• Published 22nd May 2019
  • 1,382 Views, 4 Comments

It's Not Love! .....But is it? - Sunset Awesomness17

Two young teenagers learn something about each other, that they didn't really knew before.

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The morning sun greets me at the window as I wake to the sound of my annoying alarm going off. I poke my hand out from under the warmth of my covers and feel around the screen of my phone. I somehow manage to hit the snooze button on it without even bothering to open an eye. At least I think it was the snooze button. I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that the damn thing was off. I layed on my bed for what seems like a couple of minutes until I heard my phone vibrate over and over again. Groaning, I finally made myself sit up on my bed, curl my hands into fists to rub the sleep from my eyes, and I then finally open them to try and get them to adjust to the light again. I look up at the ceiling on last time before I finally decide to give my poor ears so much needed peace and quiet.

I look over to my phone and I see about 4 to 5 text messages from the group chat on my phone. I picked up my phone and I looked at the messages, and I didn’t really read them because I am a lazy bitch at this time of the day. I call it my “just woken up” mood. I scan through most of them, but I did saw the message of which was about pinkie pie and that she wasn’t going to be at school for....A special delivery? I think that’s what it said. And then I’m not quite sure how exactly I responded, but I responded back to the group chat. Then I turned off my phone, curled up in a ball and went back to sleep.

My phone went off again with my second alarm, which I always set up just in case I accidentally turned off the first one. Which in this case, I turned off the first one. I finally get myself out of bed and stretched out my body. I can hear several satisfying pops from my stiff joints. It feels good, and then I grab myself some clothes and head over to the shower. I didn’t even bother to look at myself in the mirror. I throw my cloths on top of the counter. I turned on the water, I threw off my night wear and just stepped into the shower.

Really nice, scolding hot water rains down on my back and onto the shower floor. It feels so good, and as I am enjoying the water, I grab my shampoo and squirt that on my hair. It brings in a nice, clean refreshing scent of peaches and strawberries, with a little hint of coconut. I rub it in real good, then rinse it off , And then I get my conditioner and put that in my hair and while I wait a minute for that to condition my hair, I wash my body. I hum a sweet tune as I begin to wash my body. It’s a familiar tune, one that I should know, but for some reason I can’t put my finger on the name or where is it from at the moment. And just as I am rinsing off the remaining soap on my body, the name of the song finally struck my mind. “Got the music in my heart....”, that’s it! That’s the name of the song.

“Huh...didn’t Fluttershy write that song?” I asked myself. She did, I remember she did because I remember her telling me, and showing me the song lyrics. She told me about how she felt when Rainbow wouldn’t listen to her, and would leave her out. She seem like she wanted to say more but, she didn’t. I was going to ask her about it, but then something came up and I forgot to ask her. Maybe some other time I guess. I turn off the water and stepped out of the shower to dry off. Then I finish getting ready for school.

When I finish up in the bathroom, rush down the stairs to my kitchen, got a banana and rush to the door for a morning run. Just as I was walking out the door I remember that I need to get some coffee in my system. I turn on the coffee pot to have a cup of coffee before I leave for my morning run.

I stretch out my legs a little bit I before start sprinting down the road of the empty street where my place is. Then I take off. I live in a small home with an older woman who comes around there every once and awhile. She goes by the name, Sister Mary Ann. She does not live in the house. No she lives in a different home, closer to her where her son lives. Who lives Las Pegasus, which is about a thousand miles from here.

She once caught me one night while she was on her way home from a late shopping trip. She saw me cross the road and go into one of those old, run down, beat up abandon homes. She stopped by and asked me where my parents where. I could have told her to go away, but I knew that probably would have ended badly. So I told her the closest thing to the truth as I could manage. In reality, my parents saw me as a disgrace and have been separated since even before I crossed that mirror. They never spared me another thought. To have my own father tell me that I’m not worth his time? And then Momma I just going to play along with him and agree?

