• Published 22nd May 2019
  • 1,382 Views, 4 Comments

It's Not Love! .....But is it? - Sunset Awesomness17

Two young teenagers learn something about each other, that they didn't really knew before.

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I wake up into a beautiful field of wild flowers. All are beautiful, bright, big and they all seemed to be facing me. It is really breath taking. A light breeze blows through the air and hits my face with its warmth and it carries an interesting scent. It smells like Sunset’s perfume that she sometimes wears when she's feeling "dressy". Though I took it as me just making something out of nothing. I have done that before. I take my mind off of Sunset and I look back to the flowers which...were gone now..?

Then a huge gust of wind swoops in, making me loose my balance and I fall down to the ground. Which ended up being a much longer fall then expected and I find myself laying down on a different field. This one more like the park near the school. I get back up to see a Beautiful bluebird looking at me. It's face changes and it starts to look like a very faded Sunset Shimmer. I think I may be losing my mind at thus point, but it really did! She looked even cuter as a bird. Not that I'd admit it to her, but right now I was enjoying the sight of her. That cute belly, tiny legs, little red and yellow wings, a tiny beak, and a cute little red and yellow puff on her head. I don't know how she does it, but she makes everything look so good, even when it's not.

Then the bird starts to evolve into more of the human version of Sunset. This time she is wearing a set of kinda revealing clothing. Not too much but, her sweater opens right at the chest right above her perky breast and it also has some little slits on the side. I start to stare at her chest, and I find myself unable to look away. Then, Sunset’s mouth opens as if she is going to speak, but what comes out of it is not what I expected.
“Chirp, chirpity, chirp, chirp!”

Confused, I ask her what she is talking about. But she doesn't seem to even notice me there, her eyes appear to be looking into space, but her mouth opens again.

“Chirp, chirpity, chirp, chirp!”

“Mmph?” I hear a chirping sound go off somewhere in my sleep. It keeps going, and going until I realize that it is not in my dream. I am no longer asleep, and that the sound is coming from the waking world, not my dream. I wanted to sleep a little more, but I knew that was a fruitless thought since the sound was not going away. I twist from my position on my bed and open my eyes. My vision is a little blurry at first, but after a few moments it clears a little more, just enough for me to reach my hand out and grab my phone off the nightstand beside the bed.

Immediately, I squint my eyes shut at the bright light glaring at me through my screen. "Oh! Auto brightness.." I remember turning it down last night, but I also have the auto brightness on, so it does it on its own. I like it, but sometimes it's not my best friend. My eyes adjust to the light quickly and I tap the snooze bottom on my phone for another five more minutes. I glance around for a second just to look outside. The sun was barely coming out, it was still behind the mountains, but I could see the soft pink light painting the sky. I lay back down and fell back asleep instantly for a only a few moments before the thing went off again. "Mmm...maybe I should've turned that thing off." I say while staring up at the ceiling. Again, another thought that couldn't happen even if I wanted to.

The second alarm was followed by the feeling of something fluffy rubbing up against my cheek. I blinked my eyes open again, and turn my head to the little white bunny that was now on my bed. His fur was like that of the lamb in "Mary Had a Little Lamb", he is the light if my day, no matter how much he can be a little "brat" at least according to some of my friends. Sunset hasn't called him that. In fact she may be the only one he isn't such pain to. He seems to like her more than the others surprisingly. Even though he is the way he is, I couldn't ask for another bunny. I love him too much.

I sighed a long sigh because I knew that I wouldn’t be getting anymore sleep, but nevertheless I smile at him anyways. Reaching up with my hand again, I turn off the alarm, off completely this time. I stretched out a little bit of the sleepiness out of my system and let out a soft yawn before I proceed to get myself into a sitting position on my bed.

I look back down to the little bunny on my lap. He was looking right at me with that sort of ‘Feed Me!’ Kind of look. “Oh, okay Angel Bunny, I’ll...” I pause in mid sentence as I felt another small yawn come on.” ... feed you.”

