• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 2,092 Views, 109 Comments

Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters Arc 2 - Night-Quill

Sunset Shimmer strives to prove herself a changed person, all the while her fellow students around her seek to prove a newfound dominance over her as duelists. Behind the scenes, three girls arrive at CHS who might not be all that they appear to be.

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Duel 28: Bad Girls: Dokurorider Reborn (Edited 28.4.2020)

Author's Note:

As last time with Trixie, I have a blog post detailing the new original cards.

“I take the scale one ‘Dragonpule Magician’ and the scale eight ‘Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon’ to set the Pendulum Scale!”

Adagio looked on intently from her and her sisters’ admittedly not very subtle hiding spot, as two blue pillars of light arose to each side of the infamous Sunset Shimmer, each holding within them a Duel Monster, one of humanoid form akin to the sorcerers of this world’s distant past and the other a green dragon. Having been led by Aria to believe this girl was one of the long extinct practitioners of the Games of Darkness, yet she could not sense it. There was some subtle murkiness, but truthfully any human possessed something alike deep down. And yet, there was something else. Something that made the gem hanging from her choker pulse, stronger than normal.

“So, she can use Pendulum Summoning now too?” wondered Aria aloud. “She’s certainly different from before. Last time there was a full-on manifestation.”

Sonata hummed, holding her hand to her own gem, “Hmm, so familiar… It almost feels like home. How long it’s been…?”

Adagio came to a sudden realization: Magic in this world on average was paltry when compared to the days so long ago, back when they’d first arrived, outside their own volition. But now, the force permeating the vicinity, it was much more melodic. Human dark magic had always been more unruly, volatile and unrefined. But whatever this Sunset Shimmer was exuding…

“Equestrian magic?!” Adagio suddenly slapped a hand over her lips at her own outburst, ducking behind the corner in case anyone heard her. “It’s honest to Grogar Equestrian magic!” she repeated more restrictively to her sisters.

Aria was looking at her in befuddlement, “How’s that possible?”

“That would explain the homey feels,” Sonata remarked, appearing more focused than was usual.

“But where did a human find it? Let alone learn to wield it?” asked Aria. “Since when did a lowly human pierce the veil to the home dimension?”

“It seems there’s more to your little Ghoul acquaintance than you thought, Aria,” said Adagio, as the three continued to observe the duel taking place.

“So what the hell is she doing hanging out at a high school with that kinda power?” Aria inferred, sounding more than a tad disgruntled.

“You’re the one who got us on the right direction,” said Adagio in deliberate derision. “Didn’t that other girl tell you anything?”

Aria groaned, “She said she had the “sniffles” before some rumors about people calling this Sunset a demon or whatnot. Aside from leading us here, she was completely useless. Though this Pendulum Summoning proved pretty neat.”

“Well then,” said Adagio, watching as Sunset Shimmer seemed to turn the tide over on her opponent, “it looks like we have some more reconnaissance to do.”

“Please don’t tell me it means what I think it means…” Sonata chimed in.

“Girls, it looks like we’re going to school,” Adagio declared, smiling amusedly as the foe, whom she overheard over the spectators as being possibly named Spitfire, was struck by the attack of Sunset’s great red dragon.

“Oh dammit…”


Sunset stood quiet under the discontent booing and insults of her peers as she gathered the cards on her tray and slid them back into their proper place atop her deck, after which she disengaged her duel disk. Everyone fell quiet when she began to approach Spitfire, still holding her Volcanic Doomfire’s card in her hand, looking at it apologetically. She stopped a few feet away, looking at her defeated opponent.

“Going to gloat over your victory, Shimmer?” Spitfire spat derisively.

Without saying a word, Sunset held out a hand to Spitfire. The athlete looked between the hand and Sunset’s face, looking at her as if in confusion. “You did good, Spitfire. Just wanted to let you know.”

Spitfire snorted, turning away as her duel disk disengaged without saying another word. Sunset looked on dejectedly, all the while the other students chose to vacate the premises (naturally giving her a wide berth). She was soon joined by her friends.