I guess that’s where I began to fall from whatever golden cloud had a hold of me, and into a cold, darkened room. Leaving home to go live in the castle was a blessing as much as it was a curse for me. It freed me from all the hatred and the darkness that ever went through that home, but it also made me lose the one thing I ever loved. Even if they never treated me right, they are my parents, and leaving them was like the first time I knew that I was in for a dance with the devil. In other words, I knew that I was going to run into a lot of trouble, and I dared to not show it, but that scared me.

“Their gone from this place.” She seemed confused at first, but then she seemed to understand what I meant, and she nodded her head. “Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear that! Do you perhaps have someone who could take you in?” She asked.

I just shook my head and looked away from her. I had already had a very rough school day. Make that a rough school year. I didn’t know what the hell I was getting myself into half the time, and I just jumped for it. What was that “it”? Honestly, I don’t even know anymore, all I know is that it was like fighting a never ending battle with life. I still am, but its more bearable now.

Now I have friends. I....still really do not know what the meaning of “friends” is, but I think I have a pretty good idea of it now. Now will these friends be with me through thick and thin? I don’t know... I slow down my sprint into a moderate jog, and I check my watch on my wrist to check the time. Its been a about four minutes. I have been running for four minutes, which isn’t long really, but the way that my brain seems to be moving makes the idea of running any further makes my head hurt. So, I decided to slow to a walk and take a breather before I continue.

That’s when I felt a buzzing in my pocket. I grab my phone from my back pocket and I look to see who it is.

”Shy”, is what I read on the screen, and it immediately makes me smile. I answer it and I take a deep breath to slow my breathing sense I was still panting from my fresh sprint. “Hey Shy.” I breathe out, slightly breathlessly. It is not as intense as it was in the beginning of my walk, so it was an improvement. At least for me it was.

I can hear her soft, quiet voice through the line. ‘Hey Sunny, I....um...I was wandering if you could give me a ride to school?” It was a rather interesting request, sense the shy girl usually did not make requests like this. At least that’s what Dash tells me. I’m not calling Rainbow a lier, but the way Fluttershy has been acting, if I were to tell a stranger she didn’t usually do this, they would probably think that I don’t know what I’m saying. “Sure.” I tell her. ‘I’ll come pick you up.”

I don’t mind it, never had. I think it is great that she has grown a little more braver, and strong. I like that about her. I like to see her come out of her shell. Fluttershy’s voice breaks me out of my trance, “Okay, I’m over here by the Rocky Park.”

“Oh the park?” I asked. The Rocky Park is a littly city park that is by the school, and not far from the school. Shy’s place is a blocks from there, and she usually walks to school in the mornings. So this made her request a little more weird, but I don’t hold it against her. Maybe she just wants to get on the Motorcycle again. The thought makes me giggle, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep it from escaping. I take a deep breath and respond. “Oh, well okay, no worries I’m on my way. Let me just finish up this lap.”

“Thank you, Sunny.” She responds and then the line went dead. I am glad she did, because after she said my nickname, a giggle found its way out and escaped through my lips. If it were anyone else, they would not have the same effect. But Fluttershy was a different story. It was....cuter when she said it. Why is that? I don’t know, it just is.

I wrap up my morning run with a one minute light jogging. Then I hurry on home to get my bag, my keys, and head over to the park. I get near my home, and I notice a little black car sitting in front of it. This also brings a smile to my face. It was Mary Ann’s car, and she likes to check up on my sometimes. Especially after Celestia told her about what I had done. If you’ve never seen a grown woman cry, well let me tell you just how lucky you are. It is the most awful thing I had ever seen, and to know that it was because of me, it scared me. She didn’t talk to me for a while. She just sat there on the couch crying. I didn’t understand why at first. In fact, I was very confused. Like why was she crying?

That’s when I realized that she, of all beings that I have ever met in both worlds, that she actually care about me. She cared about me enough to cry. She loved me enough to pull me into her arms and hold me tight while I bawl my eyes out on her shoulder. I felt so weak and broken that day, and she could see it. She hadn’t seen me in a little over two months and a lot had happen within those months. I really did not know that she care that much until that day. It was so shocking, and so overwhelming that I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore. I just let them all out.

