• Published 22nd May 2019
  • 1,373 Views, 4 Comments

It's Not Love! .....But is it? - Sunset Awesomness17

Two young teenagers learn something about each other, that they didn't really knew before.

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THE SOUND of the cool morning breeze brushed against the smooth, tanned skin of my face. My hair was whipping behind me, away from my face. I noticed that I was not wearing my usual clothing. I had on a long sleeve, long lacy dark turquoise color dress with black leggings or as Rarity likes to call them tights. I wore black leather boots that reached my ankles and white socks. I also wore my leather jacket. I was sitting on the cool fresh ground, with fallen yellow, red, and brown leaves.

Hearing birds up in the trees, I looked up to see some sparrows and doves tweeting away to each other. Just above the trees was the morning sun, just as bright and beautiful as ever. I moved my right hand to a different area to shift my weight on it. I felt another hand. I look down to see a butterscotch colored hand touching mine. I looked up at the possessor of the hand to see big beauty bright forest greenish eyes looking back at mine.

“Hey, Sunny, thank you for coming to watch the birds with me.” She said in that sweet, soft voice of hers. I nod. “You’re welcome.” I said. She looked at my lips and then back at me. Me copying her actions, as I glance down at her lips. She blushes and then hides her face behind her hair with a soft giggle.

I giggle back and moved to gently lift up her chin. I glance down at her lips again, looking at how luscious they were, so soft and a very light baby pink. I look back at her eyes one last time before focusing back on her lips and then I slowly moved in to close the gap between us. Just as I am about to touch her lips with my own, a very loud, horrifying shriek goes off in the distance causing me to open my eyes to see her no longer there. Nothing is, it is only darkness. Not even the trees could be visible. That was all I could see for one split second before I fell, screaming at the top of my lungs into a burning fire pit. I close my eyes just before I hit the flames.

_______________end dream_____________

I shot out of bed, panting and breathing heavy. I put a hand to my chest when I realize that it was only a bad dream. “Huh, it’s just a dream. That’s all. It’s just a dream.” Although it was a dream, it made me a little........confused. If the dream had kept on going, would I have.........would I have kissed her? Why? Why would I- I stopped mid thought as another one came rushing in. No. It can’t be. Can it? Surely I don’t have a crush on her. Do I?

I tried to reason with myself, trying to convince myself that it’s just my imagination. The more I think about it though, the more that it may be likely that I might actually like her. I checked the time to see that it was only three in the morning. I slumped back under the covers and tried to go back to sleep. The last thoughts on my mind being all about Fluttershy.


I woke up to a very cold morning. Mom had just left for work and Zephyr had gone to stay the night at a friends house last night. I did my usual morning routine, making sure to throw on a sweater before I walked out the door.

A cold nasty wind hit my face as soon as I got out the door. I turned to lock it and then I began walking my way to the park. I was supposed to wait for Sunset at the park for a little bit of bird watching. It was a little chilly out, so we probably won’t be there for long, but I want to try and spend more time with her before we get to school.

I paused for a moment to send her a text, just to make sure she was still up for it. It was cooler outside, she may not want to be outside.

Shy: “Hey, Sunny, do you still want to go bird watching?”

I sat on me front porch steps for a moment. I looked up at the sky to see the sun coming up from behind the mountains, some how managing to shine so beautifully even in the grayish sky.

Sunny: “Of course. Be there soon.”

I smiled down at the message and got back up. I continued to walk down the path toward the park, which is not that far from the school. It does not take me long to get there, so I decide to take my time. I look around just to look at everything as I go. As I do this, I noticed a little bird down on the ground. At least I think it’s a bird, it was hard to tell with the crazy wind and how far away I was. It could have been anything really. When I get closer to it, I was able to confirm the it was a little bird. It keeps trying to fly back up to its nest, but the poor thing was not able to fly yet. Being very careful, I picked up the little bird, and gently placed it back into its nest. Once it was in the safety of the nest, it seemed to tweet a thanks to me as I continued down the path with a smile on my face.

I love to help animals. Especially when the animals were in need of my help. With a little more heart in my step, I walked on to my destination, hoping that Sunset would not be long.

Soon, I got to the park. When I got there, I caught sight of a little squirrel in a tree. With very quiet steps, I moved closer to the squirrel to get a better look at it. Just as I was about a foot away from the animal, I heard another set of footsteps, followed by something else. In the blink of an eye, I saw a huge rock hit the squirrel, scaring it half to death, and sending the poor thing running back into its home.

I turned around sharply to see who it was that threw the rock. My eyes was met with dread and disbelief when I saw Gilda smiling at me with that nasty smirk of hers. It makes me angry when someone treats an animal like that, and I just couldn’t for the life of me, keep my mouth shut. “H-Hey, that wasn’t very nice!” I asked in slightly harsh tone.

“Eh, life isn’t about being nice.” She said nonchalantly. “Why would you do such a thing? What did that squirrel did to make you want to do that to her?” I kept on. “I did it because I felt like it.” The mean girl said. “Well, you shouldn’t treat animals like that. How could you treat a harmless little squirrel like that?” Gilda shrugged her shoulders. “Eh.”

