• Published 15th Dec 2011
  • 10,602 Views, 431 Comments

Discordant Feelings - cartuneslover19

Though the events of Discord are behind them, Twilight still thinks about the spirit of disharmony. Thoughts kept to herself, she realizes t

  • ...

Red and Gold Eyes

Maybe next year she'll dress up as somepony from the recent history books...

Twilight smiled to herself as she gazed at the box containing her Starswirl the Bearded costume. Nightmare Night had come and passed a while back though Spike seemed to have forgotten to put her costume in the closet. The baby dragon was out doing errands right now, leaving Twilight to her studies and other personal matters.

The past weeks have truly been enjoyable for the intelligent unicorn: parties, pet play dates, new spells discovered, heroic actions, and meeting a certain moon princess after so long.

True, Twilight had not been present when the Sisterhooves Social had occurred, having been in Canterlot to spend time with classmates at her school, but she was happy Spike had been able to write up a friendship report thanks to the contribution of two very happy unicorn sisters. Twilight knew how picky and dramatic Rarity would be when it came to such matters as racing through mud and breaking sweat, but she knew Rarity also had a good heart and would do anything for dear Sweetie Belle.

Twilight turned away from her studying material as she slowly walked over to her array of books, simple gazing at them and wondering if she could pick out one on recipes.

Her parents were coming to visit, and she and Spike were making preparations for their stay at the library house. Twilight was just so excited to see them again, even though she and her friends had made many visits to Canterlot and were showered with their hospitality, their presence just made her happy. True, since she was a filly and studying under the princess, it was a bit difficult trying to adjust being away from home while she made one in Celestia's castle. But the visits were weekly, mostly every few days her parents would check on her and let her know how much they were proud of her, their loving hugs and nuzzles making her feel like the luckiest little pony in all of Equestria for having such wonderful parents.

"Ah, here we go," Twilight said happily as her magic slipped a book on Canterlot recipes out of its slot. She was so busy flipping through pages that she barely heard the front door open and the scatter of little feet.

And the sound of a whirring propeller?

Twilight immediately turned her head, and her surprised look quickly melted into an expression of relief as she gazed down at a pinto colored colt smiling up at her. Beside him was a familiar green face Twilight loved to meet despite the creature belonging to another pony.

"Hi, Pipsqueak," Twilight greeted as she put down her book. She smiled at the tortoise that landed beside him. "And hello, Tank! It's good to see you again!"

The tortoise was slow to create a pleasing smile on his face, but it was all worth it and his adorable look just made Twilight's heart melt as the day he officially became Rainbow Dash's pet.

"We're excited about the party later today!" Pipsqueak said excitedly, jumping on his tiny hooves. "A party for your parents! In Cloudsdale!"

"Oh, yeah," Twilight recalled, "Pinkie Pie wanted to throw a party in their welcome. And Rainbow Dash wanted to, and quote , 'make it twenty-percent cooler'."

"Anything seems twenty-percent cooler in my opinion!" Pipsqueak said excitedly. "My first Nightmare Night and I got to meet my favorite princess ever!"

"Oh, yeah, Princess Luna's wonderful, isn't she?" Twilight sighed happily.

"She's in Ponyville right now," he declared.

"She is?" Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Pinkie told her about the party plans for your parents and invited her and Celestia," he explained. He grinned as Tank stood beside him, the tortoise's height nearly overpowering his. "It's going to be so much fun!" He petted Tank's head, much to the pet's pleasure. "Rainbow Dash let me play with Tank for the day while things were getting prepared. I can't wait to play with him even more when I go to Cloudsdale for the first time ever!"

Twilight's eyes sparkled as she saw the smile both Pipsqueak and Tank shared. Ever since Pipsqueak moved from Trottingham, he was new to his surroundings, but he was determined to make new friends. Twilight had been his first, and through her, she introduced him to other wonderful ponies in their lovely town, and when he met the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the adventures seemed to have become even more extraordinary.

And Tank. Sweet, kind, loyal, adorable Tank. Despite so slow in contrast with Rainbow Dash's speed, he had a fighting spirit, and while Twilight had cheered for the more faster pets during the whole competition Rainbow Dash made, she secretly rooted for the little tortoise.

She nearly wept when she saw how he had saved her pegasus friend's life after the rock slide. And she couldn't hold back her tears when Rainbow Dash chose him over the falcon, and an important lesson had been learned. Even Owlowiscious had been pleased by her decision.

As if on cue, a sudden gust of wind burst through the windows and brown feathers flew over Pipsqueak and a startled Tank before it landed gracefully on Twilight's head.

"Enjoyed your flight, I see," she laughed as she gazed up at the owl she was proud to call her own.

"Oh, wow!" Pipsqueak exclaimed as he comforted Tank. "I really like your owl, Twilight! He's cool!"

"Yes, he's amazing, isn't he?" Twilight sighed. "And a wonderful assistant apprentice."

"Doesn't Spike mind?" He asked curiously.

Twilight suddenly remembered that Pipsqueak had not been here when those events involving rivalry and jealousy had occurred before the baby dragon had finally found a friend in her owl. "He doesn't," she told him softly, "not anymore."

She smiled as an idea formed in her head as she gazed down at the tiny pinto pony. She gazed up at Owlowiscious still atop her head.

"Why don't you play with Owlowiscious for the day as well?" She suggested before allowing the owl to descend and plant himself atop of Tank's shell.

"Really?" Pipsqueak squealed excitedly as he gazed at the mysterious bird. "You'll let me?"

"The more pets, the merrier," Twilight laughed.

"Oh, thank you, Twilight!" Pipsqueak rushed over and his tiny hooves hugged one of her legs. Twilight just wanted to melt, seeing how even more sweet and adorable he was. "I'll take good care of them!"

"I know you will," she told him, "every creature is gifted and always cared about, and everypony shows care for any creature..." Her voice suddenly trailed off.

Suddenly, the twinkle in her purple eyes faded and her happy smile disappeared as she slowly turned away from her little friends, as if they were no longer in her presence anymore.

"Twilight?" Pipsqueak asked, he and the pets gazing at the unicorn with sudden worry. "Twilight? Are you okay?"

She didn't even hear him as she gazed at the books before her. Her eyes slowly fell on the one book she had inserted back into its chosen slot the day before Nightmare Night.

The Tale of Discord appeared nearly dusty, having not been read for quite a while. She had nearly forgotten about the book.

Just like she had nearly forgotten about Discord himself.

So many things had happened in the days before, and the unicorn had so much fun with her friends. Being so occupied in happiness and togetherness...she slowly realized how exactly her friends and almost everypony had seemed to have forgotten the Draconequus and the chaos he once reigned over their home.

They were just moving on with their happy lives. Just like Twilight was doing right now.

New friends, new adventures, new lessons learned by all they know and love, it could distract one from recalling the memories one was so determined to hold on to. Maybe dearly. And it worked well on Twilight.

She seemed to have forgotten the hours and minutes now.

Oh, Celestia! How could she forget him? And her journal! She hadn't written anything Discord-related since Nightmare Night arrived, always filling in the pages with what she learned and making new discoveries.

It was like the thought of Discord was going to leave her mind for good...as of everypony.

If she had forgotten completely, she might have never continued struggling between keeping the secret or telling her friends.

Oh, her dear friends! They were so close, yet Twilight felt so distant from them! All because she was afraid to say anything about what's been on her mind ever since they defeated Discord, which her friends had just forgotten just like that!

