• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 2,092 Views, 109 Comments

Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters Arc 2 - Night-Quill

Sunset Shimmer strives to prove herself a changed person, all the while her fellow students around her seek to prove a newfound dominance over her as duelists. Behind the scenes, three girls arrive at CHS who might not be all that they appear to be.

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Duel #33: Power Grows: Odd-Eyes vs. Ancient Gears

Author's Note:

So a little backstory pertaining to this chapter:

For those of you unaware, I originally started my foray into Equestria Girls and Yu-Gi-Oh crossovers set in the same continuity as DrakeyC's Duelists of the Autumn Crown and Duelists of the Friendship Cup stories.

In terms of my contribution, I wrote a three-part one-shot where the Duelists universe's Rainbow Dash dueled against my OC Night Quill (and won, naturally, since I tend to abuse my OC rather than holding him to a high pedestal). As such, this is a sort of tribute to what eventually became Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters, with my own take on the crossover.

Due to my plethora of mental episodes, I sort of took down the original story her on FimFiction, but the story is still readable over on FimFetch, for those interested to see the originator of this story.

Sunset looked up at Night Quill, not showing any external reaction, surreptitiously surveying the current predicament: Spitfire had agreed on their duel out in the soccer field as a deliberate display to show anyone who’d shown up how she would be the one to take down the she-demon of CHS. This was certainly no different; many people were already gathered around to witness the prowess of their new fellow students, he wanted to make it a grand display of power too, as opposed to Lightning Dust who just wanted the satisfaction of beating her and outdoing those she held enmity towards, other than just Sunset..

Rainbow Dash seemed indecisive on the matter. On one hand, she was trying to establish a positive rapport, but she also had her own reputation to uphold as the CHS team captain: Outwardly siding with her could make her teammates doubt her authority. Looking past Night Quill, she wondered if the faculty would be all too eager for the gymnasium being commandeered for a freeform duel out of the blue. She also thought the new students, Adagio, Aria and Sonata (well, the first two at least), seemed quite focused on her too.

“Does this seem appropriate, Principal Celestia?” asked Mrs. Harshwhinny up on the stage. Harshwhinny, Sunset’s history teacher, was a strongly by the books and regs member of the faculty, thus making her quite unpopular among many students, along with her exorbitant standards when it came to student prowess.

Principal Celestia seemed unfocused in the midst of gathering away documents, almost as if she hadn’t heard Mrs. Harshwhinny’s protests.


The principal seemed shaken out of her reverie at the rise of Miss Harshwhinny’s voice, the head of CHS looking to her almost nonchalantly, “It’s perfectly fine. It’s time for extracurriculars now, and I’m certain our new students would appreciate some dueling more in line with their evident display of skill. Don’t you think?”

Another good reason for Mrs. Harshwhinny’s protests would be her other job as one of the PE teachers, for despite her prim and proper modicum of presenting herself, she was also inexplicably strong and fit; the perfect individual to whip students into shape both mentally and physically. Even the gathered students seemed intrigued by the prospect, many seeming inconclusive on whether to leave or remain.

“You could always decline, Shimmer,” said Night Quill. Though his tone sounded formal and outright polite, the hint of venom in his voice was all too evident. He was playing her to accept. “I understand the inexplicable threat of defeat would not look favorably on the best duelist of CHS.”

“If you’re so eager to duel, then I will gladly do so in her stead,” came the voice of Rarity, having appeared beside the confrontation, looking intently at Night Quill, one hand to her hip, all the while Applejack steadily approached from behind her.

Night seemed to look over the fashionista with a hint of surprise. Likely not all too fond as many would be to see the best of her clique standing up for Sunset. “I have no quarrel with you, Rarity, so I must decline.”

“If you’re that put off by a fellow fusionist, then try me, Night,” said Applejack, looking all too eager. It made sense; Applejack was not an active member of any clique, most of her standing coming from her own remarkable physical prowess among the athletes, but she did not regularly interact with them. “‘Ah’m well aware a might few of ya ain’t too keen on the fact that Sunset ain’t alone out here. ‘Ah got nothin’ to lose.”

“No, AJ,” said Sunset. Much as she appreciated the two whom she’d wronged willing to stand up to her, outside of her own volition or not, she couldn’t further ruin their own positive reputation. “I accept. So long as Principal Celestia permits it, I have my honor as a duelist to hold onto.” She didn’t see it, but she felt Rainbow would respect the sentiment.