Suddenly, a loud bang followed by the sound of something hitting the floor above me could be heard. I sighed again. “Zephyr Breeze.....ugh couldn’t he at least be a bit more quieter in the mornings?” My brother, was not the most quietest, nor the most respectful person in this world. He’s kind of far from it actually. I love and care for him of course, but sometimes he can be a real pain. I am not the bravest, the boldest, or even the most confident person. I am very quiet, I keep to myself a lot, so I usually don’t express what I really feel or what I really want to say half the time. It’s nothing really, I’m just pretty private. I keep things to myself, sometimes it’s a good thing, and other times it’s a curse.

But my brother, he is just so loud and can be very disrespectful, he always finds a way to disrupt the world....well both worlds for that matter, though I'm sure that Sunset would tell me otherwise. But between me, myself, and I, he does. He can be very careless, it's not really a secret. He cares of course to some degree, but it’s a really rare characteristic for him. This morning though, as I’m getting my clothes together for my morning shower, I could hear drawers being slammed, things being shoved, and even him talking loudly on the phone with one of his gaming buddies. He does this every morning, but this morning he just seemed to be more obnoxious then usual. I can even hear him rushing down the stairs.

I shake my head, choosing to ignore it as I continue to get ready, and as I am about to open the door to my bathroom, I feel something grab my nightshirt from behind and pull me back. “Fluttershy! The best sister ever! Can I use your shower?”

“Zeph—...” I didn’t even get to finish saying his name before he interrupted me. “Okay, sounds great! Thanks, Sis!” Then he opens the door and locks it before I could say anything else.

I rolled my eyes a little bit at this. Again, I really do not voice my thoughts or what I really feel, so I let it go, and I huffed a small curse under my breath. I walked to my parents room. I could hear my mother’s voice from the hall as I get closer to the room. Golden light dances its way through the doorway and onto the white carpet. It's brilliance mingles with the sun’s morning light. When I get to the door, I knock on the it, before I walked in. Then I enter the room to see my mother smiling at me. “Hello dear, is your brother taking over your bathroom again?”

I let out a long sigh, “He is.”

“Oh, I'm sorry honey. No worries, you can use my shower. I don’t mind. I know your brother can be a little difficult sometimes so it’s all right with me.” Mom said, pointing her eyes to the bathroom.

I nod. I walk over to my mother’s bathroom, open the door and close it behind me. I always feel weird sharing my mom's bathroom. There's nothing wrong with it, I just feel that since I have my own shower, that I shouldn't be using my parent's. Plus, I have more privacy in my own shower. Which means no singing, no humming this time. I hate doing it in front of my parents. How did I get myself into a band? I have no idea. Dash talked me into it and kinda begged me until I finally agreed. I glance at myself in the mirror to see the bags under my eyes. I stare for a little bit, thinking of how terrible I look, and how Rarity would be asking me some questions today, then I shake my head of my thoughts and proceed to prepare for a shower.

As I let the nice warm water rush down I start to think more about someone else. Someone that has been the subject of my thoughts, someone who has now become a good friend of mine, Sunset Shimmer. I haven’t told anybody yet, but lately she has been on my mind a lot now. At first, it was just little bits and pieces and usually at random. I didn’t really take notice at first because it didn’t really seem like anything to me. I mean it was literally just little bits, and I have never fallen for anybody before. I mean I used to have something for Rainbow, like a very tiny crush, but I lost that when she dated Gilda. Like really?! You choose that awful little wasp over me! Ugh! I wasn’t even surprised when Gilda ditched her to be in a gang. Why she chose her? I will never know nor will I understand. I never said anything of course. I’d die before that ever happens. Not literally, but metaphorically, yeah. Anyways, I haven’t fallen for anyone like this, and it was just like “normal” thoughts like, “She looks nice today.” Or “She seems in a better mood today.” But it just was little bits and pieces and randomly. I didn’t really take notice at first because it didn’t really seem like it was anything to take notice of, but then I started to think about her more often. Like instead of just thinking about her as a friend would, at least in my definition of what a friend should think of another friend would, I thought of Sunset Shimmer of something more? Like a crush.

