• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 2,092 Views, 109 Comments

Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters Arc 2 - Night-Quill

Sunset Shimmer strives to prove herself a changed person, all the while her fellow students around her seek to prove a newfound dominance over her as duelists. Behind the scenes, three girls arrive at CHS who might not be all that they appear to be.

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Duel #36: Between World: A Letter From the Princess

Dear Princess Celestia,

I know it’s been a long time since I last wrote to you at all. Since the day we parted, actually. I went over every message from you upon discovering my journal in the locker. I would assume Princess Twilight told you everything, about the magic of this world and the spirits presiding over it: Suffice to say, the thing that had me under its influence had seemingly blocked out my memories of the journal and only the other day did I stumble upon it. I’m relieved, for I have so much to say, so many apologies to beg for.

I’m doing fine. Well, maybe not exactly fine, but it better than possession. It’s hard to put into words the feeling of being under subconscious mind-control for three years. The best way to describe it is like a weight was lifted off, only for another to take its place.

I finally did it, after all these years: I have friends. Six of them; you must know their counterparts on your side: Fluttershy has been most welcoming, and Pinkie Pie (no mean bone in their bodies). I help Fluttershy down at the local animal shelter every weekend, and we also do yoga together once each week. She’s also a good listener and I feel like I can divulge anything on my mind to her when I’m feeling the most troubled. And Pinkie? I don’t know how she does it; but I can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. Apparently, I’m her glorified “cupcake guinea pig”, which is always a plus (unless habanero peppers are involved).

Applejack and Rarity were obstinate at first, and they had all the right, what with me ruining their relationship that Twilight managed to reconcile. I sometimes wonder if there was something deep within me that just hated seeing true happiness, and it terrifies me to no end. Whereas Rainbow Dash has been admittedly most reluctant, but I feel she is slowly coming around. Fluttershy can be quite persuasive with her.

Sunset gripped the back end of her ballpoint in rumination. She felt uncertain whether or not to divulge her old mentor in the crew she ran with for a time. It was on a very rudimentary basis, certainly, but given recent events with Trixie, would that make her any less liable? Closing her eyes, a sharp, hissing sigh escaped her nose, whilst her thump idly clicked the cam of her pen in an erratic rhythm.

Things have gotten… complicated since Twilight’s leaving. Everyone else is still stand-offish about what I did that night, let alone that one of my classmates, Trixie, has gone missing. We’ve no idea where she is, just that Rainbow and I found her clothing and whatever possessions she had on her at the time in an alley downtown. We informed the authorities and gave what we found as evidence. Now we just have to hope they can find Trixie… And that she’s still with us.

I’m sorry to give such grim news on my first message to you after all this time. I eagerly await your response. I’ve been yearning to contact you. I have so much more to tell you.

Your former student,
Sunset Shimmer

PS. Please send Princess Twilight my regards. I owe so much to her for saving me. She’s fortunate to have a mentor like you, and she’s wiser than I ever could have been, for listening to your council.

With a slight sense of indecision, Sunset finally urged himself to close the tome. Once done, the very symbol she herself once bore on her flank lit up, signifying that a connection had, indeed, been made, even beyond the veil separating this world from Equestria. Remarkable indeed, perhaps owing a look back who created this particular magic.

With her vow to write to her mentor fulfilled, all she could do now was wait. Trepidatious as she was whether the Princess was angry and disappointed, or relieved. Maybe in time she could divulge more, like the long talk she had with Mr. Turner on the roof of CHS earlier.

She set the journal on her nightstand where she could more likely hear if its inherent magics would alert her of a response. As any night, she lay her head down, the constant troubles on her mind urging their way to her forethoughts. She’d very much resigned herself to the notion of never having a truly peaceful slumber again, with her past sins clawing their way into her dreams. She honestly yearned to see her, to see Twilight again, like she did the night of the day she found Trixie’s belongings.

If only I could be so lucky, she thought to herself as she turned on her side, trying to get comfortable.


