• Published 22nd May 2019
  • 1,373 Views, 4 Comments

It's Not Love! .....But is it? - Sunset Awesomness17

Two young teenagers learn something about each other, that they didn't really knew before.

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“I can’t believe I did that!” I said out loud to myself, although Sunset was actually so kind and just so amazing to me. I hate having to throw my own problems on to others, and that’s what I just did to her! Ugh, I am so pathetic! I wish I could be as strong as her but I’m not!

‘But she makes you strong.’ Said a voice in my head. My inner voice was right though. She does make me stronger, I feel like I can do anything with her and she doesn’t even know it.

My thoughts started to change directions and they started to focus more on Sunset. ‘She’s such a great friend. A great friend. Someone I can actually tell her things and I know that she isn’t going to freak, she isn’t going to laugh, she isn’t going to blabber about it and share it to others, she isn’t going to think I’m crazy. She understands me. She gets me.’

My lips unknowingly start to perk up. ‘She cares, and yet she’s carefree. And she loves animals. She hasn’t said it, but when she looks at Angel, I know that deep down she is a true animal lover at heart. That’s another reason to like her. Angel, ANGEL BUNNY of all creatures even likes her, and she likes him. She I-‘

Suddenly two fingers snapped in front of my eyes causing me to jump up out of my seat with a squeak. I could hear the reactions of the classroom go from quiet whispers about the day to gasps and then silence. As I land back into my seat the room irrupted into little fits of giggles and laughter, while I clamped down on my seat and threw my head down on my desk, trying my best to stay calm.

“Oops! Sorry Fluttershy!” Said a familiar voice. I picked my head up to look to my side to see Rainbow Dash giving me a wide look which switched to an expectant expression. “So are you coming?”

“Uh, w-what?” I asked confused.

She then gained an annoyed look. “Where you even listening?!”

‘Oooooh no. What should I say?!’ “Well I didn’t quite understood what you asked. Um....c-can you repeat it for me?” I forced myself not to cringe at my terrible choice of words.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “The game Friday? Are you coming?”

‘Oh.....that.’ “No.....I” I really was not very fond of the games, and although I like to cheer for Rainbow, she can be really arrogant in the games. Also, I’m just not much for going to them. There’s just so many people there and it’s boring when you don’t really know what’s going on. “I promised Sunset I’d help her out with something.”

Rainbow frowned at that but she smiled at me. “Well, I know the egghead is....well an egghead, probably doing some sciency thingie right?”

“Y-Yeah, something like that.” I said, my stomach was turning at the prospect of me lying to her. Applejack would have really not liked what I did. ‘Oh how would Sunset feel about that?’ Well, I might as well make that true.

Guess I’ll be spending Friday night at her house. ‘What does her house even look like? Would....would she even let me stay over?’ I really hoped that she trusts me enough to share her house with me for a night.

“Well okay, that’s fine. Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity will be there anyways.” She said. “Oh and Gilda too.” She added. That struck a nerve in me. For some reason, the mention of Gilda’s name just made me really angry.

“Oh well that’s nice.” I said with a forced small smile, she smiled back and while she had her eyes turned toward Thunder, who had just walked into the classroom, I dropped my smile and replaced it with gritted teeth and cursed under my breath.

Before she could look back at me, I replaced my gritted teeth with my fake smile. Thankfully the teacher walked in saving me from anymore.....aggravating conversations.

As the day rolled on, nothing else really happen, until the last hour that is. I usually finish my work pretty quickly, and since the teacher is really nice to me, she lets me get out eight minutes earlier usual.

Sunset Shimmer has a free period this hour, but she usually stays late to finish her homework or to help out in the library. Something only I know about.

I rush out the door and hurry to the library hoping she was still there. To my luck she was. She was reshelfing books. “SUNSET!” ‘Oh that was too loud.’ I felt a bad too. My shout accidentally caused her to jump, throwing the book she had in her hand over her head; which in turn cane back down and gave her a good smack on the back of her head. “Oh my!”

She gasped, “Shit!” She said as she fell to the ground. She got back up and stuffed the book back onto the shelf before she looked at me with a slightly unimpressed look.

“Hehe, uh sorry.” I said, blushing a little bit.