I can’t put my finger on it, whenever I’m around her it’s like I’m different. She makes me.... Ugh, I can’t put my finger on it. It’s hard to explain really. Whenever I’m around her it’s like I’m different. She makes me...... stronger, confident, and she just makes me..... she makes me....well, different. Ugh! I can’t really describe it, but it’s like she makes me happier, and makes me proud to be alive. As if she gives me a reason to wake up in the morning, and to give the new day a try. It’s as if she gives me a reason to live.

She has saved me in a way. She doesn’t know it, but a few weeks before the fall formal, I bumped into her. She was angry, and I started to cry because of what had happened earlier that day, and because I was scared of what she might do to me. Nothing came, in fact I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. I’m not even sure she knew who she bumped into, but she heard me crying and she was comforting me. She spoke to me in such a soft, caring voice that it shocked me out of crying. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! Please don’t cry! It’s okay, don’t cry.

Then she looked around as if to check to make sure no one saw, then she moved my hair from my face and said, “I don’t know what you’re going through, but it’s going to be okay. Just be strong.” Then there were noise coming down the hall and she immediately moved away from me. Trixie appeared from the corner. Sunset didn’t waist time, she left the hallway without a second glance. I don’t know what Trixie did, but I didn’t care about her, my mind was on Sunset. I have had a crush on Sunset before this, but this just made me fall for her even more than I’d like to admit. She doesn’t know it, but she saved me from hurting myself that day. She is just an amazing person in and out and there’s nothing that can make me change my mind about that.

Yeah .... she used to be hard to understand. Hard to be around, a hard person to like, still is to some, and even though she hasn’t said anything I have a feeling that even before the fall formal she was a lot more than what seemed to be. Like, she put on such a brave, confident and determine face, as of nothing could defeat her. Even after the fall formal, when I knew she was hurting, she never showed it. Haha, it was as if she’d rather die than to let anyone see that weaker side of her. And I admire her for it. I know it’s not easy for her, it must be so hard for her, I can see it in her eyes every time she walks up to that school she always gives it such a horror filled look. But that look does not stay there long, it last for maybe 30 seconds? I know she works hard every day to put on a brave face, fighting every day with every ounce that she has and I want to be there every step of the way for her. I want her to know that she’s not alone in this world. Yeah, she has us as friends, But I want to be there by her side, I want to shelter her. I’m not the bravest one out there, but I want to give all I have to give to her.

But I know that’s wishful thinking, for I know she would never think of me in that way. She’s too good for me, and although she was harsh with me a couple of times, but that.....that was only because she was fighting her own battles and didn’t know her how else to take those battle other than to take it out on others; I will never be enough for her. She deserves somebody more. So I have to suck it up, give up all my feelings that I have for her so that she can have somebody else better suitable for her. I’m not the one for her.

I shook my head again to clear it from my inner thoughts, and stepped into the shower, finally embracing all that nice warm water, rushing down my back calming my nerves as it did so. I always love morning showers. It’s like I have some sort of magic to calm down whatever traveling thoughts I have in here. And it is just such a relaxing experience really and I appreciate it, I am so very thankful to have this little bit to cope and to think about my daily struggles.

Once I finish with my shower, I go downstairs to grab my things and head to the kitchen for breakfast. I check my phone for any new messages and saw one from Pinkie Pie on their group chat.

Pink Party Girl: Good morning girls! I just thought I should let you know that I won’t be going to school today. I have to help Mrs. and Mr. cake with a really important, special delivery. I have already told the principals about it. I’m so sorry girls, but I really have to help the cakes.

I frowned at the text. I knew that Pinkie Pie helped the cakes a lot, and even worked with them, and that sometimes meant going on special deliveries like these, but school was never the same without her. But I also knew how important this was to her. Oh, well that’s okay, Pinkie.

Captain Awesome: Yeah, it’s totally cool with me.

Rare: I agree darling, just be sure to take good care of yourself. You’ll be missed!

AJ: Be safe, sugercube!

