• Published 22nd Sep 2019
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Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters Arc 2 - Night-Quill

Sunset Shimmer strives to prove herself a changed person, all the while her fellow students around her seek to prove a newfound dominance over her as duelists. Behind the scenes, three girls arrive at CHS who might not be all that they appear to be.

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Duel #31: New Arrivals

It was the next day, Thursday. And the atmosphere at CHS was melancholy, to say the least. No word had come up during the morning announcements regarding the wellbeing of Trixie, nor her whereabouts. Though she might have originally been relegated as a source of annoyance, what with her unnecessarily outward tendencies and boastfulness, the hallways felt inexplicably more morose without the resident stage magician to liven the mood between classes. Very much every one missed her, where even talks about her being possibly gone for good were brought about among the student body.

And then there was the accusations. By Celestia’s radiant, shining flank, the accusations: Word in the halls was that Sunset had caused Trixie to anything from vanishing to committing the unthinkable after her defeat at Sunset’s hand. Preposterous, surely; she could barely fathom how she tapped into such powers to begin with, let alone wish ill on someone as harmless as Trixie. Mildly annoying, certainly, but otherwise harmless.

And furthermore, how would they explain the continued presence of Spitfire and Lightning Dust? The former whom very publicly challenged her, and the latter who’d made it a point to actively avoid her or anything to do with her. By all accounts, Sunset’s alibi was solid: She’d been with her friends the afternoon Trixie vanished, and she spent much of her time in the company of Fluttershy between classes. Even Rainbow was willing to attest that nothing illicit was going on, for the most part, at least. Talks about potential new challenges were circulating too, though some remained fearful of dueling the “She-demon of CHS”, while others, at least on the surface, put on the bravado of not being afraid. Just biding their time. Apparently.

Biding their time all the while giving her as wide a berth as possible as she was putting away her materials from second period. If this kept up, Sunset would probably be forced into another examination duel sooner or later. The regret of not going with Twilight through the portal and leaving everyone in peace nagged at her. It offered no benefits, just further resentment over herself and her decisions.

As she slid a book inside, something came tumbling out of the depth of her locker, slamming audibly to the floor and collapsing over her boot. A book? No, more like a tome: Thick with sturdy wooden covers with golden frames, quite out of place to the mass-produced cardboard covers humanity had a preference for. She knelt down to pick it up, inspecting the front cover, at the bright yellow and radiant red sun symbol dead center. Where had she seen this before…?

Opening the tome to a spread uncovered an entry written in well-trained cursive, like something mere human hands couldn’t replicate… Because it was written by telekinetic gripping of a quill pen; her telekinetic grip. As if a blackened crevasse in her mind was touched by the eternal sun itself and unveiled what lay within.

She remembered: This wasn’t just a tome or journal; it was an enchanted tome used for two-way communication, one very specifically made for her… By Princess Celestia. On the page right after the previous, there was more writing, this one further refined by millennia of mastery before it was unlike any other of its kind; the writing of Celestia herself. This journal was one of the few items she took with her on her self-imposed exodus. Back then, she didn’t understand why; maybe a flickering sentiment for her mentor and former mother figure. Maybe she hung onto some faint hope that she… no, the other way around, that the Princess would find it in her heart to forgive her, and bid her to return, to her home.

No message ever came in the first few years into her abandonment of her old life. She recalled now how she did not want the thing anywhere near her. She may as well have tossed it into the garbage. But she didn’t. She must have stashed it away here, in her locker. Out of sight, out of mind, but safe enough to not leave Equestrian artifacts under possible seizure by human hands. It was amazing that the aberration within her hadn’t thought of using the journal itself, or maybe it saw no need. Or maybe, as it had done with her memories of Priestess; it saw the possibility of contacting Celestia as a threat and obscured her memories of its existence.