Though Discord was the one who created chaos and disharmony...Twilight felt like the bad guy right now.

The secret was killing her inside, and it was making her heart ache. But what truly made the pain was keeping these feelings in discreet from her friends, even the princess. She had fought her mind a number of times about telling the princess about her thoughts on turning Discord to stone. She had reached a conclusion that maybe it was best not to say anything, fearing it would just restore the anger the sun princess had when Discord had first been released from his stone prison.

Keeping secrets from her teacher! And Twilight called herself her faithful student? She might as well throw all those friendship reports she saved right out the window if the unicorn thought sharing her thoughts seemed meaningless.

And Spike...

Twilight bit her lip, recalling the day Spike took her journal and fought to protect it. He fought Rarity's vicious cat for the sake of Twilight not shedding tears for her precious writing material. He took a dive in mud just for Twilight.

And what did she do? She lied to him.

Lying to the baby dragon, her number one assistant, about what she had been writing in her journal killed her inside. And the guilt never seemed to cease after that night. Spike thought she had been writing about him, when she merely just replaced Discord's name with his own.

Keeping secrets...lying...pretending to show that there's nothing wrong in her little world. Yeah, some friend Twilight was...

Eyes still focused on the book before her, Twilight couldn't refrain the tears from slowly slipping down her cheeks as her bottom lip quivered.

Pipsqueak gasped as he saw the tears hit the floor, Tank's jaw slowly fell open in shock, and Owlowiscious blinked and hooted in surprise.

"Twilight," the little colt spoke gently as he slowly approached her, "why are you crying?"

The unicorn suddenly realized that her friends were still present in the room and immediately wiped the tears away. "Crying?" She sniffed. "I...I'm not crying! I just have something in my eye!"

Pipsqueak and the pets gazed at her, looking unconvinced.

"You must have gotten a lot on both your eyes," Pipsqueak said, his voice showing he was waiting for a better answer.

Twilight sighed as she gazed down at the three. "Well..." She scuffled the ground with a hoof. "I don't know..." She said sadly, staring at the floor. "I just...I just feel so sad...so sad that someone is hurt and being overlooked because of being different..."

She turned and gazed back at The Tale of Discord, the other three not noticing the book.

"It's so heartbreaking..." She sniffed, fresh tears falling down her face. "That someone with a contrasting personality and interests can be considered dark and evil..."

The smile on Discord's face when he simply skated through those sudsy grounds...the look of horror when they turned him into stone...

Suddenly, something launched at Twilight from behind and she turned to see that Pipsqueak was grasping her backside, his tiny hooves clinging to her in a hug.

"But everypony loves Princess Luna now!" He said desperately before looking up at her with worried eyes. "Don't cry! There's nothing to be sad about anymore! Luna's Ponyville's friend now!"

Twilight just blinked as she gazed down at the little colt that tried to comfort her. She suddenly felt grainy legs and feathers wrap around her legs and gazed down to see that Tank and Owlowiscious had followed Pipsqueak's example, not bearing to see their unicorn friend so depressed over a matter that was all in the past.

A few more tears fell down Twilight's cheeks. But they were happy tears. She was just so touched that they were comforting her.

Yet she still lied. Again.

Finally, her little friends released their grips and now stood before her, eyes still shining with concern. She did her best to smile at them, trying to show she was fine for now.

"I know," she said softly, "still...it was kind of sad during the first moments of that night."

Pipsqueak gave her an assuring smile. "Well, Nightmare Night went great afterwards!" He said. "And I can't wait for next year!"

Twilight smiled, finding more comfort in seeing the little colt happy. She lifted the recipe book she had put away earlier and gazed at it. "Well, you and the pets better get going," she told him and she opened her book. "I got to do some things before I head out and check on the party preparations."

"I will," Pipsqueak said as he nudged Tank playfully while Owlowiscious just hooted. "I hope you'll join us soon! Princess Luna will be real happy to see you!"

Twilight smiled down at them. She closed her book before leaning down and gave the little colt a loving, motherly nuzzle along the side of his face. Pipsqueak giggled, finding her touch ticklish.

"I will," Twilight told him before raising her head a bit and gazing at Tank and Owlowiscious. "And you two..." She gave them a playful grin. "You take good care of him, alright?"

She reached over and stroked her pet owl's smooth feathers, earning a hoot of satisfaction. She laughed before turning to Tank, whose soft smile was still on his face. She reached down and picked the tortoise up with one hoof and simply smiled at the creature, her eyes gazing into his.

"Stay cool, Tank," Twilight told him sweetly before leaning over and giving him a quick peck on his nose.

Tank's eyes slowly widened and his green face suddenly became red before he averted his gaze from the kind unicorn. Both Twilight and Pipsqueak laughed before she placed the tortoise down.

Giving a silent goodbye as the three trotted out the door, Twilight turned back to her recipe book. However, she couldn't read properly, the earlier conversation clouding her mind with even more thoughts.

She couldn't be sad right now! Her parents were coming soon!

"I know most of these recipes by heart anyway," Twilight told herself before closing her book. She was, afterall, a born Canterlot pony.

She walked over to a nearby window and gazed at the sunlight that seeped through into her home. It was such a lovely day today. She needed to go out and be among friends. And see Princess Luna, of course!

The unicorn gazed down at her body, looking over her cutie mark. The day was so beautiful. Perhaps she could dress for the occasion...

"Keep them coming, people!" Rainbow Dash hollered to a couple of ponies who were moving a large dining table. "Twilight's parents will be here soon and we got to make sure this Cloudsdale party is awesome!"

"Not to mention really fun!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, standing beside her. "Oh, music and games! They're going to love them!"

Standing outside Sugarcube Corner, they, along with other ponies, were preparing food and other materials to bring over to Cloudsdale. Everypony they knew was invited to the party, determination reigned in hopes of making new friends with the pegasi up in the floating town. And the hope that Twilight's parents would have one of the best parties ever. Twilight's friends loved her parents, those unicorns having showered them with hospitality every time they visited Canterlot. They just had to return the kindness.

"You know, you guys didn't have to do all this for Twilight's parents," Spike said as he assisted Rarity in picking out ribbons for decorations. He smiled, though, touched that these ponies would go to the extreme to show a couple of ponies good hospitality.

However, he immediately turned his attention to Rarity as she grabbed another ribbon from him and inspected it. "Hmm...this one seems to bright for clouds, don't you agree, Spike?"

"I guess," he spoke honestly. He still remembered how angry Rarity was at him for attacking her cat, though she quickly took his side when Twilight comforted him. The next day after he and Twilight spent the night talking about the journal and its hidden secrets, Twilight told him he needed to go straight to Rarity's and apologize for his attitude toward the other unicorn. Even though it was out of anger and frustration because of dumb Opal, he still owed Rarity an apology.

Of course, Rarity forgave him. Spike smiled softly as he watched Rarity inspect another ribbon from the wide assortment in his arms. She just simply looked-

"Hey, guys!" Called a voice. "What did I miss?"

Spike looked up. His soft green eyes suddenly widened.

Twilight galloped toward Sugarcube Corner, the casual dress she wore flapping as she ran. It was simple white and blue dress, the usual Canterlot fashion, yet an apron was wrapped around her waist.

"Hey, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash greeted as Twilight stopped in front of her. She took notice of her dress. "Nice getup."

"Oh, yes!" Twilight turned to see Rarity gaze at the material admiringly. "Simply gorgeous! Honestly, your Canterlot fashion is beautiful!"

