• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,415 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 13

Chapter 13

In the Ponyville library a little baby dragon shuffles around the room trying to make his mother figure happy.

“Twilight if he left then I say he doesn’t deserve you. You shouldn't waist your time even thinking about him.” The lavender mare sighs as she nods her head.

“You're right Spike. Besides he's...... a prince. What chance did I ever have to start with? He's probably having the time of his life right now. The only thing that doesn’t make since is that he said that he would never forget the time we spent together. Why would he say that if he just wanted to leave ,and don't even get me started on the painting!” The little dragon rolls his eyes having heard this all before.

“Twilight, you had every chance. He's just to stupid to know what was in front of him.” The lavender mare starts crying. With a glistening tear rolling down her face she begins speaking.

“So what your saying is I blew it! I had every chance ,and I messed them all up!” With tears flowing freely down her face she gallops up to her room. The purple dragon starts walking toward the direction of her room when he hears a knock on the door. With a large sigh he sluggishly walks over and answers the door. With hearts in his eyes he stares at the white unicorn mare in front of him.

“H.... hi Rarity. What are you doing here?” The White mare pats the little drake on the head.

“I'm here to speak with Twilight. There is something that she must know.” Spike begins pouting as he guides Rarity up to the master bedroom. Hearing the door open Twilight turns about to start moping ,then she notices her friend. Drying up her tears the lavender mare begins speaking.

“Hi Rarity. Were you wanting something? I was just..... reading a sad book. The main character just lost the love of her life.” The white unicorn raises an eyebrow. Not wanting to stay for the it'll be fine speech the little dragon leaves the room. Trotting over Rarity puts her hoof under Twilight's chin ,and begins comforting her.

“Twilight, today Thunder came to the boutique. I was about to give him greaf over what he had done to you when Princess Celestia teleported in. I'm not going to go into detail ,but they had a fight. When it was all said and done Thunder renounced his clam to the throne. He even made a point of throwing he crown to the floor. From what I can gather he left so that he could be with you. In fact part of the conversation was about you. The princess called him some rather rude names ,then pointed out why he left you. He was scared. Scared that Princess Celestia would never approve. Your prince is waiting for you don't loose him again.” Slowly Twilight lets her eyes lift toward her friend. With hope in her voice she begins speaking.

“He.... he left the royal family for me? I knew he said that his world didn't deserve me ,but I didn't think he would do something so....... so rash. Rarity he's royalty one of his royal duties is to map the weather for Equestia. With out him thing could be seriously out of balance! I love him ,but I would never let him pick me when other pony's could possibly suffer.” The white mare roles her eyes a little irritated.

“Twilight Star Sparkle that stallion just left everything he had to be with you ,and you want him to just go back?! There is something you should also know. I have been the object of many infatuations ,but I have never seen something so strong. The two of you are meant to be together. Know pony not even the queen herself can denie the bond that the two of you share. Now look me in the eye and tell me you don't want him to be with you.” The lavender unicorn sighs unable to do what her friend asks of her.

“Rarity, He's a father. I don't know if I would be a good mother. What if we do end up together and his foals hate me? Not to mention I still have my schooling. I don't know. Plus I doubt that he gave up his crown.” the fashionesta lets out a large huff.

“Twilight, your one of my best friends so forgive me when I say this. Shut up you're just making up excuses ,and bad one's at that. If you need proof here.” The white unicorn levitates a slightly dented crown out of her saddle bag ,and pushes it toward her friend.

“He loves you ,and fate has given you another chance. Now go find your stallion before he's foalnapped by some other mare.” A smile comes top the lavender mare's face as a tear not of sadness but of joy trickles down her cheek.

“Thank you Rarity. Do you know where he is?” The white unicorn nods her head as she begins speaking.

“He's had a construction crew rebuilding that rundown old house on the outskirts of Ponyville. I would check there first.” Fully content in her work Rarity leaves the room with Twilight following right behind her. Under the luxurious city of Canterlot in desolate caverns a weary wannabe prince yells angerly at his minion.


“HIS FOALS WILL BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM! ONLY A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY CAN RAISE ROYALTY! NOW THAT HE IS NOT A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY HE CAN NOT RAISE THEM!” Taking a deep breath he calms down a little. Shoving the letter to the private he continues speaking.

“Deliver this to Celestia she will clear everything up. It looks like I will never have my princess. NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!” The white alicorn turns around and leaves the room with his head hanging low. With the prince almost out the door the private notices a single tear hit the floor of the cavern. At the edge of The Everfree Forest three filly's one colt and several hidden guards are listening to a little white unicorn.