It was one of those earlier mornings than usual. Much as she didn’t want to disappoint Fluttershy with their Saturday morning good deeds at the shelter, the notion of being able to just lay in bed thanks to another sleepless night felt so appealing in her mind. Sunset tossed the bag she’d also used as a makeshift holder for her breakfast panini into the trash can just to the side of the main entrance, while sipping from a paper cup of coffee, still adequately hot. The mixed scent of pine soap and animal fur was the first thing to assail her nostrils on entry to the Canterlot animal shelter, though it became increasingly unobtrusive from each visit.

She wasted little time in changing to an ensemble consisting of old clothing and a mildly stained white coat in the backroom before stepping back out into the lobby, just as she saw Fluttershy entering through the windowed door. In tow a white, large dog with a thick, fluffy coat. Sunset couldn’t help but internally aw at the outright beautiful canine, when she realized something unexpected on Fluttershy’s person.

“Hey, Fluttershy. What’s with the…?”

Fluttershy was wearing a hat, something very unusual for her, let alone how it looked very unbecoming of her with her thick, luscious pink hair, but it looked very familiar… Too familiar. A sinking feeling in her stomach came over her upon the realization where she thought she knew it from.

“… The bowler hat…”

Fluttershy did not respond as she knelt down beside the white-furred dog, which had sat down with its head noticeably drooping in a forlorn manner. The series of high-pitched whines elicited from Fluttershy’s attention pulled taught at Sunset’s heartstrings, eyeing the animal caretaker with a saddened upturned glance.

After Fluttershy gently stroked the scruff of its neck, she stood back up, when Sunset noticed something large clutched in Fluttershy’s other hand: A green and black standard-issue model of duel disk. Night Quill’s duel disk. Fluttershy then proceeded to sling her bulging backpack off and unzipped it, revealing an equally familiar checkered scarf of many green hues. Taking the liberty, Sunset pulled out a vintage green vest, gasping as she dropped an antique watch out one of its pockets. In an impressive reflex, she caught it before it hit the surface of the desk.

Oh… no…!!!

Before words could be exchanged, from the direction of the pens, right across the front door to the shelter someone entered the room. It was Doctor Fauna, veterinarian and head of the shelter: A thin, bright yellow-skinned woman with pale cerulean hair with even paler streaks in her hair, that she often kept tied back, dressed in an unassuming, but professional, veterinarian’s outfit of a white collared shirt and pale blue light pants.

“Ah, morning you two,” she beamed to the two, when she easily spotted the dog who was now lying down on the floor. “Oh! Isn’t that Frosty?” she inquired as she walked over to the saddened animal.

“Frosty?” asked Sunset, despite the obvious implications.

“Night Quill’s dog,” Fluttershy remarked promptly. “It’s much worse, Doctor Fauna…” she said apprehensively, taking off the bowler hat from atop her head for emphasis.”

Doctor Fauna, whilst going over the downtrodden Frosty, proceeded to eye the distinct hat intently, “Night Quill’s hat…? Fluttershy, what’s happened?” She asked, joining the two at the desk, seeing the contents from the backpack.

“It’s just like with Trixie,” Sunset stated. “One of our fellow students went missing this week right out of the blue. Me and one of our friends found her stuff piled in an alley along Stirrups. Everything, and I mean everything she…” Taking a moment, she peered into the backpack, seeing Night Quill’s black jeans stuffed inside, to which she tentatively fumbled them, until quickly pulling her hand away. “Exactly like here. Everything they had on them.”

“Except their deck,” Fluttershy added, pointing out the vacant deck port of the duel disk. For emphasis, she pulled back on the cover for the extra deck port, showing it empty as well.

Doctor Fauna looked down at the downtrodden Frosty, “Where did you find them?”

“In the park,” said Fluttershy. “I was passing through, when I took a moment to check up on a nesting family of jays nearby. That’s when I found Frosty just lying there by the treeline. Poor dear was shivering, right atop Night’s clothing.”

“Oh no…” Doctor Fauna knelt back down, petting the whining Frosty in empathy. “What do you suppose happened?”

“It’s not certain,” said Sunset, not helped by the further sinking feeling in her stomach, with a hint of heartburn, “but we think it might be Ghouls.”

“Those card gangsters?” asked Doctor Fauna. “Didn’t their entire operation burn down a bit ago?”

“Hence, “not certain,” Doctor Fauna,” Sunset remarked. “It’s just a though among us, but we think they might be sort of regrouping.”

