• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,416 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 20

Chapter 20

Trotting into the royal physicians waiting room Lavender sits on one of the plush couches. Glancing around Scootaloo notices the pale white walls and frowns. Looking up at her mother the little filly begins speaking.

“Mom, why do you need to see the doctor? You're not sick are you?” Patting the cushion beside of her Lavender motions for her daughter to take a seat. Doing as instructed the small princess hops onto the sofa, and squeezes as close as possible against her mothers side. With a genuine smile from a mothers heart the purple princess begins speaking to her daughter.

“No my little filly. I'm just here to give your grandmother some peace of mind. Now while we wait on the doctor what would you like to talk about?” Thinking it over the orange filly sees a magazine with a picture of The Wonderbolts on the cover. Instantly a thought comes into her head,

“Uh... Mom? How does a pony become a member of The Wonderbolts?” Rolling her eyes Lavender looks down at her daughter.

“Dear, must we go through this again? I'm not letting Rainbow Dash on the team because she's to dangerous. My decision is final. If anypony were to be hurt because I let a loose cannon on the team I don't think I could forgive myself.” Giving a huff Scootaloo quickly changes the subject.

“Is that tiara grandma's? It's really pretty.” Putting her left front hoof on the other side of her daughter Lavender pulls her closer. Levitating the jewelry in question off her head she place's it lopsided on her daughter right over the filly's tiara.

“Nice recovery, to answer your question yes it is Mother's. In fact it was her first as ruler of Equestria. Now I can tell something is on your mind. What is it?” Almost completely under Lavender at this point Scootaloo pokes her head out to where she can see Lavender's face. Feeling comforter in her smile the little princess begins speaking.

“Well... why do you love Twilight? She's a great pony, but I don't get it. Why not fall in love with a cool mare like Rainbow Dash?” Levitating the brush out of her saddlebag the princess of beauty begins brushing her daughter's mane.

“Darling, you don't choose who you fall in love with. For years I lied to myself trying to deny my heart what it truly wanted. Some day a fine strapping young stallion will catch your eye. Hopefully it wont be anytime soon, but never the less it will happen. All you can hope for is that the pony you end up loving loves you too. That is why know matter what happen I'm willing to fight for Twilight, so we can be together. Angel, does that answer your question?” Trotting into the room Princess Celestia begins speaking.

“Very well put Lavender. I don't think I could have said it better myself. Scootaloo when your mother goes back I don't want you going with her. I hope you understand, but there are things that we need to discuss. Adult mare things the Lavender might not know, and you shouldn't know. Not yet at least.” Scootaloo tries to nod her head only to have her mother stop her.

“Scootaloo dear, don't move you have a horrible tangle in your mane. If I can just get it then you can squirm all you want.” Giggling Celestia takes a seat across the room. Successful in untangling her daughters mane Lavender goes back to soft strokes of the brush. Turning around to look at her mother the little orange princess begins speaking.

“Mom I was wondering could I get an allowance?” Not sure of what to say the princess of mystery and beauty begins talking.

“I'll have to think about that. In the mean time why don't you make a list of chores, and I will pay you accordingly.” Shrugging at the suggestion Scootaloo hears a door open. Looking around she sees a pony in a white lab coat with a needle in his pocket. Seeing the needle the little orange princess cowers under her mother. Glancing over at Scootaloo Celestia notices her reaction. Annoyed and at the same time pleased that her daughter trust her this much Lavender teleports a carrot into the room, and takes a bite out of it. With a smile on her face she begins speaking.

“Naaaaa What's up Doc.?” Seeing her do this the brown unicorn frowns, and begins speaking.

“Let me guess. You think just because you eat a carrot before you see me everything will be alright. I've never met you before, but you remind me of another patient I have. Every time he sees me he says that exact line without fail. Now Miss. Flake would you please follow me?” Obeying her doctor Lavender follows him into the examination room with Celestia close behind. Laying down on the table the goddess of beauty looks at the stallion with a worried face. In a meek voice she begins speaking.

“Doctor, did you happen to hear about Prince Thunder messing up a spell?” Caught off guard by the question the brown stallion nods his head.

“Well the spell was suppose to make him look like a unicorn, but when he was distracted it turned him into a mare, turned me into a mare. Mother thinks something crazy might be going on with my body. I know she's just over reacting, but that's why I'm here.” With a flat expression on her face the princess of the sun begins speaking.

“Lavender, something is going on! You might not want to admit it, but it's true.” Suddenly thing begin making sense for the poor doctor.

“Lavender Flake..... Thunder Flicker..... the carrot. Even as a mare your jokes are bad. Well if what you said is true then we should get started. There are several mandatory test that all mare's should have had in their life. Much of witch you are going to hate me for. Please remove your dress and put on this gown.” Levitating a mint green hospital robe out of a drawer he hoofs it to the purple princess. Swiftly changing clothes the princess of beauty and mystery awaits her instructions. Seeing that she is ready the doctor motions her into the back room. In the Ponyville library an entertained dragon sits on the couch watching his surrogate mother fight with a rainbow maned pegasus and a pink earth pony. Completely off the wall Pinkie Pie begins speaking in a hyperactive fast pace.