Twilight blushed, wishing she hadn't tied her mane back in a simple bun so her hair would cover her reddened face. "Aw, you guys...!"

"Things are getting set for when your parents' arrival," Rainbow Dash said as she motioned to all the working ponies. "This party will be off the hoof!"

"That's wonderful, Rainbow Dash," Twilight said as she passed her friends. "I'm going inside to check on the Cakes. I hope they know my parents love fruity pastries like I do."

As she made her way toward Sugarcube Corner, Twilight noticed that a few of the colts were eyeing her. She raised an eyebrow in confusion but simply shook it off as she opened the door of the shop.

"Twilight!" Pipsqueak exclaimed as Tank and Owlowiscious stood beside him. "Yay! You're here!"

"I wouldn't miss out on making a party for my parents!" Twilight laughed as she leaned down and nuzzled the tiny colt.

"Neither would I, Twilight Sparkle," said a familiar voice.

The unicorn looked up and her eyes widened when a dark blue figure with a wavy mane of midnight stood before her with a friendly smile.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Hello, Twilight!" The moon princess laughed before she leaned down and embraced her. "Oh, am I glad to see you!"

As Twilight absorbed the hug, she noticed that Princess Luna used 'I' instead of 'we', and that she no longer was using the loud, booming Canterlot voice. Now her tone sounded normal, smooth, and friendly. Twilight smiled. She was happy Celestia's sister was now becoming more accustomed to present times. And no pony was afraid of her anymore.

"Oh, a thousand pardons, Your Highness!" Twilight turned and watched as Mrs. Cake cautiously approached Luna, her nervous posture reminded her of the time Princess Celestia came for a party at Sugarcube Corner and the Cakes were desperate not to displease her. "But are our treats to your liking?"

The moon princess watched as Mr. Cake slowly trotted up to her with a plate of freshly-baked cookies in his mouth. He gazed at Luna nervously, sweat pouring down his face. Twilight rolled her eyes and tried not to laugh as Luna used her magic to float a cookie into her mouth.

"They're delicious!" She exclaimed before licking her lips. She smiled at the Cake couple. "Have no doubt in your baking skills, my good Cakes! Everything you make is wonderful, and I know Twilight's parents will love them as well as me and my sister."

"Oh, of course!" Mrs. Cake said as she and her husband gave quick bows. "Whatever you say, Your Highness." And they quickly went right back to work.

"That can be kind of frustrating, huh?" Twilight asked Luna while she petted Tank beside Pipsqueak. "All this 'Yes, Your Highness' business?"

"I try and tell ponies to not shower me and my sister with bows and such," Princess Luna sighed, though she still smiled. "Royal business can be, as you ponies say, a real drag."

"I like royalty," Pipsqueak said. "They have great princesses like you, Princess Luna."

Twilight smiled as she saw the touched expression on the moon princess's face.

"Thank you, dear one," Luna said before patting his head. She turned to Twilight. "Well, things in here seem fine now. Shall we?" She motioned to the door.

"Of course, princess," Twilight said as she pushed a strand of hair away from her face.

"By the way," Luna said as they walked out the door, "love the dress."

"You look real pretty, Twilight," Pipsqueak told her as Tank and Owlowiscious followed close behind, though the tortoise was quickly hoisted atop of Princess Luna due to his lack of speed.

As soon as they emerged through the door, some ponies gave Luna their respected bows. Twilight, however, was given smiles and gazes by a few other colts.

"Okay..." Twilight said uneasily as she tried to ignore another colt that winked at her. "What is up with these guys?"

"What do you mean?" Rainbow Dash overheard her, turning from her work.

"What are these guys staring at?" Twilight said, her tone of voice surprising Pipsqueak and Luna. "I mean, do I have something in my teeth or what?"

Her friends regarded her closely, then they looked at each other. Then they bursted out laughing.

"Twilight, you may be a smart pony," Applejack guffawed, "but you sure don't know what admiration is, do you?"

"What?" Twilight was even more confused.

"Simple, darling," Rarity began, "the boys simply find you a diamond."

Realization suddenly showed on Twilight's face and her eyes widened. "Oh, no..."

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked her. "Don't you like fanboys?"

"Fanboys?" Spike remarked, having suddenly stood beside the pegasus. "They can be annoying!" He huffed and folded his arms.

"Look at you being all protective of big sister!" Applejack laughed, nudging him.

Twilight ignored Applejack's comment as her eyes hardened.

"Okay, that's it!" Twilight grumbled before she dashed off to a nearby tree. "The dress is coming off!"

Luna, Pipsqueak, and the others simply watched as she disappeared behind a tree. The sound of ruffling skirts and untangling of hair was heard and moments later Twilight emerged, her cutie mark now visible and her mane flowing freely in the slight breeze.

"There!" Twilight declared, holding her head high as she past the colts that gazed at her earlier. "I'm not unattractive!"

"Who said you were unattractive?"

Twilight's eyes widened before turning to see those exact colts gaze at her, though their eyes suddenly turned apprehensive.

"Wha...?" Twilight blinked in utter confusion.

"Because whoever told you that will be talking to my hooves!" One of the colts said, holding his arms out wide.

Twilight didn't stand by them any longer as she slowly raced back to her friends. "Okay..." She breathed. "So it wasn't that dumb dress?"

"Honestly, sugarcube," Applejack said, "it's pretty much all you." She turned to the others, all of them nodding.

"What do you mean?" Twilight exclaimed.

"Well," the apple pony adjusted her hat, "ever since you first came to Ponyville, you did turn a couple of heads."

"And let's not forget some of my pegasi buddies eyeing you while we were moving clouds up there," Rainbow Dash added.

"Okay, whoa..." Twilight held a hoof up, trying to take only so much in. "So what are you saying? That I got admirers or something?"

"You never knew?" Pinkie Pie laughed. "Boy, your eyes are always in your books that you never see how guys' eyes are always on you!"

"I didn't need to know that..." Twilight rolled her eyes. "But seriously...really?"

"I must admit, Twilight Sparkle," Luna declared as she smiled down at him, "I do envy your mane. The pink and purple highlights are simply beautiful."

Twilight averted her eyes, smiling nervously and blushing with embarrassment. "Oh, you're just saying that!"

"Why?" Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow. "It's not like ponies were hit by your obsession spell and-"

"The spell!" Twilight suddenly cried, startling everyone. "Oh, the spell!" She placed her hooves on her head, trembling in horror. "Oh, the spell must have somehow slipped out of me when I was still going nuts over a friendship report!" She turned to the colts that were still gazing at her. "Oh, what have I done?"

"Now, Twilight," Applejack began soothingly, "you know perfectly well it ain't no-"

"Howdy, everypony," all turned to see Big Macintosh arrive with a cart full of fresh apples. He caught sight of Twilight in a frustrating posture and he immediately became concerned. "Twilight, is something wrong?" He asked in his usual gentle voice. "Are you-GAH!"

Before he knew it, Twilight's hooves grabbed at his head and he found the unicorn gazing hard into his eyes, as if trying to find something in those calm greens of his. Her friends watched in shock as Twilight inspected Big Macintosh as if she were a doctor.

"Twilight!" Applejack exclaimed. "What the hay are you doing to my brother?"

Twilight ignored her as she turned away from Big Macintosh's eyes and moved her hooves to his ears. She gave them a good yank, and the red stallion cried out.

"I don't see any sign of magic!" Twilight exclaimed, throwing her hooves in the air.