“You could have also hurt her really badly.” I continued on with my speech. A not so smart idea that I made.

“Does it look like I fucking care?!” She raises her voice and spat at the ground. Then Gilda picked up another rock, threw back her hand to throw it at the tree in which the poor squirrel had just ran into, but changed direction, and threw it at me. I gasped at the action. Did not have much time to react, and unfortunately I am not that fast. The rock hit me on my side. “H-hey!”

She laughed. “Tss, shut up, loser.” She picked up another rock and threw it at me. This time I managed to move out of the way. I backed away and tried to walk away, but then she came at me, and grabbed my wrist. “Where are you going, huh? We’re just friends aren’t we?”

I gasped and tried to push her away. “N-no, please. Don’t touch me!” I said, the pressure in my chest starting to build.

“Aw, but I thought I was you’re friend.” She said in a sarcastic tone. She laughed before she brought her hand and hit me across my face. “You’re right. We’re not friends. But it is so much fun to hit losers like you.” She swung her hand back to hit me again. I began to cry, silently praying for help.

Suddenly there was the sound of rapid footsteps coming our way. I panicked at hearing them because I wasn’t sure if they were one her buddies or someone else. So I embraced myself for impact if anything happened. “HEY! GET THE HELL OFF OF HER!!!” Before I could even try to acknowledge who it was, I felt something knock Gilda off of me. I looked down in time to see Sunset punch Gilda very hard at her jaw. She punched her one more time before she reared back a leg and shot a knee into the other girl’s crouch. “Ooo!” I said in my head, scrunching up my face because it looked painful.

After that, Sunset got off of the bully and looked at me. “Hey, are you okay?” I nodded, tears still streaming down my face. “Okay. Come on, we need to get to school. We can go bird watching later today.” I nod again.

“HEY SUNBITCH! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING?!” Gilda shouted as she got up off the ground. She came charging at Sunset, who rolled her eyes. She let go of my hand and looked back at the other girl in time to get a fist to the face. She stumbled back, before she cocked back her own fist and threw it at Gilda. The mean girl dodged and strikes, Sunset in the jaw. The red head changed hands and hit Gilda in the stomach. Gilda clenched her stomach in pain and fell to the ground, but not before grabbing a hold of red and golden blonde locks in her fist and taking them down with her, cause Sunset to go down as well. This made Sunset very VERY angry. Without a second though, her hand shot towards the bully and grabbed her by the hair and with incredible force dragged her a few feet on the ground with her own bare hands. Then she picked the much heavier girl up and had her feet dangling off the ground just a little bit, supporting her with a knee. “DONT YOU EVER! Let me repeat that for you. DONT YOU EVER GRAB ME BY MY HAIR EVER AGAIN! That is childish and I will not tolerate such fucking behavior! If you want to act like a damn wild cat that’s been possessed by demons, then take your bitchy ass and your cruel actions elsewhere. Your attitude fucking stinks and I hate it.” She finally let go oh her hair, letting her fall to the ground with a thud. Sunset then backed up from the scene and walked away. “Pathetic dumb bitch.” Sunset said under her breath, but loud enough for both me and Gilda to hear.

I hid behind Sunset as I followed her. I still had tears coming down my face from the ordeal. I wish I could have done more to help her, but I just know that I’d get hurt if I tried. I heard her take a deep breath and clear throat, making me look up at her. “I am sorry for how I reacted back there.”

I looked up at her surprised. “S-S-Sorry” I said in a high pitched, squeaky voice. I took a deep breath to calm myself . What, w-what do you mean? Why?”

She looked over her shoulder at me. “Because I reacted pretty negatively right there.”

“Y-You were just protecting yourself.” I said.

“Yeah, but do you think I went to harsh on her.” Sunset asks.

I thought about it for a moment. Although, she may have been a little bit physical, Gilda did created that problem for herself. She came at Sunset even when she stopped fighting. “Um, w-well, even if you were a bit physical with her, I don’t think it could have been avoided. Maybe if you hadn’t punched in the face in the first place it would have been different, b-but you did stopped, and you did tried to walk away. Even if it was a bit much, you can’t really do much about it now. It has happened. It will be okay, if anything, you could try to apologize.” I said.

She nodded and seemed to thinking about what I said. “I see what you’re saying. Okay, I’ll think about it. Right now, let’s just get to school.” I nodded in agreement and we continued to make our way to the motorcycle.

Without another word, Sunset grabbed my hand again and walked me out of the park. She hoped onto the motorcycle and I followed on after her. I hold onto her waist as we prepare to leave. As she started the engine, I tapped on her shoulder, wiping another tear from my red, puffy eyes. “Th-thank you.” I whispered. She looked over her shoulder and nodded. “Of course, Fluttershy.” Then I wrapped my arms around her waist, rested my head on her shoulder and then we were off. My tear drops soaking the back of her shirt.