A restrained smile of confidence shaped over Night Quill’s lips. “Excellent,” he declared as he placed a hand to his chest and performed a casual bow. Sunset found the gentlemanly display so disingenuous she almost felt like admonishing him. “Let’s not keep the spectators waiting any further.”

You’d like that very much, wouldn’t you? Sunset thought as she detached the test deck from her disk and fished out her own from a pocket inside her jacket.


“Lu, this would look like a perfect opportunity to…” Turner looked over to Luna, who seemed she hadn’t heard a word he’d said. “Lu, you alright?”

A nudge seemed to bring her back into focus, “Oh, I’m sorry. What?”

“I was saying this is another golden opportunity to observe Miss Shimmer for anything unusual. I still have the Mr. E ready and operational.”

“Ah, of course. Yes, please. But keep it discreet,” said Luna, though Turner couldn’t help but feel if something was amiss with her.

“Alright, I’ll send any changes in data your way… Are you sure you’re feeling alright, Lu? You seem kind of out of it.”

Luna rubbed a hand to the side of her eye, “Yea I’m… I’m fine, work’s just been a bit more hectic with everything else going on right now.”

“Well, if you’re certain…” said Turner, though the uncertainty remained not lost on him, seeing how Luna’s eyes looked… persistently absent, for lack of a better term. Regardless, he took a step back behind the curtain, setting up his laptop on a convenient elevated surface, bringing his machine online as many students resumed their spots in the bleachers.


Sunset engaged her duel disk, the tray deploying, followed by the automated shuffler engaging, that all too satisfying rattle permeating her immediate vicinity, all the while the network confirmed her opponent’s shuffler engaging too. Convenient that the machines removed almost all potential for cheating. With a metallic ding sounding through their speakers, the virtual coin was flipped, Sunset’s end showing the red tails side.

Night Quill Life Points: 4000

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 4000

Duel start!

Turn 1: Night Quill (Hand: 5)

“Coin landed in my favor,” he mused as he took his hand and splayed it out. “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. Are you familiar with such proverb, Shimmer?”

Sunset rolled her eyes, “We get it, Quill: You like quoting history.”

“Oh, I’m afraid that was much more relevant than you give it though,” said Night Quill with a startlingly straight face. “You started this war, our fellow belligerents lost their battles, whereas I took the time to reflect on their defeats. That’s what that proverb is about. While I doubt us seeing each other as comrades, it’s by Spitfire and Lightning Dust’s defeats that I will come out on top as the winner of this hunting game.” He took a card from his hand and inserted it into his spell and trap port, “To start, I activate the field spell ‘Geartown’.”

With a loud rumble, the gymnasium was overtaken by a series of old, stone and metallic buildings in simple blocky shapes rising from the ground. The loud rattling and grinding of enormous gears and cogs all around permeated the new (projected surroundings), complete with cog-shaped spotlights reflecting into the green, smoggy skies up above.

“Since I control no monsters, I can activate the spell card ‘Ancient Gear Catapult’.”

On inserting the next card, Geartown’s structure immediately began to crack and crumbled. Gears and cogs falling from their placements, kicking up thick clouds of dust, all the while every structure corroded and collapsed around them. The green sky gave away back to the ceiling of the gymnasium, and the thick smoke of destruction and industry faded.

“Ancient Gear Catapult forces me to destroy a spell or trap card I control. In return it lets me Special Summon one ‘Ancient Gear’ monster from my deck, ignoring any summoning conditions.” With a rattle of the automated shuffler, his card of choice was ejected. “I Special Summon ‘Ancient Gear Golem’ in attack mode.”

A large summoning portal opened before Night Quill, something big, and most definitely powerful slowly rising from the void, the first things to greet Sunset being a single, ominous red glow from the emerging figure. To the field arose a towering antique looking humanoid robot. Composed of a faded brownish metal, the gaps showing off a series of intricate gearwork mechanisms. From within its head, which was shaped like the helm of a warrior of the antique era, through occularium a single red, light shone in place of an eye. (Level 8, 3000/3000)

“Holy (Eff!)ck! That is a big robot!” called Pinkie from somewhere among the spectators.

“Also, when Geartown is destroyed by a card effect, it lets me special summon another ‘Ancient Gear’ monster from my hand, deck or graveyard.” Once again, like a well-oiled machine, his deck was shuffled for yet another card to eject. “I summon ‘Ancient Gear Wyvern’ in attack mode.”