"That's because there was no magic to begin with, Doctor Scatterbrains!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Big Macintosh shook his head and gazed at Twilight in confusion. "I'm sorry, what's going on?"

"Oh, Big Macintosh..." Twilight blushed with embarrassment. "I am so sorry! I was just making sure, that's all!"

"My health?" He asked in confusion.

Twilight was a loss for words. Luckily, Spike stepped in.

"She's just trying to make sure everypony is fine when the party comes around," he explained.

"Oh," the red stallion said. "That must be it."

Twilight still felt embarrassed, but Luna placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder. The unicorn looked up into the smiling face of the moon princess.

"My sister and I have called for some special guests to come to the occasion in Cloudsdale," Luna said cheerfully. "The Wonderbolts will be coming."

"The Wonderbolts?" Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up. "Oh, man, it'll be so awesome to see them again! And, man, will they be happy to see ol' Rainbow Dash again and all her coolness!" She smirked proudly.

Twilight's eyes suddenly lit up, taking the news even more than Rainbow Dash. "They're coming?" She asked excitedly.

The excitement in her voice as well as the joyful trembling in her legs took the others by surprise. Twilight Sparkle? A fan of the Wonderbolts?

"When did you suddenly grow interested in the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow Dash asked, eyeing the unicorn.

Realizing how completely out of character she was, Twilight held her head high, wiping the happy smirk off her face. "Oh, me?" She said quickly. "It's not that big an interest, really!" Sweat poured down her head. "I just like the physics behind it all! Especially the way that Soarin' does it!" Her eyes sparkled, remembering that certain Wonderbolt that Rainbow Dash said really loved pie. "Yes, he certainly seems to understand the speed and aerodynamics he needs to make a perfect angle..." She smiled to herself.

The other girls took great notice of the way she smiled; Spike's eyes widened in disbelief.

Applejack suddenly smirked. "Hey, Twi..." She began playfully. "Do you-?"

"Do you have a crush on Soarin' the Wonderbolt?" Pinkie Pie excitedly.

Twilight's eyes widened in horror. "What?" She cried. "Oh, goodness, no!" She cringed. "Why would I...? No! No way!"

Rainbow Dash couldn't stifle her laughter. "Oh, man, Twilight! You really are full of surprises!"

Twilight glared at the pegasus, her face turning red. "Yeah, yeah..." Twilight muttered. "Can we just continue on with preparations? My parents will be here soon, remember?"

"Yeah, let's head to Cloudsdale," Rainbow Dash chuckled as she led the way. She smirked before turning back to Twilight. "If you're lucky, Soarin' might fly right into you!"

Twilight just growled and grumbled to herself while the pegasus laughed on.

Twilight's eyes sparkled as she gazed around the decorations that seemed to have covered most of Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie really had their work cut out for them, and the unicorn seemed actually excited that Pinkie Pie was also going to include her party cannon in the festivities.

"Hey, Twilight!" She turned to see Rainbow Dash helping another pegasus hang some streamers. "Think you can check on the colors over there?" Rainbow Dash pointed straight ahead. "We've pretty much decided on two colors to be the most important and we just wanted to know if it's alright with you."

"Sure thing, Rainbow Dash," Twilight said as she trotted off.

Nodding, Rainbow Dash finished hanging the last streamer before gently gliding down to the cushy ground. She smiled as she admired her work.

"Oh, man."

The pegasus turned to see three familiar faces, old classmates from flight school, with goofy smiles on their faces. Though they showed more respect to Rainbow Dash ever since she won the flying competition for her sonic rainboom, they still had that little immature flaw within each of them.

"What are you three knuckleheads talking about?" She asked with a playful grin.

"Dude, your friend," Hoops, one of the jock ponies, said. "Ever since we saw her in the Best Flyer competition..."

"She's really something!" Dumb-bell exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Well, yeah, Rarity does her best to look good. Though that outfit she wore was completely...bleh." She stuck her tongue out in disgust.

"Not her, RD!" Hoops shook his head, his brown hair still covering his eyes. "We're talking about the one with the strong mouth!"

"Applejack?" Rainbow Dash guessed.

"No, she's also the one with a surprising personality that completely differs from most ponies."

"Pinkie Pie?"

Hoops sighed. "Can usually hide her gorgeous eyes under that nice mane of hers."

"Oh, it's Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash concluded.

"Dude, no!" Dumb-bell cried with exasperation. "We're talking about Sparkle!"

"Twilight?" Rainbow Dash said with utter surprise.

"Yeah..." They sighed as they all turned their gazes toward the unsuspecting unicorn as she walked over to where Rainbow Dash directed her to.

"She's really pretty," one of them said.

"Since when did you think so?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously, folding her arms. "You guys didn't exactly talk, considering you were too busy up in my business during that time..." Her expression remained calm yet serious.

"Since she came to Cloudsdale in that balloon of hers," Hoops said.

"Not to mention she's a Canterlot pony," Dumb-bell nudged him playfully. "The gals from that classy town are always the most gorgeous to look at!"

"Hey, don't try any funny business!" Rainbow Dash warned them. "Twilight's not in the mood for some full-pony admiration!" Then she slowly smirked. "Besides...she's interested in only one pegasus and that's the Wonderbolt known as Soarin'."

"Typical..." Hoops muttered. "Canterlot ponies always go for the big shots..."

Twilight trotted over to the table of decorations a few pegasi were hanging on some nearby pillars. She smiled over to Rarity, who was bragging to Spike about the fancy outfit she would wear for the party in hopes of impressing the princesses even more with her fashion.

"Wow, that looks great," Twilight complimented a pony hanging a blue bow.

"Thanks," the pegasus said, "but the most important colors are right here." She pointed toward the table. "Rainbow Dash thought these colors would really bring flavor to the party."

"Oh, there's simply too much of this cloth!" Rarity exclaimed dramatically as she used her magic to place a couple of rolls of clothing beside the decorations. "What a waste that I will not be needing any of this for my dress later."

"No, I think you're dress will be perfect," Spike told her, a lovesick grin on his face.

Twilight chuckled at the baby dragon before looking toward the table. Lovely ribbons, streamers, unused balloons...The were perfect for her parents' big welcome party. But then the colors immediately made her eyes widen...

Red and gold...

Where had she seen such colors before? The unicorn pondered for a moment, her eyes still wide as she gazed down at the table. Red and gold...where had such a combination been used?

"Oh, come on..." Twilight muttered under her breath, quite enough so no pony would hear.

Of course, those were the color of Discord's mismatched eyes!

"Why? Why? Why?" Twilight growled to herself, poking her forehead with a hoof, her stress rising as she immediately turned away from the table. Even the rolls of clothing Rarity put away were red and gold! "Just when I feel okay not to think about him, I still think about him! And on the day my parents' visit!"

She quickly walked away from the table and all the busy ponies and stood behind a nearby pillar that overshadowed her. She leaned against it and sighed in frustration.

Dumb Discord! The thought of him just had to invade her mind on this particular day! Just earlier she had been miserable about nearly forgetting him like the others...now she wished he was washed cleaned out of her mind!

"Keep it together...keep it together..." Twilight breathed slowly. "You don't want to forget him...you just want to forget him for one day...maybe for as long as your parents are staying..."

Her parents were staying for two weeks. By then would that make Twilight suddenly forget the one creature whom had been on her mind since the events of chaos and disharmony?

Probably if she became too occupied with her life...and not tell the truth.

Oh, the truth! The courage to tell her friends everything was nowhere found in the miserable unicorn! But to keep the secret for who knows how long would make her sick and cause even more depression.