Sunset flicked through the pages, not getting all too far; what with her having very much lived with Celestia, but there were entries, or rather, exchanges one should say between the two, back when they still had that bond of mentor and student… And further down, there were a few entries by the Princess. She could not tell the specific date or time, but… It was very recent! Perhaps only a few days before the last time the opening of Star Swirl’s portal:

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

It’s been many a moon since I wrote to you last. I hope that you are well. That you have found peace of mind and soul. I have had much time to ruminate on what I said, how I acted. I was not the most qualified as a teacher when it came to friendship. I was haughty… no, arrogant in my presumptions, and for all of that, I am truly sorry.

If you receive this message, Sunset; the celestial alignment is approaching, and the portal will open soon. I ask that you at least consider returning home to Equestria. Much has changed since you left, and I think there are a few ponies who I think would be happy to meet you. I truly wish to make amends over how impulsive I was with you when I… When I forced you into something that I had no business claiming I knew anything about.

If you wish not to return, and have found happiness on the other side of the mirror, I will respect your wishes, and only hope for the best for you, much as I do miss you, and the happier times we had.

Best wishes,


Sunset embraced the journal to her chest, feeling a fresh stream of tears from her eyes. Celestia had tried to contact her before, and had forgiven her. And she had left the Princess with no answer, because of her anger and arrogance. The latest entry couldn’t have been that old. She assumed the ponies her former mentor referred to was Twilight, and the counterparts of Sunset’s friends. Perhaps even the returned and restored Princess Luna. She certainly could fathom more than a few things she and the younger of the sister could have in common, both good and bad. What and interesting conversation that would be, were she and the Princess of the Moon ever to meet in person.

And the journal had worked even between dimensions! This was perfect. With her current dilemma over the rampant distrust of her at CHS, perhaps she could tell the Princess of her woes. A way to reconnect with her teacher and motherly figure. Sunset uttered thanks to whatever benevolent higher power in the multiverse allowed her to make this discovery. She might as well have responded to the princess immediately, but the bell had rung several minutes ago, and it was history class.

It’s been this long; I’m sure the Princess can wait one hour.


“Oh, have you taken to keeping a diary, Sunset?” asked Rarity from across the lunch room table. The six had gathered around what might as well have been the group’s official table during lunch period. Sunset was currently seated between Fluttershy and Pinkie, while across from them were Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow. “Good for you. Though might I suggest you not use it too openly? One might not know where there might be eavesdroppers…” Applejack’s eyes appeared to idly dart left and right.

“Hmm? Oh, it’s not a diary. Well, not exactly,” said Sunset as she closed the journal. “I found it stashed away in my locker; my old journal which I used to communicate with Princess Celestia back when we couldn’t get together.”

Now all five of the girls’ attentions were seized, the lot staring intently at the wood bound, gold framed book. Pinkie mouth a mystified “Ooooh” as she trailed a finger along the spine.

“… Used to what?” asked Rainbow Dash. The fact she took the initiative to incite dialogue showed improvements over some form of rapport being formed.

Sunset smiled knowingly, gently placing the enchanted tome on the table for everyone to see, “You heard me; this journal lets me exchange messages with Princess Celestia herself. It’s a unique form of communication reserved between Celestia and her personal students, with her having a matching journal which receives messages inscribed in this one’s pages, and vice versa.”

“Oh! So it’s like your- I mean, their- I mean…” Pinkie’s mouth lined. “It’s like a smartphone, but in book form!”

Sunset chuckled, “I guess it is.” Her enthusiasm erred, “I only now remembered I had it and how I deliberately hid it away since I was still so angry with her.”

“Your memories?” asked Fluttershy.

Sunset nodded, “Yea. One of those that that… thing blanked from my mind. It must have perceived the possibility of me talking to Celestia as a threat. And now that it’s gone and I found it, my mind feels clearer now.”

“But now you and… Princess Celestia, can chat each other up again?” asked Applejack.

Sunset nodded, “She’d tried to contact me sometime before the portal last opened.”

“What did she say?” asked Fluttershy.

