• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,415 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 11

Chapter 11

Three days after Scootaloo was hurt Thunder ,Butterscotch ,and herself arrive at the Canterlot castle escorted by The Weather Warriors. Before entering the throne the eldest prince looks down to his foals and begins speaking.

“Now I need you to listen. Your grandmother didn't know I was looking for foals to adopt so she might not want to be called grandmother ,or grandma. I am leaving that up to her ,but I know for a fact my father doesn't care so you can call him grandfather or whatever all you want. Ok?” the two orange foals nod there head agreeingly. As the doors open the young colt sees Celestia sitting on her throne ,and completely dismissing what his father just said he gallops forward as fast as he can yelling.

“GWANDMA , GWANDPA I'M BUTTERSCOTCH YOUR NEW GWANDSON!” Seeing this both Thunder and Scootaloo face-hoof as they trot forward. Thunder makes a mental note about talking to his son about galloping indoors. Celestia is taken by surprise when she sees her new granddaughter. Now the little colt has managed to make it across the room and into the hooves of Prince Lucien. Giving a smile she addresses her son.

“Welcome back home my little prince. Though you were only away for five days you don't know how worried I was about you. So these are to be my new grandfoals. Scootaloo could you come here for a moment?” Scared out of her wits she does as she is asked and approaches the sun goddess. As she trots closer her shaking frame becomes more visible. Now close to the goddess she stops moving when Celestia begins speaking.

“My little pony if you are going to be part of this family then you must have a symbol that shows your status in society.” The solar princess's horn begins glowing with a golden aura. Magically a small tiara appears on Scootaloo's head. Looking up the little orange filly tries to see it only to fail. Approximately at the same time a crown appears on Butterscotch's head. Scootaloo glances toward her grandmother.

“Princess Celestia....... does this mean you want me to be part of your family.” Celestia nods her head and says.

“Yes but from now on you can call me grandmother. In this family we don't use our titles when speaking with each other. Now I've managed to keep it a secret that you and your brother are part of the family ,but Luna will find out soon enough. I think you should be the ones to break the news to her. What do you say ,want to give my sister the shock of her life?” Thunder lets out a sigh in relief then trots up to his mother.

“I would love to see that Mother ,but don't you think we should let the little prince and princess have time to settle in? They've not even seen their room's. When we arrived I brought them strait here.” Celestia sits pondering this then begins speaking.

“Yes it would behoove them to learn their way around the castle. Very well you can show them to their rooms after we tell Luna.” With a flash of golden light the solar princess and her grandfoals disappear. Turning to face Lucien Thunder starts talking.

“Sorry about Butterscotch he's a little........... enthusiastic. It's sure not going to be a picnic raising those two.” Lucien begins chuckling.

“And you think you were easy? How many times did I stop you from pulling pranks on the guards?” With a smile plastered across his face Thunder returns his father's question.

“I don't know how many time did you help?” Both prince's start laughing ,but Thunder brings a more serious tone as he starts speaking.

“Father I was wondering now that I have foals of my own I will need more time in the day to take care of them. Could some of my responsibility be....” He is cut off by Solaris raising a hoof.

“Thunder before you even entered the castle I had your schedule changed. From now on you map the weather for Equestria ,and judge what pony's become a Wonderbolt. Your original duties are all that you have now. Make the best of the time you have with your foals they don't stay that young forever. Just encase you didn't know Celestia is in charge again. Now go find your mother before she becomes carried away.” Thunder nods his head and trots out of the throne room. In the royal library Celestia and her grandfoals lye behind a book case hatching a plan.

“Now my little pony's do you know what were going to do?” The foals nod their heads as Scootaloo begins talking barely above a whisper.

“You're gana make our horns and crown's become invisible then we just look for Aunt Luna ,and when we find her I leave it all up to Butterscotch.” Not having a clue what they were talking about the little prince just sits and listens. Looking over to his sister he notices her get up and start roaming around the library. After about twenty minutes of searching the two foals find who they are looking for. Just as predicted the little colt gallops over to the night princess and almost tackles her to the ground while yelling the whole time.

