• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 2,092 Views, 109 Comments

Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters Arc 2 - Night-Quill

Sunset Shimmer strives to prove herself a changed person, all the while her fellow students around her seek to prove a newfound dominance over her as duelists. Behind the scenes, three girls arrive at CHS who might not be all that they appear to be.

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Duel #29: Dokurorider Ascended (Edited 28.4.2020)

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 2800

Sunset Shimmer’s field
Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon (Level 3, 1200/600), attack position

Spells/ Traps:

Pendulum Zones:
Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon (Scale 1)
Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon (Scale 4)


Lightning Dust Life Points: 5000

Lightning Dust’s field
Dokurorider Reborn (Level 6, 2500/2450), attack position
Chaosrider Gustaph (Level 4, 1400/1200), attack position

1x Set card
Soul Absorption


Turn 5: Lightning Dust (ongoing) (Hand:1)

“Since I banished two monsters to summon Dokurorider Reborn, Soul Absorption gives me a thousand life points, 500 for each card banished. I then activate my facedown card; ‘Rip Tire’, increasing Chaosrider Gustaph’s attack by 500 (Chaosrider Gustaph ATK: 1400 -> 1900). I will then activate Gustaph’s effect; by banishing two spells, Rip Tire and Rip Snatch from my graveyard, I increase his attack by 300 for each card banished until your next end phase (ATK: 1900 -> 2500).”

Lightning Bliss Life Points: 5000 + 1000 = 6000

“Here I come, Sunny,” called Lightning Dust in a taunting manner, “I attack Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon with Chaosrider Gustaph!”

The motorcycle-riding humanoid swung its blade in brandish. Before Sunset could respond, Dokurorider’s eyes lit up ominously.

“At this point I activate Dokurorider’s monster effect! By banishing a spell from my graveyard, I can destroy a spell or trap on your field. I banish Graceful charity to destroy your Phantom Dragon! You’re not pulling that shit on me again!”

Lightning Dust Life Points: 6000 + 500 = 6500

With the unworldly roar, Dokurorider Reborn tossed up the crimson sword it wielded, before deftly seizing its chain and began to rev it overhead like some morbid lasso. With enough centrifugal force accrued, it tossed it towards the Pendulum Scale of Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon, decimating the pillar with a violent burst.

With a rev of its engines, Chaosrider Gustaph (ATK: 2500) rode forth, delivering and upward swipe at Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon (ATK: 1200).

“I activate Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon’s effect, so it’s not destroyed!” Sunset responded, though she would still take a sizable amount of damage.

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 2800 – 1300 = 1500

Lightning Dust snorted amusedly, “It’s pointless, Shimmer! I attack your dragon with Dokurorider Reborn!”

With a repeat of its lariat-like handling of its hellish sword, Dokurorider Reborn (ATK: 2500) flung its flaming weapon at Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon (ATK: 1200), the small Odd-Eyes being utterly decimated when the blade cleaved it in two, both halves erupting into pixels.

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 1500 – 1300 = 200

“During the end phase, Rip Tire and Rip Snatch return to my hand if banished by monster effects,” Lightning held up the two cards, a condescending sneer etched on her features. “Without those annoying Pendulums, you’re nothing, Shimmer.” (Chaosrider Gustaph ATK: 2400

(Hand: 3)

Turn 6: Sunset Shimmer (Hand: 2)

Sunset drew her next card. Placing her hand over the Extra Deck compartment, she mouthed a silent thanks to her monsters. “I activate the spell ‘Pot of Riches’.”

Lightning raised a brow, “A Pot? So, you’re going to draw cards…”

“Indeed; I take three Pendulum monsters from either my Graveyard or faceup in my Extra Deck,” her Extra Deck compartment snapped open, pushing out the exact three monsters she had in it; Odd-Eyes Mirage and Phantom Dragon, and Dragonpit Magician. She slid them atop her deck, followed by the satisfying rattle of the automatic shuffler. “I then draw twice, but for the rest of this turn I can only Special Summon via Pendulum.”

Sunset looked over Lightning Dust. The showoff’s cocky demeanor seemed to ebbslightly as the turn went on. A duel is not just a string of luck and planning, but also of skill and strength of will. That’s what Priestess once told her when she first started.