“Understandable. But abduction? Let alone taking the person, but stripping them.”

“We…” Sunset swallowed the feel of bile rising in her throat at the thought of what Trixie might have endured, “We had theories… I’d heard Ghouls can be extreme, so maybe it’s some form of domination tactic. Possibly ransoms with their more lucrative business gone.”

“Dear god…” muttered Dr. Fauna, Frosty having gathered the strength to lay her head on the veterinarian’s lap. “And both are from the same school.”

“That’s the most terrifying part,” said Fluttershy with a shudder.

Dr. Fauna’s words made Sunset consider the very real possibility that the Ghouls might have been targeting these two specifically for being CHS students. Though her overall memories of the night of the fire continued to elude her, she’d thought Gauge and Caliber were in police custody. Suppose some of their underlings had taken to opportunity to go their own way and were being a lot less covert. It was plausible.

Dr. Fauna gently, with hushed encouragement urged Frosty to stand and follow. “I’ll go get Frosty a place in the pens. You girls call the police about Night Quill.”

“At once,” said Fluttershy, her phone in hand whilst Dr. Fauna led the white dog through the door to the back.

“Will she be okay?” asked Sunset, watching the downtrodden dog be led off. “It’s not exactly warm outside and who knows how long she was out there.”

“She should be fine, physically at least: Samoyeds are endemic to Siberia, they can withstand extreme cold. But emotionally…” Fluttershy trailed off sullenly as she brought the device to her ear.

Sunset looked from Fluttershy in the direction of the pens. An ever-increasing weight of guilt beginning to feel growing over her shoulders if it really was the very gang that she herself used to run with that was now grabbing people off the streets. How could she ever tell anyone the truth now? Let alone the Princess if it was true.

“Poor girl…” she uttered, wondering what exactly the crooks did to Frosty’s owner, and what else the dog must have endured before being found by Fluttershy.


“So that’s three people missing now!” remarked Rainbow incredulously at their usual table during lunch period.

“First Trixie on Tuesday, then Night Quill between Friday night and Saturday morning. Now Derpy,” mused Fluttershy, her, as well as the rest of their group, being unable, or unwilling, to even consider eating.

The moment first period that Monday morning began there was another PA announcement from Vice-principal Luna: Reporting that Derpy, or rather Ditzy Doo, if going by her formal name, had also gone missing. As with Trixie and Night Quill before, her clothing and any possessions she had at the time, minus her deck, were found crumpled on the side of a fenced path near the school.

“Exactly the same each time,” mused Rarity, “seemingly vanished, clothing and belongings, sans their deck, discarded carelessly in an otherwise out-of-the-way location.”

Sunset distastefully prodded at her vegetable quiche, “So there’s been no talks about signs of a struggle or anything?”

“Well, the clothes were all there, wouldn’t that mean there was struggling involved?” asked Fluttershy.

“I suppose that’s true,” said Rarity before taking a sip of her water. “But I have to wonder…”

“Sugarplum, much as ‘Ah love your enthusiasm, is this really a good time?” asked Applejack through as gentle wording as she could manage. “‘Ah mean people have gone missin’ an’ who knows what else. Out of respect, ya know.”

Taking another sip, Rarity proceeded to politely clear her throat, “I understand perfectly, dear. I’m just curios: Trixie disappeared off Stirrup, clothing stashed atop garbage. Suppose a van or other getaway vehicle was involved; it’s easy to not take into account: Cars pass by constantly.”

Sunset looked over at the fashionista with intrigue, “But at a park though? A no cars zone. Suppose Night Quill was also grabbed, you’d think they’d leave some kind of markers to follow.”

“You mean like tire tracks?” asked Fluttershy.

“Did you see any when you found his dog and things?”

“I’m not sure. I might have missed it since I had to gather Night’s things and get Frosty to the shelter.” A look of shock suddenly came over her features, “Oh no! What if I missed something important and-”

Sunset promptly placated her friend with a calming gesture, “Hush-shush, you did nothing wrong, Fluttershy, you couldn’t have known.”