Arising to his field came an antique mech in the shape of a two-legged dragon: Its chassis was a faded greyish green hue in color: Its exposed interiors also being composed of gearworks instead of intricate electronics as any modern interpretation of robots would imply. A haunting yellow light shone from one of the gaps meant to be its eyes at the end of a long, segmented neck. (Level 4, 1700/1200)

“When summoned, Ancient Gear Wyvern lets me add any ‘Ancient Gear’ card from my deck to my hand,” to which another card was given to him after a quick shuffle.

“And since I still have my Normal Summon for this turn, I summon ‘Ancient Gear Hunting Hound’ in attack mode.”

A third mechanical creature arose to Night’s field: This one a dark green, mechanical quadruped in the vague shape of what might have been a canine. Its chassis was thick and robust, with a single massive gear held vertically in its chest just past its neck. A pronounced pair of sharp tusks protruded from its lower jaw, from within which a rattling growl emanated. (Level 4, 1000/1000)

“When Normal Summoned, Ancient Gear Hunting hound inflicts 600 points of damage to you!” Night Quill swung an arm towards Sunset. “Hound Flame!”

In a compliant snarl, Ancient Gear Hunting Hound opened its maw, blasting a jet stream of flame that buffeted against her forcefield.

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 4000 – 600 = 3400

Great, more burn damage, thought Sunset, thinking back to her duel against Spitfire.

“Next, I activate Ancient Gear Hunting Hound’s second effect: Once per turn, I can perform a Fusion Summon without a Fusion card using monsters in my hand or field as material. As such, I fuse Ancient Gear Hunting Hound and Wyvern.”

The fusion vortex opened over the field, Ancient Gear Wyvern and Hunting Hound began to fall to pieces; each plate being unfasted, bolts and cogs coming out of place, all being sucked into the eye.

“Mechanical hound and wyvern, bearing ancient souls: Unite, and take new form in a greater engine of power.”

He slammed his palms together. “Fusion Summon! Come forth, level 7 mechanical cavalry; ‘Ancient Gear Lancer’!”

Dropping to the field, galloping in a swerve to his side of the field, another gearworks automaton: This was composed of a humanoid torso of a faded grey color affixed waist-down to a quadruped form akin to a horse, complete with a conical piece of metal serving as a tail. Atop its domed head sat a metallic plume like Ancient Gear Golem, with the same eerie red glint peeking from within the occularium. Its left arm was equipped with a hefty shield composed of a series of wide cogs stacked atop one-another, while its right arm was an elongated lance with grooves running down its sides, reminiscent of a drill. (Level 7, 2500/1500)

“Since I used Ancient Gear Wyvern’s effect, I can’t set cards this turn. I end my turn. Now,” he motioned towards Sunset with his hand, “show me what you’ve got, Shimmer.”

(Hand: 3)

Turn 2: Sunset Shimmer (Hand: 5)

Sunset drew her first card. So, he’s an Ancient Gear user. They’re powerful and straightforward, and prevent me from activating spell and trap cards when attacking. She went over her hand; not quite adequate in dealing with the 3000 strong Ancient Gear Golem… But she could change that. “I activate the spell ‘Draconnection’: I shuffle one dragon-type monster from my hand to my deck and take a different dragon of the same level.” With that, her strategy was ready; “I take the scale four ‘Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon’ and the scale eight Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon to set the Pendulum Scale.”


Rainbow tensed in anticipation of the inexplicable stings to her heart hearing Sunset declare her intention. The scales appeared over on the field, the purplish-blue dragon with the bone-white armor, and the small green dragon with pronounced tusks. To her amazement, she felt… nothing? She thumped her chest for assurance. True enough, she felt fine, whereas visually Applejack and Rarity seemed to show signs of whatever sensation Sunset’s unique case of using Pendulums induced.

The pain is gone? she wondered. But… Why? And why don’t I feel anything like those two?


“Now I can summon any monsters between the levels of four and eight, but I only need the one to tear down your machines,” Sunset boasted. “Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my partner: Level 7, valiant dragon with dichromatic eyes: Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!”

In a flash of light, the red bipedal dragon graced the field: His dichromatic eyes flashing with the latent power held within, followed by its distinct call. (Level 7, 2500/2000).

“To battle! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon attacks Ancient Gear Golem!”

