• Published 22nd May 2019
  • 1,382 Views, 4 Comments

It's Not Love! .....But is it? - Sunset Awesomness17

Two young teenagers learn something about each other, that they didn't really knew before.

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Just barely getting home at about nine o’clock, I walk in, taking off my helmet, jacket, gloves and tossing them onto a chair in the living, the kind that are soft and cozy. I take out the keys for my motorcycle and hang them on a key holder on the wall. Then I cross the living room and into my bedroom, closing the door behind me before I plopped myself onto that nice, cool welcome of my bed.

I feel so conflicted, my feelings are unable to be detected. I could not tell how I felt. My mind is racing with so many unanswered questions. I could not concentrate. But I needed to numb myself. I need my fucking brain to slow down, so I grabbed a pill bottle from my bedside table and popped in an ibuprofen.

Then I just lay there, staring up at the ceiling with a blank stare, unable to understand why I was feeling so.......confused. Like why did I react so harshly? Fluttershy and I weren’t even doing anything. Nothing was going on between us. I thought about it for like an hour or two and came with the conclusion that maybe it was because she was being a little more obnoxious tonight than usual. Like sometimes Pinkie Pie can really give you a headache if you’re not careful.

I decid to call Fluttershy and hopefully help her feel better about what happened. Fluttershy as well as myself value Pinkie Pie as our friend and the way we acted towardS her was not okay. Besides I was sure that Fluttershy may be really upset for her actions too. She did seemed very aggravated at Pinkie Pie and then I could tell that she regretted it immediately afterwards. I needed to be sure that she was okay too.

Dialing her phone number, I waited a few moments for Fluttershy to answer. For a moment I didn’t think that she was going to pick up, but then on the last ring the line finally came alive. “H-h-hello?” My heart instantly went out to her, already starting to feel bad for her. “Hey, it’s okay Fluttershy. I know that how we reacted to Pinkie Pie was unusual, but it was not that bad. Okay?”

There was a pause, and then a sniffle. “A-are you sure?” She asks. Her voice is shaky and higher pitched.

“Yes, of course. Look, if it makes you feel any better, we can take her out to eat some time as an apology for how we acted towards her.” That seem to calm Fluttershy down. I could literally hear her breathe a sigh of relief through the phone.

She took like another two more calming breaths before she spoke. “Okay, sounds good.” She said in a much more confident voice. “Thank you.” I could clearly hear her start to become more comfortable on the phone.

“Sure, Fluttershy. Anytime. We could probably even take her out tomorrow (since tomorrow was a student holiday.) or Saturday.” I suggested. “What do you say?”

The excitement was clear in her voice. Gone was the horrified voice of Fluttershy. “Yes, tomorrow. Maybe lunch time we can do it.” She says. “We could tell her tomorrow morning.


The sun rose the next morning in it’s beautiful glory for a Saturday morning. I was already up and getting myself into the shower. I needed to freshen up before I go to meet Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie for a nice breakfast.

I had called up Pinkie Pie and included Fluttershy in a chat last night. We apologized to Pinkie Pie and had decided that having a good brunch would be a nice apology thing to give to Pinkie, whom had happily agreed to it.

I quickly turned on the water, making it the perfect temperature before stepping into its embrace. When the water was just right, I dropped my bath robe to the floor and stepped inside. I breathed in a sigh of relief as I relax myself into the warm water. Welcoming the pidder-padder of the wet clear liquid running down the top of my head, drenching my wild bed hair, down my back, all the way down to my feet. I made sure to soak every inch of my body, enjoying the water before I reached for the shampoo bottle and began to wash my hair.

After my shower, I hurried downstairs with my phone, my wallet, and my keys in hand. I picked up my jacket from the table and rushed out the door, snatching a pair of winter mittens in the process just in case.
I also made sure to grab my biker helmet as well.

Running out the door, I closed it shut, locked it, and rush out toward my bike. “Oh! I need to be there on time!” Although it was early, it does take me a while to get into town, so I could very easily be late if I’m not careful. Plus I had to do some things before I got to the cafe. We had planned for breakfast, but Pinkie can only do 12:00. I put on my helmet and my gloves. Then I start the motor and finally allowed myself to breathe for a moment. I looked up at the sun to see it still climbing up the mountain tops, shinning it’s brilliance in my direction.

Although it is a pretty sight, this kind of beauty also a blinding one. So I put down the shaded part for the eyes of the helmet to block the sun, which made it a whole lot better and easier to see. I have two helmets, one for the summer and one for the winter, the one I have on is the one I use for winter, and it has the sun visor with it so it works out nicely. I also have another helmet which is pretty old, but I save it for potential passengers. Anyways, I put that on and finally drove away, making my way to the place.

I made quick on my errands, paying some bills and checking out some potential job offers. I tried not to take too long as I do not want to be late.Though it seemed that was not going to be an easy thing to achieve as every place I went seemed slow and behind today. Once I finished, I continued on my way to the cafe.