But remembering how she had to use that memory erasing spell on Fluttershy after she told her about-NO!

It's been far too long and despite a horrid reaction, Twilight had to say something if anything about her feelings on the matter. She was a faithful student to Princess Celestia...the Element of Magic and Friendship...she had to prove both.

"Hey, Twilight!" She heard Rainbow Dash's voice. "Where are you? We want to know what you think of these cloud cakes!"

Twilight took a deep breath, then slowly emerged from behind the cloudy pillar and made her way toward her friends.

Rainbow Dash smirked as Twilight approached her. Then she looked past her. "Oh, hey, Soarin'!"

"Soarin'?" Twilight gasped before quickly turning her head. When she saw that no one was there, her cheeks turned red, realizing her embarrassing action.

The pegasus led out a laugh, nearly falling to the clouded ground at her friend's sudden excitement and disappointment.

"I do not..." Twilight growled, stamping a hoof. "...like Soarin'! Not like that!"

"Sure..." Rainbow Dash playfully grinned. "And I bet you don't think about what it's like to fly like a pegasus either!"

"Honey, does my mane look right?"

Twilight looked up from her materials and smiled as her mother looked at herself in the mirror. It had been a joy when her parents appeared at her front door earlier and the hugs and nuzzles never ceased; even Spike was part of the action as her mother showered him with sloppy kisses and her father complimenting him on how big he was becoming.

True, Twilight did miss her parents as well as her home in Canterlot, but they were always so close in heart. But being physically close was better!

"You look fine, honey," Mr. Sparkle told his wife as he used his magic to gently brush his mane.

Both were dressed for the party in their honor. Twilight admired the fiery orange dress with red stars her mother wore as well as the fancy hat that covered her curled mane. And she was impressed by the lime green suit her father wore that went well with a flower pinned to the vest. Spike didn't feel like dressing up for such an occasion, feeling it was like any other party Pinkie Pie had thrown.

But Twilight...she really did want to wear something...but she was still making it.

"Oh, would you look at the time!" Mrs. Sparkle gasped as she gazed at the clock. "We need to hurry if we're going to arrive to our party on time!"

Twilight turned from her material and gazed at her parents, an apologetic smile on her face. "I...I still have some things to do," she said regretfully, "you guys should probably go on ahead. I'll catch up."

Her parents and Spike regarded her in surprise.

"I could stay with you, Twilight," Spike insisted as he stepped forward.

"No!" Twilight's voice came out louder than she intended, startling them. "I mean..." She coughed. "No, that's okay." She turned back to her work. "I won't take long, I promise. Just make sure my parents get to Cloudsdale safely."

Spike's expression became a bit worried, but he shrugged it off and turned back to her parents. "Looks like we're off."

Mrs. Sparkle looked over at her daughter. "Please don't overwork yourself, sweetheart," she told her gently. "Really, anything you do is wonderful. We're already proud of you, remember that!"

"We've always have been," Mr. Sparkle added happily, "even before you became Celestia's prized student."

Twilight slowly turned and smiled at them, her eyes nearly tearing up. "Thanks, mom and dad..."

As soon as Spike escorted her parents out of the house and closed the door behind them, the unicorn immediately turned back to her work, gazing hard at the material before her.

What could she make out of this red and gold cloth...

Pipsqueak laughed as he chased after Tank and Owlowiscious, who were flying high above his head as he trotted through the cloud-covered ground. The party was starting out wonderfully and he was having a great time with these animals as well as the kids, both from Ponville and here in Cloudsdale.

"Coming through!" Little Scootallo said playfully as she sped past him, her legs giving off more speed than his tiny ones.

"I'm going to get you!" Pipsqueak laughed as he chased after her.

"I'm going to get both of you!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as she came behind his tail.

"I'll get all of you!" Sweetie Belle giggled as she stood far behind them.

Spike's legs felt like jelly as he gazed at Rarity from afar, her pink and blue dress shimmering in the light.

"Wow..." Spike sighed as he stood beside Rainbow Dash. "She's so graceful and beautiful..."

"Like you haven't said that a hundred times," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Say, where's Twilight?"

Spike broke away from his trance and looked up at the pegasus. "I don't know, she said she would come over later."

"Later?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"It's not a party without Twilight!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, suddenly standing between them. "We need Twilight and we need her now!"

"Oh, honestly, where is she?" Rarity told herself as she stood before Princess Luna and the Sparkle couple. "It's certainly not like her to miss out on such a fine gathering...especially when it's on her parents' behalf."

"I'm sure our daughter's coming," Mr. Sparkle said, "she said she needed to do some things."

"Oh, if it's studying, we really need to drag her out some more!" The young unicorn said with a dramatic tone.

"Well, lookie here who it is!" Applejack declared as a couple of pegasi in bright blue jumpsuits approached her, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. "If it ain't the almighty Wonderbolts!"

"Hey, pie-saver!" Soarin' greeted.

"Soarin', my man!" Rainbow Dash greeted before they bumped hooves. "How's Equestria's best flyers doing? Glad you could join us!"

"You know, this is pretty sweet of you to do," the leader of the flying team known as Spitfire said as she looked around the place. "Really cool that you did all this for your friend's parents."

"Hey, Twilight's parents are cool guys," Rainbow Dash said modestly, "it's the least we could do after all the mushy stuff they gave us when we visited Canterlot."

"Speaking of Twilight," Soarin' began as he looked around. "Where is she?"

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack shared sly grins as they gazed at the Wonderbolt.

"You're wondering where Twilight is, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked, trying to stifle her laugh.

"Well, yeah," Soarin' said, completely unaware. "I mean, she is her parents' daughter. Not like a daughter to not show up at her own parents' bash."

"Hey, Soarin'!" Called another Wonderbolt. "Come over here for a sec!"

Soarin' turned back to the others. "Well, guys, let me know if Twilight's here," he said before slowly flying off. "The least I want to do is tell her what awesome parents she must have."

"I doubt that's all you probably want to tell her," Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Shoot, where is she?" Applejack pondered as she gazed around. "She's missing out!"

Suddenly, the sound of a hot-air balloon drew their attention as all heads turned toward the entrance of Cloudsdale. The design of the balloon looked familiar, and one of the guards raced over to open its door.

A pair of glittering red slippers gracefully touched the cloud-covered ground. And with that color shone something even more incredibly bright.

One of the Wonderbolts cut off his conversation as soon as the figure stepped into the light of Cloudsdale. "Oh, sweet Equestria..." His voice trailed off. "Soarin'...check it out..."

The green-eyed Wonderbolt turned his head, and when he gazed at the mysterious figure, his jaw fell.

"Is that...?" He muttered breathlessly.

"That's our daughter!" Mrs. Sparkle exclaimed as she and her husband stood close by Celestia and Luna. "And she...she looks beautiful."

Indeed, Twilight looked magnificent as she slowly entered into her parents' party. The material she took in which Rarity discarded earlier had been put to good use, and using magic she was able to make an outfit.

She wore a golden dress with red decor along its skirts and sleeves. And the jewelry she wore honored the chosen colors, a beaded necklace of red and gold as well as matching earrings. The jewelry had come from her home in Canterlot, but the dress was made specially in her home in Ponyville with her own hooves and horn.

Just because Rarity was the designer among her friends, that didn't mean Twilight had no fashionista heart as well. She had worn grander clothes while growing up in Canterlot, and the dress she worn would have been suitable for a high society dinner she attended once in a while when she wasn't studying.