When we get to school, I could feel Sunset release a heavy breath before she got off of the bike. “How are you feeling?” She asked.

I gave her a weak smile. “A little better.” I said in a shaky tone. She gave me an apologic look before she embraced me into a hug. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s over now. If it she becomes an issue, I’ll make sure to help you get through it.” She said softly.

I hugged her back tighter. “Th-thank y-you!" I said as tears continued to flow down my face. “P-please ‘hic!’ d-don’t tell the othersss ‘hic!’.”

“I won’t.” She hands me a handkerchief. “Here, you need it.” I took it, wiped my tears and blew my nose. I tossed it into a near by trash can. She held me tight. “Just take a deep breath okay?” I nod, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. “Good, now again.” Once more, I take in another deep breath and let it out. “That’s right, now one more time okay.” I take another deep, calming breath, and exhaled as I could feel myself start to feel better and my tears come to a stop. “Good job.” Sunset said, patting my back.

I nodded. “Thank you.” She gave me one more final hug and sat back on the bike. “We have a minute before we have to go in. Just take this moment to try and collect yourself before class starts.” I nod once more and gave her another smile. “Okay.”

After a moment, I looked up at her. “Okay, I think I’ll be fine.” She nodded and then got off the motorcycle. “Alright, lets go.” She said.

We got to the doors, Sunset walked up and opened the door for me. I thanked her and walked in to see Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna looking unhappy. They completely ignored that I was even there and threw some very disapproving looks at Sunset. “Sunset! Did you not go to detention with Rainbow Dash Monday?” Vise Principle Luna asked in an unpleasant voice.

My eyes went wide as I remember Luna mentioning that at Pinkie’s party last Friday. I never saw her go to detention. I looked towards Sunset as I was also now curious to know as well. “I did? What for?”

Luna face palmed. But then Celestia became confused too. “Actually, I don’t know either. Why is she in detention Luna?”

“She and I made a bet. If I won and she lost she gets to go to detention. She lost.” It was Celestia’s turn to face palm. “And she also went skipped a few classes Friday.”

“Sunset!” Celestia said sternly. “We do not skip classes. What were you doing that was so important to miss school?”

Sunset looked straight at her unflinchingly. “Oh yeah sorry, I had to help Mrs. Oranges to the store to help her deliver some stuff. She didn’t have any help, so I offered. I didn’t think it would take so long, but by the time I got to school I had missed three classes.” She frowned. “I know I should have said something, but I was carrying some heavy stuff, I could not reach my phone. Sorry.” I had no idea that she helped anybody Friday, but that would explain why she was no where to be found in school Friday. The others didn’t notice, but I did. “Oh! So that’s why you weren't in English Friday.” I voiced.

Sunset looked at me and smiled. “Yeah.”

Celestia nodded. “Well as you may have had good intentions, you did not tell us or let us know. So for that you still have defamation today after school.” Sunset Shimmer nodded. “Yes ma’am.

She nodded as well, satisfied in the result of Themis conversation. “Good, now get to class girls. Then both adults walked away into a hall.

Suddenly the front door behind us was thrown open wide, hitting Sunset on the side. “Ah fuck!” She cussed out under her breath.

“You’d probably want some don’t you?” Said an unkind voice. Sunset turned to see Flash Sentry entering the building. She rolled her eyes at him. “Do I? Hmm, sorry I’m not interested.”She said.

“Ha! Whatever!” He walked up to Sunset. Then her puckered his lips and made kissing sounds. Sunset pushes him away, totally annoyed by his first words. “Ugh, go away!” He laughed and then walked away. “Okay, fine, I’m going, Sunsplat.” Flash said before he disappeared into the halls, leaving Sunset even more irritated then before. She slapped her palm to her face and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I swear. It will be a miracle if I get through this whole day without losing any more brain cells.” She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. She shrugged her shoulders then looked at me. “Come on Fluttershy, lets get to class.” I nodded and followed her to my class.

Once we got there I asked if she was alright. “Oh me? Yeah, I’m fine. It happens to me a lot. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Thanks for the concern though.” She said with a small smile. I smiled back. “W-well, okay. I’ll see you later then.”

“You too, Shy!” She said before she left. I watched her leave, watched how her legs moved in quick flues motions. My eyes go up, eventually landing on her butt, it bounced and jiggled, causing me to end up trying not to giggle suddenly in front of everyone in class. Realizing why I was so amused in the first place, I immediately stopped my train of thought and looked at the board. I could feel my face heat up.

“Darling, why are you cheeks red?” I turned to see Rarity had just walked in and sat next to me. I looked at her. “O-Oh it’s just the cold.” I lied. She looked at me but shook her head. “If you say so.”

Author's Note:

Yay! Great job! You have finally reached the end of this chapter! Congratulations! Thank you so much for reading, I am happy to see that you have made it this far. There should be more coming soon, so stay tuned for more! I hoped that you enjoyed this one and if you can give me a little feedback on this and what you think, that would be great too. Hope you have a great day/night! Thank you!:twilightsmile:

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