• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,325 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 24

It was a beautiful and sunny day in Canterlot. The Canetlot elite ponies where about their daily business. Everything was going fine at the palace as usual. Spearhead and a male pegasus guard where talking.

"So, any plans for the Summer Sun celebration?" asked the male pegasus.

"No." answered Spearhead flatly.

"I'm sure a good looking guy like you must be able to find a mare." said the pegasus guard.

"Maybe." yawned Spearhead.

"You seem really exhausted." noted he pegasus guard.

"I haven't been sleeping well lately." admitted Spearhead.

Spearhead yawned again.

"I must be really tired because I guess I keep napping." added Spearhead.

"What do you mean you guess?" asked the pegasus guard exhausted.

"I keep losing time and I can't think of anything else it could be." answered Spearhead.

"Maybe it's aliens abducting you and probing your body." joked the pegasus guard.

Spearhead chuckled.

"Very funny." replied Spearhead.

Spearhead yawned again.

"If you wanna nap I can handle this." offered the pegasus guard.

"Not with the Equalists around!" declared Spearhead.

"It was just an offer." shrugged the pegasus guard.

The pegsus guard used his foreleg to pan across the room.

"It's not liking anything is happening." said the pegasus guard.

Just as the guard finishes, the front doors and sent flying by Trouble Shoes.

"Hello." said Starlight grinning.

The pegasus guard hoped into the air.

"You hold them off!" ordered the pegasus guard, "I'll go get..."

Before he could finish, the pegasus felt a sharp pain in his side and crashed. Looking over, he saw Spearhead and impaled him with his spear.

"Good work Spearhead." said Starlight.

"You bastard..." cursed the wounded guard.

A half dozen guards charged in.

"How pitiful." sighed Starlight.

Starlight fired a blast of magic easily taking out the guards.

"The security here is a joke." scoffed Starlight.

The Equalists heard yelling and orders being given.

"They know we're here now." noted Double Diamond.

Starlight chuckled.

"I want them to." said Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer snapped her head around.

"Split up into formation and begin securing ever inch of this palace." stated Starlight.

"Yes ma'am!" cried the Equalists.

"Double Diamond and Party Favor are with me." said Starlight.

Spearhead stepped forward.

"What about me?" asked Spearhead.

"Join in the assault." answered Starlight.

"Yes ma'am!" declared Spearhead excited.

Starlight Glimmer rubbed her chin with her foreleg.

"I want the pegasi outside. We'll need aerial supremacy." ordered Starlight.

"Yes ma'am!" cried the pegasus Equalists.

"Ma'am, will only Party Favor and I be enough to help you?" asked Double Diamond.

A number of guards burst in.

"Freeze!" ordered the guards.

Starlight fired a powerful blast of magic that sent the guards crashing into the wall.

"My loyal Lieutenant..." began Starlight.

Starlight held her Alicorn Amulet.

"We cannot lose." said Starlight.

The Equalists spread out and began swarming over the palace. Prince Blueblood had been annoyed his aunts wanted him to come in "take an active role in the rule of Equestria" so he managed to sneak off thanks to some distraction. However, one he realize this was the Equalist forces attacking he panicked. Blueblood hid in a closet and began to shake nervously. He heard hoof steps closing in.

'Please be a guard. Please be a guard." whispered Blueblood.

The hoof steps got louder until they where right on top of Blueblood.

"I don't see anypony." said a timid female voice.

"I know I heard one!" snapped a aggressive female voice.

The two began looking around.

"Please don't find me." thought Blueblood.

Bludblood was began shaking right next to a metal mop bucket. His shake caused Blueblood to hit the bucket.

"No oh." said Blueblood horrified.

Marble Pie burst through the door reducing it to splinters.

"I told you I heard some pony!" exclaimed Limestone.

Marble stood quietly behind her.

"Please don't hurt me!" cried Blueblood.

Bluebood was quivering in fear.

"I'll give you whatever you want! Bits! Land! Nobility! You name it!" offered Blueblood.

Limestone scoffed at this.

"Nothing will save you now." said Limestone.

In the throne room, an emergency caucus was being held. Word quickly spread around the palace about the invasion and Celestia jumped into action. She had Raven Inkwell fetch Luna while Kibitz kept her updated. Celestia was finally able to breath a bit easier when Raven returned with Luna.

"I'm so glad to see you are safe." said Celestia.

"It takes more than that to defeat me." stated Luna.

Luna looked around.

"Where is Blueblood?" asked Luna.

"I sent a search team to find." answered Celestia.

The royal sisters heard a horrified scream.

'No." said Celestia hurt.

"It's okay. We can save him." said Luna.

Celestia composed herself.

"Raven...status report." said Celestia.

"The Equalists have overtaken nearly have the palace already." said Raven worried.

"How did they get in?" asked Luna.

"A guard let them in." answered Raven.

The royal sisters where shocked.

"Let's see...it was Sword...no Shield...no...Spearhead." said Kibitz.

'He would never do such a thing!" declared Luna.

"Alas, he has." answered Kibitz.

"Have the Wonderbolts been alerted?" asked Celestia.