“Are you okay?” asked Fluttershy.

Sunset sighed. “Yea. I’ll be fine.” She turned to the rest of the group, seeing how quick everyone else was to leave with her around. “So… Applejack? Did you by any chance manage to get anything on Trixie?”

“Yea, Ah’ called Big Mac; says Trixie was present for RPG club that day. Ah’ asked if anythin’ was off. Not much, other than her bein’ grumpy after you beatin’ her,” said Applejack.

“So how does that help us?” asked Sunset, turning to their wannabe detective that was Rarity.

“Any information is an asset, trust me on this,” said Rarity with confidence. “We now know that Trixie vanished outside of school. Naturally; the next option is to retrace her steps.”

“So walking to her house?” asked Rainbow, albeit she sounded less than enthusiastic about the prospect.

“Precisely,” said Rarity, slinging her backpack on one arm and producing a folded map from its confines. “According to what information Applejack provided me (thank you, sweetie), Trixie does not commute and lives in an apartment complex on the corner of Rein and Tanner. I took the liberty,” she turned the map over for everyone else, “of marking down the quickest routes to the location.”

Pinkie proceeded to hum in thought, “I know I’m usually not the one to say it, but shouldn’t we let the proper authorities handle this?” Everyone looked at her blankly. “I mean it’s not that I have anything to do today or anything, buuuut…”


Accompanied by Rainbow Dash, Sunset had opted taking the most straightforward route to Rein and Tanner, which would pass quite close to Sunset’s home. All the while Rarity and Applejack paired up to take the path down Proprietor Street (with the suspicion of an ulterior motive of being able to window shop along the way, even with the pulp-fiction enthusiasm), while Pinkie and Fluttershy took the path down Sugarcube Street.

Sunset wasn’t exactly thrilled by her pair in the venture. Much as she wanted to say something complimentary to the rainbow-haired athlete, she couldn’t bring herself to utter anything. Much less after how insistent Rainbow was about going with her in place of Fluttershy. Furthermore, she wasn’t fond of how the athlete seemed to keep eyeing her when she thought she wasn’t looking.

“So… No hard feelings over defeating your teammate?” asked Sunset, giving a sheepish shrug and smiling perhaps a little too chummily. Rainbow said nothing and clearly feigned looking about as they went. Perhaps appeal to her interests, “Hey, since you’re the top athlete… Um… Do you have anything like polo?” Rainbow this time grunted. “It’s a sport in Equestria where ponies run around hitting a ball with these long wooden mallets into a goal. I guess it’s closest to hockey, which we also have, actually! Though it’s not as common since, you know, no arenas…”

“Uh-huh,” muttered Rainbow.

Sunset tried to desperately come up with something else; “Oh! You said something about forming a band, right? For the showcase. Was just thinking if maybe I could-”

“Aren’t we supposed to be looking for clues on Trixie instead of chatting?” asked Rainbow curtly. This elicited a feeling of wanting to shout something obscene at Rainbow straight to her face for her passive aggressiveness, but Sunset bottled it in as best she could, albeit she could not help a fist trembling in frustration.

In the midst of the (attempted) dialogue, Sunset came to a halt on realizing how they’d passed an alleyway along the sidewalk, or rather, a sizable gap in between two buildings. “Rainbow, hold up,” she called, peering down the slightly dim space between buildings. The athlete ignored her. “Rainbow! Alley!” she called more assertively.

“What?” Rainbow looked back, idly kicking a bit of asphalt debris off the sidewalk.

“Alleyway!” Sunset repeated exasperatedly. “We should check it.”

“Okay, go ahead,” Rainbow motioned for her laxly.

“Are you serious?! Now you think I’m-?!”

“I’ll stay out here, make sure we don’t get boxed in. Not sure you had this problem in Ponyland, but alleys are not exactly safe.” At first Sunset was all too eager to blurt out her grievances towards the athlete, but held herself back, seeing as Rainbow did make a fair point. It wasn’t exactly late yet, but the notion of predators was not lost on her.