“My golem has 3000 attack points,” stated Night Quill. “Just what are you planning?”

“When an attack is declared, as long as I have an ‘Odd-Eyes’ dragon for both Pendulum Scales, Phantom Dragon’s Pendulum effect activates: This increases my monster’s attack by 1200. (Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 2500 -> 3700) Spiral Strike Burst!”

Odd-Eyes charged in, readying its breath attack (ATK: 3700), which it then unleashed in a rippling beam towards the looming Ancient Gear Golem (ATK: 3000). The fiery beam crashed against the antiquated machine, a haunting groan escaping somewhere from within.

“Ancient Gear Lancer’s effect! When Ancient Gear monsters would be destroyed in a single sequence, I can prevent their destruction, in turn permanently decreasing its defense by 500!” Night Quill responded, in which his centaur-like mech charged forth and intercepted Odd-Eyes’ attack. Under the stress of withstanding the attack, the topmost cog on its shield shattered to pieces, leaving two remaining. (DEF: 1500 -> 1000)

Sunset hadn’t expected this. However, she knew Night wouldn’t remain unscathed. “You still take damage from the battle. And since Ancient Gear Golem is level eight, you take double damage from Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s effect: Reaction Force!”

Night Quill shielded his eyes from the bright red beam glancing past his golem and striking his forcefield head on, combined with a slight kick from the duel system’s feedback on his arm.

Night Quill Life Points: 4000 – 1400 = 2600

“I set one card. Then end my turn.”

(Hand: 1)

Turn 3: Night Quill (Hand: 3)

Night Quill drew his first card, “Alright, I didn’t expect you boosting your Odd-Eyes’ attack past that of Ancient Gear Golem. But as history shows; great generals were always prepared for unforeseen possibilities.” He fed a card into his duel disk from his hand. “The perfect fusion spell, ‘Ancient Gear Fusion’, activate.” On his card’s reveal, the fusion vortex appeared anew. “When activated, Ancient Gear Fusion lets me perform a Fusion Summon, but if Ancient Gear Golem is on the field, I can take fusion material from my deck.” With a rattle of the automated shuffler, two cards ejected from his deck, which he flashed as two additional copies of Ancient Gear Golem, “I fuse the Ancient Gear Golem on my field with my other two in my deck.”

All three Ancient Gear Golems emerged to the field, when their bodies began to disassemble: Each plate was pulled from its placement, the complex internal workings being undone; all of it being sucked into the eye of the vortex.

“Mechanical giants, bearing ancient souls; unite together and become a vessel of untapped power!”

“Fusion Summon! Come forth! Level 9, ‘Ancient Gear Megaton Golem’!”

With a resounding boom, to Night Quill’s field emerged arguably one of the largest monsters Sunset had witnessed. Its body was a slightly more pristine, but still worn grey hue. It had the body of Ancient Gear Golem, but instead of two legs, it stood on a sextet of heavy mechanical limbs, and it bore six arms, each pair matching that of Ancient Gear Golem, with the right being composed of thick, hefty fists, and the left scooper-like claws. Three glowing red dots shone from within its helm. (Level 9, 3300/3300)

That is certainly a big robot…

“Ancient Gear monsters prevent my opponent from activating spell and trap cards during battle. In addition, Megaton Golem can attack once for each Ancient Gear Golem used for its summon.” Night Quill pointed at Sunset with a sense of finality. “Meaning your facedown is useless unless you activate it right now. And when I destroy your oddity of a dragon, you’ll be taken down from Megaton Golem’s second attack. So, let’s lower the curtain on this performance! Ancient Gear Megaton Golem, attack!”

With its internalized gearworks grinding within its chassis, Megaton Golem (ATK: 3300) revved back its triad of fists, which then flung towards Odd-Eyes (ATK: 2500) with enough force to generate a mach cone. Odd-Eyes, with a glint of its dichromatic eyes, revved back and blew back with its breath attack (ATK: 2500 -> 3700), the force of which miraculously pushed against Megaton Golem’s impossibly heavy limbs.


“Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon’s effect can activate regardless of who attacks,” said Sunset, bringing a hand to her hip. “Looks like this general was too hasty.”

Night Quill grunted in frustration. “Ancient Gear Lancer, defend!”

On command, the centaur mech intercepted Odd-Eyes’ blast (DEF: 1000 -> 500), causing Megaton Golem’s fists to glance away. The second cog composing Lancer’s shield shattered, followed by a stray gout of Odd-Eyes’ attack striking Night Quill once again.