Sunny: Do you want me to get your homework for you?

Pink Party Girl: Oh yeah, thanks Sunny!

Sunny: Sure! Have fun!

Pink Party Girl: Thanks girls! And I will! I’ll tell y’all all about it when I get back!

After that the chat went dead. I turn off my phone and continue on my way towards the kitchen. I can see my mom already there making waffles and preparing breakfast. When she spotted me in the corner of her eye, she got a plate, filling it up with a good helping of waffles and gave it to me. I smiled as I got a nice whiff of the fluffy goodness in front of me and went to the the table to eat my breakfast. “Thanks, Mom!” I say after the first bite of deliciousness.

Mom just smiles at me, “Of course dear!” A set a footsteps could be heard from the stairs. Mom turned to see Zephyr coming down the stairs. She piled another plate with waffles and handed it to him. “Here you go.”

Zephyr nodded, before taking the plate and going over to sit by his sister. He finishes his meal quicker than me and got up from the table. “Alright mother, this guy’s got go. Goodbye!” He rushed out the door, not even bothering to put up his own plate.

My mom just sighed a long, tired sigh and went to pick up his plate and put it in the sink. “Have a good day, dear.” Then she went upstairs.

I stare up after her, thinking about how Mom seems to look tired. I couldn’t tell of what, but I knew that my mom and dad have been on edge lately. He works, and spends the majority of his time out of the house, but sometimes he has bad days and he’ll take it out on Mom. He hasn’t hurt her yet, but I can see the damage it has done to her. I shake my head and tell myself that I was just overthinking things. She probably is just sick of Zephyr’s disrespect. He didn’t put his empty plate in the sink after all, which was something my mom really hated. When I finished my breakfast, I walked out the door and into my morning nature walk before school.

As I walk through the trail, my mind starts to wonder off back to Sunset. I think about her face, and the way that her smile seems to brighten everything and anything that ever gets the chance to see it. She doesn’t smile often, but when she does it is the most beautiful masterpiece in the whole wide world, in both worlds. The girl pretty much wears her name. She is like a beautiful setting sun with all of the beautiful brightest colors that have been chosen by the gods’ universe to paint the sky, each sunset is never the same they’re all beautiful and unique like her. Forget princess, she is more than that. At least to me she is.

I check my phone to see the time, I see that I still have a lot of time before I have to continue in time to get to school, so I sat on a log to think. I may not be enough for her, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t think about her.

I look at the sky and I see the sun in all it’s glory, and it reminds me of her again. She might have been going about it the wrong way but I do see her as somewhat of a princess or a queen. I know that she kind of took a darker path to proceed that sort of title or name, but to be honest, she does fit the title. Has a nice ring to it. Princess Sunset Shimmer. It has a nice ring to it, but I will never admit it. Even before the fall formal, when I was sort of deathly afraid of her, I would vote for her. She was scary, but for some reason I always wanted to vote for her. It's not because of her intimidation, well part of it was, but not entirely, some part of me wanted to vote for her. Even when Twilight was here to change that, I only voted for her because I knew it was the right thing to do.

I think about her eyes, how they seem to always sparkle when you look at them. They can really put you in a trance if you’re not careful. They can be so soft, but so fierce, that they seem to burn a hole through your head. Her hair, how it shines in the light, like beautiful gold and rubies that are far more rare than an actual piece of gold and Ruby. Her face a light tan-ish orange skin tone, how it seems to glow in array of sunshine. Her cute nose with little tiny freckles on there, so tiny that you can’t even see them, but they’re there. And finally her beautiful full lips, my mouth begins to water as I think of them. I think about how they would feel against my own.

I hear a bird in the distance singing along it’s morning song. It’s a very peaceful, comforting tone, and I listen to it. I continue my thoughts as I watch the birds dance along in the tree tops but not really seeing them, but I see no one else but her. I think about the first time I saw her. When Sunset Shimmer was wearing that same tough look on her face. And yet her eyes told a different story. She was scared, and I wanted to comfort her, but she was in a hurry to get out the door. She was upset that day, but then she turn back around. Not noticing me, again, she walked into the girls bathroom. I could hear what seemed to be the sound of a pained, muffled scream, but then Sunset reappeared back out of the bathroom and walked back the direction she originally came from like nothing happened.