“Point… taken,” Sunset turned to head down, when she looked back at Rainbow, “And for the record; it’s Equestria.” Pedantic perhaps, but some memories back from home still cemented some pride in her Equestrian roots.

Down the alley she went, met by the fetid stench of garbage, and unmentionable secretions. If she had to choose, stench of tobacco smoke and industrial solutions in the Ghouls’ factory hideout was preferable. The alley naturally couldn’t go on too far, what with the back wall of the building on the other side of the block coming up, parting left and right to a back entrance to the establishments that comprised the left and right walls of the alley. Heaps of garbage bags were piled up haphazardly by the door to the right and… A duel disk laying on top.

Sunset picked up the forebodingly familiar looking object: It was a standard issue duel disk, the same as hers, barring the coloration: A glittery violet module with a well blending glittery blue tray, still deployed. A slight tough against the screen atop the module caused it to light up, the notification; “error: no deck detected” flaring up prominently. True enough, the deck compartment was empty, as was the Extra Deck.

When she’d thought she felt queasy enough from the trepidation, she spotted other items laid about by the garbage heap: A blue spread out hoodie, a crumpled violet skirt with light blue, sparkling rims a short distance from that, a blue boot laying on the ground, its pair leaning against the wall opposite the garbage heap. Gleaming something light blue crumpled on the ground, Sunset knelt down to carefully pick it up, only to instantly drop it again; it was a pair of panties. It didn’t take long to find her light blue, if not outright grayish, backpack amongst the garbage bags.

Sunset, Trixie’s duel disk in hand, looked over the scene before her in horror. What were her possessions doing in here? What happened here?

She pulled out the discarded backpack, gingerly fingering the zipper tag due to the awful stench and unzipped the main compartment; it was filled with a few books and a folder laden with star themed stickers.

A kidnapping? But then why are her clothes… Sweet Celestia, what did they do to her?! Her mind screamed as she slung her own backpack off and began stuffing Trixie’s discarded clothing (minus the panties) inside. As she was folding the hoodie, a cellphone fell and clattered onto the ground. Picking that up, she discovered that it still had power, but as luck would have it; it’d been set on vibrate only. No wonder no-one heard it. Unfortunately, she couldn’t gleam anything else, for it was one of those models accessible by fingerprint scan. Why were all these items left here when they could be sold off, or used for contacting people closest to CHS’ aspiring magician for ransom…

Sunset’s impromptu investigation was rudely interrupted by the distinct roar of an engine bouncing off the confined space of the alley, the beam of a single headlight shining on the wall just a few feet away, the bend of the turn hiding her from its gaze. She quickly gathered up all of Trixie’s belongings before stepping out into the light, shielding her eyes irritably, when the obnoxious rumbling ceased and the light faded. Stopped diagonally at the mouth of the alley was a motorcycle, pitch black with neon, almost luminescent, green decorative patches and streaks, and its rider.

The “tang” of a kickstand deploying followed, after which the rider shed her helmet, revealing the face of a pale turquoise skinned girl with a head of slicked back, and slightly flattened, amber hair, donning a pitch-black biker jacket not much unlike Sunset’s own. Lightning Dust.

“I didn’t think you’d gone hobo this quick, Shimmer,” she remarked in a demeaning tone. “When did you take to rummaging through trash?”

Out of all people today… “I’m not in the mood for this right now, Lightning,” said Sunset flatly. “Get out of the way.”

“Why the rush?” asked Lightning derisively. “Or are you like a vampire now? Can’t stay out in the light too long or you burst into flames?”

“Ha-ha,” mouthed Sunset. “Look, I’m sorry for what happened to your hand. The old me would have told you it was your own fault for playing along, but I won’t. If there’s anything I can do to make up for it; I’m down, but right now I’m in a hurry… Where’s Rainbow?”

“Present,” came Rainbow’s voice from behind Lightning Dust, giving a curt wave.