She smiled and laughed it off. “Well I guess it’s okay, I was just about to finish anyways.” She puts away one more book before she continued. “And I guess I forgive you for throwing a book on my head.”

“What I wa-“ She burst out laughing. She then walked over to me and patted my back. “Hey, don’t worry about it, I was just kidding.”

I quickly relax and smiled back at her, the weight felt as if it were lifted off my shoulders. “Heh, okay, well I’m sorry.” I added, letting her know that I really was sorry. I didn’t tell her it was because I got excited when I saw her. I could feel the butterflies swell up in my stomach. But I pushed them down and just forced out what it was I needed to ask her. “Um, so.....I was wandering if you were free this Friday?”

She seem to think it over and then gives me a nod. “I am actually, why? Did you needed help with anything?”

“W-well, not exactly but I was wandering if I could stay the night at your house....” I trailed off on the last word, I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. ‘Fluttershy you need to give her a good reason to sta-‘

“No.” She says almost instantly and kinda harshly.

“W-What?” I asked.

“I can’t let you stay at my house.” She says glaring at me. That was the first time she had ever looked at me that way.

I could feel the sudden change of the atmosphere. It was ice cold and hot at the same time. “P-please, I-I....” ‘Should I lie? How would she react if she learns about it? What i-‘

I hear her blow a breath of air out passed her lips. I look up to see her changing between on expression to another as if battling between thoughts in her mind. Then she let out a heavy sigh before she spoke. “Alright! Fine, you can come over.”

I brighten at that, “R-really?”

She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Yes. But only you, and you alone.” She says. “You will not speak of it to anyone. Got it!”

“Y-Yes, of course.” I say, nodding my head. 'I could always tell Rainbow that we stayed at my house anyways.

She nods her head and visibly relaxes, gaining a small smile back again. “Why don’t we go to Sugarcube Corner? You up for a milkshake and fries?”

This makes me also smile. “Oh! Yes please!”

She grabs her bag, and we head out to her motorcycle. It’s beauty glistening in the sunlight. Even though the bike was a jet black color, the sun made it a beautiful orangey color that seems to just fade into the blackness. It sparkles with every step closer I took towards it.

Sunset grabbed one of the spare helmets and gives it to me before she gets onto the motorcycle. I put mine on as she does the same and climb on behind her.

“Ready?” She asks.

“Mhm!” I say, and we take off to Sugarcube Corner. Once we get there, I get off and allow for Sunset to get down from the motorcycle too. She grabs my hand, I don’t even think she realizes it either, gives it a light squeeze and tugs me toward the entrance of the little restaurant.

It was so interesting to see her this way, but funny at the same time. She was so focused on me that she forgot to look where she was going. “Oh uh, Sun-“

“Ah! Shit!” Too late, she crashed into the door before I could finish my warning. She brings a hand to rub the spot that she hit and winced a little bit.

“O-oh dear. Are you okay?” I asked her. She looks at my and smiles.

“Tssh! Yeah, I’ll be fine.” She opens the door and holds it open for me to go in. Giggling a little under my breath, I walk through the door way. “Thank you.” I say to her, letting her know that I appreciated it.

We take a seat in somewhere in the back, away from the windows, but not close to the front. We always enjoyed the privacy of each other, and did not really like to be bothered by anyone else. That is another thing a like about her, Sunset is also a pretty private person. Just like me!

Once we get settled in a booth, a waitress takes our order, mine being a strawberry and banana milkshake, and Sunset’s being of strawberry and banana, like mine, but with hot fudge on top.

When the waitress was gone, I still had little bouts of giggles that somehow escaped passed my lips, then after a while I could not hold it in any longer. I just could not get over Sunset banging her head on that door BECAUSE SHE WAS LOOKING AT ME!!!

Sunset on the other knew why I was giggling and I could see her cheeks becoming a little red. “It’s not exactly nice to laugh at another for bumping into a door.” She says.

“No...*heeheehee!*.....but it is funny...*heeheeh.” I say through another round of giggles.

She looks to the side. “No it wasn’t.”

“Well, I guess you are right about that.” I said, deciding to let it go for now. She may have not even meant to look at me at the moment, I did remember that there was another person behind us, she could have been looking at them.