“Aunt Wuna ,Aunt Wuna we've been wooking every where for you.” Prince Butterscotch begins smiling ear to ear. In the distance Luna hears her sister yell score followed by a loud shush from the librarian. Carefully moving the orange colt off of her she notices the wings and horn. Looking over the filly she sees the same. With a suspicious look on her face the dark blue mare begins speaking.

“Foal where are your parents ,and why did you call me aunt. Are you a distant relative of Princess Cadence?” Before Luna could make a large fool of herself Celestia trot's up behind her.

“Sister these are my new Grandfoals. While Thunder was........ on vacation he adopted them. I would like you to meet Princess Scootaloo and Prince Butterscotch.” Finally finding the group Thunder approaches with a warm smile on his face.

“I see that you've met each other. Now who wants the tour of the palace? There are many rooms and even more place's to play. Not to mention that the library is a place for being quiet.” Luna nods her head in agreement. As she trots away she grumbles could have warned me. After an hour of showing them the pool ,the garden ,the bowling lane's ,and the play room the group comes to the end of a hall with three large golden double doors. In the middle where the two doors meet a map with a cloud on it resides in a circle. Turning to his foals he begins speaking.

“Scootaloo your room is on the left. My room is in the middle ,and Butterscotch your room is on the right.” Looking around he sees six Weather Warriors approaching headed by Shining Armour. Upon entering the group the captain begins speaking in a teeth grinding voice.

“Six guards just as you requested Sir.” Thunder sighs as he hears his friends tone ,but pays it know mind. Thunder points at the guards splitting them into groups of two. Four stallions and two mare's. Pointing at the mare the prince begins speaking.

“The two of you are to be the personal guards of Princess Scootaloo. Treat her as you would your own ,and better.” The little filly gets a look of dissatisfaction on her face. Pointing to another group Thunder continues.

“You will be the guards of Prince Butterscotch. I don't expect him to be as much trouble as his sister in the ways of adventuring ,but none the less he still needs guards.” Turning to the last group of stallions a smile comes to There father's face.

“While the princess already has personal guards I am assigning the two of you to accompany her to Ponyville and be her crusading guards. This task is not easy for you must remain in secret letting nopony know she is a princess. When she wishes to go crusading her horn will be invisible and she will not be wearing her crown. You have your orders now I trust that you can handle them.” Thunder turn to go into his room ,but then stops and turns back to see the crusading guard giving a high hoof.

“Just to let you know my daughter has informed me of some of their adventures ,and they are dangerous. They range from exploring the Everfree Forest ,to encountering animals such as a cockatrices. Though I will be setting a limit on how dangerous the adventures are allowed to progress. My daughter and her friends are not as scared as you might expect. Good luck you'll need it.” The two strong guards face's display horror where just a moment ago there was joy of an easy job. Thinking quickly the crusading guards jump behind Butterscotch and begin speaking in unison.

“We'll be the prince's crusading guards.” The off white prince ponders this thought for a moment.

“Very well you can be both the prince and princess's crusading guards ,but keep an eye on them when they are out.” The two stallions start sulking at the thought of doing double the work. Thunder opens his room door and levitates a clock from his desk looking at the time he almost jumps out of his skin. Turning to his foals he begins speaking very fast.

“Were late Mother will be furious if we keep her waiting!” Not bothering to move Thunder's horn starts glowing instantaneously teleporting them to the dining hall. Looking around The room Butterscotch and Scootaloo sees a long table with a white sheet covering it. The walls are painted to be a pleasant cream color with a chandelier in the middle of the room. Glancing back at the table they see three chairs unoccupied as their father sits in one of them. Guessing the seats are for them they trot over and take their place at the table. Sitting across from Luna Butterscotch begins speaking.

“Hi Aunt Wuna! How did the weading go?” The lunar princess rolls her eyes as she grumbles.

