• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,416 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 7

Chapter 7

In the Canterlot palace Luna is trotting down the hall when she sees her sister. The graceful alicorn smiles and canters to where Celestia is.

“Tia, is everything ok thou lookest a little down..... I mean you look sad? Is that right?” The white alicorn gives a soft smile to her little sister.

“I will be fine Luna ,but yes I am a little sad. If Thunder doesn't find that special mare I will lose my little colt forever. Now mother diminishes my power and tells me I need a break from my royal duty. I have never felt so..... so useless.” Slowly tears begin flowing from the goddess's eyes, down her pearl white cheeks. Before the goddess of night can comfort her sibling a scroll materializes before the two of them. Levitating the letter up Celestia sees the seal of her husband a sun masterfully painted on a canvas and a brush beside it. Bringing it closer Celestia begins reading.

“My dearest wife

I wil be returning within the next day or so. It seems that what we feared wood take months has only taken days. The dragons have konsented to not sleep in Equestria As long as we do not interfere with Their hunting of wild game such as monticor's ,hydra's ,and cockatrices. Over all I wil say it wos an success. Please make sure Thunder receives this package it is very emportant that he open it within the next few hours. The parcel will be arriving as you read this letter.

With all my love Lucien
P.S. No peaking in the box that goes for your sister too. It is for Thunders eyes only.”

Luna looks at the strange large square flat box wrapped in a white paper. Celestia look over to her sister and begins speaking.

“I wish he would learn to spell words correctly. Well it is obviously a painting ,but why would he not want us to see it? Thunder has hundreds of paintings I mean he's the one that founded the Canterlot Museum of Art. What is so special about this one? Luna please send it before curiosity gets the better of us.” Her sister gives her a look that screams really. Bringing her horn to a glow the package and letter disappears in a navy blue flash.

“Tia I was wondering who is going to head the Weather Warriors since Captain Cloud was demoted?” Nonchalantly the solar sister replys.

“I was thinking of sending Captain Armour to be the one in charge of Thunders division of the military. What do you think?” Almost in the same manner Luna begins speaking.

“I think he is the obvious choice. Thunder respects him and would never be rude toward him. Are they friends for the life of me I can't remember.” Celestia's face begins twisting showing that she is trying to think seriously about the question.

“I think they are if not they soon will be.”
In The Ponyville Library Rarity and Twilight enter the main area of the house after hearing Spike burp. Twilight looks over at the little dragon with anticipation.

“Well who is it for Blade or me?” The lavender mare closes her eyes and chants in her mind please be for me over and over again.

“It looks like it has already been opened and there's a box with it” on the outside of the letter Luna had written a quick message.

“Oh here it is it says it is for Blade and not to read it or she will come in the middle of the night and give us nightmares. Well that's mean! What kind of pony messes with other pony's sleep? I mean really.” Ignoring the question Twilight calls for her house mate. Trotting down the stairs a grumpy dark gray unicorn emerges. In a calm and collective voice Blade begins speaking

“I wish not to be a bother ,but I am working on a crucial..... project I need my privacy.” Giving a huff Twilight nods toward the letter and box. Levitating the letter over to himself Thunder finds the hidden message within the text.

“It says to look at alone if you will excuse me I will be right back.” Trotting into the kitchen the prince removes the blank canvas from the box. Hearing a piece of metal fall he ignores the blank sheet of art. After scouring the floor he finds the name plate and it reads What is in your heart. Giving a confused look he takes the painting out into the library to make Twilight feel better for not getting a blank picture. Reentering the room Blade begins speaking with a little chuckle.

“You will never believe what it is. When I opened it up all it was is a blank canvas not a drawing not a painting a solid white canvas.” Levitating it up the two mare's gasp in shock of the beautiful picture as the baby dragon gags. Twilight's face starts heating up as her cheeks turn bright pink. Unable to say a single sentence she stammers thankfully Rarity starts speaking.

“Are you sure that there was nothing on it? Cause if so that was a magic canvas.” Blade's smile instantly fades as he starts thinking he just gave away his secret. Turning the picture to face him he is graced with the picture of a familiar lavender mare kissing a dark gray unicorn enjoying some apple cider beside a fireplace with fluffy white snow sitting in the window sill. However the most embarrassing thing in the picture is a little filly with a dark red mane and a purple coat. Blade looks at the nervous lavender mare in front of him and breaks his regal speech saying.

“Twilight! I... Well..... Good bye I'm going to kill myself.” Turning toward the stars he is stopped by a gentle purple hoof to the chest.

“Oh no you don't. What is the name of that painting? And you better not lie to me cause if you do so help me Celestia I will never let you forget it.” completely shocked, Blade lowers his head.