Sunset acquiesced by taking the journal, opening the latest received entry and read it aloud, just vocal enough that only the six of them could hear. The tone of the Princess’ words seemed to elicit positivity among her friends, even Rainbow, who’s face indicated more than a sliver of warmth as she smiled wryly, though keeping a credible air of distance by looking away. Pinkie Pie went as far as giving Sunset what may have best be interpreted as a congratulatory hug.

“Did ya write her back?” asked Applejack.

“Not yet,” said Sunset, putting the journal down again. “I just don’t know what to say to her.”

“Just tell her you screwed up, admit that you screwed up, now you’re paying the pulpit and learned your lesson.” All eyes diverted towards Rainbow Dash, who returned everyone’s gaze whilst sitting lax in her chair. “What? Just call it as I see it.”

“I believe the saying is “paying the piper”, Rainbow,” said Rarity, pedantic as it may have been, or meaningless as far as Rainbow was concerned, most likely.

Rainbow revved her palm, “Potato-potato.”

“Who the heck says “potato”?” mused Applejack.

“Point being…” said Rainbow more vocally, “you gotta tell her you admit that you were wrong with what you did, then see how she responds. Trust me; been through similar tussles as team captain.”

Sunset stared at the rainbow-haired athlete in bafflement. “Umm… I mean… thanks, Rainbow. I guess that is the best I can do for now.”

All the while everything occurred, Fluttershy seemed particularly pleased with something, though what it was she did not speak out.


“Alright,” said Sunset, as she leaned against the lockers while eyeing Rainbow Dash intently who was busy managing her study materials, “who are you and what have you done with the ass of a Rainbow from yesterday?”

Rainbow mock-laughed as she shut her (messy) locker, “Buried in the soccer field.”

Rather witty, thought Sunset, “Though seriously; back there in the lunch room. What was that about?”

Rainbow sighed, not too exasperatedly, just in embarrassment, “After we went separate, Fluttershy verbally handed me my ass.”

“Fluttershy?” asked Sunset.

“Yea. Boy can she stick it to ya when she means it,” remarked Rainbow, looking like a shudder just raced up her form.

“Ah. The Stare,” Sunset nodded. Meek as Fluttershy may be, few ever dared to opposed her infamous stare.

As they walked along, Rainbow looked further resentful, “Sorry about your folks.”

“My...?” the realization dawned in but a moment, “Did she tell you?”

“Yea. Don’t be angry with her, please,” said Rainbow pleadingly.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” said Sunset promptly with an open palm. “So yes; I lost my parents as a fill- when I was little.”

“Yea, so what I mean is that… I guess maybe I was just a bit stubborn.”

An understatement if I ever heard one. “Since we’re being honest; I wouldn’t have forgiven me either. But I really do wish to make things right, and even if it means only having you five, it would be enough for me.” An awkward silence ensued as they went. “We don’t need to be needlessly chummy, right?”

Rainbow snorted, “I’m guessing the terms might be; no passive aggressiveness, no sick burns, no she-demon remarks…” Rainbow counted down on her fingers.

“Excuse me! Miss Shimmer, if I may?”

The two looked back; Mr. Turner was approaching, dressed in his seemingly staple pinstripe blue suit and tie with the sorely mismatched converse sneakers. Sunset remained suspicious of the man, but outwardly, the new teacher seemed harmless, especially as he almost stumbled, sending one of his lesson materials, all clutched under one arm, falling to the floor. Rainbow, in an impressive display of speed and agility caught the notebook before handing it back to Mr. Turner.

“Thank you, Miss Dash,” he nodded gratefully, before turning his focus towards Sunset. “Miss Shimmer, since the faculty… well I guess that would also include me now…” He cleared his throat awkwardly, “Point is; we have three new students enrolling, so since you seem to be showing much good will, we would like to ask if you would like to volunteer as one of the test opponents for their entrance duels.”

Sunset sensed a sudden familiarity with the teacher’s offer. Just like my last interaction with him: A test. “Excuse me? Test opponents?”