We had thought about going to Sugarcube Corners, but Pinkie Pie decided against it. She loves working there, but wants to try out something new, so Fluttershy suggested that we go to the new little cafe on the other side of town. Pinkie agreed to it of course for she has also been wanting to go eat there, and so I agreed to it as well. I wanted them both to have a good time, meaning no matter what the option was I would go to it, no questions asked.

Once I get there, I notice that I am the last one to show up. I quickly shut off the engine on my motorcycle so that I don’t end up running it into the wall. Then I pressed the power button on my smartphone to check the time, 12:04. “Shoot! I’m 4 minutes late!” I hopped off of the vehicle and walked quickly into the cafe. As I get to the door, I see a sign that says, “Welcome to Coffee Bean’s Cafe!” In big wood-carved letters, the wood around it was a nice dark brown oak color. I push open the door and head inside the building.

“SUNSET SHIMMER! OVER HERE!” Was the first thing I heard when I got inside. I looked up and smiled as I see Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy sitting in a ruby red booth with a dark brown wooden rectangular table with “Coffee Bean’s Cafe” in the middle.

I walk myself over to them, taking a quick look around at the place before I took my seat on the opposite side of them. Seeing as they already had their menus in front of them, I figured that they had already picked out what they wanted. “Did you girls already decided on what you wanted?” I asked.

Fluttershy shook her head, she opened her mouth to respond, but Pinkie beat her to it. “Nope! We just got here and decided to wait for you.” She said. It was at that moment that the waiter came by with some menus in his hand and a platter of two drinks in the other. “Hello ladies.” He said in a casual voice. He handed me a menu, and reached for one of the glasses. “Piña Colada, no alcohol.” He passed the drink to Pinkie Pie. “The Coffee Bean Strawberry Lemonade with mint leaves.” To which he gave the drink to Fluttershy.

“Thank you.” They both said. He then turned his attention to me. “...and what can I get for you to drink for you lovely young lady?” I opened the menu and scanned through it. Looking at all of the drinks, making sure to skip the alcoholic beverages since in both worlds we are too young for it, and checked out the smoothie side. I was in for something nice and fruity and one definitely caught my eye immediately. “Hmm, I’ll take the Coconut Strawberry and Mango smoothie.” He nodded and wrote it down. “Alright then, I’ll have that out for you in a moment, my name is Kaleb and I will be serving you today. I will be back for your orders shortly.” He wrote his name down on a piece of paper and then continued on to the next table.

We nod our heads and looked at our menus. I saw some nice lasagna with a salad bar. “Ooh the lasagna sounds good.” I voiced my thoughts. Fluttershy nodded, keeping her attention towards the menu before she spoke. “Hmm yes, and so does the baked spaghetti squash with potato wedges.” She closed her menu and turned her gaze toward me. “Ooh! I’m thinking of getting the the Chicken Alfredo! Mmm-mmm!” Pinkie Pie chirped up.

Fluttershy nods, giggling. We are okay with meat. Of course Fluttershy and I don’t really eat a lot of meant, and if we do it’s mainly poultry or fish. When she first found out that I liked meat, it came as a shock to her, but as a human, the diet here changes and she understands that. Plus, while unicorn are mostly beloved to not eat meat, that is actually false as they do eat whatever humans eat. As for her, she was raised into eating meat as her family LOVES meat. She does too, but when she learned where it came from, it changed her views on meat. Now the only meats she may eat are fish and seafood and the rare occasion chicken or turkey. (They are human okay. Don’t question why. Humans are animals and we eat animals, they are humans in this world and while they can like animals they can also eat them. It’s not creepy or weird it’s just how the circle of life goes. And it’s only logical that their diet is different as a human. Anyways, just don’t question why they eat meat lol.)

We waited a little bit for the waiter to come back and he took our food orders and left, Pinkie Pie settled on a spicy buffalo chicken sandwich, Fluttershy settled into the spaghetti squash and potato wedges, and me I decided on something a little bit light, so I went with garlic and Parmesan with a salad on the side.

I took a sip from my coconut strawberry and mango smoothie that the waiter brought back to me. “Mmm! This is really good!” I loved the taste of the sweet and tangy flavors that were on my tongue. It even had a nice refreshing feeling to it.

“Yeah! Thank you girls for bringing me here!” Pinkie Pie pitched in. “I love my cafe, but it’s fun to go somewhere different!”

Fluttershy smiled. “Yes, it is nice here.” She took a sip of her own drink before speaking. “The waiter seems nice too, and not like the last one....” She trailed off as she looked to the side. It was true though, the last time that they went to a new place, a waitress had purposely spilt tea onto her. We have no idea why anyone would do that to Fluttershy, but for some the girl was not nice at all to begin with.

Fluttershy was not the only one that she bullied, she did little things like that to all five of my friends and myself. But it was the fact that she took it far enough to do that to Fluttershy that was really not cool. Rainbow made sure to give her a piece of her mind, I would have too, but Rarity was already pushing me out of the booth. Needless to say, we may not ever go back to that place.