“You said you were watching out,” Sunset called out indignantly.

“Uh, motorcycle…” said Rainbow, stating the obvious. Again, Sunset couldn’t really argue.

“I figured since Spitshine took the fall, might as well not leave this game unfinished,” said Lightning with evident confidence, as she turned a switch on her motorcycle’s dashboard.

Something lit up before her on said dashboard of what Sunset at first assumed was a regular sports motorcycle, emanating a faint blue hue against Lightning’s cyan features. A cylinder extended from the bottom of the chassis to the side near her foot, which emanated a swirling rainbow-patterned lighting, while just above the headlight a panel slid up with a faint electronic whirr, exposing what first looked like a camera. Lightning reached into a pocket on the inside lining of her jacket and pulled out a deck, which she fastened to a gauntlet looking device which held a forward-facing deck port. With a loud, clicking twist, she turned the port inwards at a ninety-degree angle. Her cards appeared to shuffle, much like on a duel disk.

“Since when did you get a D-wheel?” asked Rainbow Dash, crossing her arms whilst eyeing the motorcycle in what could almost amount to awe.

Lightning looked over her shoulder, “Since finding out that if I can’t beat you on the soccer field or running track, Dash, then I need to do something you wouldn’t have the stomach for.” This elicited a bemused look from Rainbow.

“Seriously, Lightning; I don’t have time for this right now!” Sunset called out. Lightning Dust was clearly unmoved. Much as she deep down loathed the foremost idea she had for the predicament; Sunset had to strongly urge down her remaining pride for it. “If beating me means so much to all of you; fine. You win by default. Happy? “Sunset Shimmer, the devil of CHS runs away from a challenge. Tail between her legs and all,”” she proclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air. “Happy?”

Lightning stared at Sunset as if she were in shock, followed by the noticeable furrowing of her brow. “Are you kidding me with this shit?!” she blurted out incredulously. “I hate you, Shimmer. That isn’t an overstatement; I – hate – you,” she emphasized by pulling off the fingerless glove she wore on her left hand, showing a noticeable blemish on the skin; a scar, “so you’re full of it if you think I’m going to settle for a forfeit.”

She leaned forward, “I’m not going to settle for anything other than kicking your ass in a full-on, honest to god, duel. I don’t know if you had anything to do with Trixie’s disappearance or not. Maybe you did, what with that shit you pulled during the midterm. Maybe you really do think this pity party with kissing everyone’s asses will to do something for you…” She snorted spitefully, “When I win, people are going to see you’re not as tough as you thought, and they’re going to eat you alive for it. And I can live with the satisfaction that it was me who took you down, and as a bonus, outdoing Spitfire and Rainbow in something finally. That’s three birds.”

Rainbow groaned, “You’re still sore about being laid off? You’ve got no-one to blame but you for putting yourself ahead of everyone else, Lightning Dust.”

Lightning turned to look more directly at Rainbow, the two of them glaring at each other derisively, Lightning Dust going as far as performing the human gesture of giving Rainbow the finger. She turned back to Sunset, crossing her arms defiantly. “Only way out of this alley is if you beat me. Duelist’s honor and all that. If not, well I guess we’re just going to be sitting here. All day if I have to. You’re not getting out of this one, Shimmer.”

Sunset groaned. Unwilling to resort to violence after everything, it seemed she would have to comply. She engaged her duel disk, taking several steps backwards so that her back was almost to the back wall, giving enough space between the two. “Duelist’s honor, huh?” she muttered as her auto-shuffler engaged, followed by the digital flip of the coin. Her result was tails.


Lightning Dust Life Points: 4000

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 4000

Turn 1: Lightning Dust (Hand: 5)

“Let’s do this.” Lightning took a card from her hand and slapped it on the tray over on her bike’s dashboard, “I summon ‘Dust Rider’ in defense mode!”