Twilight tried not to blush or sweat under her newly-fixed mane as she passed through the crowd that parted for her. A little bit of regret hit her as most eyes focused on her.

Why is everyone looking at me? she thought nervously as she averted her gaze, Oh, my heart is going to burst! I've been used to attention before but not like this! I don't like this kind of attention!

She quickened her steps, desperate to find her parents among the onlooking ponies. Finally, she spotted them along with the sun and moon princesses and quickly rushed toward them, avoiding ponies in her way.

"Mom! Dad!" Twilight exclaimed as she raced over to her parents. "I'm so glad you're enjoying this party!" She gazed around the place, trying to ignore the stares directed at her. "I just wanted to dress up because this doesn't seem like some Sugarcube Corner party, you know? This is Cloudsdale we're talking about! And red and gold..." She lowered her head a bit for a few moments then rose up and smiled at them. "I just...I just really wanted to dress up, okay?"

Her parents gazed at her in surprise. Then they smiled.

"Oh, sweetie, look at you!" Her mother exclaimed as she wrapped her hooves around her. "You look even more beautiful then ever!"

Twilight held back her happy tears. "Thanks, mom."

Finally, ponies returned to enjoying the party in honor of the Sparkle couple. Twilight allowed her parents to mingle with the citizens of Cloudsdale while she simply walked around the place, admiring the work Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie put into to please her parents.

"Oh, darling!"

She quickly turned and stood a few feet back as Rarity screeched to a halt in front of her, her funny-looking headpiece nearly toppling off her mane.

"Oh, Twilight, dear!" Rarity's blue eyes sparkled as she gazed at Twilight's golden outfit. "Oh! You look simply gorgeous! I had never designed anything like this! Is this Canterlot fashion?"

Twilight smiled with embarrassment. "Mostly, my own, but yeah. I mean, I made it. The jewelry was just some last-minute things I added. And the shoes? A gift from my parents." Then she gave a proud smile, satisfied that Rarity was truly impressed with her work.

If there was one style that Twilight represented, it was smart and beautiful.

"Well, I must learn more from you!" Rarity insisted as she admired the glittering golden gown that made her pink and blue one seem so simple. "Oh, I must have some of your ideas! Perhaps we could get together some time over tea? Oh, and you can bring your parents along! They can be my Canterlot models!" She gave a bubbly laugh, imagining the thought.

Rainbow Dash watched as the two unicorns were in deep conversation, then she looked down to see Spike wagging his little dragon tail while his tongue draped out of his mouth, his green eyes half-closed and a funny, dazed expression on his face.

"Wow..." He muttered. "Does she ever stop looking so beautiful?"

Rainbow Dash scoffed and rolled her eyes before reaching toward a nearby table to grab a soda. "Yeah, yeah, Rarity looks great."

Spike's expression changed and he gazed at the ground, playing with his hands nervously. "Uh, yeah..." He muttered quietly. "Rarity..."

Twilight watched as the party went on before her, she stood off to the side beside one of the buffet tables, simply being a wall flower among the decorations. By now, it seemed the surprised colts that had kept their eyes on her were now paying attention to other things, and that was fine for the unicorn. Too much attention made her uneasy, and she was just glad she finally got Rarity off her hooves with discussing fashion and designs.

Simply standing around, Twilight took this opportunity to recall why she had even decided to make and wear this dress in the first place.

To please her parents, of course, and just honor her beauty...and the fact that the thought of Discord was plaguing her mind. As of many times.

Twilight's ears lowered and her face fell as the recalled how the colors red and gold, which she wore with pride on her gown, simply reminded her of that Draconequus's eyes.

Those annoying, creepy, mischievous...gentle eyes...

Twilight had to admit that the color of his eyes were simply interesting. The combination of red and gold suited his character well...and how his eyes were completely mismatched suited his name entirely. But just because they intrigued the intelligent unicorn, that didn't get in her way of doing what was right.

True, every time Discord looked at her with those crazy eyes of his, the unicorn had shown no fear, seeing the looks he always gave her as pure mockery and she wouldn't allow him to get through her.

Though those eyes were filled with desire to create chaos and created slight intimidation in Twilight...for a few quick moments...she could have sworn she had seen a child-like presence in those red pupils of his...

The way his eyes lowered when he was serious...how they widened when he was excited...the way they closed when he was in hysterics...and how they dilated when they turned him into stone...

Twilight immediately shook her head, her perfect mane flapping around. She fought off the sudden tears that threatened her eyes as she stamped a hoof against the cloudy ground.

How long would this go on? How long was she going to live with the guilt? The remorse yet slight hate she had for the creature that nearly destroyed her friendship? How much longer could she keep this secret from her friends, the princesses, all she knew and loved?

She couldn't keep hiding it. Hiding it would make her seem worse than Discord.

True, she would never dream of causing chaos(with the exception of the Smartypants incident)to anypony...but to remain distant on such an important matter...and lying!

She couldn't keep lying! Her heart ached, recalling how she had deliberately lied to Spike after all he had done for her. And he was still so protective of her journal, making up for breaking the lock!

"Oh, dear Celestia..." Twilight muttered to herself.

"Is something wrong, dear Twilight?"

The unicorn nearly cried out in surprise before turning and looked up into the face of her teacher. Princess Celestia gazed down at her, her eyes filled with slight worry.

"Me?" Twilight tried to smile, despite having the urge to cry. "Wrong? No!"

Again, she was lying! And to her dear teacher! Twilight felt even more guilt hit her as she fought hard to seem calm and happy.

But yet...this seemed like the right moment to...

Twilight averted her eyes for a few moments before looking up at the sun princess. "Actually..." She began quietly. "There is something I've been meaning to tell you...for so long..."

Celestia raised an eyebrow as she gazed down at her star pupil. "What is it, Twilight?" Her voice was soft. "Are you alright?"

"Well..." Twilight scuffed the ground with a hoof. "See...I've been meaning to tell you..." She gulped.

Sweat poured down the side of her neck as she nervously gazed into the expectant face of Celestia. A loved ruler along with her sister who wanted to keep Equestria safe and in harmony...a pony who showed great hostility toward Discord when he was finally released from his stone prison...

The anger in her usually calm eyes...the harshness in her usual soft tone...the way her hooves stomped the ground...Twilight had never seen the princess so furious.

What if she re-created that anger? Twilight felt even more sweat slide down the back of her neck, her entire body trembling and her mouth felt dry.

"Twilight?" Celestia continued looking at her. "My faithful student...what were you going to tell me?"

Twilight felt a lump in her throat. Then she did her best to put on a fake smile.

"I just..." She began quietly. "I just...I just wanted to say...I'm really happy you and Princess Luna had taken the time to be here with us...especially with me and my parents."

That wasn't entirely a lie. Twilight was truly grateful that both princesses could attend a regular party with them.

"Oh!" Celestia seemed surprised, as if expecting something else. Then she smiled. "Well, thank you, Twilight. Really, royal duties can be a drag. And Luna and I are just as happy we could spend these precious moments with you, your parents, and everypony."

Twilight almost felt better. Though she still pained about lying to her dear teacher...she was just too afraid to tell her the truth. And to hear such kind, honest words from Celestia...that almost made the lie worth it.

"Sister!" Luna called, waving a hoof for her to come over. "Come take a picture of me with my favorite Wonderbolt!"