“So what your saying is there are guards all around us and if you or Butterscotch are in danger they'll just pop out like ninja's?! That is so cool lets go get into danger so we can see them!” Scootaloo
rolls her eyes.

“Sweetie Belle the point of them hiding is so I don't half to see them. Their just like the guards at the Canterlot castle.” The little apple farmer interrupts the orange princess.

“Don't cha mean home. Besides we got crusaden to do. Come on girls lets go wrestle a hydra!” As soon as the words escape the little yellow pony's lips guards make a line in front of the forest preventing their entry. The personal guard of Scootaloo begins speaking.

“Princess Scootaloo we highly suggest that you do not partake in that event it seams far to dangerous for such a little filly your age.” The little alicorn gives a huff.

“I already have permission. This morning I told Dad what we were going to be doing and he said it was ok. What's the real reason that you don't want us to go in? Is it cause you're scared?” Without any warning the little colt begins speaking.

“Well I'm scared. Can I go to Fwuttershy's?” The guards stumble over each other trying to be the first to reach him. Finally one of the guards achieves victory and begins speaking.

“Yes! I will take you! Anything to not go in there!” The little colt smiles and trots off toward the element of kindness's home. All the other guard groan having wanted the easy job ,however they rush back into their hiding spots so that know pony sees them. In the Canterlot castle Private Cloud is granted the opportunity to speak with Celestia. Trotting into the throne room he immediately bows so not to insult her.

“Princess Celestia thank you for granting my request to have an audience with you on such short notice. While I was on my break today a strange pony came to me with a letter. They told me that somepony stole your identity and tricked the prince into renouncing his tidal to the throne. The poor stallion was so over come with guilt that he gave me the letter. I am in the understanding that you can veto this request since it was made under false pretenses. If that is true here is the letter.” The pegasi removes the parchment from the green saddle bag on his back. Overcome with joy that she can keep her family together Celestia smiles so wide Pinkie Pie would lose at a contest.

“Thank you Private Cloud. With this letter I know exactly what the prince gave as his reasons of leaving the royal family. Most likely they will not be in agreement with the laws.” Celestia reads over the letter

“HIS REASON FOR LEAVING WAS TWILIGHT?! Oh that colt is going to be in big trouble when he returns home!” The brown pegasi slowly backs out of the room not wanting to be verbally abused for the second time this day. Seeing his wife's agitation Lucien begins speaking.

“Celestia could it be possible that you are overreacting just a little? Thunder has found happiness is that not reason enough to be joyful? Besides you always said if Twilight was an orphan you would have adopted her. Thunder loves her that is something that's hard to find in anytime period. We were lucky that I was part of the nobility. Celestia it is time that the law be removed.” The princess of the sun shakes her head no. Completely over come with guilt she begins speaking.

“There it something I never told you. All those years ago when we were dating I made a deal. In exchange for the spell that turned you into an alicorn Starswirl the Bearded demanded that I only allow the nobility to advance in stature. True time has made its impression on this ,but unless by some twist of fate they can never be with each other. Twilight is not part of the nobility unless she can trace her heritage and it was lost they have no hope. And to think pony's only remember him for being a kind and righteous stallion” A somber look comes to Lucien's face.

“Celestia I don't blame you ,but what about the happiness of all the other pony's? Luna might have found her true love ,and I wouldn't have minded staying a pegasi.” The snow white mare nods her head.

“Solaris I couldn't lose you not ever ,but you are right it was selfish of me to do. Now thousands of years later out son must pay the price of my negligence.” Turning to a guard she continues he daily work. In Ponyville Thunder makes the final preparations on his new home when a lavender mare behind him begins speaking.

“So you think you can just walk out on me? Here's a hint if you want to leave a mare don't move into the same town that they live in.” Caught off guard the former prince turns around and sees a smirk on her face. With anguish Thunder begins pouring out his heart.

“Hello Twilight. Can you ever forgive me for the way I treated you? I can't bare the fact that I have caused you grief. This will hopefully be the last time I ever say that.” With a sly looks on her face Twilight begins speaking.

“It better be. I don't know how many times I can stand for my coltfriend to break my heart. Especially when he is so handsome.” Hearing this Thunder rolls his eyes then begins speaking.

“Miss Sparkly I was not aware the you were still interested. Shall I pick you up at seven tonight?” A large grin comes to both their face's as the lavender unicorn nods her head yes. With stars in his eyes Thunder continues speaking.