“Plus; I don’t think anyone wouldn’t have noticed a car speeding through the park anyway,” Rainbow added, idly twirling her fork between her fingers. “What about Derpy? Wasn’t she in a no cars zone?” That none could really answer, what with the lack of information barring the location.

“Is it safe to assume who the scapegoat is?” asked Sunset dryly, as if there was any question who CHS’s local ogre was.

“That’s just them labeling,” remarked Pinkie in a dismissive tone. “Besides, how would anyone think you alone could make a person disappear? And leaving behind their clothes? I mean you’d have to be a special kinda weird for that, am I right?” she asked, looking over to the table next to theirs, only to realize how two tables to each side were vacant. “Oh…”

“It’s especially worse since Derpy actually took the time to talk to me,” Said Sunset propping her head against a hand, finally urging herself to eat a mouthful.

“‘Ah mean ‘Ah suppose it is a little bit convenient that three people disappeared from the same school.” Before Sunset could choke out her response, on top of it going the wrong way, a faint, pulsing tone sounded from the floor. This was only secondary in concern as she coughed violently at the chunk of quiche now caught in her throat. It took but a blink for Applejack to bolt over and with a mighty smack to the upper back, the obstruction got launched out like a veritable projectile.

“Hey, your bag’s beeping,” called out Pinkie.

Without saying a word, Sunset dug her hands into her backpack to produce the source; her journal. The imitation of her cutie mark was beating rhythmically, sending faint apparitions of it racing in all directions across the cover, while the tome lightly trembled all over.

“Oh! Is the Princess writing back to you?” asked Fluttershy, catching on quickly.

“Whoa, cellphone diaries?” asked Rainbow Dash in a slightly humored tone. “Neat.”

“She is! She is!” Sunset beamed, the morose atmosphere forgotten for the moment as the flicked through the pages, the latest niftily marked by an outlining magic. Maybe the words from the Princess herself might up their spirits.

“Don’t keep us in suspense, darling,” called Rarity from across.

“Yea, what’s she sayin’?” asked Applejack, back to her seat directly across from Sunset.

“Okay, okay, hush,” Sunset motioned. “Dear Sunset Shimmer, I regret to inform you that this journal was forwarded to me: It’s good to hear from you. This Twilight Sparkle writing back to you-?!”

All five girls almost leapt from their seats at the words just read. For a fleeting moment Sunset might have sworn her heart fluttering. Princess Twilight, her savior and first friend, was contacting her beyond the fabric of realities themselves. That might have meant that she would know even better what to do, what with her very recent foray into the human world. When everyone, herself included, managed to calm themselves down from the excitement, though with some jittery urging from Pinkie, she continued reading…


Through the endless expanse of the great void between world beyond counting or ken of mortal comprehension that would drive those of limited consciousness to insanity, a single note echoed. Throughout this bottomless and borderless space, it directed itself through a tear that brought the distance beyond measuring between two worlds closer than possible for but a moment.

Beyond this tear opened up another world, somewhere over the land of equestrian, the unheard note reverberated itself throughout the realm in an instant, before finding the one receptacle it was made for and meant to find. In the unassuming town of Ponyville, past the upright circular townhall and the many homes of the locals, at the crest of the tallest hill arose a structure very unlike the rustic town.

It was a grand structure, like the interweaving of ancient pony architecture, the organic curvature of roots and branches of a grand tree and the resplendence and luster of crystals. The Castle of Friendship it took to be called by the populace, risen in the wake of one of Equestria’s darkest moments. The echo bounced itself unnoticed throughout the equally lustrous hallways of indigo, bright blue and violet and settled upon something currently being carted towards a large door at the end of a long hallways accented with a directing magenta carpet.

In the center of six matching crystalline seats set around a grand crest in between was Princess Twilight Sparkle, newest member of Equestrian royalty and the newly titled Princess of Friendship, currently busy going through a series of scrolls of parchment. Around her were her closest of friends and confidants:

Applejack and Fluttershy were busy pushing a crate full of materials they would need to properly furbish the new dwellings. Rarity was putting meticulous detail into polishing each and every seat, while Pinkie Pie was busy blowing a balloon for… whatever Pinkie reason. All the while Spike and Rainbow were busy playing Duel Monsters in the corner.