“No Twilight. We told princey princer prancer the we wouldn't let you leave until he returned tomorrow. Not to mention my Pinkie Since has been acting up, and ooooooh is it going to be a doosey. Maybe an even bigger doosey than the time you started believing in my Pinkie Since! How ab......” Not wanting to hear her voice any longer the purple unicorn puts a zipper on her mouth. Glancing over at Rainbow Dash the purple mare begins talking.

“Well fine if Thunder doesn't want me going outside than I'll stay here and wait. What I don't understand is why you closed the curtains.” Groaning the cyan pegasus plops down in a soft chair.

“Twilight does it look like we know why he told us to close them?” Quickly thinking she continues her complaining.

“Don't answer that it's a..... oh whats the name of it?..... It's a reciprocal question.” Sticking out her chest the rainbow maned pony beams with pride. Quickly correcting her grammar the violate pony begins speaking with an irritated tone.

“The word your looking for is rhetorical, and why didn't you even ask what all of this was for. It's not like him to do something like holding a pony against her will. Especially when he knows that I will not let him get away with this.” Managing to unzip her mouth the pink party mare begins speaking.

“Oh Twilight don't be a meany beanie frowny Mcfrownson. I'm sure he has a good reason for holding you against your freewill and not letting you see the light of day for twenty-four hours.” Glancing over to her friend the lavender mare gives her a look of warning. Sighing Twilight begins talking.

“Since were here and you won't let me leave can I ask you a question?” Completely confused Pinkie opens her mouth only to receive a cyan blue hoof in it before she can say a word. Giving Twilight a nod Rainbow Dash waits patiently.

“Well.... Thunder's adopted Scootaloo and Butterscotch. Do you think I would be a good mother? I would ask him, but he'll probably just say I would be a great mother. That or think I'm proposing.” Not knowing what to say Rainbow Dash brings a horrible poker-face into full view. Spitting out her friends hoof the insanely pink mare begins speaking with a large grin on her face.

“Of course you would be a great mom, and that would make me Auntie Pinkie!” Rolling her eyes Twilight crosses the room and sits down on the couch. Back in the medical wing of the royal Canterlot castle Lavender lays back down on the table in the examination room with Celestia on a small lounge. Not wanting to put her daughter on high alert the princess of the sun begins speaking, but choosing her words very carefully.

“Lavender....... if the unthinkable happens and you can't change back what are you going to tell Twilight?” The purple mare immediately goes into a frenzy as she glares at the white princess.

“Mother how could you even think that? I'm going to change back, and she will never have to know about this!” Laying her head down on the lounge the solar goddess continues speaking, but only to where she can her.

“You're definitely going into heat. The only question is how long till it's over.” Not quite hearing her Lavender raises an eyebrow.

“Oh... I'm sorry I said I need to buy a beet, and a giant new mower.” the goddess of beauty and mystery remains silent wondering why her mother needs a lawnmower to begin with. Entering the room the doctor goes strait to the line of light boxes that stretch along the far wall of the room. After placing several x-rays on them he turns to face his patient.

“How in Equestia did you do this to yourself? I mean I know how, but still. This should be physically impossible, and yet you did it.” Shaking his head the still astonished doctor continues speaking.

“Lets just look at the results. If you knew anything about the medical field you should know that mare's and stallion's are completely different. This is a picture of your brain when you were a stallion, and this is a picture of your brain now.” Staring at them Lavender can tell that they are entirely different. Not giving her time to interrupt him the doctor continues with his findings.

“Your thought patterns are nonexistent as long as you are in this form. To make matters worse you are going into heat. Princess Celestia I suggest that you remove all stallion's from her personal guard at once. Thunder....... uh.... Lavender you're already showing signs that it will happen soon. Since this is the first time it has happened to you it will not be pleasant, in fact as far as I can tell your body is trying to catch up with your age.” Giving him a worried look the solar princess begins talking.

“Doctor what do you mean by trying to catch up with her age?” Sighing the physician begins explaining.

“Celestia try to imaging every time you've been in heat for the past five hundred years happening all at once. That is what Lavender is going to go through. It will most likely be extremely painful, and she won't be able to control her actions. I have a feeling the she will be running purely on emotion and estrogen. Not a single rational thought will slip into her mind. I suggest that you find a place where she can't escape, and nopony can get to her especially stallions.” Still full of confidence the doctor turns the face the purple princess.

“While I was doing the test I became a little curious if your..... condition carried over so I performed a small examination. It is very important that you do not go near any stallions, because you can have foals. I don't know what happened, but whatever you did fixed you organs. When you change back I want to see you again to check and make sure it is not still damaged.” Hearing a giggle from Celestia Lavender starts glaring at her. Reluctantly the beautiful princess begins speaking.