“Exactly,” said Turner, shifting some of the weight his left arm was forced to endure from the brick of a physics book it held. The man clearly was not built for heavy labor. “Now normally enrolling freshmen would be tested by assembled faculty or seniors before their final acceptance to a designated dueling institution. In cases like these; any students enrolling during a term must be tested all the same, but it’s conventional to use an opponent of the corresponding skill level according to grade.”

“Isn’t it rather unfair for a new student to face a trained opponent?” asked Sunset.

“Oh, you misconstrue, Miss Shimmer,” said Turner, “you will not be using your own deck. You will be provided your choice of a board-certified test deck so as to even the difficulty scale.”

Sunset pondered on Turner’s words. If it was true that the faculty as a whole wanted her, which would mean the principal, curator and whatnot would have been involved, she supposed it would do good for her credibility. However, Turner himself still uneased her. Finding one of the devices used in her duel with Trixie further confounded her over who exactly this man was. If the cobbled-together machine wasn’t board-certified hardware, as Rarity’s keen eye pointed out, would it mean it was Turner behind the strange change in protocol?

“Is there room for one more?” asked Rainbow Dash abruptly. “Because I’d be down for it.”

“Ah, perfect!” exclaimed Turner. “That’d put us down for one more. If you’re interested, Miss Shimmer…”

“I’ll do it,” said Sunset. We’ll see what you’re up to with you little machine. “So when is this test duel?”

“Tomorrow afternoon,” replied Turner.

“Isn’t that pretty early?” asked Rainbow.

“Well, Principal Celestia was rather adamant about it.” Turner seemed distracted by something before he said, “Never before, back when I went to school did the process go this quick. I guess procedures changed, or maybe Celestia’s just trying to keep them on the wagon, as it were. But listen to me ramble; the duels will be held at three thirty pm. pronto in the gymnasium, so please be there ahead of time.” And with a gesture of farewell, the lanky man went on his way.

“Mr. Turner, you dropped your… screwdriver?” wondered Rainbow, eyeing what was indeed a pocket-sized screwdriver.


Sunset stood by the side of the gymnasium stage, together with her fellow participants Rainbow Dash and Canterlot’s resident “Hat Guy” as many people referred to him as, or Night Quill as was his given name. He was certainly an oddity, given his mode of dress, even more mismatched than the good Mr. Turner; a black dress shirt with matching pants, a green vest, a checkered green scarf and a black bowler hat. It almost looked like he was from the 19th century, if not for the very contrasting modern sneakers. All he lacked was an overcoat, gloves, a monocle and a cane and the image would be neigh complete.

Even when checking the time, instead of checking the smartphone he clearly carried in his breast pocket, he looked at a pocket watch, complete with a chain clipped to his vest. Overall, he came off as needlessly pretentious, what with how he’d addressed her and Rainbow as if he were a gentleman. Then again, with many people around CHS; a lot of them did seem to conform to some colorful, albeit shallow, caricature, if one thought about it enough…

Atop the stage sat an assembly of CHS faculty, including Turner and Principal Celestia at the center, at three tables joined together into one long stretch, complete with note boards. As was the norm, students were permitted to quietly observe the duels from the bleachers.

“Who do you suppose these new students are?” asked Sunset as she idly adjusted the grip of her duel disk, bearing her choice of test deck.

Rainbow bobbed her shoulders, “Who knows.”

“Here’s hoping the “Canterlot High Incident” doesn’t get shoved down their throats too fast.”

Rainbow snorted, “You kidding? I bet we’re all going to be the crazy ones if anything as far as they’re concerned!”

Heads turned all around as Vice-principal Luna entered the gymnasium, followed closely by the applicants. To be more specific, the heads turning occurred roughly the moment the first one entered:

She was a girl with a very light-yellow skin tone, appearing to be amiss of any impurities, perfect, with a slight sheen to it, with a head of thick, vivid orange hair with mildly curving bangs framing her face, while the rest was bundled behind her into an impossibly large updo, with hints of light yellow streaks curving along its sides, held in place with a thick spiked band. The only apt way to describe her was as curvaceous, her hips swaying as she walked like a model on a runway, and had quite the impressive bosom. She appeared perhaps a tad overdressed for high school; a purple sleeveless, short-legged jumpsuit with a small pink vest, a golden spiked belt, magenta leggings, heavy looking purple boots with spiked bands around the ankles and short pink arm warmers.