“Excuse me, Princess,” came the unfamiliar voice of a stallion, “where do you want all these books from Princess Celestia?” He was a lanky grey-coated earth pony with a messy dark mane and some hints of stubble, garbed in simple blue overalls. A part of the moving crew contracted by Princess Celestia to aid with the recent move.

“The library,” said Twilight absently, “third door on the left.” Turning back to her checklist for the furbishing of the castle. She promptly checked off the entry for books sent by her mentor in the wake of her entire collection being scorched and vaporized in the wake of Tirek’s rampage.

“Uhh, even this one that’s glowin’ and vibratin’?” asked the mover.

Twilight looked up in surprise; seeing that the topmost book, a thick tome of wooden covers with golden frames, was, as the stallion put it, glowing and vibrating. Reaching out to grip it with the telekinetic aura of her magic, she brought it closer, identifying a familiar symbol embossed over the cover: An intricate representation of the sun, just like Princess Celestia’s cutie mark, apparitions of which seemed to flow across the cover with every vibration coupled with a soft chime. The flipped through a short series of pages before happening upon the one that seemed to be outlined with a soft glimmer of some inherent magic, revealing to her what looked to by styled in the form of a message.

“What is it, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy, curiously hovering closer, all the while the sounds of an additional pair of flapping wings indicated the nearing presence of Rainbow Dash. And possibly Pinkie Pie having abruptly appeared behind her.

“It looks like a message to Princess Celestia from… Sunset Shimmer?!”

“You mean the one who stole your crown?” asked Rainbow.

“The one who ruined the lives of our counterparts in another world by bringing forth a dark entity that was poisoning her thoughts since her perceived betrayal by Princess Celestia and almost caused the end of the world via a card game?” Pinkie’s mouth lined upon finishing her very precise train of thought. “… You know, it sounds a lot sillier the longer you think about it.”

Twilight tactfully ignored the mostly negative recount of her previous foray into the human world and read through the message a second time, more thoroughly, to digest the words of her friend stuck somewhere across the multiverse. The notion the message got through such incomprehensible distances(?) through such a simple spell was remarkable: Connecting two journals with a back-and-forth transceiver and receiver matrix; able to send messages between one another through the inscription of words onto their pages and closing the tome upon completion. Twilight made a mental note to look up who created the spell, for their exploits only became more remarkable to unwittingly pierce the void itself.

Sunset’s message elicited both hope and great concern: The human Fluttershy and Pinkie (unable to help smiling at the implication of habaneros) embracing her request so strongly, and even Applejack and Rarity forgiving her. Rainbow Dash she had concerns regarding her stubbornness, but it seemed she may have started to come around.

If knowing them is like knowing the ones I have with me, I’m sure they’ll help her.

However, the message bore ill tidings, and she wasn’t sure if she could help her any better than Princess Celestia…

“Don’t keep us in suspense, Twilight,” said Rarity, carefully clambering off the seat she’d been polishing. “What’s she saying?”

Twilight happily indulged, reading aloud her former enemy’s recounting of events, even the problems she faced and the disappearance of their version of Trixie (whom Twilight did not recall meeting, actually.) Everypony seemed satisfied with their counterparts’ actions, Rainbow quietly admitting she’d had problems trusting Sunset so soon after the crown theft.

“Goodness, I hope nothing bad happened to their Trixie,” murmured Fluttershy.

“Yea, ours was more than a bit of a blowhard if’n ya ask me,” said Applejack, a tad harshly, but given their Trixie’s latest visit, it was understandable. “But ‘Ah wouldn’t want nothin’ bad happenin’ to her, not like that, anyhoo.”

“What are you gonna do?” asked Spike, having himself had stakes in the events of the human world.

“Give me a moment, everypony,” said Twilight, trotting to the side, grabbing her quill and ink in her telekinesis. “I need to ruminate over what to say to her.”

Sitting down by one of the crystal thrones, Twilight took a deep breath, clearing her mind and held Sunset’s entry before her, coming up with how to respond to her fellow Equestrian across the veil. A fellow Equestrian and friend in need of her aid. Formulating a narrative, she dipped her quill and proceeded to respond.

Dear Sunset Shimmer

I regret to inform you that this journal was forwarded to me: It’s good to hear from you. This Twilight Sparkle writing back to you. Hello~!