“It was fine until I was attacked. I wasted an hour searching through that book to find my spot.” An oops escapes Scootaloo's lips while she thinks back to the library. Looking up at her father a question comes back into her mind. One that has been gnawing at her since the day she was put in the hospital. After the royal family quietly eats their dinner a yawn comes from the little orange colt. Slightly caught off guard Celestia looks over to her grandson smiling, then begins speaking.

“Is it some little colt's bed time?” Thunder looks down at his son who is almost half asleep ,and gives him a little nudge to wake him up. Smiling the newly made father starts talking to his son in a hushed voice.

“My little prince do you wish to go to bed? Butterscotch responds by falling back asleep. Happily Thunder levitates his son off the chair and on to his back. With his horn still glowing the off white alicorn excuses himself then teleports away. Celestia glances over to her granddaughter and begins speaking.

“Scootaloo my dear what do you think of the castle? I'm sure it must be an enormous change from what you are accustomed to.” The orange princess nods her head.

“Ya it is um....... Grandma.” A compassionate smile comes to the solar goddess's face.

“Scootaloo if you are uncomfortable calling me by that name than I would understand completely if you just called me Celestia.” A smile stretches across the little filly's face as she excuses herself. Leaving the room her royal guards position themselves on both sides of her and follow close behind. In Butterscotch's Room Thunder gently places him on the bed. The little colt snores softly as he berries his face in the fluffy plush pillow. After tucking him in Thunder leans down ,and gives him a small kiss on the forehead. Trotting into the hall The off white prince sees an irritated Scootaloo coming toward him with two guards on each side of her. Looking at the shear annoyance on her face Thunder gives a lighthearted chuckle ,and makes his way over to her.

“Scootaloo is their something wrong? You look a little agitated.” With sadness plastered across her face she begins speaking.

“Is their somewhere we can go to talk alone?” Thunder nods his head ,and teleports them into a round room completely made of stone. Looking around Scootaloo notices no windows or doors ,however the stones of the room are glowing casting a nice low peach light that looks similar to a cloud. Gazing up at her adoptive father she begins speaking.

“W...... w..... where are we? This wasn't on the tour.” Thunder continues smiling,and lays down to reach eye level with her as he speaks.

“Grandmother made this room. Out side of it every thing you do one of two pony's know about. During the day it is mother in the night Aunt Luna ,but neither of them can see in here. You said you wanted to talk alone this is the only place where we can do just that. Now my little princess what is on your mind.” The little filly kicks at the ground mumbles.

“W..... well I was..........” Giving her an inquisitive look the prince begin talking again.

“My little filly you need not to be ashamed of what your mine wonders. Simply ask and I will do my best to explain ,or provide what you are in need of. So please, tell me what is bothering you.” Nodding her head the orange filly begins speaking.

“Well I actually have three questions. First ever since that day that I was hurt something you said stayed in the back of my head. How did you know we were orphans?” Thunder sighs as he pulls his daughter close to him who is now laying down.

“Every time I mentioned your parents you were very defensive. When I called Butterscotch son you almost bit my head off ,and your brother helped a little. When we arrived at the house do you remember what he said? It was something about cleaning the yard ,but you found the need to lie. You don't live for as long as I have without being able to spot a lie or tell a convincing one.” Scootaloo starts pondering this then begins speaking.

“Um..... Dad you didn't leave Twilight cause of me and Butterscotch did you?” A tear streaks down Thunder's face.

“You know that is the first time you've called me that.” A confused looks comes to Scootaloo's face.

“Called you what? Did I say something wrong?” Shaking his head Thunder begins speaking.

“No my little filly you've done nothing wrong. To answer your question no I didn't leave Twilight because of you and your brother. The reason I left was something far different than that ,and your last question?” Scootaloo doesn't push the mater any further ,so she continues her questioning.

“Do I really half to have those guards with me all the time. They don't even leave me alone in the castle!” Thunder roles his eyes and starts laughing.