The second was also a girl, flaunting in her stride, walking behind the first with a brisk, deliberate pace. Her skin was pale fuchsia, and appeared just as flawless, with a more restrained, but striking, purple hair with brilliant aquamarine streaks worn in twin tails. Physically, she appeared sturdier, with most of her curvature focused to her hips and thighs. Her outfit seemed more toned down as well, though still looked rather extravagant: A pale yellow top underneath a teal vest with the sleeves evidently having been ripped off, magenta, form-fitting leggings and wine boots.

The third was also a girl, but out of all three, she appeared the least… intent, or focused, as she did a full three-sixty in the midst of her stride. She had an arctic blue skin, flawless, sheening, like the other two (possibly siblings?) with light blue hair with darker streaks, tied to a high tail at the back with a pronounced forehead fringe. Her figure was equally voluptuous, though seemed more focused on her upper body, on the same range as Fluttershy or Pinkie (on Sunset’s astute observation.) Of all three, her wardrobe seemed most sensible; a burgundy collared shirt and a patterned pink skirt with knee-high pink boots.

An abrupt “Whoa!” emanated from the among students, many gawking in bafflement at the three beauties following behind the Principal. Who was Sunset to judge? They were attractive girls, no arguments there. Although, something felt off about them. On a closer look, she discerned something shared between all three of them: Each wore a choker, with a blood-red gem hanging off them, that seemed to shimmer at the slightest sleight.

“Okay, wasn’t expecting that,” remarked Rainbow Dash, watching as they went.

Vice-principal Luna got up onto to stage from its left-side steps and seated herself in the vacant space next to her sister, while the applicants awaited on the ground level. Now that there was only a short distance separating her side and theirs, she got a better look at their faces. The coincide with their physiques, the three had this almost unnatural beauty to them, like perfect examples of three fair maidens. For a moment, it looked as if all three were focused on her…

“Everyone, please quiet down,” called Principal Celestia. In a matter of seconds, the wave of clamor among the intrigued students seemed to died down. “Without further ado, we will commence with the first test.” She looked down at her notepad, “Miss Sonata Dusk. You will face off against…” she pushed a button on a small digital device set up on the table, eyeing it as it randomly selected the contender, “Sunset Shimmer. Both duelists, please take your places.”

Sunset assumed her place about four paces along the bleachers. Her designated opponent, the blue-haired girl, after the orange-haired girl whispered something to her, assumed her spot on the opposite side. Her face exhumed a great eagerness, as hinted by the excited smile on her face. Definitely seemed like a happy-go-lucky personality, at least on first impressions.

“Activate your duel disks,” called Vice-principal Luna.

At the request, Sunset deployed her duel disk along with her opponent, hers being a combination of an aquatic blue chassis with an ice-blue tray. The devices beeped to life, the screens flaring up with the dueling grids, while the automatic shufflers engaged. The virtual coined dinged, landing on tails for Sunset.

“Good luck, new girl,” said Sunset through the two-way communicators.

The girl, Sonata Dusk, giggled, “That’s funny! You’re funny!”

Sunset raised a questioning brow, “Umm, thanks…?”

“I wonder if you’re as funny when you duel,” said Sonata.

“Ominous!” called Pinkie from the bleachers.

“Miss Pie, please!” admonished Vice-principal Luna.


Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 4000

Sonata Dusk Life Points: 4000

Duel start!

Turn 1: Sonata Dusk (Hand: 5)


Sonata looked over her fanned hand. “Hmm, Dagi said that I have to hold back for now…” She pouted, “Figures. This is going to be boring.”