“Fine...... shouldn't we tell Scootaloo that I'm not in any danger. She's probably worried.” Hearing this Celestia remembers what she was saying before the doctor entered the room. Staring down the goddess of beauty the princess of the sun begins talking.

Lavender if you can not change back what are you going to tell your foals, and would you be willing to come out as a princess?” Knowing that she should have a back up plan the gorgeous princess hangs her head in defeat.

“Y..... yes I would be willing to come forth as a princess of Equestria. Honestly though I don't know what I would tell Twilight or my foals. Scootaloo already knows so it would be a little easier, but I don't know how I could tell them that their father is gone forever.” Nodding her head Celestia and Lavender leave the room and return to Scootaloo which has fallen asleep on the couch. Looking over to the white goddess the purple princess begins speaking in a hushed tone.

“She's so adorable when she's asleep...... Oh my dress.” Turning back the princess levitates her things out of the other room, and places them on herself. Facing her daughter Lavender gently places her on her back and carefully leaves the room doing her best not to disturber her slumbering daughter. Trotting through the castle the purple princess notices several guards staring at her. After finally coming to Scootaloo's room Lavender gently place's her on the bed. Swiftly upon giving her a kiss on the for head Lavender quietly leaves the room. Turning to Celestia she begins speaking in a hushed voice.

“So.... this is what it's like.” Uncomfortable with the silence the white goddess begins speaking.

“What... being a mare? It must seem strange, but we will have things back to the way they were in no time.” Shaking her head Lavender looks up at the goddess of the sun.

“No... not that. Being a parent, a mother. I just hope that they grow up to be strong and healthy. Even if their not my blood they will always have a special place in my heart.” With a smile on her face Celestia gives her daughter an affectionate nuzzle.

“Yes my little princess as you will in mine. Now it's late don't you think you should acquire at the very least some sleep tonight?” Giving her a nod Lavender begins trotting toward her room when she hears Butterscotch crying in his room. With a smile on her face Lavender opens the door to her son's room and trots up beside him. Looking up the little colt shies down covering himself in his blanket. With a kind smile on her face the princess of beauty begins speaking.

“Hello... my name's Lavender.” Moving the blanket off his face she continues talking.

“Now what is a strong brave colt like yourself crying for? Surly it's not that bad.” Hearing the loving gentle tone of the pretty mare Butterscotch looks up with one ore two tears falling from his face.

“W... well Gwandpa said that I couldn't see daddy, and I weally scared of the dark.” With a smile still on her face the purple princess nuzzles her son.

“Your father and I are old friends. If you want you can spend the night with me.” Sniffling the little orange colt nods his head and jumps down off his bed. Thinking for a moment Lavender starts talking.

“I saw your father today, and he told me about you. I thought by his description that you didn't mind sleeping alone.” Kicking at the ground with his hoof the little colt's ears fall flat against his face.

“I don't wike big wooms.” Giving the little colt a kiss on the head they trot over to her room and Butterscotch crawls into bed followed by his soft snoring. With a smile on her face she levitates a hanger out of her closet and removes her dress. Looking in the mirror Lavender inspects her mane and tail with dissatisfaction.

“Somepony could have told me I look like I just got out of bed.” Levitating her new brush out of her saddlebag she removes her tiara. Close to finishing the reconstruction of her mane the princess of mystery hears her door open. Poking her head in to see why her daughter is still awake Celestia gives a light chuckle.

“Lavender you truly are one of a kind, but you acquire that from me I guess. It took your father years to make me stop brushing my mane before bed. Poor stallion lost so much sleep the first hundred years we were married.” Rolling her eyes the purple princess places her brush on the desk, and turns to face her mother. In a quiet voice the princess of beauty begins speaking.

“Mother what are you doing? You're going to wake Butterscotch.” Looking over at her son she continues in a cooing tone.

“My little prince doesn't like large rooms, or the dark.” Rolling her eyes Celestia begins talking.

“Don't you think you're foaling him just a little to much? He is going to need to overcome his fear one day.” turning back to face her mother Lavender begins nodding her head.

“Yes he will need to overcome his fear, but not tonight. If there is anything I've learned from you it's how to be a good mother.... parent, and right now is not the best time to make him face his fear. From what I have gathered Father didn't do that good of a job telling them they couldn't see me.” With a smile on her face the white goddess of the sun makes her voice quieter as she speaks.

“Dear..... about what's happening with your body..... if you can not change back you will need a new tiara. As much as I would like for you to wear mine it doesn't exactly mean the same thing. I hope you don't mind, but I've had one pre-made. After saying this the princess of the day teleports a tiara into the room. Staring at the solid gold head decoration with amethyst and diamonds the princess of beauty become instantly outraged.

“Mother do you really think that I won't change back? To tell you the truth it's almost insulting! My son and daughter are waiting for their father to return from a spell gone wrong, and that is exactly what I am going to do. Yes I might be thinking like a mare, and have one's body, but I'm not going to stay like this. You should have told me.” Knowing that it was a bad idea Celestia nods her head and leaves the room. Finally alone the purple mare retires to her bed.