• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,325 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 26

Party Favor glumly walked the streets of Canterlot. He helped his glorious leader Starlight Glimmer take the capital and now their message of equality was being spread. At least, that is now Starlight put it. As he walked, Party Favor saw something else.

"Every pony is suffering so much and its our fault." said Party Favor.

Party favor heard struggling.

"Come on!" ordered an Equalist.

Party Favor saw Cherry Jubilee and Sassy Saddles struggling with a unicorn. They where clearly trying to drag her against her will.

"I won't lose my cutie mark!" declared Minuette desperate.

Party Favor walked over.

"Please help us." requested Sassy Saddles.

"What's going on?" asked Party Favor concerned.

"She won't accept equality." answered Cherry Jubilee annoyed.

"I am not going to give up what makes me special!" cried Mineutte in terror.

Party Favor felt his heart breaking.

"This is all because of us." thought Party Favor.

"Hey!" snapped Sassy Saddles.

This got Party Favor out of this train of thought.

"Are you going to help us?" asked Sassy Saddles.

"I..." began Party Favor.

Before he could finish, Marble Pie and Limestone Pie arrived.

"What's going on?" asked Limestone annoyed.

"This one is resisting." answered Sassy saddles.

An annoyed Limestone turned around and bucked Minuette knocking her out.

"Now she won't fight." said Limestone.

Limestone turned to her sister.

"Take her to Comrade Glimmer." ordered Limestone.

"Um. Of course." said Marble meekly.

The four Equalists where so focused on Minuette that they failed to notice Party Favor leave. The scene of Minuete being dragged against her will was horrible, but the sight of her being knocked out by a buck was the final straw. Party Favor ran and ran until he had to stop. He reached the outskirts of the city when he couldn't run anymore. As Party Favor stopped to catch his breath, he heard voices.

"What's that?" asked Party Favor confused.

Party Favor followed the noise until he spotted the Mane 7.

"It's you!" gasped Party Favor.

The Mane 7 heard this and got ready to fight.

"Alright, this will be a nice warm up." said Rainbow.

"I don't want to fight or serve Starlight!" cried Party Favor.

"Nice try Equalist!" snapped Pinkie, unusually stern.

"I mean it!" declared Party Favor.

Rarity observed the unicorn.

"This was the friend of Sugar Belle and Night Glider." realized Rarity.

"Um, didn't be turn on them and choose Starlight?" asked Fluttershy worried.

"He did." answered Sunset Shimmer coldly.

"That was a mistake. I realize that know." said Party Favor.

"We ain't fallin' for that again!" spat Applejack bitterly.

"Please! Just hear me out! I'm begging you!" cried Party Favor.

"You bastards didn't show my family any mercy. I won't show you any." said Pinkie Pie angrily.

Fluttershy got between her friends and Party Favor.

"I think we should heard him out." said Fluttershy.

"He lied to us before. There's no point in listening." said Rainbow.

"I think there is." countered Fluttershy.

"Darling, you cannot fall for his lies." said Rarity.

"He's not lying." said Fluttershy.

"How can you be sure?" asked Pinkie.

"I trust him." answered Fluttershy.

The others shared a look.

"We'll hear him out." agreed Sunset Shimmer.

"I know I sided with Starlight Glimmer in the past, but that was a mistake." began Party Favor.

The girls gave him unsure looks.

"When I joined the Equalists, I felt like I was part of a movement bigger than myself and I was afraid of losing that." explained Party Favor.

"But, you where considering leaving." noted Sunset.

"I missed my cutie mark." said Party Favor.

"Then...why do you want out now?" asked Twilight.

"I've seen all the pain and suffering we've cause. All the ponies we've hurt." said Party Favor emotionally.

Party Favor looked at Pinkie Pie.

"I...can't be part of this anymore." said Party Favor, holding back tears.

"Yeah. Not buying it." replied Rainbow Dash flatly.

"I'm telling the truth!" cried Party Favor.

"Applejack, darling. Please do the honor." requested Rarity.

The Element of Honesty inspected Party Favor for any sign of deceit.

"By gum, he's bein' honest." said Applejack.

The others accepted her judgment.

"Please, we need to get into Canterlot." said Sunset.

"You realize, defeating Starlight will be really hard." said Party Favor.

"We have to!" declared Pinkie Pie.

"Plus, we might have more forces coming." added Twilight.

Party Favor let out a sigh of relief.

"Hurry, you'll be spotted if you stand here." said Party Favor.

Party Favor let the Mane 7 into Canterlot.

"Starlight is held up at the palace. But, she has this weird amulet that's made her stronger." said Party Favor.

"So she was the one behind the attack of Zecora." realized Fluttershy.

"And she has the Alicorn Amulet." noted Twilight concerned.

"Thanks for your help." said Sunset.

"Just stop her." requested Party Favor urgently.

The Mane 7 slipped into Canterlot. They began making their way around the city. However, they struggled to make any headway due to the heavy Equalist presence. Most of the population had been forcibly converted already.

"I never though just getting to the palace would be this difficult." said Twilight.

The Mane 7 where hiding out in an alleyway to avoid being spotted by Jet Set and Upper Crust.

"I never though they would be...equalized." said Rarity upset.