With a rev of an engine, onto Lightning’s field emerged a humanoid garbed head to toe in baggy brown burlap looking clothing that was tied around various places, mainly the forearms, ankles, biceps and waist with ragged lengths of cloth. A hood covered its face, along with more strips of cloth obscuring its features, save for a pair of thick, black goggles covering the eyes. It was seated atop an old motorcycle, probably one from the mid-20th century era; clunky, barebones, but sturdy, with a desert brown coloration. (Level 2, 1200/1300)

“I then activate the Quick-Play Spell; ‘Rip Snatch’. If I control a ‘Rider’ monster, I can draw one card. I then set a card, and end my turn,” she concluded, a projection of a facedown appearing before her.

(Hand: 3)

Turn 2: Sunset Shimmer (Hand: 5)

“I draw,” Sunset swiped her first card of the duel. Already it was looking promising, taking two Pendulum cards from her hand. Gonna make this quick. “I take the scale one ‘Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon’ and the scale eight ‘Dragonpit Magician’ to set the Pendulum Scale!”

“Oh no you don’t!” Lightning dust retorted flicking a finger across something on her dashboard. Possibly a screen like on a duel disk, seeing how this was the first time Sunset was dueling against someone on one of the (in)famous D-wheels. “I play the trap ‘Rip Skid’! When you play a spell or trap card; I negate its activation and destroy it.” The pillar holding Dragonpit Magician immediately erupted, disrupting the Pendulum Scale. “You really think I didn’t learn watching you and Trixie?” She scoffed, “I feel really insulted for that.”

Sunset frowned. With Dragonpit in the Extra Deck, and the only other Pendulum in hand being too high in Pendulum Scale, she was forced to do the most typical desperation move. “I summon ‘Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon’ in attack mode.”

To Sunset’s field arose the green raptor-like cousin of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with its snaking neck, long tail and pronounced tusks on its lower jaw. (Level 3, 1200/600)

“I set one card, then end my turn.”

(Hand: 2)

Turn 3: Lightning Dust (Hand: 3)

“And with that the tables turn,” remarked Lightning Dust as she drew a card from the gauntlet she adorned. “Next I summon ‘Ripper Rider’ in attack mode.”

A quite adequate name for the next monster that revved onto the field: It was either a man or a robot (maybe a cyborg) adorned in a heavy set of gun grey armor that left little uncovered, save for some exposed hydraulics in the joints of the arms, give or take a hose or two. Said armor was extensively covered in a series of spikes and blades that would make it nearly impossible to get in close without cutting or nicking one’s self. Even the helmet angled forward into a sharp beak-like extension, with painted on red eyes smeared near the top. It was seated atop an equally lethal chopper-style motorcycle, the sides also adorned with vicious, serrated blades, and even the tires were made to appear like oversized circular saws. If that wasn’t enough with the appearance of lethality; from the rider’s wrist extended a jagged, slightly worn blade like an oversized bowie knife. (Level 4, 2400/1800)

2400 attack points for no cost?! thought Sunset. No. With these one’s there’s always a catch. She’s going to have to give something up when she attacks, no doubt.

“I then switch Dust Rider to attack mode (ATK: 1200). Then I attack Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon with Ripper Rider!” Lightning Declared, to which she took three cards from the top of her deck and fed them into a port on her ride’s dashboard. “I order to do so; I need to send three cards from the top of my deck to the graveyard.”

With a rev of the engine, Ripper Rider (ATK: 2400) skid forth, delivering an upward swerving swipe with the jagged blade at his wrist at Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon (ATK: 1200).

“Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon’s effect! If I have an Odd-Eyes in my Pendulum Zone, once per either player’s turn, I can prevent an Odd-Eyes monster from being destroyed.”

“But you still take damage,” Lightning remarked.

Sunset Shimmer Life Points: 4000 – 1200 = 2800

“Dust Rider, attack Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon!”

The burlap wearing humanoid on the old motorcycle revved forth (ATK: 1200), before taking a sharp turn, drawing what looked to be an old, rusted double-barreled sawed-off shotgun. Just as it managed to fire off a shot, Mirage Dragon (ATK: 1200) lashed out with its tail, succumbing to the buckshot, all the while knocking Dust Rider off his ride.