Celestia laughed before turning back to Twilight. "Well, she has become intrigued by Spitfire's speed and agility," she said. "And she's my favorite Wonderbolt as well!" She gave Twilight a wink. "I'm not sure if you are are quite as interested in the Wonderbolts as most ponies, but I'm sure you could have a favorite." And with that, she turned and walked over to her sister.

Twilight gave a sincere smile as she watched her leave. "I guess I do..." She muttered to herself.

She suddenly felt a slight tug on her dress and looked down to see Spike looking up at her. He gave her a smile...though why did it appear so nervous on his face?

"So this...this is what you were working on earlier?" He asked shyly as he motioned to her gown.

"Well, yeah," she chuckled. "I mean, I may love books, but I like clothes as well." She gazed at her sparkling shoes. "It's not too much, is it?" She asked worriedly.

"No!" Spike's outburst nearly startled her. "I mean..." He blushed. "It looks...amazing." He gave her a gentle smile. "You really know how to add sparkle, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight's eyes shone with amazement as she smiled down at her assistant. "Aw, Spike!" She leaned down and nuzzled him. "You are just so sweet!"

Spike felt his face heat up and his arms became stiff. But he remained in place as Twilight's head rose and she continued smiling at him. Her ears perked up when she heard a lively tune no doubt Pinkie Pie had requested.

"Boy, that's some music!" Twilight laughed.

"Yeah..." Spike rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Kind of makes you want to dance...maybe with so-"

"Uh, Twilight Sparkle?"

Both turned and Twilight gasped when her purple eyes met shy green ones.

"Soarin'!" She exclaimed, trying not to seem too excited and remain her usual calm self. She quickly cleared her throat, smiling at him apologetically.

The Wonderbolt scuffled a hoof on the ground and smiled at her. "Yeah, hi..." He greeted shyly. "I just wanted to say...that you sure are a great daughter to your parents if you went through all this just for their visit."

Twilight smiled with embarrassment. "Oh, well, actually, it was good ol' Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. They wanted to throw this party for my parents and went all out."

"Yeah, but still," he gave a nervous smile. "I can see you're a wonderful daughter to your parents."

The unicorn suddenly felt her face go red, and her body became stiff. "Oh, well, uh...thank you."

"You're welcome, Twilight."

"You...you know my name?" Twilight spoke out in a gasp, her purple eyes widening.

"Well, yeah, I saw you at the Best Flyer competition," Soarin' explained. "And then there was the gala."

"But we never interacted," Twilight pointed out, "you and the other Wonderbolts were hanging out with Rainbow Dash."

"Oh, well, she did mention you guys," Soarin' said, "and the description she made fit you perfectly and I immediately knew you were the smart, magical, organized pony known as Twilight Sparkle."

"Oh!" Twilight was even more surprised that he could recognize her so easily. "Well, thanks again..."

"No prob, Sparkle," Soarin' chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

His ears lifted when he heard the music. He looked over at Twilight, smiling nervously.

"Say, uh..." He gently pulled at the end of his navy blue mane. "Maybe you and I...um...perhaps maybe...you'd like to dance?"

Twilight's eyes widened even more, her face becoming even more red as she stared at the Wonderbolt that that, she had to admit, was her favorite. She was about to say yes-

But then she suddenly remembered Spike and gazed down at the baby dragon. His eyes remained on the ground, a sad expression on his face.

Twilight bit her lip, realizing that she seemed to have been ignoring her assistant the whole time she and Soarin' were talking. Spike had done so much for her, and even though she had given him her appreciation...there was still the fact that she had lied to him. And that made her problem more painful.

She turned from Spike to Soarin', an apologetic smile on her face. "Actually..." She began. "Perhaps maybe later?"

That caught Spike's attention and he looked up at her in utter surprise. Twilight smiled as her purple eyes met his green ones before turning to Soarin'.

"I believe I owe my number one assistant a dance first," she said simply. "Maybe afterwards?"

"Oh, sure!" Soarin's voice came out in quick understanding, yet filled with excitement which he tried to hide. "Sure! Go ahead! Wow, you really are considerate!"

Twilight allowed her blush to show as she placed a hoof on Spike's shoulder. "Thank you," she said before dragging the still surprised baby dragon away.

You have no idea how wrong you are, she thought sadly as she and a happy Spike danced to the music.

The sun was nearly setting as Twilight strolled through the Canterlot gardens. She decided to sneak away from the party in Cloudsdale for a little while and visit a certain creature that had 'inspired' her to create the gown she was careful not ruin as she trailed across the fresh-cut grass.

Twilight gazed up at the statue of Discord, a slight breeze passing through her styled mane. She gave a small sigh, feeling even more sad and guilty with every second she spent standing before the frozen Draconequus.

She couldn't believe she had forgotten how many days, hours, and minutes it had been since she turned Discord like this. If this kept up, and her visits became shorter, she would forget him just as every other pony has seemed to have.

Move on with her life and forget the events that were so important to her...

It would be just like the very first time she and her friends discovered the elements and defeated Nightmare Moon. Sure, her friends had seen Princess Luna in her normal, royal state, but, of course, the moon princess had been absent for some time after that, having been away from Canterlot to explore all of Equestria. And when Nightmare Night arrived, no one was sure she had truly been reformed from her former frightening appearance as Nightmare Moon. Even Twilight's friends had forgotten that the elements in which they wielded had brought back Luna.

And to think they had now forgotten that the Elements of Harmony had been used to turn an old Equestrian foe into stone...Twilight wasn't sure how much more pain her heart could take.

She idly played with her red and gold bead necklace before gazing up once more at the Spirit of Disharmony. She swallowed hard, her purple eyes threatening to tear up.

"My parents' party would be interesting if you came along..." She couldn't help but say.

Actually, it would be far from interesting. Discord would cause a scene simply being there, and Rainbow Dash would be held back trying to lunge at him. The princesses would be furious, Twilight's parents and Spike(and maybe even Soarin')would keep protective of Twilight...

Yet the unicorn couldn't help but imagine that the party would turn out different than obvious.

Discord would play with the clouds, perhaps shuffle to the music...maybe cause some innocent pranks...but is that any reason the other ponies should fear him?

Twilight gazed down at her glittering gold and red dress, then gazed back at Discord.

"I guess maybe gold and red are your favorite colors, huh?" She chuckled sadly.

She stood before the statue for a few moments, simply gazing at it while a light breeze blew past her.

Finally, she turned on her heel and slowly walked away. Twilight gave another sad sigh, knowing that visits were starting to seem pointless now. She needed to move forward and do something completely different regarding the Draconequus.

Suddenly, she heard a crack.

Twilight's eyes widened, her mouth falling open. She immediately turned back toward the statue.

Frozen Discord seemed still intact, no bits of stone crumbling to the ground, no slight shifting. Maybe Twilight was just imagining things...

But she wasn't going to take that chance!

Racing back to the statue, Twilight gazed almost desperately at Discord's face...as if she was waiting for something. Anything.

Nothing happened.

"I know I heard something!" Twilight exclaimed, pounding her hooves into the grass. "I'm not insane!" But she knew she was acting like it right now.

She nearly jumped when she heard another crack.

Her eyes never left Discord, staring hard, knowing her ears were not lying to her.

"Come on..." Twilight muttered as she kept her stance. "No more tricks, Discord!" She was yelling at the statue. "Come on out and show yourself!" She didn't mean to sound angry...but the suspense was making her lose patience.

Then she heard another crack...and another...

"Wha...?" Twilight raised an eyebrow as she edged closer to the statue, the crackling sound continuing.