"Ah know it must be though sugar cube." said Applejack.

"Quiet so." confirmed Rarity.

"How much longer to we have to sit here?" asked rainbow annoyed.

"Until they leave." answered Sunset.

"That's taking forever." groaned Rainbow.

"What we need is a distraction." noted Twilight.

Sunset Shimmer spotted a rock on the ground.

"Bingo." said Sunset.

"My family loved bingo." said Pinkie sadly.

"There there." whispered Fluttershy.

Sunset waited for the right moment when the two unicorns where looking away.

"Now." whispered Sunset.

Sunset flung the rock to her left. The noise got the attention of Jet Set and Upper Crust.

"What was that?" asked Upper Crust surprised.

"Let's go look." said Jet Set.

The two took off after the noise.

"Come on." said Sunset.

The Mane 7 quickly bolted.

"Good work." said Rainbow.

The group neared a corner.

"It was nothing." said Sunset.

Sunset couldn't help but smirk a bit.

"Hide!" cried Twilight.

The Mane 7 where forced to duck again as two unicorns walked in their area.

"Fancy Pants and Fleur dis lee." noted Rarity heartbroken.

"Friends of yours?" asked Applejack.

"Acquaintance." answered Rarity.

The equalized Fancy and Fleur looked around.

"Are you sure you heard something?" asked Fancy.

"Yes." answered Fleur.

They continued their search.

"I can't stand to see them like this." said Rarity hurt.

Rarity started getting anxious.

"Perhaps, I could get through to them." mused Rarity.

Rarity began walking out, but Sunset used her magic to stop the fashionista.

"Let me go." demanded Rarity.

Sunset created a soundproof bubble around Rarity.

"Did you hear something?" asked Fancy.

"No." answered Fluer.

"Let's broaden our search." proposed Fancy.

"Sure." agreed Fleur.

The two left and Sunset freed Rarity.

"Why did you do that?!" asked Rarity angrily.

"There was no reasoning with them." answered Sunset.

"Remember, they under the control of Starlight Glimmer. Words won't be enough to free them." added Twilight.

Rarity hung her head knowing they where right.

"It's okay Rarity." whispered Applejack.

Applejack comforted her marefriend.

"We have to get going." said Sunset.

"Finally." groaned Rainbow.

"I am alright. Let us continue." said Rarity.

The girls bumped into Twilight.

"Twilight..." began Sunset.

Sunset spotted two ponies and ragged Twilight into an alley with the others.

"Weren't those..." began Rainbow.

"My parents." said Twilight sadly.

The equalize Twilight Velvet and Night Light where walking around.

"I know I saw them." said Twilight Velvet.

"They couldn't have gotten far." added Night Light.

Tears where streaking down the cheeks of Twilight Sparkle.

"Ah can't believe they got Twi's parents." said Applejack.

"Been there, done that." said Pinkie sadly.

"We just have to..." began Sunset.

Twilight Sparkle raced off.

"No!" cried Sunset.

Twilight Sparkle raced over to her parents.

"Mom! Dad! You have to snapped out of this!" declared Twilight.

"You aren't our friend yet." noted Twilight Velvet.

"I'm your daughter." said Twilight hurt.

The two noticed she lacked a cutie mark.

"You haven't been equalized." noted Night Light surprised.

"You have to break you free from Starlight." said Twilight.

Sunset raced over.

"Twilight, remember what we just said to Rarity." said Sunset.

"Oh, this is a friend?" asked Twilight Velvet.

"She has a cutie mark too." said Night Light.

Her parents nodded and Twilight Velvet let out a magical flair from her horn.

"We have to go!" cried Sunset.

Sunset grabbed Twilight with her magic and raced off with the others behind them.

"Mom! Dad!" cried Twilight.

The Mane 7 where forced to run and hide. The alarm went out and Equalists all over Canterlot began looking for them. Party Favor hoped he did before any other pony. Of course, it was clear some pony would have to tell Starlight Glimmer. Lieutenant Double Diamond got word and decided he had to tell Starlight. Double Diamond entered the throne room where Starlight on Celestia's throne. The equalized Celestia and Luna be her sides.

"What in the name of Celestia..." began Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer caught herself.

"What in the name of equality all the commotion about?" asked Starlight annoyed.

Double Diamond bowed.

"It seems those seven who ruined our town are in Canterlot.' answered Double diamond worried.

Starlight let out a hearty laugh.

"I knew they would come here and now the whole city is hunting them." revealed Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer chuckled.

"Just like I planned." added Starlight.

Double Diamond beamed.

"Brilliant as always Comrade Glimmer." said Double Diamond proudly.

"Let the others take care of them for now." said Starlight.

"Do you want us to look for them?" asked Celestia.

"We'd be happy to." added Luna.

"You two stay here for now." answered Starlight.

"Okay Starlight Glimmer." replied Celestia and Luna in unison.

Double Diamond bowed and left.

"Soon you'll pay for what trying to destroy my dream." said Starlight entrancingly.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where we'll end things. So, they made it into Canterlot thanks to Party Favor who had officially defected to their side. However, now the own equalized city is hunting for them. Next time, the Mane 7 try not to be caught. Please review.