“Dust Rider’s effect! When destroyed in battle, I can Special Summon a ‘Rider’ monster from my deck. I summon ‘Chaosrider Gustaph’ in attack mode!”

Another motorcycle riding monster emerged; this one a green demonic humanoid with red segments of armor adhered to its horned head, face, shoulders, hand and shins, while in one hand it wielded a gnarled length of metal fashioned into a gruesome cutting instrument. As its fellow Riders, it rode on a scuffed, red armored motorcycle. (Level 4, 1400/1500)

“With Chaosrider Gustaph I attack you directly!”

The rider revved its weapon-bearing wrist (ATK: 1400), before revving up its engine and speeding towards Sunset.

“Activate trap: ‘Defense Draw’!” Sunset responded, the Rider getting blasted back by some unseen force. “This negates any damage I take from an attack, and I draw a card.”

“I set another card, then call it,” Lightning added, setting a new card facedown behind her two monsters. The image of her as some biker gang member with the matching Chaosrider Gustaph and Ripper Rider seemed quite adequate for the devil-may-care athlete, Sunset thought.

(Hand: 2)

Turn 4: Sunset Shimmer (Hand: 3)

As Sunset drew, the realization dawned on her that having dueled twice now with the same deck against a fellow student, it stood to reason her limited range in cards would become a hinderance sooner or later. A part of her simple wanted to surrender, get the pointlessness over and done with. But simultaneously it felt as if another part of her, one more insistent, drove her to keep going. Perhaps that duelist’s honor Rainbow was always on about.

“I activate the spell ‘Draconnection’,” Sunset fed the card into her disk “This lets me take a dragon from my hand and switch it for one of the same level in my deck…” If there is one here to match Odd-Eyes’ level… Bingo! Her new card was ejected, followed by a shuffle. “I then take the scale four ‘Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon’ to set the Pendulum Scale!”

Within the second scale arose a new dragon: Unlike most of Odd-Eyes’ kin; this one was a purplish-blue hue, quite similar in scale of Odd-Eyes Pendulum dragon, complete with the sauropodian body-shape. Over its head, chest, feet, forelimbs and tail it donned bleached bone-white armor, the portion over its head forming into horns similar, though more rounded than Pendulum Dragon, as well as forming a protective carapace down and along the neck. The numeral four appeared underneath it.


The moment Sunset set the scale, Rainbow Dash immediately felt the sting inside her chest, her body instinctively slapping a hand over her sternum. This again?! her mind screamed. Was this going to be a regular occurrence now?

Every time Sunset was dueling; either by some ancient, or perhaps interdimensional, voodoo, whenever she’d set the Pendulum Scale; she’d have to live with having what felt like miniature heart attacks? Was it going to go on whenever she was miles away? When in class? At lunch? At home? On the soccer field?!


“The swing of the pendulum connecting two worlds draws out the arc of harmony.”

“Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters!”

With her call, a green streak launched down from the gate between the scales:

“Return, Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon!” The green Odd-Eyes snarled from its place on the field (Level 3, 1200/600)

Lightning guffawed, “That’s it?! Hah! I was actually worried for a moment there!”

“Now; I attack Ripper Rider with Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon!”

“Oh my god! Are you serious?!” Lightning laughed, slouching down with one arm propped over the windshield. “Did you just give up since you don’t have that big dragon to pull your ass out of this?!”

“I activate Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon’s Pendulum effect!” Sunset retorted, indicating the new dragon. “When an attack is declared involving my monster, while I control another Odd-Eyes card in my Pendulum zone (Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon), I can increase the attack of the battling monster by 1200!”

Odd-Eyes Persona dragon’s orange and teal eyes lit up within the scales, a blue aura surrounding Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon (ATK: 1200 -> 2400), to which it lashed out with its spiked tail.

“Oh shit…” Lightning muttered.