She walked around the statue, her eyes never leaving Discord's as she tried to figure out what the hay was going on right now. She walked around the back of the statue-

Her mouth fell open in pure shock.

Lounging behind the Discord statue was one of the Canterlot gardeners. Beside him was a bag of nuts and a metal device was in his hooves as he focused on cracking the next nut.

"You mean...?" Twilight's eyes glistened, feeling as if her heart just dropped.

The gardener looked up and spotted her. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "Am I disturbing something?" He finally cracked the nut before popping it into his mouth.

Twilight swallowed hard, gazing at the innocent pony that just wanted a break from his work. She did her best to smile.

"Oh, no," she assured him. "I was just...I was...I was just leaving..."

"You should, madame," the pony told her. "A lovely filly in a lovely dress should be at some party right now." He chuckled before giving the Discord statue a playful tap. "Not hang around looking at some ugly-looking statue."

Twilight almost protested his comment about Discord. But she kept her mouth shut, realizing the gardener had no idea who he was referring to. With a silent nod, she quickly left the gardens.

More disappointment filled her up no matter how much more fun the party became when she came back.

Spike gazed at Twilight in confusion as he sat on the rocking chair, a blanket was draped around him and in his hands was her prized journal. As soon as they got home, though he was exhausted from the party, he was going to bring her journal for her to write about earlier and how happy she was that her parents, who were out getting some milk, were visiting.

But Twilight insisted he sit down and hold the journal instead. She told him that she had some important things to discuss with him.

This made the baby dragon nervous as he watched his friend pace back and forth, the gold and red gown she still wore making her appearance seemed more fashionably serious.

"So..." He began, trying to break the silence. "What do you need to tell me?"

Twilight stopped her pacing and looked at him, her purple eyes saddening.

"For as long as you have been assisting me with my journal..." She said softly. "I realize that you deserve so much better than that."

Spike raised an eyebrow before looking down at the journal in his hands. "What do you mean?"

Twilight averted her eyes, recalling a conversation similar to this with her friends earlier at the party.

Rainbow Dash looked up and smiled as Twilight came over to them. "S'up, Twilight? You enjoying your parents' awesome bash?"

Twilight didn't even hear her as she regarded her friends. "Guys..." She began in a serious tone. "There's something I have to tell you..."

Her friends immediately stopped their excessive chatter before regarding her closely.

"What?" Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Tell us what?"

Twilight gulped, the looked over to her parents who were talking to the princesses. Finally, she turned to her friends.

"You know what?" She said in an apologetic tone. "Tomorrow. I'll explain everything tomorrow. We need to meet up, okay?"

Confused eyes stared at her, wondering what the hay she was talking about.

"Okay?" Twilight pushed gently.

"Uh, okie dokie..." Pinkie Pie said quietly.

Twilight gulped, knowing that there was no taking back what she told her friends earlier. She was going to tell them everything.

And she was going to start off with Spike. She had lied to him more than any of the others, and deserved to know first. As for Celestia and Luna...Twilight was sure she would think of something once she got the truth through with her friends.

"Spike..." She began quietly. "About my journal-"

"You don't have to tell me what you wrote!" He assured her nervously. "I learned my lesson, remember?"

Twilight smiled, touched by his concern. "No, actually Spike..."

She shifted her entire body and turned away from him, gazing into space. "I realized I haven't been exactly honest with you about it..."

She didn't even turn to look at him, knowing full well he must look surprised. She took tiny steps as she thought about what to say.

"Everything I've written, Spike..." She went on. "It wasn't entirely focused on you...I'm sorry." She gulped, wondering if the baby dragon was upset right now.

"The one I've been writing about for so long..." She took a deep breath, waiting a few moments to let it all out. "It was...it was Discord."

There. She said it. Now it was on to the more complicated part.

"You probably forgot about him Spike," she didn't even turn to look at him as her eyes continued gazing into space. "Everypony seems to have forgotten about him. And I don't blame them. We're all just moving on, I understand..."

She gazed out the window, seeing that Luna had raised the moon.

"But I haven't," she confessed. "But I might if I don't get these things off my chest..."

She lowered her gaze to the floor, her bottom lip quivering. Taking another breath, she continued.

"Ever since we turned him into stone...it...it's made me feel terrible. Look, I know what Discord did was wrong and maybe even unforgivable, but still..." Her eyes nearly welled with tears. "He looked...he looked so scared...And I keep thinking the elements were used wrong, especially mine..."

She was almost afraid to look at Spike, fearing some sort of remark about how Discord was just scared that he was finally defeated and being placed back in his stone prison once again because he deserved it.

"Look, I know this must sound crazy, Spike..." Twilight sighed before finally looking at him. "But please, you have to understand-"

She was was cut off in mid-sentence. Her eyes widened and her jaw fell as she watched Spike...who was snoring soundly in his rocking chair.

"Spike?" Twilight squeaked, her voice nearly giving off to shock and wanting to cry.

The baby dragon slept through her entire confession! He didn't hear a single word she had been keeping from him ever since! He still doesn't know!

Twilight let out a quiet groan, lowering her head in frustration. When she calmed down, she quietly reached over and pulled his blanket closer around him with her teeth.

"Good night, Spike..." She sighed sadly. "I guess I'll just tell you tomorrow."


The unicorn shivered with fear for what she had to do tomorrow. She was going to tell her friends the truth, there was no turning back. She made her friends promise to meet her tomorrow at Sugarcube Corner...now she had to promise herself about no more lies, no more hiding, just open up and take the consequences.

She couldn't imagine the reactions her friends would have once she told them about Discord and her growing guilt for turning him into stone. She winced, recalling Fluttershy's reaction before she had used her memory erasing spell on her...

She needed to be brave about this. Keeping it all to herself would slowly make her sick and more depressed. Telling her friends was the only cure.

Still, once she did tell them...what would happen next?

Her thoughts were swimming with anxiety that she barely heard a knock on her door. Confused, she quietly walked over to it, wondering who in Equestria would be calling in such a late hour.

Opening the door, she half-expected Pinkie Pie to show up and declare another party for her parents, perhaps an after-party party to celebrate.

But no one was at the door as soon as she opened it, so Twilight walked out and gazed at her surroundings, wondering if this was just some lame joke.

Sighing, she turned to head back in. However, something on the ground caught her eye. Raising an eyebrow, she bent down and her eyes widened.

In front of her was a large basket, and it was filled with fruity pastries. Her favorite treat!

Twilight gazed at it in confusion, almost afraid to touch the basket. Who would...?

Suddenly, she caught sight of something small scurrying past her house. As soon as she caught sight of who it was, she immediately drew a sigh of relief.

"Aw, Pipsqueak..." She cooed as she watched him run off.

He must have still been so worried about her earlier that he wanted to boost her spirits with this basket of her favorite treats. Oh, he was just so adorable and sweet!

Maybe she could tell him about Discord tomorrow as well...

Pipsqueak turned and noticed Twilight watching him. He raised an eyebrow before quickly giving her a smile and waved at her. Twilight returned the smile, waving back at him, the basket of goodies floating beside her with her magic.

As soon as Pipsqueak disappeared, Twilight quickly went back into her house, needing to take off her gown and get straight to bed.

"This is it..." She told herself before gazing at the slumbering Spike. She used her magic and The Tale of Discord slowly floated beside her, dusted and ready to be read again.

The unicorn bit her lip, hoping she wouldn't regret herself tomorrow.

"Discord, you better be worth all this trouble..."