With an abashed chuckle, she resumed with formality.

It would seem the Princess did so regarding our previous encounter on your side of the portal. I will be more than happy to send her your regards. (On my part, back-and-forth communications with Princess Celestia actually works through Spike.)

I am glad to hear of your growing rapport with our human friends, in spite of all past grievances. I had hope they, much like their counterparts here with me in Equestria, would help you through this trying time. It’s unfortunate your other peers do no understand as of yet the full ramifications of your situation. I’m sorry to hear about Trixie. On behalf of my friends and I; we hope that she will be found as soon as possible and unharmed.

All I can say is that you must keep trying. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you in the wake of what transpired, and that for years you had to endure being manipulated. Keep your friends close to you, for in my experience, with them by your side, things will turn out for the better. I can attest due to recent events that transpired here. I know more than ever that one must cherish those they love, for even in the darkest hours, they’ll always lift you up.

Please, give my regards to everyone. We may have only met, but I feel our shared experience helped me realize that maybe I can make a difference, with my new position as Princess.

Your friend,
Twilight Sparkle

PS. Priestess too yearns to know how you are. Otherwise, she has acclimated to Equestria quite well. To a spirit such as her, our world, in her own description, is like a vibrant, melodious realm of beauty in ways I don’t think neither pony nor human can comprehend.

Hope you write back soon~

Content for what she could come up with off the top of her head for the moment, she closed the tome, a sheen of magical energy radiating off the impression of Princess Celestia’s cutie mark on the cover. Looking up, trying to picture the very act of her message transmitting through the borders of the cosmos no perceivable to her, a sense of unexpected foreboding came over her. With recent events having forced her attention to the home front, she hadn’t the time to wonder what ramifications her foray into the human world might have incurred.

If only the connection to that world would not be severed for so long… She thought to herself, her thoughts turning towards her library. “Girls, could you carry on without me for a while? I need to look into something.” Upon the unanimous agreement from everypony, she began a brisk trot out of the chamber. “Spike; I’ll need some help. Rarity, can you assume the role of organizer?”


A sense of warmth seemed to fall upon their table upon finishing reading aloud the response. Brief as this first of hopefully many responses from Twilight was, Sunset couldn’t help but feel strongly emboldened by the new princess’ words. Let alone being glad that Priestess, her former self-declared guide and perhaps even guardian, was fine as well. Though in retrospect, her guidance over the dark games and the mysteries behind Duel Monster would prove invaluable in the wake of what was happening.

Pendulum, Odd-Eyes, and these visions I keep having…

“Are you alright?” asked Fluttershy, bringing Sunset out of her reverie.

“Y-yea… Actually… I don’t know.” She sighed, running her thumb down the cover of the journal, now her only available link to the home world, to Twilight and Priestess; two of the most valuable help in this trying time. “If only the portal could be opened sooner: We would definitely need Twilight and Priestess’ guidance right now with… everything. The disappearances, whatever happened to let me obtain Pendulum, Odd-Eyes. Just everything…”

“We know,” replied Fluttershy forlornly. “She did so much for all of us.”

“In so little time,” Applejack added, her and Rarity taking each other’s hands.

“Whoever designed that portal,” Rainbow remarked, “sure picked the best of time limits, huh?”


The students of Canterlot High School, filled the hallways in between periods, chatting amongst themselves, walking together, some hand-in-hand. No matter what they were talking about, be it how one did so poorly, or so great in the last exam, how far one kicked the ball at football practice, they all paled compared to what was truly brimming the hallways.

It was fear and despair. Three of their own had vanished without a trace in the past week. Though they would all put on a brave face, so self-assured that they themselves would not fall for the same folly as them; they knew, deep in the murky recesses of their minds that they feared if they might be the next to disappear. She didn’t need to guess. Adagio knew well enough from just feeling the air around her as she peered down from the second story alcove over the front entrance.

A loud belch abruptly interrupted her thoughts, the innate feeling of disgust and agitation welling up within, “Ugh, you pig.”

Sonata proceeded to pout indignantly “Hey, not my fault that last one isn’t sitting too well,” she said having drawn some stares from the odd student close by.

