• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,416 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 17

Chapter 17

After finishing her map for the future weather Lavender Flake hears a knock on her door. Falling into her old routine she allows them to enter. Coming in Scootaloo looks up at the mare with stars in her eyes.

“Hi, Grandpa told me you were here! My name is Scootaloo! Thunder's my dad!” Looking down at her daughter she begins speaking.

“It's a pleasure to meet you my name's Lavender Flake. So what's the latest gossip around the castle. Surly there must be something interesting going on in a place this big.” Thinking for a moment Scootaloo's mind goes back to her father.

“Well dad's gonna ask Twilight to marry him, but that's not much for gossip.” Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to get into her daughter's head the purple princess begins speaking.

“What's wrong don't you like her? I mean she's not the wicked old step mother type is she?” With both of the girls giggling Scootaloo decides to answer her questions.

“No she not, but I don't know. I've always thought of Twilight as a friend not really a mom. What if she doesn't want me as her daughter? Or what if she doesn't like being a mother at all and disowns us?” Pulling Scootaloo close to her she gives her a small noogie. With a thought popping into her head Lavender begins speaking.

“Any mare would be crazy to not want such a nice little filly as their daughter. Now tell me do you like shopping cause I know this great little jewelry store in town and I've been meaning to go and buy something there.” Scootaloo begins nodding her head with excitement. Trotting in to the hall they come face to face with Princess Cadence. Not knowing what to say to her Lavender remains silent as her fake sister speaks.

“Sis it's been to long we simply must catch up, but I actually need to speak with you on a private matter about our brother Prince Blueblood.” Catching the hint Scootaloo ducks into her room. Returning to her former bed chamber Lavender waits for Cadence to speak.

“Ok who are you and why war you telling everypony that were sisters!” Knowing why she is mad Lavender begins speaking.

“Do you really need to know?” Not receiving and answer the purple princess looks at her fake sibling.

“Fine you caught me. I'm not your sister, but you wont believe me if I tell you who I am. So what's the point.” Becoming irritated with the fake princess's rambling Cadence begins speaking.

“Try me!” Hanging her head in sham Lavender begins talking.

“Well to start off we have known each other our whole lives so please don't get mad at me for saying we were sisters. I'd actually rather not half to say that, but somepony up there like's practical jokes. My name is Prince Thunder Flicker. While doing a spell mother distracted me and I changed into a mare. Happy.” Looking over the strange pony Cadence sees Thunder's cutie mark. Giggling uncontrolably she manages to speak.

“You turned yourself into a mare! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Whats next are you going to go buy a dress and prance around in it! Oh Thunder, I always told you those complicated spells would come back to bite you in the flank. Now it looks like it took more than your pride!” Rolling her eyes the purple princess begins speaking.

“If my daughter or son asks where I am just tell them a spell went wrong and nopony can be near me until tomorrow. In the mean time I'm going by the name Lavender Flake.” Almost spitting out the name she looks over to Cadence. Finally off the floor She begins speaking.

“Well if you're going to pretend to be my sister you should at least know how to curtsy, and I get a picture or I blow your secret.” With a flat look on her face Lavender begins speaking.

“I'm the one that taught you how to curtsy remember, and you owe me one so I'm calling it in. So sisters?” rolling her eyes the pink alicorn begins speaking.

“Thunder I never thought I would say this to you, but you can be my sister. Now did I hear something about a jewelry store when we were in the hall?” Trotting back into the hall they knock on Scootaloo's door. Moments later the little filly opens it ready to leave.

“So are we still going?” Rubbing her head Lavender begins speaking speaking to the young princess.

“Yes we are, now are you ready to leave. I can't stand staying in this dusty old castle for a
second longer.” Looking up the little filly notices that Lavender Flake is not wearing a tiara or crown. In fact she isn't wearing anything that shows her status. A little confused that small princess begins speaking.

“Uh.... Princess Lavender. Where's your tiara?” Not knowing what to say both mare's stare silently for a moment before Cadence begins speaking.

“It's being cleaned you half to keep your tiara nice and taken care of. Despite what your father thinks about his crown. Now what are we doing standing around here we have shopping to do.” Closing her eyes Lavender rolls them. Trotting out of the castle all the normal townspony's gawk at seeing the three alicorns. Finding the store from earlier that day Lavender gingerly makes her way into the shop. Upon entering the store Scootaloo darts directly to the diamond incrusted bracelets. The two older mare's decide to look at the rings. Almost in a sarcastic voice, but still serious Cadence begins speaking.

“You know if I didn't know any better I would think you were a real mare, not a stallion with a blotch up spell. Lavender it didn't change your mind did it?” With a stern look on her face the purple princess begins speaking.

“No! I'm my good old self just stuck in this body until I regain my energy. My brain has not changed.” Raising an eyebrow Cadence looks over the purple princess. Knowing that something is off she responds to Lavender's out burst.