“It will be a night to remember my fare lady. I promise not to disappoint. Now if you will excuse me I have some preparations to make.” Lifting her hoof he give a small kiss. With his horn glowing a deep red Thunder teleports back to the Carousal boutique. Upon entering he find Rarity hard at work on a new dress. After clearing his throat he begins speaking.

“Hello Rarity, I would like to place a rush order. That is if your not to busy.” The white mare turns to face the stallion.

“Oh? And might I inquire to the occasion?” A large smirk comes to her face as she guesses at what the request is for. Knowing full well that the only way Twilight knew what happened was either by Rarity or his mother ,he begins speaking.

“I have a date with Twilight. I need something that will not show dirt easily. I plan on taking her on a simple picnic. Lights and cameras can be such a bother so I want our first date to be something simple.” The white unicorn shakes her head no at the thought of the idea.

“Thunder that would be fine for a third or forth date ,but you have some thing’s to apologize for. Tonight spare no expense this must be the most romantic thing ever. When you are old and sitting...... you don't age. Let me rephrase that when your fiftieth anniversary rolls around you will still remember your very first date. Are you sure that you want it to be a simple picnic?” The tall alicorn ponders this realizing that she is right he simply nods his head.

“With that in consideration could you spare the time to make me a tuxedo?” Stars come to the mare's eyes as she starts fitting fabrics together in her mind.

“Yes! Now to start off with I will need your measurements ,so hold still” Not daring to move the tall stallion allows her to inspect his fit muscular frame. After several agonizing minutes of being inspected from horn to hoof the former prince is allowed to move. Without hesitation he immediately scratches an itch on his snout. Turning around to look at her notes Rarity begins speaking.

“Your ensemble will be complete around five that give me........ three hours to finish this order ,and four hours to create your tux. Now run along before I wast to much time.” Following her instructions the former prince leaves the shop. Now thinking of what to do a thought crosses his mind. With his mouth twisting into a grin he teleports to Sweet Apple Acres. Trotting through the orchard he find the exact pony he is looking for. Big Macintosh gives the strong tree a swift buck making all the apples fall to the ground. Wiping his forehead he sees Thunder approaching. With little distance between them the off white alicorn begins speaking.

“Hello my friend it is pleasant to see you again.” The burly red earth pony nods his head remaining ever so quiet.

“Mister Macintosh I was wondering ,if it would not be to much trouble, that you could foal sit Scootaloo and Butterscotch for me tonight. If you can not I completely understand for this is extremely short notice. Would you please do me this favor?” The muscular red stallion with a light brown mane remains silent for quite some time. If somepony was in the trees they would think that they are disguising something along the lines of philosophy by the way they are acting. After about five minutes the strong stallion replys.

“Eeyup.” A comforting smile comes to the off white alicorns face.

“Thank you friend. I would love to stay and talk a while longer ,but I have an evening to plan. Until we meet again my good stallion.” After finishing his sentence the former prince teleports away to finish he mental check list. Back at The Carousal Boutique Twilight enters finding her friend working a rather expensive tux. Looking at her newest creation Rarity notices the lavender mare and shews her out of the design room before she can spoil the surprise. In the hallway of the store the white mare gives her friend an angry look.

“Twilight please don't interrupt me when I'm working on important orders. I finished your new dress hours before I expected to ,but I still need to do a final fitting. Wait right here I will prepare the room.” The white mare dashes into the room and after several minutes of hearing clattering of wood against wood with the occasional hiss from a cat the purple maned pony return.

“Sorry Twilight I can't let you see that order. It is for a very lucrative customer ,and I don't think they would appreciate anypony seeing it before it is finished. Now everything is ready I really hope you like your dress.” Trotting into the room the lavender mare gasps at the sight of her new gown. The black collar around the neck of the dress gradually fades into a midnight blue then white. The hem of the dress is a pearly white with a lacy pattern ,and on the hooves of the ponyikin is off white ponyshoes with a single amethyst shining as clear as sun.

“Oh Rarity it's just beautiful I don't know what to say! Thank you, I just hope I won't be over dressed for our date.” Not bothering to worry about that the white mare levitates the dress off the ponyikin ,and onto her friend. Making small changes here and there the beautiful mare smiles pleased with her work.

“Well Twilight if this doesn't impress him nothing will. You look better than I thought you would.” After having the white unicorn styles her mane and tail Twilight feels way to over dressed. The lavender mare trots over to a mirror being careful not to ruin her new manestyle and looks at herself. In the mirror starring back at her is a complete stranger. Her expertly kept mane is only over shadowed by her luxurious dress. While there are some similarity’s like the color of her coat and the pink strip racing around the in manestyle.

“Oh Rarity your amazing I could have never done such a good job! Thank you.”