“Its name is What is in Your Heart. Twilight I never would have shown it to you if I knew what was on it. You probably don't even like me like that. I apologize with the utmost sincerity. I had no clue that my father sent a magic canvas it is unfair of myself to ask so much of you when I can promise nothing.” Twilight's eyes start watering.

“Blade! I love you. True you act weird and do strange thing every now and then, but I don't care in my heart I know were suppose to be together and by this picture so do you.” Shocked at the sudden turn of events Blade inches closer to Twilight unable to tell himself no he nuzzles her soft bright pink cheek. The lavender mare unsatisfied with what she has received she backs away from the affection confusing the the dark gray stallion. Not knowing what to do Blade remains standing there as Twilight leans in. Finally understanding what she is doing the dark unicorn returns the favor. As there mouths colloids, Twilight closes her eyes completely content with her victory. Feeling Twilight's mouth pressed up against his makes Thunder's heart accelerates to where any normal pony might have a heart attack. His face heats up to where it is twenty percent hotter in ten seconds flat. Completely concentrated on Twilight, Blade's true form begins breaking through piece by piece. Almost completely an alicorn again the prince sees his hoof and brings himself back together. Just as Twilight opens her eyes Blade finishes his repairs. Pulling away from the kiss Twilight gasps for air now realizing she had forgotten to breath. A little shocked at the shear passion the couple share Rarity begins speaking.

“The two of you were made for each other. Blade don't mess it up. Twilight I would stay, but I have things to do before the party. I trust you will find something to keep you busy.” Sheepishly Twilight nods ,and tells her friend goodbye. Turning to face her new coltfriend Twilight smiles, but it is quickly replaced with a frown. With concern in his voice he says.

“Twilight my fair lady what is troubling you?” Starring into her lovely eyes he sees a heart torn in half reunited into a whole.

“Blade we just met yesterday and were already dating. Not to mention breaking our teacher's rules. I've had a crush on you from the moment I saw you ,but I don't know for some reason it feels like there's something I'm missing. Something so obvious a foal would see it ,and what did Rarity mean when she said not to mess it up?” Giving a sigh Blade begins talking.

“Star you're right, but trust me when I say that no matter what I will always love you even after time has stopped I shall never forget what we have and will share. Rarity was simply giving friendly advice. Now if it's ok my lady I have work that must be finished before the day is out.” A little shocked that he knows her middle name Twilight lightheartedly begins speaking.

“Oh no you don't we need to talk about this.” Completely confused Blade look in the direction of where she is pointing and sees the painting.

“So Handsome tell me why you want a filly and not a colt.” Giving a chuckle he levitates the picture of them and there nonexistent filly over to where they are standing.

“Well the answer is quite simple my lavender flower. A colt would be a little too crazy. Have you ever been around a colt? They are always using there magic to get into trouble.” Twilight looks closer at the painting and notices the little filly has wings and a horn. An alicorn filly with two unicorn parents is not possible in the slightest. She looks over the picture of herself with know luck at finding a single feather ,but when she looks at Blades portrait she sees a slight indention on his coat. Turning to face him she nuzzles him ,but secretly inspects his back without touching it.

“Star I really must be getting back to work. We can continue this later.” Backing off Twilight gives him a kiss on the cheek ,and they both go to their rooms. Placing the painting on his bed Thunder sighs.

“If she saw my wings that would have been embarrassing. Oh I should probably put them down. That mare would make a fine princess ,only.....” Thunder is interrupted by a familiar and caring voice teasing him.

“I would have to agree. So your father sent you the painting. It has come out lovely ,but why would you want me to be a great-grandmother so soon? I'm not that old am I?” A smile comes to his face.

“Hello Grandmother so you're the one who told Father about my crush. At first I thought it was Aunt Luna but she doesn't know. That only leaves you.” The queen chuckles.

“I thought you loved her. No I didn't tell you did, and will you put your wings down? Everyday unicorn's, pegasi , and earth pony's can't see them but all alicorns can. I should have told you that.” A little embarrassed that he couldn’t control his emotions the prince cowers back ever so slightly.

“Sorry Grandmother ever since we kissed it's like her happiness is all I care about. She is the smartest, most beautiful mare in all of Equestia! A princess at heart, and I truly do not deserve her.” Starting to think of what his Grandmother had said he continues talking.

“What do you mean I told Father where I was? I haven't even had contact with him.” Shaking her head the queen begins speaking.

“Oh yes the past five minutes must have been the best in your life ,and you never blocked his telepathy. I have spoken with him and he has agreed not to reveal where you are ,but....” nodding her head she continues.