“You're wrong something is different. I think it changed the way you think. You're more...... emotional. You are actually acting like a mare, and I can prove it.” Lavender begins staring at her with a cautions look on her face, as Cadence continues speaking.

“You have a big flank!” Feeling completely insulted that one of her good friends is judging her and rather harshly she begins arguing with her fake sister.

“I do not have a big flank! Why would you even say something like that. I'm skinnier than you!” Beaming with pride the she is correct Cadence begins speaking in a calm tone.

“Now calm down I was just making my point. You don't need to get your ponytail in a knot. You have a lovely flank, but I'm a little worried about you sis. You don't just look like a mare you're thinking like one too. Lavender this is really bad. What are you going to do?” With fear on her face the purple mare glances toward her daughter.

“Cadence, tomorrow I'm going to propose to Twilight. I can't do that looking like this, and before you ask yes Twilight Sparkle.” With complete shock the pink princess begins speaking.

“You and Twilight! I never thought you were the type to be a filly-fooler. To think my own sister.” Giving a chuckle Cadence continues speaking.

“Seriously though I never knew y...... Thunder even liked her.” Heat begins filling her cheeks as she stands there awkwardly. Glancing over to her daughter Lavender sees that something has caught her eye. Trotting over the purple princess begins speaking to Scootaloo.

“Have you found anything you like? Remember were here to shop not just look.” Roaming around the display case with her eyes she sees a daisy key pendant with citrines and diamonds suspended from a gold chain. Looking back at her daughter she can tell that she wants it. Nudging the little filly Lavender begins speaking.

“Princess Scootaloo? If you want it all you need to do is ask.” The little filly looks down at the floor the responds to the purple princess.

“No, I couldn't it's to much. Plus Butterscotch wont get anything.” Raising an eyebrow Lavender looks down at her daughter, and with a soothing tone begins speaking.

“Little princess don't worry about your brother we'll pick something up for him on the way back. Right now it's just us girls. Think of it as a mare's day out. Now look at me strait in the eye and tell me you don't want it.” With a goofy grin on her face Cadence trots over and begins speaking not wavering a second from looking at Lavender Flake.

“Yeah Scootaloo just us girls. So did you want to do this or some real shopping. I know about a place in town that sells some beautiful dresses.” Hearing this a look of horror come to the purple princess's face. Whispering so the Scootaloo doesn't hear what she it saying Lavender begins speaking.

“Ok I admit it I might be in a girls body and it might be messing with my head, but you are not going to put me in drag! I am putting my hoof down on that, and if I know my daughter she doesn't like..” Interrupting her Scootaloo begins speaking.

“I... I don't know. I've never really been just shopping for fun. When it was just me and Butterscotch I used all are bits to buy food, and after dad adopted us I never really needed to go shopping. Maybe it could be fun.” Facehoofing herself Lavender motions for the salespony and buys the necklace for her daughter. Trotting down a street in Canterlot Lavender begins speaking to where only Cadence can here her.

“Uh.... Sis, this might just be me, but are those stallions staring at our flanks?” Taking a quick glance Cadence replys.

“Sorry Sis it looks like they're just staring at yours, and finding you very attractive. If I were you I wouldn't pay them any mind. This is just one of the insufferable things that stallions do. Welcome to the life of the average mare.” Not liking it at all the purple princess keeps her mouth shut. Thankfully her daughter begins talking.

“So where is this store? We've been walking for hours.” Looking behind her Lavender can still see the jewelery store. In a flat tone she begins talking to the little princess.

“We just left Scootaloo.” Noticing the dullness in the purple sister's voice the orange filly doesn't push the matter further. After about thirty minutes the small group approaches a store called Fancypants Fashion. Knowing that it is an exclusive mare's store Lavender wants to kick herself in the head and get a concussion. Begrudgingly she enters the store and is greeted by the scent of a cinnamon candle. Looking around she sees that the walls are covered in dresses as well as the ponyikins and clothes racks. Not liking where this is going she follows her daughter to the filly's section.

“Princess Lavender I've never done this before how do we start?” Hiding her distaste for shopping the purple mare starts going through the dresses. Finding a light blue one Lavender motions her daughter into the dressing room with a large smile, and waits outside. Trotting over Cadence begins Talking.

“If I didn't know better I'd say you were enjoying yourself. You know she's going to want you to try on a dress right?” About to answer he fake sister Lavender is interrupted by Scootaloo emerging from behind the door with a little smile on her face. Trotting up to face the two mare the little filly begins speaking.

“This is great! Just don't tell Rainbow Dash I said that. So how does it look?” Twirling around she lets the two mare's see her in the dress from all sides. Giving her approval Cadence begins speaking.

