• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,329 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 17

Twilight and Sunset raced to Ponyville Hospital. Zecora laid laid out cold all night and only awoke in the morning. She then staggered into Ponyville before collapsing. Luckily, Bulk Biceps carried her to the hospital while Doctor Hooves told Twilight and Sunset. Nurse Redheart led them to Zecora's room.

This is the same room Sugar Belle stayed in when she arrived." noted Twilight uneasy.

"When this whole mess began." added Sunset.

The they reached the bedside when Zecora came too.

"Zecora...it's Twilight and Sunset." said Twilight.

"You're in the hospital." said Sunset.

"My head is killing me." groaned Zecora.

"Zecora, you didn't rhyme!" gasped Twilight worried.

"I...can't." replied Zecora mortified.

Sunset looked at her chart.

"You got a severe concussion. That might do it." revealed Sunset worried.

"I...can't..." began Zecora.

"Take it easy." whispered Twilight.

"Zecora, do you remember anything about what happened?" asked Sunset.

Zecora tried her best to remember.

"No." answered the zebra concerned.

"I normally wouldn't push this. But, it is really important." said Twilight

"I can try." replied Zecora.

Zecora began trying to recall what happened.

"I heard noise and was knocked out." said Zecora.

"Do you know who attacked you?" asked Sunset.

Zecora took a minute.

"No. I was hit from behind." answered Zecora.

"It had to be the Equalists." muttered Twilight.

Sunset couldn't disagree.

"But, why would they attack Zecora?" asked Twilight worried.

"To get to us likely." answered Sunset flatly.

"I feel like there was more too it." revealed Zecora groggy.

"What do you mean?" asked Sunset surprised.

"I can remember how hard I was it and it did not feel personal. I think there was another reason." answered Zecora.

"You do have a lot of mythical items." mused Sunset concerned.

"My hut was also ransacked." added Zecora.

"Yeah. That proves it." sighed Sunset flatly.

"But, what could you have that was worth stealing?" asked Sunset.

"I am afraid any number of items could have a value." answered Zecora.

Twilight did her best to remain calm.

"Best case scenario: they stole something to fence for Bits." said Sunset.

"I doubt that is the case." replied Twilight.

"Sunset was forced to agree.

"Now, what could be the most of value to Starlight." mused Twilight.

"It'd have to be something powerful." noted Sunset.

Twilight's eyes suddenly became as wide as saucers.

"Oh my Celestia, the Alicorn Amulet!" gasped Twilight horrified.

"The what?" asked Sunset.

Twilight explained Trixie's arrival with the amulet and what it does.

"Zecora, why didn't you smash it?!" asked Sunset horrified.

"It is too dangerous to destroy." answered Zecora.

"Oh great. So now Starlight might have an amulet that makes her even more powerful." sighed Sunset.

Twilight began to have a major panic attack.

"It's okay Twilight. We don't know she has it." said Sunset.

"She has to!" declared Twilight.

"You beat it before." noted Sunset.

"When I was under the control of Sombra!" screamed Twilight.

Zecora was getting groggy and they needed to check her hut so Twilight and Sunset departed. The two made their way to the Everfree Forest trying to go at a moderate pace so as not to arouse suspicion. Twilight and Sunset easily made their way through the forest and reached Zecora's hut. The door was still open and they quickly went inside. Once in, they began to search high and low for the Alicorn Amulet or anything else that seemed out of place.

"Do you see anything!" asked Twilight, freaking out.

"No." answered Sunset worried.

Twilight began throw things around in her frantic search.

"Twilight! You can't just go around messing up Zecora's hut!" declared Sunset.

Twilight stopped and saw the mess she had made.

"I'm such an idiot!" spat Twilight.

Sunset quickly went to her side.

"No you aren't and I don't want you hear you talk about yourself like that." replied Sunset.

Twilight didn't answer.

"I don't think it's here." mused Sunset solemnly.

"Starlight has it. We're doomed." said Twilight faintly.

"The door was open so maybe an animal scavenged it." proposed Sunset.

Twilight shot Sunset an glare clearly not buying it.

"It's possible." shrugged Sunset.

"i didn't even think of the Alicorn Amulet." said Twilight.

Twilight let out a sad laugh.

"How in the name of Celestia did I forget about it?" asked Twilight.

"Forget it. Nothing we can do about that now." answered Sunset.

"Maybe I can." thought Twilight.

The two left making sure to shut the door and quickly returned to the castle.

"Spike! I need you to take a letter!" cried Twilight.

The baby dragon popped out with a scroll and quill.

"Ready." said Spike.

Spike wrote a letter to Princess Celestia detailing what happened. He sent it and got a fast response.

"That is terrible, but there is not much we can do. We have our own issues to deal with at the moment." read Spike.

Indeed, the princesses had their own problems to deal with. They expected their plan to introduce martial law in the Appaloosa/Dodge Junction area and the re-locations of residents to be met by opposition. However, the did not expect a backlash to come from all over Equestria. In the palace, Princess Luna sat by the throne with Raven Inkwell by her side. Princess Celestia paced nervously back and forth.

"This is bad. Really bad." said Celestia worried.

"Protests have declined in Vanhoover, Applewood, Rainbow Falls and Las Pegasus." revealed Raven.

"See. Things are improving." said Luna.

"But; they're continuing in Manehattan, Baltimare, Fillydelphia and Trottingham." added Raven.

The chants of protests could be heard outside.

"Not to mention here." noted Raven worried.

Luna shot Raven a scowl.

"I am sorry, your majesty, I must report the facts." said Raven.

Luna sighed, knowing she was right.

"Is there any place without protests?" asked Luna hopeful.

"Stratusburg, Cloudsdale and Ponyville." answered Raven.