“Yes there's always a but. You can not be late with the sun again if so he has threatened to take over until you return to Canterlot.” Giving a chuckle she winks at the prince. In a sarcastic voice Thunder continues the conversation.

“Oh no what ever will I do his power is.... too...... strong......” Laughing a little he starts speaking in a normal tone.

“Father always has wanted to raise the sun hasn’t he? If he wants to I have know problem with it. I was actually trying to decide on how to hide that little secret ,but this makes it easier. I don't mean to rush you off if you want to stay you can, however, I need to finish mapping tomorrow's weather or Mother ,Father ,Aunt Luna ,and all of Equestria will be seriously mad with me.” Nodding, the snow white alicorn trots over to Thunder's bed and lays down.

Thunder I was wondering how are you going to tell her the truth? I mean you can't live like this forever. Sooner or later you will change much like you did today and she will find out. Not mentioning your mother is desperately worried about you.” Hanging his head in defeat he turns to face his work.

“She's really worried isn't she? I can take care of myself I'm almost five hundred years old. She doesn't have to treat me like a colt. Oh, and did you hear about the bounty on my head? Sometimes she really needs somepony to tell her when to stop.” Finishing the map Thunder rolls it up and sends it to Luna.

“My little stallion you don't need to be so angry. The day is almost over I will tell your father about your decision. I suggest you go to this party and enjoy yourself ,but not too much. If your mother ever found out that I said you could drink she would skin your hide for doing it ,then she would have mine for suggesting it.” With a flash of light the queen disappears leaving a piece of parchment on the bed. Trotting over Blade reads it. Realizing it is a spell for hiding his horn and showing his wing he undergoes the process ,and flies out the window needing much deserved time to think. In the other room a lavender mare huffs out of disappointment and annoyance.

“What does that mean? I hate this house the walls are to thick for eavesdropping. All I could hear was five hundred and princess!” Turning to face the little dragon she notices that he raises an eyebrow.

“Twilight, I thought you said spying was wrong. So did you give him what for after I left?!” the lavender unicorn starts glaring at the little purple drake.

“Spike! Never let me hear you talk like that again. Blade is a nice and caring stallion. You should be ashamed of asking a question like that.” cowering behind his covers the little dragon doesn't respond. Unhappy with the little information she had gathered she heads to her desk. Pulling out a piece of parchment and a quill she starts writing the things Blade does that is strange.

“What is he hiding?

Has magic canvas that shows his heart's desires.

Uses regal speech.

Referred to a project as work.

Obviously sad about something.

Knows my middle name.” stopping her writing she blurts out.

“How does he know my middle name” Giving a groan Spike begins speaking.

“When you were gone he went strait up the stairs after telling me not to bother him. A little while later he came down and apologized ,then started asking questions about you one of them was what you middle name was. He said he liked to know who he was living with or something like that.” Groaning Twilight scratches it out

“What is he hiding?

Has magic canvas that shows his heart's desires.

Uses regal speech.

Referred to a project as work.

Obviously sad about something.

Knows my middle name.

Calls all pony's my Miss. ,Mr. ,or Mrs.

Never talks about his past.”

Rolling the thoughts around in her head she hears a knock on the library door ,and goes to answer it. Barely turning the door nob an enthusiastic pink earth pony pounces through almost knocking down the lavender unicorn.

“Pinkie! The party is tonight not right now.” The little pink pony starts laughing.

“I know that silly I'm here to celebrate you getting a coltfriend.” Completely shocked Twilight starts speaking.

“How did you know I have a coltfriend?!” The pink mare huffs.

“My Pinkie sense. First I thought Rarity ,but it was a little different from her's. I had an ear flop followed by knee shake ,eye flutter ,twitchy tail ,ear flop ,and itchy tounge. And that was weird cause I was eating a cupcake with pu....” Sighing Twilight puts her hoof in Pinkie's mouth.

“Ok ,you're right. I have a coltfriend but don't tell anypony. I want you to Pinkie Promise you won't.” Twilight takes her hoof out of her friend's mouth ,and sits up strait.

“Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye. So who is he. Is it Joe from the doughnut shop? Oh or is it Big Mac?” Sighing she looks at her friend.

“It's Princess Luna's student ,Blade.” A confused look comes to the pink pony's face.

“But you've only known him for like two days.” Twilight stares at her with her eyelid's about halfway down.

“I know how long I've known him.” A little bit happier and inquisitive the lavender mare continues speaking.

“Can your pinkie sense tell you when somepony is lieing?” Shaking her head the pink mare starts bouncing.