“Ugh, honestly, you have no decorum whatsoever,” said Adagio with a frown, leaning back against her arms against the railing. Unlike Sonata, she herself would put on the more proper display to complement her most sensual looks, something she would painstakingly maintain. An air of regality was just as vital as external appearance, something she’d learned stood the test of time. A very long time indeed.

“Yo, I followed Sonata’s bellyaching,” came the more abrasive tone of Aria, her twin-tailed sister having rounded the stairwell leading to their current spot. “Everyone having fun on our first ever day of school?” she asked with a frivolous wave of her hands, a wry, toothy smirk etched on her features.

“Meh,” Sonata shrugged. “Kinda wish it was a college. Way more fun if you ask me.”

“Ah yes, summers are always more fun when you put it that way,” Adagio remarked with a chuckle. “Anyway; to business, sisters. The principals?”

“Still under and holding strong. Saw to it personally when Celestia announced the disappearance of what’s-her-face. Didn’t even look to slip.”

“Hmm, she was a most boring victim,” muttered Adagio. “Still she put up a fight at the very least. I guess these trained school duelists are somewhat better than the usual street trash. Although, not much.”

“Yea, that one with the silly hat was okay,” said Sonata, suppressing another belch.

“Honestly, Sonata; it’s called a bowler hat; not hard to remember,” remarked Adagio absently, looking over her glittering nails. “Now, dealing with stage two of the plan: Dealing with our lesser Equestrian friend. What do we know?”

“Fought in the underground for the Ghouls, so a higher grade of duelist than any of these excuses around. I can attest to that, though I’d suspect whatever was up with her the last time might have something to do with that,” stated Aria, an unusually fascinated glint in her eyes.

“Possession, say the principals when I coaxed any information out of those two. And what took place; it’s left a strong residual echo from the dark game. It’s everywhere,” Adagio added, feeling the resonance of despair emanated the hallways.

“And they’re scared as all hell,” grinned Sonata. “I mean it’s no Blitz, or the revolutions, or the plague times… And remember Pompeii? That was a good one. But still…”

“Indeed, with maybe a little push from us,” Adagio agreed. “Now, Aria; you know Miss Shimmer better than us. What are our chances?”

“Since she’s an Equestrian, she’s bound to have a stronger spirit than the rest. I mean last time she was able to bring about a complete manifestation when she burned the Ghouls down. I still say she can be a threat. Let alone whatever she did when dueling that bowler hat guy and that Turner guy,” Aria recounted, bringing a contemplative hand to her jaw. “It’s something to do with that dragon of hers.”

“A spirit?” asked Adagio.

“No, not yet anyway. And the other one’s still in the home dimension.”

“And the portal is closed for thirty moons, meaning there’s no threat of anyone coming to the rescue.” Adagio glanced contemplatively in the direction of the main doors to the school. “Now, we just need to claim Miss Shimmer’s power for our own, then we can begin properly.”

“I think I have an idea…” said Sonata, sporting a most mischievous smirk, bringing her fingers together by their tips over her mouth.

“Really? “Sonata has an idea”?” mouthed Aria mockingly.

“The rainbow-haired one doesn’t trust her,” said their blue-haired sister abruptly. “Everyone here positively hates her. And since we offed those three, they’re all scared if they so much as look at her; they’ll go “poof” themselves. Ooooh, she’s absolutely miserable about it…”

Adagio raised an intrigued brow. Despite little Sonata’s vapid air-headedness, there was that one particular area of expertise even she had. “Go on.”

“Aria, you say she ran with them Ghoulies before?” asked Sonata.

“What about it?”

“Nobody here knows about it!” she exclaimed. “See; we’re gonna wreck the one thing Miss Sunny-side has going for her: Their trust. Let the rainbow one know what she really is. Trust me.” A sharp-toothed grin spread over her features. “Breaking that bond always hits hard…”

Sonata giggled maliciously, wagging her long tongue past her fangs, that ever-noticeable glint in her eyes as her little plan played out in her simple, but enthusiastic mind. For if there was one thing little Sonata was apt at; it was the act of cruelty.

Author's Note:

And back to the literary side of the skill spectrum. Expect the next chapter soon-ish.