“I then activate ‘Pendulum Call’. This card lets me add two ‘Magician’ Pendulum monsters, as long as they have different names, from my deck to my hand,” a quick shuffle and the two were ejected. “I then take the scale eight Dragonpit Magician to set the Pendulum-”

“Dokurorider Reborn’s effect activates!” Lightning retorted. “I banish Pre-Preparation of Rites to destroy your new scale!” Dokuroriber flung its flaming sword at the newly form scale, when the blade abruptly bounced off it. “What?!”

Sunset couldn’t help but afford herself a smug smile, “With Pendulum Call’s effect; ‘Magician’ Pendulum cards can’t be destroyed until my next turn. Sorry, Lightning, but you should learn to keep a cool head. Might have actually gotten somewhere.”

The last remark sparked a reaction from Rainbow, as the chromatically haired athlete slapped both hands to her cheeks and mouthed a distended “Ohhhhh,” with her eyes trained squarely on Lightning. Finally: A positive reaction from Rainbow Dash! Lightning Dust, however, was thoroughly unamused.

“With that, my Pendulum Scale remains set,” and as abruptly as it’d come, she spotted Rainbow clutching at her chest. “Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monster!” In a green burst of light from within the scales, Sunset’s monster emerged.

“Level 6; ‘Oafdragon Magician’!” One of her new Magicians from when she dueled Fluttershy yesterday, garbed in his predominately green robe, yellow sash and wielding his pronged staff weapon.

“Now, I sacrifice Oafdragon Magician to Tribute Summon ‘Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon’!”

Engulfed in a pillar of shining red power, a pair of great, familiar red wings erupted from within, striking the light aside with one mighty flap. Rearing its snaking head, the greater, larger form of Odd-Eyes glared down from above the buildings, like an angered beast protecting its own. (Level 8, 3000/2500)

“Aw shit…” muttered Lightning.

“Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon’s effect: When successfully Tribute Summoned, it can destroy one monster you control, and inflict damage to you equal to its attack points. Reaction Advance!”

Opening its toothy maw, Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon fired a thin beam that trailed in a straight line through the alley, going over Dokurorider Reborn (ATK: 2500) without an outward effect. As soon as it passed, a violent ground-trailing explosion followed in its wake, decimating the rider.

Lightning Dust Life Points: 6500 – 2500 = 4000

“I then attack your Chaosrider Gustaph with Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!”

Odd-Eyes, with a reciprocating roar, repeated the previous motion (ATK: 3000), firing a beam from its mouth trailing along the ground under Chaosrider Gustaph (ATK: 2000), getting a taste of the following explosion herself, only for it to not really affect her, aside from the noise and flashing.

Lightning Dust Life Points: 4000 – 1000 = 3000

“I set one card,” said Sunset as she slid one of the last two cards in her hand into the spell and trap port.

(Hand: 1)

Turn 7: Lightning Dust (Hand 3)

As Lightning’s turn began, her smug composure had broken away drastically. She seemed to hesitate for a moment as her fingers touched her deck. Murmuring something Sunset couldn’t make out, she drew her next card. “What a fucking relief,” she mused before slapping the newly drawn card onto the D-wheel’s mounted tray. “I summon ‘Chain Rider’ in defense mode.”

Another dreadful rev of a motorcycle engine permeated the enclosed space, when onto the field arose, to no surprise at this point; another motorcycle riding monster: This one, though similar akin to Chaosrider Gustaph, was a small, burly goblin-looking creature with a helmet that may have been two sizes too small, with a constantly grinning (or grimacing) mouth clearly visible from underneath, decked in a spiky leather harness and ramshackle armor plating tethered to its body. It rode on a worn-out cafe racer type motorcycle, while grasped tightly in an oversized green fist was a length of chain with a weight at one end. (Level 4, 1800/1100)

“I set three cards, then end my turn.”

(Hand: 0)

Turn 8: Sunset Shimmer (Hand: 1)

She’s getting desperate, thought Sunset as she drew her next card. Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? “I play the spell One Day of Peace. This lets us both draw one card,” a slight smile formed on her lips. “Consider it a peace offering.”

“Tch. Whatever, Shimmer,” said Lightning as both of them were urged to draw. “I guess it’s true; when you lose everything; you do become a pathetic kissass like you and Fluttershy.”

“She is not a kissass,” muttered Sunset, when Lightning appeared to trigger one of her set cards.

“I activate ‘Rip Snatch’, to draw one card. Then I activate Rip Tire, increasing Chain Rider’s ATK by 500. And lastly, Rip Chain. During the end phase I activate the appropriate number of effects based on the largest chain this turn.”