“Oh where is he? Is he here? Wait what are the princesses going to say about there student's dating each other? Do you think she will be mad? Oh do you know what would be cool if he could change the weather and on your first date have I love you spelled in the clouds! That would be so romantic!” Getting a headache from her friend Twilight shows her the way out.

“Bye Pinkie I have a lot of work to do I'll see you at the party later.” Pinkie gives her friend a confused look.

“Later? It's in twenty minutes. You really should pay more attention to the time Twilight. Well bye.” Turning around the pink earth pony bounce's out of the door. On the outskirts of Ponyville Thunder is enjoying his flight when he sees a little orange filly with a orchid mane and tail trotting down the road accompanied by a younger colt with a blue mane and orange coat. Landing behind a tree out of sight he changes back to appear to be a unicorn. Still quite a bit ahead he comes out from behind a tree and trots toward them at an even pace. Approaching the young ponies he put's on a soft smile.

“Hello what are you doing out here all by yourselves?” Looking up at the stranger Scootaloo snaps at him.

“What do you want? If you try anything I'm warning you I'm a champion hoof-fighter!” Shocked at her reaction he tries to calm things over.

“I assure you I'm not going to try a thing. I was just wondering what two little pegasi are doing on the out-skirts of town. Are you lost or something?” Still a little cautious of the strange stallion the little filly responds.

“What do you think were doing? Me and my brother are walking home. It's..... uh...... it's kinda far from town.” Giving them a suspicious look Blade starts speaking.

“You know Mi... Pinkie is having a party tonight you should come.” With out any warning the little colt jumps up flapping his little wings.

“A party?! YAY!” Turning to her brother she says.

“No Butterscotch were not going. If we do it will be too dark to trot home.” Knowing that Pinkie was in-fact throwing a party Scootaloo starts talking.

“So you're a friend of Pinkie's. As in Pinkie Pie?” Giving a confused look Blade immediately face hoofs.

“I'm sorry I never introduced myself. My name is Pr....Blade ,well it's actually Handsome Blade. However I like to be called Blade more than Handsome. What might your names be?” Remembering Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had been talking about a stallion by that name she roles her eyes.

“So you're the new egghead in town. I've heard of you. You're Princess Luna's student right?” Noticing that the little filly is dodging his questions he begins speaking.

“You are very well practiced in the art of avoiding a subject. I feel I must congratulate you. To answer your question yes that is I ,but you still haven't answered my question. Who....... are........ you?” Dragging out the words he finishes his sentence. With a huff she responds a little less hostel.

“My name's Scootaloo and this is my little brother Butterscotch. Why do you care anyway?” Shocked that the little pony is being so defensive the prince notices the young filly standing in front of her brother in a sort of protective stance.

“What ever parent's would let there foals trot home alone does not deserve to be parents. Take it from a friend you shouldn't be out alone ,and about that comment earlier I might like books but when it comes down to it I can kick it with the best of them. In simple words I can do anything you can do better.” Full of adrenalin and being the competitive pony that she is Scootaloo replys in a challenging voice.

“I can do anything better than you. You have about half the energy I do ,and you weigh about twice as much as me. You're on!” Giving a chuckle Blade hunches down ready for a race. Looking down the road he sees the tree he changed behind.

“You see that tree? First one there wins.” Blade turns to Butterscotch.

“Would you do the honers my young stallion?” nodding his head the little orange colt with a blue mane begins sounding off the race.

“Wedy. Set. GO!” Chuckling at the little colts foalish speech Blade gets left behind in the dust of a two wheeled shiny scooter. Not wanting her to think he is an egghead the prince goes into a full gallop and catches up to the cunning filly. Using her wings the young mare races toward the tree. Not wanting to be upstaged by unfair odds The gray unicorn ,secretly an alicorn, flaps his wing once or twice to speed up passing Scootaloo and winning the race. Screeching to a halt the orange filly addresses Blade.

“You cheated.” with a smug look on his face Blade returns the accusation.

“Since when is using a scooter in a hoof-race legal? By the way how are you sure that I cheated? Maybe I'm just that fast.” Unsure of what to say she begins speaking.

“Well I don't know but you did! And.... And I'm gonna figure out how if it takes me all day tomorrow.” Raising an eyebrow the prince begins speaking.

“What do you mean by that? Isn't tomorrow a school day?” feeling her story has holes in it Scootaloo tries to mend it.

“No it's a..... a..... a holiday.” Remembering that Twilight had told her and the other crusaders something about Prince Thunder she continues.

“Ya before the prince ran away he made tomorrow a holiday. It's in honor of..... his pet emu?” About to burst out laughing from the lie she had just told Thunder nods and the small three pony group disperses.