Sunset watched as her opponent pouted as she went over her hand, seeming to mutter something to herself. “Okay! I’ll summon ‘White Stingray’, in attack mode.”

To the field emerged a large, mostly pristine white stingray. It hovered in the air as if it were swimming in its native aquatic habitat, undulating a segmented, barbed tail behind it. (Level 4, 1400/1000)

“I set two cards facedown. And I’m done.”

(Hand: 2)

Turn 2: Sunset Shimmer (Hand: 5)

Alright, let’s see what I’ll have to work with… thought Sunset, drawing a card and fanning out her hand. It seemed her willpower remained strong enough to influence even this test deck: A basic fire deck meant to utilize the quintessential aspects of the typing. “I summon ‘UFO Turtle’ in attack mode.”

Onto Sunset’s field arose what by all accounts looked to be a literal flying saucer as if from an old science fiction movie. A low thrum emanated from within, when a series of winding hatches unsealed around it: From one emerged a bulky green reptilian head, while from the sides hefty, three-toed limbs extended from the side hatches saucer, and lastly a stubby tail from the rear side: It was a giant turtle whose shell was the flying saucer. (Level 4, 1400/1200)

“I set two cards facedown. My turn ends.”

(Hand: 3)

Turn 3: Sonata Dusk (Hand: 2)

Sonata drew her next card. Upon looking at it, she looked to roll her eyes, her nostrils flaring out in a sigh. A bad card perhaps? “I discard White Moray to Special Summon another White Stingray from my hand with its effect,” she declared, sliding one card in the graveyard port, after which a second White Moray spiraled out onto the field beside its twin. (Level 4, 1400/1000)

Sunset looked warily at the duplicate monsters. Is she going for an Xyz Summon with the two matching monsters?

“From my hand; I activate ‘Inferno Reckless Summon’,” said Sonata, sliding a card into her disk. “With this spell, if I special summon a monster with 1500 or less attack points while you control a monster; I can Special Summon every other copy of the monster I summoned in attack mode from my hand, deck or graveyard, while you get to Special Summon each copy of a monster you control all the same.”

To this end, a blue ring of flame appeared on Sonata’s field, while two similarly flared up on Sunset’s field. Sunset complied, flicking through her deck’s contents on the screen of her duel disk: On confirmation, two cards were ejected from her deck after a quick shuffle, placing two copies of UFO Turtle to her tray. The two monsters emerged to her field within the rings of fire, before retracting their appendages protectively into their flaying saucer shells, the winding hatches sealing shut. (2x Level 4, 1400/1200). On Sonata’s field, a third White Stingray emerged to waft serenely between its kin. (Level 4, 1400/1000)

Okay, so it’s an Xyz requiring three level fours-?

“Trap card activate!” Sonata blurted, unveiling one of her two set cards, “‘Torrential Tribute’! When a monster is summoned, this thing destroys all monsters on the field!”

Sunset found herself gasping in shock when a torrent of water rushed down from the ceiling. All monsters currently on the field were swept away in the wild current, bursting into pixels after sliding a few feet. Still, she wasn’t going to let the applicant get away with it scot free…

“Activate continuous trap: ‘Backfire’!” Sunset retorted, her spells and trap still remaining valid. “This card inflicts 500 points of damage any time a fire monster I control is destroyed. Therefore, you take 1500 points of damage on the spot!”

The trap card’s holo-image flared to life, launching three flaming projectiles at Sonata. The girl instinctively reeled away in a defensive hunch, only for said projectiles to combust against her forcefield.

Sonata Dusk Life Points: 4000 – 1500 = 2500

Despite the rather hefty sum of damage she’d taken in the wake of her miscalculation, the blue-haired girl did not seem all too fazed in the slightest. In fact; she looked all the more eager for it. A wide smile formed on her face, “I knew you’d be a fun one!” She then indicated her second facedown, “I then activate ‘Torrential Rebirth’! With this, any water monsters of mine destroyed in one go are Special Summoned back to the field!”