"Yes ma'am." answered Raven.

The sudden cry of a pained Spitfire was heard outside.

"I am not surprised." sighed Luna.

"You should leave while you have the chance." said Kibitz.

"We're staying here and defending our home." answered Celestia.

Suddenly, the door was blown open and laughing could be heard.

"What a sweet sentiment." said Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer entered the room, flanked by Double Diamond and Party Favor.

"It's also stupid." spat Starlight.

A guilty Party Favor fired a blast of magic knocking out Kibitz.

"Kibitz!" cried Ceelstia horrified.

With every pony busy focusing on Kibitz, Double Diamond quickly raced over and tackled Raven Inkwell into the wall knocking her out.

"Raven!" cried Celestia, more horrified.

Celestia's horror quickly turned to anger.

"This ends here!" declared Celestia.

Starlight Glimmer laughed.

"That's what I want." said Starlight.

Both royal sisters fired magical beams at Starlight, but she easily deflected them with a shield.

"It's going to take more than that to defeat me." replied Starlight.

The royal sisters took turns firing magic volleys at Starlight, but they didn't scratch her shield.

"How boring." yawned Starlight.

"If you wanted exciting..." began Celestia.

"You should have just told us." finished Luna.

The royal sisters fired a combined magic beam that began cracking the shield.

"That's more like it!" declared Starlight.

Starlight exploded her shield easily ending the sisters' attack.

"You better not go easy on me." warned Starlight.

The royal sisters huddled together.

"She is stronger than I thought." confessed Luna.

"That amulet has to be the source of her power." mused Celestia.

"How do we..." began Luna.

Before she could finish, a power blast of magic came their way. Celestia threw up a shield, but it was easily destroyed. The royal sisters where sent back, but used their wings to land safely.

"Enough stalling!" snapped Starlight.

The royal sisters nodded to each other.

"Fine with us!" declared Celestia.

Celestia fired another magic beam at Starlight.

"Again?" asked Starlight Glimmer flatly.

"Starlight easily blocked the attack with a shield.

"Too predictable." sighed Starlight.

Out of the corner of her eye, Starlight saw Luna flying right toward her.

"I see." said Starlight.

Starlight let out a magical burst which fizzled out the attack from Celestia and shot Luna backwards.

"Damn." cursed Luna.

"A good move, but not good enough." said Starlight.

"Are you okay sister?" asked Celestia.

Luna got up.

"I am fine." answered Luna.

"I have a plan." revealed Celestia.

"What is it?" asked Luna.

"Follow me." answered Celestia.

Celestia took flight headed toward Starlight Glimmer.

"Right." agreed Luna.

Luna did the same as her sister.

"Oh, this should be good." cooed Starlight.

The royal sisters attacked in a zigzag pattern making it difficult for Starlight to land a blow.

"Enough!" screamed Starlight.

Starlight fired a power magic pulse shooting the royal sisters back again.

"I am more powerful than both of you combined." said Starlight.

Starlight fired a powerful blast of magic at Princess Luna.

"Sister!" cried Celestia.

"Celestia produced a shield to protect Luna.

"Just what I wanted." whispered Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer turned and fired a bolt of lightning from her horn at Celestia.

"No." gasped Celestia horrified.

Luna quickly flew over and took the hit for her sister. The lightning hit Luna and electrocuted her. Luna's body fell to the floor in a crumpled heap.

"Luna!" exclaimed Celestia horrified.

Celestia rushed over to her sister who was breathing weakly.

"I was trying to distract Celestia and take her out first, but I got Luna instead." mused Starlight.

Starlight shrugged.

"I won't complain." said Starlight.

An enraged scream suddenly tore through the throne room.


Celestia began firing power blasts of magic. Starlight threw up her shield, but it was shattered.

"How the-?!" began Starlight stunned.

Celestia continued to overpower Starlight.

'What;s wrong, did you get mad that I hurt your sister?" asked Starlight, in a cold manner.

Celestia angrily fired off a volley of magic which Starlight would teleport to dodge.

"I think seeing her in pain is a beautiful sight." said Starlight.

Celestia fired a beam of magic. Starlight threw up a shield, but the magic destroyed it.

"You wanna know what the best part of her beating is?" asked Starlight.

Celestia powered several volleys of magic at Starlight. Starlight was able to dodge a few by teleporting, but was hit.

"Comrade Glimmer!" cried out Double Diamond in horror.

"The best part was the horror on your face." said Starlight.

Celestia landed in front of Starlight ready to deliver a final blow. However, Starlight struck her with a blast of lightning at close range. Celestia collapsed into a crumpled heap on the floor.

"An angry pony is prone to making mistakes." said Starlight.

Starlight looked the two defeated princesses then she strutted out the balcony. A crowd had gathered below having heard the fighting and they where horrified to see Starlight.

"Canterlot! The royal sisters have been defeated! From now this city and all of Equestria are under my control! Long live equality!" declared Starlight.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where we'll end things. So, Canterlot and the royal sisters have fallen to Starlight. Next time, the aftermath of this chapter. Please review.