Celestia stopped her pacing.

"I am not surprised that Twilight and her friends have kept Ponyville calm." admitted Celestia.

"The other two are both home to pegasus and they don't feel effected by this." said Raven.

"Just what we need, to go back to the era of three tribes." muttered Luna concerned.

"There are two main reasons to protest. The first is solidarity with the ponies losing their homes." began Raven.

"That makes sense." muttered Luna.

"The other, and the main driving force behind the protests here in Canterlot, is a perceived overreach of royal authority." said Raven.

"So the nobles don't give a damn about ponies losing their homes. They worried about us taking away their privileges." muttered Luna disgusted.

"It seems so." confirmed Raven flatly.

"Has support for the Equalists grown?" asked Celestia worried.

"No." answered Raven uneasy.

"What is it?" asked Celestia anxiously.

"It has grown sentiment in favor of a new monarch...or doing away with a monarch entirely." revealed Raven worried.

Celestia felt her heart skip a beat.

"Stay calm sister." said Luna.

Luna flew over to her sister.

"We will find a way to work things out." said Luna.

Celestia let out a sad chuckle.

"I wonder what mother and father would think." mused Celestia.

Luna winced at the mention of the parents.

"They would say you are a great ruler." said Luna.

"How can I be so great with all that is happening?" asked Celestia.

"One pony cannot run an entire kingdom alone. Thus, you cannot blame yourself what is happening." answered Luna.

"I could have done more to prevent this!' snapped Celestia.

"Possible, but there is nothing we can do about that now." replied Luna.

Celestia mulled this over.

"Maybe you're right." began Celestia.

Luna smiled warmly at this.

"Hey, when did you get so good at this?" teased Celestia.

"Many ponies have helped me in my recovery. It is my turn to do the same." shrugged Luna.

Celestia giggled a bit then turned to Raven.

"I am hereby rescinding the evacuation order!" declared Celestia.

"That will be a welcome news to the protesters." said Raven.

"I am keeping martial law in effect." said Celestia.

"And that will get them mad again." muttered Raven.

"I have to do something. This is a compromise on my part." explained Celestia.

"Understood." replied Raven who promptly left.

"i hope this works." sighed Celestia.

"I am sure it will." said Luna comforting.

"And if it doesn't?" asked Celestia unsure.

"We'll handle this together." answered Luna.

Meanwhile, some good news came in Ponyville. The Cutie mark Crusaders helped Diamond Tiara and earned their cutie marks. The party held was a joyous and emotional moment for all. Sunset and Twilight enjoyed the party. Finally, night fell and it was time for the party to end. Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer returned to their castle with Twilight carrying a sleeping Spike. Twilight put Spike into his bed and crawled into her own bed where Sunset was waiting.

"At least this day ended on a good note." yawned Twilight.

"I'm so happy for the Crusaders." said Sunset.

"So am I." agreed Twilight.

Twilight yawned again.

"I've know them for years. I even met Apple Bloom before the Crusaders where formed." noted Twilight.

"Then this must have been really happy for them." mused Twilight.

"Oh yes." confirmed a groggy Twilight.

"You seem awfully tired." noted Sunset concerned.

"Don't worry. Tantabus is gone." replied Twilight.

"I know, but there has to be a reason you aren't sleeping well." said Sunset.

Twilight sighed.

"I have been worried about Starlight." confessed Twilight.

"Have you had more nightmares about her?" asked Sunset.

"Yes." answered Twilight.

"Can you tell me what happens in them." requested Sunset softly.

"Starlight enslaves every pony I care about." said Twilight flatly.

Sunset Shimmer hugged her marefriend.

"It's okay Twilight. I'm here." said Sunset.

Twilight took a minute or so to calm down.

"That's why I enjoyed the party so much. It was nice to focus on something good and forget about Starlight for a bit." explained Twilight.

"I think the whole of Ponyville agrees with you on that." noted Sunset.

Twilight let out a worried murmur.

"Still, it's scary to think about Starlight having the Alicorn Amulet." admitted Twilight.

"I can't argue with that." muttered Sunset, "But, I promise everything will be okay."

Thanks." whispered Twilight grateful.

Meanwhile, the Equalist forces stood at attention. Starlight Glimmer had decided to inspect her troops. Most stood perfectly still and Starlight looked them over. Party Favor did everything to keep himself from shaking. Double Diamante watched as Starlight gave him a good looking over. Party Favor couldn't help but notice the amulet Starlight was now wearing. Once she finished, Starlight addressed her followers.

"I am proud of the group standing before me." began Starlight.

Party favor could see Double Diamond glaring at him.

"A group dedicated to bringing equality across Equestria!" declared Starlight.

The Equalists cheered.

"And our influence is being felt. Those elites in Canterlot are shaking as we push equality onward." said Starlight.

The Equalists again cheered.

"Thing how great it will be when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna forsake their cutie marks and join us." cooed Starlight.

Party favor felt like he was going to regret this, but he raised his foreleg.

"Go ahead." replied Starlight.

"What about Princess Twilight and her friends?" asked Double Diamond.

Starlight sneered, but quickly regained her composure.

"We can try again to get them to see our way." answered Starlight.

Starlight examined the size of her forces.

"However, this will not do." mused Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer let out a sinister chuckle.

"It's time for some more...recruiting." said Starlight menacingly.

Author's Note:

A/N: that's where we'll end things. So, security across Equestria is building, but backlash is ensuing. No pony wants Equestia to turn into an Orwellian dictatorship. Also, if you think i used the head trauma as as excuse to avoid writing Zecora in rhyme because of how annoying that is: you're right. Next time, the Equalists "recruit" more ponies. What familiar faces will fall? Please review.