Night Quill Life Points: 2600 – 800 = 1800

Night Quill shook his head, trying to appear more composed than he led on, even taking the time to seemingly dust off his shoulder. “Merely a setback. I set two cards, then end my turn.”

(Hand: 2)

Turn 5: Sunset Shimmer (Hand: 1)

Sunset drew her next card, adding to her drastically decreased hand as Pendulum Summoning was wont to do. However, with the frankly abysmal performance of her opponent compared to the last two matches, it seemed Odd-Eyes would be more than capable of withstanding. “I move directly to battle! I attack Ancient Gear Lancer with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! By using Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon’s Pendulum effect, it’s more than enough to end this!”

Just as Odd-Eyes (ATK: 2500 -> 3700) was preparing for the finishing blow, Night Quill swiped a finger over his screen, “Continuous trap, ‘Ancient Gear Land Mine’, activate!” The card unveiled itself, to which it promptly faded, being replaced by a small gear-shaped disk with a quarter of spindly, spider-like limbs extending from the bottom center, whereas at the top center a blinking red light flashed at regular intervals (Level 2, 1000/1000). “When activated, Ancient Gear Land Mine is summoned to my field as a monster in defense mode. Any attacks you make are diverted to it instead.”

Odd-Eyes attention seemed seized by the blinking red cog, to which its blast was diverted towards the little device. The mine suddenly skittered across the field, narrowly avoiding the attack before leaping and latching itself to Odd-Eyes’ head. As the dragon shook its head furiously to try and dislodge the nuisance, the mine let out a grating grind, followed by a violent detonation.

“When destroyed in battle, it lets me destroy one monster on the field. I refuse to be defeated so ignominiously, let alone by you.”

Sunset was not perturbed, however. “As long as my Pendulum Scale remains, Odd-Eyes will never truly die. With it, I Pendulum Summon! Return to the field, my partner!” In a flash of red, Odd-Eyes remerged to the field, screeching almost as if in retort to Night Quill’s trick. (Level 7, 2500/2000)

“I activate my second set card; ‘Cross-Dimensional Duel’. When activated, this makes me banish one ‘Ancient Gear’ monster on the field. I choose Ancient Gear Lancer as the target.” With a ripple, Lancer’s form faded from the field.

Sunset eyed the strange choice to conduct in confusion. What’s he up to now? “I set one card and end my turn.”

(Hand: 1)

Turn 6: Night Quill (Hand: 2)

As soon as Night Quill drew, the space previously occupied by Ancient Gear Lancer began to glow, “During my stand-by phase, Cross-Dimensional Duel returns the banished monster to my field, with its attack points doubled until my next end phase.”

From within the glow, the sound of metallic hooves clanged against a non-existent ground. Ancient Gear Lancer seemingly leapt from between existences to the field, its drill-like lance revving in a threatening display. (Level 7, 2500 -> 5000/1500)

“An attack strength of 5000?!” Sunset blurted in surprise.

“That’s right. More than enough to deal with your persistent dragon, even if you were to use your Pendulum Effect. What’s more, since Ancient Gear Lancer left the field, its defense points reset to their original value, meaning my monsters are once again guaranteed their protection. Furthermore; as an Ancient Gear, Lancer prevents you from activating spell and trap cards when it attacks, so even if you have whatever battle trap set, my monsters won’t be brought down by such an amateurish trick.” He pointed a commanding finger at Odd-Eyes, “Ancient Gear Lancer, attack Odd-Eyes and remove it from my sight! Precious Lance!”

Revving its drill-lance, the centaur automaton charged forth as both rider and knight, engaging the looming Odd-Eyes like a scenario lifted straight from old human legends. A spiraling cone took form over Lancer’s namesake weapon (ATK: 5000) as it neared, with Odd-Eyes firing its enhanced breath attack (ATK: 2500 -> 3700) at the approaching mech. Lancer’s spiraling armament parted the incoming beam up until lunging it into Odd-Eyes’ chest, the dragon erupting into pixels before anyone had to watch it suffer from the gaping wound inflicted.

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 3400 – 1300 = 2100

“Trap card, activate, ‘Pendulum Reborn’!” Sunset unveiled one of her cards. “This lets me bring back Odd-Eyes from my extra deck, (Level 7, 2500/2000), and my other set card; ‘Pendulum Switch’: With this, once per turn, I can Special Summon a monster in my Pendulum Zone to my field. I bring Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon to my field, in defense mode!”