With a resounding smack, Mirage Dragon’s tail struck and pierced through Ripper Rider’s (ATK:2400) armor, striking at a vulnerable point in the shoulder.

“With Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon’s monster effect, I prevent it from being destroyed from this battle, therefore only your monster is destroyed!”

Ripper Rider’s form shattered. Though Lightning took no damage from the matching attack points, just having it off the field was comforting enough. “After battle, Mirage Dragon’s attack points return to normal (1200). I then end my turn.”

(Hand: 2)

Turn 5: Lightning Dust (Hand: 2)

Lightning harrumphed in a demeaning manner as she observed the card she drew. “So that’s it then, huh? Just gotta keep those Pendulums out and you’re as good as done.” A smirk etched to her lips, “I’d have thought Spits would have figured that out way before me. But then again…” she shrugged from atop her D-wheel, “it’s only Spitfire.” Rainbow visually did not condone the notion. Maybe at least Rainbow could appreciate it if Sunset defeated her. Much emphasis on if.

“A duel isn’t over while I still have cards to draw and life points,” Sunset replied in faux confidence. When you were a duplicitous backstabber, the first lesson was to sound that you weren’t bluffing.

“Then I’ll just bring them down right now, Shimmer,” Lightning complied, sliding a card into her D-wheel’s graveyard compartment. “I activate ‘Graceful Charity’; it lets me draw three cards,” which she did, “as long as I ditch two,” which were slid into the Graveyard port. “And then activate the Continuous Spell; ‘Soul Absorption.’ Now with everything set up, “I play the spell ‘Pre-Preparation of Rites.’”

Sunset raised a brow in surprise, “A Ritual card?”

“Damn straight. With this I can add one Ritual Spell, as well as a Ritual Monster mentioned in said card to my hand: I add ‘Dokurorider Unleashed’, and ‘Dokurorider Reborn’.” The two cards were ejected from her deck, followed by a shuffle. “I then activate Dokurorider Unleashed. With this I can ritual summon a ‘Dokurorider’ monster by either the regular means or banishing the needed Ritual fodder from my Graveyard. As such; I banish Ripper Rider and Dust Rider in my Graveyard (Stars: 6).”

Up above in the sky emerged in a flush of flame what looked to be a giant metallic human skull with exaggeratedly sharp teeth. The strangely malleable maw of it opened up, to which a pair of tendrils, like those of liquid flame, lashed down and drove themselves into Lightning’s Graveyard slot, before reeling back a pair of cards, which were devoured. Its cold eyes glowed an eerie red, its maw opening up further before seeming to lock into place with a resonant ‘clunk’, unveiling a dark, swirling vortex.

Lightning Dust Life Points: 4000 + 1000 = 5000

Blazing daredevil kissed by the flames of Hell; let your power roar with the freedom of rebellion.

“Ritual Summon! Rev it up! Level six: ‘Dokurorider Reborn’!”

The loud roar of a motorcycle erupted from somewhere within the foreboding void, when with a burst of fire, the skull shattered, and from the sky fell something loud, and erupting with more hellfire.

It touched down with a metallic thunk and the hiss of suspension springs. The rev of the engine, added with more flames bursting from the sextet of exhaust pipes at the back of the absolutely monstrous motorcycle. The front chassis was pretty much a giant skull of some demonic creature, a pair of red headlights shining from within the eyeholes.

Seated atop the beastly machine was a human skeletal figure: A charred skull with two red horns protruding from the sides, the eyes alight with a blazing light. Decked in a pitch-dark suit of armor, off of which not even a speck of light seemed able to reflect off of. In its right hand it brandished a fearsome red greatsword, one which seemed to have snapped half-way down its length, which only gave it further gruesome slanted point. A length of a long chain was wrapped around the pommel, possibly fused to it, while the rest seemed to be haphazardly wrapped and piled around the rider himself, as if they once bound him. It raised the crimson blade to the skies, the fleshless skull letting loose a fearsome blend of a scream and an almost animalistic roar.