Sunset eyed her opponent warily, looking over her small hand before proclaiming, “I attack Chain Rider with Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon.”

Odd-Eyes (ATK: 3000) once again proceeded to blow away Lightning’s Chain Rider (DEF: 1100), but didn’t inflict damage due to being in defense.

“I end my turn.”

(Hand: 2)

That’s when that familiar smirk reappeared on Lightning’s features, “With a chain of three: Rip Chain lets me destroy one card on the field: And my choice is your Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!”

Sunset couldn’t help gasping when a series of chains launched out from the card’s image, the numerous shackles coiling around the great dragon like metallic serpents, squeezing the life out of it. The dragon and the chains binding it shattered into pixels up above.

“And I can add one ‘Rider’ or ‘Rip’ card from my deck to my hand.” With a rattle of the automated shuffler, a card was ejected for her to take.

Turn 9: Lightning Dust (Hand: 3)

“Time to put you in your place, bitch,” Lightning growled as she drew her next card. “I activate ‘Dokurorider Unleashed’! I banish Dokurorider Reborn from my graveyard to fill the cost!”

Lightning Dust Life Points: 3000 + 500 = 3500

“Beyond the grasp of Hell, shunned by the Heavens, let your engine of freedom roar an eternity.”

“Ritual Summon! Ride on! Level 6: ‘Dokurorider Ascended!’”

Bursting from the void and landing in a similar manner as before, Dokurorider showed itself again, only this time, he was different. As before, he rode a grand motorcycle with a sextet of upward curving exhaust pipes, only the once hellish flames had changed to an ethereal blue, and the tires were both entirely composed of this same ghostly fire. The demonic skull at the front remained, and seemed more worn this time around, and bleached.

The rider himself had changed from wearing the void black armor to a silvery, mirror-like suit that shimmered the blue flames off its impossibly immaculate surface. His head, no longer adorning horns, was now awash in the same fire, only the outlines of his skull being visible. His sword was no longer shackled, and was made whole, the red having changed to pure silver, while the blade burned in a blinding blue. (Level 6, 2500/2450)

“When Dokurorider Ascended it Ritual Summoned using a Dokurorider as the Ritual material, his attack points permanently increase by 1000 (ATK: 2500 -> 3500), and makes him indestructible by card effects! And when Ritual Summoned, I can activate one of two effects by either banishing all my spells or all my trap cards in the Graveyard. By banishing all my traps (Rip Skid, Rip Lash); I destroy all your spells and traps on the field!”

Sunset took a step back in shock as the immaculate rider swung forth with his sword, sending a rippling aura of flame that seared away everything on her field: Her Pendulum scale and set card burned to ashes, leaving her field bare.

Lightning Bliss Life Points: 3500 + 1000 = 4500

“Dokurorider Ascended, direct attack! Finish this!” Lightning snarled, her composure gone, in place with an overeager, almost feral glare.

Dokuroriber Ascended brandished its blade, now made whole and sped off towards Sunset in a blue flurry of flames. The rider swung his blade… And nothing proceeded to happen. Sunset’s life points did not tick down from the meager 200 to zero, nothing.

“What the hell?!” blurted Lightning Dust incredulously. “Is your piece-of-crap duel disk fritzing or what?!”

A sudden bout of laughter followed. The source, even to Sunset’s own surprise; was Rainbow Dash. The rainbow-haired athlete, hands to her hips, was honest to Celestia laughing at the spectacle. The sight was a touch unnerving to say the least, given how Rainbow was persistently taciturn or passive aggressive in Sunset’s presence. But all at the same time, it was a refreshing change.

“Lightning, what an absolute tool you are!” guffawed Rainbow, shaking her head. “One Day of Peace. You get it? One Day of Peace: It prevents either player taking damage from anything until the user’s next turn! You literally pulled off that ender’s gambit for nothing! You blew it!”

Lightning looked like she’d been petrified upon hearing Rainbow’s explanation. True enough; that was the effect of the One Day of Peace Sunset had played last turn, not certain whether Lightning would catch on, particularly when she’d attacked Chain Rider with Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon, since it had been in defense mode. Lightning glared at Sunset one hand grasping tightly at the bar of her D-wheel. She was furious.

“Y-you… Whatever! Dokurorider is invincible to destruction effects, and none of your monsters are strong enough to take him on! My life points are miles ahead of yours! You can’t win, Shimmer!” Lightning blurted.