In a golden ripple, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s smaller green cousin took its place beside it, hunched down in a defensive posture. (Level 3, 1200/600)

“And what, pray tell, did that accomplish?” asked Night Quill in a condescending tone. “Ancient Gear Megaton Golem, attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Annihilate it!”

Megaton Golem revved back its triad of arms (ATK: 3300) and swung forth in a three-part punch, a loud, earthshattering boom rocking the gymnasium. When the dust cleared, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, to everyone’s audible surprise, was unscathed, a bicolored aura shattering from around it.

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 2100 – 800 = 1300

“What?! What did you do?!”

“Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon’s effect: As long as I have an Odd-Eyes card in my Pendulum Zone, I can target one Odd-Eyes on the field; that monster isn’t destroyed from one attack.”

“Hmph! Megaton Golem can attack thrice due to the number of golems used to summon it! Attack again, Megaton Golem!”

Winding its left set of arms following its wild swing, Megaton Golem (ATK: 3300) swung down with its clawed arms, scooping the smaller Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (ATK: and sending it slamming into the gymnasium wall, where its form shattered into a burst of pixels.

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 1300 – 800 = 500

Megaton Golem then raised its two frontmost legs (ATK: 3300) and stomped down with them, another ground-shattering boom permeating what might have been the entire school. Suffice it to say, Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon (DEF: 600) was easily crushed from the third attack.

“Yeessss,” hissed Night Quill, clenching a fist triumphantly. “One more turn and you’re done. The last one standing who took down the infamous Sunset Shimmer, she-demon of CHS.”

Sunset could only sigh, at her foe’s foolish ambitions. “For all I cared, I’d let you have this victory you want with a surrender.”

“Don’t you dare!” Night Quill retorted. “I will defeat you by my terms. A legacy can only be written by remarkable feats. To do so any other way would sully the honor.”

“And that’s what this is about?” asked Sunset. “A legacy? For what? Defeating the one who reigned over as the undisputed queen of the CHS dueling academy longer than anyone before me?”

“Knowing I toppled the tyrant when the current Duel Queen of CHS seemingly abdicated her position when she vanished? This will be my Macedon; strive forward further until I achieve my own greatness, like Alexander the Great when the took the Achaemenid for himself. Goes to show those idiots at Crystal Prep Academy for rejecting me.”

Sunset frowned, “Where’d this come from? You tried to get into Crystal Prep, got rejected, now you’re just taking it out on me?”

“Rejected, and backstabbed, by my own brother, my very own Brutus. The prat couldn’t so much as put in a good word for his own family, so I end up here. Well, if Sharp Stroke thinks he has the right to lord himself over me, I’ll just have to carve out my own piece of the world. I set one card, then end my turn.”

(Hand: 1)

Turn 7: Sunset Shimmer (Hand: 1)

“I’m not surrendering, that much is a given,” said Sunset as she drew her next card. “I owe it to my friends with whom I built this deck, and for the sake of someone who believed in me, and fought tooth and nail to help me.” Ignoring the dismissive scoff from her opponent, she looked over her limited repertoire Whatever I do, I gotta do it this turn or it’s over.

“Without your Pendulum Scale you can’t summon your dragons to further stall me. With such a limited repertoire of cards to call on, it was only a matter of time before you ran out of options,” declared Night Quill in a condescending tone.


Let them be your power…


“I take the scale eight ‘Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon’ to reset the Pendulum Scale,” Sunset placed the new card to the edge of her disk. Arising to the now vacant scale came a new dragon: Like its cousins; it had a bipedal body, but instead of the usual chromatic colors, its body was a solid, stony grey, with silvery armor affixed to its chest and shoulders, and brilliant, violent crystalline studs protruding from its long and heavy, segmented tail. From its back extended a long, crystalline arc, between which extended a single large, violet crystal spire. Instead of horns, from the top and sides of its head, and the sides of its lower jaw, extended a brilliant, silvery crest, between which the familiar orange and teal eyes glistened.

“Pendulum Summon! Return to the field, my companions, Odd-Eyes Pendulum (Level 7, 2500/2000) and Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon (Level 3, 1200/600)!”

“Again with this?” frowned Night Quill exasperatedly. “My life points are high enough and with Ancient Gear Lancer to protect my Golem, you’re not going to have enough time to finish me.”

“It’s not what I’m going for,” Sunset declared, taking the final card in her hand and feeding it into her disk. “Spell card ‘Polymerization;’ activate!”

“Polymerization?” Night Quill’s eyes widened in trepidation. “You can…?”

“I fuse together my two Odd-Eyes dragons on my field.” The fusion vortex opened anew, this time on the side of Sunset instead of Night Quill and his mechanical forces.

“Dragons of dichromatic eyes, unite together and combine your power under the arc of harmony.”

Now was Sunset’s turn to bring her hands together, fingers intertwining more delicately, “Fusion Summon! Take flight, dragon of dichromatic eyes who lords over the storm winds: Level 7 ‘Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon’!”

As if Odd-Eyes Pendulum and Mirage Dragon had been spliced together: The result was a sauropodian dragon of a dark grey body encased in streamlined armored green scales running down from the top of its sleek head down to the top of its snaking tail. From its back unfolded a quartet of metallic golden wings. As all its kin, Odd-Eyes’ familiar orange and teal eyes glistened from underneath the emerald armor, even its call matching that of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, with the accent of a storm’s fury raging with it. Its form seemed to hover off the ground under the effect of an invisible gale. (Level 7, 2500/3000)

Night Quill huffed, “It’s not any stronger than your other dragon.”

“Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon’s strength doesn’t lie in the physical,” said Sunset defiantly, pointing at the looming Ancient Gear Megaton Golem. “When Special Summoned, Vortex Dragon lets me return an attack position monster on my opponent’s field to the hand.”

Unfurling its metallic wings, a gusting vortex fanned out from behind the new Odd-Eyes. Against so many laws of physics, Megaton Golem, despite the sheer tonnage to its mass, started to lift off the ground.

“Go ahead,” smirked Night Quill, strangely unperturbed at the impending loss of his strongest monster. “When Ancient Gear Megaton Golem leave the field by an opponent’s effect, it allows me to Special Summon the even stronger Ancient Gear Ultimate Golem from my Extra Deck. Your just wasted your ender’s gambit on a self-defeating-”

“Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon’s second ability: Once each turn, by shuffling a face-up Pendulum monster from my extra deck to my regular deck, I can negate a spell, trap or monster effect’s activation and destroy it.”

On its second command, a trailing burst of wind ran across the field and shattered Megaton Golem’s form into pieces, which were all blown away by the impossible storm generated by the emerald dragon.

“Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon, attack Ancient Gear Lancer! Spiral Vortex Strike!”

On her orders; drawing in the force of a storm’s gale in its jaws, Vortex Dragon (ATK: 2500) unleased a ripping twister towards the awaiting Ancient Gear Lancer (ATK: 2500), which revved up its drilling lance and galloped into the storm. To Night’s own surprise, Lancer’s attack struck home, the spiraling armament striking home, impaling the new Odd-Eyes through the chest, all the while the first cog shattered from the warrior’s shield (DEF: 1500 -> 1000)

“What are you doing?! You have an Odd-Eyes in both Pendulum Zones,” said Night Quill, seemingly taken aback at the turn to his favor.

Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon on the other hand, seemed to respond as the crystalline growths in its body lit up, accented by a furious bellow from the inactive monster.

“Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon’s Pendulum effect: If an Odd-Eyes is destroyed, once each turn, I can Special Summon an Odd-Eyes monster from my hand, deck or graveyard,” Sunset’s automated shuffled engaged, a card being ejected for her to take. “I’ll finish this with the pride of my deck: My one and only partner; Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!”

Once again revived by the powers of its kin, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon arose to the field of battle, the brilliant glint of its dichromatic eyes a portent to the only perceivable outcome. (Level 7, 2500/2000)

“I attack Ancient Gear Lancer with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, activating Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon’s Pendulum effect at this time to strengthen my partner’s power. Spiral Strike Burst!”

Night Quill could only watch as his Ancient Gear Lancer hefted its shield (ATK: 2500), but it would be a losing battle as Odd-Eyes (ATK: 2500 -> 3700) launched its enhanced breath attack one more time. Despite Lancer being spared when the second cog on its shield shatters (DEF: 1000 -> 500), the attack spewed around past the mechanical warrior, striking Night Quill’s forcefield. It was Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s effect that ultimately spelled his defeat.

Night Quill Life Points: 1800 – 2500 = -700

Sunset Shimmer victory!