I gave her my best smile. “Well that’s good. I am s-“ It was at this moment that my stomach decided that it was a great idea to start making whale sounds. My stomach started to growl and it was loud. Loud enough that both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie heard it. Pinkie Pie busted out laughing. “AA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHA! HAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Fluttershy tried to hide her laugh behind her pink hair, but I could hear her soft giggles before they became a little louder and louder. Not as loud as Pinkie Pie’s ,but a definite good hardy laugh. Me on the other hand, I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

I did not have to suffer for long though. The waiter came to my rescue as he came back with our food. We began to eat in a comfortable silence, each of us happy with getting something to eat. “Mmm-mmm! This is so good!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Oh yes, I like the spaghetti squash, it is perfect.” Fluttershy nodded. “Yeah, this pasta is good.” I said in agreement.

“Hey Fluttershy, did Flower ever had her babies?” Pinkie asked her. One of Fluttershy’s pet rabbits that is expecting a liter of baby bunnies. Fluttershy’s eyes immediately brightened up and she began to tell Pinkie Pie all about the latest update on the mother rabbit. “Oh y-yes. She had four. They are so cute, even Angel can’t help but love them as well.” Fluttershy said. She put a fork full into her mouth, chewed and swallowed before she continued. “Angel is so protective over them.”

As they spoke, my mind began to loose itself in its usually craziness. I began to think of how nice it was to see Fluttershy so happy and so engaged in something that she loves so much. It is not an everyday thing to see her so confident. It is a rarity for her. Her eyes sparkled with such compassion. My eyes found their way to her lips, and I unknowingly licked my bottom lip and bit down on it. “Clink!” In my zoned out state, I seem to have even forgot that I was holding a fork in my hand. My eyes shot down to where I felt my fork drop to see it still clattering on my plate.

I looked up to see all eyes of the cafe on me. “Oops, sorry.” I said as I picked up my fork back up and resumed eating, blushing heavily. Did I really just did that? Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie both looked at me. Fluttershy with concern, “Sunset, Are you alright?” I nodded. “Yeah, I just dropped my fork, heh.” I said. Pinkie Pie though, she was giving me that knowing look. She giggled. “Did you get distracted there, Sunny?” Now although I am sure that I was already as red as a tomato, I could feel my face become increasingly heated even more! “W-What? No, what makes you say that?” I say, trying to cover my red cheeks. Pinkie Pie giggled again.

Pinkie took one last bit of her food before she got up. “Well, that was totally delicious! Thanks, girls!” She said as she drank the last of her drink as well. “You’re welcome!” Fluttershy said smiling up at our friend. “Mhm!” I nodded. “Of course, Pink.” She smiled. “WellThankYouForEverythingSorryToHaveToLeaveSoQuicklyIGotToGoNow * Lowers her voice as she gets to this part.* “SunsetShimmerlikesFluttershy” *Then she raised it back up just as quickly and she started to walk away. “OKAY NOW BYE!” Then she zipped out of the cafe somehow managing to leave a few bucks for the tip.

“Huh?” Fluttershy said as she stared at the door that Pinkie Pie rushed out of. “What was that all about?”

“I don’t know.” I lied, glaring at the same spot that Fluttershy was looking at. When she returned her gaze back to me, I quickly dropped the look. “Hmm, I don’t know either.” She said in a confused tone. I shrugged.“Eh, it’s Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it.”Fluttershy sighed. “Mmm, maybe.” She said, though she sounded unconvinced.

“So Flower’s babies are doing good?” I said going back tot he topic of the mother rabbit. “O-Oh yes.” Fluttershy brightened up once more and she began to tell me more about the little rabbit and her new liter of kits. (Which are what baby rabbits are called.) I do love animals. I never really let it show before because it is viewed as a weakness when you’re trying to be the queen of a school......but now that I have been spending more time with Fluttershy, the more I have learned about animals and the more interest and the more my liking for animals have been revealed. It’s kinda funny because the first time Fluttershy heard that I may have liked animals a little bit, she dragged me to her little animal shelter. She showed me all around and somehow managed to convince me to become a volunteer there.

We finished our meal and we soon parted ways. She wants to go to the park and go bird watching tomorrow. I said yes of course. I have nothing else better to do anyways. I don’t mind hanging out with her though, and I think it will be a nice day to go out. Hopefully. I got on my bike and rode it home with high hopes for tomorrow. “Hmmm, what would we do tomorrow?” I said to myself, thinking out loud of what I could possible take with me that I may need or could use tomorrow. “Hmmm, maybe some snacks.” Nodding is satisfaction, I focused my attention on the road. Little did I know, that I was blushing the whole way. But I swore that I caught Fluttershy looking my way as I rode off into the distance.

Author's Note:

Hello! I am back! I am so sorry for taking such a long time with getting this chapter in. There will be 5 more coming up soon! (It may have more than that) But as of now, it is certain that this story will have ten chapters in it. I hope that you have enjoyed this one, and thank you so much for reading and for being patient with me. I’ve been busy and just stuck in real life. So yeah, thank you for taking the time to check this out! I hope that you’ll have a great day/night!:heart: