• Published 15th Dec 2011
  • 10,593 Views, 431 Comments

Discordant Feelings - cartuneslover19

Though the events of Discord are behind them, Twilight still thinks about the spirit of disharmony. Thoughts kept to herself, she realizes t

  • ...

My Personal Space, My Loyalty

Upper Crust winced as she felt daylight seep through the small window of the hut and she struggled to open her eyes.

"Oh, dear Celestia..." She muttered as she raised herself from the grass-made mat she was provided with last night. She gazed around to see that the other Canterlot ponies were soon awakening from their mats, all murmuring and trying to adjust their accessories and such.

"Good morning, everypony," Fancypants chirped as he trotted into the center of the room. He obviously had been the first to awaken as he was carrying a tray of herbal tea on his back. "I hoped you all had as fine a sleep as I had."

"Well..." Upper Crust turned to see her husband finally raise his head from his mat, placing on his glasses and putting back on his sweater. "Though I do prefer the comfy mattress back at our house in Canterlot..." He turned to his wife, managing a smile.

Upper Crust returned it, giving a brief nod. "Sleeping on something completely made by what we step on seemed...alright."

Jet Set took notice of their slight change of attitude about Zecora's hut, better yet, the whole Everfree Forest situation. Perhaps the reminiscing how they met when they fell in those blue flowers yesterday made them begin to show a little more appreciation for their surroundings, or maybe it was the special 'bath' Zecora had made for all of them yesterday after the blasted poison joke affected them all. At first, the Canterlot ponies were reluctant to bathe in something so 'country-folk-like', but when Fancypants assured them that no harm would be done and the poison joke would wear off, they slowly merged in the disgusting stuff and all worry and judgment had vanished.

His wife immediately read his mind as she leaned in and nuzzled against him, happy that her skunk-like mane was gone as well as his pig snout. Though Zecora was far from the Canterlot style...they were eternally grateful for her kindness and friendly hospitality.

"I say..." One Canterlot pony stated as he adjusted his monocle. "I do feel a bit peckish right about now."

"Oh, so do I, Caesar," one mare added as she adjusted her mane decoration.

"Fear not, for I have just brewed a special recipe," all heads turned and Zecora slowly entered the room, pushing a wooden cart toward them. "A special kind of food, made by me especially."

As all the hungry Canterlot ponies gathered around, Fancypants came to front, smiling proudly for Zecora's work as the zebra removed the wooden lid and a spicy aroma filled the room.

"Oh, how delightful..." One mare murmured, taken by the smell.

"Very exquisite," one pony nodded.

"I never seen anything like this," Jet Set said as he gazed down at the food before them.

It was a rolled up leaf with bits of exotic berries seeping out. Surrounding it was a special sprinkle of some kind Zecora must have picked out from her many hanging spice containers.

"It is a special recipe from my land," Zecora stated. "A beloved recipe, just as the special bath you all have learned to understand."

"Oh, I must simply have your recipe for that bath!" One mare said excitedly. "It's simply luxurious!"

"And I would love to have your recipe for this lovely meal!" One pony stated, taking a bit of his breakfast. "My chef has never made anything this good."

"As your new friend, I am willing to share," Zecora said, smiling humbly yet slightly blushing with embarrassment. She turned to a mare beside her with the most yellow mane she had ever seen. "And perhaps I may add the recipe for good hair."

"Oh, you would?" The mare exclaimed happily, running a hoof down her styled mane.

Zecora smiled, however, it quickly faded when a bright flash nearly blinded her.

"Photo Finish!" Upper Crust hissed, casting a glare at the mare.

"Vhat?" The photographer asked, holding her camera. "It makes good picture for my newest gallery."

Discord hummed to himself as he summoned a small table for him and Twilight to have breakfast on. For the first time in a thousand years, he was actually going to eat with someone! And to realize that that pony was Twilight Sparkle, it made him smile even more as he conjured up a vase of flowers for decor before bringing out fruity pastries, alfalfa, and two glasses of orange juice.

He even went as far as to make amends with the style of the dining area. It once looked like a simple modern kitchen design, but since Twilight came, Discord's magic morphed it into a more grander hall of glorious blue painted walls, a marble floor, and red velvet curtains for show. Though its hall was far off in distance, the small table was all they needed for breakfast. He would summon a long dinging table some other time.

"Wow, that looks great."

He turned and his expression formed into one of surprise when he found Twilight standing atop the bridge of gumdrops that led toward their dining area, amazed at the interior designing. Although he had been expecting her presence, what caught him a bit off guard was what she had worn for the morning.

He was truly happy she found the new room he conjured just for her last night to her satisfaction. He knew she adored the decor, reminding her of the stars and her other interests of gold and blue. And she had become even more excited when she found a library that came along with it. As well as a closet...

The unicorn wore a light green dress with ruffles on the skirt and sleeves. Her hair had been tied back in a simple ponytail with a green bow that matched the outfit completely. Twilight beamed to herself as she crossed the bridge and neared the breakfast table, her eyes sparkling.

Discord blinked at her as the unicorn's mouth watered at the sight of the food. "Twilight..." He spoke out in nearly a whisper. "You look...you look..."

He smirked to himself, and Twilight looked up at him in confusion.

"You look like you could use a little chaos to go with that dress," he said playfully, preparing to snap his fingers.

Twilight's eyes widened before she hunched her legs together in front of her protectively, giving him a warning glare.

"Oh, no!" She exclaimed defensively. "No way am I having moving images on my dress!"

Discord chuckled and shook his head before he motioned to the breakfast table. "I was just teasing, my dear. Come now, let's have breakfast."

She rolled her eyes as she took her seat next to his. "Well, if you really were going to do something to my dress," she smirked at him. "I would do something to your beard, on account of you aren't dressed in anything right now."

"Mess with my pride and joy?" He asked in fake gasp as he stroked his goat-like beard.

"Hey, when we first met, I wanted to yank it out of anger," she stated. "And perhaps beat you up..." She scoffed.

"Considering that temper the last time I saw you," Discord chuckled, "I wouldn't be too surprised." He took a fruit pastry from the basket.

"And by the way, Discord," she spoke in a sweet, charming tone. "Yes, fruity pastries are my favorite." And she used her magic to remove one from the basket. "Amazing to assume their your favorites as well considering you always consume cotton candy."

"Ever tried cotton candy eggs?" He asked playfully.

"Ever tried cotton candy cupcakes?" She remarked with a grin.

"Cotton candy cupcakes..." He stroked his beard. "Very interesting."

And the two continued eating their breakfast, almost as if they had been doing this many times. Discord smiled to himself as he watched Twilight's horn glow when she put her glass of orange juice to her lips and sipped it. Everything's just seemed so perfect.

However, the atmosphere was quickly ruined when he noticed her take out a book and placed it on the table. Her eyes shone with excitement as she read it as soon as she opened it.

Discord let out a groan and laid back in his seat, obviously annoyed that the unicorn was becoming so engrossed in books as she always had.

"Do you always have to read?" He asked irritably.

Twilight raised her head from the page and looked at him curiously. "I love books," she told him defensively, "I live in a library, remember?" She didn't give him time to reply as she continued on. "Of course you remember. That's where you put the elements, right? As well as your-" She immediately cut herself off. She placed a hoof against her lips, her eyes widening in shock as she averted her gaze from the Draconequus.

Discord raised his head, regarding her closely. "As well as my what?" He asked carefully, raising an eyebrow.

"N-nothing..." Twilight muttered as she closed her book. Then she quickly gave him a smile as she jumped out of her seat. "Well, thank you very much for the breakfast, Discord!" And she began walking toward the bridge that led to the other side.

"Wait a minute!" Discord called out, disappointed breakfast was over just like that and she was off again.

As Twilight was about to cross the bridge, he magically flashed in front of her, his mismatched wings flapping desperately.

"What?" Twilight asked, becoming a bit annoyed as he was getting between her and her thousands of books back in her room.

"Well, I thought that now that it's morning," he began casually as he landed on his feet, "you can finally experience what my chaos can do." He gave a playful grin. "Perhaps float among my cotton candy clouds, drink up chocolate rain-"

"Oh, I would love to..." Twilight said, rolling her eyes. She quickly trudged past him, nose in the air. "But I simply must resume my reading. You have no idea how much I missed my library back home."

Discord raised an eyebrow at her as she crossed the bridge. He watched as she quickly turned back to him, a grateful smile on her face.

"You really are thoughtful to conjure a whole library for me in my room," and she winked at him before continuing on.

Discord folded his arms as she disappeared around a hall, heading back to that starry bedroom she loved so much. He was starting to regret giving her that library...

"Oh, for goodness's sake!" He rolled his eyes, throwing his mismatched hands up in the air. "Is she really just going to stay in her room all day and read?"

Apple Bloom gazed up at Applejack with a disappointed pout as she and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders, along with Pipsqueak, regarded the remaining Elements of Harmony.

"But why can't we come with you on your mountain trip?" Apple Bloom whined.

Applejack let out a sigh as she placed on her hat. "I told you, it's too dangerous for little fillies."

"But you said we could help look for Twilight!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Exactly, shorty," Rainbow Dash said, flapping her wings in the air. "But here. In Ponyville."

"Discord could be hiding at home?" Sweetie Belle pondered, not exactly taking what the older pony was hinting.

Pipsqueak casted a glance at the filly unicorn. However, he remained silent, tracing a hoof on the ground as his mind became clouded with worry. He really hoped Twilight was okay.

"Oh, that brute could be anywhere!" Rarity cried, flipping her mane. She turned to her little sister. "Sweetie Belle, if you do see him, I want you to run to the Mayor's office as fast as possible and she'll contact the princesses."

"And we'll be there to put that dumb Discord back in his place," Rainbow Dash huffed, tapping a hoof against the element around her neck.

"Wow, Rainbow Dash..." Scootaloo's eyes widened as she gazed at the necklace. "I really love your Element of Loyalty."

"Thanks, squirt," Rainbow Dash chuckled, "maybe later I'll let you wear it." With a salute, she flew into the sky. "Come on, gang!" She urged. "We got a mountain to search!"

"Maybe we might bump into another dragon who snores too much!" Pinkie Pie said happily, trotting behind Fluttershy as they began to leave.

The yellow pegasus gulped, immediately lowering her head while her pink hair slowly covered her fear-stricken face. "Please don't say that..." She murmured.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Pipsqueak watched as the older ponies disappeared in sight. Apple Bloom let out a huff as she folded her hooves in disappointment.

"It's not fair," she muttered, "what if finding Twilight is our special talent?"

"Finding Twilight?" Pipsqueak asked, gazing at the baby Earth pony.

"No, silly," Scootaloo laughed. "finding ponies that are taken by big, dumb, scary creatures!"

"And Discord is scary," Sweetie Belle added, her hooves bucking in slight fear.

Pipsqueak remembered the first time he had seen Discord. Sure, he was frightening, but only because the little colt had been scared witless by all the magic that occurred in the air before the Draconequus appeared. He was actually kind of funny to look at as Pipsqueak remembered. But the rest of the ponies were quite afraid of him. As for Twilight...as Pipsqueak had noticed when she held on to him, she didn't seem to show fear as the others. She seemed more surprised and confused.

Pipsqueak turned to the Crusaders, flipping his brown hair away from his eyes. "So what do we do?" He asked.

The three girls smiled at each other before pointing their hooves in a certain direction. "To the Everfree Forest!" They exclaimed.

Twilight closed her door, eyeing it carefully before proceeding toward her library. However, she stopped in front of a chair where her bag was. Looking from left to right, she quickly dug into it before finally taking out what she had been looking for.

Sunglasses...ones that once belonged to Discord.

Twilight bit her lip as she held them in her hooves as if delicate and fragile. She remembered, long before any of this occurred, she had found them one blazing, sunny day in her bag when she had been desperate to cover her eyes while reading in the extremely bright sunlight back home.

When she had found a pair of sunglasses in her book bag, she had realized that she never even bought them. And when the familiar style slowly came back to her...

These just have to be his, she thought desperately, running a gentle hoof over them, if they are...why did he leave them in my possession?

Gazing at sunglasses for a few moments, Twilight placed them back in her bag. Perhaps some other time she would discuss it with Discord. Right now, untouched books awaited her. Skirts flapping as she twirled toward her library, the unicorn grew excited as she used her magic to remove one book from its slot.

Trotting over to her desk, Twilight pushed her journal to the side before opening her chosen book and read, a simple smile on her face.

A few minutes passed, she was completely absorbed in the story of adventure...comedy...roman-

Suddenly, she heard a flash behind her and immediately turned.

"I can't really blame your friends if they had to drag you out by the tail just to get you away from those books, Twilight Sparkle," Discord said casually as he leaned down on his back while floating in the air, his wings flapping.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at him. "Uh, come in?" She said with slight irritability.

Before she knew it, Discord slithered by her side, placing his lion paw on her backside. "Come now, Twilight," he gave her a smile, his single snaggletooth gleaming. "Surely you can just read later. I had hoped you would spend the day with me and my chaos."

The unicorn let out a sigh before wriggling out of his grasp. "I would love to..." She said in a mocking tone before using her magic to carry her book as she trotted over to her star-covered door. "But I simply must resume any kind of studying I've missed since leaving Ponyville."

Quickly leaving him in her room, Discord watched as she closed the door behind her. The Draconequus just sighed, lowering his eyes in dismay as he folded his arms.

Twilight turned around a hall, finding the familiar garden of flowers and cloud trees she stumbled upon the first time. She trotted over to a nearby tree, its clouded bark like a soft pillow as she leaned against it while tucking her hooves under her belly. She placed her book in front of her, smiling in content as her magic turned the page.

As she resumed reading, her eyes lowered in satisfaction as she rested her head on her front hooves, completely absorbed in her book. And there would be more where that came from once she finished this one.

A few hours passed and Twilight beamed as she closed the book. She used her magic to float it in front of her, and she nuzzled it as if to thank it for a wonderful reading time.

"That was wonderful," she said to herself. "Maybe I should read another one before I get some fresh air."

"How about read later, fresh air now?"

Her eyes widened in surprise before whipping around and Discord stood behind her, smirking down at her with a pleased expression.

"I was wondering when you'd finish," he chuckled as she reached down and played with her mane. "Really, Twilight Sparkle, you should be joining me in some chaotic fun."

Twilight rolled her eyes before pulling her mane away from his fingers. "I would love to..." She said sarcastically as she turned away and began walking off. "Really, I must return to my own needs right now..."

Before she could go any further, Discord flashed in front of her. Startled, she stiffened when he wrapped his lion arm around her before his body stretched, taking her up with him. Twilight's eyes widened as she was raised into a night sky. Finally, her expression turned to one of annoyance, remembering that this wouldn't be the first time he had wrapped his lion arm around her and took her to a new height.

"You raised the moon again, huh?" She couldn't help but ask with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, last night, you did love the stars," he said with a chuckle as he motioned to a few glittering ones that neared them. "See, Twilight? Haven't you always wanted to touch the stars?"

Before she could say anything, he plucked one off the sky as if it were a sticker and showed it to her, who was still secured under his arm.

Her eyes widened in disbelief as the star glowed in front of her. She was about to reach out and touch it-

However, annoyance took over as she pulled back and casted him an irritated glare.

"Please put me down, oh, Great Spirit of Chaos," she said in a huff tone.

Discord scoffed and rolled his eyes before finally lowering himself down to the ground. Twilight immediately wiggled out his grasp and jumped onto the floor, her dress flapping. She looked up at him with a hardened expression.

"Must you always invade my personal space?" She demanded.

"Hey, I'm just trying to have fun," Discord answered, holding his hands up in defense. However, he smirked down at her.

Twilight fumed a bit. "Well, I'm not." And with that said, she turned on her hooves and began toward the exit that led to the forest.

"Oh, come on, Twilight," Discord laughed as he slithered hurriedly by her side before she could make it out the doorway. "Don't be like that."

Twilight stopped in her tracks and regarded him as his eagle talons were inches away from her ear. She simply glared at him before turning her nose like a snobby Canterlot pony.

"Invading personal space," she reminded him with a huff.

"So?" He asked with an amused chuckle. He could barely hold his laughter when his eagle finger tickled the tip of her ear and she bit her lip to keep from letting out a surprised giggle. "Isn't that what your friends do?"

"I believe you do worse," Twilight remarked, flipping her mane to rid of her near giggles. Finally, she moved past him and continued out the exit. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to take a walk."

She stopped in her tracks and wheeled toward him, her eyes giving him warning.

"Alone," she stated loudly.

"Fine..." Discord rolled his eyes with a sigh.

Twilight just huffed, holding her nose in the air as she continued off.

"And don't even think of popping beside me," she said strictly.

Before she was out, she gave one last word to the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony.

"Arrivederci," she said, nose still high as she made it out into the lush grass.

Discord raised an eyebrow as he watched her leave, disappointed yet slightly amused as she slowly disappeared in sight. With a sigh, he snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash.

A few moments later, he was back in Twilight's room. He glanced at the massive library he conjured just for her and sighed.

"Why didn't I just give her a chocolate fountain?" He asked himself regretfully, scratching his ear. He gazed around the room, admiring what his magic had done to please the caring unicorn. Then his eyes fell on her desk.

There her journal lay.

Raising an eyebrow, Discord reached over and plucked it off the desk. His eyes fell on the lock he had given it on account of the original one looked like someone had wrestled a beast over the journal. The Draconequus remembered the expression of warning on Twilight's face when she told him not to look in her journal...then he remembered her expression of sincerity when she permitted him to read, saying it held every thought she had of him since he had been turned into stone.

Discord's lion finger gently played with the lock, his eyes glancing at the front cover as he became deep in thought.

"Well..." He told himself calmly. "She did say I could read it if I wanted to."

And with that said, he snapped his fingers and in a matter of seconds he flashed himself atop of the bridge below the gumdrop river. He leaned against the rails as he held Twilight's journal out in front of him. He felt a bit nervous to actually peek into someone else's writing.

But he was just so curious as to what that unicorn wrote about him!

With that in mind, Discord magically summoned a pair of reading glasses before placing them on. Leaning agains the rails, he used the tip of his eagle talon as the key to open the lock. Finally, after he unlocked it, he opened it and he quickly grew excited as he began reading a passage.

But deep down...the guilt never ceased.

"Oh, it feels so good to be out of that dreadful forest," one mare sighed heavily as the Canterlot ponies and Zecora trailed through an opening in the trees.

"I kind of liked it..." Jet Set murmured under his breath, loud enough for only his wife to hear. Upper Crust looked at him, a small, sincere smile on her face.

"We're not exactly out of the woods yet," Fancypants stated. "No pun intended," he added with a slight chuckle. "We have much ground to cover before we finally declare this area to be Discord-less."

"Vhere to now?" Photo Finish asked him, hoping to get more good shots.

"I'd have to say..." Fancypants cleared his throat. "The swamp."

"The swamp?" The other ponies cried out in horror.

"Fancypants, you cannot be serious!" Upper Crust cried, at the verge of fainting. "What on Earth would make you assume Discord would be holding Twilight there?"

"Only one way to find out..." The adventurous unicorn gave a wink before he continued leading the way, followed by Zecora.

"Oh, blast..." Jet Set let out a sigh. Then he held his head high and casted his wife a supportive smile. "Well, he could be right."

"Anything for dear Twilight Sparkle," Upper Crust nodded.

As the ponies continued on, the sound of voices shouting in the distance startled everyone.

"Cutie Mark Pony Rescuers, ho!"

"What on Earth...?" One mare cried when something bright flashed past them. Other Canterlot ponies immediately got out of the way when the sound of wheels and squeals were heard.

Fancypants and Zecora stopped in their tracks before turning to see a scooter stop beside them, along with three little fillies and a colt.

Zecora's eyes widened in surprise. "Dear ones, why are you in such a hurry?" The zebra asked before looking over to see the ponies calm themselves from the recent surprise. "For you to be out here on your own, you will cause such worry!"

"Indeed," Fancypants said as he adjusted his monocle. His eyes fell on Sweetie Belle. "I say, aren't you Rarity's sister?"

"I am," the little unicorn beamed. Then she gazed up at him curiously. "Hey, I remember Rarity mention you. You're Spiffy Pants, right?"

Zecora stifled a snort of laughter while the unicorn himself had his lips curve in an amused smirk.

"Fancypants, my dear," he stated. "And I believe the ponies told me about you four." He looked over to Pipsqueak, whose helmet looked nearly too big for his head. The unicorn's face suddenly gave a sad smile. "Dear Twilight told me what a fine lad you are, Pipsqueak."

At the sound of her name, the little colt immediately stood up as high as he could. "Twilight's great," he stated, sniffing a bit. "And me and the Crusaders are going to stop Discord and get her back."

"Did you hear what that little boy said?" Upper Crust nudged her husband. "Can you imagine? Four children? Risking getting themselves hurt for something only grown ponies should do?"

"Quite right," Jet Set nodded.

"We're going to the swamp," Scootaloo said, gripping the handlebars of her scooter. "Is that where you guys are headed?"

Fancypants and Zecora shared a slightly distraught look before turning back to the determined children.

"Well, yes," the unicorn said uneasily. "We are. And I must suggest you four should perhaps-"

"Onward, Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, pointing a hoof in the direction.

"Now, wait just a second, young lady-" Upper Crust cried out but the little pegasus immediately bolted off on her scooter, taking the wagon of her friends with her until they were quite far from the adult ponies.

"Oh, dear..." Jet Set muttered, his eyes dilating in sudden fear.

"Oh, dear is right..." Fancypants sighed. He turned to the others. "Come on, everypony, we better catch up before those children get hurt."

"Oh, those children are eager for quite a thrill," Zecora stated, "because three of them are searching for their right skill."

Twilight admired the scenery as she trotted through the trees, her skirt trailing across the grass.

"Oh, so beautiful and natural..." She sighed.

She smiled as she watched birds fly among the trees, chirping and having a good time. Together.

At that, Twilight's smile slowly faded as she regarded the ground as she walked.

"Maybe I was a little too hard on him..." She told herself quietly. "He was just being sweet...even though he was completely into my personal space." She added with a roll of her eyes.

She trailed down a nearby lake, admiring the shining waters as she spotted a nearby path of rocks before her. With a sly grin, Twilight gathered her dress in her front hooves before using her hind hooves to cautiously step on the nearest rock, intending the cross the lake. She giggled to herself as she placed one hoof in front of the other, hoping she wouldn't get her dress wet.

"Well, here's the swamp," Scootaloo announced as she parked her scooter by a nearby tree. "Let's start searching!"

"Twilight?" Sweetie Belle called out as she and the other kids removed their helmets. "Mr. Discord?"

"I don't think Discord likes to be called Mr.," Apple Bloom said uneasily as they got out of the wagon and began walking around the bubbly swamp.

"I don't think he likes his name being called out either," Pipsqueak stated, nearly avoiding a swamp bubble that popped in the smelly, murky water. He gazed at his surroundings. "Maybe he's being invisible."

"Yeah," Scootaloo nodded, "and maybe he got Twilight tied up somewhere."

"My sister told me Discord might have taken her horn just so she wouldn't be able to fight him," Sweetie Belle exclaimed. Then she gulped before placing a hoof on her horn. "Uh, guys? If we do bump into Discord...you think he might...?"

"And if he tries?" Scootaloo stated strongly as they continued walking. "Just remember what Rainbow Dash and the other ponies did. Fight them!"

"But we don't have the Elements of Harmony," Apple Bloom reminded them.

"We have one element," Pipsqueak assured them. "The most powerful one of all." The Crusaders gazed at him curiously as they stopped in front of a large swampy pit.

"Laughter?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No," Pipsqueak said slowly. Then he stood tall, despite still being small compared to the others. "Friendship!" And he beamed proudly.

"Oh, yeah," Scootaloo nodded along with the other Crusaders. "Rainbow Dash mentioned something about how that really got the Elements together to stop Discord last time."

Pipsqueak nodded. "Twilight told me that when you have friends..."

He reached down and picked up a rock. With a good eye and a good pull-back of his tiny hoof, he threw it forward and it skipped four times before hitting against a tree and falling back into the swamp with a plop. Pipsqueak turned to the amazed fillies, still smiling.

"...you can handle anything," he concluded happily.

And with that said, the other three picked up their rocks and began skipping them across the swamp. For a few minutes, the rocks skipped, hit nearby objects, and sank. The kids, despite realizing they needed to continue their search, were enjoying the activity.

"Watch this!" Scootaloo bragged as she spun her hoof back before throwing the rock as far as she could.

The four watched as it soared a great distance before hitting a nearby brownish stone lodged in the swamp. It bounced right off it before falling into the water with a plop.

"That was a good one," Pipsqueak said.

Suddenly, a low growl was heard, followed by slight swishing of water. Sweetie Belle began to tremble as her hooves bucked.

"What was that?" She gulped.

All eyes fell on the brownish rock Scootaloo had hit. It almost looked like it was moving...

Twilight was nearly over to the other side, her hooves hopping from one rock to the next. However, one false step and she suddenly slipped and fell into the water.

The unicorn let out a gasp as her head emerged out of the water, shivering a bit and groaning to see that both her mane and her dress were ruined.

"Oh, great!" She cried as she flipped her mane only for it to stick to the side of her face, completely soaked.

As she tried to fix it, her ears suddenly became attuned to something. Eyes widening, she stopped fixing her mane and looked behind her.

"H-hello?" She called out nervously.

Gazing around the lake, Twilight assumed it was just the wind or perhaps a mischievous character.

"D-discord?" She called out, frightened. "Is that you?"

She let out a gasp when she saw something move in the water. Immediately, she hopped out of the water and onto land. She quickly stepped back when something slowly emerged from the water, and her jaw fell in both fear and disbelief. She gulped.

"It's a-"

"HYDRA!" The kids cried as they dashed through the swampy grounds.

Pipsqueak ran as fast as his tiny legs could carry him before turning his head, crying out in fear as four glared back at him while hot on his tail.

"You think Discord brought out that thing so we wouldn't find Twilight?" Sweetie Belle cried as they continued running.

"If he did," Scootaloo exclaimed, "it's not funny!"

Twilight let out another shrill cry as she rushed through the woods, four heads hot on her hooves. To think the area in which Discord resided in was peaceful actually had a hydra in it!

"This is like Pinkie Pie all over again!" She cried as she kept running, her skirts flapping.

Suddenly, she came to a screeching halt. She now stood before an incredibly steep hill. Horrified, Twilight turned to see that the hydra had followed her to the end, its tongues flickering and its eyes narrowing.

The unicorn gulped, taking a step back as much as possible , her back hooves nearly at the tip of the edge.

"Oh, I wish I never left Discord!" She cried. "I wish he was here right now!"

The hydra paid little interest to her regrets as it snapped its four jaws. Finally, it lunged at her. Twilight closed her eyes before burying her face in her hooves.

"We're trapped!" Pipsqueak cried as they halted in front of a stone wall. He let out a cry of fear when the screech of the hydra grew nearer.

Sweetie Belle gulped before hugging her friends close to her, they doing the same. They trembled, becoming so paralyzed as they gazed at the eight eyes of the four-headed creature that creeped toward them threateningly.

"This cannot be the end of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Apple Bloom cried as the creature drew nearer. "We haven't even gained our cutie marks yet!"

"We haven't even found Twilight yet!" Pipsqueak screamed at her angrily.

They immediately closed their eyes, screaming altogether, sending what hopes they had left that someone would hear their plea as the creature lunged at them.

"Not so fast there, chap!"

Before the hydra could take its prey, a surge of magic grabbed one of its heads and slammed it against the other three. Confused, the heads gazed around.

Pipsqueak, still holding his friends close, cracked open one eye. Both his eyes widened in surprise as he saw Zecora's back to them, her hooves digging into the ground as she and the other Canterlot ponies glared at the hydra.

"You rude, malevolent creature!" Upper Crust shouted as her horn glowed, lifting a rock beside her and throwing it at the hydra.

Soon, other unicorns used their magic to gather rocks and began pelting the now-terrified creature. Photo Finish, being an Earth pony, gave her part as she took out her camera and stood before the hydra on her back hooves.

"Face. The. Magicks!" She shouted before flashing her camera in every direction each of its heads were looking at.

The hydra let out a terrified screech, becoming blinded by the bright flashes of her camera. Photo Finish let out a triumphant laugh, flipping her mane before raising a hoof proudly.

"I, Photo Finish, find you..." And she flashed it one more time. "...despicable!"

As the hydra let out another screech, Fancypants held his head high and adjusted his monocle before his horn glowed, ripping a tree beside him. The surge of his magic glowed around it as he slowly raised it up, making it higher than the hydra's four heads.

"Pardon the gesture, old chap," Fancypants said with a smirk. "But I believe it's time for you to depart." And he jerked his head.

With that movement, the summoned tree swung hard at the hydra, the bark crashing against its four heads. With that blow, the creature immediately flew out of the swamp, soaring through the sky. It let out another screech before it faded in the distance, now completely gone from their sight.

Fancypants smiled to himself as he slowly descended the used tree to the ground beside him. He nodded with the others, grateful for their teamwork.

"Wow, Fancypants!"

He turned and Scootaloo gazed at him with sparkling eyes. "That was awesome!"

"One strike and it was out!" Apple Bloom added.

"Seeing that, you could take on Discord!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Reminds me of that story Twilight said about how she took care of an Ursa Minor to save Ponyville!" Pipsqueak squealed.

Upper Crust, having heard Pipsqueak, blinked in utter surprise. She turned to Jet Set. "An Ursa Minor?"

Jet Set nodded slowly, just as amazed. "I say, it took a good amount of unicorns to take care of one of those when it came to Canterlot. And Twilight...she took care of it all by herself?"

Twilight thought she was done for. However, she slowly opened her eyes when nothing came.

And they immediately widened at the sight before her.

There stood Discord, appearing calm and peaceful as he snapped his fingers, allowing a ton of bricks to fall on the hydra. The beast let out a screech, becoming even more angry. Discord merely sighed before snapping his fingers again.

Suddenly, a cotton candy cloud appeared over its head. The hydra gazed at it curiously, not realizing its deliciousness.

Before it knew it, it struck lightning at it. Screeching in sudden fear, the hydra scurried off, racing back to where it once came.

Twilight blinked, stunned. Finally, Discord turned to her, his eyes gazing with concern.

"Forgive me for invading your personal space once again," he apologized casually as he stood before her. "But I just had a feeling you would need me."

Twilight just blinked up at him. Discord raised an eyebrow, his mouth twisting in a worried frown.

"Twilight," he began gently, "are you-"

Before he knew it, the unicorn launched at him, her hooves wrapping around his waist. She hugged him, harder than she had last night. Discord blinked as she gazed down at her in surprise while she buried her face against his furry chest.

"Don't ever NOT invade my personal space again..." She muttered, as if near crying.

Discord regarded her closely. Then he lightly chuckled before his lion paw stroked her mane.

"We haven't found Twilight yet..." Pipsqueak stated sadly as he and the other kids followed behind the Canterlot ponies. They were now being carefully watched so as to not run into anymore trouble.

"Oh, cheer up, lad," Fancypants nudged him as they trailed through the Everfree Forest. "Don't give up hope. Why, you children were quite brave to go to that swamp and face against that hydra for a few moments before we came along."

"Are you sure Discord didn't bring that hydra out so we wouldn't be able to find Twilight?" The little colt asked, his spirits lifting a bit.

"Oh, I don't think Discord would do a thing like that," the unicorn chuckled. "Why, I do believe he would be the type of fellow to summon clouds with lightning. That way he would scare us off from finding him..."

"You know, we still want to help," Scootaloo said, glancing over at Upper Crust.

"Oh, indeed, you will, darling," the adult unicorn assured her while rolling her eyes. "Just please...try not to go off like that again."

"But we did that before!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "We nearly got turned into the stone if it wasn't for Fluttershy!"

Upper Crust's eyes widened in disbelief as her lips curved in a horrified frown.

Perhaps I've been a little too brash about that mare's well-being...she thought uneasily.

"That was amazing the way you handled that hydra!" Twilight exclaimed as Discord summoned a couple of glasses of chocolate milk on the table.

"Oh, please, my dear," he chuckled, "fighting that hydra was simple child's play."

"Still..." Her eyes lowered, a soft smile on her face as she gazed at him. "Thank you so much for saving me."

Discord's mismatched eyes gazed into her purple ones, a genuine smile on his face. "Still don't like the fact that I can invade your personal face?"

"Since when?" She joked.

They laughed and talked about the events earlier, enjoying several cups of chocolate milk. Twilight had let her hair loose since they came back to Discord's home, allowing her 'ruined' mane to flow freely considering it felt so soft upon her skin.

She smiled as she watched Discord take a long sip of his glass, simply admiring how he can consume so much even after she drank herself full.

It was with that moment, Twilight finally took out the sunglasses and placed it on the table.

Discord's eyes caught sight of it, and they slightly widened. He slowly placed his glass down and regarded them with a surprise expression. Then he turned to Twilight, who smiled up at him.

"Remember these, Discord?" She asked softly. "Didn't you wear them the first time my friends and I tried to stop you with the elements?" She pushed them toward him.

Discord gazed at them, his lion paw gently touching them. Finally, he looked at Twilight, a surprised smile on his face.

"I thought you trashed them."

Twilight blinked. "Why would I?"

"Well, you found these long before I came back," the Draconequus stated. "And I assumed you hated me more back then before it lessened and it came down to this right now." And he motioned between them. "I almost didn't think you'd find them long after I was imprisoned in stone."

The unicorn turned from him to the glasses. "Why..." She cleared her throat. "Why did you leave them in my bag? In my possession?" It had been a question she had been asking herself for weeks. And now that she was here with Discord, she hoped to finally get an answer.

Discord regarded the sunglasses quietly, a bit nervous to look the unicorn in the eye. Biting his lip, he let out a deep sigh.

"Just wanted to give you something..." He said quietly. "To, you know, celebrate my escaping from stone." He looked at her, a small smile on his face. "You were the only pony I tended to get along with more out of the others. I thought I should give you at least something."

Twilight's eyes widened.

"I hoped that answered your question, my dear," he said calmly.

Twilight cleared her throat, smiling nervously up at him. "Uh, yeah..." She spoke casually as she ran a hoof down her loose mane. "You answered more than a mouthful..."

Discord gave an amused chuckle. "You know, I think these sunglasses look much better on you than they do on me."

And before Twilight could say anything, he slipped them over her eyes. Twilight flinched a bit as she wore the shades, gazing at the creature with them on. Discord smiled, leaning back in his seat as he folded his arms.

"And I was right," he said simply.

Twilight's lips curved in a light smile as she lowered them down to take a better look at him. She let out a small chuckle, feeling completely lucky at the moment. Deep down, she felt elated, overjoyed, and even happy.

"Well..." Her voice was quiet. "Thanks. You know, for these..." She smiled up at him. "That was kind of sweet...even though you acted like a complete jerk during those events." She added with a raised eyebrow.

A sweet jerk, she wanted to say.

Discord laughed. "Well, I wanted to leave you perhaps a chocolate milk of glass or something, but you weren't really up for type of stuff when we first met."

"How exactly does that work?" She asked curiously. "Chocolate milk of glass?"

"When you're the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony," he chuckled, "the strange is normal."

Twilight rolled her eyes. Then she smiled playfully at him, taking off the glasses as she gazed at him shyly, her soft mane covering part of her sparkling eyes.

"So..." She began casually. "Can I still see those cotton candy clouds of yours?"

Discord smirked, scratching his ear. "I've been waiting all day for you to ask me that."

And with that said, Twilight actually allowed him to hold her under his lion arm. With a snap of his fingers, they were gone in a flash.

Pipsqueak gazed sadly out the window of Sugarcube Corner as the moon set over Ponyville. Another search having failed, and the little colt felt he hadn't tried hard enough.

He suddenly felt a nuzzle beside him as well as something landing on his head. He turned and smiled a bit when Tank leaned against his leg while Owlowiscious stood upon his head, gazing into space. The little colt felt sorry for the owl, having his poor owner missing and perhaps harmed by the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, though Owlowiscious didn't seem to show it; perhaps he was just that strong in hiding his emotions. But Pipsqueak could just feel his sadness as the owl's feathers gently brushed against his fur, indicating his small desperation to comfort himself. And Tank...he loved Twilight very much, though that love could not measure up anywhere close to Rainbow Dash. The tortoise cared about all his pet friends, including their owners. And he especially cared about Pipsqueak.

"I'd be scared if Discord took you, too," Pipsqueak said quietly before petting his shell.

"Thanks again for bringing them home safely," Applejack told Fancypants and Zecora. "I'm real sorry for the trouble they caused."

"Oh, Applejack, do not fear for what they have done," Zecora said humbly, "for they were merely searching for dear Twilight, just as everyone."

"Still," Rarity sighed before turning gratefully to Fancypants. "Thank you so much. It's difficult enough you and the rest of the Canterlot ponies are out there in the Everfree Forest and have to continue the rest of the search there tomorrow."

"Oh, my dear, I believe my good friends have become more calm about it," the male unicorn chuckled before turning to Zecora. "In fact, we must return to your hut. I'm sure they are famished to have some of your exquisite recipes for dinner."

"Indeed, those ponies are enjoying their stay," the zebra nodded as they walked out the door, "it pleases me to know that they find my lifestyle quite okay."

Pipsqueak watched as the two disappeared down the street. He gently pressed his nose against the glass, his eyes brimming a bit with tears as he gazed up at the night sky while Owlowiscious and Tank tried to comfort him.

He recalled how he first moved into Ponyville, and how Twilight became his very first friend. She showed him a great interest in books, and he had began borrowing a few on his first day in the library. And then she introduced him to others in Ponyville. Pipsqueak had been incredibly shy about making friends, but Twilight, having been in the same situation before, gave him the encouragement to say hello and play with the other kids. Her motivation was what made him become more open with his hobbies and interests, becoming well-known in the town, discovering the magic of friendship in his own way...

His ears lowered as he dropped his head sadly. He hoped their magic of friendship would save her soon...

Twilight's eyes widened in pure astonishment as the stars danced around her. She stood among a single cotton candy cloud as it sailed through the night sky Discord had conjured just for them. Her green dress had been put away in her room, now replaced with a simple white dress with a blue vest; her hair had been let loose, and as Twilight noticed when she ran a hoof down her hair, it seemed to have softened quite a bit after she fell in that river. The unicorn beamed when one star leaned forward and nuzzled against her forehead, as if implying its delight to meet her. Twilight's smile widened as she leaned forward, nuzzling it back as if it were one of Fluttershy's adorable animals.

Recalling her shy pegasus friend, Twilight's smile nearly faltered. However, it quickly regained itself when the star moved away and Discord took its place. The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony smirked at Twilight as he floated in the air, swimming around her cloud with a joyful guffaw.

"And what is so funny?" The unicorn asked, raising an eyebrow yet a playful smile on her face.

"Oh, nothing, my dear," he chuckled as he smoothed the top of his head while leaning against her cloud as they soared through the night sky. "It's just..." He turned to her, his smile softening as his eyes lowered in serenity. "Its feels wonderful to see somepony enjoy my chaos, enjoy spending time with me, as well..." He beamed as he gazed at her.

Twilight averted her eyes, smiling yet feeling embarrassed. "Well, I have been curious about your cotton candy clouds..." She turned to him, her cheeks blushing. "I will admit, I was so hungry when we met for the first time. It's amazing to believe I kept myself under control when I just wanted to eat a cotton candy cloud."

"You don't say..." Discord chuckled knowingly, smirking. He halted them and he leaned against the cloud, gazing at her. "Tell me...have you tasted my cloud yet, Twilight Sparkle?"

She blinked, a bit surprised. "Well, no, actually..."

"Oh, trust me, my dear," he spoke quietly as he conjured a paper cone and scooped a piece of her cloud into it. "Once you get a taste, the chocolate milk will seem like yesterday."

"It was yesterday," she pointed out.

"Yes, yes," he rolled his eyes before bringing the coned cotton candy in front of her.

The unicorn was a bit hesitant, at one point wanting to dive in and bury her nose in it and devour the sweet stuff while the other part of her spoke that she needed to remain her sophisticated self and simply take nibbles.

However, before she could do anything, Discord leaned in and took a bite, which pushed the other half of the cotton candy right into her face. Startled at first, Twilight had her mouth open and when Discord pulled away and chewed his half, Twilight's mouth was completely full. Her eyes widened as she chewed thoughtfully.

It was so delicious...a dozen different candy flavors could not muster enough flavor to defeat something as rich and delectable as what she was eating. It was just so sweet...

Like Discord.

Twilight swallowed before smiling at him as the entire portion was finished. After he finished his fill, he gazed at her, her smile matching his. Finally...to see the joy in her eyes to obtain something she had desired for so long.

Just like what it said in her journal.

The Draconequus suddenly felt uneasy before averting his gaze away from the unicorn. He smiled nervously, feeling Twilight glance at him in confusion.

"Something bothering you?" She asked.

Discord quickly cleared his throat, trying to regain his posture before holding his head high, trying to appear unbothered as he usually appeared and smoothed the top of his head.

"Of course not," he stated simply as he led both him and her tiny cloud down to the striped-colored ground.

A few minutes later, they were both laying upon the grassy area he conjured just for them as they admired the stars in the sky, putting on quite a show of twinkling lights for their pleasure. Twilight's eyes lowered in satisfaction, following the stars as they moved around.

"I love stars," she said barely above a whisper. "I can't believe I touched one!" And she tried to stifle her giggle.

Discord, leaning on the grass with his mismatched arms under his head for better comfort, shifted his eyes over to her, a small smile forming on his face.

"I'm sure it's something you've always wanted to do," he chuckled quietly. He watched as the light of the stars danced along the sparkling eyes of the unicorn. He had to admit, the stars in the sky appeared like they weren't shining enough compared to the glint in Twilight's eyes.

They laid on the grass in silence, simply enjoying the view while also enjoying each other's company. The Draconequus looked over to Twilight once more, seeing her cross her front hooves over her chest as her eyes remained calm and nearly closed. She looked as if she would fall asleep any second. If she did, well...he didn't want their fun to end that early.

Finally, taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes. "I read your journal."

The got her eyes open as she immediately raised her head and jerked in his direction. "What?" She squeaked, her pupils dilating in disbelief.

Discord gave an amused chuckle as her distraught face. "Well, you said I could read it."

"Yeah, I know I did," she spoke quickly, finally raising her body before she allowed her back legs to sprawl on the ground. "I didn't think you'd still be interested." She didn't sound angry, just completely surprised. And embarrassed.

"Well, since you left earlier because of 'invasion of personal space'..." He mocked amusingly. "I thought I'd read it, wonder how..." His voice trailed off for a few moments, his eyes on her. "...how somepony would go on and actually care about the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony."

Twilight smiled nervously, sweat suddenly trickling down her neck. "W-well..." She stammered a bit. "I guess you figured it out, huh?"

"Definitely," he chuckled as he rolled onto his stomach, his furry tail idly flickering. "I must say, Twilight Sparkle, I never knew I'd be remembered so well." He smirked at her. "Of course, considering what an intelligent pony you are, as to contras with your friends, I shouldn't be surprised."

The unicorn trailed a hoof on the ground, a part of her hair nearly covering her eyes. "Well, that book on you was the first step," she admitted, "then came those visits to the gardens..."

"I'm amazed you actually considered visiting me," he admitted as he leaned his head against his lion paw. "A thousand years and no pony in their right mind would even think of doing so unless it's part of some tour."

Twilight's eyes softened, feeling ever remorseful for him. She had wondered what Cheerilee's class would have really thought if they learned the true feelings of the ever kind Draconequus. She asked herself countless times whether or not any pony would show the same sympathy and kindness she gave Discord.

She wondered if her friends could just see...what a wonderful creature he really was.

"I admit..." She said quietly. "I can be headstrong as well as overly-serious to the point where I wonder what action will make me appear more...abnormal from my standards." She knew she was rambling on, but it was pretty hard to explain considering how shy she was suddenly becoming.

Discord smirked, seeing the expression of self-consciousness on her face. "You fear that whatever choice you believe is different from what you usually decide will misguide your entire exterior as well as falter your interior to which might surprise others considering they've already marked you down as a specific character for which you are afraid to contrast."

Twilight blinked at him, her jaw falling slightly in astonishment. Discord laughed, stroking his beard.

"You must realize, my dear," he stated quietly, "that although that sounds like a concerning thing...all in all, it proves how truly caring and heartfelt you are."

The unicorn's eyes widened. Then she immediately turned away, feeling embarrassed. "You're not just saying that because you read my journal, are you?"

Discord laughed again. "Oh, no, my dear," and he reached over and placed the tip of his lion paw under her chin, turning her head back toward him. "I knew all along." And he lowered his paw from her face, placing it on the ground as he shifted his body so his side was pressed against the ground. He watched as she took it all in, shifting her hooves a bit, touched by his sincere words.

"Well, uh..." She smiled nervously. "I'm not sure what to say."

"And I'm sure you're not sure what to ask, either," he chuckled as he flicked his tail. "For starters, the passage where you wondered why you were acting so child-like when the rain came and all your friends thought you were nuts..." Twilight flinched at his statement. "Honestly, I had nothing to do with it."

Regaining her posture, she raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh, really?" She asked with doubt.

"Really," he insisted, "I was in hiding during that time, remember?" He scratched his ear. "You merely just figured out what I've been trying to show for myself." And he smiled at her. "That we all have fun in ourselves that we want to let out, regardless of what anyone thinks. And you proved that well with your little dance in the rain. I must say, you sounded like you had more fun in the simple rain than the fun I have with the thousand things I muster."

Twilight blushed with embarrassment. "I try not to be too much out of it...I mean, I'm suppose to be the intellectual here. The serious one."

"The ideal object of perfection, I presume?" The Draconequus asked carefully, smirking.

"Well, that..." Her voice trailed off, a bit surprised by what he had just implied. "Sure, I try to make things perfect..."

"But nothing is perfect, my dear," he stated softly. "But as long as there's happiness and satisfaction, what is truly perfect in your case?"

She gazed at him curiously, so amazed by his mass knowledge of these things. He must study in his time as well...if that was the case, perhaps he would likely read a book with her next time instead of conjuring chaos just for a 'calm, peaceful feel'.

"You know your stuff," she chuckled.

"Well, I am Discord," he replied modestly as they both gazed back at the stars. Then his eyes lowered as a playful grin spread on his face. "Oh, and Twilight?"

"Yes?" She turned to him.

His single tooth gleamed as he saw her curious look. "Are you sure you don't have a crush on Soarin'?"

Her eyes immediately widened in horror and her jaw fell. Finally, her face melted into one of a playful smirk and curve of her eyebrows before she reached over and lightly shoved her hooves against his shoulder, making him laugh.

After that, they sat in silence as they continued looking at the stars, remaining still now but resumed their twinkling. Twilight smiled, laying on her stomach with her hooves buried underneath. Though there no such thing as 'perfect perfection' in anyone's case, the unicorn knew how truly perfect this night was. Being with Discord, admiring the stars, all hostility and malevolence now gone between them. It made her happy knowing he finally knew how much sympathy she held for him.

Unlike the others...

Twilight's ears suddenly lowered as she recalled memories of home. Her friends, the princesses, her parents, dear Spike...she knew by now they were probably looking everywhere for her, thinking her mind had scattered to declare Discord had feelings. Celestia and Luna would probably be both horrified as well as slightly disappointed, Rainbow Dash would probably be infuriated by such a dumb decision made by an 'egghead', and other ponies would question her sanity.

But they all still loved her, cared about her...somewhere out there wondering if she found Discord or if he had found her first. Scared, worried, devastated...

...not as much as how Twilight felt at the moment as her head lowered to the ground.

She missed them terribly. Her friends, the princesses, her parents, everything of home. She just knew her mother was probably crying out for her daughter's return, Spike would be an emotional wreck, and her friends...oh, her best friends! They had been scared enough when they thought Twilight was going to return to Canterlot permanently, but now that their dear friend was out somewhere with the enemy, completely unaware of what was truly going on...

Discord felt a slight shift of the atmosphere around them before looking down at Twilight, who held her head down, her hair covering one of her eyes. She looked so sad and worried.

And homesick.

The Draconequus's smile fell and was replaced with a sad frown. Without another word, he moved close to her, much to her surprise as he nearly engulfed her body as he pressed his fur against her coat, his tail dangling just above her head. He lowered his head, close to her level, just wishing she would stop thinking miserably and enjoy what he had been wanting for her to accept for so long.

"Hey, Twilight?" He spoke quietly, slowly closing his eyes.

"Yeah?" She murmured, too shy to look at him, barely noticing how close his tail was to her ear.

The Draconequus swallowed hard, but he did not show falter in his appearance as his eyes remained close, simply allowing the unicorn to press against him if she wanted to.

"Do you...do you miss your friends?"

Twilight was not surprised by his question, however, she did feel guilt at the pit of her stomach as she gazed down at her hooves.

"Would you be upset if I told you the truth?" She asked quietly.

Discord remained still, trying not to wince. "No."

She sighed slowly, before finally getting the nerve to speak. "Then yes."

Though Discord had expected such an answer, he felt deep within himself tighten as his eyes slowly opened, though not able to look at the unicorn. His ears lowered, and his tail gently fell to the ground.

"Oh," he said quietly.

Twilight turned to him, biting her lip, fearing she had upset him. Though Discord was a master of hiding his vulnerability, she could tell how much she deeply hurt him with her simple answer. She wished you could have lied, but then she would be calling herself a bad pony for both halves of the whole problem.

Suddenly, she felt the touch of his fur slowly ease away from her coat and she noticed his body rising up, now standing on his mismatched feet. His posture was slumped, and his arms were hung in front of him limply like ragged clothes on a wire.

"I..." He spoke calmly, trying to keep his strong, flamboyant voice intact. "I understand if you want to leave. I mean, who am I to get between a pony and her friends?"

She blinked up at him, tears nearly forming at the corners of her eyes to hear him say that. He was really willing to let her go, with the price of being alone once again as he had been for a thousand years encased in stone. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as she shook her head, though Discord took no notice, having gazed at the ground while trying not to look like he was sulking.

This was exactly why Twilight, from the very beginning, knew Discord had a heart. Despite his chaos, he showed care, concern, sympathy, and every other term the unicorn could think of. There were over dozens of words to describe the creature that was shattered yet willing to give her up and remain solitaire once more.

Yes, Twilight missed her friends and family terribly. Her mind kept telling her that perhaps she should go back, reunite with them and fix their worries.

But in her heart, she knew where her loyalty truly lay.

A small tear slid down her cheek as she managed a smile. Finally, she slowly trudged forward and placed a gentle hoof on the side of the Draconequus. Discord's eyes slightly widened before turning to look down at her in surprise.

"Discord..." She said softly, keeping her sweet, sincere smile. "I'm not going anywhere."

By now, his eyes were as large as the moon and sun as Discord's jaw fell open in utter shock and amazement. Twilight let out a laugh. She could tell how much he was trying to hide his joy.

"You're not?" He asked, trying to keep the excitement down in his voice.

"Of course not," she shook her head, her slightly unruly mane bouncing as she did so. "As if I'm going to leave you when things between us have just begun so well!"

The Draconequus gazed at her in amazement. Then he managed a small smile, folding his arms before averting his eyes.

"Well, Twilight Sparkle..." The calm, cool tone back in his voice. "Looks like you're stuck with me, huh?"

Twilight raised a playful eyebrow at him, stifling her giggles before giving her mane a flip.

"Well, Discord," she said with an evil grin as she tapped her hoof against him. "Looks like I'll be invading your personal space as well."

Discord smirked down at her. He didn't bother to hide the joy in his eyes as he saw the twinkle in hers. "I wouldn't have it any other way."