Sunset, comparably the epitome of calmness compared to the jittering Lightning, looked at her foe defiantly. “I told you only moments ago: A duel isn’t over while I still have cards to draw and life points. Anything is still possible, whether you believe so or not.”

Lightning huffed in exasperation, “During my end phase, Rip Lash and Rip Skid return to my hand. I end my turn.”

(Hand: 3)

Turn 10: Sunset Shimmer (Hand: 2)

Closing her eyes, Sunset reached for her deck, and drew. This has gone long enough; time to end it. “I play the spell card ‘Amazing Pendulum;’ I can add two ‘Magician’ Pendulum monsters from my Extra Deck to my hand.” Her Extra Deck port opened, pushing out her cards of choice. “I take the scale two Oafdragon Magician, and the scale eight Dragonpit Magician to set the Pendulum Scale.

“The swing of the pendulum connecting two worlds draws out the arc of harmony.”

“Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my partner!” With the re-established Pendulum Scale, the gate opened, a scarlet streak striking down. “Level 7; valiant dragon with dichromatic eyes: ‘Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’!”

With a glint from its mismatched orange and teal eyes, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon finally graced the field of this particularly harrowing duel, letting out its distinct call, as if in triumph. (Level 7, 2500/2000)

“And my final card from my hand: The spell ‘Tsukumo Slash’!” Sunset inserted the last card in her hand, unveiling itself on the field. “When my monster attacks a monster with more attack points; it gains attack points based on the difference between our life points.”

Lightning looked on in utter disbelief, “But… My life points are 4500…!”

“And mine are 200. So that’s 4300 in total. Odd-Eyes, attack Dokurorider Ascended! Spiral Strike Burst!”

With a roar elicited by the sudden surge of power (Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 2500 -> 6800), the bipedal dragon dashed forth. Building up its now iconic breath attack and unleashing it with greater intensity than ever before, the gout of energy glowing hot orange instead of the usual scarlet. The attack completely enveloped Dokurorider Reborn and its ride (ATK: 3500)

“But even if you destroy Dokurorider Ascended I’ll still have life points left,” Lightning responded, with but a sliver of hope remaining.

“When Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon attacks a monster that’s level 5 or higher, it deals double the battle damage,” replied Sunset, to which all said hope came falling down on Lightning’s expression. “Reaction Force!” With another impossible surge, a white spiraling pattern enveloped Odd-Eyes’ attack. With no cards set and no way to use any cards in her graveyard, Lightning was finished.

“Dammit!” Lightning snapped, watching the (virtual) embers of her monster waft around her in disbelief. “I had you…”

Lightning Dust Life Points: 4500 – 6600 = -2100

Sunset Shimmer Victory!

As the whirr of the holo-emitters died down, Sunset watched as Rainbow squeezed her way past Lightning’s obstructive D-wheel, looking strangely pleased over the results; “Wanna tell Spitfire yourself, or should I?”

Lightning glared daggers at Rainbow. Veritably slamming her helmet on her head, kicking in the ignition of her vehicle, performing a dust-spewing turn before zooming away. Rainbow turned towards Sunset, crossing her arms while smirking in contentment.

“Enjoy the show?” asked Sunset with a wry smile, disengaging her duel disk.

Rainbow chuckled, “Oh maliciously.” An interesting choice of words, but at least Rainbow was happy for once in Sunset’s company. “So, what took you so long back here anyway?” she asked looking past the turn into the more compact path where the garbage bags lay. “I thought you were taking a piss or something down here.”

Sunset’s brows furrowed in disgust, “Ugh! No, dammit!” How is Fluttershy friends with you?! “I found something.”

Rainbow raised a brow,” Seriously?” Sunset slung off her backpack and unzipped it, pulling the gap open to reveal the assortment of discarded clothing and additional duel disk. She watched as Rainbow pulled out Trixie’s duel disk and scrutinized it intently. “Well, it definitely looks like Trixie’s…” She then pulled out the light blue hoodie, only for a light blue bra to fall out from its folds. “What the hell?!”

“I don’t know what went down here, but we gotta call the girls to meet up,” said Sunset in urgency.

Rainbow stuffed the clothing, including the bra, back inside, “Say no more.”

The two took down the street in a brisk pace where Sunset started to browse for Fluttershy’s number, when Rainbow abruptly cleared her throat to get her attention, “This doesn’t mean we’re cool, just FYI.” Sunset chose to simply roll her eyes before planting her phone to her ear.