In a blue flash, all three of her White Stingrays spun up and back onto the field in a semi-synchronized display. (Level 4, 1400/1000). “And then you take 500 damage for each monster I got back this way.”

In a fitting punishment to her fire trap, Sunset yelped when a flow of water from out of nowhere cascaded onto her, striking and flowing off and around her forcefield.

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 4000 – 1500 = 2500

Sunset felt slightly baffled at the abruptness of her taking burn damage. With that maneuver, this Sonata Dusk had turned the duel in her favor. With three White Stingrays, all she needed was to attack with two and even the Sakuretsu Armor set on her field wouldn’t be enough. Whatever her background, she was certainly no amateur.

“I then sacrifice two White Stingrays,” Sonata proclaimed, to which both her monsters were swept away in a whirlpool, “to Tribute Summon ‘Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth’!”

In a swirling funnel cloud, unto the field emerged quite literally a vision from the world’s ancient past: It was an enormous prehistoric fish; a coelacanth. Its grey body was covered in cracks and scarring over the thick, scaly hide, with a series of kelp patches dotting it. Around its body looked to be some form of harness composed of kelp, rope and conch shells. It stared, or at least Sunset felt it was staring at her, through its lifeless, glistening eyes. (Level 8, 2800/2200)

“Wha-?!” she almost blurted out her strategy at the sudden foul-up her opponent made. Why would she Tribute Summon?! With her three Stingrays she would have had me. Now the moment she attacks with Coelacanth I’ll destroy it and her final Stingray won’t be enough to take me out!

“Now, Coelacanth, attack her directly! Sic ‘er!” Called Sonata, to which her mammoth of a fish ominously ‘swam’ towards Sunset.

“Trap activate: Sakuretsu Armor!” Sunset responded, unveiling her simple, but lethal trap. “This destroys your attacking monster!”

“I sacrifice my third White Stingray to activate Coelacanth’s effect,” Sonata responded, indicating to her remaining Stingray. “This negates your trap and destroys it.”

White Stingray’s form glowed an eerie blue, when the graceful sea creature swooped into the air, performing loop before divebombing Sunset’s trap card, shattering both. Coelacanth (ATK: 2800) opened its great, toothy maw, appearing as if it were trying to suck Sunset in with a rippling disturbance, almost like a current, pulling into the blackness of its gullet. An intimidating display, most certainly, Sunset feeling a genuine sense of wanting to flee, but once more being reminded that it was simply an apparition made through the bending of light.

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 2500 – 2800 = -300

Sonata Dusk Victory!

With a whirr, Sunset’s duel disk’s emitters powered down, the projections vanishing, leaving no trace of the giant Coelacanth to menace over her.

“Congratulations, Miss Dusk,” called Principal Celestia up from the stage, “you have passed your entrance duel. Welcome to Canterlot High. And thank you, Miss Shimmer for your contribution.”

Sunset tried to smile, when a round of applause erupted around her. Somehow, she suspected it was at her expense, what with her being trounced by the newcomer (even if it was with a provided deck instead of her own). Sonata seemed to titter at some of the calls of admiration, grinning innocently, both hands to her cheeks.

Okay, I will admit: She is pretty adorable… Sunset thought as she stepped aside, going to sit at the bottom of the bleachers in anticipation for the next duel. Though she had an inkling that Sonata was watching her… As were the other newcomers… She somehow got the feeling Sonata did the bizarre move deliberately. But why? To show off? To prove a point to her specifically?

“Next up; Miss Aria Blaze: You will be paired against…” Principal Celestia engaged whatever app she was using to pick the next opponent, “Rainbow Dash. Both duelists please take your places.

Rainbow stepped up to where Sunset had stood just a moment previously, while across from her came the leggy, purple-haired girl, Aria Blaze. Despite her predicament, she seemed much more focused on Sunset instead of her opponent, keeping an unnerving focus to her, even as her purple duel disk with a black trey deployed, the screen lighting her face from underneath with a blue tint.