“I'll see what I can do ,but don't expect to much. Are you ready to go?” Scootaloo goes to nod her head ,but notices a peace of paper stuck to Thunder's left back hoof.

“Um..... dad there's something on your back hoof.” Inspecting his hoof the prince sees the letter.

“Oh... Now how did that get there. It's just a letter from my doctor. Regular check ups and things like that nothing to worry about.” Scootaloo looks up at him and nods ok. Just as fast as Thunder brought them there they are standing in the hall again. Looking down to his daughter Thunder begins speaking.

“If I'm not mistaken it's time for a certain little filly to prepare for bed.” The little princess gives a groan but doesn't argue. Trotting into his room Thunder levitates the evil parchment that was stuck to his foot up to his face and begins re-reading it for the seventh time.

Dear Prince Flicker

After doing the test again for the fifth time I highly suggest that you stop saying that they are wrong. I have done every thing I can ,but your condition can not be cured.

With sympathy the royal physician

Tears start forming in Thunder's eyes. Suddenly he feels Celestia's presence in his mind beckoning him to come meet her in the room. Obediently he teleports back to the windowless round chamber. When he appears Celestia raises an eyebrow and begins speaking.

“You still don't know where the door is do you? Anyways that is not why I asked you here. I want to know why you adopted those foals. True they are kind and caring not to mention they helped me pick on Luna ,but you're not the kind on pony to rush into something like this. Not once in your life have you ever mentioned wanting a filly or a colt ,and now you have both something doesn’t add up.” Thunder sighs knowing that the truth can't be put of much longer ,then begins speaking.

“Mother I...... I..... how about I tell you tomorrow bring Father he should know too.” Not giving Celestia a chance to protest he continues.

“I Pinkie Pie promise to answer your question's tomorrow. Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” After making the promise Celestia trots forward ,and a portion of the wall just moves aside. Frustration comes to Thunder's face as he tries to do the same thing only to fail several times. Yelling at nopony he begins speaking.

“THIS IS WHY I TELEPORT EVERYWHERE!” Calming down the prince just decides to take the fast way out. When he returns to his bed chamber He hears crying in the room to his right. Opening the door he sees Butterscotch sitting up in his bed. Trotting over Thunder sits beside him.

“My little prince what is bothering you?” The little orange colt looks up and starts speaking.

“W... well I had a bad dweam. When I woke up it was weally dark ,a...and I was all awone.” A smile comes to Thunder's face ,but he mentally gives himself a good swift kick to the flank.

“Butterscotch it's ok to be afraid of the dark ,even some of the bravest pony's I know are scared of something. For example Aunt Luna is scared of wasps ,but don't tell her I said that. She will never admit it. When I was your age I was scared of court jesters........ there kind of like a clown. Anyways my point is it is normal to be afraid of something. Now only for tonight if you want you can sleep in my room. Tomorrow though I will have a light installed on you room for when you sleep. How does that sound?” Thunder wipes a tear off the little colt face. Looking up the little orange prince smiles and gives him a hug. With a yawn he begins speaking.

“Thank you Daddy. Can we go to bed now? I'm tired.” Both the prince's stand and go to the other room. After approaching the bed Thunder levitates his son under the covers. With it being a rather lager bed there is room enough for both to squirm and never touch each other so the off white prince lays down on his side without even disturbing the now sleeping colt. With the lights off Thunder closes his eyes ,but just lays there. After about ten minutes the eldest prince hears his door squeak open. Not wanting to startle the intruder he remains perfectly still. After the door closes he hears little hoof steps approach his bed ,then feels a slight pull on the covers as the intruder climbs on. After the movement stops a small sigh is comes from the little sneak. Remaining perfectly still Thunder begins speaking.

“Good night my little princess. Pleasant dreams.” The little filly’s eyes almost pop out of her head at hearing the unexpected voice ,but she doesn't move she simply returns the gesture.

“Night dad ,you too.” With no more talking the small family drifts off to sleep.