That did not feel well with the fact that I may have gotten the wrong idea. Now it was my turn to blush as I start to have a panic with my inner self. “I’m sorry for laughing at you.”

I said as the weight of it all started to sink in with me. She gives me a confused look. “Well, it was my fault anyway, you don’t need to apologize for that. And I guess from another’s point of you it may have been funny. Even for someone like you. Don’t worry about It. If anything, I’m being sensitive.”

“B-But I-“ She reaches over and covers my mouth with her hand. “Shhhh, it’s okay. Heh, I forgive you.” She says with a soft, calm smile. She rubs her thumb over my lips. I could feel it’s warmth, her gentle touch sending soft, ticklish tingles through my whole body.

And suddenly it was as if everything froze. Time was endless, long and short, it was timeless, but then it felt like a thousand minutes had gone by. She brings her own face closer to mine, her eyes never leaving mine. I could feel her so close to me, that I could smell her spear-minty breath from the gum she had in her mouth before we came here. Her thumb keeping a slow, gentle rhythm, rubbing across my lips. Without even realizing it, our nose barely touched.

“HEY GUYS!!!” We immediately jumped back in our seats, pulling away from each other and quickly looking anywhere else but at the other girl across the booth.

We both look to see Pinkie Pie smiling at us with a big huge grin. “HEY GIRLS!!! What are you two doing?”

‘HOW?! WHAT?! UGH!!!!!’ I never wanted to hurt anyone in my life as much as I did right now with Pinkie Pie. I don’t even know why. Why was I mad at Pinkie Pie? Maybe it was because of the position me and Sunset were. Or maybe it was because she had just shattered what may have been a very lovely and the best moment of my life? I don’t know but I was so angry at her. Like how could she not see that this was not the time to go yelling at a pair of girls.....um intensely looking at each other? Was that what we were doing?

I glanced at Sunset and I noticed how red her cheeks were. Heh, they gave her hair a run for its money. But I could not tell if it was from the moment or because she was also angry at Pinkie Pie. Unlike me, Sunset did not held her anger in as well as I did, but this was Pinkie Pie we are talking about, Pinkie brings Pinkie would not even give it another thought.

“Pinkie!” Sunset starts out, she then let’s out a deep calming breath. “We are just here to have a milkshake.”

“Oh? Are you sure? Cause it kinda looked like you were going to kiss her.” Pinkie pie says.

“WHAT?!” I blurted out. I could not hold it in. My sanity ship had sailed and my mind was freaking out, my mind going a hundred miles a minute, and my brain was having a very hard time processing everything. It could have been both anger and shock at the same time, or maybe I just wanted to deny that Pinkie Pie of all people were right, but I could not hold in my emotions.

Sunset on the other hand, her face exploded into a million different expressions before it lands on an expressionless look. “W-What? Why would you think that?”

“Well you were looking pretty intense for a whole ten minutes.” She said.


I wanted to say more, but luckily for Pinkie Pie, Sunset steppes in. “Pinkie Pie, we were just playing a......reallyyyy.......uh...... intense staring contest.”

Pinkie blinked and then smiled. “Oh! Wow, THAT WAS INTENSE!” She says. I could not be any happier that she took the bait. I was so conflicted and frustrated at the same time, I could not get a handle on my emotions. After that, Sunset dealt with Pinkie Pie, telling her that we had to go and order foam cups for our milkshakes to take them home with us.

We left Sugarcube Corner in an air of silence. When we got to my house, I climbed down quickly. “Thanks for the ride home.” I said quickly, taking my milkshake and starting to head towards my house.

“Sure, no problem.” I hear her say before she turns on the motorcycle and rides on home.

I ran inside in tears, stuck my milkshake in the fridge to save for later, and run to my room, shutting the door behind me. I was glad that I was the only one home. For the remainder of my evening I sat up thinking about what had just happened. Before I went to bed, there was only one thing that was on my mind. “Why did we get that close? And why did I....I mean we....why did we get so angry at Pinkie Pie?”

Leaving those thoughts to be unanswered, I lay down in bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Author's Note:

Wow! You have made it to chapter 4! I hope you enjoyed it! I have been working hard on it. Thank you so much for reading and stay tune for the next chapter! 😊