“I love it is that the one you want?” the little princess begins nodding her head yes then notices that they don't have any dresses, and she frowns.

“Where are yours?” Looking down at her Cadence responds.

“Oh, mine is at the counter. Would you like to see it?” The little filly's smile returns to her face as she trots toward the counter and sees the purple dress stretched across it. Turning back to face her
mother she begins speaking.

“Where's yours?” Instantly Lavender tenses up as she tries to think of an excuse not to buy a dress for herself, but where she can buy one for her daughter.

“Uh.... well Dear I couldn't find the right dress.” Over hearing their conversation a salesmare trots up and joins in.

“Well know wonder you couldn't you're in the wrong section of the store. Right this way please?” Unable to believe her luck or lack there of the purple princess follows the salesmare to the adult section of the store. After the very short trot they arrive and the salespony begins taking her measurements.

“Now lets see you look roughly the size of a nineteen in the chest, a twelve around the waist, and a sixteen around the flank.” Starting to get aggravated Lavender begins speaking.

“My flank is not that big, and I doubt that there is any....” Not giving her time to finish the salesmare pulls out three dresses from off a rack.

“Here you go a dark blue dress, a white dress, and a teal dress. Please let me know if you need any more help.” With the salespony trotting away Scootaloo gallops to her mother's side.

“I like the teal one. The others are to flashy.” Rolling her eyes Lavender begins going over her forced choices.

“I'll take the teal.” Levitating it with her magic she turns to trot toward the counter when she is stopped by Scootaloo.

“You're not gonna try it on?” Almost cringing at the thought of willingly putting on a dress. Lavender hears giggling coming from her fake sister followed by her saying score. Completely defeated Lavender goes into the dressing room with her dress. However just before she enters She glances over to Scootaloo seeing that she still has on her dress.

“Princess you should really take that off if were going to buy it.” Not waiting for a reply Lavender enters the small room. Slipping on the dress she looks at herself in the full length mirror. Staring at the detail in her face she begins inspecting her body.

“To think I've been a mare for almost three hours and I'm just now finding the courage to look at my body. Well if I half to be in drag at least I look fabulous.... I mean good. I look good. What am I doing this was the worst idea I've ever had! Wait why am I talking to myself.” The purple princess begins shaking her head to clear her thoughts. Brushing her mane out of her face she trots out of the dressing room almost bumping into Scootaloo.

“Dear, are you ok?” Standing up the little filly brushes it of like it is nothing. Slowly trotting backwards the little filly's eyes wide to almost a comical size.

“You're beautiful! I wish I was as pretty as you.” At hearing her say this a thought pops into Lavenders head that she immediate regrets thinking of, but whats better for a filly's self-esteem than a day at the spa having a makeover. Trotting over to Cadence she begins speaking in a whisper.

“She's not the only new pony to a mare's day out what all are we suppose to do? Since you've already managed to get me in drag I can't go much lower. I was thinking maybe we could go to the spa. I know for a fact that Scootaloo's never been to one.” Raising an eyebrow an inquisitive look comes to the pink alicorns face as she begins whispering to her fake sister.

“You're enjoying yourself aren't you? Oh, I am never going to let you live this down. Since it is your first day as a mare I guess I will cut you some slack. So here is what we do we find a dress the we like, and buy it because it looks great. Then we go to the shoe store find some....... stilettos or some other type of shoes that matches our dress, and buy them for simply the fact that they match our dresses. After that we............ well..... we go to the salon and have our mane and tale styled while they give us a hooficure. For a mare it's the best thing ever, but for a stallion...... well you could tell me better than I could explain. Thunder think about what you're getting into this could be the most miserable day of your life. I don't even make Shining come with me on days that I do things like this. True I suggested here because I wanted payback for you missing my wedding, but I wont say another word to her if you want to end this all now.” Thinking over the proposal Lavender looks over to her daughter seeing the joy behind her eye.

“Cadence I maybe miserable, but my daughter is having the time of her life. I suppose I can suck it up and go through with, but if you ever tell anypony about today you're sooooooo going to get it.” Giggling a little the pink princess begins speaking.

“Well here's a hint if you ware your dress in public it will cause more stallions to turn their heads, but on the bright side they wont be staring at your flank. They'll be staring at your chest.” The purple prince's little bit of joy turns instantly sour.

“So my choices are to have them stare at my flank or my chest. For the love of Celestia stallions are total pervs.” Nodding her head Cadence responds.

“Good you're starting to get it. Oh and just so you know I knew you had a crush. I just didn't think it would be Twilight. It looks like we might be sisters after all.” Rolling her eyes Lavender return to the dressing room and takes off the dress. Coming out for the second time she sees Scootaloo's dress on the counter and trots over.

“So is everypony ready to check out?” Looking down at her daughter she receives a small nod. After paying for their purchases the crazy trio leaves the store.