That image stayed in my mind all day....well the rest of that day. Then I think about how later that day she was back again by the statue, looking at it, mumbling to herself, and seeming to wipe tears from her eyes. I was curious to know what was wrong, so I approached her and tapped her on the shoulder. Startled, she whipped around to look at me and I saw the sadness in her eyes seconds before it was replace with sheer anger. Sunset shimmer backed up and stood up taller, straighter, as if to make herself look intimidating. In which she succeeded in, because that look in her face, in those eyes, really did scared me.

“What do you want?!” Sunset asked in an irritated tone. She glanced around as if to see if anyone was around and then back at me. “Well?”

“I.....I....well, I um....I” It was hard to say anything as she stared at me with those turquoise blueish green eyes. But I somehow mustered up enough courage to voice my intentions. “ I just wanted to know if you’re okay.”

Her left eye twitched at that and she rolled her eyes. “Yeah? Well, I’m fine! Okay?!” She shook her head and started to walk away. “Ugh! Just stay out of my freaking way!”

That was the first time that I met her, but I knew she was not all that she made herself to look. I would secretly watch over her, she would hide away from the rest of the students to draw or to read. She never read in the eye of anyone else, but she always did when she thought she was alone. She never ate at the cafeteria, she still doesn’t. She’ll come to sit with us every now and then, but she mostly eats on the rooftop or in the library.

Another thing that was interesting about her, was that she secretly helped out in the library and would sometimes take time out of her day to go spend time at the orphanaI didn't I spy on her after school or anything like that, in fact I hardly ever really did it. I only did it just to see what the girl was hiding, which she never revealed even when she thought she was alone. But, I learned about that last part when I asked the librarian if I knew if Sunset did any kind of good deeds. Mrs. Page Marker, a middle aged woman, with light blue skin and yellow blonde hair smiled at the time and gave her a little chat about the things that the supposedly “tough, mean girl” at school was involved in.

“Why yes of course she is! You may not believe it, but that girl is much more than what she appears to be. She helps me out in the library after school, babysits sometimes, donates to all kinds of charities, and even goes to the orphanage to read to the little kids over there. She even spends time in the lower grades tutoring the little ones on Wednesdays and Fridays.” The woman had told her.

Every since then, she has always been on my mind. I look at my phone to check the time again and I see that only ten minutes has passed I still had plenty of time before I have to leave to go to school. Then an idea struck my mind as I look down at my phone. What if I call Sunset Shimmer to give me a ride to school? I stood up from the log, excitement running through my veins. A small smile appears on my lips as I dial her number.

It rings for a few seconds, then I hear the other line come on. “H-Hello?” I could hear Sunset’s voice on the phone. She must have been on her morning jog because she sounded a little out of breath, which only made my smile grow a little more.

“Hey Sunny, I....um....I was wandering if you could give me a ride to school?” I say to the phone bravely. I immediately embrace myself for impact.

“Sure. I’ll come pick you up.” I smile even more, appreciating the fact how she didn’t even ask why.

Fluttershy took a breath, “Okay, I’m over here by Rocky Park.”

“Oh the park?” Sunset asked curiously. “Oh, well okay, no worries I’m on my way. Let me just finish up this lap.”

“Thank you, Sunny.” I hang up the phone. I could not believe what I just did, and that even worked. I sat back down on the log and waited for my friend. At the same time thinking about a hot sweaty Sunny. The thought brings a giggle out of me. "Oh Sunny, don't be to long, hmhmhm!"

Author's Note:

Omg! You’ve finished the first chapter! I hope you liked this one! Thank you for reading, and hope you’ll enjoy the next!
I apologize for this being so late! Short chapter? Got questions? Well add them down in the comments. I’ll see what else I can add to the next chapters. This will be a longer story. I am excited, I have a good feeling about this one.