she and the other girls went on a rock climb a few days ago." answered Twilight.

"Rainbow would have liked that." said Sunset.

"Or Maud." said both girls together.

Twilight and Sunset snickered.

"Then again, she'd probably study the rocks instead of climbing them." mused Sunset.

"Yeah." agreed Twilight.

"What about your talk with Princess Luna?" asked Sunset.

Twilight gave a deer in the headlights stare before letting out an obviously fake yawn.

"I'm pooped. Tell you tomorrow." said Twilight.

"Seriously?" asked Sunset annoyed.

Twilight pretended to snore.

"I'll find out one way or another." thought Sunset.

Meanwhile, four friends spent the night together in Canterlot. Moon Dancer, Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine went out to watch a new play being put on. By the time it finished, night had fallen. Due to the Equalist threat, they decided to go in pairs. Moon Dancer and Minuette left while Lemon Hearts left with Twinkleshine. lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine where walking when it seemed like they reached a section of Canterlot that was devoid of life.

"This is kinda creepy." noted Lemon Hearts.

"Yeah." agreed Twinkleshine.

The two got closer together.

"You don't think we'll see any Equalists, do you?" asked Twinkleshine worried.

Both ponies looked around.

"I hope not." answered Lemon Hearts.

As if on cue,the two heard a noise.

"What was that?" asked Twinkleshine worried.

"I don't know." answered Lemon Hearts.

Lemon Hearts took a deep breath.

"If any pony is out there, please let us know." requested Lemon Hearts.

Lemon Hearts was answered by a blast of magic which hit and knocked her out.

"Lemon Hearts!" cried Twinkleshine horrified.

A second blast of magic hit Twinkleshine knocking her out.

"We got two unicorns instead of just one." noted a voice.

A team of Equalists stepped out of the shadows.

"Comrade Glimmer will be most pleased." said the Equalist.

The Equalists tied up the fallen unicorns and fled into the night.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where we'll end this chapter. The title now makes sense as Twilight is considering using time travel to undo everything that has happened. I haven't decided whether she will or won't yet. Also, two of her friends where abducted. Next time, Twilight looks for her friends, Luna talks with Celestia and the Equalists make another move. Please review.