I was embarrassed to, because Celestia didn’t think to leave. Nope, she just stood there like a statue watching me at one of my most vulnerable moments. I don’t hold it against her, but I felt it was a little rude of her to not have at least let us deal with the situation in private. I don’t think she would use this for anything, but it just felt really uncomfortable. Eventually Mary Ann felt her presence becoming an awkward one, because she looked up at her with a bit of an annoyed look and said,” I don’t mean to be rude or seem unfair, but do you mind giving the two of us some space?”

Celestia seemed to have woken from a trance and blushed in embarrassment. “Oh! Yes, sorry. Yes you may.” She nodded and then she went into the kitchen. Maryh Ann then held me tight and told me that even though I wasn’t her own child, that I deserved someone to love me. So she decided to take on that roll. She said that little by little, she and I developed a close relationship. How could I have been so blind to not have seen her love, I have know idea. But the point is that it happened. Ever since then she makes an effort to come see me more often. She attempts to come once every week, but sometimes that’s just not possible for her.

I get to my door and I see her standing a little ways from it, waiting for me with her arms open. “Hello beautiful sunshine, how are you?” I give her a warm smile and I allow myself to be wrapped around her aging, yet strong arms. I can smell a bit of cinnamon from her sweater. She loves to bake, especially in the cold months. I close my eyes and just enjoyed her company. “I am good Annie "

That’s what I call her. She is like a grandmother that I never had. She is even put down in the adoption papers as my grandmother. In return I will sometimes help keep her old home in good shape, and send her post cards, and plants, and keep in touch with her on the phone. She may not be my grandma by blood, but she is mine.

“I missed you.” I tell her. She rubs my back and gives it two gentle pats. “Hehe, yeah? Well I miss you more. I am happy to see you again, Sunset. How is everything?” I finally let go of her so that I good look at her better. “It has been good as it will ever be.” I respond. I check my watch to check the time and I realise that I need to go pick up Fluttershy.

“Oh! I have to go Annie. I told Fluttershy that I would go pick her up. Mary Ann looks at me funny. “Fluttershy? Asked you for a ride?” Then she smiled. “Oh, how interesting.” I cocked my head to the side a little and not understanding why she was smiling in that weird way. “Annie, what is it?” This made her laugh and then she looked down at me (since she happens to be a tall woman and I’m only like five foot two inches.)

“Oh its nothing, dear. Now, don’t let me keep you here. You need to get to school and pick up your friend so you go on ahead. I need to go run some errands and see some of my old friends over here as well.” I still did not know why she had that weird smile on her face, but I put it out of my mind, and focus on what she said. I nodded in response and gave her one final hug before I let her go. “Be carful deary. Be safe. I love you, always!” She continued on as I start to back away. I don’t want to leave her, but I know that I have to. “Okay Annie, I will. Love you too!”

I then ran up the steps to the front door. I run inside to grab my stuff and then rushed back out the door. I pass by Mary Ann, blew her a kiss, and waved her goodbye. Then I start towards the back of the house where my bike is parked on the side. I hope on and turned the key. The beautiful object roars into life, and I can feel the vibration of the motor from where I sit. The sound, the feeling of adrenaline pumping through my blood, and now that I was in a much higher mood after seeing Mary Ann, it was as if that feeling in my blood was fueled and it made me squeal with excitement. It mad eme glad that Flutterhsy wanted to ride along with me. It would be such a bore to have to enjoy this much goodness all to myself. Not really, I love to be alone sometimes, but today, I wouldn’t mind to share this with someone.

And what better person was there to share it with then Fluttershy? I kicked the stand and I was off. “Fluttershy, here I come.”

Author's Note:

Yay! You've made it to the end of another chapter! Thank you so much for reading! I know this one was short, but I hope it was still good. Chapter 3 is on its way! I am writing this out in first person. Which is hard for me because I have been writing second person for formal papers all year, so I apologize if this is not the best. But I am doing the best I can. I hope that you'll like the next one as well. Have a great day/night and tell me what you think of this chapter!:heart: